I r j5'93.S-91S:5'a'j!-S.'afi.-34ee-&e&6. Wedding Gifts 8 8 Cut Glass,. Hand Decorated China, Clocks and Silverware, 3 $ We luvc a fine line suitable for Wcddinir Gifts. A lit- a tie early for Christmas M Goods, will tallc to you about J them later. $ a Would be plcascu to see g you. The Jeweler ,ind Optician. tit 3-a-fl3-39i5:e:-eK;tf-:e5e(tfr& $hf ctui Wufety SEribuaf . TUESDAY, OCT. 28, 1902. BR. FW. MILIEU, ORADUATE DENTIST. 0 flloe ovor StrelU'a Drug Qtoro. Tbono 82. Cbaa. P. Ko3R came in from Om ha this morning. Mrs. Ralph Chamberlain re turned from Omaha this morning. Governor Savage was a west bound pnBfrenger on train No. 5 this morning. J. Li. Dick' went to Sidney last night where he will take a position as engine hosier. Everett Evans came up from Lin coln Friday, having completed his course at the university. Chas. Nevtns, of the Chestnut & Nevlns ranch north of Paxton, is transacting busines3 in town to day. Win. Maloney returned Saturday Irom dandy, where he spent' sev eral days visiting Mr. and Mrs, Buzzi. The Pebekahs will give a ten cent Bocial at the Odd Fellows hall Friday evening, to which the public is cordially invited. Mrs. Jos. Nolan, who had been visiting the lamily of J. T. Smith ior a week, returned to her home in Wood'River this morning. Tafty of all flavors at Hupter'a. Miss W. B. Hesse is roported to be improving steadily from the effects of the paralytie Btroke which sbe suffered several weeks ago. Mrs. Janus Hart will entertain the Catholic Sewincr Circle Thurs day afternoon. There will be a contest for a beautiful cup and saucer. W. C. Richler and Miss Alice Barber were united in marriage yesterday by Judge Baldwin and last night the couple left for Sid ney, where they will reside. Mrs. H. J. Clark will exhibit some of her work and her pupils' work, in Warnei'a furniture store, beLinnintr Fridav. Oct. 31st, to Nov. 5th. Call and see. A letter received by the family from Rjy. A. A Oilman Saturday announced his safe arrival at Hong Kong, and ere this the young man had reached his fi lal destination and entered upon his work. S l v;y D.lloi a-rivjl thii mini- ins from A-kansas tor the purpose ot shipping to the grading camp a number ol horses bjlousing to hi father. Mr. Dillon says his pa rents and ehtcrs are envying good health. Cunningham will have your stove eleaued, blackened and put up promptly and satisfactorily. A recent letter from Congress man Neville, who has been a,t lo SpringB,'Ark., or several weeks, is to th,e tffdct that he is much m prayed, jn health. Mrs. Neville, vyliq was troubled with a seyere an.p! trying coJ4. i also feeling much b'etter. Mr. Neyile will prob: ably go to Washington December 1st. Hour Ri Will look better if you fit up with our Horse Blankets, Plush Robes, Fur Robes. , Our stock is complete. Wilco.x Department Store Michael McNamara Dead. A tchgrant received by John Kel lUer yesterday afternoon announced the death of Michael McNamara at Peoria, 111., at 10:30 a. m. that day. Death was due to bladder and kid ney trouble, with which Mr. Mc Namara had been atllictcd for some time past and iroin which friends held little hope ot his recorery. For over a quarter of a century the deceased was a higbfy respected and esteemed resident ot North Platte and the announcement of his death was received with much re gret by his many friends in town. Rev. Crane's Gondiiion. Last evening's Kearney Hub . says: Mr. Crane continues to im prove, notwithstanding the severe relapse he experienced Sunday, when the physicians gave up all hopes of saving him, his case took a sudden change for the better and this evening finds him strrngcr and quieter than for several days. Miss Woodp, head nurse in the Omaha M. E. hospital, is now in attendance on the patient. Numer ous yisitorB have been in the city to cill on the family, a greater portion having been from Lexington. This evening the doctors say that with reasonable care Mr. Crane'a recov ery is assured. Repertoire Company Coming. The Myrtle Vinton Repertoire Company will ippear at Lloyd's opera house Nov. 3d, 4th and 5th. The Madison Star has the follow ing to say in regard to a second en gagement there: "The opera house was crowded to the doots last night to witness the sensational play, "A Midnight Call" and no audience ever left the theatre better pleased with a play. The crowd was virtu ally in an uproar during the entire performance, 'storms of applause being showered upon the cleyer ac tors. It is the universal opinion ot theatre goers that Myrtle Vinton and her excellent company has given the best entertainment ol anything on the boards this sea son," Y. M. C A. NOTES. Without a doubt the most popu lar piano in North Platte is located in the rooms, judging from the number Of times it is used, from morning until night afl3 then some. Without a doubt the V. M. C. A, is one of the mast popular places in thiB city. Proven by the large membership that it has; 289 rail road men, 218 others, total 507 and more in sight. 'Cut it Loose" was the topic used by State Secretary J. P. tiar.ey last. Sunday at the men's meeting. A line audience ot men heard ot some of the things that men are tied to that drag down manhood. He showed the fellows how to cut loose trom them and the result upon their lives of such cut ting loose. Who can tell the result of that hour? All men will be welcome at the bible study next Thursday even ing. Juhu9 Pizor leaves this evening on a business trip to Chicago and expects to return next Monday. Maurice Fowler returned Sunday from St Louis, where he went a week before with a car of Jiorsea. B. 0. Franzen, a young cattle man of Sutherland, is transacting business in town today and made this office a call, Prof. Lconhart, the piauo tuner, will be in town thi week. Orders for work can be left at Warnei's store. Miss Emroy Edison, who is at tending a business college jn Qrn,a ha, spent Saturday and Sunday with her pajens. We wrjteFire, Life and Accident Insurance in best old line com panies. Jon: Bkatt & Co. Myron Dourte left today on humjng trip to L,agan county, and we understand that when he re turns he will leaye for the east to look up a situationi Angel Food Taffy at Huplet's, We now have & flrBt-class Upholsterer in town at O. M. Newton's For Sale RancheF, hill and bottom lands Can exchange city property tor good little ranch. John Bratt & Co., Notice, No hunting ajlowed on Cody lanus. mi irch(jubbcra win oe pro secutcd to lull extent nt the law. W. F. Cody. llyS. Boal Fqurul Dead. ; V tclVgranMecfVed at 3:15 last evening by Mrs. W. F. Cody statod that he son.in-law ill. S. Itoal had been found dcau in his room at a hotel in Sheridan, Wyo. The first elcgram gave no particulars of the cause ot death, but a message re ceived last night stated that Mr. Boal had been suffering intensely from neuralgia, that to find relief he had taken chlorotorm and that he had administered an overdose, Mrs, Cody left this morning for Omaha where she will meet Mrs. Boal, the two children and Miss t ma Cody, who have been in Kan sas City, and trom there they will go to Sheridan. The remains will probably be taken to Chicago, the former home ot the deceased, for intcrrmcut. The news of Mr. Boal's death was a shock to his many old ft lends n North Platte and to the friends of Mrs. Bjal, and to the latter the sympathy of our people is extended. IT was suicmu. -Since the above was put in type, the following is taken .dm a Slier- dan dispatch to the Wotld-Herald: Mr. Boal had just returned Irom the Chicago market, where he had accompanied a train load of cattle last week. In the early forenoon today he mingled with the guests at the hotel, and his subsequent absence was passed unnoticed. About 3 o'clock this afternoon Manager Morgan had occasion to enter the room occupied by Mr. Boal, and louud the latter lying on the bed with a spohge and cloth, saturated with chloroform, cover- ng his nose and mouth. Mr. Mor gan telephoned for Dr, Newell, who arrived a few minutes later, out found that life was extinct. Before ending his earthly career he wrote three letterp, one to hi wife, one to Hon. II. C. Alger and one to Howard French, proprietor of the Sheridan Inn, anil his very warm personal lricnd. Those to Mrs. Boal and Mr. Alger have not as yet been opened. The one ad dressed to Mr, French reads as follows: "Friend Howard: Excuse this trouble I am about to make in your house, but I will make, use of your hospitality in this way for the Inst tlme. I would rather be close to friends in a thing of this sort than among strangers. II. b. Uoai " The deceased came to North Platte in 1835 and tor a year or two was engaged in the real estate and loan business with Geo. T. Field. In November, 18S8, he was married to Mias Arta L. Cody, and Jter Mr. Boa) asttmcd the malingcmen of the Scout's Rest Ranch. In 1894 Mr. Boal engaged in the cattle bus iness in northern Wyoming and was regarded as otic ct the leading cattlemen ot that section. That he bhould take his own lite is a great surprise to his North Platte friends, as it is known that his family relations haye ever been pleasant, and the members have been very devoted to each other It is alio believed that his finances were not in nuch condition as to lead him to commit the act. For Feeders! Since you cannot sell your soft corn, why not lei us give you a small bunch of gentle, dehorned bteers to feed. Will pay tight price for flesh put on. See Bkatt, Bukkk & Goodman Found October 20th, on road near M,a. coin'iei'd ranch on north side, a pocletbook pota.intng suvera pieces, of Hilyer and several receipts Qwncr can, ha'e 8ne b calling at this office, proving property and paying charges. Missed It! You could have killed that chicken if you had used our GUNS AND AMMUNITION. Wc have Single Barrel Shot Guns and Double Barrel Shot Guns at all kinds of prices. OUR SHELLS arc Winchester Brands. 12-augc New Rival Shells per box 45c 10-gauyc New Rival Shells per box 50c 12-gatitfe Repeater Smpkqless Shells per box f0c lQ-gatiL'e Repeater Smokeless Shells per box. 65c . Official Say No Settlement in Sight. The report that Harrimnu had called for an arbitration committee to settle the strike on the Union Pacific is believed to have some foundation in fact, as it A ;hougUU the Harrimau interests fear a more serious complication of difficulties by the threatened strike of their trainmen yn the 'sduthcrn Pacific. The general attitude of the Union 'acific officials would seem inicoin- patible with the theory that Harri mau was seeking a settlement of the Btrike. President Burt, Gen eral Manager Dickinson and Super- uteudent of Motive Power McKi'tfh all assert that "so far as the com pany is concerned the Btrike is oyer," 't hey insist that the affairs of the company are not hampered enough uy present difficulties to Miggcst the need of negotiations for pence with the former workmen. Only Sunday Mr. Dickinson made this statement: "There arc no plans for a settle ment that 1 have any knowledge of. We have managed our affairs so that by the first of the year they will be in normal condition and the road will then be absolutely tree from any (.fleets of the strike. Our power is effected to a slight extent, that is true, but not seriously, and we will be able to overcoihe every obstacle without calling upon the strikers. Our shops are turning out more work today than they were one year ago." To these versions the strikers cuter one emphatic and uncon ditional rebuttal. They say that if the company is turning out more work front its shops than formerly t is because the shops arc being run night and day, The strikers are serenely confident of the victory nndin3ist that the company's atti tude is a disguiseOmaha Bee. i For Sale. Choice young steers and heifers in bunches to suit, Call on Bkatt, Bukkk it Gocuman. Invitations were received in town this week announcing the coming wedding of William Sweeney to Miss Kugenia Fursman of New York. City. The ceremony will oc cur at the ho mr. of the bride on Nov'. 18th. Mr, Sweeney is a step- kOn;'of Mrs. N. Klein of this' city. i John Soren?ou cam, down from Cheyenne this morning' to attend the banquet which will be tendered Rev. Beecher and himself tonight by the Masons. Chas. Pool 1i.ib been placed in charge of the apple store on west Sixth sttcet. A little sou arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hupfer yes terday. I'rcc.iutlon Aealntt Itlrinnplnff, A Now York paper tolls how tho lit tle daughter of a multimillionaire namo not given Ib taken for a walk every pleasant mornlns. Tho child Is accompanied by two maids, ono walk ing on either sldo, and behind theso como two men servants, burly of build, of determined aspect and both annod with revolvers. All this because tho parents fear tholr darling may bo kid. naped. Cniil lion l City. In tlio World. Only one public olllclal In Uo United Slates handles inoro money than tho comptroller of Now York city, and that official In the secretary of tho treasury, sayo Lcsllo's Weekly- Tho fiOveriinmnt of Greater New York costs more every year that tho com blued expenses or tho Govommotlta ot half a dozen str.tes. From the yeai'd bcKlnnlnt; to the end tho coinptrollci of tho uictvopollK recoives and dis burses nbqvtf fC00.Q00.O0O more than ut a billion dollars, llnlf of this l:i paid Into tho trensury through taxci und otlior sources of revenue, nnd half Is paid out In tho running ex penses of tho 'city, a lurno part of which Is expended In salaries ami wngeH of city olllccru and employes, for thorq aro 40,000 persons on tho city's pay voll-peraon3 enough to make a very good-sliced city In them icJ"fa. Out of Death's Jawo. "Whon death Foemwl vory noar from ii povoro stomach and liver trouble, that I lind uutTerod for years," writes l Miifp. Durham. N. C, "Dr. Kiug'n Now Life I'll Is Kavml my hfo and nvo porfoot health." Host iilln nn ourtli anil only '23u al A. F. BtroiU'a Drug Store. notkji: Notice In hereby clveii that by virtue of a tjijiiii . iiiui .tun itiiu r.itwil'11 lu UMUiiril conHlHilntf (if nmkl.iK iitumllx. anil wearing apiearel an the liroiwi ty ol Frank Shirley anil wife, anil I will on the eighth (hi iluy or Kot'Diuhcr, IHJ), at I 111. of rati! day, at the uHlcoiiM' II Sullivan. Justice of tin: Peace, oreclnrt No. I. In the cliy of North l'lattc, Nclii as'xa, nt imlillo auction, soil to the tilth txt iitdiler for qash to satisfy yialil illstreH rrarrant. the amount due thereon In the niniroKitte being tl.U anil accruing costs tliiirwTti. ' l)aicil October !!7, IW. U. OAHJ'KNTKll, 1 riherlii of Lincoln county. tiw . i . an, ii.i iiiAvnuucauu unit-till, IhhikmI liv ('. K. Hcliiirmunn. County Treas urer of Lincoln county. Nebraska. I have Ifvird upon the following uomU anil ili.m1n, to-wlt: Ono h'wIiik Machine, nuu nx-klng .t .v i Till w i h inc A. kimchiium a to. Wc have caught the spirit of the young- man's wants, and have suits s smart and swell as his heart can desire. The fabrics are new ntid not a feature COUld bo added to put more style into the cut, making or trimming of our Young Men's Suits. Prices not high when wc furnish nil this swcllncss for $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 or $18.00. Wc want every young man in town to make it his business to sec these Swagger Fall and Winter Suits. THE MODEL ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, weingand & Mcdonald. KM GERMAN HEATER. Chicago forecast for North Platte and yicinity: Fairtonlght and Wed nesday. Warmer tonight, The maximum temperature yesterday was 57, one year ago 84, The mini mum temperature thin morning wes 29, otic year ago 54. Lloyd's Opera Mouse, THREE NIGIITS, Nov. 3, 4 and 5. Myrtle Vinton, SUITORTED UY An Excellent Company in a Repertoire of STRONG PLAYS. Admission 25 and 35 Cents, SPECS ONE-WAY H0MESSEEEBS EXCURSIONS -VIA- Union Pacific Nov. 4 and 18, Dec. 2 and 16 To Many Points in Kansas, Nebraska, and Eastern Colorado. Ono-Half Ono Regular Faro Plus 82.00 For RouuH Trip. Full Information Cheerfully Furnished on Application to E II, GANG Acnt, . i r r .i JIB" v I . II SWELL YOUNG Wants life, dash and ginger in his suit. Tic wants more coloring1, more fashionable curves and kinks than the older and more conserva tive dresser. l M. CoDiiiiiokiiv HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, Etc. I have the Round Oak, Rock Island, and Gem City SOFT (OAL STOVES, nil good reliable atoyes.. Call and see the GERMAN HEATER the king of all soft coal Heaters. My Prices are Right. CCKE The Omaha Daily News is going to give another piano to the most popular lady in Nebraska. The Omaha Pally News nenda a paper every day in the vear, by mail, tor $1.00: including Sunday, $2.00. yjILCOX & IIALLIOAN, ATTORNEYB-AT.LAW, SOriTII PLATTE, . . . NRORA8KA OlBo oycif North VUtti Nitlontl Ilnuk. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. Tho continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hozol Oil per manently ouro3 Piles or Horn-, orrholds External or Intornal, Blind op Blooding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Rollof immediate euro cortaln. Thrrn Bizet, Sflc.SOc, nud ftl.OO. Sold bv Ilrimal.t, or mit prepaid on rocrlpt of price. Humphrey' Alndlcluo Co,, Cor. William and John Hit., New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vital Woalcnoss and Prostra tion from ovorworlc and othor causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Snoclfio No. 28. in uoo ovor 40 yoars, tho onlysucces3- rui remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial paclcago for serious cases, SB. Bold by DnujgUti, or lent prepaid on rocolpt of price. Humphrcyi' Med. Co., William & John 8U H. V, Hiotrrrb.d , fr.u UU. RESTORES VITALITY Madoa Well Mart l. of Me. r. tnrm H H'Vv produces tho abovorcRtiUs In SOilaya. It acta powerfully and QulcLly. Curco when all otneri (ill. Xoudb men will retain their lott manhood, and old won will recover their youthful vlcor by ualas ItCVlVO. It qulclilyandEurolr restore ncrvouv noia, Lott Vitality, Jrapotcncy. Nightly Eralaclocf. Lost Tower, J'nIIIntf Memory, Wetting Dlncacfs.anJ all effect of BoU-obuso or oictisaml !u4lucretloti, which unuta ono for otudy, huelncoa or tnarrliza. It not only euros by ctartloa at tho aeat ot dlitaso, but lBOereit ncrvotonloaod blood builder, bring Itui back tho pink (tlow toimlo choekiiandra toriug tho Ore or youth. It wards oir Insanity oud C'ooAUtopttnu. Lnolat on havlDg HI', VI VO.no Other, it can bo cirriod in vcet pocket. Iiy mall, ftl.OO perpackao, or els for SS.ho, with n poll tlvo tvrlttcn rcunrantro to euro or rclQna tlm miiurv. Hook iiihI nrtvUu frco. Aildrobi ROYAL MliDIClNB COVf.c'&l!'-- Sold rjy ,, p. Stroll, Nb". Platte.