a J I Local Nowa m bnoi. DR. ?. W. MILLEK, OBADUATE DENTIST, gfflco over Stioltc' Drag BtO". 'Phono 82. Dave Scott cams down from Cheyenne Wednesday night for a visit with his familr. Presiding Eider Moore returned yesterday morning from an official visit to the west part of his district. Will Archer took'scvcral head of horaea to Curtis wlictc he will ship them, with others, to the eastern market. Mrs. John Mcrryman, now living in Wyoming, came down yesterday to attend the funeral of her inter, Mrs. John Scheu. The senate Tuesday confirmed tbe appointment of K. D. Owens as receiver of the United States laud oilice in this city. Rev. Geo. A. Becchcr spent yes terday forenoon iu town while en route to Ogalalh, where he held service last night. Duy Angel Food Taffy at Hup fer'n. Mrs. II. S. Boal and Miss Irma Cody will remain in town until Christinas night and then leave for a visit with friends in New York City. Mrs. Thos. Quinn and Mrs. Pat rick Qulnn and daughter Mamie, of Denver, came down yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. John Scheu. Bialup A. R. Graves will occupy (he pulpit at the Epla:opal church next Sunday. Holy communion will be celebrated at the morning service. In the district court yesterday Emma Harper wan granted a legal Heparatiou from her husband and given an alimony ol two thousand dollars. Coming attractions at the opera house are "At the Old Croso Koadh" Dec. 27th. "When We Were Twenty-one,'1 Dec, 3Ut and "Mis souri Girl" January 5th. We don't urge you to buy expen sive glftB. We have hosts of ex quUitc things that arc all within the range of tuodeat iucdmea pins, rings, watches and pretty bilvcr noveltlcB by the itcorc. CttNTON, TUB Jr.WBI.ER. The remains ol Mrs, John Scheu, who died in Dauvcr Tuesday from the result of an operation in a hos pital, were brought here yesterday morning for Interment. The de ceased was formerly Miss Johanna McGraw, and for mauy years lived iu this city. Mrs. D. C. Congdon and Mra. TIiob. Hughes lett for Juniata. Nub., Wednesday night In response to a message stating that Thos. Hughes Sr., had bsen stricken with paralysis. Mr. Hughcb' entire right Bide is effected and at last accounts he wan sinking rapidly. He is hcv-cnty-threc years of age, and his 'recovery is therefore doubtful. This week lias been a little dis appointing to Judge Baldwin who anticipated, in view nt the the near approach of Christmas, a strong demand tor marriage licenses, but on tho .contrary busincuR in that line has been extremely dull, Un less business picks up, the Judge will conclude that there are no marriageable young men in Lincoln county. It won't coat you a fortune to get your Dentul Work done at Dr. Morrill'. R. D. Harrin, register of the Sid ney land office, spent part of yes tcrday in town visiting the family of E. A.'Cary and t'niiBactiug busl ncsB. Mr. Htirrin says that during the visit of the Union Pacific offic ials at Sidney Wednesday they gave It out that the force at thnt place would be increased by the addition of hcventy.fivc men, mak ing a total force ot 175, The offic. 1 its authorised!! he erection ol a new power house and other improve men's, Furs and Skirts. Wc have a great line of these goods and wc are selling1 lots of them because the price and style sell them. A lot of Sillc and Wool Waists just arrived. They arc just the proper things for Christ mas presents. THE LEADER lien's Iiatest flat Styles Li X ill VJ I III wu 1 mvias" 5 era appreciate our gather- t ingof the correct hat styles' 6 and will come to the Star to 2r select their headwear. 5 Our Longlcy Hat in soft or ft neatest swcllcst hats that have Our Statesman Hat, the best hat in point of style ff A 3 and quality on the market for $LDy f Star Clothing House, I MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS, Mrs. C. W. Home of Maxwell wad a visitor in town Wednesday evening. 'Caught in the Web" will be ren dered at the opera house on the evening of December 20th. YELLOW SHOE 1 Geo, K. Grchim, I Mgr. WHAT TO GIVE. If you're troubled over the ever perplexing question of "what to give'' for Christmas remem brances, let the Shoe Store help you. Footwear that is food, fresh, brio-lit and now. M . . " ' ' o j B is always appropriate, acceptable; it serves the g $ purpose of usefulness, is a personal comfort- and R adornment. WOMEN'S SHOES A large variety to select from, comprising nil the newest last shapes, the various kinds of popular leathers, such as kid, patent kid, pat ent colt, enamel, in thin and extension soles, at S4.50, $4.00, $3.50, and down to $1.50 and MEN'S SHOES Any style or leather that a man would want, 5.00, $4.00, $3.50, $3, down to ' , ,. MEN'S SLIPPERSt-Iii extensive variety, in Opera, Evcrette and Romeo styles, in all goo'd slipper leathers, at $2,50, $2,00, $1.50, 9125 down to WOMEN'S SLIPPERS-Any style or kind here that a woman would want. Warm felt house slippers, pretty kid or velvet slippers in strap and Colonial styles, plain, easy, soft kid slippers at $2.00, $1.50, $1.25 down to GIRLS' SUPPERS In fine wool felt, in ankle high fur trimmed Romeo's, or, plain AA corner cut styles, at $1.00 and "C LEflfilNfri . TiW linvnnt SOr. 7Sr. .tl.MV ir!..1a ftr .-.ml I M I OVERGAITER.S For men and 75c, men's 85c The Gentleman from Indiana Did not buy his clothes from the Star but was lost in ad miration as his eyes feasted on the cleganca of style and the beauty of the fabrics from wnicn our garments arc law- orcd, and in future the S jrentlcman will walk from In- T diana to the Star (if necessary) to procure his clothing. IJut laying all joking aside, have you seen the exceptional good thing wc arc selling for $10.00 the suit. Our word for it you cannot match them elsewhere for fifteen. You know our method of business can't help but save you money. stiff styles, are the been shown this scasonpt In last Tuesday's Issue of Tim TninuNE O. H. P. Buchanan ad ycrtiscd a span ot horses for pale, and the next day he found a pur chaser. This is iust another in stance that advertisements in The Triuune briugB rcsultB, Mo, 7 FRONT STORE Horlh $2.00 $1.50 75c $1.00 women. Women's 50c and I TV (a 1 1 r 1 r t VV II IVI fcvsrirs When anything in the Furniture line is wanted, the citizens of Westenj Nebraska know that they can get it at "THE BIG STORE." They also know that our goods are built upon merit, that the best materials are used in construction; that the goods are up to date in style and finish. Wc have for the Christmas trade this year a very complete line and at prices that defy competition. We have the Globe, Werneckc Sectional BOOK CASES. This is he case that you can buy a section at a time. The celebrated Karpen Guaranteed Upholstered GOOdS are the best made. We carry a ljne COUChesaild Rockers and odd pieces for the parlor. Our line of Rockers and Morris Reclining Chairs is the best we ever carried in stock. The Estey Organ is the leader and of course we have got it. House hold, Wheeler & Wilson, Domestic and other Sewing Machines. Bed Room Suits in mnplc, mahogany, oak, ash and elm, all good substantial goods that will give you satisfaction. We have Combination Book Cases and Desks, Side Boards, Center Tables, Kitchen Cabinets and Extension Tables. Our line of Dining Chairs is very complete. We have Stoves and Ranges. One of these wouldv make a very warm present. ' ft Have your pictures framed early. See our display of pictures. The prices are RIGHT. Tlit n.otiln. .11 bfnf iht. Trta.'M.rx. li.wr Mrs. W. M. Baskins ,came down from the ranch iu Logan county this week and is visiting her pa rents. Cunningham sells Stove Boards, Linoleum, Stove Mats, Bindings, Stove Pipe, etc. Tbe tittle town of Maxwell shipped thirty-seven cars ot hay and Bugar beets the first eight days of tins month. There are about forty cars of beets yet to be shipped. J. P. Zonne, who ttavels lor a Racine overall factory, interviewed our merchants yesterday. Mr. Zonne is fattier of the young lady who Geo. II. Likert recently married. Opera Glasses, Field Glasses, Reading Glasses, Compasses, Mag uifiers, etc., at Cmnton's Jewelky Store. Judge Grimes, Reporter- Cary and attorneys Wilcox, Beeler and Parsons will go to McPherson county Sunday. On the following day the trial of Robinson, charged with murder, will begin. Co. Supt. Ncale has visited so far this fall about one-half ot the schools in the county and reports them to be iu excellent condition, although the attendance Ib light. In a number of districts the major ity of the children are kept out of school to assist with farm work and in herding1 cattle, tiut this class ot work will Boon draw to a close and tuc attendance at school will then be greater. MALE HELP Men, our illus trated catalogue explains how we teach barber trade in short time, mailed tree. Mo'.er College, Omaha, Neb. It is probable that a utilou nor mal institute, continuing for five weeks, will be held in this city next summer. In this institute Per km, Keith, Lincoln and perhaps Logan and McPherson counties would join and by so doing1, the at. tendance would be sufficiently laree to justily securing four or five teachers of ability. It is thought that a normal of this kind would be attended by two or three hundred tsachcrs and prospective teachers. Arrangements would be made to havctwo lectures a week delivered by prominent lecturers. Ota Fo low Iflll l 1 1. Warner, "The Big Store" . . NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Taffy of all flavors at Huptcr'a. Master Perry Cunningham re turned yesterday trom a week's visit with Rev. and Mrs. Beecher ia Kearney. Our show cases glisten with hun dreds of gift BuggestionB in the way of jewelry ior man and maid. Scarf and stick pins, brooches, rings, etc., in an infinite variety ot rich aud beautiful designs. Cmnton, the Jeweler. Mrs. Luce, who had been the guest of friends in town for several weeks, left Wednesday for Grand Island where she will make her home with her son, H. D. Luce, foreman of the rourd house. The session of ,the West End Club at the Walker residence Tues day evening was a particlarly pleasant one. About thirty mem bers were present and the host esses Mesdamcs Walker and Par sons saw that their guests received every attention that would add to their enjoyment. The refreshments served were very much appreciated, Two RivcrH Lodge No. 75, D. of H. , at their regular meeting Mon day evening, Doc. 1st, elected the following officers: P. C. of H. May Davis, C. ot II. Jennie M. Milton berger, L. of II. Nellie 13. Weeks, C. of C. Fredricka Steya, Recorder John Keliher,, Financier Magnolia K. Duke, Receiver Ida M. Vernon, I. W. Maggie Kelly, O. W. A. S. Baldwin. By all means don't fail to exam ine our stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks. The styles are correct, and they are sold at prices just one-half their real value. Ladies' Jackets as low as $2.29 THE LEADER. Buffalo Bill's Show Sails. On the American liner St. Louis, which Bailed on Wednesday, Dec, 3d, for Southhampton, were 200 members of Buffalo .Bill's Wild West Show, including all the cow boys and Indians. Great excite ment prevailed before the sailing of the vessel and all were in excel lent spirits in anticipation of the trip. A box of roses was received by Mr. Will Baker, wishing him 'Bon Voyage." At ten o'clock a. m. the steamer left her dock, amid a great' waving of . handkerchief a and to the strains of ''Farewell, My Own True Love." The show will make a long tour of Europe and will cover in five years the same territory visited by. the Baruum & Bailey organization which returned recently. The re mainder ol the Wild West Show will follow later. Our best wishes be with them and prayers for their safe return to those who loye them. Anon." ' Dr. F.H.Lougley will do a gen eral office business. Special atten tion given to chronic diseases. Phone office No. 10, residence No. 41. Office hours 9 to 12 m., 2 to 4 p. m. Office City Pharmacy, North Platte. Neb. DRESS GOODS, i Forty inch Dress Goods at 21c per yard. Worth double. 52-incb Coronation Suitings, just arrived, at .19 per yard. Have just received for the Christmas trade a fine line of Dress Patterns and Silks for Dresses and Waists which wc are selling at prices that will make our competitors howl even louder than they have bean howl ing, and that has been loud. THE LEADER. 1 V X 0