The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 21, 1902, Image 3

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All especially
suitable for
Presents and
purchased by
us with that
end In view.
An ab u n d a n t
$ variety and at
A unique ntock of ifi
t-: i v-
John 13. ISvanB ..returned JaBt
nlj'lit from a business trip tt
Silver Toilet Scts.Works of Art.
CLINTON'S Jewclcry Store.
Pine Silver
Mounted s
FRIDAY, NOV. 21, 12
co ever Btrcltz's Drtff Stero. Phcno 02.
Crockett ot Cheyenne is
Asst. Sunt. Ware is out on the
Prod Mart! is bavin? the interior
of Ilia store repapered and re
painted. A sliiiht chance for the better is
rcDorted in the condition of Mrs.
Fred Frederlckson.
The second ot the serieH of
be Held at tnc opera iiousc luauna-
giving evening.
Fireman Daugot. who lately
cami! Here irom aiuney, uas re
turned to the latter place ana ac-
vcepieu a posiwun us uuoutn
J' Mrs. Chas. McMillan, of Mt.
Pleasaut, Iowa, h the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Mason while n
route home from a trip in the west.
G. S. Huffman, who for neveral
months has been employed in Sum
net'a drug store at Blooitungton,
arrived home last niglit and will
remain until ' the tenth, of next
It' on t ti .
Lock & Salisbury vesterday pur-
1.liuu.l Iim linraxu. hlMrir'tt'S and liar-
idiMi.ii-u biw . - - , r. e
nes of the biick livery stable on
Front htreet and in the future will
conduct that stable as well as the
one they have been operating.
The Lutheran ladies' aid society
will meet next week on Tuesday
afternoon at the parsonage. Mem
ir. nnd friends are ahked to re
member the change troin Thurs-
day because ot Thanksgiving Day.
Wiley Mathews presented his
resignation as janilor at the court
house tcday, to take cff ct Decem
ber 10th. Shortly thereafter Mr.
and Mrs. Mathews will go to Mc
Cook to visit ttieir daughters and
...may remain there all winter. The
county commisf-ionerR will probably
appoint a janitor today or tomor-
Worshio with the Lutherans
next Sunday if you have have no
church home or religious services.
Pub'.ic worship at 10:30 and 7:30.
Evening subject, "Immanuel Wicb
ern, the shining star in the Inner
mission and ntormatory work in
Germany " This will be the fourth
address illustrative of the buhject
'Praying and Working."
Dear reader, you will notice that
a gitt frr m J. D. Rocktfellow to
n.rne university t always fiMowed
by a rai-e of a cent a gallon in the
ptiee ol coal oli. Y" will al-n nr,
tice I hat the increase in the pny t
railroad employes is f.illowtd by an
increase ol Irem lit rates. D is the
public that put up the money lir
T?..-L--fllnw'ri 1'ilts and it ! the
public that pay the railroad men
their advance in wagus.
. For Sale.
We are . ff l a- -""iir u"i"d ch. -if
t'uiich. - "I c itie Cdn - 1 1 y u
. aiiy'uumbei .tt iiH' prie s.
Uratt, liunKn & Goodman
i...i i -i. ..... If x-rttt I'n i in with
Will lOOli UCllti J"" I'
Horse 'Blankets,
Plush' Rones,
-f Fur Robes.
Our stock is complete.
' vWikox Dciiailiimot Store.
Miss Alice Pltimcr, of Maxwell,
has been the guest of Mr, and Mrs.
W. II. McDonald for a few days.
B. W, Crane let t this morning tor
Ilershey to work on a house which
D. M. Ley paid t is having erected.
Taffy of all flavdrs at Hupler'd.
M. C, Lindsay came in from Iowa
Wednesday night and will look
after business matters for a, week
or so.
County Supt. Neale, who has
been visiting schools tn the west
part of the county, will be home
this evening.
The. car repair gang performed
the necessary work on train No. 1
last evening in live and one-hall
minutes. That is accounted fast
Genl. Supt. Buckingham made
his first visit to this city yesterday
in his new official capacity, He
was accompanied by Division S f t.
Part ot the supplies for the heat
ing plant in the McDonald State
Bank building arrived this week,
but the work in delayed by tlie non
arrival of the boiler.
Geo. Schatz,Oeo. Huntington and
one other returned last evening
from Vroman, where they devoted
two days to hunting geese. They
brought home twenty. five or thirty.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Harrington
informally, but very pleasantly, en
tertained a number of neighbors
and fiiends at bigh-.hvc last even
ing. It was a gathering of jolly
people and a good time to each re
sulted. It 13 said that the appointment
of a receiver to fill the vacaney in
the local land office will be made
the early part of December. A9
business at the land office is prac
tically hung up by reason ot the
vacancy, it is the desire ot all that
the appointment be made at the
earliest possible tune.
It was stated in these columns
that the supremecnurt had a (firmed
the judgment which Geo. F. Ander
son had obtained against the state
lumber dealers'' association but
that wdb wrong. The supreme
court revcised the decision of Hie
lower court and dismissed the case
as to the association.
The supper given by the Epis
copal Guild was largely patrouiz d,
over three hundred persons being
seivid, and many compliments on
the quality of the meal were ex
pressed. The fancy work, (lower
and candy tables were also well
oatronized. The guild will net
over one hundred dollars from their
efforts. The receipts of the even
ing were one hundfed and sixty
Mrs Mary Chambers, whose hus
band was killed at Hershey a year
or so ago, will appear before Judge
Baldwin this afternoon together
with two of lier children, at which.
time-an inquiry will be made as to
the best disposition to be made of
the children, who are feeble-minded
Mrs. Chambers has four cluldrer,
who with herself are in a destitute
At this time it is not definite
ly known whether the high -chool
foot ball team will go to Kearney
on Thanksgiving Day but it is pro
bable that it will. Prof. Orr would
lika' to raise a sufficient sum to
to have the Kearney team come
here, but as it would nquire about
one hundred dollars to have them
come, he is somewhat doubt Inl
about being able to secure that
amount. In case the sufficient sum
is subscribed the game will be
made tree to all.
For Rent My four-room house
on South Diwey btreet.
Fkup Makti.
M. Ct Harrington says that 2,000
cars of hay of the 1902 crop will be
whipped from North Platte, Gan
nett and Birdvvood. The average
car luad iselev-'n tons and l lie aver
,U'e price will il t l iH below .? Pr
i. ii Tl.t value ol th h.i ship
hi. u's from thi -e thrte point"
ih. i. tire l)e one hundred and (if'v
f.nir thousand dollars Qiliui pou la
in the county will ship 1300 carp, so
that the total value of the 1002 haV
crop shipped out of Lincoln county
will reach nearly two hundnd
and seventy-live thousand dollars,
(lav is king in Lincoln county thU
Rev. Weed Accepts.
A letter was received today from
Rev. Edwin L. Weed, of Brooklyn,
N. Y., in which he formally accepts
the call tendered him by the vestry
of the Episcopal church of this city.
Rev. Weed will not, however,
reach this city until about Jan. 7th.
When wanting best Fire, Lite or
Accident Insurance at lowest living
rates. See John Bratt &. Co.
W. W. Scott, the Sunday-school
missionary, returned to town this
week alter a somewhat prolonged
visit at Suthctland.
. The Catholic ladies will serve a
turkey supper in the room opposite
Dixon's store on Wednesday even
ing of next week.
The county commissioner's, who
have uecn In session this week.
will piobably adjourn tomorrow,
and meet again the latter part of
Strayed- or Stolen. A white
Scotch collie dog with sable head.
Reward will be paid for its return
to Clinton' store, or lor informa
tion that will lead to its recovery.
Angel Food Taffy at Hupler'd.
From a railroad conductor It ia
learned that Carl Pierce is now
confined to his bed and that he
cannot survive much longer. All
nourishment is given him through
his nostrils.
Houses for Rint. See John
Bratt & Co.
The young son of John Dole,
menttou of whom is made else
where, was taken to Omaha last
night for treatment, the local phy
sicians, recommending that he be
placed in charge of an occulist.
Men! Don't misB it ! That great
men's meeting at the x. M. C. A.
next Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Rev.
Thomas Greenlee will speak. Miss
R. A. Kennedy will hing a solo.
Every man in the city is cordially
invited. S.
Last Wednesday the police gave
Al. Gerkin, Fritz Johnson and a
fellow named Holmes a certain
number ot hours to get out of town
or be landed in, jail. The trio took
the alternative and bit the
Always feed a little Eureka
Stock Fool. The- eood results
shown,, in your stock will please
you. Bratt Goodman,
Judging from the number of
Union Pacific officials in town this
morning, North Platte is a very
important railroad center. The
presence of the officials, however,
has not r.-sultediiihta-t ing rumors
of any nature.
Sheriff Carpenter went to Brady
this morning to bring to this city
lor investigation a man named Pohl
who is ius'itu. Pohl was in the
asylum for a time, but waa paroled.
His condition is now suclhoweve
that he needs attention. Pohl has
a wife and six children who are in
destitute circumstances,
Langdon Succeeds Stubbj.
Effective today, Harry C. Lang
don succeeds J. H. Stubbs as divi
sion foreman in this cily. and he
has entered upon his duties. This
change, it is understood, has been
contemplated for a couple of weeks,
but was not formally announced by
Supt. ol JMotivc Power McKecn
until late last evening.
Mr. Stubbs has been offered the
gen'cral forcmanship of the large
shops at Arnistrong, Kansas, but
we understand he is undecided as
to whether he will accept Mr
Stubbs has oroven a noimlar official
- , - i i
and many will regret to have him
Mr. Langdon is believed by all to
bi a mighty good man for the place.
He has had mauy years experience
as an engineer on the road, and lor
two years or more has lillcd the
position ol traveling engineer on
the Nebinska division. His promo
tidn has been well earned and we
nrtdict that his services as foreman
will prove very satisfactory to the
cjmpany and popular with the cm-
nlovcs. Tin: Tribune heartily
congratulates Mr. Langdon on his
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Stoddard,
arrived in town latt night ,
W. L. May, receiver of the Pco
pie's State Bank ot Golheubnrt.1,
began an action today in the county
court againBt J. L. Lewis and wile
to recover a debt of $325,
Rev. E. L. Chamberlin returned
last evening Irom Hershey where
he attended the North Platte
District Ministerial Association.
He reports a satisfactory attend
ance and yery interesting BessioiiF.
TTtrpmpn mi the road COinDlaill
considerably on account of the poor
quality of, coal which is now sup
plied engines. Ttie greater pari oi
the coal now used comes from
Missouri and Colorado and is poor
stuff for generating steam.
)iALl fl
iPPTirirrinnl iMI
Sflu&iftLLi ni u buvn rM ,
We bclievo that wo can
fit and please every man with
TlhrWwimr. V( p.nn fit the
purse, too, with a wide range j
and variety of prices. i
Prices don't go so low,
tnough, as in sonic stores
that is, wo know where to
draw the linoat trash. Cot-
tmi wnnl ni linlf nnd lml F.
50c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, to
$1.75 per garment, lhe
best of Winter Underwear is here.
nnrl vmi rl nn't : lin vn f n irivn if-, fn vnill' Rmilllm'
(11IVI JW awii iiv' v faiv am v -
brother after the first washing in other words,
it's the unshrinkable kind.
Come hero for your Winter Underwear and
you won t go astray.
Bak6r Perfect Barb
Wire, Painted, per--hundred,
Baker Perfect Galvanized
Barb Wire per hundred,
Wilcox Dcportmen Store.
viFiNr.ANn r
Mcdonald.... m
Sole Agents for the Celebrated Staley Underwear. V
W. M. Ciiniiiiiskiii,
I have the
Hound Oak,
Rock Island,
and Gem City '
all goon rename aioyca. ,
Call and see the :
.- " nit 1 -.t k HT?T1 i
MM the lcinr of all soft coal '
My Prices are Right.
Five Cent Cigar to
Kerosene oil per gal
lon r ....
me Height qf a Short Man
is Increased
en a a
Suar 20 lbs forcM.Uv
Cane Granulated
Gothcnburcf . Best
Patent Flour per
Snow Flake Patent
Flour per sack
Red Seal Patent
Flour per sack.
Jewel Patent Flour
per sack
Aunt Jemima Pan
Cake Flour per
Grape Nuts 2 pkgs
Pierre Viau's Maple Syrup
.Gallon Cans... 2$
J-Gallon Cans
Quart Cans
with his appearance in this 43-inch
ITacon 99
Diamond C Soap 7
liars tor
White Russian Soap
6 bars tor
For Sale.
R uiclit'K,. bottom and' lull laucle,
improved farm, liousee, lots and
fioine L'ood businesB chances. Call
on John Bkatt & Co.
Store closes at 8 o'clock.
Wilcox-Department Store
The desirable roomy fullness given
by the well-placed creases gives
the short man a graceful and smart
contour in action or repose.
The tall m n who wants
medium length coat will find it
15he Proper
p -cirraa
nte.n MIA
SfAW xu., , !.,. vn th nnnnr.
1 Ilia iui tj'VVJ J "
tunity to test the importance and
economy of purchasing high-grade
clothing at a fair price; The lapels
arc shapely, the general appearance is pleasing to the eye,
and the price is right. These garments arc made and hand-tailored
by Crouse & Branuegeg, Manufacturing Tailors, Utlca,
New York.
JAKE AND ED, Sole Agents
Outfitters to all Mankind.
Men mill Women niul Their Effect
Upon I'nlillo aicctinmt.
American uiullPiimi nro Htrangoly
alike in (some tliliiKH and HlriuiBcly dis
similar In otlicrH. A Vood commlttco
will tnUo tuj much rmliiH l thu ar
rangement of ItH iiiullenco as of Itq
HncnkcrH. An audience Heated without
..mwillncr la Hcldoni enthUBliifitlc. Ncl-
4lim- lu nn niullelH'ii wllOHO hlllUlH lll'ft
occupied with bundled or umbrellas, an
audlcncu largely cnmimxeu ot women
or 1111 uudlenco In n com room, xne
t l 11 1 ...I.l.nun lll.i lYindl
(MiKioHr. iiiiuiuiiein iu iniuitno.
roHimtiHlvo and InnplrliiR, nro thoso
' . . l-.l
fonipoacd 01 men nwutu ui i"ravu
together and warm.
Woiiwii nittura y 110 not niniiauii or
cheer. They nro by liiRtlnct moro self
rcHtrnlned 1 11 Urn imiilic expresniou ol i.innllons than men. Kvory public
. . . I . . .l .l.r.l..
Hpwiuer ih rniupiuuuiuiii j i.n-
onee, UnowIiiK Unit meir (puei worn m
homo Is oftentlmeK more onccuvc m
rcsultfl than tho most ontlniHliiRtln
KhouthiB on the htreet comers by tho
other fox. In a public moetiiiK. now-
over, tho audience koh iih cuo irom
thoHo nearest the Hpeakor. I remember
well two iiurtlonecH, uotu rrom 1110
name nodal ijIuhh, both crowded, both
in inri-f. lhi-iiliTH ana bctli Hugely in
tended by women, One happened lo bo
In Colorado, 0110 In MiiKwiciniMHtH. in
0110 nicetlnn tho orclictdra wan ro
Hcrved Tor women, In the other mcet
lin; the men hud tho orchmtra and tho
women had tho lower nllury and all
tho boxcH. In both ciisch tho nudluncoH
were entirely friendly to tho HpeiikoiH.
'i'ho Kceoud mectlni; wiih marked by
wild enthUHliism, tho llrHt ono by re
Hpectful attention. In tho second cano
tho nuiHH of men In tho orchestra urged
on tho Hpenkcrs by continued applause.
In tho Hist case tho men lu tho nailer
ies who sliirted to applaud worq
cheeked because between thoin and
tho speakers wiih ii iumsh of absolutely
silent femininity In the oicheitri. 1 do
not say that 0110 meeting wan less ef
fective than tho other, but tho differ
once In tiV omUii on the speaker was
marked.-Krom "Tho Spellbinder," by
Colonel Curtis Guild, Jr., I Scrlb
uw'h. t