DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Gradualc Dcnlist . Ofllco over thu McDonald Stato Bank. : Miss HIancho Fonda ia visiting friends in Maxwell this week. . , A number of local ball ployora went to Sidney laBt night, where they will participate in a game. Simmons salesman') unmplo lino of Tlntttminlsn n fltr... S. Wl.ltn'. Tho stork vteited the homo of W. P. Snyder, of tho experimental sub-station Saturday and deposited a boy. Wo hdvo casli buyers for city" prop erty. Bit ATT & GOODMAN. J. B. McDonald and Thos. Haley will go to Sidney tonight and escort Colonel Bryan to this city tomorrow morning. Tho disastrous days of tornadoos arc upon us. Aro you insured? If not, sec Bratt & Goodman. . Irv. Armstrong, who has boon sick for sovon weeks, is now convalcicing, and wlH probably be ablo to Ijq around in a short titnn. Aluminum house numbers ten cents each. GlNN & WlHTK. Judgo Williams, of tho stato railwny commission, spent Sunday with friends in town, leaving for Lincoln .yesterday morning. Let mo mako you a Bet of window screens. I M. Sokenson, This section almost had a touch of frost Sunday night, tho wind and clouds alone preventing. Yesterday lidditional rain foil. Polled Angus Bulls for sale, TlIOMAtl E. DOOMTTI.E. Capt. M. L. Wado of Missouri and Mrs. Francis Nicholson of Tryon woro united in marriage Inst evening by Rev Favoright at tho residenco of Edward Storm in this city. For Salo Four head of driving horses, broken to drive singlo or dabble. Fino lookers and sound in all points. Inquire at this ofllco. Tho city council will meet in regular bi-monthly session this evening. Among other business to be trnnBacUd is tho oponing of bids for tho construction of sidewalks, approaches and crosswalks. For Rent llouso on oast Third, ono block from high Bchool; seven rooms, big barn and collcr; electric lights. Rent $18. Inquiro at 115 So. Vino St. Henuy Cordes. Wo understand that Goo. T. Field has invested in a high-powered, roomy and spcody niitomoblio rind" ' will tfirow gasoline fumos in tlfo faces of some of. tho local auto owndrs Who. consider thoy aro swift onos. . Wo havo cash customera for dwel lings ranging In priqo from $1000.00 to $2500.00. For quick salo list your prop erty with Buchanan & Patterson. This ofllco is In .receipt of an Invita tion to tho wedding of Miss Eln Rocho and JoteplrC. Piercy, which will bo soW cmnized in Chicago at the homo of tho brido Juno 18th. ,Mr. Plercy will bo ret mombored as a formor North Platto boy. Quality is what you should stand out for when buying silverware or silver plate. Silver means silver horo, and everything in plated waro is tho best of its kind. Wo can show you a splendid variety of eithor. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician. ForSalc. Bratt & Goodman havo several nlco homos for sale. Terms ono-thlrd cash, balnnco samo as rent. Buy now before tho boom, which is suro .to como. STYLE FIT QUALITY I Yoj, (or tn thito .thruo c,'nilala the Flo W Shoo OXQtlJ. It rafK .u-iha latest etylosnll over. Quality e literally built" right Into It. Put It to tltd real test of n ,lliQtfwcAr and you'll find the Flor I)9)n otitlucta &I1 others. 1 . Graimm & Co., ijgP JJ5.00 &0,00 Appointed Special Agent. Errett O. Fuller, who for a number of years has been clork of tho local United States land office, received notice this morning of his appointment as special agent of tho U. S. genoral land oflldo, a position with n very good salary attachedi The appointment comes as a reward of meritorious work, and not by reason of any political "pull". His record as a clerk has been par ex cellent, and all his North Platto friends will bo glad to learn of his ndvanco mnnt. At this time his headquarters hnvo riot been designated, but thoy will prob ably bo North Platto. Not all oyo troubles demand tho wear ing of glasses. Your eyes tested free hero by. an expert optician who will find out your trouble and tell you hon estly whethor you ought to have glasses or not. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician. E. A. Stone Gels Light Fine. Sovorat weeks ago it was mentioned In thcBo colums that E. A. Stone had boon arrested at Horshey on tho charge of wifo desertion and taken back to LaPorto, Ind., for trial. From a paper of that place it is learned that Stone was assessed a fino of $10 and coats and disfranchised for three years. His at torney at onco entered n motion for n now trial. Whilo on tho stand as a wit ness, Stono told tho story of his life. Tho strango part of tho talo, which was later admitted by his wifo, was that a man named Knott, who lived with them for seven yonru was a for mer husband of Mrs. Stone, who, by the way had been married three times beforo she mado a matrimonial alliance with Stono. It was only a year ago that Stone learned thnt Knott wns nn ex-husband of his wife, and It vyas then that he decided to leave her. Mrs. Stono whilo on tho witness stand admitted that Knott, who posed as lior brother, was really hor second husband, and that sho was tho mother of his eight children hut sho denisd that there had ecn any thing wrong, ovon tho ho had lived in tho house for sovon yenrs. Tho beauty of cut glass depends upon Its brilliancy; that depends upon tho design, depth of cuttings and the quality of tho glass. Tho glass we sell is the best made, clean cut, sparkling, ejequis- to in design and modcrato in price. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician. High Assessment. Editor Tiiiiiune. Thcro is groat complaint among tho rcnl estate own era of tho high valuation tho assessor has placed upon real cstato, but ho is IIU. Uliwuuiy IU UIUIJ1D lUi 1JU IIIUOC pined the value nt what property toolls for and not what ho thinks it is wdrth. A tidal boom has swont over tho.. citv the past two yoarB and somo realty sold, at rnoro than doublo its value and this fact put a ficticious valuo oi all othor realty; butobb tldo has returned and tho real estate has settled back to Its formir value. However, if there is not concerted action ronl cstato owners will havo to pay nt least thirty por cent moro than thoy really ought to. Tho way to meet tho caso is for tho real cstato owntirs to form a leaguo and post up on facts and when tho county commissioner meet as a board of equalization sond nn authorized ,com- mittoo of tho leaguo to tho board and show thnm tho lnjustico of tho high Valuations and there is no doubt but the commissioners will rcduco tho valua tions. Tho present valuation wns raised ton por cent by tho stato board, nnd real cstato has not increased moro than ton por cent in tho last four years. Real cstato ownors should hold a mass moating nt tho court houso and organ- izo a leaguo to look after their intorosts, and appoint committees in each ward who will look up rculea'nto assessing in other cities so an to mako a good caso boforo tho commissioners. That will bo tho correct way to got justice , Jab. Belton. Muft be Sold this Week. A cosy -I room houso with lawn, shudo. cement walk and citv wntnr. Closo In, Only $1400.00 worth $1600.00. $200.00 cash, balance monthly, snmo as rent. Bratt & Goodman. Attention Students. All Btudonts of tho city schools who failed during tho prtst year will tako noticu that no grudeu for work mado up will bo accepted from either tho Junior Normal or from privata individ uals, Tho assistance of eithor may bo received but credit for work mude up will bo given only on oxnmlnatlons held boforo tho opening of school in Soptom bor. All examinations will cover a full Bomostor's work, Paul Goss, City SupU To Non-Resident Students. All students In thu rural schools who deslro to avail theuiHulves of tho free high Bchool itct, and who contcmpluto entering the North Platto city schools next full, should illoan application with County Supt. Ebright at onco. Application blanks can bo secured either from tho county superintendent or mysolf. Paul Goss, City Supt. For Rent. A handsome five room cottage in tho West End with ahudo trees, hluo grass lawn and clcotrlc lights, Buchanan & Patterson, ABOUT PEOPLE. Frank McGovcrn returned from Den ver this morning. Julius Hahlcr has boon transacting business in Omaha for a day or two. Mrs. Butler Buchanan and Miss Vera Sltton went to Omaha last night for a brief visit. 'Mrs. C. A. Weir and children left thin morning for orotractcd visit with relatives at Decatur, III. Mrs. Geo. M. Graham and children left Saturday morning for a visit with relatives In Grand Island. Dr. and Mrs. n. C. Brock, who had been spending two weeks In tho cast part of tho state, returned homo Sun day night. Mrs. Rnv C. Lanrrford foftthls morning for Cornlnsr. Iowa. whore they will visit rolatives for a month. Miss Emma Smith, tcachor in tho city school, loft Sunday for Farley, Iowa, whero sho will spond tho summer vacation. Miss Ruth Patterson arrived from Omaha Friday night, haying been called hore by the eicknoss of her grandmother. Mrs. Whittakcr, mother of Mrs. Edgar Schiller and Miss Whittakcr of tho Wilcox millinery doDartment. left Saturday for Vermillion, S. D. Will Waltemth who it! attending tho University of Pennsylvania, will be homo about tho 20th. He will probably do accompanied by a young lady cousin residing in Baltimore. Mrs, Beery, of this citv. was tho guost of Cheyenno friends several days last weok and was a special guest at tho meeting of ono of tho social clubs of that city Wednesday. Rev. J. F. Scibert left Sunday nicht for Atchison, Kan., to attend a mcotintr of trusteoa of nn educationnl institu tion and of which board ho Is a member. Ho will bo nbsent nbout ten days. Mrs. E. S. Davis, president of tho state Rebekah Degree Assembly, left tho latter part of last week for an ofllc ial visitation to lodges in tho north eastern part of tho stnto, expecting to bo absent nbout threo weeks. Mrs. W. II. McDonald and daughter Janot loft Sunday for Oxford, Ohio, to attend tho graduating exercises of the college from which Mrs. McDonald graduated twentj-fivo years ago. Mr. McDonald uccompaniod thorn as far as Omaha. ' To keep good time, a watch mdst havo a good movement; tho caso a mat tor of choice. Wo can Supply you with a thoroughly roliablo mpvomont n nViy stylo caso you may havo a proferortco' for, Clinton, Jeweler and Optican. Fine Concert. Tho cornet band, under tho leader ship of Cal. Lowell, crnvo a concert last ovenlng nt tho intersection of Dewey and Sixth streets boforo a largo and appreciative audience. Tho nrocram consisted of six or eight numbers, ovory ono of which was well rondercd; in fact thcro was not ono in a hundred know that North Platto had such nn organization, and thercforo there' was considerable surprlso and gratification nt tho quality of tho music rendcrod. This organization should bo en couraged by tho financial support of our people, and If this Bupport Is given, tho band will gladly rendar a sorlbs of open air concerts during tho summor months. Theso concerts, we are cer tain, will provo pleasing to all our people. Loader Lowell will find The Tribune rondy to drop a fow simoleons Into tho hat when It is passed around, and wo know that other cltizons stand ready to do tho same. s For Salor-Fino milch cow that gives 10 quarts of milk per day; also horse, surrey and harness. Inquire of A. J. Senter. Suro Cure for Hog Cholera. "A euro for hog cholera has nt last been found, provided tho nnimnl bo treated soon enough," said Dr. A. T. Peters, of Lincoln, head of tho depart ment of nnimnl pathology of tho Uni versity of Nebraska. ,"Tha hog cholera scourgo has hereto fore resisted tho efforts of veterinar ians," said Dr. Pctors. "Wo have been proceeding on tho theory that tho cholera germ was discovered and treat ment has been given in the form of in jections of a germ culturo, which was not a euro. In ovory now cases hns it proved efficacious. The discovery of Dr. N. Dorsett of tho biochomic de partment of tho bureau of animal in dustry, WnBhlngton, appears to hnvo solved tho problem. Tried In thirty or forty herds throughout Iowa, whero experiments hnvo recently been mado it lias cured well established cases of tho disease. Tills must bo combined with tho Injection of tho Borum of an nntmal already inmuno. Tho production of a vacclno by means of infected blood Instead of artifical culturo of tho germ f. it .l t. . 4t . .. " is mo oasis 01 mo euro. umana uoo. The Best Pills Ever Sold. "After doctoring 15 years for chron ic Indigestion, and spending ovor two hundred dollars, nothing hns dono me as much good as ur. King's Now Ltfo Pills. I consider them tho beat Dills over sold." writes B. F. Ayscue, of mgiesiue. in, u. aoiu unuor guarantee at stono'B drug store. 25c. Mrs. Fiske'sPIay. "Rosmcrsholm," Mrs. Fisko's hew offering lor this season, which sho and tho Manhattan company will present nt the opora house Juno 11th is, like near ly all of tho plays of Ibsen, universal in its truth to human nnturo. Whikj the scene Is laid in Norway, there Is nothing peculiar to Scandinavia in its story, and wero It not for tho proper names used, this might bo a "slice oT life" In our own land or anywhere. The same battlo between conservation and liberalism is going on tho world over, and who knows how many lovers thcro havo been liko Rosmor's and Rebecca's, where tho stronger will on tho threshold of accomplished purposo BUccumbed to and was onnoblcd by tho gontlcr nnturo. Ibsen Is almost alono among modern playwrights In creating, not stngo puppets, but real figures, to whom the actor gives life and whose every action Is tho logical outcome of their nature and environment. Thon, too, ho distills from tho life wo know tho very essonco of tho dramatic that in tho briof limit of a play has extra ordinary strength . To Loan. Private or Building & Lonn money to BBBist in securing a homo. Bratt & Goodman. Thanks Extended. Supt. Dow, of the McPherson na tional cemetery, and the pcoplo of that vicinity, desire us to express hia and their thunks to tho Daughters of tho Revolution of Lincoln, Fremont and olsowhero for tho beautiful flowers contributed on Memorial Day for use at tho cemetery. Vacant Lots. Fino residence lot in tho West End with cement walk for $200.00. A cood nuarfer block 132x132 in trood residence district in West End for $500. UUCIIANAN & i'ATTERSON. For Safety and Comfort YOU SHOULD BUY Call and See It at vrk- V' m r The "New Process" Wick IHoe Flame Oil Stove, is the cleanest, safest, most convenient and economical stove one can use. There is no waste of the heat generated on these stoves, as the flame is applied directly to the article to be heated. The kitchen does not become a fiery furnace, even in the very hottest weather, so you can always cook, bake or iron on a "New Process" Wick Blue Flame Oil Stove, In perfect comfort. It is much cheaper than a coal stove, too. Wilcox Department Store One Sack is Enough to provo tho superiority of my 4X brand of Hour. Try ono with your next grocory ordor, and there will bo no doubt In your mind on thnt point. My flour is mnkinirnow friends overv day, and keeping its old ones. us baKlng dualities aro so oxco lent thnt onco tried it becomes a necessity to ovory housekeeper. You con get it irom ovory grocer in tho city. C. F. Iddings. Notico for Publication. Department of tho Interior, Land Ofllco at North l'latto. Neb. Juno 1st. 1(108. Notico Is hereby slven that Ocurto V. OamtH!ll. of Maxwell. Nebraska, who on July Utli. 1W1I. mailo homestead entry No, 1U037, for tho bouthoast quarter northuont auartor, lots a, 4 and 6, of Section 0, Township 11 north, IUnco27 west. Hlxth I'rlnelnal Morldlnti. has ill imI notico of InUuitloti to uiako final Ovo year proof to establish claim to tho land abovo dcscrllH'd. twforo tho Reirlstor and Hucolvor at North l'latto. Nob., on tho 10th dav of July, Mi. Claimant names a witnesses) O. O. How man and S, O. llowman, both of Wlllard, No braxka, and Ollnt York and J, J. TrliTk's, both of Maxwell, Nebraska. J3-fi J. R. EVANS. nccUtcr. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Snrplit - $120,000.00. DIRECTORS i E. F. Sccbcrger, - C. F. McGrew, J. J. Haliigan, F. L.Mooncy; Arthur McNamara. iWILL S FROM NOW ON I WILL SLLL ANY ARTICLE IN MY STORE AT COST. You can buy my entire-stock at cost. This is no advertising scheme, as I desire to retire from business and will sell. If you want to go into business, buy a Hat, Coat or Cloak see me. Mrs. G. S. Huffman. Millinery and Ladies Furnishings. EILER'S BIO SHOW Presents LINCOLN J. CARTER'S Big Scenic Production "DOWN MOBILE" : A TRUE STORY A Scenic and Mechanical Production Wo Carry nnd Uso tho Following Scenery: ACT I t Lea Drop UxiS. 1 Cut Dron '14x!2 ilticklnc Hxin. I Sot Houro. Act II 1 Lcp Drop Uxts, lCut Drop HxSS, 1 ncltlmt Hxl? l Eon Wo Carry nnd Uso tho Following Scenery: ACT I t Lea Drop UxSS. 1 Cut Dron 14xS icl na UkSI. I Sot Houro. Act ii-i Lcl t)mn n5s ini,t ij.w ,1 ' ,r,"' HSJS Vil TOMilW1' Slups 1 sraa:i stops-1 'iSI: JuRtasprcMsntcdntMr. Carter's town Chicago Theater, the "Crlteilan." Lincoln J. Carter la honuthorof tho f ol lowing plnys: "Fast Mnlll ''Chattanooga," "Under tho Domo,liomcmuct the Maine." "Ilpurt of Chicago." "Tornado," "Down Mobllb," "Tho Eleventh Hour " "Tho Ham tig Arrow.1 "Two L ttlo Watts," "Alaska." "Tho Madman "Tho Darkest llour " mud to I?ck," "Ilev Only Sin," "Tho Eyo Witness," "Ucdrord's liopo." "arttcss uour' 100 SO irooipBo. OahBTtcJ and Orohostra at Spooia) Oars. Show aa (Mlgzft-t-f: Only Will Exhibit at North Platte Thursday, June 4th. Show Grounds near the Pass Green House. THE ELL OUT. mi OF SOUTHERN LIFE: Never Beforo Attempted .Under Canvaa A Nice Lilllc Meal al Armsfrona is always appreciated, where you get everything so appetiz ing and toothsome these June mornings, when your appetite is fickle. When you ant to treat your friends, your wie or your sweetheart to a meal . that is cooked to the Queen's taste bring them to The Enterprise Bakery Mrs, Jennie ni msfronn, Prtfp ' 11