The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 03, 1908, Image 2

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    Hit SEMI-Y EtKlY IBBlMt
RA L. BARE. Publisher
A High Philosophy.
Few women have tho tall man's
clinnco to overlook the world; but Um
Klrls who wdrk In tho top stories of
tho ww Singer building In New York
ought (o bocomo pojsfiMod of a film
typo of phlloHophy, if the proverbial
blrd's-eyo vlow can give it. Forty
seven storlos In tho nlr OflO foot
a)ovo tho street familiar sights oro
elrnngo. First, one notice that every
body locka llko ovorybody clue. Tho
crowds of eager hninnn beings throng
fng tho streets of the olty tiro roducod
to more scrambling nntn. whoo pur
pose In llfo lu to llvo nelthor moro
nor b'fis. Diamonds mid volvotK, rngs
nnd dirt disappear from vlow. Hut
tho paBBlon to koop on crawling nbout
nnd climbing up and down Ib soon to
rulo all nllko a Btrnngo paBBlon, enpa
lilo of sweeping up wealth nnd box and
genius In ltn universal grasp, Six
hundred feet nhovo tho Htrcet one hocb
tho works of man's bands na at onco
marvelous nnd absurd. Hero huge
structures rlso In tho air, thcro vast
tunnels nro being bored, nnd there
again hundreds of men aro filling lu
tho shallows with earth to double tho
size of Govornors Island. Whnt toll
nnd skill go Into thcao human efforts
to stay on tho particular spot of this
II lo planet where Is room for them I
exclaims tho Youths' Companion.
North and west of tho crowdod stroots,
fields and hills invito in vain. Tho
busy woman, snatching a momont for
reflection at hor lofty window, sees
Also that men and their works and
ways make n deal of smother In tho
world, Tho great volumcn of black
smoke mnrklng tho cottiers of activity
bolow her contrast strnngoly with tho'
vmlto cloudB flailing ovor hor head. To
tho sago's question, "Why so hot, llttlo
man?" oho must add, "Why bo dirty?"
Hut hor criticism is checked by tho
thought that she, tho critic, Is horsolf
an atom In this vnst surgo of human
llfo; and It Homo lmpattont forco woro
to sweep nway all Its scramblo and
mnoko und chnngo, sho would horsolf
bo snatched from hor lofty nnd In
fitructlvo point of vlow.
Dos Molnos, la., has boon govornod
undor n now system slnco early In
April. Tho govornmont Is not divided
into leglslntlvo and oxocutlvo branch
es, as is common In most Amorlcan
cltloH. Tho oxocutlvo and loglslatlvo
omcors nro tno samo. Thoro aro a
mayor and four councilman, each of
whom 1b tho head of an oxocutlvo de
partment. That which tho mayor
controls Is cnllod tho department of
public affairs, Tho mayor and council
men moot tagothor ris a logUlaturo
and pass ordinances. Tho wlll'of any
throo rjrovalls. Tho mayor rocolvos
53.G00 a year, and oach of tho council
men $3,000. It Is maintained by tho
itupportors of tho law that tho salaries
aro largo oncugh to attract capable
cltlzons to oinco. Whllo considerable
loglslatlvo power is vested in tho
oloctod omcors, they nro kont from dls
regarding tho popular will by a pro
vision which compola thorn either to
pass uny ordlnnnco submitted to thorn
by a petition Blgnod by a cortnlu nro
portion of tho votors, or to submit It
to tho Konornl public at a onoclal olue
tlon. A slightly dlfforcnt systom of
city government has boon In oporatlon
In Toxns in tho cltlos of Qnlvoston
Houston. Dallas nnd Fort Worth
whoro it l said public affalrB aro now
nmnagod honoDtly, oven If thoro has
boon no gnln In economy.
An Amorlcan dolegato to tho Intor
nntlonal congross of architecture
which mot In Vienna mado a lpooch In
.which ho told his hearers that as ulr
ships woro a thing of tho near future
It followed that pooplo would gradual
ly come (o boautlfylng tho roofs of
tholr hoiiBos nB well as tho fronts, In
ordor that a good Impression may ho
made on norlnl travolors. This dovol
opmont Is probably some distance In
tho future, lloforo Its arrival tho no-
cosslty of protecting roofB from air
ships that may fall on them will bo
llkoly to como.
Tolstoi's reason for trying to atop
tho propoaod colobratlon of his olchtl
otlt birthday Is naively boautlful: It
might glvo pain to mombors of thu
orthodox church, tho Uuastan-Qreok
church, that oxcomnnmlcntod him
Tho commandment to lovo our otto
tints Biiouiii oo ingrained in our
thoughts, yot a simple application of
It, a magnanimous mioratlon for tho
feelings of those who disagree with
us, is so rare as to tioom cccontrlc.
Tho soven Pntuoion seniors who
nay that they havo wholly sunnorted
thomsolvca throughout their collogo
courao, nnd tlio ns who Bay that thoy
li.t.m itAHllnlli, l , l.
uiu imiiiau; nwi'iuriuu luomsoives,
probably reallzo the value of a collogo
Through an u- :j i n! discovery
telegraphy of th rijta o may bo nol
lous, na woll as wii tywi. Then it will
require only smet-e furnaces and
itolsolesB trolloy . (j umk modem
urbau llfo an Irhje- .-nt . ant.
Mound the Capital 1
$ '$ Information and Gossip Picked Up Hero " ' ' ' J" ,
.f. and There in Washington. fifa, '"
Society Hastening to
WASHINGTON. Washington's so
clety Is on tho wlmr. ami In n
very hort tlnio will bo scnttorod to
all four qunrlors of tho earth.
Washington wns likened nt one tlmo
to a winlor Newport, but now that tho
wholo season, and not a month, Is
passed horo by visitors, It has bocomo
tho mooting plnco of tho nation nnd
ranks ns ono of tho great nodal con
lors of tho country. Hut It Is not the
thing In thono days lo Btay too long In
nny ono place. Ono intuit load n sim
ple llfo at ono'B country placo during
Juno. Thon tho correct (him; Is to
go somowhoro olso, yachting or tray
ollng, to Nowport or Hnr Harbor, for
a month, lu oiio'b best bib and tttckor.
Thon como llfo nt Lenox or on a moun
tain top and n few weeks' camping
in tno Adlroudacks.
Manchester by tho Sea nnd Rar Har
bor nro rather close rivals whoro tho
President to Hunt
IMMEDIATELY nftor tho ending of
his term March 4 noxt President
Iloosovolt will start on an extend
ed hunting trip In Ilrltlsh East
Africa. Ills second son, Kormlt, now
in tho propnratory school at Qroton,
Mass,, Is to bo hl companion.
If tho present plans nro carried out
tho trip will iaBt fully a yoar. When
tho oxpodltlon starts It will bo
equipped with all modorn weapons for
killing elophunts nnd other wild
beasts, Somo preparations havo al
ready boon mado,
Tho president has told n fow frlonda
ho looks forward to tho trip with tho
greatest ploasuro, Tho president
goes us much to study tho African
wild animal as anything olso. Ho
wants to know tho nnturo and habits
of tho boasts In their homos.
Upon his return ho will do conoldor
ablo writing.
Rumors Hint Mr, Roosevelt was to
loavo tho country nt tho conclusion
of his term of ofllco havo boon print
Appropriation Made for Playgrounds
EVERY ono mus,t ngroo that the sen
ate amendment to tho district ap
propriation bill, by which tho sum of
$l,G00 approved by tho house for play
grounds wns Increased to $16,000, la a
ploco of wlso legislation, Tho fnthors
nnd mothers nn woll as tho children
of Washington aro Interested in It
and thoro is grantor need horo for play
grounds than thoro Is for a good mnny
othor Institutions with moro(dlgnllled
titles. 1
That "nil work and no piny makoB
Jack a dull boy'.' Is as truo for children
now ns it hnB ovor boon, must bo con
ceded oven by thoso who havo forgot
ton tho requirements and tho Joya of
tholr childhood. Piny la not merely a
matter of pleasure for tho children;
It la a matter ot health, and proper
play can only bo Indulged In upon
grounds or lu places sultablo for It.
Tho street is not tho placo for play.
White House Kept
NOT slnco Low DockBtndor, mndo up
as President RoobovoU, rode down
PoiiiiBylvunla nvonuo In company with
a nogro for picture machine purposos
has olllclal Washington been so
wrought up by a practical Joker us It
has boon by nn advertising stunt
pulled off tho othor day,
An advortlsomont otfotlng n rownrd
of $500 for tho return of n vnluablo
portfolio of pnpors lost by a "foreign
ngont" appeared In tho local nowBpu
poia. Tho wallet was said to contain doc
uments which, If mado public, might
ciiueo sorlotiB International complica
tions. Lator It was stated that prl
vato executive papers of tho president
woro lu tho wallet. Tho advortlso
mont gave Washington pollco, tho so
crot Borvlco meu and Socrotnry Loob
Summer Resorts
diplomats nro concerned, nnd as the
diplomats almost nlwnys show n dis
position to entertain, they bring gny-J
ety In their train nnd nro most wel
come, for If thoro is ono thing that
tho truo Amorlcan society woman
loves moro than nnothor it Is tho for
olgnar. Mnny of tho embassies aro
dotting themselves nlong tho north
slioro. Tho British nnd tho Italian out-'
hasslos will be at Manchester, nnd ns"
Baroness des Planches is especially
fond of keeping open hottso, n groat
deal of ontcrtnlutnont Is counted on
from tho Italian embassy. Count
Hatzfoldt, who Is chargo d'affaires for
tho Oormnn oinbnHsy In the absence
of Ilaron Speck von Stornbttrg, will go
a fow miles further nlong tho shore
and bo at llovcrly Farms, whllo tho
chrfrgo d'affaires of tho Russian em
bassy, Prince Nicolas Koudachcff, will
bo at Magnolia, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Loflus of tho Slameso legation
at Capo Ann.
Throo of the most popular bacholors
of tho diplomatic set, Ilaron Haymcrlc,
Count Torok and Prlnco Vincent ztt
Wlndlsch-Grnotz havo taken n houso
at liar Harbor, where tho Austrian
nmbnssador and Haronoss Hongel
muller will ninko their headquarters.
Big Game in Africa
ed heretofore, but when confirmation
wns sought at tho Whlto House the
answer has boon that no dofinlto con
clusion had been reached ns to tho
president's plans.
Hut now It Is stated positively that
Mr. Roosevelt, with his Bon Kermlt,
will Ball from Now York for Cairo In
April, 1009 Just as soon ns tho neccs
Bary arrangements for tho dopnrturo
could bo mado after March 4. It Is
tho dcslro of tho president to bring
back at tho end of tho year from
tho wilds of Africa specimens of every
species of big gnmo to bo had on tho
drfrk continent. Ho will visit no other
country, It 1b stntod.
The outfit of tho expedition will bo
obtnlned on reaching Africa, but an
nctlvo correspondence In this connec
tion nlroady Is undor way. Tho ox
act bIzo of tho hunting party nttm
hor of guides and rotalnors, animals,
etc. hnB not boon determined on. Tho
prcsldont, howovor, will tako with
lilm an assortment of arms which he
will rcqulro in tho vnrloty of hunt
tug contomplatod. This outfit will In-
cludo, of course, guns of tho highest
powor. During tho nbBonco of Mr,
Iloosovolt In Africa Mrs. Roosovclt
and other mombors of tho family will
romnln nt tho family homo at Saga
moro Hill, Oystor Day.
It Is tho avonuo for business and tho
childish romping which bo ofton In
terferes with business In tho stroots
la a nulsanco. Yet if thero 13 no other
plnco for thorn who can bo so Indlffor
ont to tholr wclfaro as to prevent tho
hoys nnd glrla from. Indulging their
youthful splrlla in tho dolightful
games for which only tho stroots at
ford them room?
Washington, with nil Its beautiful
parks and Its woll kept squares,, Is pit
ifully lacking In tho mutter of play
grounds for tho school children. Mnny
of tho uchool buildings have not tho
least vestlgo of ground Inclosed about
them, hut stand squnroly agnlnst tho
Bldownlk nnd nro aquoozed on elthor
Bldo by dwellings. Tho children at
tending thoso nchools nro permitted
to congregate In tho street nnd on tho
sidewalks opposite tho building nnd
Instructed ,to "play quietly." It 1b woll
for congress to tnko moro nctlvo cog
nlnuico of this need for playgrounds
nnd provide woll for thorn. Tho son
nto'a nmonded appropriation Is not
nearly enough to do nil that Is ro
quired, but It Is n worthy boglnnlng
and Washington's parentB as well na
children nra thankiul for It.
. Guessing by Joker
a bu9y day, but later It was learned
Unit the missing pnpors consist of u
political puzzle which somo zealous
saloaman oxpoctH to Bprlng on tho
public as soon ns his mission Is prop
erly advertised.
Tho puzKlo consists of n sort of a
pigs In tho clover nrrangeuicnt with
a plcturo of ProsUUnt Roosevolt in
tho contor. Two llttlo bnlls, ono la
beled IJryan and ono Tnft, nro easily
worked Into tho eyes. Tho puzzlo Is
to put a third-term ball in tho open
mouth of tho ptosidont.
A Test of Curiosity.
A certain famous authoress who Is
much worried by unknown correspond
ents has takon hor rovongo In n somo
what eccontrlo fiudilon, She received
n lottor from a woman Informing hor
thnt tho writer had named hor last
baby after her, und requesting tho au
thoress' views on her choice. Sho re
ceived a thick onvolope, heavily
6alod, with this Inscription: "Not to
bo opened till baby's thirteenth birth
day." Now tho mothor Is worrying
herself day and night as to tho con
tonta ot tho envelope.
Story of the Escape of John Morgan
from Ohio Penitentiary.
Ever since the oscapo of John Mor
gun, tho famous confederate raider,
from the Ohio penitentiary, Insinua
tions have boon made that Morgan
nnd six of his comrades had outside
assistance from southern sympathiz
ers, and that Warden Nathaniel Merl
on connived nt tho escape,
Thomas W. Rullltt or LouIbvI1Is
lieutenant In (ho Second Kentucky
cavalry during tho celebrated Morgan
raid, has Just visited tho coll In the
Ohio ponltentlnry In which ho was
confined In 18G3-GI as a prisoner of
wnr. This Is Mr. Hullltt'B first vlalt to
tho ponltentlnry slnco the escape.
In very expressive terms ho denies
tho Insinuations regarding tho escape.
Accompanied by tho deputy warden,
Mr. Ilullltt visited tho coll In which
ho was confined and also that occupied
by Morgan.
"Thoro was no outsldo help In tho
escape," said Mr. Ilullltt. "I know,
bocnuso I was In with the plan from
tho first, and I helped dig tho tttnnol
At Work In the Tunnel.
through which the mon escaped. Tho
wholo thing was planned by Cnpt.
Thomas Hlncs, nnd tho hole through
tho floor wns In his cell. It wns kept
absolutely secret, even from our owa
"Not moro than a dozen or fifteen
know anything about it until tho last
day, when wo woro unablo to keep it
from them any longer. I knew nbout
It becnuso I holped with tho work. I
am posltlvo that not a single person
on tho outsldo know n thing nbout It.
And I'll sny this about Merlon, who
was warden at tho tlmo: I nover did
llko him I disliked him exceedingly
but ho did not know n thing about tho
.escnpo. Thoro has boon somo suspi
cion thnt thcro was somo connivance
on his part, but It Is absolutely un
true. "Tho work wns all dono with case
knlvoB, which wo Btolo from tho dining
room, and ono shovol, which ono of tho
mon stolo somewhere. It wus used in
digging the titnnel."
Mr. Dullitt told nn Interesting story
pf tho escnpo. Ho assisted tho othor
men to got awny, but did not go him
solf becnuso his cell was near tho end
of tho coll block No. 4 nnd a guard
stood near It. It wub feared this guard
would hear him if ho mado an at
tomVt, so ho decided ho should stay
Capt. Hlncs, who had cell 19, com
menccd tho work, digging through tho
floor under hla bed. Every morning ho
would clonn his coll up nicely and put
everything In such prlmo condition
that tho guard would simply tnko n
look at tho Inside, without making an
"During tho day, when tho mon
woro nllowod the freedom of tho cor
ridors for exorcise, down through this
holo tho men would climb," said Mr.
Rullltt. "Tho coll tier was built on nn
nrchwny, and In hero thero was plenty
of room to work. Tho dlstnnces wero
cnrcfully measured off, and holes dug .
up to tho colls from below.
"At tho snmo tlmo work was going t
on In tho tunnel. On "the day of Gen.
Morgan's escape ho changed colls
with his brother, 'Rig Dick' Morgan.
A holo hnd boon dug Into Dick's coll.
In this way the gcnornl osenped, tho
brother staying behind.
"Four of tho' seven mon who es
caped aro doud," said, Mr. Rullltt.
"Smith, I hnvo not soon for two years,
nnd 1 nut not cortnlu whether ho Is liv
ing, but I think ho Is. Mctico nnd ono
othor I lost track of soon nftor tho
wnr, and I don't know whothor they
nro living."
Mr. Rullltt was a prlsonor front Au
gust, 1SG3, until enrly In tho spring of
18C4. Only tho commissioned olllcors
woro conllucd, and only a part of thorn
woro put In tho Ohio ponltontlnry, tho
othorB being taken to Allegheny, Pa.
Mr. Rullltt know but little nbout tho
prison, as tho Morgan men woro not
allowed to work In tho shops.
"Tho only part of the Insldo of the
ponltontlnry I over got to seo.wns my
own corridor,' and what I could see
whllo being marched across tho court
to my meals. Wo ofton wlshod thoj
would put us to work lu tho shops. We
would havo tnkon tho prison It thoy
Mr, Rullltt enmo near making .ila
visit to the prison on tho annlvorsnty
of Morgan's oBcnpo. It was November
27, 18G3, and his visit was only n few
days later, U years aftrr tho escapo.
No Soup, No Dinner, tho Rule Laid
Down by Carney.
Six years ngo, when tho king visited
Dublin, somo amusing Incidents were
recorded due to tho grotosquoncss of
Eomo hotel waiters apparently just
fresh from rural life.
Ono hotelkeoper told such a newly
imported "server" that he must al
ways serve every ono with soup at
dinner and be quite cortnln that he
had it.
Thereupon ensued the1 following
scono between a visitor and tho new
"Soup, sir?" said Rarnoy.
"No soup for mo;" said tho visitor.
"Rut you must havo it," said Har
ney; "It's tho rules of tho houso."
"Hnng tho houso!" exclaimed tho
visitor, highly cxasporated. "When 1
don't want soup I won't cat iL Get
along with you!"
"Woll," Bald Rarnoy, with Bolomnlty,
"nil I can say Is Just this It's tho
rules of tho Iioubo nnd sorra a drop
elso yo'll get till yo finish tho Boup!"
London Telegraph.
No Night's Rest for a Year and Limit
of His Endurance Seemed Near
Owes Recovery to Cutlcura.
"My son Clydo was almost com
pletely covorcd with eczema. Physi
cians treated him for nearly a year
without helpings him any. His head,
face, and neck were covered with largo
scabs which ho would rub until they
fell off. Then blood and matter would
vim out and that would ho worse.
Friends coming to ceo him said that if
ho got woll ho would bo disfigured for
life. When it scorned as if ho could
possibly stand It no longer. I used
mcnt, and Cutlcura Resolvent That
wus tho first night for nearly a year
that ho slept In tho morning thoro
wa3 a great chnngo for tho better, in '
about six weeks ho was perfectly well.
Our leading physician recommends
Cutlcura for eczema. Mrs. Algj
Cockburn, Shlloh, O., Juno 11, 1907."
Tho Minister You kept beautifully
still whllo I wns preaching, Willie.
Did you llko tho sermon?
Kid fao, sir; but papa said he'd
spank 'mo good and plenty If I woke
him ud.
A Subtle Difference.
Mrs. Rlank, wlfo of a prominent min
ister near Boston, bad In hor employ a
recently engnged colored cook as blac'c
as tho proverbial aco of spades. One
day Mrs. Rlank said to her:
"Matilda, I wish that you would have
oat meal qulto often for breakfast My
husband is vory fond of it. Ho is
Scotch, and you know that tho Scotch
eat a great deal of oatmeal."
"Oh, ho's Scotch, la ho?" said Ma
tilda. "Well, now, do you know, I was
thlnkln nil along dat he wasn't de?
llko us." Womnn's Homo Compunlon.
Women and the Suffrage.
Tho sovoroBt crltlclBtn of tho stu
pidity and Inofllclcncy of tho parlia
ments ot tho world Is, in M. Marcel
Provost's opinion, tho most universal
lndlfforonco of women on tho subject
of voting. "Neither tho representa
tive nor tho voter," says this expert In
feminine psychology, "oxcltcB their
envy. They do not oven think nbout
tho voto, and it men offer it as a gift
they pay no attention, burst out laugh,
ing or rofuso point blank."
a Perfectly Dalanced
No chemist's nnalysls of Qrape-Nuts
can begin to show tho real value of
tho food tho practical valuo as shown
by personal exporlenco.
It la n food that la porfectly bal
anced, supplies tho needed elements
of brnln and nervos In nil stages ot
llfo frotn tho Infant, through tho stren
uous times of nctlvo middle life, nnd
Is a comfort nnd support In old ago.
"For two years I havo used Grape
Nuts with milk and a llttlo cream, for
breakfast. I am comfortnbly hungry
for my dlnnor at noon.
"I uso llttlo meat, plenty of vege
tables and fruit In season, for tho
noon meal, nnd If tlrod nt tea tlmo,
tnko Qrape-Nuts nlono nnd fool perfect
ly nourished.
"Norvo nnd brain powor, and mem
ory aro much Improved slnco using
Grapo-Nuts. I nm over sixty and weigh
1G5 lbs. My son and husband seeing
how I havo Improved, nro now using
"My son, who 1b a traveling man,
eats nothing for breakfast but Grape
Nuts and a glass of milk. An aunt,
over 70, seems fully nourished on
Grape-Nuts and cream." "Thoro'B a
Namo glvon by Postttm Co., Battle
Creek, Mich, Read "Tho Road td Woll
vlllo," in pkgs.
Ever read the above tetter? A new
one appears from time to time, They
are rjenulne, true, and full of human
From Omaha, Heb.,
Denver io
Yellowstone Park
Now and Scenic Koutc,
E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A.
Omaha, Ncbr.
Flirtation is llko n cocktail with no
headucho in It, champagne with no
"next morning.'
Some mon think that by putting on
n silk hat and a white Ascot tie they
aro disguised as gentlemen.
Lovo la Hgo gnmblltig; you want to
bo suro thnt you nro a good loser be
fore you go In for tho game.
Ono thing I can never understand,
and thnt la how a man enn tell tho
Xront from tho hack ot his hat, but ho
nlwnys can.
A mnn'a Idea of honor Is so pecul
iar; ho would dlo rather than steal a
friend's money of cheat him at cards,
but ho will steal his wlfo or cheat
him out of his dnughtcr with perfeqt
A private knocker Is a public nui
sance. ,
No man who is fit to llvo likes to
llvo on charity.
Tho discouragement of capital, if a
crime, is a crime ngalnst labor.
Tho political trust-buster and pro
fession muckrakcr, firing at capi
tal, hits labor nine times In ten.
Tho extra hazard of honost enter
prise ia driving capital to Wall sttcet,
and labor to tho benches in tho park.
Labor should bo protected from Ita
fool friends; tho soclallsti should bo
screened off from the nnarchlsf; tho
nnnrchlst from high explosives, and
gin. From Cy Wnrmna's Speech, Ca
nadian Club, Gttolph, Out.
Think a llttlo. ,
Lead tho "slmplo life."
Havo no foolish Illusions.
Try to understand each othor and bo
Let your llfo bo n partnership which
cqunllzos all joys ns well ns sorrows.
Do not look nway from yourselves
for happiness; It Is In you.
Seek to please your husband or your
wlfo nnd mnko reasonable sacrltlvcs.
Ho or sho will then to tho samo, nnd '
true happiness will result. Ntfvv York
World. -
Self-conscloiisnesa (a tho deadly ctt
omy of dignity. '
Tho Indigent nnd naked world might
bo comfortnbly clothed with tho need
less trappings of tho recklcBs rich.
An empty pumpkin tliell lu which u
child displays a lighted candle dlf-
lSxperlenco should bo a searchlight
fuses more real light than a vitln head,
for nil men. ljut, nlits! It Is usually
llko the stern lights of a vessel which
Illumine only the pathway already
Do not burden othors with your con
fidences. Thcro Is ns much responsi
bility In imparting your own secrets
ns thcro Is In keeping thoso of your
The renso'n why you shouldn't sny
appropriated Instead of took Is be
causo It gives tho smooth getnleman
moro tlmo to get nway In.
A man Is sndlv npt to devote him
self to t,he glrj who Is con splcuous
for tho qualities Jto tells his sister to
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