The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 28, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 68
A Possible Burlington Project.
The purchase of two suctions of land
in this county by George W. Holdrcgo,
general manager of thn Burlington, ami
ulso 640 acres in an adjoining county,
gives riso to the suspicion that the
Burlington has a card up its sleevo and
will play it in a game of conquest for
Nebraska territory and a short air-lino
railroad from Duluth to Denver, fho
Northern Pacific is n Hill railroad, as is
also the Burlington. The former has
connections between Duluth and Sioux
City, and also owns the lino running
from Sioux City to O'Neill. By build
ing a connecting road from O'Neill
southwest to North Platte, thence south
to the high line in tho south part of the
county it would have a direct routo
from Duluth to Denver, by far a shorter
route than any road now possesses.
This may be designated as n pipe
dream, but in view of General Manager
Holdrcgc's deal in Lincoln county real
estate which is probably located on tho
proposed line it may not prove n
Reviving the Sandhills.
General commendation will follow tho
eflfort of the Board of Regents of the
University of Nebraska to rovive prof
itable vegotation growth in tho "sand
hill" region of tho state, says tho Om
aha Bee. At different times tho ex
perts of the Department of Agriculture
of tho general government have es
sayed tho problem and some v.ery en
couraging results havo been secured in
tho way of growth of grasses, trees
and the like. It is now proposed to
put to practical uso tho knowledge thus
gained and to give to the farmer and
stock grower, if possible, tho benefit of
scientific investigation. An experimen
mental farm in tho "sand hill" section
of tho state may yet be the means of
reclaiming a very largo portion of what
has long been considered a hopeless
barren region. If this does como to
pass, and tho desert of northwestern
Nebraska is mado to blossom even as
a bit of favorable pasturage, tho holder
of a Kihkaid homestead will be in a po
sition to bless the men who have made
the results possible. And tho experw
ment is well worth trial.
A. 0. U.W. Picnic.
Tho picnic held at tho Ottcnstein
grove Saturday by tho local lodge of
the A. 0. U. W. was largely attended,
especially in the afternoon and evening.
While tho picnic was intended for
members of tho order and their fami
lies, others were welcomed, and tho
event proved a most pleasant one. Dur
ing the day tho boys' band furnished
music, and in the evening an orchestra
furnished music for tho platform dance,
n largo number participating in tho lat
ter. Quito a few of those attending
tbok lunch with them and spent tho en
tire day and evening at tho grovo.
New Fronts for Keith Block.
Workmen began tearing out tho store
front of Tho Leader Saturday, prcpara
tory to putting in a modern front with
prism glass. Tho now fronts will include
the rooms occupied by McDonald &
Graves, K. D. Small and Geo. G. McKay.
This will bo a noticeable improvement,
Men's Underwear at 25, cents a
ment, worth doublo tho price, at
The Leader.
Constitutional Amendments.
Elsewhere are published tho amend
ments to the state constitution which
will bo voted upon at the November
election. One relates to the invest
ment of tho educational funds of tho
state, tho other to the supreme court
judges. Both amendments should carry.
Notice to the Public.
Having purchased the strip of land
formerly owned by the city near tho
South River bridge, nil persons nre
warned ngainst depositing refuse mat
ter or carcasses on said jrround as has
been the custom heretofore. I nm un
der agreement to tho city to abate this
nuisance, and 1 proposo to do it.
F. E. Payne.
Sch i 1 1 e r & Co. ,
"Family Druggists
Our store is tho best prepared
to supply tho sick room with tho
necessary medicine and sundries
ordered by the doctor or nurso.
Our specialty is our prescription
department, wo uso Purkc, Davis
& Co. pharmaceuticals and with
skill and nccuracy in compound
ing you are assured of medical re
sults at critical periods.
Bring Your Prescriptions
first poor North of First
National Bank.
Carriers Wanted.
The TrunuNE desires tho services of
Bcveral good boys to deliver papers to
city subscribers who rcsido within tho
freo delivery zone. Dependable boys
will be well paid for their work. Ap
ply at THE TlUliUNK ofllco Wednesday
or Thursday.
Chicken Thieves.
Quito n number of residents report
10 loss of young chickens at the hands
f thieves. Among those reporting
losses is Mrs. J. II. Doncgan, who wns
robbed of thirty-five Plymouth Rock
frys inside of forty-eight hours, nnd
who has suffered a total loss of fifty
five during the season. A chicken
thief is classed among tho lowest of
tho human tribe, and here's hoping
tho guilty parties may bo apprehended.
"The Montana Limited."
"Tho Montana Limited," a play of
tho west, as the title indicates, will be
presented by tho Klimt & Gnzzo'o
Amusement Company at tho opera
house on August 8th. "The Montunn
Limited" is u strong story of love in
volving twin brothers who resemble
each other so strongcly that ono of
them is arrested for tho crime of train
robbery which tho otherjhns committed.
This resemblance of the brothers is the
key note of the plot, nnd as a noble
young woman figures therein, it goes
without saying that a heart interest
story is told. The scenic investiture of
tho play which includes n regulation ex
press train in motion, is of the highest
typo nnd tho character drawings aro ar
tistic and faithful.
Y. M. C. A. Social.
An ice cream social, under the aus
pices of tho Y. M. C. A., will bo held
on the Mrs. Langford lawn, on Dewey
street, tomorrow evening. The cornet
band will furnish music during tho en
tire evening and twenty or more young
ladies from the various churches will
servo nt tho tables. Arrangements
are also being mado for the rendition
of a program. It is hoped that all citi
zens will attend this Bocinl and patron
ize it liberally.
A strong elTort is being made this
week to secure a sufficient number of
new members to wipe out tho deficit
which now exists in tho finances of tho
association, and it is hoped that this
Wednesday evening social will bo liber-
lly patronized nnd thus assist in rais
ing the funds so much desired and so
badly needed.
Tho board of directors would like to
secure sufficient funds to not only pay
off the indebtedness but to buy billiard
and pool tables for the rooms. It is be
lieved that these additional amuse
ment features would tend to lnrgoly in
crease tlje membership, and thus prove
a paying investment to tho association.
Ten Dollars Reward.
Ten dollars reward will bo paid for
information leading to the nrrcst and
conviction of tho thief who stole 35
Plymouth Rock frys from tho premises
of J. II. Donegnn. Included in the
bunch was a white Brahma rooster.
Mrs. J. H. Donegan.
F. II . Porter has sold to E' A. Dilly,
north half of the north half, tho south
half of the northeast quarter and south
east quarter of tho northwest quarter
section 35-9-30, for a consideration of
Now line of Boys' Overalls just re
ceived. Regular 50-ccnt grade on sale
nt 39 cents. Burke & Co.
Tho Oshkosh jubilee, given '"in honor
of the completion of tho North River
branch into that enterprising village,
will be held about August 10th.
For Sale.
Modern C room house, with lawn,
! our room House, two lots and snaue,
Four room House with two lota $l,u&u.
Nice 5 room house, lawn and out
buildings, $2,200.
Three-Fourths of a Cent
Is the Whole Cost of a
For $2,000 Insurance for One Day
on Your Property.
Rooms 1 and 2, McDonald Block.
Railroad Men's Meeting.
A general meeting of the rnilrond
men's protectivo association will be
held nt the court houso Thursday even
ing, to which nil railrond employes are
invited. Addresses will be made by
Messrs. Hopkins nnd Mecombcr.
James Hart left Friday for a week's
fishing nt ono of tho lakes in northorn
J. W. Herrod, of Columbus, is visit
ing friends in town, having nrrived yes
terday morning. Mr. Herrod is Union
Pacific foreman nt Columbus.
Conductor Georgo Brophy, who runs
between Omaha nnd this city, has filed
ob n candidate for tho democratic nom
ination for railroad commissioner.
John Fuller, who had been visiting
old-time friends in town, returned to his
home In Illinois yesterday Mr. Fuller
waB employed as machinist in tho North
Platto shops forty-one yenrs ago.
General Manager Mohler nnd Gen'l
Supt. Park passed through Saturday
morning. Tho former hnd been nt Den
ver nnd tho latter was returning from n
week's fishing trip.
Track laying on the north river branch
is now progressing nnd Oahkosh will bo
reached the first week in August. So
far no orders havo been received to
continuo track laying beyond Oshkosh.
S. C. Mocombor, of this city, was nt
Pluttstnouth Inst week nnd assisted in
organizing a branch of tho stnto rail
road men's protective association. Tho
meeting is reported to havo been lnrgo
ly attended and tho attendants very en
thusiastic. William Jeffers, who has been in tho
service of the Union Pacific for nbout
thirty-fivo years will bn retired August
first and receive n pension from the
company. Thirty-five yearn of faithful,
consecutive work should entitlo any
man to a respite from labor; thus al
lowing him to spend tho evening of life
in n peaceful, pleasant mnnner. To
Mr. Jelfcrs is extended tho wish thnt
the remainder of his life may provo
Ono of the oldest railroad men in tho
country in point of service is George
Hough, of BIuHs, 111., a brother of
Dayton Hough, who recently visited
friends in this city. Mr. Hough has
been on the rniis, cither as brakeman
or conductor, for fifty-fivo years, nnd it
is estimated that ho has during thnt
time traveled ono and one-half million
miles, or sixty times around the earth.
Mr. Hough has four sons, and nil aro
following their father's vocation.
Tho graders are through the Fox sand
hill cut five miles east of Oshkosh
where they have been hauling the sand
out tho pust month. Tho work train
cun now be seen on this side of tho
great cut with its crow of workmen.
Tho road will bo completed into Osh
kosh by the 10th of August without n
doubt as they have little grading to do
the rest of tho way with tho big crew
of Japs laying steel right behind the
graders it will bo only a matter of days.
-Oshkosh Herald.
Aro you looking for u homo in tho
nicust residence portion of tho city?
If so read this: Nico six room cottage,
built in 1007, with lot nnd half of
ground. Lot filled in; cement sidewalk
in front and around house, tho bnck
nnd part of sides of lot fenced with high
bonrd fence. Good coal and wood house,
and the choicest location in tho city,
West Fourth St. Price $2000. Como
early to seo about this, it won't last long.
Temple Real Estate & Insurance
1 and 2 McDonald Block.
It's an
Call and see it at
Book Store.
A light rain visited this immediate
section Sunday night. North and west
of tho city the fall was much henvier.
A pure food inspector visited North
Platto Snturday and obtained samples
of several lines goods, butter nnd
ico cream.
Walter Covillo, of tho north side,
says he hos five acres of watermelons
that nro in very fine shapo nnd promise
n big crop.
Otto Thoelecko reports the salo of
section 1-13-30 to Chnrles Hnrdaway of
Buffalo county. Tho section belonged
to nn Omaha man.
Members of tho boys' band were en
tertained Friday evening by Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. R. Ritner. whoso son is a mem
ber of tho organization.
Found-A 1908 class pin. Owner call
at this ofllco and pay for this notice.
North Platto friends of Mr. and Mrs.
C. II. Murrin, of Sterling, Col., will bo
interested in knowing that an eight
pound boy was born to them July 10th.
The members of the Saturday night
club indulged in nn nutomobilo party
Saturday evening and Inter wore served
with lunch at tho homo of Mrs. James
The men of tho pnrish aro invited to
tnke lunch with tho Indies of the
Episcopal guild at the W. M. Cunning
ham residence next Thursday evening
nt six o'clock.
State Senator Sibley spent Saturday
in town nnd while here made public his
intention of filing his name iib a candi
date for tho republican nomination for
for congressman.
Applications for loans aggregating
$14,300 were approved and grnnted by
the directors of tho building and loan
association nt tho monthly meeting held
Snturday wcning.
B. K. Bushbec, of Kimball, has filed
his natno with tho secretory of stato
ns n candidate for the republican nom
motion for representative from this
legislative district.
County Clerk Elliott returned Sundny
from his visit with Fred Tctro south of
Brady. Ho brought back with him
bliatercd hands from pitching hay nnd
his cuticle full of jiggers, nevertheless
he hnd n good timo.
A deed has been filed convoying from
Clnra and J. II. Knowlos to Geo. P.
Heater tho east half of section -1, tho
west half of section 3-9-31, nnd tho
southeast quarter 33-10-31. Tho consid
eration for tho 800 acres was $9,000.
Tho party who took tho pair of
leather shaps on tho night of July 4th
from tho Star Barn will pleaso return
them and save troublo for themselves.
Rai.I'11 Garman.
Dr. L. J. Briggs, phyBcist of tho de
partment of agriculture nt Washington,
is spending a few dnya nt tho state ex
perimental sub-station south of town
exnmining tho co-operntivo work that
i3 being done at tho station by tho
government und the state.
Not all tho feathers of tho prairio
chickens killed by North Platto hunters
Sunday morning wore burned, henco it
is known that some of tho birds were
slaughtered. This is simply a tip for
tho fellow who wants to cam that ten
dollars reward offered by the gun club.
The freo delivery of mail servico bo-
comes operative next Saturday. It is
probable that some little dissatisfac
tion will result until tho enrriers' bo-
como thoroughly conversant with tho
routes, but when well established tho
service will bo found very convenient
to thoso on the routes.
Barb wire for sale at
llcrshcy's, corner Filh
and Locust St. Phone 15.
A jaunty fold collar of distinctive
style and surpassing finish.
It's of Linen, and therefore feels
nnd looks better than llimsy
Why wear cotton collars, when
Linen collars-"!! & I"-cost
no more'
A Iways buy "H & I"-Thoy'ro
2 for 25c,
Clothing Dept.
Ed Bnrraclough was n visitor in Kear
ney Sundny.
Daniel Bellamy nnd family left Sun
day for San Jose, Cal.
Mrs. C. A. Weir roturnod Friday
night from her visit in the oast.
Mrs. W. II. McDonald nnd daughter
Janet returned homo Sundny night.
MUs Jessio Wisemnn, of Grand Islnnd,
is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo.
M. Graham.
Miss Kennedy, who had been tho
guest of Miss Sylvia Watts, went to
Denver Snturday.
Frank McGovern loft Sunday morn
ing for n three weeks' visit with his
parents in Denver.
Miss Holen Patterson rotumcd to
Denver ycatordny after n week's visit
with friends in town.
Miss Bcrthn Thoelecko returned to
Omaha Saturday after a week's visit
with friends in town.
Albert Schntz returned yesterday
morning from Denver, whore ho had
been visiting Mrs. Schntz for a few
Mr. Lewis nnd family loft Saturday
for KansiiB City, going via Denver.
Before returning they will visit Excel
sior Springs.
O. II. Thoelecko will fleo to tho
mountains next weok and devote ton
days or moro to trout fishing and other
recreative amusements.
Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Douglas and
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Well were among
thoso who attended tho Bnruum &
Bailey show at Kearnoy Saturday.
Clyde Fristo como up from Dickens
Sunday and is getting acquainted with
his duties as city letter carrier, to
which position he wns appointed
time ago.
118 Men's Suits 118.
Thoso wo must eloso off of our tables
in tho hexttwo weekB. Thoy nro broken
lots, but wo have all sizes from 34 to 44.
twory ono a barirain. They nro not
sweat Rhop stuir but every ono regular
tailored. Hero aro a fow.
$15.00 Bluo Serge nt $12 00
A lot worth 512.00 nt 9 00
A lot worth $10.00 at 7 50
A lot worth $10.00 at 7 00
A lot worth $G to $8 at 4 48
Como in nnd look over
this lot. Wo
can do you soma good.
Tin: Hun
Ethel Palmer liangcd hersolf in the
enrriago shed of O. J. Bloekmon nt Co-
zad Friday forenoon. Sho was a school
teacher and it is supposed that over
work at tho Kearney normal resulted
in mental abbcration.
Jack Hnndloy, night clork nt tho
Cornlnnd Hotel nt Lexington, skipped
out Thursday evening with $170. Ho
wns arrested tho following day at Co-
zad and now languishes in the Lexing
ton jail.
Wanted Man nnd wife to work on
ranch: wifo to cook. Good waircs nnd
steady employment. Inquire at the
Lody ranch.
Tho total valuo of property in Daw
son county as roturnod by tho assess
ors is $21,000,000. Tho population of
tho county as enumerated by the as
sessors Is 14,415: Lexington havlnir
,491, Gothenburg 1,410 nnd Coznd
Estraycd from tho fair ground
siaugnior nouBC on or about July lotn, a
light colored bluo Bpotted cow woight
about 1000 pounds, branded on right
hip with cock-oyo brand. Reward will
bo paid for her recovery.
J. L. Stingily.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given thut tho
council win receive bids lor tno con
struction of cement cross-walks nnd up
proaches to bo laid by tho city for tho
fiscal year of 1908
mus must do based upon tno Bpecill
cations of tho City Engineer, which aro
on filo in tho ofllco of tho City Clerk.
All bids must bo in by 5:00 o'clock p.
m., on tho 4th day of August. 1908.
Tho council reserves tho right to ro
ject any or all bids.
Uiias. l . TKMi'LK, City Clerk.
Announcement .
Ware & Leland,
Wish to announco that thoy havo
established an ofllco at Columbus,
Neb., with a private wire to Chicago,
Wo aro members of all principlo ex
changes and do strictly a commission
business, Telephone or writo for par
ticulars. Wo solicit your business.
J. II. Olieen, Manager,
Columbus, Neb.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given thnt tho part
nership formerly existing botweon W.
M. Cunningham and Hnrry Dixon, nnd
known ns tho firm of Cunningham &
Dixon, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent, there being no Indobtcdncsa
against tho firm. Signed tho 10th day
of July, 1908. W. M. CllNNINOIlAM.
Notice to the Public.
All persons nro wnrned ncninst tres-
pnsginir. huutinir or flshititr on tho lands
of tho Birdwood ranch. Violators will
bo prosecuted. II. C. WALLACK.
Bolnir tho irenoral low of taxes on
property within tho city of North Plntto,
Nebraska, for rovonuo purposes during
tho ftRcnl year of 1908.
Bo it ordained by tho mayor nnd coun
cil of tliu city of North Plntto, Ne
braska: Section 1. 1 axes nro horebv levied on
all of tho property within tho limits of
tho city of North Platto, Lincoln Coun
ty. Nobraskn. at tho rate of sovon
nulls on the dollar of tho assessed valu
ation thereof for gonernl rovonuo pur
poses ot said city during tho tlscal year
beginning the fifth day of Mny, 1908.
section z. Taxes nro hereby levied
on till tno property within tho limits of
said city nt the rale of two mills on tho
dollar ot tho assessed valuation thereof
for tho lighting of the strcots of Buid,
city during tho current fiscal year.
.Section 3. Taxes nro horebv lovied
on all the property within tho limits of
said city nt tho rnto of five mills on tho
dollar of tho assessed valuation thereof
for tho purposes of paying tho firo hy
drant rentals of said city during tho
current fiscal year.
Section 4. 'laxea am horebv loviod on
nil of tho property within tho limits of
onid city nt tho rate of two mill" on tho
dollar of tho assessed valuation thorcof
for tho purpose of paying tho interest
and principal upon tho $30,000,00 sower
bonds heretofore issued by said city.
section o. Tnxca nro hereby levied
upon nil tho ronl ostato property with
in tho limits of said city nt tho rate of
ono half of ono mill on tho dollar of tho
assessed valuation thereof for tho pur
poso of paying the expenses of main
tnining tho system of Boworngo here
tofore adopted nnd constructed by
said city.
Section 0. This ordinance shall tako
olfect and bo in force from nnd after
its passage, approval and publication
according to law.
Passed and approved this 23d day of
July. 1908. Nicholas McCaiiu.
Attest: Muyor.
Ciias. F. Tempi.k.
skaiJ City Clork.
Being tho annual appropriation bill
of oxpoiiboh for tho city of North
Platte. Lincoln Gountv. Nebraska, for
the fiscal year beginning Mny C, 1908.
Be it ordained bv tho Mnvor nnd
Council of tho City of North Platte,
Section 1. There is horebv nnnro-
priated the whole proceeds of said
city's fivo mill levy for llro hydrnnts to
pay nyurant rcntnia lor tho current fis
cal year to bo known ns tho "Wator
Hydrant Rental Fund for 1908."
Section 2. There is hereby nnnro-
prioted tho whole proceeds of sold
city's occupation tax on firo insuranco
companies for tho uso of tho North
rintte l'iro Department to bo known
as "Tho Special Firo Fund of 1908."
bcction 3. J hero is hereby appro
priated tho whole of tho two mill levy
for tho fiscal year 1908 by tho said
city for the lighting of streets to bo
known as tho "Street Lichtincr Fund
of 1908."
Section 4. There is hcroby appropri
ated tho whole proceeds of buiu city's
two mill levy on tho dollar for sower
taxes to used in paying tho intorcst nnd
principal of the $30,000.00 sowor bonds
heretofore issued by said city which
shall bo known as tho "Sowor Fund of
Section 5. Thoro Is horoby appro
priated tho whole proceeds of said city's
ono half of onu mill lovy on tho dollar
to pny tho costs nnd expenses of main
taining tho system of soworngo in said
city which shall bo known as tho
"Sowor Maintenance Fund of 1908".
Section 0. There is horoby appropri
ated out of tho General Fund tho sum
of $2,710.00 for tho salaries of tho city
officials including tho janitor.
Section 7. There is hereby nppropri
ated out of tho moneys of tho general
fund for the said fiscal year the sum of
$1500.00 for bridges, streets, grades,
culverts and drains.
Section 8. There is hereby appro
priated out of tho monovB of tho iron-
oral fund for said fiscal yenr tho sum of
$4,000.00 tor sidewalks and street
bection 1). there is horoby appro
priated out of tho moneys of tho gen
eral fund for said fiscal year tho sum
of $1,000.00 for the oxpenso and main
tenance ot tho North rintto f iro De
partment, including tho services of
Section 10. Thoro is horoby nppro
priatcd all tho rest and residue or tho
moneys of tho current fiscal year de
rived from the seven mill lovy for gen
eral rovenuo purposes not heretofore
appropriated to bo used by suid city
for lawful expenses, city engineer,
election, publishing, stationery, acci
dents and casualties and special engi
neering for public improvements, nnd
nil of tho items herein appropriated
under Sections 7, 8, !) nnd 10 Hhnll bo
known ns tho "General Fund of 1908."
Section 12. This nrdinunco shall tako
oirect nnd bo in forco from and nftor
its pnssago, approval and publication
according to law.
Pusscd and approved this 23d day of
July, 1908.
Nicholas McCaiih, Mayor.
AttCBt: CllAS. F. TiiMl'US City Clerk.