The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 28, 1902, Image 6

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oli. the mualis, mirth and inndntna
Oh, thn malnnoholy atrlfe
And tho KWfiftfiMn and the and now
And tho etory and the 1ndnes
In the pHtfoantry cf Ufe,
Oh, the hltUrnaaa and burning,
Oh, the pfttluiH ami tho pain
OIi, tho cndlcttaneM c-f yen mine
And tho ah-illownesa of IwiriilriK
Oh, the throbbing- (if tho brain I
Oh, tho emptiness of seeming,
Oh, tho hollownea of pride
Oh, tho vnnlty nf Hehemhiir
And the I ill mess nf creaming
And tho mlffiry bealdel
Oil, tho beauty and thi Rlory,
Oh, tho mnjeety of nee
riiHHlnn colli and trwwox hoary ,
Oh, tho sadnrai of the atnry, ' .
t Oh, the turning of tho page!
Mr. Salshury Jenkins' Idea,
(Copyright, loot by Dally Htory Pub. Co )
Mr. 8Uhury Jonkliui atepped out
upon tho hotel porch under tho fire
pf liHtil!tlvo glancon with an rnsy
nonchalance of manner, which come
only with long practice Ho wan the
Intoat nrrivnl. Ho Hf hl cigar and
giued with an ImWferent curiosity
upon the crowd,1 air. Salshury Jenk
inn wan nn ohwrver cp:i lally of
women, nml Hi todlly rondo up his
niltiil that Uia girl In tlio pink dimity
nt tho ond of tho piazza wn tho ono
gill In the crowd. Having retched this
conclusion h rested not until lit had
boon formally Introduced having
licon formnlly Introduced he improved
bin opportunity.
A drty or two later he ttnt on tho
railing looking down upon tho girl,
as nho reclined In nn easy chair.
8ho laid down a book, with n sigh.
"What do yon taluk of It?" queried
Mr. Jenkins.
"Perfectly lovely," returned tho
;;lrl. "Maatorton, tho hero, is such
i flno fellow llio kind of man who's
utrong nud brave nnd rlnl(H his Ufo
for wotnon, nnd really accomplishes
thlnBH. I could fall In lovo with a
man lllto that I'm tlrod or tho rest
tho hind who tnllt nil day nhout books
and tho thontor, tho races nnd golf.
Mnntorfion wan ho dlfforent."
Mr. Jonklna winced. For two days
Jio hud hold forth upon golf nnd tho
racoa, tho thontor and boohs. Still,
ho thought, complncantly, of his man
Jy nppenrancc, nnd ho considered Hint
ho would puoh Maatorson, tho book'a
horo, cJobo for nocond plnco, Dut
It wnn up to him now to maUo an lm-proBHloiiT-to
provo his supromacy.
Ho proforrod to ccllpEO Maatorson
If por.slble. To this ond ho racked
lits hrnlu.
And then a suhllmo Idea occurred
to hlin; tho inoro ho thought of It
tho inoro ho liked It and na ho con
touiplutod It, ho thought It must end
In hut ono way with ,tlo girl's arms
urouiHl his neck, llko tho hcrolno's
nhout tho nock of Mnntorson. This
Jdon wns not ontlrely orlglnnl ho had
rend of It In (let Ion; but It wna, ho
constdorod, without precedent In real
llfo. It wan to placo tho girl In a
ulluatlon of apparent daugor, from
which, without dangor to hlmaclf, ho
would gloriously rencuo hor.
It was n great Idea nnd Mr. Jenkins
worked It out.
"Well, mlstor," snld tho tramp,
glancing doubtfully nt Mr. Jenkins'
woll-paddcd shoulder "I'll toll you
how It Is. I stood up once to havo a
mini knock mo down for flvo dollars
it wivi John L. what did It. An' ho
liroko mo noao. I don't want no moro
of It. I don't want you to uso mo
rough." Mr, JenkltiR reasaured him.
"Woll, then, I'll go you, mlstor.
I'm not much on scurlng women, but
I ii'poiut I could do It on a pinch. All
right, I'll go you. Only," ho added,
"don't you uso mo rough, and don't
you hit mo on tho beak."
Koxt. ovonlng at euusot tho girl not
out for her customary walk through
tho glon. Sho always went alone. Mr.
Salnbury Jenkins hud often offered
to go with her, hut, although excep
tionally gracious to him at other
times, sho had acknowledged his sug
gestion with u glanco which, In an
other person, would hnvo boon a
"What do you think or It?" queried
Mr. Jenkins.
stony glaro. This tlmo ho did not of
fer, Ho natchod hor disappear In
tho woodland path and thou ho fol
lowed her.
Tho glen wan n wild and wolrd and
lonoly place, ospoctally after sun
down. Mr, Jenkins felt that keenly
but ho prossod on after tha girl. Os
ccaionnlly ho caught glimpses of hor
hut finally ho lost hor.
Suddenly ho heard u wild Bcrcam
a woman's scream hor scream. For
An Instant It fror.o his blood. Then
lio brncod up and sprinted on. ahoad,
Oh. the (dimmer of the cnndle,
Oh, the flickering of tli lUm
Plmntom Kold which none may handle
Wonry foot nnd broken aenndnl
Oh, tho worlhUssneea of Fame!
Oh, tho folly of refjrotttnR-.
Oh, tho Hhimor nf the ko:iI
Oh, the forvor and tho fretting
And tho sweetness of forgetting
Oh, the Borrows of the soul I
Oil. tho lonellne nnd longing,
Oh, tho laughter nnd the teural
OIi, tho dinning and tho iIntilriB
And tho Krouplng nnd the thronging
At th sepulchur of years!
Oh, tho mimic nnd tho nindnes.
Oh, the sweetness nnd Hip etrlfc
And tho Borrow and the sadness
And tho Rlory nnd tho gladness
In tile pngenntry of Ufe!
Thorn n- Shelley flutton.
shouting m ho went ho, tho deliv
erer In a roaesurlng voice. Ho
reached tho pot. The first thing he
aw was tho girl ho cnught sight of
her through nn opening in the leavos.
She h br atandlng near n tree, hor
oyeo opened wide with Fright? No,
with Interest. Sho was fazing In
tently at some spectacle, Jenkins
know not what. Hor oxpreeslon for
an Instant gnvo him imuso. Then
he stepped forward, cautiously, rath
er man impotuously, ns he had In-
leniimi. As Mo did o. ho hoard florco
Imprecation. In ono voice, guttural on-
trwttiea in another. And then ho saw
that his tramp wus helm: boaton
and pounded unmercifully by iiome
young glan:, In tho most npprovod
rr." - jar' Mil
"Stop, mlstorl No, no, no! Not on
tho bonk!"
mannor. For nwhllo tho trump put
up a real or protondod resistance
then ho wenkencd.
"Don't, don't, mlstor," ho pleaded.
"Ain't ycr got yer money's worth!
Stop, Mlstor! Nol no! no! not on tho
beak!" ho screamed In agony. For
hla opponent had planted a vigorous
Mow upon thnt already fractured
member. Ho followed It by anothor
blow thnt sont tho tramp sprawling.
Tho tramp, seizing his chance, scram
bled to his feet, nnd scampcrod
through tho undorbrush and out of
As he did so, tho girl, with a cry,
spraiiR forward and throw herself into
tho man's arms. cHnulnc clojolv
round his neck.
"Duncan oh, Duncan!" sho cried.
"Duncan, my presorvor!" Tho man
held hor closo, nnd bent down and
klssod hor, not onco, but many times.
As ho did so, Jonklns saw his face,
ami know him. It wus Konnedy
Duncan Kennedy, a mining engineer,
a guest nt tho hotel.
For tho moment Mr. .Tonkins was
cvercomo. Ho sank upon tho ground.
Whon he recovered his equilibrium
ho found thnt they had disappeared,
but, hearing tho sound of voices on
his right, he movod In thnt direction.
Ho camo to a small oponing. In
tho mlddlo of It was nn old log.
On tho log oat Kennedy and tho
"Dour llttlo girl," tho man wa3 any
Ing, "next tlmo I'll eomo with you, la
Htcud of mooting you down here."
It wus tho trystlng placo.
"Darn 'om," said Mr. Salshury
JcnktnB to himself, "that's whnt's
brought her down hero overy night!"
Ho carefully rotracod his stops.
"Can you tell me," Inquired Mr.
Salshury Jonklns Inter, of tho hotol
clerk, "what Is tho next trnln up to
tho city?"
Tho elork looked up. "Six fifty
flvo." ho replied. Then, seeing vrho
It wuh. "Hut, my, yon'ro not going
so soon? what's mnttor? Not
nfrald or tho girls?"
Mr. Salshury Jonklns was not
nfrald of tho girls, no hut of tho
girl thnt wus t different matter.
And, then, too, ho was a bit ap
prloii3lvo ns regards tho tramp.
"After nl:," sighed Mr. Salshury
Jenkins, "Now York'a tho place!"
"Duncan," said tho girl to Ken-
nody, later, "do you mind, Duncan, If
nomcumes I cnll you Maatorson."
"Call mo nnythlng, my darling," re
turned Konr.ody. "I'll eomo to ytvi
wnon you can."
Even Millionaires Turned Down.
James Dobjion, a multimillionaire
carpot-nuvkcr of Thllndelphlu, vaa
"among thoao present" nt a coal of-
Uco thoro tho othor day to maku up
plication for fuel. Ho stood In lino
with n number of othars and pleaded
ror a cnrlond, saying ho needed It bad
ly at hln factory. That was hla see
ond nppoal, hut ho wna told to "call
again In tho morning."
Gossips aro not to ulamo It ono-half
tho world doesn't know .bow tho othor
half Jives.
Tramp of Hoofs of Cattle Suro to Send
Them Scurrying Away.
Occasionally a tcmpornto man Is
found who studies snnkos, and ono of
those Is Oen. Milton Moore. Tho gon
orel reads everything he can find bear
Ing: upon tho habits nnd hnbltats of
the snnko society, and for thnt reas
on ho was particularly Interested in
meeting ex-Private Alexander Mahl
strom, Fifth Missouri, who recently
returned from South America.
"Mnhlstrom told me," Bald Gon.
Mooro yesterdny, "that tho snnkca In
Central America are torpid and stupid
to a degree, though somo of them aro
violent enough when disturbed. Thty
often hlto tho woodfcllera there.
I never know them to bite nn
ovorlnnd trailer. I crossed tho
plains thirty years ago, nnd many
Union since, In tho freighting busi
ness, it waa my exponent'" that
the sound of the approach of cat
tle or buffalo sent the snakes about
their business. We lay on the grcund
whero snnkes were thick In our nb-
senco, hut scarce In our presence, A
snnko must havo some sense, and ho
must reflect that whereas ho mlcl t
put a lone man to (light, ho hud iu t a
ghoet of u ahow with a herd of t;.U'o
or buffalo trumping him. So ho . .i s
when he hears the curavnns coming I
never know them to hlto a man whl'o
I was going over the trail. I recollect
at ono time running across n rnttkr I
was riding a mule. Ho woke up,
heard tho hoof beats and started uff.
A rattler ennnot run straight mirh
bettor than n Swede turnip enn roll
strulglit. Ho wobbles. Thin follow
was terrified, for he took off. A quirk
walk wus as fast as ho could go. I du
m'Uinted, pulled out my cap and ball
revolver nnd bogan firing at him. Tho
first shot clipped him and mndo him
furious. He hissed and shook his tall
with a vongennce. Hut ho hoard my
initio and headed for tall grass. I think
It was my fifth shot that broke his
hack. Tho snnko Is u coward." Kan
sna City Journal.
Along tho Way to Meetln'.
I wondored If tho world so wldo had
hniird my htwrt a liroakln',
With Bully wnllcln' at my bide ulom; tho
way to moetlii'7
It sevintd to time my overy step Jeit
lceupln' time accord In',
An' Huyln'i "Thero'a no roat for you
'copt t'other aldo of Jordan!"
I'd tried nn' tried to any "the word,"
with putluntcht endeavor
Tho word thnt mli;ht, or mightn't, make
her heart my own forever;
But Bomehow, whon It reached my Hps,
It occmed too much to uttor.
With my poor heart n-keopln' up that
cverlaatln' flutter,
'Twuz shore my tribulation day closo by
my side to view her
To pull tho wild IIowcth by the way, an'
then not glvo 'em to her!
Hut, sudden eomo this word from her
'twuz like a benediction:
"I'm thlnkln', John, this mcotln' day
you're under deep conviction!"
An' then I up an' told her all my heart;
so soro allllctcd;
I loved her moro thnn nil tho world
that's how I stood convicted;
An' then, ns closo sho eomo to me, with
sweeter looks ond fonder,
I rcud my shlnln' titles clear to earth
Atlanta Constitution.
Demonstration Too Effective.
Two mnldcn sisters of innturo years
had been to n tempornnco lecture To
demonstrate tho disastrous effect ol
nlcohol upon life, tho lecturer had
poured a portion of whisky Into n Blase
which contained water nnd n mass
of lively animalculno of different un
sightly ahnpes and sixes. Tho result
of tho mixture was that the Bhonls
of ugly looking fishes were soon be
reft of llfo nnd wero aeon flouting
helplessly In tho wator.
On tho way home, whon ncarlng a
saloon ono sister remarked to the
"Mnry, will you go In and get aomci
"Somo whisky!" astonishingly ro-
marked tho other.
"Yea, dear, for I really can never
ngaln drink water with all those hor-
rlblo things Hunting about. I would
rather drink them dead than nllvo."
Mr. Depew's Oversight.
"la Mr. Dopow In?" said a llfo In
nurnnco agent, handing his card to
tho olllco nttendaut.
"I'll see, Blr," replied tho minion,
going Into tho senator's sanctum.
Mr. Dopow glanced ut tho curd nnd
shook IiIh hoad In tho negative. Al
though tho upper part of his body war
hidden from public view by his deal,
tho senator's logs wore plainly visible
as ho sat with hla sldo toward the
"Mr. Depow Is out,' said tho at
tendant. "Woll," enld tho Insurnnco solicitor,
glancing through tho hulr-oponed
door, "1 wish you would tell hlni when
ho cornea In thnt I think my company
would poDltivuly rofuao to nccept him
ub a first class risk unless ho will
ngreo to always tako his legs with hlni
when ho gooa out."
True Success In Life.
Thoro nro scorea of living men who
might bo mentioned who hnvo nt
tnlnod to nil that goes to muko up
Buccesa na It la commonly catlmntod,
says tho San Francisco Chronicle.
They havo wcnlth, soclnl nnd politlcnl
Influence and popularity: thoy have
everything thnt hoart can wish, nnd
yot tho man of tho world of tho aver
age sort would not for a moment ad
mit that his buccoss Is to bo com
pared with thut of tho man who has
loat ovorythlng yet has sorvod his
country nq a patriot, has mado the
foundntlon of tho stato a llttlo strong
or, tho llfo of n common- peoplo n llt
tlo Bwoetcr nnd happier, has glvon to
his family and Mb friends nn oxnmple
of unspotted rectitude, and In dolus
theso things litis missed norsonal ad
j vanceuvent aud pleasure.
Too Much Water Did Not Appeal to
the Man From Maryland.
They woro seated at a" round tablo
in the blggost room In tho Maryland
:lub, tho Kinases In front of them
aewly prlmod. tho smoko from their
:ignra curling upward, while thoy list
aned to the yarns of tho man from
Arizona. Ho had told them storlea
it hunting, of mining, or train rob
oork8 and the llko, and now ho was
Holding forth on the wonders of Irri
gation. "No ono," said ho, "can properly np
prccloto tho wonders It has worked
.n tho central part or our Btato, whero
he desert has been literally mado to
blossom 08 tho rose.' Moro than
125.000 ncro3 In tho Salt river valley
ilone now bloom with palms, alfalfa,
trees, orango groves and other foil
igo, while grnsa and growing crops of
jraln, vegotablea and tho llko cover
tho fields where a few years ago not
a vestige or green waa to be seen on
the burning sand of tho great desert.
"Three largo cities, ono the capital
of tho atato, havo sprung up; two rail
roads have been built Into tho dlatrict
lo curry away tho Biirplus product,
and $:tO,000,00 has been added to tho
wealth of this great country of ours.
All this has been nccomillahcd by Ir
rigation, by bringing water In dltchea
and distributing it where it will do
tho most good.
"To accomplish this wo havo ex
ponded $:i.000,000 nnd dug hundreds
of miles of ditches. There Is much
rot to ho done, however, In our neigh
borhood, It being estimated that no
lesa than -100,000 acrea await reclma
ilon In that Immediate vicinity.
"The venture has proved Immensely
profitable, too, and our farmers aro
perhaps tho most prosperous In tho
world. I know of no bettor placo In
this country ror capital Booking In
vestment." And ho paused to nolo
the effect of his suggestion.
"Thut'a nlioly IntoroBtln' mighty
Interestln'," mused tho Enatern Shore
man, ua ho toaaed off the contontB of
hla Klaas, "but I caln't any that I'd
Gront Britain's latest augmentation
r hor already strong West Indian ror
Ilflcatlona Indicates her purposo to re
tain tho mil strategic advantago
which their situation gives to her pos
sessions In tho Caribbean sea or bor
dering upon It. Hor prosont effort In
carrying out this policy Is tho crea
tion of two ontlrely now batteries do
rending the approach to Port Royal,
tho naval station on tho Island or Ja
maica. lu Kingston harbor amiikn pos
'S"M3 VlTliH oviahaV.
i.ii-i. -i.
cyah to llvo In a country, sub, whar
watah Is rogynrded an the mainstay
of oxlstunco." Now York Tribune.
Result of Expansion.
It is not to bo denied that this ex
pansion of our knowledge of the
world is a sequence of our victories
In the Spanish war. Whether trade
follows the llag, certainly knowledge
does. What tho geography is doing
for the schoolboy, the newspapers and
magazines are doing for the adult.
"Nature will bo reported," hzja Em
erson, and certainly never was this
to true no to-dny. A hundred agencies
mainly commerce, invention, travel,
benevolence and disaster are conspir
ing to bring In touch nil the nntlons of
tho world nnd to demnnd tho fullest
knowledge of nil by each. There nro
those who think thnt this absorbing
Interest In the actuulltles of material
events Is being cultivated at the ex
pense of great creative art. But an
epoch of largo wealth has been usually
tho precursor of n period of great art.
When this period comes, perhaps the
result will bo all the moro significant
and valuable thnt the peoples or tho
earth will havo reached a sympathet
ic understanding through the widest
knowledge. Century Magazine.
Morgue Keeper a Humorint.
Ono or tho queerest or French au
thors, Clovls Plorro, died this week.
Ho wna a poet whoso talent would
hnvo received recognition doubtless
even If tho contrast between his vo
cation and his avocation had not
tickled tho fancy of tho Parisians. He
lived and wrote his poetry nt tho
morgue, of which ho was registrar.
Ho was a merry soul who found most
of his inspiration in tho corpses in
his care and who used to describe
himself ns the manager of a big hotel
well known to Paris, which was n
quiet place of rest for travelers from
all countries. Ho dwelt nt the morgue
for thirty-two years heroic ho retired
on n pension.
Pootry may bring returns ir a
stamp is Inclosed with It.
sessor, ono or tho best harbors In the
Woat Indies. It la practically land
locked nnd capable or sheltering ns
lnrgo u llect na Gront Britain will over
oo ablo to spare ror servlco In that
part or tho world. Tho harbor la long
nnd nnrrow, tho southern elioro being
rormod by n nnrrow Band spit, which
approaches the weatorn ahoro to with
in a distance about equal to the Nar
rows. On tho harbor aide of the point of
the sand spit and opposite the city of
Horse Battery Kept on Firing Al
though Constructively Dead.
Among tho amusing features of tho
recent mimic war one Incident Is re
counted by Adjt. Gen. Thomas Barry,
chief of staff, ns ono of the most un
usual conflicts In the history of war.
Among tho points defended by tho
army was a signal station on Montauk
Point. Hero wns stationed n horso
battery, intended to cover tho signal
corps and also to bo able to withdraw
In case of serious attack". Thla latter
duty was nol fully comprehended by
the gallant artillerymen. According
ly, when the Kcarsarge, the Alabamn,
tho Brooklyn, tho Olympla and all tho
other big snips of tho licet Bailed up
and opened their batteries on tho sig
nal station, bringing into play every
gun. from the 13-Inch to tho rapld-flro
ones, tho defenders of tho shore dis
played no Intention of retreat.
Wheeling their two small cannon
Into point blank range, they returned
tho flro of the combined fleet. Faster
and fnster enmo tho shots of tho
horso nrtlllery. Theoretically they
were annihilated; practically, thoy
woro only spurred to still greater ac
tivity. Not until tho umpires signal
ed them to atop firing, nnd later In
formed them that they wero all dead,
did the bravo gunners pauao. Not
nlnce the day of tho Matanzas mulo
has ao unequal a fight been waged ao
A Grewsome Coincidence.
Few In the musical world forget tho
shock caused a few years back by tho
tragic death of tho famous contralto.
Mme. Patey. Tho vocalist had created
an Immense success at a concert In
the provinces, nnd in reaponso to a
vociferous encore returned to the plat
form and sang tho pathetic Scottish
ballad of "Tho Banks of Allan Water."
Mme. Patey gave the last lino "Thero
a corse lay Bhe" with thrilling ex
pression, wnlked rrom the platform,
and straightway fell dead! Tho grow
some colncldonco waa much comment
ed on at tho time.
Kingston, tho naval station Is located.
Ihero aro already four forts commnnd
ng the entrance. Ono Is situated on
tho point close by the naval station,
tho zono or its flro covering tho chan
nol which niuat bo uaed by nil vos
sols npproachlng tho harbor from the
Tho newest of the present bntterles
la on tho opposlto sldo of tho entrance
and so located that u guns enfilade
tho channel. Tho other two forts com
mand the harbor proper.