The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 19, 1908, Image 1

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    State Historical Society
fiuvwvmv-mTTiifnii vpa i
NO. 41
i i uiii x
The Improvement of the
Is Complete
The Sewer has been finished and is working
satisfactorily. The 10 blocks of the Trustee's
Addition have more cement sidewalks than any
other residence portion of the city ....
We Still Have About One-Half of the
Lots of the Addition for Sale
They are cheaper in price and better improved
than any other lots in the city at twice the price.
In the Trustee's Addition everything has been provided so that a
home may be as modern there as in any part of the city. Tlfe
sewer is. deeper in the ground and has a better fall than elsewhere.
The sidew alks are on the north and south sides of every block and
all the streets are graded. Besides access may be had the same as
in any part of the city, to city water, electric lights and telephone.
The residence lots of the Addition are for sale by
WM. E. SHUMAN, Atty for Trustee
Doings of the City Council.
The city council mot in regular ses
sion Tuesday evening and paBsed an or
dinance authorizing the submission of a
proposition to vote ninety thousand
dollars for the purpose of erecting a
new waterworks plunt; not, let It bo
understood, to purchase the present
plant but to build an entirely new
plant. This election will bo held on
Tuesday, July 14th.
Earl Stamp, having served five years
aa a city fireman, was granted a
certificate of service.
An ordinance providing for the laying
of sidewalks on both sides of Ash street
from the Banks' addition to Front
street, was read the first time. (The
Tribune'said that a sidewalk from the
Banks' addition to Front street had
been laid on Ash street; it should have
read Willow street.)
As the dray license ordinance has
not been enforced for a year, an ordi
nance repealing that particular ordi
nance was introduced and read for the
first time.
The use of the streets on tho Fourth
of Jul wbb granted the citizens' com
mittee on condition that no confetti be
sold or used, and that the fireworks be
fired off at some point south of Fourth
street. The chief of police was author
ized to publish notices calling attention
to the fireworks ordinance.
The clerk was instructed to notify
owners to relay brick walks along lots
7 and 8, and east side of lot 8, in block
C8. and owners of tho walk on north
sido of block 116 were ordered ,to have
.i - ii ill it i 'it.-
me warns reiaia aecoruing u uie but
vev of the citv encineer.
Sidewalks were ordered laid along lots
5. 6. 7 and 8. block 69. lots 5 and b,
block 68, and lots G, 6, 7, and 8, block
Eleventh Series Expires.
The eleventh series of tho Mutual
Building and Loan Association expires
with a fifty per cent payment of the
monthlv dues and interest for June.
The series has run 1231 months, and
the matured value of each frco share
will bo $200, so the holder of freo shares
receives as interest payment $76.C0 for
each share held. This figures a good
rate of interest.
Temple Craft Dance This Evening.
Tho Temple Craft will give one of
its dancine parties at the Masonic tern
pie this (Friday) evening to which the
public Is invited. These dances prove
very pleasant social affairs and every
one' who attends iH assured a good time.
A pretty home weddinsr was cele
brated Wednesday evening when Harry
samelson anu Miss Wlmelmlna ranger
were united in the bonds of matrimony
at the residence of the bride's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Tanger. The
Rev. John F. Seibort performed the
ceremony, the impressive ring service
of tho Lutheran church being used in
full, the bride and groom kneeling dur
ing tho prayor.
The attendance included only the im
mediate relatives of the contracting
parties, numbering some thirty persons.
Miss Anna Tanger was the bridesmaid,
while Uscnr bandnll attended the groom.
Tho bride was becomingly gowned in
cream net over white silk and carried
bride's roses, tho bridesmaid wearing a
pretty creation of silk mullo and carry
ing carnations,
Dunne tho evening a wedding repast
was served, which, for the variety of
the menu, the excellence of the prepar
ation and the manner of the serving,
may well bo classed among the best.
The presents from all the relatives of
the young couple were Indication of the
splendid good will they entertain for
them, being beautiful and appropriate.
Mrs. Samelson has lived in the city n
little more than n year having removed
here with tho coming of her parents
from Wisconsin. She is a christian
young lady of bewitching appearance,
n member or tho L,utncran church tn
which from the day of her coming she
has been a devoted attendant and a
loyal worker and is fitted to adorn a
happy home. Mr. Samelson was born
in Lincoln county and has remded In
North Platte practically all of his life.
Ho is of a genial disposition and like
his bride a member of the Lutheran
church, and is in tho employ of the firm
of Weingand & McDonald. Because of
the critical illness of his aged mother
no wedding trip was taken.
Mr. and Mrs. Samelson will reside
with the brido's paronts in the Third
A Big Mortgage.
Thero was filed in the county clerk's
office yesterday a three hundred million
dollar mortgage given by tho Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company
to the Central Trust Company of New
York nnd Oliver M. Spencer, as trus
tees. Tho mnrtirnfrn pnvnrn nil tho
railroads owned by tho company, and
is issueu 10 secure oonus umeu march
2, 1908, and which maturo March 1st,
lflfifi. Thn funrin Hum urn tn lio
used In refunding existing obligations
and in building new lines and improv
ing the physical condition of those al
ready in operation.
Tho filing fees for this instrument
were $17.80.
Notice to Property Owners.
The hoard of equalization will be in
session Juno 25th, 26th and 27th, and
all persona who have complaints to
make in regard to assessments must
appear on those dates. No complaints
win ue neani alter Juno zttn.
Board ok Equalization.
To the Public.
During my absence in Portland, my
dray business will bo in charge of Wm.
Mnfoney. Orders entrusted to him will
receive prompt attention..
FKed TrjliAB,
Mrs. Ralph Smith has been filling the
position of stenographer and clerk at
the United States land office pending
the appointment of a regular clerk. It
is probable that a clerk who has been
in the land office at Lincoln will be
sent here next next week.
For Sale Vacant lots close In; ce
ment sidewaks and sewer already laid,
only three blocks from Central School
building. Price $550 each. Better seo
theso before you buy.
0. E. EltJeIr.
Heavy Blow at Vroman.
A wind of cyclonic strength n8scd
from the south to north over the
Vroman siding section of tho county
Wednesday evening about six o'clock.
Several cars standing on tho sidetrack
were blown over, one or two others
were unroofed, and tho school house at
tho siding was unroofed and otherwise
damaged. No report of damage south
of the river has been reported.
Notice to the Public.
Thn RolUnrr nml tlirnivinrr nf pnnfnt it
on tho Btreets on July 4th will bo pro
hibited; as will also tho shooting of
firn prnpknrR whir-li nrn nvnr fnnr innhno
in length. Violators of theso orders
...til I . 1 1 m . t
win oo arresieu. uy order or tho pollco
committee of the council.
HF.NHY GlLFQYl., Chief of Police.
Tho North Platte friends of Mrs. T.
J. Foloy will bo interested In knowing
that she nnd her two sisters, who
brought an action to have set aside the
will of the lato Mrs. Horn, a sister of
the contestants, on the ground that tho
will was spurious, have won their case.
The proporty involved is worth sixty
thousand dollars. Mrs. Chevalier, to
whom tho proporty was willed, has
been arrested on tho charge of larceny
as bailee, $6,OOo in caBh belonging to
tho estate having been recovered fol
lowing tho issuance of a search war
rant. Mrs. Foley has been in Lincoln
during the hearing of the caBe.
Ah soon as the board of equalization
completes its work and tho assessed
valuation of tho North Platte school
district is known, tho Board of Educa
tion will submit a proposition to vote
bonds for tho erection of new school
houses in the Second nnd Third wards,
both of which are badly needed, Those
proposed bonds will ho in tho neighbor-
f :i - r ilii.. .L i iii
noun ui imrty uiouB.inu uouars.
Quality Is what you should stand out
for when buying silverware or silver
Plate, bilver means s Ivor hero, and
everything in plated waro is tho best of
its kind. Wo can show you a splendid
variety oi euner.
News of the City.
John Corbctt, of Wallace, spent sev
eral days in town this week visiting
friends. It was his first trip to the
county sent In two years.
Arthur Rush's strong right hand Is
nerveless and veinlcss, having sustained
a bad cut by a overhead twino holder
falling upon it. It required five stiches
to closo the gash and Rush did not
Tekulvo and tho Boy nt tho Yollow
Front Shoo Repair Shop.
About twenty-five five-acro tracts
have been platted east and outh of the
Trustee's Addition nnd they will bo
placed on tho market In n few dnys.
wo understand tho prices of these
tracts will range froirt$500 to $600 each.
Washington dispatches announce
that John F. Getting, of Lincoln, hns
been appointed stenographer for the
United States land office in this city,
taking the place made vacant by the
promotion of E. 0. Fuller to be special
For Sale Cook stovo in first-class
condition. Inquire of J. T. Strahorn.
Tho semi-annual convention of the
western district of the Lutheran church
will be held nt Oshkosh July 7th, 8th
9th. An interesting program treating
on the different phases of the work has
been prepared by President J. F. Sei
bort. Messru. Amos and McGuinncsn, of
Kimball, came to town Wednesday and
unloaded an automobile which they had
shipped this far. They started out
with the car to drive ft home, using
Minor Hinmnn as n pilot for the first
dozen miles so so.
Ten-cent Lawn for flvo cents at Tho
One feature of tho Fourth of July
celebration will be tho parade, which
will be participated in by tho fire de
partment, and augmented by gaily
decorated automobiles nnd business
floats. For tho best decorated designs
appropriate prizes will be offered.
Or. M. Hayden, a merchant of Wal
lace, transacted business in town Wed
nesday. Sinco the adven. of automo
biles in Wallace, residents of that place
come to North Platto more frequently,
finding the nutos n pleasant and speedy
vehicle in which to make tho trip.
vegetables call
ChaB.- Sypher.
A. Cushing, of
For fresh fruits and
nt tho Tramp Grocory.
Geo. W. Hannah',
John McConnel nnd E.
Somerset, were business visitors in
town Wednesday. Mr. Hannah Informed
us that several hail storms hve visited
that section lately, two of which were
very severe, tho stones being largo
enough to mow off alfalfa nnd prairie
property, 321 East
lot. Airs. Alvtna
Tho county commissioners adjourned
last evening and will meet Juno 25th as
a board of equalization, remaining in
session thrco days to hear tho com
plaints of those who th'nk their assess
ment is unjust,
Tho appraisers appointed to ascertain
tho loss sustained to tho Sam Richards
stock In the recent fire, finished their
work Wednesday finding tho loss to
have been about $2,900, and tho firo In
surance companies settled with Mr,
Richards on that basis.
For Salo-Mv
Fifth street; cornar
On ncount of tho decision to havo a
Fourth of July celebration at home,
tho fifty Elks and their Indies who pro
posed to spnd that day at Gothenburg
havo cancelled tho trip. They will prob
ably mako Gothenburg a visit Inter in
tho season.
Contractor Huntington ii repairing tho
damage sustained to tho Commercial
Club rooms during the rsccnt fire. Tho
repapering and repainting of th rooms
will follow, nnd in a short time tho
rooms will bo in as nttrnctivc condition
ns before.
Twcnty-ftvo per cent off on Trimmed
Hats nt The Hub.
G. M. Day and daughter Miss Abblc,
former residents of North Platte but
for ten years past living In Grccly,
Col., passed through the city Wednes
day enrouto to Omaha, whero they
wero called by tho illness of Mrs. H.
E. Worrell, of Sutherland, who is m a
serious condition following nn operation
to which she submitted Monday.
Not nil eyo troubles demnnd tho wear
ing of glasses. Your eyes tested free
hore by nn expert optician who will
find nut your troublo nnd tell you hon
estly whother you ought to havo glasses
or not.
Clinton, Jeweler and OmciAN.
During tho thunder storm early
Wednesday morning lightning Btruck
the houso in the Third ward occupied
by Clyde Cook r.nd owned by F. D.
Wcstcnfold, tearing quito a hole in tho
sido of tho building and knocking off
tho corner of the porch. Tho currant
followed nn electric wiro into tho meter
and exploded or expanded, bulging tho
meter out of shape. Tho occupants of
tho houdo wero jarred but not injured.
Tho Fourth of July committeo is look
ing for a conplo who will consent to bo
married in public on that day. As nn
inducement. Harry D'xon offers to do
nate a wedding ring, Workman & Dorry
bej.ry will contributo kitchen utensils,
tho Dlckoy Cafo will furnish tho wee
ding suppor, a clorgyman wiM donate
his services nnd The Tiubune will send
each issue of tho paper for two yearn
freo of charge to the couple. Wo don't
seo how Jim McDonnld, Plntt Whito,
Louis Tobin or Arthur Rush can expect
to bo married under moro auspicious
Mutual Building & Loan
In order to supply the cash'for loan
allowed and approved by the directors,
this association will issue a limited
amount of their paid u p stock. This
stock pays dividends of six per cent
per annum, payable semi-annually, and
the money invested thereon may be
withdrawn at any time upon thirty
days notice. Applications for stock
should be made to the secretary.
Mutual Buildiug & Loan Association,
By T. C. Patterson, President,
Samuel Goozee, Secretary.
A horse belonging to a man named
Baker was killed by lightning Wednes
day evening in the U. P. lot west of
tho round houso.
Members of tho Presbytorian aid
society wero tho guests yesterday
nftcrnoon of Mrs. Fremont Watts at
tho Sunset Ranch west of town. Tha
afternoon proved a very cnjoynblo one,
the guests being entertained in a very
hospitable manner.
Shorthorn bulls for sale at Hubartt
Ranch. Address, C. H. Bostwick,
North Platte, Nebr.
Arthur Boyd and his lady woro caught
in tho hnilstorm at tho Blrdwood ranch
Wedncsday'and had a rather exciting
time, especially Mr. Boyd, who had
about nil ha could do to control tho
tenm, nnd in doing so wbb struck In tho
back with tho end of tho buggy pole,
resulting in sovcre bruises.
Tho Gcorgo eontcst case, which hna
been in progress at tho United States
land office for two weeks, terminated
Tuesday evening. Tho decision will be
handed down by tho local officers, but
tho ovldcnco will bo sent to Washing
ton in order that tho finding of tho
local officers may bo approved or re
jected. No order too largo or too small for
us to fill. Prompt dellvry.
tramp, tho Grocer.
Mrs. V. T.Macklllo and her mother,
Mra. E. E. Tente, who aro making a
trip from Portland, Mo., to Portland,
Ore., without tho aid of a chaffcur or
malo companion, aro expected to nrrivo
In town tomorrow. They do not travol
nt night, nnd on nccount of muddy
roads their progress has been some
what slow. Thoy loft Portland a little
moro than a month ngo.
The Twenty Per Cent
Discount Sale
Is Still in Effect at THE LEADER.
HE time set for putting in the new front in The Leader is near at hand, and
in order to avoid all possible inconvenience, we must reduce our stock to the
lowest possible notch. The Twenty Per Cent Discount Sale will therefore be
continued until July 1st.
Many have taken advantage of our liberal discount, and have been more than
pleased with the bargains secured.
If you have not visited our store and taken advantage of these low prices, you
have certainly missecj something you cannot afford to.
We would call the attention of the Teachers attending the Normal School to
the fact that The Leader is headquarters for Wearing Apparel from head to foot
at discount of twenty per cent off regular prices.
The Leader
JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor.