4 Q otnlnme. mi- EIGHTEENTH YEAK. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, AUGUST J5, 1902. NO. CO plaits m k i nun m xi Joliii 5 Bratt, Burke J John Brntt DEALERS IN LIVE STQCK. 5 BUY OR SELL ON COMMISSION. 2 Reference Any Bank in Nebraska, Tel. No. 65. Office Bratt Bldg. I ' NORTH PLATTE, NEB. r.Ctt tCC:tteefrCCEC CCCtrSttfrKtCtC CrfrrtSXir oaeeeC9Bffleooa3soeoeoBea8oee(ie(e80o - I North Platte Fioyr . ' i e s 0 9 0 H 0 0 0 A trial sack will convince you of its goodness. MANUFACTURED HY THE North Platte Roller Mills, C. F. IDDINGS. MVWWWWWVWWVVWWWVVWVVWVW lawn Seats dc ra Neat, comfortable and durable at prices ranging from $2.50 to $5.00. Don't you need one? Matting Wc arc a little overstocked on Mattings and must close out. To do so we offer the stock at very low figures. Come and sec the quality and learn the prices. it ami?' a vmmvNtER. owmw M. LiUPVV3M UiXiAiUii vU&&3 U & W Litem ( "JPut A'ono Hut Americans on Guard." 1871- The Old Reliable Fire Insurance Agency -1902 OF KORTH rLATTISt Includes nil the Qrcat American Companies COMPANIES REPKESENTlSn: ASSETS! Aetna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn $14;071,948 Home Insurance Company of New York 15,255,870 Insurance Comnanv of North America 10,079,479 V Continental Insurance Company of New York 11,599,012 German American Insurance Company of New York. . . 9,419,457 Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn . . , . . 5,953,444 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance of Philadelphia 5,440,663 Philadelphia Underwriters of Philadelphia 16.394,695 Combined Assets .88,214,508 When you are In need of Iniurancc get the bct. It costs no more than the poorest. T. C. PATTERSON, Manager, North Platte, Neb. I The Climate 1 g " Of Western Nebraska is hard on paint and it Is al- g most money burned to use an inferior Equality when 2 S painting your house." The best paint is by far the g - cheapest in the end. g ! Sherwin & Williams Paints S S g Have been sold by us for many years, and they have g X given universal satisfaction time tried and not g o found wanting. We have a full stock on hand for g S the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy g g it again; if you have not used, It, try it. g lA F STREITZ,- Druggist! s OeeeQ888C888eeeeeBeeee9e0oe'58e8eeeeee8so $ . . JOS. tlERSHEY 2 Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, 9 Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Pit- tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. Bale Ties, Lightening c x c 2 Hay Press & Repairs y i J i"t st: : : .. : NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 5 Burke E, R. Goodman & Goodman, IV Is the equal of any Nebraska Flour, g Made from choice wheat by the lat- est milling processes. The rapidly g increasing sales of North Platte Flour g attests its good qualities. g Lecture Tonight. A. A. Crcssmati will deliver a lecture at the high school audito rium this eyening, taking as his subject "Our Boy Tom." Mr. Cressman is said to bd a very in tirestiug talker and will no doubt please his audience. The lecture U given in connection with the county institute, and no admission fee will be charged. The Teacher' Institute The Lincoln county teachers' in stitute, which has been in session this week, in pronounced to be one of the most instructive ever held, and ift, point of regular attendance cxcelaiall those of the past. The enrollment is 119, and each ol these tcachcrB, or prospective teachers, has taken great interest in the work. Many words o' commendation relative to the instructors can be heard. The institute will close to morrow afternoon. Billy Watkins Mistake Wednesday afternoon Engineer W. W. WatkiiiB arrived at this di- vision terminal alter a hard run, and as he was about to leave the hgine pickdd up a somewhat tat- ered ovcrshirt which he had prcvi. ously taken off, and cast it into the fire box ot the locomotive. The garment had scarcely left his An gers when he realized that his hun dred dollar watch was in a pocket of the burning garment. lie hast- ly fished out the ovcrshirt and re covered the watch, but the intense heat had rendered the valuable time-piece valules?. The Ball Scaton. The Union Pacific ball" circuit has practically closed the Beasnn, the only schedule game remaining being between Kearney and She', tou, The standing of the clubs at the close U as follows: Choycnnn 21 l'J 5 ' 692 North Platto 21 13 11 512 Koarnoy 23 13 10 803 OholtoD Si 2 21 67 While North Platte failed, as was expscteu, to secure scconu place, its percentage is above the 500 mark, which means more games won than loat. A Big Fall Trade. Indications point to a big fall trade in 'North Platte: iu fact the local merchants are already begin ning to feel the effects of fie wheat crop wuicu is now being urouirut to market. The corn crop in this and Logau and McFherson counties is .the best s:n;e 1891 and this means the marketing of more hogs than for several years past. The lay crop is also unusually heavy and the prices, tuough not us high as last year, will range around .550 per ton. The Ncrth Platte merchants are bringing in hjg stocks of goods and will thus be in shape to meet the demands of the farmers aud stock- meu. A very heavy rain which prac tically amounted to a cloud burut occurred at Sidney Wednesday evening. The water from the hills rubheu two feet deep into dwuil- ngs and the U. lJ, round bouse. Some track was washed out, delay ing trains several hours. Stoves stored, Gasoline Stoves repaired. Repairs tor all kinds of stoves. Western Stove Repair Works. Ribbons Play no small part in the making up of every lady's wardrobe, for this.year. Our already large stock has just been rc-inforced by the arrival of our fall goods' in this line. We have everything in ribbons, Soft Taffeta, Satin Taf feta, Morics Heavy Taffeta, Satin and Gross Grain Babv Rib bon, Velvet Ribbon, in all widths and colors. A small sum spent with us for ribbons will make a large difference in your appear ance. Wilcox Department Store. representative Convention. North Platte, Neil, Aug. 11, '02. To the republican electors of the 54th Representative District of Nebraska: There will be a delegate convention held at Ogalalla, Keith county, Nebraska, on Saturday, September t3, 1902, at 1 o'clock, p. in., for the purpose of nominating one republican candidate for repre sentative in aud for said 54th dis trict, to be elected at the Novem ber, 1902, general election, and to transact such other business as may come before the convention. The representation to said conven tion will be as follows baaed on the vote ot the Hon. Johu 10. Kvans as cast at the November general elec tion 1930, basis of one dclcgats-at- arge and otic for each one hundred votes or major fraction thereof, to-wlt: Dauncr .. . ....3 Deuel 4 Klmuall.? 2 Cheyenne 7 Keith 3 Lincoln IS Perkins 3 McPhcrson 2 Scotts Bluff.. ..5 The delegates present to cast the lull vote ot their counties. No proxies to be seated in said con vention, Fred R. Ginn, Secretary. W. C. Bluer, ChVm 54th Rep. Com. : I BETWEEN THE RIVERS. The grape crop in this vicinity lb imited this season, but applet and plums are a very good crop, D. h. DaviP, father of Mrs, N. B. Spurrier, iu at the present time vis- ting relatives and iriends in Iowa. Before returning he will attend an old settler's reunion at Salem where he resided tor about thirty- five years. The new hotel at llershey is still vacant with no prospects of it being otherwise very soon. Sanford Hartman and wife of the county eat and Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Varhcy, who recently sold a farm in the vicinity- of O'Neil, were guests of Dr. aud Mrs. Byes of HerBhey on Tuesday last, Mr. Varncy was looking rvcr the yalley with a view of purchasing a tract of alfalfa land, D. B. White who has a fine crop of apples, purchased a cider mill while at North Platte on Monday of this week. All iu that vicinity are getting their mouths iu shape for a dose of the real stuff. Mrs. A. L. McKinniB, of the south 'side, is in Missouri visiting relatives and friends. Geary Young of Lodge Pole, was the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. W. II. Hill, his aunt and uncle, at ncr shey this week, A. I' Beeler returned Tuesday from Holland and the scene of his childhood dayo, where he had been combining business with pleasure for the past mouth. He returned weighing about ten or pounds more than when filteen he dc- parted. QRev. Sutton and wife, who had lKcn visiting old time friends at Hersliey for several days while enroute from a visit with children at Chappcll, Big Springs and Jules- burg, departed Tuesday for their home in Iowa. Ed Ware and familv of NeUon. who came up in the valley to locate about six weeks ago, have taken up their abode in North Platte, where Bd baa a job of firing on the Union Pacific. D. S. McConnell, on the John Ot- lenstciu larm, threshed seventy bu-ihels of oats per acre the other day. J. G. ' I'eekcn's new steam thresher is going wild in the valley. It is up near Sutherland at this time. Miss Jennie Ware is attending the teachers institute at the county scat this week. W. II. Sulliyau has finished put ting up the second crop ot alfalfa on the Newberry farm. Jv. i. ivrong is putting some needed repairs on his farm residence at Nichols. Elmer Bdmlsteii of Hersliey shipped two or three car loads o heivy cattle to Kansas City a cou pie of days ago. N. B. Spurrier and crew have finished putting up t lie hay on ,Chas. McAilistur'tj farm. ' A Clean Up Wc have reduced the price of all of our LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS To clean up all of them in the next few weeks . wc arc selling 50 and 65c Waists at 29C T5 and . 85c Waists at -9C $1,00 and $1.25 Waists at : y9C Our finer Waists reduced in proportion. These arc not old style job lots but nice fresh goods this years' styles from the best makers. You will have to come early to get your size. Store open evenings until 8:00 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store JOHN UKATT. JOHN BRATT & CO., Real Estate, Loans m Insurance Idle flonoy Invested In Gilt Edged Securities X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X tlf 'JL4.oJTojrowLOoi--flLxxy THwCartOE T0 JT feOHMALZRIBD'S. 4 OS DICKENS DOINGS. W. B. Votaw, of Maywood, waB in these partB Thursday aud bought a car load of choice tat cows, Messrs, Jay and William Hodges purchased n, new organ Saturday iu Wallace ol Mrs. V. L. Harper. II. T. Church of McCook, the cattle kitiK of southwest Nebraska, 'lipped two cars ot cows and calves to the South Omaha market Sun day morning from Dickens, Miss Maggie Chamberlain of Maywood is visiting with her brother Walter and family this week. Robinson BrpB., of Kearney, agents for the new purchaser of the Woolworlh laudp, arc making an effort to lease the lands to the stock growers, but with poor suc cess at this writing, A wave of gloom spread over our community when it became known that the B. & M. R. R. Co. had saucd orders to do away with hall our train seryicc. Beginning Mon day there will be no trains Tucb dayp, Thursdays or Saturdays. Look Pleasant, Floaso. rhotogruphor C. E. llnrlau, ot Euton O., cun do bo now, though for yours ho couldn't, bocauso ho sulTorod tfntold ngony from tho wo rot form of IndinoB- tion. All phyBlomna and modiuinoD fnilod to holp him till ho tried Eloutrio lllttors, which workod suoh wondors for htm Unit lot tloulurou thoy liro u (odeend to BUtTorors front ilyspopulu iuul sloinnoh troubles. Unrivalled fordisousou of tho Btomaoh livor and UiunoyB, they bujlil up una rivo now nro to ino wuaio aye- torn. Try them. OnlyoOo. uunruti tjod by A. V. Stroitz, druKKiflt. Proposal for Bids. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals lor grading county riads will be received by the Comity L'ointnisbioners o Ivin coln comity, Nebraska, on or before September a, l'JOj. All proposals to be for the grading ot county roads in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to be done under the direction ot the County Commissioner in whose district the work is done, Not to exceed fifteen thousand cubic yards of earth work in Com missioner District No. 1. Not to exceed fifteen thousand cubic yards of earth work in Commissioner Im trict No. 2, and not to exceed" fif teen thousand cubic yards of earth work in Commissioner District No. 3. Bids will be received tor all or part of the work. The Comtnis sioners reserve the right to reject any or all of the bids it they deem it to the interest of the county to to do. Sufficient bond will be re quired to guarantee the completion ot the work in a reasonauie time. J. S. Roiiiiinh, M. Iv- McClJLLOlHill, John D. Kklli:iii:k, Co. Commrs. E. H. UOODNIAni 33cixxlc lax 3NToTox-HlK.ri. effal Notice 3011 Tho dtfondnnts Louin A Oclio, Mrs Louts OuIip, his wife, llrtt ron! titiiuo unknown, Josonh Ochs, Mrs Joseph Oi'ha. 1ih wife, tii-kt reul uiitiio unknown, mid Kiqtiurd lloc, ronl nnmo unknown, will tiiko notleo that on tho 17tli dny ot l',obru!iry,llX)i. tho plnlntlir, tho County it T Lincoln, h uorporntlol llhul Itn mil lion in tho DlHtrint Court of Lincoln jounty. Nebraska, tho obiout nnd nrnvnr ot which Is to forooloBo cortnln tax Hone, uuiy hbbobeou oy emu puiiniui iiKiiinst tho nortlionHt qunrtor ot section .'15, in townshin 13. north of rnr.im 31. wnat nf Sixth principal moridliui, Nobruskn, for uioyonr imwin iiiobuiii or 8'Jn.7o; Tor tho your J8!)l in tho sum of 10.00; for tho yonr lB'JJi iu tho mini of 17-11: for tlm your lb'Jtf In tho mini of 17.10; for tho your 1807 in tho sum or 11.10; for tho your 1808 in tho mini of 10.82; for tho j our loirj iu ino mini or o.irj; rortuuyonr 1000 In tlioBiini of4.17:niiiouiiUiiKln tho total Hum of 117.78: with Intoroet on t in sum of 70.28 nt tho rnto of ton nsr oont por iinnuin from tho first dny of iuvuuiuiir, iwi, (iii oi wuicn iu uuo and uupuld. IMnintiir nrnvs ll tlooroo of foronlnnnrn of mild tnx lion and nsnltt of suhl prdrii- juu mm oiiuii oi you (loioniinnui liro rodlllrt'd to lltiowor until imllllnn nn or boforo Mondny, tho ICth day of Soptombor, 1002. TIII3 COUNTY 01-' LINCOLN. liy ii. 8. niDQBLT. fcSfiSS!- MICIAL NOTIClt. 27 IS. TlioilofenilnnUJnrnn. tja. Mm. Jacob ir. Fyo, lil wlfti, first reul iiinno uhktlnwu nul John Don, rcnl nnmu unknown, will takii niillm Hint nil tlio mill ilny n( Aiiril, WO.', Itie JhIiiiI(T, tli County ot MMooln, n coriniitlli)ii, lllotl IIh iit. Il'in Iu llio Dlhlrlct Court uf Unooln county, No. ii iig.u, iiiu uujuti iimii iirnyurm wuicn ih in inriu cUiiih cortnln tnx iulr un.cartMl by tilil lilnltitlll nnlii.l tlio wut halt nortUwmt quarter ml went liitlr itiiulliwcHt unrlur of mcoiIoii 'in, III tinvilUitp 3, llnilli or IMIUV )2, tht ot Hlilli prlii!liiil iiicilillim. Nulirbakn, for tho jour irvn in inn Hum or 11. W, Mr tli yunr lbWI In ihu huiu ot l.lUil, for tlio )unr 1MI7 In Ibocmu of U.iiH, tor Ilia yi-nr JhtW lu llio um of 10.71. fop llie yur 1KU In IIhiiiii of U in, tmfmntluif In the lotBl mm of Ul .21 1 with Internet on luo urn of U Mot tlio rnto of ten per cunt tier nnnuru I mm the lut iluy of April, 1W1, nil of which lu duo iuul ii 1 1 1 mi tel. I'lulmlfl nniVH a ilccrco pf forcnlosuro ur mild tnx lien una u tiulo of mild promlttes. iuu uiiu uuuu oi you ucioniiuniH nro ro il u I rod to uiiHWur itnld pctltloti on or lio- iuto niununr, rno inui imy oi MnHL'iuUer, IWi, Tim COUNTY Ol-' LINCOLN. (A Corporation.) Ily IL S. HIDOKLY, Iih Attorney. I.ICQAL NOTICC, mi, Tlin nefenilanla MlnervnA. Gbnue. - Chmn hur liu.lmuil, ftrtl H'mI iihilc unknot, n. tut ltlt'hnril lloe, reul imlllo iillknuvi n, will tnke notlio thai oil the 17lh dny of Kobrilury, 11KTJ,, I Do plain tilt, the Uounty of Lincoln, a ciirMirtliin, rlloil lt petition In the DlntrloL Court ol Uncoln couu ly, Nehrshkn, (he object nnd prayor of which Ih to fHrpcliwe h certain Inx Menu, duly ni.omril by Hdlil phiinlirf nmiliidt the wot half uorlhuatt itmrlor mill ent liulf tiorlhwr! unilor ot tac tion 17, In township U, north ot raim S3, wch! of lih principal meridian, Nehrnhkn, for Ibo year ltftM,ln the Hum of l.52ifortho year 18WI, In tlin urn of 83 HHi for Ibo yonr IMiU, In llio auui ot if.tCt.niKt iilHOtornreolnsHcortnlu tax llvna duly ar. aeued hy rnld tilulutltl uynlmt tbu uaat hnlt north. ,-iiBt iunrtr of suction 17, In tnwneblp U, north nt raUKo 3.1, w-t of Hlxth principal luerldlnii, Nn hranka, lor Ibe yenr 1WA, lu llio rum of &VU) for tlio year 1MO, in Ibo cum or tt.Ht for tho yunr IKU7, In Hie uii) of Ifjilt for Ihu yunr 1MI8, In llio huiu of t-'.:W for Ihu yenr lbW, III IbOMim of j7.i!0 for the yonr UKXI, In ihu turn nt (1.1A aunuutliiK In the Intnl auiu nf t'iX.lS, with Interest on tboauiu of 120.72 ul tlio role of tun por rent per annuiu from tho Jut dny nt rlepturauer, 1001, nil ot wblih Ii duu mid unpaid, l'lulntlft pruyn n ttecroo of foroclosuro of mill tux lion mid a utiln ot hi Id tircmlHfx. You ami rach of you dcloiiilaiitH nro to iltiircil to iniHWt-r miM iiolltlon on or bu lure Mnndny, tho Kith iluy of H- (iutir, I'.Kti, Tlin COUNTY Op' LINCOLN, (A Coriiorullon.) Uy II. B. ItlOauUY. Itn Atlornuy. t