m are many reports of Hai m Are Yon Protectee Li ?If not, seeBratt sGoodman J. Discount Sale. On account of the owner remodeling the build ing which we occupy, we must reduce our stock to save trouble of removing it and also to make room for our plumbing stock, therefore we offer the following discounts: 15 Per Cent lO Pet Gent discount on all Case Goods : except Globe - Wernicke Book Cases. lO Per Cent of 15 Per Cent discount Pictures. Watch our south window each day for display of goods on which discounts are made. Ginn & NORTH PLATTE NEB. DR. 0. II. CRESSLCR, .v.GradualciDpnlisl, Oflko ovor theMcDonnld ' Stnto';IJunk, Fred Sudman, woll known In .North IMatto, hits purchased his partner's in- torost in tho general merchandise ntoro at Chappcll. Frnnlc Short, Tom Horn nnd Vernon Mann wont to Gothenburg this morn ing to play bull with tho Ogulnlln team in a gamo with tho Gothonburgora. All Prints G centn nt Tho Hub. Fromont Wutta &t Son, o tho Sunset Ranch will tako n carload of registered Shorthorn bulla to Ogalalla next week hnd olTor thorn for Halo. Tho bunch thoy will tako nro audi us should And n ready sale. In roanonao to invitations, nbout a dozen littlo frionds of Leo Leon gath ered at his homo yesterday to colebrato hia fourth birthday, Tho uftornoon was spent in games uf tor which refreshments were sorved. Notice to City Teachers. Teachers who have beonolected to no sitions in tho city schools are requested to call nt tho omco or tho socrotury nt once and Bign contracts. B. T. Thamp, Socretnry. MEN'S AND Oxfords It's comfort, looks and wear combined, that makes up the Shoe that satisfies. Whatever the price may be that you pay us for a pair of Shoes, you can feel as sured of these qualities to the very limit the price allows, We show very complete lines of Men's Shoes and Oxfords in the best leathers and styles, $2.00 $5.50 Graham & Co. discount on Dining Chairs, Rock ers, and Dining Room Tables. discount on our entire line Hammocks. on all of our White. 1 I Henr Novens in "A Mossuiro from Mars" nt tho high school auditorium tomorrow evening. Lucille Ilallioran nlcasnntlvii on tor. tnined twenty-five of her girlifriands yeswruay afternoon. I" illlon & Mart n nro now located in their now gnrago and havo n .'number or now IJuick uutos on exhibition. A baby crirl was born Wednesday night to Mrs. F. J. Plncek. nnll grandpa uus Anderson is corresponding happy. Shoo Ronalrintr n Snec altv with To. kUIVc und tho Hoy, 20G South Dewey, i unow rrom Between live nnd nix Inchon of rntn is reported so far this month bv the local weather buroau. This is consider ably In excess of tho nverago for tho whole month of Juno. Wo offer fresh tablos evory day. linmo grown vege- irnmp, tho Grocer. Milton Wallace, an apprentice in the aimons uros. tmsnop, had tho index linger or hlH loft hand almost nmnu tated yesterday forenoon while work ing ono of tho machines. For Sale Two colts; ono ono year Old nnu ono mreo years old. Inquiro of Dr. nines. t Two pictures of unusunl morit will bo shown nt the opern house tonight and tomorrow "Tho Cowboy nnd the bchool Ma'am" nnd "Naturo Fnkirs In addition thcro be fiuo Bonga by Mr, iiny. But fow deeds aro being filed for record nt, tho county clerk's ofllco. It is pmbnblo that tho transfers of nronortv will bo light during vtho Bummer months but with n fnvornblo season many land seekers will visit this Bection In the fall. bd hwcll, who was In town yestor 1 t f rt 11 jft t nay says oniy a lew iieius ot beet on low hind hnvo sulfered from the heavy rams oi into, ino worst teature that tho ground is too wet for tho growers to get into, nnd tho beet fields nro gottlng very weedy, Get your shoes repaired nt tho Yol low Front Shoo Shop. Miss liertlm Henderson leaves to morrow for her homo in Omaha, nnd from there will go to Chicago to re main sevornl weeks. Sho will return to North Platte tho early part of An gust and got tho laboratory in shape ior mo next term oi school Mrs. Harry Worrell, of Sutherland wns taken, to nn Omaha hospital Sun day night ami inn loiiowinir day sub mitted to uu operation, which was of a ser oils nature. At Inst reports sh was in n critical condition, the attend ing physicinns not holding out much nopo tor her recovery. Morning Glory, ) A trio of Flour sol Lexington Patent dom equnlled and Minnesota ) never excelled. At Harrington & Tobin's, Christian church. L. C. Swan, pastor. All regular services next Sunday nt tho appointed nours. uibio school iu n. m. preaching 11 n. m. nnd 8 p. in.. Chris tlan Endenvor at 7 p. m. It is hoped that nil membors and friends will im mediately rnlly to tho attendance nnd tho work. Lot there bo n full atten dance at nil services next Sunday. Pure Ice Cream. Tho icecream sold bv Hnpfor&Low stands tho test prescribed by tho puro food law. and is therefore pure. Those who desiro flrst-clns ico cream should patronize this firm, Taft on First Ballot. CHICAGO, June 18 -Seven hundred and two votes for William Howard Taft. That announcement by Chairman Lodge nt the clone of the first ballot tells the story in a nutshell. The an nouncement of the voto to tho 16.000 nnd more people crowding tho stifling Coliseum from end to end nnd corner to corner was followed by tumultuous np-, ilause. A motion was made at the first ull to mnko the nomination unanimous.' nil limn n rtinm a in n a 4 n is n until ...ivx-i "I ing to permit of conference on the vice presidency. Tin: VOTK. 1'aft 702 Knox 08 Hughes 03 Cannon 58 Fairbanks . 40 n Follette 25 'oraker., 1C Roosevelt. , 3 Such is the result of tho culminating day of the republican national conven tion or lvm, elU'CWMl nmlu scenes or tumultuous enthusiasm nnd after w nerve-racking continuous session last ing nearly eight hours. With president named nnd plutform enunciated there onlv remains the nomination of the vice president to.complotc this momentuous work. Tonight the whole city is given over to wild exultation in honor of the new candidate whose name troea echo ing through the country. The picture within the walls of the amphitheater as the presidential can didate was named today was one trulj grandiose In its magnitude. In front, to the rnrht and left, below and above the billowing sea of humanity, restless after hours of waiting und stirred from one emotion to another, was in a fever r expectancy tor the cuiminntinsr vote. The lavorite sons of other states had been named, save Knox and Ln Follette nd now on tho roll call came Ohio. As tho Buckeye state was reached the tall, gaunt form of Theodore E. Burton, whoso student-like face nnd severe clerical garb, advanced to tho platform to nominiito Ohio's candidate. He spoke fervently with the singing voie of an evangelist, which went rinKinc through the great building. LONG DEMONSTItATION KOH TAFT. The close of this speech of nomina tion was tho signal for loosening the onir pent-up feeling of tho Taft lecions. Instantly tho Ohio delegates were on their feet, othrr Taft states followed. while tho convention hosts in gallery and on the floor broke into mnd dem onstration. "Taft. Tnft. W. -II. -Toft." came in a roar from the Ohioans. Menu- phonos seemed to spring from concealed places and swell tho Taft tumult into thunder. A hugo blue silk bnnnpr bear ing tlio familiar features of tho, states man-secretary was Bwunc before the delegates, awakening a fresh whirlwind ot enthusiasm. ' ' All semblance of order had been nDnudoued mm mo delegate: nrenn wan a maelstrom ot trcsticu aticc men. tho guidons of the states were .snatched HP by the lott enthusiasts or borne under by the storm of disorder. Th imnd was inaudible n mere whisner iinovo uio (lemoning volhme ot sound. For ten, fifteen, then twenty mlnun this uproar continued. It was n repoti tion of the scene of yesterday when tin namo of Roosevelt broko the conventu n into a frenzy repeated in Intensity and inmost in duration, nut there is n limit to pnysicni resources ot throat tine lung, relays had not been established and nt last tho tired voices died down to a hoarso shout and nt last subsided. Sherman for Vice-President. Tho convention re-assembled nt 10:110 this forenoon nnd nominnted Contrress mnn James Sherman, of Now York for vice-president on tho first ballot. The nominee has represented ono of th( Now York congressional districts for tho past twenty yenrs. HAIL INSURANCE, Very lowest rates in the best of com panics. iou can save money by placing your Hail Insurance with Buchanan & Patterson. Mrs. C. L. Patterson and three dnugh tors left Inst night for Denver, where they will make their futuro home. Mr. Pntterson is chiof of tho secret service of tho Colorado division of tho Union Pacific. Fillion Si Mnrtin's Garage; sales man agers ior ituicK line of automobiles in western Nebraska. Full lino of sup plies carrion m sio?k nt an times. GOT HIS HAIR BACK. Wan Perfectly llnlil When lie Started to Vie Novliro'M Ilerpldde Frederick Manuell, Maryland block, Butte, Montana, bought a bottlo of Now oro'a Hcrnlcldo. April 0. '99. tind began to uso It for onttro baldness. Tho hair fol licles In his scalp wtiro not dead nnd In Z0 days ho had hair nil over hta head, On July 3 ho wrltos, "and today my hair Is as thick nnd luxuriant ns any ono could wish." Nowbro's Iterplcldo works on an old principle nnd with a now a s covery destroy the oano and you re movo the effect. Horplcldo destroys tho germ that causes dandruff. falling hair, nnd Anally bnldnosiB, bo that with tho causa gone the effect cannot remain. Rtops falling hair at nnco and a now rcrowth starts. Sold hy londlntr druggists. Send 10c. In Btnmpa for samplo to Tho Horplcldo Co., Detroit Mich. I wo bizuk Si) cents und 11.00, A. F. Streitz Special Agent, Notice. Picnic parties and fishing is positive ly fo'bldden nt tho Lamplnugh Lake. Parties found trespassing will bo prosecuted. l,AMH.AUOll ESTATU. DR. F. W. MILLER, GRADUATE DENTIST. Office over Dixon's Store. Attorney Muldoon transacted busi ness iu Ognlalln yesterday. Mrs. Ed Dickey hns been the guest of her brollii-r in Sutherland this week. iVte Myl'inder and daughter returned Wediunlny from Ihcir visit in Missouri. E i. Chapman is veiling relatives in KatiHMH, leaving for that state Satur day night. Mrs. Paul Goss left Tucfdnv nicrht for on extended visit with relatives nt Nelson, Neb. Will Coker nnd Elmer Pevton of ouinenanu, wcro visitors In town yes terday. Mrs. Edwnrd Ware and children, of Cheyenne, are visiting relatives und friends In town. Mrs. Leonard Roach and two sons eft yesterday mornine- for n visit with relatives in Lincoln. Mrs. Georce Crick loft Wednesday morning for n visit with friends in tho east part of the state. Mrs. D. C. Contrdon returned Tues day evening from n ten days' visit with relutives in Hastings. Mrs. Chns. Mnrtini went to Oe-nlnlln yesterday to visit her daughter Mrs. KuBsmussen for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tobns and trrnml- child leave Sunday nieht for n month's visit with friends in Portland. R. L. Graves, who hnd boon in town for n week, left Inst niirht for Knnsns City and thence to Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Frank Honkinsnnd children whn have been viiting friends in Minnesota and North Dakota, will return home next week. Mrs. W. L. Cnrov hns boon snendinir this week nt Spunnuth, where her hushnnd, Deputy County Surveyor Carey, has been employed. MisH Harriot Jones, who hnd been here for a week instrtictinir tho opera tors in the telephone office, left for the enst on No. 2 -yesterday. Mrs. Y. A. Hinman and Mrs. Geo. E. Prosser hnvo been in York for sever al dnys nttendintr the sessions of the stnto meeting of the P. E. O. Miss Elsie Dike left veaterdav on n vacation trip to Snn Francisco. Lo Angeles nnd other points in California, xpecting to bo absent several weeks. Mrs. StanclifT. of Overton, will snend Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. II. S White, maKing tho latter n visit be fore she leaves Monday on her Europe an trip. W. B. Salisbury left Wednesdnv for Lena. III., for n week's visit. Hie family who hnvo been visiting there for a couple ol months, wi II return with him. 1 Mrs. E. M. Watts. Mrs. Sarrth Bancs! nnd Mrs. R. C. Laniiford and two boVs returned this morning from Corninir. lown, where they had been visftinp for somo time. Mr. und Mrs. Fred Ginn returned last evening from their trip in th( ast. They camo back sooner than ex pected on account of innhilitv to reach certain points by reason of washouts on ntiiroiuis. Mrs. M. II Douclns returned vestor- day from Cheyenne, where she went to nake hor report as delegate to tho G I. A. convention. Enroute homo sh( stopped over in Chappel Wednesday uirht nnu instructed tho O. E. S. Iode-e in tho work of the order. Twenty-cent Bantisto at 10 cents at Tho Hub. Barb wire for sale at Uershcj's, corner Fitli and Locust St. Phone 15. For Safety and Comfort YOU SHOULD BUY The 'New Process" Wick Blue Flame Oil Stove, is the cleanest, safest, most convenient and economical stove one can use. There is no waste of the heat generated on these stoves, ns the flnmc is applied directly to the article to be heated. The kitchen does not become a fiery furnace, even in the very hottest weather, so you can always cook, bake or iron on a "New Trocess" Wick Blue Flame Oil Stove, in perfect comfort. It is much cheaper than a coal stove, too. Call and Sec It at WilCOX DepaflTOIlt Store THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus - $120,000.00. DIRECTORS" E. F. Seeberger, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan, F. L.Mooney, Arthur McNamara. ' Con A i CT Try a Smoke ' of our Forest King Cigars and you'll know that at last you havo found tho brand you havo been looking for. The" Forest King has n flavor so like that )f a high-priced imported cigar that you'd think they both camo out of tho 'ome box. Tho ciar import duty is very heavy. When you buy Forest King cigars you aro paying for cigars not duty. J. F. SCIIMALZRIFD. VfOVR,6t. r r l. t ! ... rrom any foiiu ui view Our Carriages will prove more than merely satisfactory. In appearance, finish, lightness nnd strength they nro superior to any others to bo had at anywhere near our prices. In fact you can pay n whole lot more and not get nearly ns good a carriogo us ours. A. M. Lock. mm v FEELING BAD? Stomach out of orJer, LIrer bIuckNIi, Doola all cloegotl up, taii jou havo tUt all-Couo tlrtU out lct-lincI Take an NR Tablet To-night. You will beslu to trel bettor at once. Tholr action la dllT.rant from other Liver and Stomach medlclnei no crlplne. no Ickcnlnc or weakening acmatlone. They make you (eel good. BETTER THAN PILLS FOR LIVER ILLS. "h'alnro'a ncmedy" (NR Tahl.t.) Ii tho very bett pre Bcrlptiun fir iour Btomaili, Bi k Headache, Lou of Appo tlto, Sallow Complexion, Uonitlpatlnn, Liter Complaint, Bkln DUcntet, Chilli, Malaria, lllllomncn, Dropay, I'lm pica and Uhcumatltm. All of theio dltoaiee are caused by atoppasea nnd conaeqneut decay and fermentation In aorao or all ot the dlceittro organa. a So 0a. Sold Kv.rywher. llaiM&nettiemi 2 P.'r. ts; AWT omcc B 1 McDonell & graves, Ladies Always Order Twice when it comes to dessert in this Res taurant it's bo good you know. Well they're welcome. But the dessert is not our mainstay by any manner of means. We rely on our whole bill of fare, pleasing nil the people who come in here. One meal will tell you whether our confidence is well or ill-found d. -The Enterprise Bakery, Mrs. Jennio Armstrong, Prop GOOD BYE to care for the day when you ha,ve a good horse dressed in a well made, handsomo and relinblo harness, and hitched to nn easy wagon, for a jaunt oyer the country roads. How is the condition of your harness? No need of using n worn out harness and jeopar dizing life and limb, when you can se sure genuine bnrgnins nt A. F. Fink's. Figuring on Lumber. Let mo figure with you on your next requirements. I carry a stock that you will havo no trouble finding what you want, and I have a price that will cause you to look no further. Don't buy until you see my stock nnd get my prices. C. F. Iddings. north platte, neb. 0 u r ma ' n i h