D DM EIGHTEENTH YEAK. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 2tj 1902. 10 1 4 The Malleable Steel Range Has many points superior to any other range on the market. The stoves are sold as cheap as any range of its class. HOWE'S FMliTME STORE. 3 John Bratt John Burke E, R. Goodman & J Bfatt, Burke & Goodman, m DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK. S - BUY OR SELL ON COMMISSION. References Any Bank in Nebraska, Tel. No. 65. Office Bratt Bldg. $ NORTH PLATTE, NEB. g JOS. HERSHEY 2 A Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit- tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. w . liale lies, Lightening Hay Press & Repairs 9 0 Locust st : : : : NORTH FLATTE, NEB. loeoaeeooeodasvee The Climate e o 0 9 e Of Western Nebraska is bard on paint and it is al- g moat money burned to use an inferior quality when g painting- your house. The best paint is by far the cheapest in the end. a I Sherwin & Williams Paints I i Have been sold by us for many years, and they have o J given universal saxisiacuon ume u icu auu uui e fpund wanting1. We have a full stock on hand for the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy e it ngain; if you have not used it, try it. iA F STREITZ, Druggist! e e s e sr. ."r. w Five Cent Cigar T0'H .A.T? SOHMAIjZRIBD'S. First Annual Ball. The first annual ball given by Center lodge of the Boilermakers' Helpers at Lloyd's opera house Friday evening was well attended and proved a most pleasant affair, Mub'c was furnished tor the occa nion by Cunuingham'ti orchestra and was fully up to the standard. The committee having the dance in- charge worked faithfully to make the dance a buccchs and that they succeeded will be admitted by all who attended, the general opin ion being that it was one of the most pleasant social functions of the season. "The Denver Express." The play achieved one of the has of last .season. It contains liberal portions of rattling comedy and dramatic "thrills." It is built up ot tnc materials that appeal to the theatre goers who admire the simpler virtues. The villain can always be relied upon to merit the honest hatred of li is audience aud the comic gentleman has an iron bound contract with the author that he be given an opportunity to furnish a laugh every thirty sec onds. "The Denver Express'1 ad mits of novel scenic effects and the company presenting it has a well established reputation for effective work. At the opera house Thurs day evening, Oct. 23d. fk mi'Sfmltn Bottled Beir Jm THE BEER OF QOOD HEER. KaW I W2n It lias an international reputation for blandness of WW 1 flavor and for absolute purity. None to compare rm I ft YgS? with it for the table, bold everywhere. jf I JOjlN GUND BREWING CO., - LaCrOJ je, Wls.gWf H tjBcnd lie tot pack ot floe pteTlug 'jUj1 Coal Trust Signed Death Wcraant. A Washington dispatch Bays: Anti-trust legislation and anti-railroad legislation has been advanced ten years. This is the opinion ex pressed by such veterans of public life as Senator George G. Vest and Matthew Stanley Quay. Both are conservative and worldly wise, aud both have had a long experience with matters legislative. This opinion which they have expressed liiorc or less pubKc'y, is shared by President ReoBcvelt, aud in tact, by almost every public man in Washington. Members ot the iuter-statc conu mercc commission believe that the government regulation for which they stand, and tor which, in larger measure,' they have worked ai,asid uou6ly, will be now vastly easier to to secure from congress. Political economists with' a leaning toward socialism say that they have gained much in this demonstration of the necessity for aBtrongergovernment control, and government ownership ot monopolies, particularly the rail road cpm panics. Public attention has b;ei cen tered upon one trust, and the gen eral public has been compelled to witness a spectacle of arrogance and sordid greed such as no one be lieved possible, The selfishness and power of the trust has been brought home to each citizen, and it has' been made plain to everyone tbat there is no security for individual liberty un less these great industrial monsters are chained. Roosevelt is not blind to the op portunity presented. He is no new convert to the doctrine that the trust must be cured; but he Inows COT in mm. Baker Perfect Barb Wire, Painted, per hundred, WBOTT'S nn 1 5 They overcome- Wear ily B ffaL FSLLO omiwIons.lnercaKo vhr. 1 ' : or and banish "pains of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to glrlo at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cnnnot do harm llfo becomes n pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX BIT 31 AIL. Sold by dritffclsts. DR. MOTT'S CUEMIOAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by North Platte Pharmacy. Baker Perfect Galvanized Barb Wire per hundred, Wilcox Department Store that there arc times when public sentiment is awake and ready for action, and he believes that this winter is one of those favorable junctures. Congress will hear from him this wtntct) on Hie subject of this and other trusts, and it may be pre dicted' with safety that the matter will not be dropped until there have been results. If necessary, there will be an extra session of congress to consider this one line of legislation. The coal trust has killed the goose of public complaisance which has laid the golden egg. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. Several young people enjoyed a sccial dance at the Harris residence last Friday night. Mrs. Henry Weil is rapidly recov ering from her recent illness. Mrs., J. C. Gygcr of Hcrshey and Bister irom up the line were Nprth Platte .visitors on Friday of last' week. j , Graut Bare recently finished put ting in thirty-five acres of fall wheat for j. G. Foeksu near Nichols. Miss Gertie Jeffers has rcaumed charge, of her school at Nichols after attending the funeral of her mother who died and was burled at North Platte the first of last week. The potato harvest is about completed- in the valley for tins season. The crop is the best for several yearh previous. Chas. Toilliou finished picking the apples in his orchard, one day last week which amounted to better thau one hundred aud fifty bushels. The fine weather lor the patt week has been the means of put ting a large tonnage of ,bcet and baled bayji ths market. The cntertaiment given by the Junior League in th.csc.hq6l hoiiac, about a week ago waB well at tended and a fine program rendered to the satisfaction ot all present. After the entertainment refresh ments were served to which ample justice was done. The social had been postponed once owing to the rainy weather. The highways leading to the dif ferent stations iu the valley arc lined with teams hauling baled hay and sugar beets to them at the present time. Chas. Gumtncrc sold Tom Ire land, of Moorefield, "a horse ihc other day which he delivered at the county scat. Henry Fulk and family of Iler shcy were at the county scat on business last Saturday. B. R. Fletcher will hayc a public dipping vat for stock put in at the Hershey stock yards this week where parties can dip their Btnck at a very small expense, O. II. Eyerly purchased a span of bay marcs three and tour years of age, weight about 1,500 pounds each ot Maurice Fowler at North Platte one day last week. Consid eration two hundred and .wenty five dollars. C. S. Trovillo informed th5 writer lately that he sent to Kose Hill, New York, last spring for three bushels of Early Fortune po- tatoes, which he planted aud ic ccutly harvested fifty bushels from the three bushels. Messrs. Wm. II. Sullivan, D. M. Leydold, F,rank Tlenekn, Chas. Toillion, Albert McCouncll, Chas. Gummere and A. W. Arnett, trans acted business at the county seat on Saturday of laBt week. A man residing iu this vicinity stated to the writer only the other day that he would pay three cents per bushel and board for husking corn this fall. We are told by a party who knows that it will not ' damage (ugar beett to freeze if they remain in that condition until they arc de livered at the factory, but it does damage them to freeze and thaw previous to that, The highways are in good condi tion again and considerable travel ib in progress. O it of Dcath'u Jaws. "When death eeoiued very near from it Bovoro stomnch and liver troubln, that I hud sutrorod for yonrp," writoH 1 Muso. Durham. N. C. "Dr. Klntr'ttNow Life Pills snvod my life- and khvo porfeet health." lioat pills on oartli and only Ui33 at A. l'. otroitz a mug sioro. $j LLOYD'S OPERA IIOUSK. . , . Sj Thursday, Oct. 23d, 4 BEOS. Big Scenic Sensation, 3 I THE DENVER EXPRESS 1 THE ACME OF STAGE REALISM. The Most Powerful Melo drama of the Century. A Company of Unusual Merit. . Last Call- Fair Warning! All persons knowing themselves indebted to Lincoln county for personal taxes for the years 1901 and prior, will please take notice that if these taxes are not paid, Distress Warrants will be Issued December 1st, 1902. These taxes MUST BE PAID. Do not blame me if you arc compelled to pay costs. C. F. SCIIARMANN, . County Treasurer. ".Put Nono Hut JlmorlomtH on Giaird, IKl-He Old Reliable Fire insurance Ageky-im OP KORTII FLATTE, Includes all tho Qreat American Companies companies kkpkesentisd: assets: ' u - Aclna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn $14,071,948, Home Insurance Company of New York..,. 15,255,870 Insurance Company or North America. 10,079,479 Continental Insurance Company of New York 11,599,012- German American Insurance Company C;f New York. . . 9,419,457 Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn 5,953,444 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance of Philadelphia 3,440,663 Philadelphia Underwriters of Philadelphia 16,394,695 Combined Assets $88,214,568 When you arc in need of liuurancc jet the best. It costs no more than the poorest. T. C. PATTERSON, Manager, North Platte, Neb. News lias been received of the death of Major Donestecl, who was stationed at Port Sidney from 1884 to 1895. The Major died at Bea from cholera and his remains were cremated at Naassaki, Japan, and shipped to the family at Plattsbunr, N Y, The village board of Sidney Ib considering a proposition made by the Union Pacific company to fur nish arc lights for the streets and incandescent lights for residences. The company expects to install a plant in the immediate future for its shops and yards at Sidney and will furnish lights for the town if such is desired. Tbc creditors of J. S, Rominc have asked lor an injunction to re strain Attorneys V. P. Miles and J. Li. Mcintosh of Sidney, irom turning the notes and money, ag gregating more than $26,000, over to any one but the marshal for the district ot Nebraska, whom they ask shall be appointed receiver ot the affairs of the bankrupt. Ac cording to a petition filled in Judge Mungei'u court Rominc received from his nephew and from other persons notes to the amount of $25,000 aud had $1,600 on hi-t person when captured in Massachusetts, all of Mliich he placed in the hands of Miles and Mclnto&li, his attorneys. Bids Wanted. The School Board desire bids for 250 cubic yards ot dirt and 75 cubic yardB of Band, delivered on High School grounds. Address all bids to 15. A. Cauv, Sec'y. $10 Reward. For, the return of a black, white nnd ticked Pointer bitch. Lost bIx ' miles northwest ot North PJatto Sunday ( afternoon, October 5th. She has. black spot on hip near root of tail, black ears, with white atrip down forehead. Wm. Otten, Worth Plattp,' Neb. Stove. Pipe t A 25 cent can will put g a beautiful gloss qn old pipes, stoves and all-irqn work. Nnrili PIjiHa PhnronflAv il inn 111 1 iiuiau 1 11m uiuwj ' AOKNTfl FOIt 3 Heath & Milligan Paints. FALL AND W1NT0R SUITINGS- "We arc now s' jwinp a ncw line of Fall and Winter Suitings which 'we make up to or.dcr in correct style and perfect fit. Your inspection and order is solicited. F. J. BROEKER, Morohant Tailor,