W)t cmt - Wrtirtu Evilnmc. Ira L. Bake, Editor and Publisher SUUSCniPTlON ItATUS! One Year c.uli In atlvanro SI 5m Six MonthH cah In advance' OS cents Entcrel at North Platte. N'ubraka. I'oitof lice a Hocoiid clasa mailer. FRIDAY, OCT. 17, 1901 Aorgan's Service Come High. It in now said tli.it the reason for the postponement of the bcel merger was the demand on the part of J. Picrpont Morgan for a commission of $10,000,000 for carrying the deal through and marketing the bonds and collect ing in the 5100.000,000 that would be needed to finance the new company. The packing l:tuse folks thought this was too big a shave and postponed operations until more satisfactory arrange ments could be made. This talc is interesting enough, and may have some foundation in fact. It is more likely, however, that the merger was postponed on ac count of the growing scarcity of bank credit on Wall street and not- for any other reason. It is not a propitious time just now to print new securities. 1 The market has taken on all the paper it can digest for some time to come. TheTiuiU Op:n Barrels. It ia significant that the demo cratic campaign committee in New York and nlso In Massachu setts have more money to spend tbis year than they have had since 1892. The Springfield Re jpubllcan hears that the "rural committeemen are Icing told that they can have nil the money they ask for, within reason." The cause for this unusual and comfortable condition is not far to seek. The attitude of Presi dent Roosevelt on the trust ques tion nnd the railroad merger is considered a sufficient explana tion in the region where the cash was raised. State Journal, Women Mas the Worst of It. Commcntinir on Governor Savage's assertion that more lives arc lost in the kitchen than on the field of battle, the Omaha News perpetrates a joke on the unfortunate young, husband as a victim of the young wile's first biscuit. But how about the other side of it? How many women have lost their lives in the kitchen in the hopeless effort to stay the fickle ravenings of their husbands and their husband's sons hired men? As between the women in the kitchen and the men in battle the woman evident ly has the worst of it. Kearney Hub. Capital ought always to be treated justly and fairly. Cor porations should be granted the same rights as individuals. The country cannot get along without them. But the people througl: their government, should rule the corporations, and the combi nations of corporations, and com monly known as trusts, and not the trusts and the corporations the people. The present dilem ma in Pennsylvania lias, or ought to have, given the people an object lesson. That lesson is that there must be grcnter re strictions of corporations, by legislation legislation haliona and stale. Such legislation should be carefully framed. should not be undertaken with any other idea than orderly, fair regulation. It ought to be formed with the idea of dealing righteously with organized labor no well as organized capital. Grand Island Independent. America's Tamous Cenutles look wjtli horror on Skin Eruptions BIotoliOB. fcjjrefl, I'iinplos. Tlioy don havo them, nor will any nno. who uses ut:r.len'n Arnica enivo. UKiariuos iiiq face. Eozenvt or Gnlt lthmim vnnish before It, It uurB two lips, olmppad hands, olillblalos. Infallible for riles 2jo ut A. P. Btroltz'a Dru;j Store. 11 11 Deal With Fusionists to Defeat Republican Candidate. WOULD LET DOWN ALL THE BAFU Present Liberal Laws Their Rea'l Ambition Is to, Domlnato Politic Affairs of the State. Lincoln, Oct. 13. Thcro Is substan llat, ovidcncc at hand to show thai tho fusionists havo entered Into a dca. With tho liquor Interests to accom pllsu the defeat of J. II. Mickey, Hit Republican candidate for governor Mr. Mickey Is charged with tho tor rlblo offeneo of being a temperanct man and tho saloon element regardi this os Biiniclcnt cause to marsha. their forces against him. Tho pcoplo of Nebraska placed on tho statute books a law that ropro- sents a compromise with tho llquoi I ure as moat people prefer, and. if any thine. It cranto liberties to tho llquoi dealers largely In oxcosa of tho o pressed wishes of a largo majority ol tho doctors of Nobraska. Mr. Mickey otcd for that law, honco ho cannol bo charged with entertaining Intern' porato hostility to tho llqupr trafllc. But this docs not scorn to satisfy the saloon clomcnt. They want all tho bars that protect tho homo nd so' tho bars tnai protect tno noma onu no- ciety thrown down for thorn. They are not satisfied with trafflcklnc In tho vllo liquids that steal away the brains and dobaucti tho consclonco of' their follow-man, but they want to tramc In politics ond domlnato tho po- lltlcal nffalrs of tho stato. Tho manhood of Nebraska, will not consent to any such Bovorolgnty Thcro nro thousands of tomperanco men who havo opposod prohibition do- cause they doubtcu or lis omcacy who will not hazard tnoriBK in mo eveni mo saloon tinuortaitos organized anu con- certod warfare against tho prlnclplo of temporanco. A saloonkocpor has tho samo right that any other votor 1ms to voto for whom ho pleases, but vhon an organization composed o( sa- loonkecpcrs roproBcnting ovory pollb ical faith unites to dofoat tho candi- dato of a party, Individuality is otln- gulshed and tho aspect changes. When this Is done tho quostlon Is at onco rnlscd of tho rights or tnc dusi- ncas represented and tho subject ohould bo dealt wit,h accordingly. Tho liquor Intorests aro playing with dynamlto whon they undcrtakd tho subversion of public sontlmont. No lino of buslnoss that obtains Us right to exist through tho cootl oIIIccb or popular suiiranco is exempt irom pnml irn illRrlnllnn when tnrtlBL bovonul thn hotintlB of nronrloiy. Those best Informed on tho sent mont of tho pec-1 plo of Nebraska aro woll awaro thnt tho onactincnt pf prohlbltlvo Icglsla' tlon has been stayed only by liorcu lean bfforts on tho part ot tho nppoul tlon. It would roqulro but llttlo an tnKonlcm on tho part of tho saloon olomont to klndlo an opposition and hostility that would not abato or bo nnnoaBod until ovorv saloon In tho ntnto was closed. In sentiment, No- brnska Is a temporanco stato. with a notnnt tnnilnnev toward nrohlbltlon. and nothing Is tetter calculated to focuH this opposition on tho saloon th?n for tho saloon olomont to under- take by concortod action to control :: '.. : . . . .. . : , i tlio political maeninery or tno stato. Mr. Mlckoy onjoys tho distinction of Tiolng a fair-minded man and tho at- tompt or tho liquor dealers to flor.iat lilm morolv bepnunn hn nlintnltiR from I tho ubo of Intoxicants, will, If pursued to tlio ond, bring down upon them a storm from whoso withering blasts Nobraska will nfford no shoUer. WANTON EXTRAVAQANCE. Compare That Record of tho Fusion lots With Present Administration. Thoso who aro Interostod in thu wel fare ot thoso who by misfortune havu Imrvimn Inmnrnn nf thf. atntn Inatltn. tlons and thoso who bollovo that theso institutions should, bo honestly and oconomicauv conducted navo ovorv . . . . ' mnson ror supporting tno nopuuiicnn tlio rusitm ticKot. - . Everybody romombors tho list fu. nlon administration as nn adminlstra- Inn of isitrftvaiftiico. illahnrmnnv and Bcnnatti Tho record's show that It squandered tho fundB and contracted dobts In ox. coss or tno appropriations to tno ox- tent of $149,000. In rogard to disharmony tho nows pnpors of both parties bear abundant ovldcnco ot an unceaBlng wranglo over upollB. Thcro was not an Inctltutlon that was not torn up nil tho tlmo by in.erneCno warfare with spoliation , a. tho bono of contontlon. This resulted n poor nnd oxponslvo manngomont, n n waste o property nmi money an i n tho unfortunato Inmates holng sad- ly neglected. In regard to scandal, tho facts aro otlll frosh in tho realm of public opln- ton. Open . and direct charges were mutio in tno puonc prints ot uisuon- eatv Noarlv ovorv atsin lnHiltniinn vl inni !i ! ?,m r im!li wan Included In tho bill of Impeach- lui'lir. Morn n minprllitmulniit ivni incut. Here n superintendent wns charged with dissipating tho funds und thuro with omboldoncd thievery. It was so apparent thnt no ono attempt ed to dony tho chargo nnd It wns no widespread and general that it on Krosscd tho ontlro stato adminlstra. tlon and tho only way It could have ovon BuppniBsoa wao oy tno appoint- nioni oi a receiver. . When an udmlnlatratlon spends all tno money uppropriateu uy tno logis- laturo end $149,000 bosIdoB. as was uuhv uj uiu juji lueiuu uuuiiuiuiruitui;, I Ihcro la Just onn of lr.'o things re , cponslblo for It 'Vnnton extravagance or wholesale dishonesty. An a rnattci oi rati tuo oviucncc snows notn. Tho Incumbent Republican adminis tration stands without a mark of dl honesty or oxtravaganco against I Thcro havo been no quarrels ovci spoils and no scandals In tho stato Institutions. The very best men to bo found In the Republican party wore placed In charge of these Instltit- making appointments. This has re sulted In tho Inmates being well itcd and In tho Institutions being well mnnagod. Tho Institutions were cr In the history of the stato of ficered by a hotter class of superin tendents. Every ono of them was chosen because of special fltnes Every ono of thoni has established n record for honesty, economy and offl- their pralso of tho offlccrB in charge It' means a great deal to tho state whothor tho stato Institutions aro well managed. An Increase of I per cent per capita per day to tho average m, m too tHvIal tfj " r ... - , crcaso at the Hastings asylum means a loss to tho state of S8 ner day. There aro over 3,000 Inmates In the various Institutions of tho state. An Increase of ti cents per capita per day would mean a I03S to the stato of over $58,000 In a yoar. It was by watching theso scorning .,.,. , .,,,,, . L'j" Viji" L npUb,,cnnfl mndo a ,ars Dare Any Farmer Say Ho Has Not Prospered? with all tho talk and clamor about oppressive trusts, tho fact romalns that tho pcoplo of Nebraska, generally aro more. prosperous nnd aro making mc - ro money than ever boforo. Owing to tho high prlco of farm and meat products, tho farmors and Btock grow. erB of Nebraska will rocoivo 50 ner cont moro for thojr surplus products this year than they did In 180G. Everything that is grown on tho farm has gono up In prlco and haB In- creased In purchasing capacity. A f0w hogs will sell Tor enough to build n good barn and a fow moro will bring enough to build a house. An ordinary hog will bring $30 and an ordinary Btoer, $G0 to 583. In 183G pork was 33,75 Dcr hundred nnd hoof eattlo 81. or about 40 per cont loss than now. corn hop gono up. wheat has gono up nnd Interest rates havo fallen, Tho crop this yoar will sell for $20.. 000.000 moro than It would at tho clmo ,0f tho Clovelnnd administration. Tho merchant, tho fnrmor. tho laborer, the professional man everybody Is more prosperous than ovor before Do you want a chanso? A Romarkabb Cpectacle. " l" )"aomsiB ovonooKOU any. lnK uurlng tho Poyntcr adminlstra. tlon It wns bocauso It was Invisible to oyos that wcro keen and boyoml reach or appetites that woro raven ous. In ono of tho congressional districts ono of their numbor was elected to congress. 116 colobratod tho event by moving his family Into a state Insti- wwm umi nappeneu 10 oo locatoa ' 'Hstrlct. When ho went to Washington his family romalncd at tho institution nnd was kept nt tho 8lat0'B oxpenso during his term. When ho returned from congress, ho mado ",B ,l0I at l"o institution with hla r-i..-n.. . 4 """";'" i"".iuU1. u, an 1,10 very romarkablo spectacle Wfta prosontcd of a member ot con. ,UBn u-''k ii"tu iru.u u. bimo msti- tutlon. This story is recited merely t0 Ulustrato to what extent tho fusion- ,8tQ white they woro In power foraged on tho taxpayers. Fowler'a Record Besoming Famous, Thn vnrnru nt Nnhrnnbn mn.io wIbo cholco when thoy elected Prof. W. If. Pnwlnr nnnnrlntnn.lnnt f t, ... ... . ..,.w V""- He Instruction. Prof. Kowlcr Is one of tho most thorough school men In tho oiaio. tto nns oxorcisou a Keen inter- est In achool work for many years, 1"1 1lnco ho haB l,con nt tho hoatl ot f depar tnient of pubHc instruction -v "v,u,v miuntv ui I mn In Ihn n,l.,A.lln,..l 1.1...... x "?niDUl. " braaka. It Is admitted by those Inter- i nni nri ti nniinnfinn m aaM v.a ... uv...lu duuu uvur mui ",:""U,B "uu "iauo pioniua prog- r0D3 "nar n18 direction. Ho Is do. voted to tho work nnd allows no oppor tunlty to Improvo tho systom of In- l"cuon lo cscaponira. ' Diot of p)uo Tobacco for Infants. Ti10 bill of faro at tho Homo nf i, irionuicB8 during tho Inst fusion nd ministration must havo been ono dls tlngulshcd principally for variety, Tho nonulntlnn nf thnt lnoHiHn conalBtb or homolosa children, but dur- tUK tho fusion administration i.iiu weViendSnfornSo8e:of P!!, tohnrm ami wni-nn inn,u nt ,m n,2 am, tobacco Is a rather strango diet for mUo chnaren. but then that ad- ministration ts noted for alt sorts of Innovations. At Deatrlco It bought hnrnnasoa for thn intimtnn nn,i m m. Rni.iinrV iinmo nt Miirr,r.t whm,, , Innmtc8 wcro Bt tUst tlmo " iioucht rlhhonB laroi nnd firnnv unrt.f. ""Bni riuuons, inccs ana rnncy undc woar HOvlBO(1' adopted nnd designed for tho opposite sox. Repudiation of Bryan. A cold! Republican delegation to congioss will bo n notlco to tho whole country that Nobraska has been Tor- hv'iir nnil iinonmlltlnnnllv illvvtromt Irom doctrines that bocot ItulnntHni depression nnd unatable currency. No- uruBtm hub enjayea oxcoptionai proa- pority nuu tno moro tno world at lanco Is Iraprosscd with tho understanding tnui iNeurasica repuaiatos ami nits no sympathy with Bryanlsm, tho greater I " uu iuu uv-qidu ui iirutauiiiy, NOTICE OF TAX SALE. Continued from Pago 0. Town 13 Rnnpe34 Ura Sffi Tux ti: to s 7 tn w 7 1 Kl e 1 im It 7 m ne eh e 8 2 41 Ha 3 to 0 2 91 W S 1 03 o 9i m nw in to ft no 21 :i 09 AO 21 2 (11 n ai 22 i no 28 II 45 ne nn t w nh no :n ii (u nil no .HI 1 M no IK! .1 09 air : 62 M ao :c a OA ne ill a no nw 31 n oa w 31 3 09 Town 14 Itangc 34 no an s 21 o ai Irt 48 no 21 8 21 nw 21 ft 21 nb nw 21 4 li flci Si" Tar no 21 1 " nw 21 IS 41 aw Kl II ."J M 21 3 33 no It 01 nr ir, 4 4.1 nw Zl II 74 o 25 34 M W 20 4 17 no JW ft KM nw 29 4 81 W 29 3 30 so 79 3 SOT It 1 31 1 12 Town 11 Range .11 pl sw no SO 2 00 null dlr nh no JO 14-31 It 1 110 1 39 It 2 30 1 89 It 3 30 1 0.1 It 4 'SO 1 OS It 6 30 t 0.1 It S 30 1 05 It 7 m ii It H 30 1 03 It ti mi 1 05 It 10 .11 1 05 It li :in i m It 12 30 1 39 PROFESSIONAL OARDS II. DAVIS, ATI U KNE1 -AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,, . - NEBRASKA Orndy Block Rooms 14 2, k E. ROCIIE, ATTORNEY-AT-UAW, IIinman Block, Dhwey Streiit, North Pi'.ttk, Nkhrabka. II. E. McOAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. rmoiwnn au nuimm Office over Huffman-s Millinery North Plattk. Nr.n Storo F.RRA8KA c. V. BEDELL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offices: North Plutta National Bank Building, North Platte, NeD. H. S. RIDGELY, ATTORNEY.AT.LAW. Office McDonald Block. Dewey street. NORTH PLiATTE, - NKUKA8KA V. DENNIS, M. D., IIOMOEOPATIIIST, iWar Tint National Bank. NORTH PLATTE, . . NEBRASKA, JJR. U. B. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over -Post Office. Telephone 115. North Platto, ... Nebraska T. O. PATTERSON, I HTTQRNBY'HT-LHilt. OUloe over Yellow Front Shoo Store NORTH PLATTE. NEB. J. S. Hoaoland. V, V. Hoaolanq Hoatrland Sc Hoagland, ATTORNEYS nnd COUNSELLORS Got. Til PLATTK. NKIlUAHKA D R. J. P. SHITE. DENTIST. All Branched ot Den- tlatrr aclentlllcally dune. NltrouH Oxlil Gaa admlnlatered.'W I'cnnaylranla College ni jjeniai aiirncry Offlcc over Wilcox l5ept store, 'i'lione ui. Logal Notice. 3201. Tho Defendants, Mary E. Look wod, Lockwood,her husband, flret real inuuio unuuowu, uuu xviuuuru jvuo. ron nnmo unkD0Wn will take notice th(lt on tho 21 ony ,;t September, 1002, th0 pliilntiH, the Ckunty of Lincoln, a corporation, uieu its poiuion in tno dis trlot court of Lincoln- county, Nebraska tho object and prayer of which is to forooloBo cortaln tax , liens, duly asBOBSod by snld pin , in tin agnlnBt east halt of west north of rnnne 29, west ot Sixth princi I nni moriciuin, nounmnii. ior tne year n J"e u n .Xr '"iSK .lou? ",u "' "l iur uiu your iow I in Ihfiinm nr ft'm tnr thn vnnr HM1 in Blim nf anu tnr th'v.ir mm in tho Bum of 14.71, iitnountlnp; m thototni aunt of KW.21. with interest on tlio sum of 32 10 at tho rate of ton per oint per ?JK,umlTltih? et?ny .SoPt?mbor- IDg. J of Jh '.nd unpaid. . . , ,:- . ... Ul BllIU HI -IUU UUU It BIIIO Ul B1IIU 1IIUIU Ibos. You nd enoh of you-defendants nro r0quirel to anawor said petition on - m m . a .-... - 1 0r ueroro Monday, tho uuu aoy or iNo vomoor, uvj. rma county op Lincoln. (A Corporation.) Tty II. 8. RIDOELY. Its Attornoy. Leifftl Notice. 3185. Tho dofondants. Allco M. Davis. Davis, nor husband. 11 ret real nnmo un known, and Richard Roo, real namo un known, will take notice that on the hid day ot Sont. 10012. tho plmnlllf. T,he. S?un,.?f L.,nMln,,.n. IP01""1'0"; lllwl its petition in tho dlstnot court of gj LSoSSS " 'A- 1W,V. ,.8tt ..tr; plnintllT aaninBt west halt of nokheaBt quarter and east half northwest quarter eotion30,ln township 14, north of range -8, weBt of Sixth princlpnl meridmn, No- brnflka. for tho year 1891 in tho sum of ei8.02; for tho year 1805 in the Bum of g a 7r..T' : 1531, for tbo year 1808 in the sum of 0.7C, for tho year 1809 In the sum of 521 for tho year 1000 In tho sum of .. ,i . ' nn. . . . It 117 fnr thn vnnr 10(11 In thn mini nf " ift nmonntlne In the total sum of 00.75: with interest on tho Bum of $04.29 nt tho rnto lot ton per cent per annum from tho 1st day of Sept., 1902, all of which is du and unpaid. t'ininuii prnys a ueoroo or roreoiOBtiro ,,uu "uu " BUlu ol BU,U vrom ynll llrlIi nnni. nf vnl, fiBfndnntfl nrn ronnlroil to nnawnma Id nntltion nnorhn, fore Mondny. tho 24th day ot Novomber, iwi. A&r irtlon . Ttw IT Q Pt.lr.law iu Aiinmnv Stovfe Pipe Enamel- A 25 cent can will put a beautiful gloss on old pipes, stoves and all iron work, North Platte Pharmacy AGENTS FOR Heath & Milligan Paints. Legal IJotico. 3100. Tlio Defendants R. A. Forsytho, Aunn Forsytho, Concordia Loan und Trust Uomimuy, nnd Ittcharu J(oa, real namo unknown, will tuko notice that on tho 2d day of Sept, 1002, tho plain-, tin. tho Uounty of Lincoln, a corpora tion, Mod its petition In tho district courtof Lincoln county, Nebniskn, Mm object and prayer of which Is to foreclose certain tax liens, duly nRsed by snid plaintiff ngninst tho north half of south east quarierfiectloo 'Ml, tovvnohip 10,north of rangoft), woHt of Sixth principal nior- lulnn. isobraoltn, for the year ta'M in tho sum of 80.72: for tho yoar 1897 in the Bum of fi.12; for the year 1808 in the sum of 2.80; for tho yonr 1800 in the stun of 2 37; for tho yonr 1900 in thdmnn of 1.81; for tho year 1901 in tho sum of 1.18; amounting in the total Bum of 20.03; with interest on tho num of 1373 nt tho rnto of ton per c-ut per annum from tho llrot day of Sept., 1902, all t which is duo and unpaid. i.'inl;tlli prays n aeoroo ot foreolosuro or said tax lien and 11 snlo of sold nretn isos. lou nnd onoh or you defenuantB nro requirod to answer pnlil netltlMn on or before Mond ty, tho 21th day of No vember. 1UIU. THE COUNTT OR LINCOLN. (A Cornoratlon.) Ily It. n. niDQELY. Its Attorney. CONTfRT NOTIOR. United Rtttes Lanil Office. Kortb l'lfttte. Neb.. Hei.t. R. 1002, AtnfnclcDt contest RfflditvlthikTlnir been flloil In this ntltce by Albrt II. Crawford, cnnteatnnt, Rirnloitt humonteHd entrr No Will rad Jnnnarr li, iwz, (or li ono UJ ot Htriion 1'.. rnvrrmuip 1'!, ItmiKO 2H W, by Liaon I.sjrtna cotlteatee. In which It la atlmed Hint Dtm Lnitoii Iiim nercr eatublUhud rvAldenco or rlded upon Kntd Innd flnco th rito of entrr. there In no houaenrlm- irnvemnts udoii tlio land but Iim been whollr nbtailoiied nnd Bald deti-otn exlut to thin date; Hint f no Iik8 not boon in tho employ or trio Unl led Htntcn nrrnj, nary or murine onrpH durlotr ald abandonment, aald partlea are hereby notl- nun to appear, roipono ana oner evioenco ioucq Ina raid allcimtlon nt II) o'clock n. ra.onNo omber Stn. lvai. berore Hie Ilesltlor and ICnceiv- nr nt the United Htnten Land Olllce In North I'lattc, Nebraska, The anld conteHtant havlnr In n nruper atUdarlt riled Rontembor Silt. 1H0".'. ret foitli facta which flinw thut nftcr duo illllKenco leronal iertlce of Hili notice oannot be made It barcby oruored and dlrecto I that aald notice- be glvi'u ny duo and prntier pnuiirailnn. avo uco. e. raxncit, KCRistor. Local Notice. 3203. Tho Defendants, D. S. Woolt Mrs, D a. wood, in wlte, ll rat real namo uuknowu. and Richard Roo. renl nnmo unknown, will tulto notii-o that on tho 2d day of Sept., 1902, tho plnintilf, the Uounty ot Ijlncoln, n corporation, llled itB petition in the district court of Lin coln oiunty, Nebraska, the object nnd prayer or which is to lorecloeo certain tax lions, duly assessed by said plaintiff nRalnut tho northeast quarter, of seotion 28, in township 9, north ot rnngo w, wobi ot 01x111 princi pal meridian. Nebrnnka. for tho year 1897 in tho sum or 9Vl.oo, for the year iua in ttieoum or8.4,ror Iho yonr 18'JU n tho sum of 0.9, for tho yonr 1900 in tho sum of 3 47, for tho year 1901 in tho Bum of 3.07, amounting in the total Bum of 31.39. with intereBt on the sum of 20,14 nt tho rato ot ton per cent per annum irom the let day of Sept., 19012, all ot which i&duo nnd unnald. PlnintllT prays 11 decree ot foreclosure of said tax lion and n biiIo ot snid prem ises. You nnd each of you defendants are required to answer said potitlon on or beroro Monday, the 24th day of Jvo vomoor, iuitj. THIS UUUNT1 OF UINCOLiN, A C'lrporntion. By. II. S. Ridtrley, its Atty. Legal Notlco. 2139. Tho dofondrtn,s Cyrus Strntton, nd ministrator to tho estate of Jost-ph W Stratton, deceappd, nnd the unknown hoirsot Joseph w. Strntton, tlocensetl whose real names nnd places ot retdonce aro unknown to tho plnintllT, will tnlto notlco thnt, on thu 4th nay ot IS'ov 1901, the plnintilf The County of Lincoln, a corporation, llled its petition In tho ulatriut court ot ljincoln county Nebraska, tho object mid prayer ot which are to forecloso cortnin tax liens, duly asBOPRod by said pluintiiT ngninst the 6ouiuwi'8i qunnor ot Beuuon m. townshin 13. north ot rnnce 33, west ot sixth nrlnuinnl morldinn. NouritBKn, 101 the year 1S90 in thoBumot5I4.10iforthe o ir lbUT in tho biiiu ot 10 w, for in yoni 1898 In tho Bum of 9.37; for tho yent 189U In tho rum ot 4.57; for tbo year lixx in the sum of 3.21: umountlng in th total sum of 8IC.77; with interest, on tho sum ot S35G2, nt tho rato ot ten nor cont ner annum from thetlrstdn of Sept., 1901 all of which is duo and unpnid. Plaintiff nrnvs n decree ot forcolostire of onld tux lieu and a sale ot snlu prom . 1. . . Iscr. You and eaoli of you defendants are required to answer enul petition on 01 before Monday tho :21th nay of No votnbor, 1902. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN. A Corpormlon.) Tlv IT, B. TtTDOnT.T. Itw Attorney. LEGAL. NOTICI3. 311W. Th Pofonilnnl". Qoo, 1,. Tolon anil Job Jellrlba tlniuleadail Willi Wl lain O. An ilnrum. t at frill lallK nntlca Ihi.l nn tl, iiar nr Kept., ivu., nt piamtin, 1110 county o unwiin, a oorHrauuui uimi 11a iminu in II11 Ulttiict Court of Lincoln enuDlr. Nbra.V. 1I1 atiloct anil nrarer Of which It to farwelruM rrlli tax liotu. liiily nanas'iMl bj Hid ilalntltT analDit ino nonnaaai ruiaru'r m rvounn z, in tnwnntilp U, north of ranKO ill, wet of sljtli nrlncliial mur lillan, Ntliranka, fnr tlio year 1MU In the um ot $11 12. for thn ycr IbDi lu Iho auiu nf U.ll. fur the roar lMkl. In thn um m H.rp, fcrthajaar 1897, lu toe turn ot 0.01, for the year 1S08 In Iho turu of fl.W, for the year I8M1 lu tht(umof U.C'J, for tho jrenr lWlOln the uiu or a,3l. jor lue year iwi m the imui of z.vi amnulltlDU In tho total auill nf IIH 1,7 will. In. turcaton thoaiiin n( 1521 at the rato of too pel rrnipar auiium irum um 111 nay 01 Heplctnuor 100:', all of which la duo ami iininlil ' rinlntltt prays a Uccrco of foreclosure of mtu tax un ami u saio ot sulci premises lou ami mien ui yuu ueienaanttt nro rc nuireu 10 unswor vain iietltlon on or be tore uoonay, me sun nay nf Noitnlvr, I'r! Tim count v op Lincoln! Poposcd (MMwi The foMowintr Proposed Atmndinint the Conitilutlon of the State of Ne. brasU as hereinafter set forth In full, Is submitted to 'the EIccIom nf lh- late of Nebraska, to be volctl uDon at General Election to be hzld Ti November 4th, A. D. 1902. Joint Ilosolutiod' proposing to nmond Section Ono of Artiolo Fifteen, of tho Conatitution of tho 8tato ot'Ne braska, rolutivo to tlio muuDor of submitting and mloptiii nmond moutB to tho Coudtitutiun of the Butto of Nebrnslcn. Be it Iteaolvod nnd Knaotod by tho Lorr- isiubuiu ui mo oiaio ot iNeurasKa: Section 1. That Kmitlnn nn r ,ir. tiolo If'ifieen. of tho UonatittitiiVrtlJir tlm dtitto of Nebraska, be utuunded 'n road as touotvs: Stfotlnn 1. Etthor brnnnli islature may" propo o nuiendmoots to thiB Constitution. UUtl if tini n.imnl.. BTOid to by three llftha elootod to onoli ho-so, hucIi proposed Minondments sliull be etttorod on tho Journals, with tho yonn nod nay, and iiuuiibiiuu ut, r'ubi onco each wook lu at toast, ono newapapor lu oarh county whom n novvBDtiUur ia tuilliul,r,l t, thirty days immedintoly procedinc tho next oleotron ot Bonutors and roprosen- uiuvca, b which oieonon tlio same aliall be BUbtnitted to tlio elector for aimroval or rejection, and if h mninritv nf ti.. lectors vat 10c at biicIi nlontin., nn such proponed nmendmont, Briul' voto to nuopt, Buon umemiment, the bmhio shall become it part Ot this RunBtitntinn Whon murethMii ono anunilinnr ia anil. mittcd ut tho Nimo o'eution, they ehall bo bo Bubtnitted iih toonnblo tho electors to vote on oiiou amendment coparntoly. All ballotB used at stiuh nlprttinn nn such nmeiidmont or nmepdnients shnll nino wriuon or pnntoj thoroon tho fol lowing: For tirOtlU.SOll nniililllmanl Inllu. CotiHtttution relntini,' to (hero insort tlio subject pt tho amonilmont.) nnd. URainBt iirupubou umcntimeiit to tho Uonetitution relatiDf' to (hero msort tho Bubjectof tho umendmeat) itnd tho voto of oach doctor votin on Btioh ninondmout or amondmentB hIiiiII bo designated by tho oleotor by making n cross with 11 pun or pencil in a circle or pquarn to bo placed nt tbo right ot tho'ljues tlio words "For or Against" the proposed amendments 11s he ahull dosiro to voto theroon, or by uuiu'iwuk um proiorouca on u voting miiohino whon such maohine is in use. 1, GoO. W. Allirsh. BOcrntnrvnf nlnln of tho Btato of Nobraflkn, do hereby cor- nijr tuui, um loregoing proposeu amonu meutlto tho Constitution of tho Stato ot Nebraska is n truo and corroctconvof the original onrnllod and engrosned bill, OS DIlBBOd bV thofvotltV.BAVlinth unaalntl of tho legielaturo ot the' etnto of Nebrae- Ka, us uppoars rrom said original bill on lilo In tins olllue. and thatBiiul Tironnsotl nmcndmeiit iasubtnittod to tho qualiiled vowrb oi ino nnuo nr jNoiirasun ior their adoption or rejection nt tho genornl election to be hold on Tuoday, tho 4th dav of Novomber. A. D. 1902. In tcattmony whereof, I hnvo hereunto sot my baud and nllixed tho great seal ot tho Stnto ot Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 22d dny o f July n the year of our Lord Ono 'Piifinnnml Nino Hundred nnd Two. of tho Indepen dence of tho United Stntori the Ono Ilnudred and Twenty-seventh, und of this Stnto tho Thirty-sixth. UUU. W. MAKSFI, seal Secretary of Stato. Estray 2TotIca. Tiilrpn lin no nit no ri? 11ltf nn.lA . " v.i wi iij (Hi uuuui" signed on his proiuit-os in Urndv. Lin coln county. Nobraskn, on tho 21th day ot Sopt., 1902, ono Btoor about ono Jenr old. color red, branded W on right hip, uhitn mint, tn r.tpnlm.i.l 't'l,., !.. .. ... ... . 1 w . , iitvuui in notified to nppenr, provo proporty, pay chnrgoa and tnko nnimnl away or samo ...in 1 ,.i i.. . - win ut) uuiu acuoruini; 10 inw. oio- p. j , WATEnnunv. Estray Notice. Taken up ns nn cstrav bv the undnr- Bigned on his farm near SomerBot, iu Lincoln Co. , Neb., on nw qr., section 0, twp. 9, range 31 westG p. m on tbo29th dny of August, 1902 ono utei-r two voara old paet, color rod, branded 11 on leftside ot back ubout half wav botwoon bip and shoulder. Thu ownor "ia notitied to appear, prove proporty, pay chnrges and take said steer away or samo will bo sold according to law. Tuko Smith. T,onl lnflnn To Ilubort W. (JloaBoa. non-resident uerenuani: You nrn liornhv tint Html H.nt nn iUo. ..... -j ' " v . v. . 1 v.. i.w . lltll (illV llf flntillinr 1'V)' r.lllir.n T tl - ... II Mil, J. uleiiBOD, llled it potitlon againat you In hip uitnriut uourt 01 Lincoln county, Nebraska, tlio obj'ect nnd prnyor of whtnll nrn tn nlifnin n ,1 1 .ir,.r trtr itmt ... ....... J V. i on tho ground that you havo wilfully nlinnrlnni.il tin. i.lni.itlir !tl,..t cituso nnd that yon havo wantonly and urui-ny iiegieuieu to support nnu mnin- ft ....... 1 1 . iv 1 , 1 1 nuu illinium anu ner cuiitl lur ovor two yonrs last past, and for tho custody ot uuil'Il iV, UIOIIFOI!, tno ubuo ot bUlU marri igo aged four yeare past. 'ftM ftri rAtlkir'ii tt niiomaH tint A tinTI. 1. a. u I VijUII vtl yl IllldltVl nialll l'Vl- lion on or boforo tho 21th day of No vomber, 1002. Lillian I. Glkasox, By Wilcox & Ualligan, her Attorneys. nreto;ra?ao4 REmwo ll-on ui. RESTORES VITALITY Made a the BCft,ofMe. produces tho abovo rcrultn In 30 clayo. It acta powerfully aud quickly. Ciircu T.litnellotUerafill. YouDimea will regain tuolr loct rjsuhood.ondold men will roeovor tliolr youthful vlcor hy using ItETIVO. It qulelily and ruvoly restores Norrouo oosa, Lett Vitality, Impotcncy. KlKUtly Eraloalons, Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wastlctt Ulceacoo.and til cocta ot tolf abuso orexceiacnd Indiscretion, which unfits ono tor Btudy, buslnces or tncrrUgo. II not enly cures by utnrtlra tt tho ccat ot illse3o. bat laasroat nervotoula omt blond builder, brini Isif back the pink nlotr to lialo cbeeUssnara storluj the Dro of youth. It wards oir IjBMlty aad Ooasumptlon. InalEt on bavlcu IIE l O, no ether. It can bo carrlod In vest rocket. UT nill, 1.00perri:V-u;e,or elx tor fSO.OO, with a poll tlT -wrltteu Knarnuteo to enro or roJaad tbo inonrv. llooit ur.a ndvlso froo. . Addrcn ROYAL MEDICINE Ctil$$Xl't Sold by A. F. Strettz, No. Platte. afHflV r ".wfri