THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE RA L. BARE. Publisher TERMS: $1.25 IN ADVANCE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA MUCH IN SMALL SPACE FOR THE HURRYING READER. EVENTS COVERING WIDE FIELD Comotlilng of Congress, Political Go nip Hero nnd Thero, and News and Notes of General character. i 1 Political. Pull returns from Iowa aro not yet tn, but enough la known to show tho cholco of Allison for United Stnton ocnator, by probably 10,000 majority. Tho Idaho democratic convention divided ovor tho Mormon question nnd two rcIh of dolcKatcfl to tho Den ver convention wore elected. Dcmocrntn nro aroused by dlBclos uro of contribution of money by Wall street to tho democratic campaign fund and aro demanding why money was naked. Mr. Urynn's wook'n tour through Nebraska wan a great success, largo crowds grootltig him nt all Btopplng places. Governor Chnmborlaln of Oregon, who Is n democrat, wub endorsed by tho peoplo of Oregon for United States senator, and a republican legis lature was chosen with Instructions to elect him. John Hnys Hammond hns announc ed his candidacy for tho republican nomination for vlco president. Novnda dcmocrntn declnro for Bry an, first, last and all tho tlmo. A plank for control of tho trusts will bo plnccd In tho republican national platform. Democrats of Arkansas will bo for Mr. Dryan In tho nntlonnl convention. It la said tho nntlonnl platform to bo put forth by tho republicans will em phatically stand for tho vlgorlous policies of President Roosovolt. Hon. W. J. Drynn mndo eight speeches In pno dny In western Ne braska during hlB recent tour of tho state. Hon. Geo. W. Dorgo of Lincoln has doubts of tho story thnt Mayor Dnhl man of Omaha spont $15,000 to elect tho former governor of Nobrnska, nnd must bo "shown" In what mnunor tho money was spent. ' General. Cashier Montgomery of tho, failed Pittsburg bank bought 4,000,000 Hhurou of mining stock with money of tho depositors. Friends of othor candidates hnvp formed nn alllnnco agnlnst Scctotnry Taft nnd a united offort will bo mndo to provont tho seating of Tnft dele gates whoso places nro contested. Perry A. Ycnst, a formor politician nnd stockman of northwest Nobrnskn, must servo thrco months In tho Hnll county Jail at Grand Islnnd and pay a flno of $1,000 for consplrncy to defraud tho government out of land In Grant county by moans of flclltlous tilings. Tho nocrotary of tho lntorlor has ap proved tho Indemnity school land se lection inado by tho stato of Wyoming In tho Lnndor land district, aggregat ing 2,438 ncrcH. Tho divided -democracy of Idaho will carry Its fight to Donvur. A rnbld enemy of tho Jows tried to kill Major Droyfua following cxorclsea for Emlio Zola. Tho roport of tho condition of tho Pennsylvania road sIiowb nn IncrenBO In net earnings for tho year. Forty million dollars of Union Pa cific bonds hnvo boon sold, It Is re ported, to foreign iuvcBtora. Sccrotury Tnft dollverod tho memor ial addross at Grants tombs. Tho United Prcahytorlnn Assembly decided to abandon tho movomout for tho union with tho Presbyterian church for tho present, Sonator Dolllvor, when scon con cerning a rumor from WaBlilngton Baying that ho 1b Tnft'a choice for vlco-preuldent, declared ho had heard nothing about tho mattor. Lawor poHtngo rates will obtain after Octobor botwoen tho United States and Euglnnd and lrelnud. Tho federal grand Jury at St. l'nul, returned three Indictments against JntnoB L. Loverlng, publisher of tho Mall Order Monthly and of Successful Agriculture, charging him with using tho malls for tho purposo of promot ing u lottery and u Bchemu to de fraud. Tho Now York Journal of Com merce, In Its monthly grain crop re view, nays: Present conditions point to a splendid wheat harvest, Roth wlntor nnd spring whent is In unusu ally good condition, which, If main tained during tho remainder or tho season, would probnbly givo tho larg est crop on record. Eight persona wero hilled and n score Injured In a car collision near Annapolis, Md. Llfo Insurancu organizations dis tributed In 1007 in tho United States and Canada, $351,115,692, according to computations by tho Insurnnco Press. Tho republican national commlttco disposed of tho Alabama contest cases In favor of Taft. Tho explosion of a stonm plpo on tho cruslor Totiucssco killed four and Injured ton. Floods In Montana havo practically cut off Helena and Uutto, ONLYBRIEFMENTION Emporor William gave King Gustav nnd Queen Victoria of Sweden a mng nlflccnt military show, tho occasion being tho annual spring paradn of tho garrisons of Dcrlln and nelghborln stations. Former Senator .Tamos K. Jones ut Arkansas died tn Washington nftor an Illness of a few hours. Tho United Statos supremo court has decided the copyright cases, giv ing dealers tho right to cut prices on copyright books. Twenty-one business housos of tho business center of Hooker, Okl., forty miles west of Liberal, wero burned. Frederick L. Woods, an 18-ycar old aoronntit, who was giving nn oxhlbl; lion nt Hillside park near Passlac, N. J., dropped 2,000 feet Into tho PaBsIac rlvor, wlmro ho was drowned. Eighty women nnd children wero slaughtered by Turks on the Islnnd of, Snmoa. Congressman Llllcy says ho has nothing to retract from tho charges ho mndo In tho submarine bont caso. Japan Is declared to bo making a sincere effort to stop Immigration. Louisiana democrats endorsed Mr. Dryan for tho presidency. Socialists and labor men in tho hnuso of commons protested ngnlust tho king's visit to Russia. Charles M. Drown beat Hoko Smith for governor in tho Georgia prlmarlos. Police chiefs nt Detroit will dlsciiBS tho question of dealing with members of tho Dlnck Hand. Tho concerted movement of tho prosperity association nt St. Louis ro- suited In putting 17,000 peoplo to work. ' Tho Madrid Olllclnl Gazette an nounces that tho nccouchomcnt of Queen Victoria 1b expected tho end of June. Tho United States Steel corporation ban cut tho price of steel bars $1 n ton nnd tho Iron Trado Review pre dicts a reduction on other lines. C. S. Francis, tho Amerlcnn ambas sador to Austrla-IIungnry personally convoyed to Emperor Francl Joseph President Roosoolt's congratulations on tho alxtloth nnnlversnry of his ac cession tn tho throne. Threo thousand grain dealers In tho wost will orguulzo to compete for pre miums at tho National Corn show. Tho government will mako valuablo Improvements ut Forts Russell nnd Omulin. WnshoutB havo caused a tlelug up of a Northorn Pnclflc train In Man- tnna. A tolegrnm from Washington says that Omaha is tho only city In tho United Btntcs to havo two members on tho honorllst of tho 1008 class of tho United States Naval nendemy, which numbors ovor 200. Tho United State Biipromo court ban grantod tho request of tho water board for n rovlow of tho Omaha caso. Rov. Guy W. Wadsworth, I). D.. proBldont of Dollovuo (Nobr.) college. liaB definitely decided to resign nnd go to Puoblo, whero ho hns acceptod a call to bocomo pastor of tho First Presbyterian church. Mr. Drynn 1b opposod to tho curren cy net and says ho is sorry tho de mands did not defeat tho measure Much wool Is being rushed townrd tho Omaha Btorlng Iioubo. Ono Wyom ing shlppor offers 5,000,000 poundB. Nobraska, Iowa and South Dnkota will bo represented among tho gradu ates of Oeorgo Washington university nt Kb commencement. A conference begnn at tho Whlto Iiouho looking to tho framing of n republican platform. In Kansns, Oklahoma nnd tho south ern states tremendous damugo has boon done by Hoods. Washington, Miss Nolllo Stovonson of Lincoln has boon nppolntod laboratory aid of Bcod testing located at Lincoln. Tho scnato commlttco on finance, which was authorized to mako an lib voBtlgntion of tho tariff during tho recosa or congress, to bo In roadlnoss to take up a rovlow of tho tariff next winter, will hold Its first mooting for thlB purposo about tho mlddlo or July. Important significance In connec tion with President Ronsovolt'a deter mination against a third term 1b con tained In tho admission, thnt the pros, ldout Is making doflnltu plans to leavo tho United States In April next year for Africa, whero hu will Bpond u year hunting big gnmo. After consideration of tho sugges tion or his wostorn frlonds, John Hayes Hammond has decided to ou ter tho contest for the nomination of vlco president on tho republican ticket. Ho Is being urged by Ills friends on tho ground that ho Is a Cnllfornlnn by birth. A postolllco hns boon established nt Gardiner, Dallns county, In., wlt.h JoBoph R. Gnrdnor as postmaster. Mlchnol F. Ferroll has been nppolnt od regular and Edward Walsh substi tute rural carriers for routo No. 1 at Whlttomoro, In. That Japnn la making n sincere ef fort to check Immigration to this country was assorted In an lutorvow glvon out by Rnron Takuhlrn, tho Jap anese umhnbsador, Captain Charles Chandler of tho Blgnal corps, In addition to his other duties, will UBBiimo chnrgo of con structlon work nt Fort Omultu, re lieving Captain Wllllnm H. Oury or tho signal corps of thnt duty. Personal. At Iolu, KaB., tho Jury In tho eano of Samuel Whitlow, charged with tho murder of May Sapp Septombor 27, 1007, brought In n verdict or not guilty. Senntor Allison buvb tho noxt con gress, whether republican or dem ocratic, will rovlso .tho tariff. ALLIES BACK DOWN ANTI-TAFT FORCES DECIDE NOT TO BOLT. FORMAL STATEMENT ISSUED Presentation of Evidence In Contests Will Continue in Regular Way Until the Close. Chicago. ItenroHcntntlveB of tho "nines imvo recalled tnoir statement that they will bolt the republican na tlonnl committee so far as tho nroson tntlon of evidence to sunnort tho claims of nntl-Tnft delegations from Bouthom states Is concerned. Thero Is cvldcnco that tho announcement mado Saturday night upon tho nuthor Ity of Representative Francis J, Rurkc. manncer of Henator Knor. nt tcr ho had been In conference with Sonator Hcmcnwny of Indlnnn, J. D. Kcnllng of Indlnnn nnd others Identi fied with the camnnlKti liolnc mndo bv tho "nllloB" crented dissension. SoniA of tho othor spokesmen for tho "nl llos" declared tho announcement to bo 111 ndvlsed nnd they busied them selves Sunday to- counteract its af fect. Aftor numorous conferences tho fol lowing, which wub headed, "Statement from tno nines," wns Issued: Upon tho authority of tho retires. ontatlvcfl or all nrcsldcntlal cnndldntes othor than Secretary of War Taft It was announced today that they would contlnuo to present their sldo or tho contested dolognto cases to tho nation al commlttco. Tho decision or tho na tional commlttco will not bo tnkon ns final by tho candidates known as tho 'allies.' but nn anneal will bo taken In caseB whero It Is believed Injustice hiiB been done, first to tho commltteo on credentials and later to tho conven tion Itself. "Tho dotcrmlnntlon of tho renios- ontatlvcfl of tho 'allies' to contlnuo tho prcBcntntlon of tho contests to tho na tional commlttco Is not to bo tnkon ns nn Indication that they approve of tho manner In which theso contests havo been decided. Rut In ordor to bo in tho position to present nil of tho cases in proper form to tho commlttco on credontlnls It Is doomed ndvlsnblo to comply with tho form of procedure mid down by tho national committee. It Is tho firm detormlnntlon of the roprcsonlntlves of tho 'allies' to first glvo tho national commlttco nn op portunity to consider nil tho contests on their morlts," 8T0RM VICTIM DEAD. Mrs. E. Arganbright of Shlckley Dies of Injuries. Davenport. Nob. Tho rcsultn of tho tornado Friday night cast of horo, at Carlolon, nro Just bclnir realized. Tho wlro of E. Arganbright, who was Killed nt his homo two mllos cast ot Shlckley, died, nnd tho loss to prop erty east ot Shlcklov to consorvntlvn. ly ostlmatod at 150,000. Tho loss nt Cnrloton, whero two wero killed, will reacii $00,000. Following Is a partial list: Now Bchool bulldlntr. sconn G. W. Dnlloy, residence nnd out bidd ings, $fi,000; Lutheran church nnd pnrsonngo, $2,500; United Drothren church, $2,500; W. C. Dates, $700; D. M. Smith, $1,000; 13. E. Llchty, l.uuu; pinup Mall, $400; Mrs. Drls tow, $500; Lester Carter. $500: Wll. llam G. Chon, $500; Frank Kochrow, $000; John Edwards, $300; W. F. urndloy, $300; Mib. Ycarnshaw, $300; Thad Enstorbrook, $300; Frank Fitz Blmmons, $500; Dr. WcBtorhoff, $200; Frank Slssoll, $500; J. a. Under, $500. President Names Commission. Washington Carrying out his dec larations to tho conforonco of gover nors that should congress fall to pro: vldo for tho contlnunnso of tho Inlnnd Waterways commission, ho ahould contlnuo it by executive net, and con gress having failed to take action on tho subject, President Roosevelt has ro-appolntcd tho members of that com mission. Great Crowd of Teachers. Clovolnnd, O. Thlrty-ono thousand members of tho Nntlonnl Educational nBsoclntlon havo signified tholr Inten tion or bolng prosent nt tho convent tlon or that orgnnlzntlon to bo held In this city Juno 29 to July 3, Inclusive. The nttendnnco may bwoII to 00,000 or more. NAVAL DILL BEATEN. Russian Duma Defeats Appropriation for Four Battleships. St. Petersburg Tho Duma by a vote ot 191 to 78 rejected tho Item In tho nnvnl budget npproprlatlng $5, 600,000 to lay tho keels of four battlo jdilpB during tho current year. This vote Is tantamount to i vote of lack of conlldonco In tho presont olllclals of tho ministry of marine and whole sale resignations from tho ministry uro oxpoctcd to follow. Calls Undo Sam Bad Names. Curacas El Constitutional, tho offi cial organ of President Castro, pub lishes a New York letter stating that It Is rumored that tho United Statos will secretly Bupport Colombia In enso or war with Venezuela. In an editorial artlclo that papor discredits tho re port, but says Presldont Castro will rulfll his duty, whatcvor thnt may bo. Tho paper also publishes a partisan Bpeoch In which tho United Statos Ib called "tho Cain of America, which Btlmulntos frntornnl cordiality in order to dlosulBo Irutttl Instincts," NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Items of Greater or Lesser tance Over the State. Impor. Tho Catholics will put up a school building nt Elgin. flno Adams voted 15 to 28 In favor of an Issue of $15,000 in bonds for tho erection of a school house Tho saloon fight at Lesharn hnB been won by tho llnuor element, tho town board having granted a Uconso for ono Bnloon. County Judge G. C. Marshall of Washington county him announced his nuonuon or resigning his ofllcc, to take effect July 1. Ho has bought nn Intorest In tho Arlington Stato bank ai Arlington. John Smith, n Durllngton dctcc tlvo, has been nt Wvmoro Investlcat lng tho dlsappcaranco of grain rrom tho cars while In tho yards, and ns a conscquonco wnrrants will bo Issued for tho arrest of Kovcrnl persons. A number of farmers In Cobb coun ty havo recently boon swindled by a well dressed and good talking ltiBiir nnco agent, who claimed to bo ronre- Bcntlng tho Rankers' Accident Insur nnco company, nnd would collect nnd receipt for tho premium on tho policy Tho fees collected by Secretnry of Stnto Junkln during May nggregato $4,205.C9. TIiIb Is nbout doublo tho usual amount nnd fur exceeds tho $G0,000 estlmato for two years mado by tho secretary of stato when tho fees of his ofllco wero Increased by legislative onnctmonL Tho $1 fco for motor vohlclos during tho month amounted to $354.20. Tho" general opinion Bccms to bo thnt Nobrnska has a chanco to mako an excellent showing nt tho Grnnd American handicap, to bo held nt, Co lumbus, O., Juno 23 to 20. At tho stato Bhoot a series of records wero mndo that cannot bo duplicated In any other state, fifty-four of tho men en tering making n score on C00 birds, or better than 91 por cent Mr. Crokcr, a well-to-do farmer liv ing about ton miles southwest of Mc Cook, throw hlmsolf head foremost down nn nbnndoned woll,6no hundred nnd fifteen Toot deep, on Ills farm nnd was Instantly killed. Ho leaves a wlfo and sovon children. Ho hnd a hallu cination thnt tho world waB about to como to an end, and sought to dcreat tho forcclosuro by sulcldo route. A potitlon liberally signed by citi zens of Knoxvlllo, Tenn., has been filed with Governor Sheldon, asking for tho rolenso of Alber Crlggcr, sen tenced to tho pcnltcntlnry for two nnd u half years from Red Willow county for horse stealing. Tho petition says Crlggcr Is tho boIo Bupport of an aged father and mother, Is only 23 years old and owcb his predicament to bad com pany. Opinion seems to differ among tho farmers of thla section, says a Fair bury dispatch, In regard to tho condi tion of tho wheat crop slnco tho re cent heavy rains. Some contend that whent has been damaged, while others hold to tho belief that no dnmngo has been dono unlcsB tho sun comes out too bright and hot and causes rust to follow tho Boaklng cniiacd by A'io rains. Mtb. John Knox of Palmyra Is at tho PaBteur Institute In Chicago under treatment for rnblcs communlcntcd by a pot cat. Tho cat was a house hold pet nnd wns kept In tho house nil ot tho time. Whllo Mrs. Knox had It on hoi- lap stroking its back tho cat Buddcnly smile Its tooth deep Into her right hand, Her hand began to swell nnd sho wnB ndvlsed to ut onco go to tho Pasteur Institute. Tho season Tor destructive storms Is at hand. WIND nnd LIGHTNING will destroy and damngo buildings and lull and malm slock in barns and pastures. Protect yourself by Insur ing them In tho Nebraska Mutual Ins. Co., homo olllco,. 141 South Twelfth street, Lincoln, Nob. Wrlto us for particulars. Ono of tho oldoBt farmers In Now York county, who hns wsuchod tho great Improvement mndo In recent years In tho preparation and plant ing ot corn by York county rarmers, stated that novcr before has ho scon farmers pny so much nttontlon to tho preparation ot corn ground and that tho seed this yoar Is tho host. Owing to tho grout work dono In preparing the corn ground nnd tho flno rains ot which ovory ounco or water was soaked In and Is still hold Jn tho sub noil, tho prospects havo never been bettor. NobraBkn crop bulletin says: Tho week was cool and cloudy, with nn oxcesa of rain In most parts of tho stato. Tho dally mean temperature was botween CO dogrcos and CI de grees lu tho oiiBteru and Bouthorn counties, which 1b two to threo de grees bolow tho normal. Rut In tho northwestern counties It was about 50 degrees, which Is six dogrocs below tho normal. Tuesday wub tho warm est day, with a maximum tomporaturo qulto generally above 85 degrees. Frl tiny and Saturday mornings wero tho coldoBt, with minimum tempornturea about 50 degrees lu tho eastern sec tions nnd' 11 vo to ten degrees colder In tho western. Ell A. Rarnos, tho nowly olocted commnnder of tho G. A. R., depart ment ot Nebraska, bus reappointed A. M. Trimble nsslstant adjutant gonoral and quartormiiBtor gonornl and has Bont his flrst olllclnl orders to tho posts In tho stnto. According to tho roport or tho coun ty recorder or Otoo county thoro wero cloven rami mortgagos (lied during tho month of May, nmountjng to $31,750, nnd flvo released, of tho valuo ot $0, 550. On town nnd vlllngo proporty thirteen mortgagos tiled, whoso vnluo was $7,810.10, and bovoh released, to tlio nnipunt pf js.ido. IDE STATE CAPITAL MATTERS OF INTEREST 70 ALL CITIZENS. THE CONVICT LABOR CONTRACT Broom Company to Continue ao Now Until June Seventeen, at Fifty Cents Per Convict. Labor Contract With Convicts. Tho Stato Hoard of Public Lands and Rulldlngs decided to permit tho Loo Broom and Duster company to use convict labor until Juno 17 at 50 contB i convict per day. Aftor that date tho labor Is to be paid for at a rata of 75 cents a day for each convict. This notlco was served on C. R. Leo, man ager or tho company, bo that ho would know ho Is expected to vacate the penitentiary by Juno 17 unless ho ngrces to ncccpt tho convicts nt the higher rate of pay. The action of tho board was reported to Governor Shel don, who approved It. Tho Leo compnny objected strenu ously to paying a higher rate for tho convicts nnd Mr. Leo said ho would re commend to tho next legislature thnt the stato Install somo kind or manufac turing plant nnd uso tho convicts It- scir. "This," ho Bnld, "will show tho peoplo that llttlo money Is mado out or convict labor. Tho state will novor bo Bntlsfled, however, until It has tried tho experiment of using tho convicts nnd tho quicker this Is tried, tho bet ter I will be satisfied." Whilo ho said ho had sovcral offers from other prisons to ubo their con victs, Mr. Leo unlit If ho finally con clued to quit tho penitentiary horo ho hoped to quit prison labor entirely. Report on Nebraska Banks. To annual report of Secretary Royso of tho Stato Ranking board, now In tho hnnds of tho printers, will shortly bo issued to tho public. Notwithstand ing tho rccont panic the report bIiowb tho stnto banks to be In good sound condition and only ono failure during tho entire year, tho Citizen's bank of Firth. This failure was duo to heavy speculation on tho board of trado by tho cushion During tho yoar thoro wore examined G89 banks and building and loan associations for which feos wero collected to the amount of $12, 440; forty-soven banks wero chnrtered, for which fees wero collected to tho amount of $1,175. Mr. Royse 'Condemns tho ownership of a chain of banks as follows: "Thoro Is ono practice that exlBts to some extent In this state which, In my opinion, sooner or later will have to bo remedied or serious troublo will follow I refer to. a chnln or smnll bunks owned, operated and controlled by tho sumo mnnngemcnt, or used ns feeders for somo Inrgor bank. This Is a practlco that will require more than ordinary skill to avoid disaster sooner or Inter. I am firm In tho conviction thnt somo legislation Is necessary, to enablo tho Stato Dnnklng Hoard to meet this practlco, when In their opinion tho Interest of the depositors demands It." River Too Quick for Courts. Tho supremo court has admitted Its Jurisdiction cannot kcop up with tho changes In tho Dig Muddy and there fore John Rober, who sought to havo tltlo to land on Its banks quieted in him, will havo to go to tho Iowa courts, for tho last reports were to the effect that tho farm was now cnniplng on that sldo of tho rlvor. Tho land was settled back In 1855, when tho plonor thought ho wna gottlng lo cated lu Washington county, Nobrns kn, nnd patent was sued for It In 18C0. During tho civil war tho rlvor got to flopping nbout nnd flnnlly set tled down on top of tho farm. Ac cretions uttachod to tho astern bank and tho farmor waked up ono morning ovor In Iowa. In 1873 tho river took a Buddon notion to go over Into Iowa Itself, and It cut a now channel, leav ing tho farm In question high and dry, between tho rlvor on tho onBt and tho old channel on tho west. Tho court holds that In cases of thnt kind, whoro tho changes lu tho river Jiro sudden mid not gradual, tho boundnry of tho Btnto remains In the old chan nel and docs not follow tho new river as in tho caso of a gradual change. Street Railway Sale Void. Tho United States court ot appeals at St. Paul, Minn., hns sot nsldo thu salo of tho old Homo Street Rnllway company to tho now CUIzoiih' com pany or Lincoln. Tho effect or tho de cision Is to deprive tho Citizens' com pany of tho franchises permitting uso of tho streets ot tho city. A defect In tho confirmation or tho salo of tho old company Is tho basis tor tho ruling. Tho CltlzeiiB' company claims that this moroly sots aside tho sale, but that under a decision or tho supremo court or Nobrnska It cannot bo driven from tho streets. Bequest Goes to Widows. Dy reason of a decision of tho su premo court handed down tho widows nnd servants or flshormen In tho king dom ot Norwny will bo permitted to partlclpnto In tho division of a trust fund left to them by Nils O. Nllson of Roouu comity, who died some times ago, Nllson's only relatives were brothors and slstors. He loft to two churches In Norway $0,000 and $5,000 nnd two-thirds or tho romnlndor or his estnto to bo kept In trust tor tho ben efit or tho wldowB or fishermen and servant glrla of his old homo town. NO NEW CLASSIFICATIONS. Railway Commission Likely to Stop byj Changing Specific Rates. It Is by no means certain that tho State Railway commission will IsstiO) nn ontlro now classification of freight rates, but It Is probable that tho com mission will make reductions in tho rates for tho shipment of certnln com modities and from timo to tlmo mako still further reductions on other com- modltlcs. This practlco may bo kept up until tho commission feels that tho Nobraska rutcB aro Just and not ex orbitant. Slnco the hcnrlng granted tho rail road officials, followed by tho hearing granted tho railroad employes, togeth er with Ha Investigations along other linos, tho commission has decided tho making of a new classification of rntcs Is a big tnsk and ono thnt will require a long tlmo nnd lots of study nnd In vestigation. On the other hand, ono member of tho commission believes' that by picking out hero and thoro certain commodities upon which tho rates seem high nnd mnkln; reduc tions In those Instniicea It probnbly would accomplish more for tho peoplo than If It mado a sweeping reduction of n cortaln per cent In nil rntcs. . Tho commission received a lottor from tho socrctnry of tho Wisconsin commission which disputes tho state ment mndo by a railroad representa tive that tho Wisconsin commission hns mado a ruling thnt the railroad: should bo entitled to earn n dividend upon 80 por cent of Its property ac credited to that state. Tho Weather and Crops. Tho week wns cool nnd cloudy, with nn oxcesB of rnln In most parts of the stato. Tho dally menn tompora turo was between 00 degrees and 04 degrees In tho cnatern nnd southern counties, which Is two to thrco do grcos bolow tho normal. Dut In tho northwestern counties is was about 50 degrees, which 1b six degrees below tho normal. Tuesday was tho warm est day, with a maximum tcmporaturo qnlto generally about 85 degrees. Fri day and Saturday mornings wore tho coldest, with minimum temperatures about 50 degrees in tho eastern boc lions, and flvo to ten degrees colder In tho western. In most of tho stato tho rainfall was nbovo normal. It exceeded an Inch In most of tho northern and oastern counties, and In Boveral south eastern counties ranged from two to nearly four inches. In somo centrnl nnd southwestern counties tho rnlnfnl was less than half nn Inch. Tho total ,, rainfall from April 1 to dato uverages Bllghtly above normal In tho enstom counties, whllo In tho central and southwestern it averages about 85 per cent of tho normal. Decision in Liquor Cases. Tho Bupremo court handed down nn opinion In threo liquor cases In Lin coln that will probably havo wldo sig nificance in tho Btato, tho court hold ing that nn excise board may not only restrict saloons to certain districts, but thnt It may restrict tho total num ber ot Baloons to which" licenses aro to bo granted. In consequonco no sa-( loons will bo run on C street, tho main thoroughfare, this year, and only twon-ty-flvo will bo conducted. j Discharging Harmless Insane. Superintendent Huy of tho Insane hospltnl located hero received permis sion from tho board of public lands nnd buildings to dlBchnrgo harmless and Incurably lnsano patients to mako room for others yet to como. Dr. Hny told tho board ho had fourteen per sons who might Just ns well bo dis charged, inasmuch ns tho Institution is overcrowded. Park Board in Supreme Court. Whether tho district court or tho iinyor shall appoint tho Omaha park board will bo settled by tho supremo court. In tho namo of tho attorney general quo warranto proceedings havo been started, tho contestants be ing John Lntonser, appointed by tho district court, and John L. Neblcfl, ap pointed by tho mayor. Nebraska Got $2,404,648. Llfo Insurnnco organizations dis tributed in tho United Stntcs and Canada during tho yenr 1907 in claims, dividend paymcntB and surrender values $474,115,592, according to a Btntomcnt which will ,bo mado public by the Llfo Insuranco Press, a Now York Insuranco publication. Of this amount NobraBkn got $2,401,048. Expreso Companies Report. Tho oxpross companies which somo time ngo agreed to roport to the Stato Railway commission tho amount' of bnslncBs dono nt ench station In tho Btute ovory month, nro not keeping to that premise. Secretary Perkins mailed out letters to tho companies who havo failed to come across tolling thorn reports had not been received. Courts Will Settle lit. Attornoy Gonoral Thompson hnB tiled suit in the supremo court to de termine the proper nuthority of park commissioners in Omaha. Tho mayor hni mndo appointments nnd commls slonerB havo nlso been appointed by tho district Judges. Tho court will determlno with whom tho powor really rests. Ono suit Is against John D Neblo appointed by Mayor Dahlmnn,' thd othor against John Lantonsor, nn! pointed by mombors of tho district judiciary. A petition on bchair or tho stato baa been filed.