A Remarkable Guarantee Here Is a Watch Cat. Ihnt is eunr s antecd to wear for 35 yenrs ; to pre serve mc exact appearance ot nn nn gold case (or that time. If through nny fault in making it should fail to do this, we will give n new case In exchange for It, at nny time within the 25 years. Not gold alt through, but yoti'd never know it, and It costs much less. Let us show you the J.BossMsdCase CLINTON, 0 tiio Jeweler and Optician. The best watch for your money, whatever the size of your purse may befound. right here. Such a variety of roltable timepieces is riot often gathered in one stock. We make a specialty of watch and jewelry repairing-, CLINTON, The Jeweler and Optician. She mi - Hftofcli ftribitttf. FRIDAY, SEPT. 5, 1902. DR. r."W.MII,LEB, GRADUATE DENTIST. Offles OTcr Btrelti'i Drug Store. 'Phone 82. Mrs, Ellen Dick and children re turned Tuesday ironi a visit in Salt Lake City. Will Whelan returned this morn itiff from Omaha, where he visited friend for several days. If the weather permits, the usual baud concert will be given at the court house park this evening. Miss Jennie Carlson returned this morning from an extended visit with friends in Minnesota. Mrs. A. E. Gutchall, of Denver, has been spending thin week at the home of her father in Osgood pre cinct. W J. Jones has sold to A. A. Rose IGO acres ot land in section fi-9-29 lor a consideration of three huudred dollars. Joseph Hershey left the early part ol the week lor the state fair at Lincoln, and from there will go to Iowa City to visit bis family. G. N. Stewart, a former resident , of Ivdm precinct who has been iv intr in Illinois tor three yenm, ' its in town today. He may conclude to return to tbi county. The attendance at the state fair this week has been the largest for years. Wednesday the admission were 21,796, or over 5,000 more than lor the same day last year. All young people of the Lutheran congregation are urged to be present, at the organization of the Luther League at the church next Sunday eyening at 7:30 o'clock. Just received a car of rock salt Lump Rock salt per cwt. $.75. Crushed Rock Bait per cwt. .75. 24 The Hum Grocery Co. The injunction case against the gas company is, grinding along lather slowly before Judge Grimes, but it is thought the case will be completed by this evenitig. A great mass of evidence has been intro duced. John Alexander tells us that about twenty-three thousand bush els of wheat and rye have been threshed this beason on the Bacon ranch south of Gothenburg. Mr. Alexander hauled about seyen thousand bushels of this grain to market. The waterworks company is tak ing up the two inch main extend-, iug from the Langdon corner to the wetngauu corner on i'ourtn street and replacing it with a iour inch main. This will insure much better service tor the residents of those three blocks, 'Hello Bill" was presented to rather a small audience at the opera house list evening. Harry Corson Clark, ai "Bill," made a great hit, and kept the audience almost continually convulsed with laughter. The other members ol the company are excellent, and the performance as a whole was one of the best ever given in North Platte. At the council meeting Tuesday Manager Walker presented a bill tor street lights up to September 1st, the amount being pro rated per month as the lights were completed, The presentation of this bill caused some discussion, one or two coun cilmen holding that no funds were available ;for paying the amount claimed due. Although the com pany has tiot completed its con tract as to the number of lights re quired, the people have bad the benefit ot the lights that have been opcated and we believe that the company should receive pav tor them. A mere technicality nhould not Btand in the way of paying a claim that has been justly earned. The lightfl., so far as completed, have given satisfaction and have rrrtalnly been worth the n'-ir-. The bill presented was about J375. B. A. Cary left .this, mornlpg.on a business trip to Grant. A boy baby was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rebbauscn. Miss Mabel'Doifehowcr this week began teaching a school near Dex ter. Mrs, Swcesy, of Newport, Pa., is the guest of her son, W. C, Ritner. Mrs. Win. Emerson, of Grand Island, is the guest of her brother Y. T. Brown. Mrs, Chas, Burroughs and MJbb Distcl are the guests of relatives at Cbappell. Rev.- Becchcr held services in Ogalalla last evening, returning borne this morning. Mrs. George Scharmann, who bad been visiting friends in town, re turned to Kearney yesterday. Mrs. J. B. Sumner,' Of Blooming ton, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Federhoof. D. B. McNcel and brother sold 260 bead of cattle thin week to E. Brownfield of Cozad. The family of B. Z Milliken left this week for a visit with relatives in,Terre Haute, Ind. Frank Fonda, leaves tonight for La Fayette, Ind., to resume his studies in electrical engineering. Kenneth Fenton left Tuesday for his home in Portland, Ore., after a pleasant visit with Lee Grimes. F. J. Broeker found it necessary to hire, -at additional tailor this week to keep up with his orders for suits. I ''' ,1 Loft Child 'a white cloak Finder pleasejeave at C. M. New ton's store and receive reward. The family of Jame Downie moved' to Sidney yesterdav, where Mr. Downie has a position with the Union Pacific. Mrs. M. J. Cisncy, who had been visiting her daughter Mrs J. F. Ganson, left for Pueblo the early part ot this week. j Sopcr, the Diucl county horse thief, was brought to this city the earlyn part of the week for Bafe keeping., ..Ills trial will take place at ChappelfJan..the 15th Inst. Sam Funkbouaer, who was down from Hershey yesterday,',vsald ,bi crop ot sugar beets is in prime con. dition, in tact, be did not see how they could be much better;.'" . ' ' The picnic given at Dill$h'$ grnvve Wednesday by the members of Rebekah lodge was Jrfrgely 'tV tenaca ry mem tiers ana oy Odd Fellows. The"day was somewhat cool fur, picnic purposes, but the attendants had no complaint , to make and report the picnic to have been a very pleasant one. Fred Kade sold his 480-acre farm southeast of town a few days ago to II. O. Carlson, ot Phelps county, for a consideration of four thousand dollars, That is a cheap, price for the property, and Mr. Kade made the sale only on account of the ill health of himself and wile. The PREPARE YOUR BOY FOR SCHOOL. The Schools of North Platte will open Monday, Sept. 8th, Special advance sale of clothing for boys of all sizes. New Goods, Choice Patterns and Rich Styles. Youth's Suit, ages 14 to 20, in heavy ff 1 Cfl weight worsted cheviots, special price pt JU Single and double breasted Knee Suits ages 6 to 15, double seat and knee, tf 0 CA special school price )J. JU Sailor and Norfolk, ages 3 OP fn CO CA to 12, from JliU J IU j)J. JU Complete line of youths', boys' and children's Hats and Caps, The Hub Clothing Co. dSs North Platte, J. W.. Alcycandecgam.e up. last evening from Cozad, where he has a numoer 01 teams at worn naming grain to market. Mr. add Mrs. J. W. Voodry re turned home the early part of the week from Cambridge, where they attended a district G. A. R. re union. W. C. Blackmore and C. B. Mc Klustry, prominent business men .of Sutherland,, are in town today attending a suit in the county court. Mrs. Fred Kade, living southeast 'ot town was Btriclicn with paralysis a few daya ago, her left side, arm and leg being very seriously affected, , She is in a perfectly helpless condition. John Cokcr has brought suit against John McFarland to get possession of certain land and the case is being heard before Judge Baldwin. A number of Sutherland people arc here as witnesses. Messrs. McAllister, Spurrier and Laubner, three prominent tanners ot Nichols precinct, expect to leave the- latter part of October for Brit ish Northwest Territory to investi gate the cattle business. They have received word that there is un limited range, abundant grass, and that the raising of cattle is very profitable in that section. A man from Farnam arrived in town yesterday looking for bis wife, who had left his bed and board the day before. He had a suspicion that she had deserted him, but he found her in this city, and ascertained that she had made applicatipn for a divorce from him. One amusing feature about the case is that only a few months ago the man filed a petition tor a divorce from the woman, bat the two .patched up matters and ,he withdrew the petition. About twentjMlve members of the Lutheran ladles.' aid society went tb Maxwell Thursday and' spent the day with :MrB ChasAlendy. The party was royally entertained by the hostesB and were treated to a dinner that will Jong be remem bered by each guest. The menu was varied and prepared and served n a faultless manner. The party had all kinds ot sport, and returned feeling that the day. had been an exceptionally pleasant one. . . 'The. piecc-work systetn, which is tffe basis ot the present Union Pacific strike la upheld in a com municatirinv published elsewhere in these columns by odebf our citizens. His views will not be endorsed by many, and those who oppose piece work will be granted the courtesy of these columns to make such reply as they may deem just and proper.. A newspaper is a medium through which people arc informed along certain lines, and a discussion ot the piece-work system at this time may be of value. Hub Nebraska. 6 Social Happening. Miss M'aryltratiorn was hostess to a score or more of her girl and boy friends Tuesday evening. John. Weinberger was tendered a surprise" pitty by a number of his . ur ' jjit, 1' y j-uuug menus t. u?suay evening. Mrs, G. Pi Copfaer will entertain next Tuesda'y afternoon in favor of scycral young ladies who are ylait- ingiqtown. Willie Vernon gave a party to a number of his yoUng friends Tues day evening, ap , event that wan highly enjoyed by.thetn. . The afternoon .function- given Wednesday by Mrs. M. Doolittlc proved a very pleasant' one to the score of yo.ung ladles present. Miss Edith Patterson entertained about twenty-five boy and girl friends last evening, games and contests being the entertaining features. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rincker en tertained a party of young people last evening in favor of Miss Cum mings. The evening Is reported to have been very pleasantly spent. Y. M. C A. NOTES. On August 3lst the membership reached the highest number irt the history qf the Association. Rail-road'men-282, othcrB 182, total 4G4. " Fifteen members have been se cured thjs month and with the hearty co-operation of the members and friends it bhould number 475 by October 1st. One enthusiastic gentleman said,. Stisppard, let us make it 50d. A lew more such men working for members as this man is will bring about the' coveted number. Last month 962 baths were given and 468 books were taken ouj. We are glad to welcome back to the rooms Charles Hourigau, n ,mcmbcr that has been doing duty as an operator at Sidney. "GforiouB Gospel," was the topic used by Rev. C. P. Wtmbcrly at the men's meeting last Sunday and he gav"e a'fjnc talk. Every man in town is. cordially iqvttcdto.hcar Rev. J. F. Seibert next Sunday at 3:30 p. m, Every chair slidu'ld have a man in it. We are sureUic will tell men something that will help them. , -Uamea M. Bud, C. F. Boonp&ud. George .0. Trexlcr, all locomotive'Kifemen and ex-menibers ot the Omaha fire department are now members of the North Platte W.CT. U. NOTES. The Women's Christian Temper ancd Union held a very interesting meeting,: at .the home of Mrs. ' Be-t sack Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Gtllin, Supt. of Mother's Meeting, had charge of the program and It proved a' very interesting, and we trust, a1 helpful one. The annual ele:tion)of officers waB held. The tollowimr ..arc the officers for the ensuing " year: - President, Mrs. Gifliu; vice-president, Mrs. Barton; recording secretary, Troycr: corre sponding secretary, Mrs. Stebbins: treasurer Mrs. Hartman; superin tendent of the Loyal Temperance Legion, Mrs. Barton. The super intendents of departments were re tained from last year, It was ar ranged ".jat thiB meeting to have a social at the home of W, T. Banks next Tuesday evening. One of tbe most novel, interest ing and mirth-producing plays which it has been North Platte's good fortune to wltncns will be the popular and successful melodrama, "The Convict'B Daughter," the great mechanical, electrical and ticenic masterpiece, endowed this year with many new and surpris ing teatures which win be the at traction at the opera house next Saturday evening. The plot ia too well known to call for detailed de scription and at tins time it is suf ficient to nay that the startling realistic pcenes, the introduction of side-splitting comedy aud the beau tiful stage settings are alt that the modern theatre-troer could reason ably wish lor. The cast is large and composed entirely ot compe tent people, which, taken all in all, makes this production one of tbe strongest ever seen at the opera house. Barb Wire Baker's Perfect Barb Wire, Painted, per hundred $3.80. Baker's Perfect Barb Wire, galvanized per hundred $4.10 ll.l)(viiiciit Store Uj4C 4 CuinWCM Amcncai UMing CtoUKtftut CttKtO The Model One-Price Clothing House WE.1NGAND MpPPNlLD. Delegates (o Convention. The republican nonntorinl nnd ropro- eontnlivo conventions will bo bold in Oualnlln on 8nturdny ot noxtweok. Tbo dulvgatlon from this county is composed oflrnL. Bnrp, M. H. DotiRlnn, E. P. SeeborRor. 11. S. RidRley, Prnnk Bnoon, .f 8. HonKlnnd, E. II. Winner, J. E. F.vuno, O. F. Schr.rmnnn, L. II, Dow, DnvoLovo, A. 8-. Baldwin nnd Jnmop Robbinc This delegation wn-" eolootod by the county convention on Juno 7th, unit tbo membera will roproeent tho oouuty at both conventions. Farming Pays. .Tho Inst issuo ot tho Gothenburg In- (l'ondonlsasriv. Chris. Fink bought O, W. Ilecox's tree pnln wcBt ot town for tbo consideration., qff3,00Q, ' nnd tho ptpers complotltflttl0'.flnlo wora drawn tip MoDluy. .Mr. Kink biiajnado enough thaj-eilrto buy thiB' tluliYtof ' ot 'Ifind. IIo farmod 250 ncros in fliunll grain for ILL. Willlnms upon which ho raised 10,000 bUBhols qt small' grain and lms tho orbp on tho Wcarno 80 yot to thresb, I with the oxooptlon ot 15 aoros of wheat which mndo 49 buBholo per aoro. Mr, Fink has routed and rnieod enouirh a rain tpia year to pay all oxponeos and buy a quartorotlnnd. Thorolsno placo out sido ot Nobrnaka whoro it renter can mako nough u!cnr money to buy a &),000 quarter of land in ono year. t " 1 1 " " 1 Bible School Rally. Tho Biblofchoolltnlly ot tho Christ ian church opened Wednesday night. J. K. Heater, of 0znd, gavo tbo opening address upon tho subject ot "Our Obli nations to tho Young." IIo omphnolzod tho importance ot ranching tbo youth. Comparing tho work of tho church to tho lifo Baving department of our gov ernment, bo eaid: '-The llght-houeo is to Bnvo tho ehip's crow boforolt iB wrecked; tho llfo-envlng crow reeouea them ftuin a watery gruvo. So tho bible eoliool snvoB the child beforo it is wreukod whilo tho ovnugeliBtio forcoo aavo it uftor being wrecked in Bin." Uq oniphiiflizod tho obligation US tonoh tho ululo ana tno uiuio aiono to sucn un ex tent that the ohlld would bo prepared to Know a false doctrino wbon it enmo in view. Z. O. Dowrird, ot Grand Island, nreaohed last niabt upon tho subject of "Love." God manifested His lovo in tho eaoriflco ot Ills Son, aud In tho patience of Jobub. His nddrops was full of ten derness nnd sympathy, pleading for moro lovo nmong uod fl cnlldron, for more lovo to God: for a oervico not morelv for anlration b Bitke. butbecaUBo ot lovo; for n bostowal of kindno's iu thin life, not waiting till death to be Btow our oconlumsof pralBO, The rogram tonight will compre hend n pympoBium on bible school top ic. Tho followlni: In hrennred: 'Firot. Should elderly pooplo bo biblo Bohool students? ' Rov. Wimberly. Second. Tho propnoty of using material mean to Intorest clijdrat, Rov. Troyor. Thirds Tho proparaiion for tenoning, to oe Bupplied. Fourth, Bhould biblo Buhoola uo graueur nov, nwnnuor. Come toniuht and have n acod lime. TIicbo mcotinga are proving helpful. MYRTLE NEWS, Neighbors nnd friends ot Mrc, Carrie PotorBon nlennantly reminded her that Septomber let was her natal day, by gathering nthorliomo In tho evening. A verv uo anuu umo ib reiKirieu. Mr. nnd Mrn, John Moore nnd Miia, Alma Moklintd,of Mnxwoll, woro visit ing nt tho homed of A. E, nnd C. A. Mooro tho first nt tho week, Dr. Pnlno nnd Uotor nnd Alrtx MoNicol of Lincoln completed tlioir vlnit in tbi.B vicinity ncd roturuod to their home's laatweok. ' ' ' Mrs. Jnmes Hudran, nt Dorp, woe in our midst Wednesday. Mi-e Stelln Gill, who has boon viRltlng recently in Myrtle, returned to Gurllold' What's What tj r r In Suits This Pall? k k COME AND SEE k ;Thc new garments arc. here Waiting- for you. If vou ant to look like a Kcw Ypfkcr vc have the new Fall Suits ready to give you that effect. Set your figure at one-half the madc-to , j, cirrlcr prices' and wc will ' furnish better styles bet ter all around satisfaction. Costs only vour time to test this, proposition. No charge Here for posting yon up-to-date. Suits at $10.00, $12.50, S15.00, 316.00 or S20.00, and satisfaction at every price. Sheriff'! Bale. By ylrlno n' nn nriUr of ,U Immfd from I lis ll'.rict court of) iJnooln onunljr, Nlir.ki, upon nrtfflies of foreclosure rnW1 In .Ml court whrcln XUOounly of Llnnolrl, corporation. In pLItUIIT nnd I.ln W. tcael !., r drfomUntn nml In wo directed. I will on t n Ulh i)r of Sptcrobor.lM3,t 1 o'eloek.n. m , i ti'i.l front door of thocourl honmln North Finite, IJnooln founty, Nflirn.kn, toll nt public nuclion to the hlRheitblddirforcn.il to nntl.fr enld deoroo. In torent nnd coMn, the following denorlbod prop, nrty, to-ltt The sonthon.t qunrter of rocllnn 81, towu.hlp 1), rnntte SI, went of Blxth P, M, Liu. ooln oonntx.ffebrnnkn Dnted North l'lmto, Neb, AtiRq.t 1 1001. I CUnriKTM, Hberlff, Bharlff'i Sato. lly vlrlne of nn order of nnle lmd from the ill.trlot court of Lincoln oountr, Nebrntkn, upon a decree of fiireoln.nro rnndorcd In wild court whnreln TU Oonnttiit Uuooln.n ooriortlon, le plnlntirt . Md Winneld Bcoit, tl nt nro ilnreiidmilt nud to roe directed! I will on lh!MJth Unr 'of Heptwuber, lBttl, at ono o'elidk, p. .m, nt Ihn M.t front door of tho cpHrtbooM In.Norlh Plntte, Mneoln count, No urtiMi, foil nt publlo nnutlon to tho hlftba.t bid. er fc)renh to entlafr 'nld decree. Inlorent nnd uonlntho follnwln(dBcrlbd properly tivw'l! Tho KOUthwiut qunrlerot 'Hnntlon Town.hlp It. ltnttoo II, mil of the Bth r. M. Unooln county, NobVl.kn. " ' DntKPJth rlntte. Nnb., Auirnit. 21, ItCJ. L..UAnrKtrKn,'Hheiin'' Sheriff'! Snla. 11 r vlrtuo of nn order of uld 'InumI from the dlitrlct court ot Lluooln, county, Nebrnekn, upon, PiilFe0 ot 'neelonuro rendered In wld coatt MtMtUln Tho County pf Lincoln, n corpornlloir. In MMnUtt nnd WllllntuL. WllUrd et nl nre de Fonilnhti .nud to me dlmatod, 1 will on tho 270 laky of Beptomber, 1V0S, nt 1 o'olock p. m., kt tlip enit front door of tho court home Id 'North Plntlo, Lincoln oonnly. Nebm.nn, cell nt public auction to the lilfthott bidder for f.Mn.'V. aallnfy'iMild decree. Intereat nnd conti, tbo followln detcrlbed property, to-wllt Tho SOUtben.t qunrler of nectlmi IS, town.hlp 10,, rnnne S3, wc.t Sixth V. M. Lincoln county, Nebruka. Pnted North 1'lntto, Neb., 'Aunnt 13, 1003. h. OauraNTKB, sheriff, FALL AND WINTER SIHTINfiS Wc arc now ahowinp a new1 x lina of Fall and Winter Suitings which wc make up 'lo order in correct style n km perfect fit. ! if' "YoU,r inspection and order is , solicited. F. J. BROEKER, Morohant Tailor. r 'Mnt' i OPERA HOUSE, I O"" N'Ont Only. Q a Q ( Tuesday, OCpl. 7 The Comedy event , of the season tf "ThncA TurnCunriwttftuc" aavww iiivi uuu; o Gallagher r and Barrett, Presenting that time tried, tfnirth-producer - - - - BH. All Smllfc8. he A IU-MAUKAULK ry Zd COMPANY OF - Id A Big Chorus of Pretty Girls.wiw COISUHESAND SCENERY ALL A lu&t woeu.