The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 29, 1902, Image 1

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    a" 1 X
NO. 64
J John liratt Jolin
5 Bratt, Burke
5 Reference Any Bank In Ncbraika,
e u
North Platte Floir ;
attests Us
A trial sack will convince you of its goodness.
North Platte Roller Mills,
Lawn Seats-
Neat, comfortable and
from 52.50 to 5.00.
"Wc are a little overstocked on and must
close out. To do so we offer the stock at very low
Come and
'JPtxt Nona Hut Amcrionns on Guard."
18?I-Tbe Old ReliaDle fire Insurance A$enty-1902
Includes nil the Great American Companies
companies rbpkksented: assets:
Aetna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn, .i $14,071,948
Home Insurance Company of New York 15,255,870
Insurance Company of North America 10,079,479
Continental Insurance Company of New York. 11,599,012
German American Insurance Company of New York. . . 9,419,457
Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn 5,953,444
Pennsylvania Fire Insurance of Philadelphia 5,440,663
Philadelphia Underwriters of Philadelphia 16.394,695
Combined Assets $88,214,568
When you are In need of Insurance get the best. It costi no more than the poorest.
, T. C. PATTERSON, Manager, North Platte, Neb.
IThe Climate I
Of Western Nebraska is hard on paint and it is al-
most money burned to use an inferior quality when 2
S painting your house. The best paint is by far the a
a cheapest in the end.
I Sherwin & Williams Paints f
Have been sold by us for many years, and they have a
given universal satisfaction time tried and not a
found wanting. We have a full stock on hand- for a
the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy g
it again; if you have not used it, try it. 2
A F STREITZ, Druggist 1
4 Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies,
0 Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit
A tings and Tanks, .Barb Wire.
0 Bale Ties, Lightening
Hay Press & Repairs
( Lnct"t st' ' : NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 9
Burke K, U. Goodninn
& Goodman, ' J
Tel. No. 65. Office Bratt Bldg. $
' .1.
Is the equal of anv Nebraska Flour, g
Made from choicelwheat by the lat-
est milling processes. The rapidly
increasing sales of North Platte Flour g
good qualities.
durable at prices ranging
Don't you need one."
see the quality and learn the
Got Religion and Paid up. I
A recent issue ot the Denver
Times contains the following
story. Some of our readers may
remember the owner ot the mule:
'This religious craze that is going
over the West is a good thing for
the conscience funds of the rail
roads and it helped us out the
other day to the extent of thirty
dollars," Bald John R, Manchester,
general claim agent of the Union
Pacific, at the Oxford hotel last
night. "In the spring of 1896 one
ot our trains killed a mule near
North Platte. The man sent in a
bill for $150. John Keith, then our.
claim adjuster, went out to investi
gate, andj'finally recommended that
twenty-five dollars be allowed. I
made out ja voucher for this amount
but the mau wouldn't accept it. lie
declared 'that the mule was a
youngster and worth fully $150 and
declared that we would have to pay
that sum. Mr. Keith had the mule
exhumed and inspected the teeth
and found them all worn down.
We stuck to the twenty-five dollar
'The case dragged albng, the
man threatening suit. We finally
became pretty well-convinced that
the man had placed the mule in a
culvert where it was struck by our
train and killed, but wc couldn't
prove it. However, we refused to
pay $150. It was late in 1897, near
ly a year alter the mule waB killed,
that "Buffalo Bill" w.ib in North
Platte. That'a his home and they
urned the town wide open. Gamb
ling devices ran open. Mr. Keith
was in North Platte at the time.
The owuer of the mule saw Mr.
Keith and said that he had lost all
his money and if Mr. Keith would
give him thirty dollars in cash he
would sign a complete release for
-all damages about the death oi the
mule. Mr. Keith gave him the
money, received the uccessiry pa
pers aud a week later the mule in
cident was closed no tar as the
claim department was concerned.
"About three weeks ago I got a
letter from the owner of the dead
mule. He now lives in Pueblo. He
said that, he had got religion and
hoped to live long enough to square
himself on earth with man, He
said that he had obtained a good
deal of money fraudulently and went
on to say that he had placed bis
mule in a culvert to be killed by a
Union Pacific train so that he
could delraud the company out ot
money. He enclosed thirty dollars
whicu lie said did not belonir to mm
and added that he owed the com
pany interest but could not pay at
"I turned tuc tinny dollars over
to the conscience tund and I guess
the killing ot a mule near North
Platte six years ago is now really
a closed incident unless he should
pay the interest."
About Country People
Bailey Leach, who had been
working with the Shoup hay outfit
at the Cody ranch, had his left arm
broken at the elbow a lew days ago.
Joe Little, who for a number ol
years has liyed iu the north part of
tins county, purchased tue Com
mercial livery stable at Gaudy and
will run a billiard hall in conncc
tiou therewith.
Dave "White is in town today
with auothenload ot apples grown
on the farm upon which he resides
west ot llershey. bo lar this
season Air. White has marketed
235 bushels of apples.
Cv Pox was down from Garfield
Tuesday and while in town rati
across an eastern man who offered
to sell him 240 acres of land in Gar
field precinct. The price w;ih at
tractive and Cyrus bought the laud
which ib known as the Thatcher
Barb Wire
Baker's Perfect Barb Wire,
Painted, per hundred $3.80
Baker's Perfect Barb Wire
galvanized per hundred $4.10
Wilcox Dwlmcnt Store
"Hello. Bill."
It is with pleasure that Manager
Lloyd announces the appearance at
the opera house on Thursday, Sep
tember 4th, ot the jolly comedy suc
cess, "iicllo Bill," that extremely
funny concoction of funny lines and
humorous situations from thclacilc
pen of Willis Maxwell Goodhue,
which for the past three years has
made the entire eastern country
Bhrick with laughter. To tell the
numerouc funny situations of
"Hello Bill" would be practically
mp'osBible, they follow otic another
With such startling rapidity aa to
keep his auditor constantly mysti
fied aa to how the author can possi
bly get his characters out of the
seemingly impenetrable maze into
which he has enmeshed them. But
le does and his manner of doing so
i said to display one of the most
cleverly constructed farcial Conic-.
dies ever presented. For this sea
sonM tour of "Hello Bill" new
songB have been added, mauy new
and extremely witty lines interpo
lated, and a company secured
which, it is claimed, cannot be ex
celled by any similar organization
on the road. It is headed by the
eminent comedian Harry Corson
Clark, whose ability is too we'll"
known to require mention, nu'd who
has been induced to abandon hit
starring tour this season only at
what is said to be the most flatter-
ng financial consideration ever
offered under like circumstance
and his astdtant i.un-makers com
prise such clever people as S. S.
Wiltsie, Arthur L. Coglizsr, Frank
W. Glenn, Gideon Burton, Robert
Watt, Mia Magaret Dale Owtii,
MihH Pauline M. Hickler. Mist.
Mildred Claire, Miss Kathrvu Vin-
ceut and MIhs Marion Kirby.
The public schools in this local
ty will begin work for the iauiut!
school year on Monday next.
G.;A. Staples aud cievv have been
baling hay lor Steve Albro, on the
Ferguson farm lately, which wah
loaded ou the cars at Nichols.
The past lew dayB ot sunshine
has started hay makers out in tull
Diast again.
There is a good chance for men
who want to work at good wages
up this way for the next three
months. Ouly the faithful need
J. Hauler, proprietor of the Cen
tral meat market at North Platte,
was up in the valley the other day
buying cattle.
There are a number ot hay
camps in the valley that are very
busy at this time.
Charlie JSrtckson, ot Nicliolp.
took a load of household ctfectB to
North Platte the first of the week
lor D. A. Brown.
A few from this locality attended
the HollingBWorth and Manion
wedding at North Platte on Wed
nesday of this week.
Jesse looker, ot Herahey, was the
guest ot his brother V. M. and
family at North Platte the first of
this week.
We are told that Gua Koch is
going to try firing out of North
Platte to Bee how he likes the busi
ness. Dallas Wills, who mad a Beveral
trial trips tiring out of North
Platte lately, haB come to the con
clusion that he prefers tarming to
mm uuumi; unit hi. iuim imiu in as-
Eisting L. E. Jones in putting up
ins nay.
The melon crop in this locality is
limiteu tnia season.
Oscar Goodwin has quit the ller
shey section and gone east in pur
Buit of work.
D. S. McConnell took a load of
oats to North Platte recently that
he had previously sold to Countv
Treasurer aeuarmnnn.
Henry Fulk w.tb at the countv
capital one day this week trying to
net men to work in the nay field
but found them no more plentiful
there than m tue county.
J, G. Feeken who is with hin
steam threshing outfit, threshing
at the present tune near ulrriwood
fetation, will as soon as he com
pletcs the work in that neighbor
hood, pull out for the vicinity of
Gothenburg, where he will be kept
otisv tor some time.
Mrs. D. A. Brown and little
daughter Helen, of North Platte
were quests oi relativcfcnnri friends
at Nichols and Ilcrbhpy Sunday.
A large acreage of corn in this
ection will be out of the way of a
troRt witniii anotner week.
Owing to poor health Mrs. Chn
Toillion was unable to entertain
the ladies aid society nn Wednea
day of lat week, so it wns poHt
poued until the uet regular meet
Arthur Harvey and M!sb Magjji
Ware will be united in marnage at
the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Wm. Ware, on Sunday next.
Rev. Dcrrebcrry of Paxton will
pcriorm the ceremony.
The ice cream social held at the
home of A. W, Arnett Wednesday
evening for the benefit ot Rev. W.
M. Eyans ot Hcrshcy was well at
tended and a pleasant time ia re
ported by all present. A neat aum
of money was rcal'zed.
G. L. Mudd was at the county
scat on Tuesday of this week try
ing to hire u mala cook for his hay
camp but failed.
A few from this locality attended
the funeral of W. N. Salisbury at
North Platte early in the week.
Notwithstanding the prexentout
look tor a large crop ot corn In thU
locality there will be hut very little
f any for sale, as there will be a
big home demand for it.
Mrs. J, C. Holltngsworth, of ller
shey, in Mill on the hick lit, but Ib
Improving at the present time.
ISIlin Hollmgmvorth of Herahey,
nnd MisB Maggie Manion of North
Plattr, were united in mart luge at
the Catholic church at tbejattcr
place on Wednesday morning.
Many frioudr. join in wishing them
happiness and prosperity over the
rough and rugged path of life.
Loolc Pleasant, Plonia.
.HiPbotoBrnphor O. E. Hnrlnn, of Ertton
0'.', enn do bo now, thouuh for yeiirs ho
couldn't, hocnupo ho PUlTorcd untold
ntfouy from tho worst form ot indiiros
tinn. All physlQinns nnd ineillotacn
failed to holp him till ho tried Electric
Uittorp, which wnrltod such wondors for
In ni that ho deolnrofl tboy nro n godsend
to HiilTorore from dyspoppin and Ptonwoh
t roubles. Unrlvnllnd for dlBoiisos of tho
Hiomnnh llvor nnd kidnoyn, thoy build
up nnd ivo now hfo to tho whnlo sys
tem. Try them. OnlyfiOo. Gunrnn
toed by A F. Btroltz, druggist.
Tftorsiay, Sept. 4t&,
TIIC ONC comedy treat
Present an Excollent Company
ot PUyere with
Mr. Harry Corson Clarke
In tho Jolly Comedy Success
Mr. Olarko as Hill-
The Brightest, the Merriest
and the Best American
Comedy of to-day.
Reserved Seals at Clinton's.
Regular Prices.
a'..i-r- Notlos.
Tho dofoudnntB Louis A Doha. Mrs
Loula OcIib, his wife, first ronl ntitno
unknown, Joseph Oclis, Mrs Josonl:
OcIib, his wifo, llrwt real naino unknown
nnd Kioliitnl lloe, roal nntno unknown
will tnku nolloo t hat on tho 17th day of
Fohrunry, 11XW, I ho plaintiff, tho County
ot Lincoln, n corporation, lllod Rh potl
tlon in tho Dlslriot Court of Lincoln
county, fs'obriiHkn, tho objoot and prayor
or winou 111 toiorociopo coruun lax lions.
duly neRoosetl by said plalntilT Hfjnlnnt
tho nortliuast quarter or Boction Ilu. I
townBiiiD l.i, norm or rnctro ;u. wont ot
Sixth principal meridian, Nobrttska, for
ino year jau.i in 1110 sum or gja.vo; for
tho year JH01 in tho Bum of 10.00; for
tho year 189.) in tho sum ot 1741; forth
yoar 18JX1 In tho soni of 17J0: for th
yoar 1807 in tho num of 11.10; for tho
yoar 1893 in tho sum of 10,82; for tho
vear wm in tho aum or H.usj for tho yon
1900 in tho num of 1.17; amounting in th
total Finn of 117.78; with intoroBt onth
sum or ikm at uio rnto or ton per
cent por annum from tho first day of
Novombor, 1001, all of which is due
nnd unpaid.
Plaintiff prays n dooroo ot foreclosure
or said tax lion and n nalu of said nrem
Ises. You und each of .you dofendnuts
aro required to answor enid potltion on
or boforo Mnndny, tho lCth dny ot
Boptombor, 1002.
(A Corporation.)
By II. H. UIDaULY. Its Attorntif.
rear n.
A Bargain
Steel Ranges.
W. M. Cunningfiam, the
Hardware Man. will sell the
3 Superb Steel Range, with
L ti'l ry i 1 -rt ...
axign uaosci and itcscrvoir,
nnil S3. 00 unrlh nf rnrdflncr
H utensils, for
This Range is strictly first-
class and up to date in all
in i
respects, Call and sec
before buying.
AJho Soils - - -
Hardware ana k
Tinware, Etc., F
at Fair Prices.
Plumbing and Tin Work
promptly attended to.
W. Jfl. Cunning, c
To f Wm. T.I Wrtimn nnil fit. 0.1 llTtn nnd to
nil nib kIimiii It mnf concern.
Ynu urn iiprnnr unimctl tht on an 2nih hat or
Demuilior, 100(1, tbn iindcriliriivl purrlwuMi at
county, Netirmki, the following ilorlbm ronl
twtnta flluntcil In Lincoln county, Ncbri!i, to.
rlvAle tat bhib oi ina lrnrr or Llnroln
wilt Lot Nph. 8, 4, 5, n, 7 l.l n. In Ulook No. 1.1,
of the orlxlnnl town of North fmtto.
Hld real eilnl wan fold for ton dollnaiiont
lair of tbainitn 1K0J. IRlifl. 18W7. im mid IPSO.
In which yrara raid rent estate wm tmd, Hald
rtnl data waa laxud In the bam ot Vr'jpan and
Tbntlma of rrdetnnllnn of aald rinl eut from
aid tax snls will aiplro Dacemhvr iilUi. HXU.
aiv- BiMUEi, uoorrr,
To 8. O. KoadliamanJ toalothtir-wliom lt'mA7--.
You aro barebr notlflnd that on tba Mlh dar of
Doaratmr. 11100. thn undaralunMl tiurtihaaMit itk
Rrlrato tax nale ot tbelroaauror tif Lincoln countjr,
fdbraaka,. ths following do.orlbed real cgtaln,
altuated in Unonln county, Niliraka, to-wlti txta
Numlicra 1 and 4. Illock Number i of the oila--Innl
town of North IMatto.
Said mil estate wan anM for the delinquent
aiee of tbo yeara 18BI. ml, im, 1KUI. 189.1. 16U).
I8U7. 1808 and 1B09. In which yenri Mnld real Mlntit
was t.ixod. Hatd real cutate wan taiod lu tho
namn nf H, O. Needhnra.
Tbn lime of rrxleinptlon nf aald roal r.taln from
ald la. eale will ejulro DocvraberSilltl. 1WU.
To Twlti Olark aud to all other whom
You nro hereby notified that on tho 20th
Dooorabur, 1W0, tho undersigned purabaarrl at
pruato " of tho treaaurer of Lincoln
oountr, Nebraska, the following dracrlbed rent
mUto, situated III Lincoln, county, Neliraaka.
to wltt Lola Numbcri 7 and B. Ulock Number 71),
of thn original town of North I'IMt
Bald real eatato waa enid for tho delinquent
taxea nf the yoere IWtl, 1801, 1RV9, lHtM, 1HW, IBM
aim lew, ii wuicu yinra aaiu real raiaio waa
taied, Said real estate was taxed In the name
of Lewla Clark.
Tbo time nf redeimitlon of aald ronl natal from
said tax salo will expire December Stlth. lt03,
Laud onico at North l'lnlto, Nob.,
AUfluat 10th. im.
NoUoe la hereby Riven that the following
named eeltlur ban Died notice of hla Intention to
make final proof In atipport of hla claim and that
aald proof will bo made before roglator nnd re.
oeher ot the U. U, Land tlfflca at North riatto,
Neb,, ou Ootobnr 4th, lWi. vlxi
who made Homo.teHil Kntry No. I7U0, for thn
onut half of aouthenat quarttir ami aouth half
of nnrthenit ouarter nf aootlon 28, townablp II,
north rangn 2n, went Hlxth P, M.
Ho natnea the followlnif wltncaaea to provn III"
nnntlnuoua rmldenoo upon and cultivation nf aald
land, vlxi Kdwnrd Jnhnann and Jlnnrr Lnuer-
greon. of llrndy, Krlo Nolaon and John
Anflnrami, of Hpnnnutn Nen.
BhorifT'i Bain,
lly vlrtno of ntt order (if aalu luued from the
district court of Lincoln, county, Nebraska, upon
n dearvo of fnrxcloaurn rendered In ald court
wborcln Tho Comity of Lincoln, n corporation, le
;uainttir anil wunaiu l, wiuaril eiatara(le
eltdanla nnd to me tllrn:tod. I will on
thu 2HU day of Heptfiuber, Wi, at 1 o'clock it.
m at thn enat front door of tho court
lmufn In North 1'lutla, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
ell ut public auction In the bluhu.t bidder for
rmh to autlsfy Hald decree, Interest and ooM,
tbn followlHK described property, to-wltt The
soullioast quarter of eectlou 13, township 10,
rango 113, west Blxth V, M. Lincoln count),
IMtad North r'attt, Neb , Aimnat 2.1. Wi.
L. OAiirKNTKii.Hherlnr,
Shoriffi Salo.
lly virtue of im order of snle IsKiind from the
dlxlrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, iiHin
a ilecroo of foroclnHiiro rrudfrod In wild oouit
whiiri'lu The Roiinty of Llnuoln, ft uorimratlon.
la ptalulllf and Llnu W. Lveet al., are defundanta
and to mo directed, I will on thn 27lh day of
Neptcmbor,l(i02,at 1 o'clock.p, m , at the east front
door of Ibeoourt hnun In North I'latln, Lincoln
county, Nehrnrka, soil at publlo auction to ibe
blithest bidder for cash to aattafy aald deoroo, In
torent nrd ooata, the following descrllwd prop
erty, to.wltj Thn eoutbeast quarter ot section
SI. township 0, range SI, west ot Hlxth I', M, Lin.
coin county, Nebraska
Dated North 1'lnttu, Neb, August 2.1, 1002.
L. OAtirxNTKii, BherllT,
Oberiff'i Bale,
lly vlrtuo of an order ot sale iHsnod frrtu the
district court of Lincoln couuty, Nebraska, upon
a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein The County of Lincoln, n corporation, Is
plaintiff and WlufloM Bcott, et al,, are
dofendatitH nud to ine dlrcctedi I will
on the 27tlt day of Hepterober, IWi, at one
o'clock p, in, nt tbn east front door of thu
court bnusn In North l'luttu, Llucoln county, Ne
braska, sell at publlo auction to tho highest bid.
der for oaih to satisfy said docroe, Interest nud
oostalhu followlugdescrlbed property to-wltt Tho
Houtliwont qimrterof Hectlnu 8, Township II,
ItiitiKt) SI, west ot thu lllli I'. M. Uncoln coiiuly,
Outod Norlh l'lotto, Nb., AnguHt mi.
L, CAUl'KtlTlt, bllCllO,