The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 29, 1902, Image 3

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    MB .
I have three of this
season's wlicclslef t
which I will close
out at a bargain.
I $35 Men's Wheel $2T.50
I $25 Men's Wheel $22.50
I $25 Ladies' Wheel $22.50
They arc all high grade jj
wheels and guaranteed. Q
Clinton Y
ovor Stroltz'g Drug Store.
(.ie Misses Cooper left tlm
Jriiing for a visit in Omaha.
5, D. Barltalosv, of Omaha, upent
jndny in town as the gueM of his
other-iii-law, Arthur McNamara.
Vccdman'& Lintctd Oil, per 85c
The man injured at the U. P.
lops last Friday afternoon cus
Jncd a mashed thumb, and not an
m, us stated in these columns.
Mra. W. C. Rcyuolds and Mrs.
Mooncy returned last evening
m liieir visit, in uinaua, unci -m
ence of a week or ten days.
oinc very fine samples of corn
being brought into town these
... t . i 1 1 . i 1 1 .
vnicu umicaic uiai uic tiuj
an excellent one.
ccs on baicu nay ami new
jtatoes are on the toboggan slide
j liAKHINV.TOr: iv. U oiiin s.
Congrcsfainan Neville, wife and
tughter arrived home list night,
jying vibited frit nils in St. Louis
a:h Omaha tince congress ad
jirned. .
pr. 1? R. Northrup went to Goth
burg this morning to attend a
ir.tin(j4f the Knights of Pythias
loge at which the rank of knight
w be conterred.
jasoliuc live gallons lor ipl.Ob at
t Hub Grocery.
t the Ilershey church next Sun
y at 10 a, in. the sermon will be
ire especially for children and
jlung people, singing iy me
ildrcn. The pastor win sing me
tirtory. Rverybody welcome. Sun-
(iy-scool at 9 a. m,
ProfjLcoi.hardt, the well known
tuner, has been upending the
jvst two days in town on bufcines3.
'jlie I'rofes-Eor will return to the
cfy about August 15lh and will be
peparcd to tune pianos lor those
during his services.
Jeo. W. Childe, Uncle Oscar,
uthlinder and all other standard
riatB bix tor 25 cents at the Hub
The sidetracks between thii city
jjdjueyenne are repsrted to be
n frill; ; wen lliKU wun ciupiy curi-,
motive power 10 gei
There were about tour
indrei empty cars m the local
JjSs yesterday morning.
tee our new linn of lamp?, just
oinuig them up, they are butes,"
fK Harrington & TOWN.
Hank Chestnut, of Keith county,
transacted business in town yester
day, Rd Scyferth has accepted a posi
tion is gang boss in the machine
W. V. Hoaglaud left yesterday
on a business trip to McPhcrson
Mrs. Cena Bcrthc, of Laramie, is
the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Kyan.
Mrs. Arthur McNamara expects
to leave Thursday for a visit with
liienda in Kansas City.
Jupge Grimes and County Attor
eny Kidgely went to Omaha last
night on legal business.
Mrs Frank Ujcon returned the
latter part of hat week from her
visit with relatives in Lincoln,
Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Maiuwaritig
relumed yesterday altera -on from
their visit in Illinois and Wiscon
sin. Mrs. A. S. Baldwin and niece
Mrs. Julius Urunton hayc been
vUitiug in Denver for a few days
Dr. F. V. Miller went to Gaudy
ycbterday to attend the dental
wants oi the people ot that village
and vicinity.
Mrs. Rdilh Hermausen, who had
been visiting relatives in town for
a few days, relumed to Cheyenne
Sunday evening.
Secretary Grace says that during
last week eighty non-union men de
serted the company at the various
shops along the line.
Supt. Patterson, oC the Pacific
Rxprese Cj , spent yesterday in
town l'jjking after the company's
interests at this point.
A. II. Davi.4 and family leave
next week lor a visit in Denver ami
will visit a number of Colorado
points before retuauing.
C. O. Wilcox will leave Saturday
night for Jelm, Wyo., to look attcr
his interests in mining property.
He will be absent a week or ten
Miss Corn, of Cheyenne, who had
been the guest of Miss Irma Cody
for several weeks, returned to her
home yesterday morning.
Mrs. J. M. Simpson, who had
been in town for several weeks, let t
Sunday for Rippey, Iowa, where
she will remain until tall and then
locate in Omaha.
Chas. Pittman, who had been
visiting his parents noith of town,
lett for St. Louis yesterday morn
ing where he will re-enlist with
Troop I, Fourth U. S. Cavalry.
Geo. R. French has been at Hot
Spiingo, S. D , for the past ten
daye, having accompanied his wife
to that place. Mrs. French's cou-
litiou has been serious for. some
time past.
For Sale,
900 exlra choice, high grade year.
ling heifers,
100 two and three year old steers.
105 good cows, part good milkers.
40 nice two year old steers.
S-c Dratt, Burke it Goodman.
North Platte, Neb.
pjOtweU fill
d'ettojlack of
tiemyvest. 1
Jasr McMkhael and several men
ijfyesterday for the Mackin land
Bjithwest o town where they will
cIpt a bouse and barns ,or Thos.
Jr.. . ,, i -l ..I
jgHKltllV, HU Will l.ll.l. V.llt.lw w.
fc.AvT Mackin'd interests in this
l or Sale or Lease.
The new Hotel at Ilershey. Rare
ncc to get into a good bin n ss
llilress John Dratt & Co , North
attc, Neb,
Lutheran Social.
The Lutheran ladies cordially in
vite all their triendsto the social to
be given Friday evening on the
Waltcinath lawn. Good service
and a pleasant time for everybody.
Remember the date and place.
Mns. Fhkd Fkkih'.uickson, Pres.
Nose Broken.
Last evening while indulging in
a friendly bout with boxing gloves
on the Rpiscopal rectory grounds,
Myran Dourte gave Rarl Armstrong
a biff on the nose which fractured
the bone.
The blow was, of course, acci
dental on the part of Dourte and he
probably struck more savagely than
lie really intended.
For Kent.
Six room furnished house, choice
location, nice lawn and shade trees.
Terms reasonable to right party.
R. R. Goodman.
District Camp Meeting.
The annual camp meeting of the
North Platte district will be held
at Curtis August 13-25. Among
the noted Methodist divines who
will be present and take part tu the
services are Dr. Dradtord of Kansas
City, Rev. P. C. Johnson, Dean
Fordyce of the Wesleyan univer
sity, Kev. L. C. Lemon, and Rev.
Grose of the Methodist book
Tents can be rented during the
meeting at from two to two dollars
and fifty cents. Hoard can be ob
tained lor three dollars and fifty
cents per week.
heveral residents of this city are
planning to attend the meeting.
For Sale.
Pleasant little home. Route and
two lota, City water, North hide.
Onl $550. Pait time. Sec John
LS.att & Co.
Proposal for Bids.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals tor grading
county roads will be received by
the County Commissioners ol Lin
coln county, Nebraska, on or before
September 8, 1902- All ptoposals
to be for the grading if county
roads in Lincoln county, Nebraska,
to be done under the direction of
the County Commissioner in whose
district the work in done,
Not to exceed fifteen thousand
cubic yards of earth work in Com
missioner District No. 1. Not to
exceed fifteen thousand cubic yards
of earth work inCommisstoucr Dis
trict No. 2, and not to exceed fif
teen thousand cubic yardH of earth
work tu Commissioner District No.
5. liuls will be received lor all or
part of the work. The Commla-
bioners reserve tuc right to reject
any or all of the bids if they deem
it to the interest of the county io
lo do. Sufficient bond will be re
quired to guarantee the completion
of the work in a reasonable time,
J. S. KoiiuiNS,
M. L. McCui.i.ouiiii,
John D. Ki:i,i.i:iii:i(,
Co. Commrs.
John Patton ot Wallace was in
town yestcrdav, and filed a com
plaint against Uert Nation and two
other men, charging them with
assault. Deputy Sheriff Folden
went to Wallace last night to bring
in the trio charged with making the
There lauded m town today a
Swede machinist who had worked
at Sidney for a few da3-s who claims
that when it was ascertained he
was a unioe man and that he de
cided to unit work, borne one con
uectcd with the round houso blipped
a revolver in his pocket and that
later he was arrested for carrying
concealed weapons and sentenced to
jail tor fceyeral days.
CI. as. llendy went to Omaha
Sunday night ami returned cs
torday evening.
For Sale or Rent.
The Hotel at Sutherland. Is
doing good paying business. For
particulars call on or write John
Dratt & Co. , "North Platte, Keb.
Through the kindness of C. A.
now?, the turuiiure man, we
arc having the gy iniiasitim room
Here is a surprise: it six ot our
members and friends will bring in
one member each by Thursday
evening of this week, we will have
150 members, the largest number in
its history.
Key. J. i1. beiuert gaye iih men
s-omething to think about last Sun
U.iy at ine meu'd meeting, it was
a helplul talk,
Circuit Preacher Chamberlain
makes it pleasant for the men with
his gift of song.
For Sale or Exchange.
Two seated spring wagon, almost
as good as new, newly painted.
R. R. Goodman.
Barb Wire
Bilker's Perfect Barb Wire,
painted, per hundred $3.80.
Iter's Perfect Barb Wire,
galvanized per hundred $4. 1 0
iilk Department Store
ft v-'.g.'sgl
1 v
1 -f. 'I.
A 'J
In Java
Nalivcs do not glaze coffee with
a cheap and impure coating. They .
well as for the naturally delicious
flaypr of their popular berry. I he rVVfc
ycry American roasters who glaze
(heir package coffees da not dart to touch or (daza
their high priced Mochas anil Javas. Why?
firs ga is never trlnzcu or
wiiiiieriucu. u i
JUST PUUH Coffe-e.
The srcle d lack nue liiiurro uniform qu-tlltr "id (riliiii'M.
L S. Phillips AuauHcd.
L. S. Phillips, porter at the
'acific Hotel was stabbed on the
eft side of the face last night
with a knife in the hands of a
runken man, whose idenity
Phillips docs not know. The
gash extends from the lobe of
the car downward about two
inches, ami had not Dr. Lucas
icon on the scene at the time to
render aid, Phillips might have
bled lo death, as the wound is a
cep cut.
The story as lold by Phillips
who by the way is a .quiet ami
orderly young man is that while
at the depot about midnight lie
was approached by two men. One
of the men lives in the country
and is an acquaintance of Phillips,
the other was a stranger to the
atter. Phillips spoke to the man
ic knew, and also to the stranger,
who was under the influence of
iquor. The drunken man in
ked Phillips to take a drink,
which the latter refused lo do,
whereupon he began abusing
hillips and intimated that he,
'hillips, was a "scab." The
runken individual, with the re
mark "one slash is all I want at
you," made a lunge at Phillips
with the above result.
Phillips' wound is not a dan
gerous one, but tins morning it
was giving him considerable pain
and he feels weak from loss of
The local officers arc at work-
today attempting to locate the
man who made the assault.
Piano Repair Shop.
Prof. Lconhardt, the well
uiown piano tuner, has bpened a
.. . . I . 1 , r-
epair suon at ins noiuc ai uio-
bon, and supplied with all the
iropcr facilities, is prepared lo
ebuild. or make any class of re
pairs to pianos. Prol. Lcon-
sardt for a number of years was
in tlie employ ot several ol the
best piano factories in the United
States, and is conversant witli
every detail of the mechanical
work. Parties having; instru
ments which need repairing-
snouiit aiturcss i-rol. L,conhariU
at Crihbon, or sec him during his
next visit to tins city, winch will
be about August, lath.
On a staple article is worth looking
after. You save this by buying
your Flour of us.
Rod Seal Mour per sack. . . $1,00
Jowol Flour per sack ....
Store open evenings until S o'clock.
I Wilcox Department Store ;
is invariably found in'
every glass of
Peerless Bottled Beer
Because the best of materials and the greatest of
care enter into the brewing of it.
The ideal beverage for table use.
JOHN CUND DIU-.WING CO,. - L&Crosse, Wk.
tStnd 15c for park, of fin flavins cardi, ,
Trcchet's Co'ichiciLC Salicylate Capsules.
A standard and infr Jllblc euro for HHEUMATISA1 and GOUT,
endorsed by the I ifthest tnc Ileal authorities of Europe and
America. Dispersed only L spherical capsules, which dls
eolve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritation or
disagreeable synptoms. Pr'cc, $1 per bottle. Sold by
uniRRists. uc imre and get ilie p,anuine.
1VU.L.IAMO Ml'U. CO.. CLE !VIiAKIi OHIO, Uole Propi.
For sale by North Platte Pharmacy.
'J he wet weather of the past
month or so has intcrfcrrcd
greatly witli haying operations
in Lincoln county. Not only has
much hav been practically lost
iv irettinir wet in wmrows and
after being baled in the field, but
much of the grass on low land
cannot be reached on account of
the wet ground and it has grown
so rank and coarse as to be un
marketable. Prices on hav are
ibout two dollars per ton less
than at this time last year, the
prices this week ranging from
live lo live fifty per ton on track.
The time book at the Union
."acific siiops this morning
showed 238 men at work. This
covers mechanics, helpers, round
louse men anil car repairers, but
docs not include the men cm-
iloycd as guards or on the ice
gang. lietween torty and litly
imported t men arc at work in
the shops and the rpund house,
Prior lo the strike tho normal
working force was about 270,
showing that the force is about
thirty less now than then.
Seven of the imported men
mitt the local shops yesterday
and left last night for Chicago.
Two more quit this morning.
And thus it goes. One day an
importation of men arrives, the
next day a number of them leave.
The sugar beet crop in Lin
coln county is reported to be in a
very satisfactory condition
There is an occasional field which
has not been properly worked
and is therefore not in good con
dilion, but these tracts are few.
j ne uuamnors uivorcc case,
which was to have been heard in
tiie district court last h'rulay,
was postponed until next Friday.
The case is one which has been
hanging fire for mute a Ion
Thy I3usu Wovm Ttlcillcluo.
II. 1 Kunipo, DriiKKiut, LoMon
A In., writes: "Ono of my uutttoinorH ii chllil, wliiili wan Kiel;, and throw
up nil food, con Id rotiiiu uutlilii on iIh
htniiineli. llo Uouuht ono Ijottlo nf
Wliito'H Cniun Veriulfuiro. and it
I brought up II!) worinu from tho ohllil
JtH tho noEii worm nicdiciiio in tho
worm.- wninni uroniu vornmiiL'o in
iiihi tin chililroiiH' tonio, It iiiiprovoii
lliolr (ii(,'i'Kiion mill iimniilution of food
iitrciiulhotiR tlutir imrvonn pvHtom ami
ronton tliiiui to tho liciillli. viiror find
olantiuif y of HpirilH nut tirxl to childhood
'Sw nt A. l Struitzu' Coriior DniK
The Christain Aid Society will
meet witli Mrs. Ad. lOlliott to
morrow afternoon. All arc cor
dially invited.
A hailstorm Sunday night par
tially destroyed the crops on the
Anderson and Kelly farms n
Nichols precinct.
Wlnlc in San Francisco on his
cccnt trip, Major Scharmann
met C. L. Woods. John lji-idecs
mil Will lJridgcs. Tliese three
ormer North PlaUe residents
were looking well mid were evi
dently enjoying a fair degree of
ii ns peri ty .
Last Friday a game of ball
was played between the Second
iigli School and the Summer
school teams in which the former
team won, after eleven innings
lad been played, by a score of
21 to V). lotteries: Ilalligan and
Stolley; Dolson and Cover.
Low Rates
Union Pacific
North Platte
August 1 to 14, 23 to 24 and
30 to 31, inclusive
Limited to October 31.
$ll.451o Denver
$13.95 to Colorado Springs
$15.00 to Pueblo
forecast for North
and vicinity: Generally
fair tonight and Wednesday. The
maximum temperature yester
day was 88 degrees; one year ago
)7 degrees. The minimum tem
perature tins morning was 6'J
degrees; one year ago 68 degrees.
Mrs. Win. Kobbins, wife of a
Union Pacific blacksmith, died at
her home in the Third ward at
noon today. The deceased had
been in poor health for sometime
past and several weeks ago was
taken to Dr. Kroeger for examination.
Alvin Pool has received a flat
tering offer xo take charge of an
orchestra and also teach violin at
Fremont and leaves Friday for
that city to investigate the offer.
Wo can chcerlully recommend
M l'ooi to tnc people of i re-
moul as a finished violinist, ;
good musical director and an ex
emplary young men. We regret
to have such a good musician and
worthy citizen leave North
Only Line Running
To Denver
Information cheerfully furnished
up in application to
E. II. "GENGE, Agent.
Kopulstvo roaturco.
HlnulihoailH, pimpleH, rn:iHy fneoo mid
muddy comploxiono, which uro t;o com
mon nmonj,' womon, ospooinlly pirlfl nt a
curtain ni;t, dfiitroylnjr bounty, ihnllfpir
iiiK mid mtiltiiii; ropulnivc, foaturnH
which would othorwiKoiippi'iir attniulivo
mm rimiion, uiuioiito imii 1110 nvor m
nut. of ordor. An ocuiihioiihI dopo of
llnrblno will oIihiho tho bowolp, roulnto
tho livor and ko oHtiiblnili n o'onr, healthy
oomplexion. 50o at A. l' Stroltzs' cor
ner iruj: Kioro.
gLADoR A5 A 6ARPtI 5Wf EPfR.
Com G',RD5.
rami? iiroRiATion,
'3 of Tiir