The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 28, 1908, Image 5

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    Hat Pins
made out of
Real Rose Hat Pins
It docs not Rffm twIMn. vt I I. mn
tllllt tllcso Hut Plm arn mmln rnt nl II.,,.
roses, un J charmed Into mctnl by n secret
itoccss. inn discovery Is without
doubt ono of the lost arts of the ancient
Kfvntlfin. Tllv tlrn tfi. t.nitllnt
of all Hat Tins. No two arc alike. Made
in finishes to conform to the provulllns
fashions In millinery. Six sizes at tlio
following prices!
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50,
$3.00, $3.75, $4.50
Everybody is talking about them. Don't
fall to come in and sec t hem. These are
IhoEcnuIno DELAMOTHE Heal Rose
Hat Pins.
P Over First National Bank. :
Phone 148 jj
The Lutheran aid society will bo en
tertained Thursday by Mrs. Frnnk
The ladies aid society of the Presby
terian church will meet on Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. C. F'. Tracy.
Wanted A good girl for general
housework. Apply to Mrs. A. .B.
Rev. Greenlee will, bo home this week
and tho regular services mcy bo ex
. pected at. the Presbyterian church next
Sabbath. Prnycr meeting Wednesday
evening as usual.
A girl wanted for general housework.
Inquire of Mrs. W. H. McDonald.
Mrs. R. GuslofT, of Rawlins, Wyo.,
is tho guest of her sistor Mrs. Jas.
Flynn, enroute to her home after a
three months' visit with relative at
points in Missouri and Illinois.
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
will hold an exchango on Saturday, Au
gust 1st. at IIowo& Mnlonoy'a furniture
store. Cake, bread, cottage cheese,
salad dressing nnd cold meats will be
on sale after 10 o'clock.
Tan shoes dyed to look like Patent
leather, 25 cents, at thu Yellow Front.
E. A. Cary loft on No. 1 yesterday
afternoon for Missoula, Mont., to look
after his real estato interests, and will
thence go to Portland and other Pacific
coast points. He expects to be absent
about three weeks.
Miss Mabel Day is homo fromt a visit
in Iowa nnd Illinois.
Miss Maud Louden, of this city, has
been elected principal of tho Gandy
schools. ,
The D. K. & W. clothos for comfort,
stylo nnd quality nt The Hub.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ericcsson, of
Cottonwood, left Sunday on n trip of
recreation to Denver nnd other Colo
ado points.
Syl Friends has sold his dray business
to Henry Dicner, the transfer being
made today. Mr. and Mrs. Friend ex
pect to go to Denver tn make their
Mrs. Chas. E. Gibson returned Sun
day from her visit with relatives in
Missouri nnd loft the following day to
spend a couple of weeks with her hus
band, who is employed nt Laramie.
Mr. ChafTeur, how nrc your nuto
ginsscs? We hove a fino assortment
thnt are highly satisfactory for your
purpose. Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
E. A. Crosby, who was down from
Sutherland yesterday, says there aro
fields of wheat in thnt section that will
yield fifty bushels to the aero and oats
that will go seventy-five bushels. Corn
is in fino shape and promises an enor
mous yield.
Ladies' Shirt Waists to be closed out
at less than cost at Tin: Lbauhk.
Fireman Malmsten has given cvi
denco of his cleverness us an artist by
drawing a cartoon depicting a recent
accident to Snnford Hnrttnan while
driving his automobile. The picturo
was placed in Weingnnd & McDonald's
window nnd has attracted much atten
tion. No order too large or too small for
us to fill. Prompt delivery.
TitAMr, the Giiockh.
Miss Whittake- left Saturday night
for Omaha and after remaining there tt
few days will go to Chicago to enter a
wholesale house and learn the fall
styles of millinery, returning homo
nbout September 1st. Miss Whittnker
will again conduct tho millinery depart
ment at tho Wilcox Store.
For Rent Dosirablo six-room house.
812 west 6th street. See Mrs. G. S.
T. H. Kearney, nlkali specialist of
the department of agriculture, and Mr.
Dillman, a specialist of South Dakota,
aro at the experimental sub-station
and will remain for several weeks
studying tho alkaline deposits in this
section nnd their effects uppn tho (lif
erent crops.
Twenty-five per cent ofi" on Trimmed
Hats nt The Hub.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Mary Thayer,
who was accidently shot at tho Lo
Dioyt ranch, was held at Paxton Satur
day morning, a very largo concourse
of people attending. Funeral services
wero conducted by Father Dodson of
Sidney, nssisted by the Catholic choir
of this city who rendered the solemn
requiem high mass. Quito a number
of the friends of the family in this city
wero present. Tho remains wero in
terred nt Paxton.
We sell Gillette Safety Razors. They
have no equal. Shaving made pleasant.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
The foundation for tho new residenco
which E. A. Gary will build in tho
Third ward has been laid by the con
tractors, White & Leskey. This will
be tho first renl bungnlow to be erected
in North Platte, and will be 31x40 feet
in demonsion with a 7i foot baucment
under tho entire building. There will
be two large sized chimneys running
from tho ground on tho outside, nnd
there will bo porches on two sidos.
The architecture of this new home is
said to be very plensing to the eye.
Notice to City Subscribers.
Beginning with the Tuesday issue of
next week, The Tuihune will be de
livered by carrier to nil subscribers who
live within tho freo delivery zone
established by tho postoflico depart
ment. This delivery of The Tmiium:
by carrier has been made necessary by
tho free delivery service, which does
not permit tho carriers to deliver semi
weekly papers.
As is customary in nil towns nnd
cities where papers aro delivered by
carrier, an additional charge for such
carrier service will be made, in other
words tho price for a paper delivered
by carrier is greater than though sent
through the mails, nnd The TniuuNi:
will therefore add twenty-five cents
per year to each of thoso subscribers
served by carrier. The price of a year's
subscription to those subscribers will
therefore bo $1.50 instondof $1.25. This
additional twenty-fivo cents will pay
about one-half tho actual cost of the
delivery scrvico.
There is no better nor cheaper hail,
fire, lightning nnd cyclone insurance
than that written by Bratt &. Goodmnn.
Gans-Nclson Fight.
Mnnnger Yerion, of tho Caystal tha
ntre, hns secured for his patrons the
filinh showing the Gans-Nclson fight
which occurred on July 4th, nnd it will
be prosontcd tonight and tomo-row
night. This is ono of the best fistic en
counters yet presented on canvass, nnd
will bo shown with thnt clearness that
characterizes all the pictures at The
Crystal. Come out and see it.
Baptist Church.
Tho prayer and conference meeting
this week will bo on Tuesday night in
stead of Wednesday. This change is
mndo just for this wck because of ho
tunny going to tho nssocintion meet
ing at Fnrnam.
Must be Sold This Week!
The house and beautiful lot just west
of the Catholic church. Make us an
offer. BitATT Si Goodman.
Notice to Hunters and Others.
All persons nro warned ngainst hunt
ing or tresprassing on the lands of the
undersigned in Hall precinct. Violatora
will bo prosecuted to tho full extent of
the law.
Oscar Stiles, C. P. Campbell,
A. Gutherles8, Fred Mnlone,
Cooper, W. II. Ruth,
Wm. Ackcrman, M. E. Stiles.
Fire Dept. Benefit
1 1 U 1)1 V 11 K 1I)M f -P 11 V M ff
IWeK5,July 29th. 1
Pictures"Spirit of 76"
"Disappearing Tramp"
"Firemen at the Theatre"
"Baby's Birthday"
"The Slavery of Children"
Songs "I Left Because I Loved You"
"Just Across the Bridge of Gold"
Wliat Women
about tho corsets they wear docs not
always influcnco you. But if a thin
woman and n stout one a shoot and
a tall one both claim comfort in
corsets of the same make, the chances
nrc that YOU could be pleased.
aro made in all models a model for
every known figure. Tho question
Is: Cnn we fit you stylishly com
fortably and without charging too
much? Wo think wo can. It will
not take long to ascer'nin. Suppose
you call at our corset department
nnd see how well wo'ro equipped to
Bervo you?
Prices 50c to $5.00.
Department Store
Charles A. Sibley.
State Senator, Chnrles A. Sibley, of
Lincoln County, who elsewhere an
nounces his cnndldncy for tho republi
can nomination for congress, was born
in Maine, educated in the public schools
nnd at Wesleynn Academy, Massachu
setts, moved to that state before ho
was 21, engaging in merchandising nnd
to Nebraska in 1885, nnd thence to his
present location, in Fox Creek precinct
in Lincoln County, in April 188G, whoro
ho has sinco been engaged in farming
nnd stock growing, with tho exception
of one year.
While always an Interested nnd ac
tive republ'can, ho refused to bo n can
didate for any position outsido of his
precinct until nominated for'Stato Sen
ator for tho 30th district, nnd was
elected by moro than 1000 majority. Ho
was an active member of tho 30th ses
sion of tho Nebraskn legislature, which
ao generally mot tho approval of tho
people of this state and was watchful
and aggressive for tho interests of his
constituents nnd of western Ncbrnska.
Of his legislative work it can bo said
ho was credited with besting tho east
ern senators on tho bill to repont tho
wolf county. Though opposed by tho
state superintendent, ho procured a
Junior Normal at North Platte. The
senate finance committee reduced tho
appropriation for tho North Platto ex
periment station from $25000 to $20000,
which he got restored. Tho same com
mittee reduced tho appropriation for
poor school districts from $50000 to
$25000 nnd it passed tho senate. Ho
was relied upon by .Representative
Dornn, who introduced tho bill and
State Superintendent McBrinn, to ef
fect the recednnce of the senate, which
he was able to do.
Ho organized tho sennto against the
three best talking lawyera for a sane
pure food law; fought the Omaha sel
fish interests in. tho terminal tax law
and though beaten in thu senate, tho
house adopted his amendments and the
sennto receded.
The bill reducing express rntos
twenty-five per cent was introduced by
him nnd successfully piloted through
the legislature. Sinco the adjournment
of the legislature ho brought to the at
tention of tho stato railway commission
the excessive coal rates "on tho Union
Pacilc and induced them to file com
plaints before the Inter Stato Com
merce Commission nnd assisted in suc
cessfully prosecuting tho case which
has resulted in a substantial reduction
in rates from Grand Island west.
Retiring from Business.
Until finally disposed of, I will sell
my large stock of harness nnd saddlery
goods and hardware at and below cost.
Come early and secure tho bargains
while they " last. E. Blankcnburg's
Harness and Hardwaro Store, Locust
Low Shoes
Must Go!
We have bargains in low and
high shoes that you cannot
afford to miss It will pay you
to take advantage of this
Clearance Sale.
Dowey SI OlYlJLii, Shoe Man
1 A Good Courting Horse
I Suits tho young people nil right when
1 they go out for a pleasure drive, but
you want him harnesssd up safe nnd with
1 an up-to-date nnd well made harness.
CarolosB driving makes a superior har
ness necessary, such as you will al
J ways find at tho harness store of
1 A. F. Fink.
I Makes Dirt FSy
Laundry Soap for haul or
soft water, any temperature.
FAIRY SOAP The Floating Soap, for line toilet
GOLD DUST Saves your soap bill and hard labor.
Special prices while the soap man is here.
Harrington h Tobin,
ICrystal Theatre.!
This is the fight of July 4th. Come out tonight and
sec the best prize fight that has ever been in North
Platte. Pesides the fight there will be
Two Songs Sung by Miss Arnold.
This Film will be run Two Nights. You cannot
afford to miss it.
The Crystal Theatre is the Place.
New Telephones.
Please cut out this list and paste in your directory.
County Surveyor, office 401
Fillion & Martin, garage 496
Finney, Wm., res 95
Foster, John A., res 374.
Meysc, Wm., res 494
Henley, Luke, snloon 407
Hartman, Snnford, res 492
Kade, Fred, res 307
Louden, D. H., res. ... -. 89
Lambert, B. L., res. . . . .' 102
Malmstein, Rolan, res 493
Meston, Alex, res 490
North Platte I3ottling Works.. 494
Sullivan, P. II., res ; 440
Shohoney, Wm., res 377
Wolbach, John, res 497
Young, J., res . . .- 491
There are some people who persist in running in
and using their neighbors' phones. This is absolutely
against the rules and all such calls in the future will be
charged against the phones that nrc used in this manner
nt the rnte of five cents per call. If you use your neigh
bor's phone pay them for they will be charged for these
calls. This does not apply to doctor or fire calls. Put
we are not going to give some of the people free tele
phone service. If it is so nice-to step in and use your
neighbor's phone have one of your own put in and en
joy the full benefit of a phone.
A home is private and when you are continually
running in you annoy and provoke your neighbors, and
because they are neighbors they cannot say no. This
does not apply to only a few places. . There are many
homes without a phone who do not impose upon the
Telephone Company or their neighbors.
We are going to print new directories in a short
time, so if you are going to have a phone put in now
is the time, so your name will be in the new directories.
We make no charge for installing a phone. All you
hnve to pay is Si. 50 per month one month in advance.
If not paid before the third of the month in advance it
costs Si. 75 .
There are so many ways that a phone cnn be used
thnt n progressive family cannot afford to be without.
You can call the doctor, order everything that is used
in the house, give a fire alarm, (which alone may save
you more than a phone costs for n life time), save time
and that is money. And on top of this you will be
up to date, living with the times.
The town subscribers have free connections with
Palch & Morrison's farm.
North Platte Telephone Co,
EBEN D. WARNER, Manager.
When will thi
Clock Stop?
AUGUST 15th, 1908, AT THE
Rexall Drug Store
to the party holding the card closest to the "TIME
We have placed in our window a large 30 day
clock, this clock will be wound up and allowed to
run down. It will be unveiled SATURDAY, AUG
UST 15th, at 4 o'clock p. m.
With each fifty cent cash purchase we give you
a card on which a "time ol day" is stamped, bring
this card to our store on SATURDAY, AUGUST
1 5th, at 4 o'clock p. m. as it may win the cash'prize.
10 Cents Only.