I A . . At- - " s The Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L.BARE,Editor and Publisher B011H0IIIPTI0N IlATESt one Your, cash in advance f ..9I. 4 M -aionms, cun in advance i ....... . . lCt Entered at North Platto. Nobraaka, Postofllce aa second class matter. FRIDAY. JULY 3. 1908. Mae E. Wood, tho Omaha womun who sued Senator Thomas C. Piatt for" divorce, was indicted by n New York grand Jury last Wednesday on the charge of porjury nnd forgery. Mao will probably pay dearly for tho notori ety -sho haa gained in tho Piatt matter. "Doc" BlXBY'8 udvico to parents in cases of Fourth of July mishaps to their boys is aa follows: If no doctor is nt hand, clcanso tho wound promptly with hot water, to which has been added a fow drops of carbolic acid; smear tho abraded surface with enr bolatcd ointment, bind it carefully but not too tightly, put Johnny to bed and hope for tho best. Tub best educated negro in the United States, Hooker T. Washington, nnd ono who has done more for his raco than any platform of either party, tells his colored brethren that thoy can expect but little, in thoir real interest, from tho democratic party. This is undoubtedly true. S. It. Dakton, of Grand Island an nounces his candidacy for tho republi can nominutlon for statu auditor. In his statcmont to tho public Mr. Barton says ho is hcurtily in accord with tho principles of tho republican party, as expressed in tho state platform of two year ago, nnu with tho reforms adopt' cd by tho last jegislaturo. 1HE Missouri l'aclllc Kailwny com pany mnkos application to tho ntnt railway commission to rcstoro Ua pas senger rato of thrco cents nor lnflo and tho freight rates that wow in effect beforo tho Aldrich bill wen into offoct. Iho comnanv 'lalrns thattho road in Nebraskn is operated ,ut a loss under tho nroscnt rutos. and it is not difficult to bolievo that thisfa truo. because it comes as nenr being two streaks of ruBt as can be imaged. It is well to re member, too.Jrthat tho present "run down" condJRon of tho road was in ovidenco before tho complained of re duotlonv'wcro made. It will toko t wholtyrot of "monoy from homo," in addition to legitimato earnings, to mytko tho Missouri Pacific a good propo sition again. Kearney uuu. THE Donvcr dispatches nro now dis closimr a fow reasons whv Rocrdr Sul livan tarried not in an nutomobilo trip to uonvor. no is out iignting against any different injunction plank in tho democratic niuttorm than thoro war finally put into tho republican platform. President GompcrB nnd other labor leaders nro nu to dissatisfied with tho latter and Mr. Bryan hns severely criti cized it aB meaning little, or worso.thau llttlo. Tho prospectivo democratic can didate declares it as his beliof that tho plank is rt piecaof dm borate decent on Among many laboring mon it is already rofcrred to us n plank upon which they might cross a chasm Uut that It has somo back cracks in tho middle. This f courso, is tho viow of tho oxtromist on tho othor side. Uut will Roger C. ono of Mr. Bryan's prodatory friends likowiso succood in making tho plunk loss ODjcctionauio to tno largo em' ployora of lubor7 Grand Island In dopondont. Myrtle 10 INCW. St Missoo Josio nnd Anna O'llara of North Platto uro spending a fow days at tho homo oi J. n. Thompson. Joo Rockard rec elvod word that Mrs Cown wan improving nicely. Her many friends horo will bo glad to hear it. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnsoy nnd Mrs. Jim Jensen of North Platto visited E. Alii son and wlfo from Friday till Sunday evening. Ruliegh Roynolds was n North Platto visitor Friday and Saturday. Arthur Morritt nnd Gono Ardery loft Monday morning ior Mcl'horson Co, Kansas, whoro thoy oxpect to work i harvest field. A. J. Nealo transacted business I; North Platto lust weok. Death relluvcd tho suiToring of llttlo Marvin Abbott Monday evening, -Iuno 2)U. All that hnnus could do was done but God know best nnd called him to be withfltay. Marvin "-Abbott wus born August 2d, 1006, died Juno 29th, aged 1 yoar, 10 months 27 days. Funeral was hold from tho house Tuesday nt 2 p.' rn. conducted by Rev. Dill. A largo concourse of sorrowing relatives nnd friends followed tho remains to tho cometory whoro thoy wore laid to ,rest besido Ray who passed awny over two weeks ago, Ray Abbott was born Juno 29th, 903, died Juno 11th, 1908, aged 4 yours, 11 month nnd 12 days. Tho deepest sympathy is extended to thcBo broken heartod parents, but "Earth has no sorrow that hcuv'n cannot heal." y Puckeruc Island. Another fino shower fell Wednesday morning to help tho crops along. People nro striving hard to finish up thoir beet fields boforo July 4th. Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Ross June 28th a ten pound girl. Frank looks pleased, as this is their first girl. Mr. Rollou of Morant went to Coznd Monday to got his binder. Mrs, Alviu Foathora of Cottonwood loft Tuesday night for Kearney to visit relntivos and spend thu 4th of July. Ralph Bcauchamp, of near Ft. Morgan, Colo., is shaking hands in this vicinity again. Mrs. Roy Lantz will depart for Orchard, Nob., ono day this week to visit hofuncla Thad Stevens, Tho proposed celebration at Burko's grovo wus given up us thoro is not hustlers onough in tho community to got up a colebrution. Tho dance nt C. W. Trombly'a was well attended and n good timo was reported by nil. Thoro will bo nnother one given thoro July 18th. Evoryono invited. Frank Baker is planting his corn over us tho recant rain storm destroyed his firBt planting of about thirty ucres. Ho thinks it will make him foddor any way. 'Miss Alice Overhtyer is visiting Mrs, Dick Empte of Box Eldor this week. Harry Poll lost n cow last week by plotting mired in a slough. Commissioners' Proceedings. Juno 23d, 1908. Board mot pursuant to ndiournment. present full board and county clerk. uiaim oi j. v. vv. Lincoln, digging grave, S5.00. W. N. Hose, road work, allowed on Dist. 14 for $18.00. J. K. Browning is hereby appointed road overseer for District 14. 'Iho county c orkis hercbv directed to notify road overseer of District No. lb to have the fence moved which is on road No. 285. Tho county clerk is hereby directed to notify road overseer of Dfst. No. 21 to have tho fence moved from tho pub lic road between sections l nnd Zi, town 9, range 29. A 1 ! ' 1 .11 i - - - Jiujuurneu until tomorrow. Juno2lth, 1908. Board spent tho day nt Sutherland and on Bird"ood creek inspecting roads nnd bridges. Adjourned iinul tornorrpw.- June 25th, 1908. Board met same ns vesterdav. pres ent full I'oard and county clerk. ino uonra niter discussing road mut ters, takes a recess until four o'clock m., Juno 27. 1908. and reconvenes na n board of canalization. Full board spent dny listening to complaints nnd correcting values. iho fo ow nir property in tho Second ward of North Platto was adjusted as ionows: Lotfl 7 nnd 8, block 115. lowered from $1,400 to 1.800. Lot 1 and cast half of lot 2. block 178. raised from 2.550 to 3.000. West half of tot 2 und lot 3. block 178, raised from 2.550 to 3.000. West 41 foot of lot 3 and cast 33 feet of lot 4, block 102, raised from 4,500 to Lots 5 nnd G. block 115. raised from 2.300 to 2.800. Lots 15 and' 1G. block 115. raised from 10,0QftTo 12.000. Lotirblock 120. reduced from 2.700 TO Z.-IUO. Lot 2, block 12G, reduced from 2.500 to 2.200. Lot 2. block 182. reduced from 1.400, to i,uuu. Lot 11. block 102, reduced from 13.200 to 1.300 (error of nssessor.) Lot 7, block 21, Town Lot Addn., re duced from 2.000 to 1.500. West SiZ icet or lot 'I und cnBt 22 feet of lot 3, block 102, reduced from 9,G00 to H.uuu. Lots 10, 11 nnd 12, block 33, Town Lot Addn., reduced from 1,400 to 700. Lot 2, block 150. reduced from 2.200 to 1.8W. Lot 3, block 150. reduced from 2.500 to z. uuu. Lot 4, block 150, reduced from 2.G00 Lots 7 and 8, block 99. reduced from 3,400 to 3,000. Lots 5 and C, block 10, Mi'ler's Addn reduced from GOO to 300. Lot 4. block 1G0. reduced from 4.500 to 4, UUU. Lot 2, block 101, reduced from $3,800 tOMl,2UU. Lot 8. uiocK-7. l'en slon s Addn.. re duced from 2.000 to 1.G00. Whoroupon tho board takes of recess until tomorrow. Juno 2G, 1908, uoaru or equalization met snmo ns yesterday. Full board spent day ad justing values in Third wnrd of North Platto us follows: Lota 1 to 12, block 18, roducod from 2800 to 500. Lot 7, block 82 , reduced from 1,200 to 7UU. Lot B, block G7, reduced from 1,800 to 1,200. Lots 7 nnd 8, block 8G, raised from 1700 to 2.200. Lot 5, block 82, lowcrod from 2,000 to J,,7UU. Lot 0, block 82, lowered from 1,400 to i,uuu. Board takes a 'occss until tomorrow Juno 27, 1908, uoarti oi equalization met same as yestorday and spent tho day adjusting values in tho first wnrd of North Platto and othor proporty us follows: Lot 3, block 130, reduced from 1,400 to 12,00, west hnlf lot 1 and lot 2, block ua, rouucoii troin J,2UU to 1.7UU. Part lot 13, block '11 1, reduced from a.uuu to UUU. Lotfl 5 nnd 0, und part lot 13, block 114, rnisod from 10,000 to 12,000. Lot 4, block 114, reduced from 7,000 jCO o.uuu. All North River lots 1, 2, 3 and northeast qunrtor northenst quarter section 27-14-30 reduced from 4,200 to 3.000. Pnrt northwest quarter northwest quarter 34-14-30 reduced from'5,000 to i,uuu, iiast hnlf section 13-11-27 reducer from 2.050 to 2,300' Southeast quarter section 1-11-27 re duced from 4.400 to 4.000. Part west hnlf und soutbwest quar ter section luriii-zo, lowered rrom ruo to 850. North hnlf soctlon 25-14-31 loworet: from 5,100 to 4,800. , South hnlf section 25-14-31 loworod from 5.100 to 4.800. South half Hection 4-9-31 loworcd from 2,720 to 1.920. Lot 1, block 5, Wallace, lowered from 100 to 20. Lot 2, block 5, Wallace, lowered from 1.200 to 900. Whoroupon bonrd takos n rocos" un til July 7th, and reconvened us Donru or county commissioners, pros unt full board and county clork. Tho following clultns worp allowed on tho general fund: S. C. Wills, services S3 1.50 E, II, Springer, services $11.00 A. O. Kockon. services 28.00 Adjourned until July 0th, 1908. Duroc-Jersey Pigs for Sole. Tho Experiment Station Is offering for sale n limited number of puro-brcd uuroc Jersey piga on, tho rollowfng terms: Until tho supply is exhausted. gilts will bo sold nt $10.00 por head and uoars at $io,uu per neini to bo selected at once but may bo left nt the farm Until Sent. 1 without expense. No p it will bo hold unless money is doposited nt tin timo tho soloctlon is made. If thu pig selected dies or is not in good condition nt tho timo hoi aor delivery, tho purchaser may select n substitute or have his money refunded. As only a limited number of pgs will bo saved iui who mi j'vovi L-iw ijr ouivvjiivm! mrjuiu bo made. Tho Experiment Station is making this offer as an inducement to tho distribution of good typos of breed ing nogB tnrougnout tno region, W. P. Snyoku. Sunt. Experimental Substation. North Platto, Nobr, bushels of oats at W. V. HOAGI-AND. Maxwell. Wc Can Face the World with our "Forest King" cigars without fear of thoir being excelled at nnythlng like their price. Wo know the fine quality of tobacco that goes in them nnd how perfectly it hns been cured nnd seasoned. Save a nlckle by smoking the "For est rung ' ror It is ns good ub any cigar costing ni least that much more. Uno trial will prove it. SCIIMALZRIED. ASHLEY PETERS Cement Contractor bpecial attention given to Cement Sidewalks. Wo guarantee nerfect satisfaction in the walks we construct, rhono '181. The School For You Our catalog will tell you why. It is 'yours for the' asking, Write for it today. ' LEXINGTON BUSINESS COLLEGE, Lexington, Neb. Wood Turning and Furniture Repairs, Cabinet Work, Screen Frames, Saw Filing and Setting. All kinds of Job Work done on short notice at prices to suit. Terms Cash. P. ML Sorenson. Shop North of P. O. ItKW l'HIMAUY ELECTION NOTICE, Notice Is hereby bIvoii that on Tuesday, tho tstday of HoptemlHir, WW. at tho votlnu Places in mo various precincts or Lincoln County. Nebrnskn. thorn will lxt luihl n nrl- mnry election for tho purpose of nominal lnir candidates for tho following olllces, to b voted ror at tho mineral November election MKiii I'rusidential Kltctors. One Oovernor. Uno Lieutenant Oovernor. Ono Secretary of Htato. Ono Auditor of l'ublhj Accounts. Ono Htato Treasurer. Ono Hiiporlntendunt of Public Instruction Ono Attorney Oeneral. Ono Commissioner of Public Lands and iiuiiuinirs Ono Hallway Commissioner. OnoCoiiKressman for tho Hlxtli Conitros blmittl Dls'.rlct. Ono Htato Henator for tho Thirteenth Sena torlal District. Ono Htato Iteprosentatlvo for tho rjfty ruiirin uepreseiitative insirici. Ono County Attorney. One County Commissioner forCommlssloue I'ismci rto. j. Justice of tho I'eaco to fill vacancy. ' Constables to 1111 vacancy. Ono Overseer of llliihways for each Iload District. Also, foror atralnyta proposed ainondmcnt to hection nine, ID), artlcloelKhu W, of thocoti stltutlon of tho State of Nebraska with refer eiicu to tho Investment of tho permanent KCIIOOI (Ulld. Also for or niralnst a proiosc(1 amendmont to sections two, (-). fourtO, live. (ft), six (U) and thirteen (13). of article six US), of tho constitu tion of tho State of Nebraska with rofereucn to an lucreatiO In tho number of tho .ludtres of tno Miprotno court, providing ror their ap tK)lntments. terms, residence and comiieiisa. lion ottho.ludKes&bf thoHupromuaud District jouris. Which eleellou will bo open' at 112 o'clock in. and continue open until 0 o'clock p. ni of tho samo (lav. uuicii ftorin I'laue. .-oiir., this iiutn nay ot Juno, 1W l". H. Ki.i.iorr. County Clurlt j;i-si OUDEU OK IIEAV'NO ON PETITION KOU ArruiNTMISTUl'" AIIMimSTUATOK Tho Htato of Nebraska I M Lincoln County I . In tho County Court. Juno Alth. m. In the matter of tho estate of Lou lleltman, deceased. On readlmr ami llllmr tho petition of Carl iieiimau.prayinir tnai ino administration o said estate may ik granted to Albert Durbl as Administrator. Orden-d, that July 2.1th, W, at 10 o'clock a. m.. is.assiKiteii lor Hearing Bald petition when ill I persons Interested In said matter may amiear at a county court to bo held li and for said county, and show cause whv lh prayer of petitioner should not Imi trranled This notice to bo published In tho North I'laue Triuunn a semi-weokly uewspape pruned in sain couuiy ror six consecutlv issues prior to .liny 'jotn. nw, W. O. Er.trji. (Jotintj' JinUi). NOTICE. .loseoli II. Mi'Conuoll. Cora E. Osu'imx! Charles Osgood and Lewis Clark, defendants, impleaded wun faran k, iiiiunan ciiriis i; lllnmun. Minor lllnman. I'loreuco Utnman I'eter llurko, EllzalHtli llratt and Jacob idiiui, uereniiautsi win take notice mat on mo L'lin nnv n June, lUVs, Hnmuel tioorce. plalntllT herein men his iH'tuion in tno District Lourtor l.ln coin County, Nebraska, atraliist said defen dants, the object anil prayer or which are to obtain an accouutlnir of taxes paid by tho Planum, wiiii interest, costs and attorney's fees, on lots 7 and 8, of block 70, of the orltilnal town or .Aoriii riatte, reiiruia, ror winch sal laes a tivasurer'ri deed has Ikhmi Issued hy V. V Hcliurmann, County Treosurer of Llii" coin County, Nebraska, on tho Mb day of Hepioini'er.imi, aim delivered to itiopiaintiir And there Ih now due for taxes nalil. ailvm - tUemeut, Interest and costs, tho sum of fSt. u witu interest oi to iht cent rrom July is UM. v Inlntl r further limvs that ho mav huv Hen for taxes so paid on said real estate, and mat sam ueu ( rorceioe(i, aim mat uie do fendaiits 1st barred of till enulty and rlk'ht o redemption In nud to said real est ate. and that said preiuNes 1st sold and tho proceeds tnert ot applied to tho payment or plaintiff i Him: and for mineral isiiiltahln roller. Von aro n milled to answer taid iitltlonon nriHirorothoiuth(iayorAui:ust, nw. Dated Jiine:uiiiw Hamiim, Gooxiik. rialuilir, Ily Wn.ciixji. IIai.i.iiian, Ills Attys, rw-i For Salo 175 , NOTICE FOIt TAX DEED. Toorurv txirson In actual nosinsMon orrx- cuimncy of tho premises l)clowilcscrilx:(l and to !. it. orot'Kott and Ainos y. Howard In wlioso nainn tlio title of said nri-mlscs ap ponrnof rucortl In llio olllcoof tho Jtvgtatof of lU'fd In Lincoln county. Nobraaka, and to I II. Crockett, uMnorttragco! You and each or you aro hereby hotlflrd tlm on tho nfth day of November. 1000, H. Y. (ililati purrhnied at public sale (Cerlfdrato No iUlmnt f ho county treasurer's oflli-n of said (itinty,thn following desnrlUkl real os tan. to wit: Tho northeast nunrtor INK JO of HiTilon nlno Ul), Township ten (10) north of unniri iiiiriy-iwo.K.'i west, or inoatii r. ,i. in IjIii' olo I'ountr, Nebraska, for tho dcllniiuent taxes due tnereon for tho year IVA for the sum of HV1. and on tho first day of Mny, UW. ho paid the subeiiient laxiH nfscsvd aeainst saui promises for tho yen. for the sum of 3 81'. and on tho "tli day of Mar. K. B. l)avl. who was as signed said certificate on or about February third. HIM. nald thosul)SC(iiieiit tares nssescd aeainst said urcmlscs for tho yoarTO? for tho sum of 22.U7; that said urouorty was assessed n thonamoot Amos w. flowaril forlOUS, to A . Wleht for MM and to V. It. Crockett for for ItWs that tho timo for redemption wlllcx- uro on mo sixth day or November, iwjh, and f tho said uremlscs aro not redeemed on tho sixth day of November. 1WM, from said tax salo tho underslrned will apply to tho conn ty treasurer ror a deed to tho said premises uaieo. tins zd dayor May, iw K. DAVIS. Assltrneoof above Cortlllcatoof Tax Hale, TIIIHIsto certify that at a mcotlnir tho 1 shareholders of THK HA NIC Or I.IN- f OLN COCNTV. or IIEKSIIEY. NEII11AH- KA. held at Hcrsher. Nebraska, on the rkl duyot April, I WW, duo notlco havlmr Iwen Klven. and every shareholder hclmr present in person or by proxy, tho Articles of Incor poration woro amended br strlklmr out all or Article vu ann adopiinir and Miljsutut Imf therefor tho followlniri V II. Tho catillal st(!k of this roriMira t on shall Is) Ton Thousand Dollars (ilu.000). to Isj .divided Into two hundred shares of nrty dollars tach." T1IK HANK or LINCOLN COUNTY. Ill J. V. AnmiTT. Raslilnr. niaiooi ,eorasKa, i. county of Lincoln. I Huliscrlbed and swnrn to linfnrn mn this inn nay or May, A. I), luos. My commission expires Feb, n, lino. A1INOLD V. IlEELEIt. m23 4w Notary Public. HIIEItll'If'S KALE. llV X'lrtlle flf ntl ordnr nf ra1i laatiftfl frntn thu district court of Lincoln county. Nohras ka. uooii a decree of foreclosure rendpreil In said court wherein P. L. Harper Is plalntllT and Mary C. M. Dovlo and James Dnvlnarn defendants, and to mo directed. I will on tho win uay or Juno, twos, at 1 o'clock v. m. at tho east front door of tho court houso In North Platto. Lincoln county. Nebraska, soli at public auction to tho hlchcst bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest and costs, the followfnedescrllied property, to-wlt: Hoilthwestmiartor IHW U of (ii-ctlon Twenty nlno 12UJ, I'ownshlp Nino ll. KanK" Thirty four and Northwest duartorlNW HI of Hection Thirty-two Township Nino l naniro i niriy-rour taij, Lincoln county. No braska. Dated at North Platte. Neb., May 19. 1008. I. L. Mn.TONnEiiOKii. m2--5 Sheriff. NOTICK l'ltOIIATK ni' wir.T. Tho Htato of Nebraska, I i.incoin county. i In tho County Court. In tho matter of tho estate of Susan Pick ott. deceased. llio Htato of Nebraska to the heirs, lega tees ami next or Kin or tiie snui Mtisrm I'imrnt t ueeeased. Take notice, that utxui flllne of a trim writ, ten Instrument imrportTnir to ls tho last will and testament of Susan Pickett for probate and allowance. It Is ordered that said matter no set ror nearinir tnu-':d day of July. A. I), IMW. isiforo said Countv Court, st, tlm linnr or u o ciock a. m., at winch timo any porsou interested may appear and contest tho samo and notlco of this tiroceedlni; Is ordered tmlv llshed three wepjis successively In tho North riatio i riimne,' a semi-weekly newspaper published In this statu. in testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my Hand and tho seal of tho County Court at ixoriu fiaiio nils s.'d day of .luno. A. I), huh Ju2!l-3 Vt, O. Kmikii, County Judifo. NOTICE PUOllATE OI." WITT. Tho Statoof Nebraska. I Lincoln uourity, I In thu County Court. In tho matter of tho estato of Pat Cushlnir, deceased. Tho Htato of Nebraska to tho heirs, lcgotlos aim noxtoi Kin or tnosaia rat cushlnir. uo ceased: Take notice, that nrxiti flllncr of n wrltlnn Instrument puriHirtlmr to bo tho last will and testament of Pat Cushlnir for probate and allowance. It Is ordered that said matter lw set forhearlnir tho llth day of July, A. 1). IWS, boforo said County Court, at tho hour of iv o ciock a. m., at which timo any person in terested may anncar and contest the mn and notice of this tiroceedlnif lunnlnrnil mill llshed threo.weeks successively In tho North riaito 'lrihune, a soml-weokly newspaper published In this state In testimony whereof. T have hnrnnnto nnt. my hand and thoseal of tho County Court at North Platto this KM day of June, A. D. HXH. jc-o w. u. iJi.PKii, county .ludeo, NOTICE. William J. l'orrell. defendant, will tako noflco that on tho 10th day of Juno, 1U08, Isaac Dillon. plalntllT herein, filed his peti tion In tho district court ot Lincoln county. Nebraska, airalnst said defendant, thu object and liraver of which aro to obtain n ilnnrnn 'that said defendant. William J. l'errell. on or aiKiut Roptemoer, i, sold, convoyed and transferred by a i;ood and sulllclent deed of coiiveyanco to Keith fc llarton, a II rm coir lKscd of Morroll O. Keith and Guy 0, llarton tno rollowlmr described nroporty. to-wlt The west half of tho southwest (luarter of section 10, in township 14, raneoill. In Lincoln county, ixoiirasxa. aiki mat said Isaac Dll ion is me owner in reo or said land by reason of coiiveyanco from said Kelih & llarton and their Krantees. And for a dec reo that said Isaac union lias hold adverse, exclusive no tortous and hostile possession of said nrnmlses aualnst all tho world and particularly aealnst iiiHiioronuaut, William J. l'orrell. Tho plain HIT prays for a decree that said title mny Imi (luleted In him. and that said defendant bo aujuuucd and decreed to have no right, title, lien or interest In and to said laud. Yon are required to answer said petition on or oeioro tno -.in nay or .July, ivuh. Dated Juno 10th. llH. Isaac Dii.iin, llalntlff. iw ny wncox cc uaiiiuan. ins Attornoys, Notice for Publication. Departmentof tho Interior. Land Olllco at North Platte. Nob. U.S. Juno v. lww. Notice Is heroby ulven that Albert It. En slirn. of dandy, Nebraska, who on September Htil llhll m.il.i llr...u.,n.l l.n.M.. lO.. Inif.1 rorniinw't and iih nw. section S3, townsh 17. railiro .10. west llth ti mnrldlnn. Inti lid.. uotlcooi Ills Intention to make Hunt llvo yoar iinxii, iu esiaousu ciaim to ino land alxv (IositIIhhI, boforo L. C. ltenuau. clerk of tli district court, nt Tryon. Nobraska. on tho inn isovcuicoiiij oay or.iuiy, iwn. . Claimant names as witnesses: II. V. Hick' oy. D. N. Callender. tioth of North Platte, Neb.. I,. M Moytleld.of Neshltt, Nob., N. O, .iiiiii'ns, ui .xurin I'iniie, J -'' J. I EVANS. Kealstor, Notice for Pabllcation. Departmentof tho Interior. Land Olllco at North Platto, Nob. .... .lunoist. W. Notlco Is hOroby irlven that Oeorirn V. Cainpbell.of Maxwell. Nobraska. who on July llth. 1WI, made homestead entry No. 1V037, for the southeast nuarter northwest ouartor, lots 3. I and 5. of Section O.Townshlnli north. Itaneu 27 west. Hlxth Principal Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to mako Una! five year prooi to esiaidlsn claim to tho land aoovii uescrioeo, istioro tno ueirlster and Itecelyer at North Platto, Nob., on tho 10th uay or .liny, iims. Claimant names as witnesses) C. C. flow man and H. O. llowman. Iwlh of Wlllard. N l'raska. and IMInt York and J. J Trim's, both in .unxwon, .leuraska. J2- J. E. EVANH. Iletlster, NOTICE l'OK PU1ILIOATION. Departmentof tho Interior. U. H. Land Olllco at North Platte. Nob, .fitn.t J tlMISi Notice Is hereby Riven that William II. Tur Ple.of North Platte. Neb., who on Auirust It", iwi, made Homestead Entry No- H072 for souiii unir souiueasi uuaricr and south half s'liiinwt-si iiuarier ot section ss, lowiisldp 1 rniiKe ui, ., uui rriucipai .Meridian has II led notice of Intention to mako llnal Ivv year proof to establish claim to tho land oiKjvc nuscriocd, iMtoro me Ketlster ami lieceiyernt North Platto. NeU, on tho 5th uuy oi Auirust, Cluloiiini names as witnesses: piirtls lllnman. Carl llroeder. John Hchar mann, llutfli Homrer, nil of North Platte, Nebraska, m 6 o j, e. Evans. Keclster AI'PLICATION FOn DRIJOfJIST 1'EUMIT Matter of ApdI cation or t.uear tscuuier for DniKKlst Permit. , , .., Notice is hereby clvon that Edtrar ,gcjjjpr did upon tho 29th day of Juno. A. D.. 1W9. llio his application to mo city council oi laiic, Lincoln uounty, ixoorasKa, r li cense to sell Malt. Spirituous and vinous LWiuors for Medicinal. Mechanical ami Chemical purissses only, at 52:1 North Dowey Htret t In tho city of North l'latto, Lincoln County. Nebraska, from tho 15th day of July. lws, to tho 1st Tuesday or aiay, iuw. 1 1 mere lm tin nhliH'tliin. rnmnnstraiicn or utotest filed within two weeks from Juno 30th. A. 1)., said license will bo granted. liiKUit f ciiillku. Appncanu APPLICATION l'OH DKUOOIST PEUMIT Matter of application of Alonr.o u. mc Donell, for Druggist Permit. , Nntien i iieruiiv irlven that Aianzo li. .i c tVini.ll it til iitMin ihn 20th ilar nf June. A. I).. um. nio his application to tho city council of North Platto. Lincoln County, Nebraska, for llcenso to soli Malt, Hplntuous and Vinous liquors forlmedlclnat, mechanical and chem ical purposes only, at 523 North Dowoy street, in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county. Nobraska. from tho ith day or Jtiiy, iuw. to the first Tuesday of May. 1SW. If there bo no objection, remonstranco or protest Hied within two wooks rrom .nine 30th. A. D. 1V09, said license will Is) granted AMtNZO IJ. AMCWONr.LL,. Applicant. Articles of Co-Pnrtnersliip. This nirreemniit. entered Into this 22(1 day of June. 1KM. by and between Edgar SchlHor and Nicholas McCabo, Wltnessetn: Thnt itald Martins liAvn fnrniod aronartncr' ship for tho purposo of carrying on a retail drug, notion, toilet article, surgical supply and stMia fountain nusincss at numoer w- I north Dewey street. In tho City of North Platto. Lincoln county, Nobraska, upon tho following terms and conditions: First. Thn name and st vie. of said co-Dart' nbrshln shall bo "Hchlllcr fc Company," and shall continue for five yoars from this date unless sooner terminated by tho death of either of said partlesor by expiration of 5 years from this data by ono nnrtv serving a written notlco upon tho other party, that ho desires said co-nartnershli) dissolved ana in said written notlco of dissolution ho shall stato tho amount of monoy in cash which no is wil ling to pay for tho one-half Interest of tho other, and In said notlco shall also stato that ho Is Willing to rccelvo tho same amount for l.-l. I... . I.. .!. ills uiiu-iittu uuuruai, in wuu uu3inu.i ut nuiu co-partnership: and It tho partner upon whom notlco Is served as aforesaid Is not willing to cither give or tako tho amount mentioned In said notlco. appralsors shall bo chosen, ono named by ono of tho partners and tho other by tho other partner and tho two appraisers so chosen shall render an appraisement In writing of all the DroDcrty In said co-partner ship and tho amount so ascertained shall bo tho amount which tho partner upon whom notlco was served shall clvo for tho interest of his co-partnership or tako for his own In terest in tno property. Hecond. That said Edsar Hchlllcr shall coiitrllmto to the capital stock of said lirm tnosnmof 52.iw.ou. being an undivided one half Interest In the stock of drugs, notions, toilet articles, surgical supplies, soda foun tain and fixtures generally now located nt number WS north Dowey street In gala city and said Nicholas McCabo shall contribute to tho canltal stock of said firm tho sum of .',750.W). being an undivided one-half Interest in tno stock or drugs, notions, touot articles, surgical supplies, soda fountain and fixtures generally now located at number GU3 north Dewey street in said city, and tho said part tiers shall bo tbo owners of tho stock In that proiiortlon and any further lncroaso of tho capital stock shall bo contributed by said partners In thosamo ratio. Third. Tho said Edgar Hchlllor shall bo thn general partner In said co-partnership of Schiller fc Company and shall have solo charge of tho business and shall receive as solo manager of tho business of said co-part nersblp, tho sum of $75.00 por month, to bo drawn monthly, tho said sum of Sifi.oo por month to bo charged as an Item of oxpenso against said co-parmersiiip: and said Nicholas McCabo shall bo a special partner wun power to examine into tho condition and progress of Iho partnership business from timo to tlmo'aud may advlso as to Its man agemcnt. but ha shall not transact any bust ni'ss on account ot said co-partnership or bo employed ror tuat purposo as agent, attorney or oiuorwiso. f ourth, said partnership shall not In any manner occome nanio upon any promissory noto or othor obligation for tho accommoda tion of any person whatsoever, nor shall said partnership lend any of tbo co-partnership lunus ior any purposo wnaisoover. Fifth. The said EdgarHchlller shall keen regular sotof books, which shall show, all tho receipts and disbursements dally, and th conditions or tno accounts with all persons whomsoever with which tho co-partnership uoes ousiness, except ma, cash items nood not appear otherwise than In tho cash ae count, and thu said Edgar Hchlllcr shall render to tho said Nicholas McCain) on tho first day of each month a statement showing an receipts, disinirsometils and liabilities o ino co-partnersnip. Hlxtli. Each partner shall bo ontltlcd to one-nait or all protlts by said partnership, ana an inventory snail imi taken annually be tween tno ist, ana luin nays or January tho first ono to bo taken between tbo ist ana lutn day ot January. HWU and after such inventory is taken, oach partner suau no entitled to draw ou of tho funds of said II rm thtn on hand ouo-lialf of any oxcess over and above the sumor,aou.uuandtho liabilities then exist Ing against said co-partucrshlp; and on thu 1st day of July. llwy. said partners may each draw out or said lirm. ono-hair of tho fund then on hands of said eotinrtnnrsli1nov and above the amount of tho original cant tal stock and liabilities of said firm, and thereat tor draw any oxcess If any such thoro Is, after tho annual Inventory is taken each year, ami on tno ist day or July of each year Hovonth. Tho said Edgar Schiller shall devote his entire tlma and attention to llm business of said co-partnership niifi shall not enter into mo transaction or any other bust n ess. hlghth: Any violation ot tho terms of tiieso articles ot co-uartnorsblD shall ho suit clout causo for tho dissolution ot this part nershlp tn any manner herolnlMitoro pro viueu or lurougn a court ot competent juris diction. In Witness Whereof, Tho said parties' havo set tneir nanus tins -'n(i day or Juno, iw KDOAK HOI1ILLEII. NIUIIOLA8MCOAIIE In tho prcsenco of A. P. KKLt.r. J23-J81. NOTICE FOIt TAX DEED. to ovory person in actual possession or occupancy or ino premises below described and to Thomas II, Ellis In whoso name thu title of said premises appears of record In tho omco ot tno iiegisier or iecds in Lincoln, County, Nobraska. You and each of you aro iioroby notified that on tho soventh day of November. 1W)I. 8. Y Qlllan purchased at puuiic saio (ceriiucato no. zrouj ut tho County Treasurer's olllceof said County, tho follow ing described real estate, to-wlt: Lot numlier iivo ia in uiocn number tllty-slx (,VJ) in tin original city of North Platto. Lincoln noun ty, Nebraska for the dellmiuent taxes duo thereon for tho years HW1-1IHI2 and IW3 for inn sum or ana on llio llrst day of May 1MB. ho paid the subsequent taxes assessed against said premises ror mo year mil for I he Hum of Jtl.J.t nrirl nn tlm fln.lil,vn( M.,. 11m. i ho paid tho sulisciiucnt taxes assessed against sam premises ior mo year nv ror tho sum oi ii.ii aim on ine urst day or .May. iu)7h paid tho suliscaucnt taxes assessed against soui premises lortno year lwuo ror the Bum of I.75and on tl o first day of May. 1WJH, he paid the subsequent taxes assessed against sain piemisus ior ino year iw or the sum of f 1.07; that said proporty was assessed In tho name of George L. Andrews for tho yoars HXH and lWtt and to Thomas II. Ellis for th years 1103 and 1V0I and 10 Hotta LoMastors lurniuj uarsi luiiw, Tiiat tho timo for redemption expired on the eighth dav of November, limn, and It tho said premises aro not reueomen on tno tonin day of Octo Iwr. 1MB. from said tax salo thu under niKiiuu who was assigned ino above rortl lent' of tax salo on or nlmnt. .Innn t l Hkw u in apply to tho County Treasurer for a deed to tho sulci premises. Dated this 10th day of Juno IMS. , . , I'UANK MAItTIN. Assignee and owner of above certificate of tax sale. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Tho Htato of Nobraska, Lincoln County. s.s. in tho County Court. , I" tho matter of tho Estato of William R Colin, deceased. To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others Intoiested In tho estato of William K. Colin. iT?..l,P,k'l, t,,al 'Marlu ' Colin has tiled In thrf county court a report of her do ings as administratrix of said estato, and it Is ordered that thosamo stand for hearing the fith day of July A. I). iWh, bofort the court it tho hour of OoY-lock a. m .at which timo any person Interested may appear and except to and contest, the tame. And notice of this Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly niwspaier. for three tuccesslvo weeks prior to July Dili, im. Itness my hand and the seal of tho coun ty court at North Platto this Wtli day of Juno. A. 1). lltx. Jeln-3 w. C. ELDEtl. County Judge. NOTICE PHOHATK OI'' POHEION WILL. Tho Htato of Nebraska. I , Lincoln county. i In tho County Court. In tho matter of tho cstnto of Solon l oune, eceased. . . . .... i rff. Clnln nt VnlirnttL'n tfl the lielrS titifl next of klnof the sahlHoU n Young. deceased! Take notice, that upon tiling of a written Instrument purixirtihi: to be a truo nnd certl; fled copy of tho last will and testament of Polen Young for probato and allowanco In this court. It Is ordered tnai sam manor ijb set for hearing the 13th day of July. A. I). ISMS twrorosam uountv court, nt mo nmirui D o'clock o. m.. at which tlmo any person In terested may appear and contest tho samps and notlco of this proceeding Is ordered pub lished three weeks successively In tho North Platto Tribune, a seml-wcekly newspaper published In this slate. Ill testimony wnereoi. i nnvu iiuruumu sr. my hand and thoseal of tho County Court , at North Platto this 22nd day ofBune. A. I). IWW. je'23-8 W. C. Kt.tir.fff County JmUo. NOTICE. llralnard II. Willis and Lavlnla II. Willis, defendants: . , , Will tako notlco that on tho 2tth day of June, IV0H Max Einstein, plalntllT herein Hied his petition In tho District court or Lincoln i;oun ty, Nobraska. tho object and prayer of which am to unlet tilnlntllT's title to the north halt of tho northeast 4 and tho north half jot tho northwest H of section' a), township ltt north, of rango 29. westof thoflth P. M. In Lincoln County. Nebraska: and that a pretended tax deed from the County Treasurer of Lincoln County to ono H. r. njorxiutm. which oeed is recorded In Vol- A-2 at page ill of tho Deed Itccordsof Lincoln County. Nebraska, bo de clared null and raid, and that a pretended deed from h. r. iijorkiuwi and wiro to iirain ard II. Willis, as II. II. Willis, which Is ro corded In Vol. A-l, at pages 588 and fcrtl, of tho ltecordsof Lincoln County, bo declared null and void. And that the court dotcrmino tho amount due tho defendants or any other tiersons for taxes paid upon tho protended tax salo. upon which said pretended tax deed Is based; and for subse(iuenttaxes paid nnd interest; and ror general, eouliaiiio rcnor. You aro renulred to answer said petition on or twforo tho lot li day of August, iWS Dated .1 uno so. iww. . . . J3(M Max Eisbtkin. Plaintiff. NOTICE. Road No. 315. To nil whom it may concern: Tho commissioner appointed to view for tho purpose oi vacating in part anu eaiuu lishincr n public road ns follows: (Part to be vacated.) Thnt nart of Road No. 172 commencing at the NW corner of section 4, town 9, range 31, running i mile cast. (l'art to be established.) Commenc ing ntthc NW corner of SWJ section 33, town 10, range 31, running thence cast J of a mile on half section line of .section 33-10-31, with, the exception of a variation to the south in proposed route about 100 rods oast of tne place of beginning through pocket, has re ported in favor of the vncation and cs stablishment of said road. All object ions thereto or claims for damage must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon on tho 19 th day of August. 1908. or such road will be va cated and established without reference thereto. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, June 18th, 1908. jlD-4 F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. Notice of Special Bond Election. Notice is hereby given thnt on Tues day, the 14th day of July, J908, a Special Election will he held in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, the polling places to be nt the hose house in tho First ward, at tho hose house in the Second ward and at tho hose houso in tho Third wnrd, at which election the following proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of said city: "Shall the City of North Platte, in the County of Lincoln, in tho Stato oP Nebraska, issue its water bonds in tho sum of ninety thousand dollars ($90, 000.00), in denominations of one thous and dollars ($1,000.00) each, to bo dated August 1st, A. D.. 1908, duo in twenty years from their date but paynblo nt any time after fivo yenrs from their dato at the option of said city, tho bonds to draw interpst at the rato of five per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually, principnl and interest paynblo at tho fiscal agency of tho State of Nebraska in tho city of New York and said water bonds to be used for the purpose of obtaining monoy to erect and construct a system of waterworks for the use and benefit of said city arfd tha inhabitants thereof, tho said waterworks .to bo operated nnd maintained by said city. Tho wells and power houso to b locnted conven ient to tho Union Pacific Railroad ttnek in tho north tier of blocks of tho North Platto Town Lot Company's Ad dition to North Platto. Tho Cast iron mains to be laid so thnt all property in tho city and its additions shall bo pro tected against fire. And shnll tho proper officers of said city be author ized to levy and collect a tax in tho Bame manner as other municipal taxes mny bo levied and collected in an nmount sufficient to pay the interest nnd principal of said bonds as tho samo mature in nddition to tho sum authorized to bo levied in section 8913 ot Cobbey's Annotated Stntutes of Ne braska for tho year of 1907, on all prop erty within said city as shown and valued upon the assessment roll of tho assess ors of said city, said bonds to be nego tiable in form. The ballots to bo used at said elec tion shall have printed thereon: l ,.FPr is8""K ninety thousand dollaw ($90,000.00) of water bonds of tho city of North Platte, in tho county of Lincoln, in tho Stato of Nebraska, for tho pur poso of obtaining money to erect, to construct nnd after construction to operate nnd to mnintain a system of water works in said city for the uso nnd benefit of said city and thq inhabi tants thereof. And for lovying and col lecting a tax annually to pay tho interest and principal of said bonds as thoy mature." "Against issuing ninety thousnnd dol lars ($90,000.00) of water bonds of tho city of North Plntto, in tho county of Lincoln, in the Stato of Nebraskafor the purposo of obtnining money to erect, to construct nnd after construc tion to operate and to maintain n system of wnter works in Bnid city for tho uso and behefit of said city and the inhabi tants thereof. And for levying Hnd collecting n tnx annually to pay the in terest and principal of said bonds as they mature." Said election to bo opened nt 8 o'clock a. m., and continue open until 0 o'clock p. m., central standard time on dny of election. Section 2. Those voting in fnvor of snid proposition, shall mark their bal otsVvithan (x) nfter tho paragraph beginning, "lor issuing ninety thous and dollars (90,000.00) of wnter bonds of the city of North Platte," those voting agninst snid proposition shall mark their ballots with nn (x) nfter tbo paragraph beginning, "against issuiffll ninety thousand dollars ($90,000,00) of w iter bonds of the city of North Platte." Dated this 22d day of June, 1908. Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk. 7