The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 29, 1902, Image 2

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    Eljc cmi - Wcchty Krllsunc.
Ika L.Bahh, Editor and Publisher
One Year caali In advance II Si
Hlx Month cah In advance ns cents
Untcrcil at North IMattc, Ncbr.nka, l'oitof.
Ilccas necontl clans matter.
TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1902.
Tor (lovcrnor-
1'or Lieutenant Governor
K. (I. MctlltVrON.
Tor Treasurer
1'or Secretary ot Htatc-
For Auditor
Tor Supt. of l'uhllc IiiHtructlon-
Tor Attorney (leneral-
l N. I'KOUT.
1'or Coimnlssloncr of IMbUe I.tintli-
(IKOItnr.I). KUM.MKIt.
1'or Con i;roa. Sixth District -
Tor County Attorney -
l-'or County Coniinlwloner
0. A. (H.A.i:.
John J. IIai.moan, we learn
from the lira, has declined lo ac
cept ihc fusion nomination for
county attorney. This leaves
Ihc republican nominee, A. II.
Davis, without an opponent.
Colonhl I'hyan will make a
number of speeches in the stale
during the campaign in behalf
of the fusion ticket. The. Colo
nel, however, is.not the influen
tial politician that he was six
years ago, and republicans have
little to fear from his trips
through the state.
Tun fusion state committee
owes Helen Cougar $-150 for hot
blast speeches made in Nebras
ka in the campaign of 1900 which
it cannot pay by reason ot an
empty treasury. That's too
bad for Helen, but it only tends
to show that fusiomsts, like the
democrats, never fulfill their
Kici'Um.iCANS say that they will
win this fall 'in the Sixth con
gressional district, and when re
publicans make a prediction they
work to make it come true.
After a dozen of years of wander
ing in the wilderness of the sand
hills of western Nebraska the re
publicans will be lead out by a
modern Moses Moses P. Kin-kaid.
In declining to stand for a re
nomination, Congressman Ne
ville evidently saw the drift to
ward republicanism in the Sixth
district and felt assured that no
fusionist, no matter how strong
he might be, could be elected.
The fusion representation in
congress from this district which
began with the knownolhing
Kcm will end with the present
County officials of the stale
will hold a meeting ia Omaha
the early part of next month with
u view of starting a campaign
that will result in the enactment
of a law that will make the term
of their respective offices four
years instead of two. We be
lieve that this change would re
sult in more efficient service and
perhaps be an incentive for a
better class of men to seek clcc
tion to county ofiiccs.
You can make rmir bar.
licna im volt m n cmvo
ami ns tough nt iro lijr
luliiiltlllFlCKA Mm.
noun mi. you mil
Ivnctlirn It llf-mnl:a It
lwa mica u lotm o it
urdluarl'r wouli.
make n poor lookluff hup.
mus like, now. Miul of
pure, heavy bodied oil. w.
itcUIIv urcmired to wllU
auuid (hu vmiturr.
HoM ertrrwrira
In cnm-ll mv.
wrc$ a!!
Ottum all
tK...I. .
(0SX7Y EICMTY-CtatlT.)
Mitt -T. .Tottkw.m r.n.. HL l'nul. J tlnn,
Ucrjiloncn: I lmvolu n rti.rr&f.r.u?erf rrom rji".umatl3in. I rraa lnia w In bed
nnd i;i,'ti tip rll hopes of luslnc curd. I'7 l vn vrura nil swollen uo r.nd I could not
ijvo t.icm wImou', j'fcut twin.. Your rem'"'. atoi rcnorjiaowicd to mo by Chief l'o
ilou O'Connor, v.iofv Id "ofWV'tind cured h:-n.
7iin nblo to pewutof bed, llio lint tlrao In iirtv At.yn. I Jmvo taken tny sueond bot
tin nnu now currier uy&ui uutu;iy uurco. i wmu mm im.t
wonderful remedy.
On tftjthv rdio-fourt'uif thoboltlol
vo inxcn my suuoiut woi
others may know ot ttiis
itnxnfln" I till v Venn.
w;.r. uuicuHii, u. s. q. :,r. nop., Armot 7 Hid,
AKRCT 'ft lf.i Wo (marantpo 008K, lo o 1mi from tilt opIMcn. fiiJlBy)ftfe, Iffinn,
rnCV IPilMU tvjilT-norinrlP". (nil rH jv'-.otiriiit ttx-r.r. On t:i!:lrc nnlf n bottlo
nnd roil nru tint AMIf;"'l, rv.uriv tho Iwillo :iU yttir no-Ay ta reloauoiJ, l( bought
Xroiu our nu' horuod nr- u
Por CaJo r.r.tJ Cur.rantocd Only By
Alter a somewhat protracted
session, the "allied forces" in
convention at Kearney named P.
II. IJ.trry, of Greeley, for con
gressman. The nomination came
to the "statesman of Greeley"
after Sullivan, Harrington and
Wcstovcr, who were considered
the only men who could lead
Judge Kinkaid any sort ofa race,
tad declined the nomination.
It is freely charged that the
same coterie of politicians who
manipulated the fusion slate con
vention arc responsible for the
nomination of Harry and great
dissatisfaction exists in the
ranks. Among those who openly
denounce the actions of the con
vention 'is Capt. J. J. Adams of
Crawford, a wheel horse in the
lopulist movement since its in
ception, who, to a Slate Journal
reporter, expressed himself in
the following language: "I shall
never submit to such an outrage,
and I ajn not alone in this deter
mination. I came manv miles to
tltcnd this convention and spent
my own money. When I ar
rived there and the convention
convened I soon saw that every-
lt 1 c . . .
miug naii neenctuana uricti oy
the triumvirate which controlled
the body. We nominated Sul-
tvan. We could have elected
him. In keeping with the pledge
made by him to lurry, he will-
drew and Barry was forced upon
us. We had lo take mm.
'Talk about John N. Baldwin
dictating the nomination of Mr.
Mickcv as the republican iruber-
nulorial nominee. There never
was a more hitrh handed outrage
than this. "We delegates were
told plainly lo stand atid deliver.
"You will take lurry or none
at all. Well, it wasn't so diffi
cult to force his nomination but
it won't be so easy to whip the
the populist voters in line or his
"I say frankly and without re
servation thai I am for Judge
ivinkaid and there are many
others who attended the Kearney
convention who reel just the
same as I do.
"We wanted Sullivan or Har
rington or Westover but thev
rciuscu poini uiauu ano lorccn
Barry upon us. It was the final
to a scheme nlrcadv patched up
and arranged and the populists
of the sixth district will not
stand for it." Burwell Tribune.
Curcu Sciatica.
Hov. W. L. Illloy, L. Ij. 1)., Culm. N.
Y..vri!cp: "After Hilton tliiyn of ox-
oruolnUu),' jmln from solution rlimuni
tiflm, iindor vnrlotm IrentmontH, I wan
imlmii'il to try Hiilliinl'n Rnow Lliiimont,
tho llrfit itppl icatioti ulvuif; tny tl ret
rollof, nnd tho boomhI, ontlro relief. 1
onn mvo it uniiunlillrtl rccominondn.
tlon. 2."o. n0o imil $1.00 at A. 1
StroltzB' Cornor DniR Store.
lias fine line of samples
of Spring nnd Summer
Suitings. Also samples
of Suitings for Passen
ger Conductors and
lirakcuicn .
Kxccllcnt fit guaran
teed lo all suits made.
R. J. t SHUTE,
All HranrlicH of I)cn
llHiry HCltntlilcally
dont:. NHi'oiin Oxld
(l.iH ndniiiilHtcrcd.
l'l-ntmy 1 yatilii Collvui!
tif Dental Siircy W
Onicc ovor Wilcox Ociil
Store. 'I'lionc 131.
(Central Time)
N'o. I LoavcH 5.S.H1 n. in
101 Leaves 5: (5 i. in
.1 Leave l.iAa. in
r (.carex 7:1m a. in
1'l.t'UVfM (l''relKlitl i-.'Mii in
lit Leaven (KrulKlit) 4:10 p. tn
r.lI.eavuN U'rclKlil) 8:30 a. in
No. U Leaves , IS:3fln. in
10! I.cuvcM 7:15 a. in
0 Leaven 8: Mi a in
I Leaven Ill: 10 ii. in
IH Leaven (Kreljilit) IS:B) p. in
Lti Leaven (KrelKht).., -iiiioa. in
'JH Leaven (Freight) 7: IS a. in
On tralim No, l and 2 iiaHHcncertt mum nay
Pullman fare.
I'relRht train No. 23 and '."H Htoi at all
ulatlonn. OWicr frelRlitn carry tiasbencrrii
to lHilntH at which they Htop.
ahoriaa Stilo.
Ily vlrtuo of nn order of k ilo IksuoiI from llio
district court ot Lincoln county, NttbriiKlui, upun
ii rito co nt tnrccloHiiro remlurud In kuIi) couit
wliorcln lliu County of Lincoln. a coriiornllon, In
pl.ilnlltr nnd Jnoiili (I. Hcliwali, nt ill., In (lolcndunl
mill to' inn dill-clod I will nn Dm llltli day of
AiiKiut, lWli, lit olio o'clock l, in. nt Urn east front
iloor ii( llin court lintmu In Norlli l'lutto, Lin
coln cniiuly, NvtiruHloi, mil fit tmlillc iiiictliin to
llin IiIkIickI blililor for ciu-li In rutlufy rnlil ilocrro
Inlurmt niul cokI, Dm following ilinoi tlivd prop,
orty In.wlli TlifAiiutliNVf rt iimrlor of Hucilnn .Vi,
Townsliln 10, IUiiku 31, went 0th p. il., Lincoln
ciuuily, Nulirnskn.
Untud North l'laUo.NclirnnlcH, July II, IWi,
L. Caiii-imtkii, ulierllT,
Dhorifro Salo.
Ily vlrluo of an onlur of unit) I hi nod from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Niilirnnkn, iiion
n ilocrvn (if fnicclimiirn rvudoivd la rnld court
nln-rulnTliiiOouuty of Lincoln, n coriKirntton, In
lilitlntlll ntul J. W. Htiiliitnii tit. nt , nro tie
feudniilH mid to luo, I will on tho HIili
dny of AiiutiH, H0i, nt 1 o'clock . in, nt Hit. viiht
front door of tin. rouit lioimo In Norlli l'lntto,
Lincoln county, Nelirnska, poll nt tmlillo miction
lo Ihu Iilxtient Mdilur tor enrh lo nillnfy paid do-i-roi,
lutun i't mid tisln, tho followlnu dercrltiod
iroiny, lo-wllt 'ihu soiilhoinil iinrtor of no
tion I'm, township tl, rnti;u 31, wuet HUUi 1'. M.
Lincoln county, Niilirn'kn.
Dilted Notlb 1-lnttu, Neb., July II. UK.'-'.
L. CAiii'tLNTlcit, Klierirr,
Low Round Trip Rates, via
Union Pacific, from Mis
souri River.
Q I k Hprinufl, ilml rnobto, lltilo.,
P l.t).UU.July II to III, iuuliifivi.,AtiK.
nil tl. Ml Innli.oh o
M'n Dmiviir. (1 ilnrnln.
(L I Ci (( NptinifH, nnd Poulilo, Colo.,
P.L ..UU July J l to at, IiusIuhIvis Aug.
.R ... Ill 1 .IK ... Ill, t
in u j nun ii) ,f, inn,
C'OK AA 'I'o IjttUn City nnd Op
ipCO.UW don, Ulnli, AtisiiHt 1 to U,
COK A A To Olonwood BprliiKP.Colo..
iPiCO.UU AilKiiot 1 to H. U.T to 21, mid
COA (t '!' B'lltUlto Oily nnd Ou
POU.UU don, Ulnli, AiiutiHt 'J.'t to
1 fill i. to 1 . . . I
II Illl i)U It) ,11, IIIUIIIBIVO,
C II HO To (llonwood JprtnKP, Colo ,
.pjl.UU j,,y n tollt, incliiHieo. Auk.
15 to '22 nnd '2) to 21), mo.
To Salt Lnlto Cily und 0.
C19 AH don, Utnh, July 11 to at, In
p JiiUU olimlvo, AtiitURt 15 to 22 und
21 to 2i), liiolusivo.
QiAty (( To Situ Krnnclfioo, or Tion
'd.UU Anuolos, CiiI., .luly 21) mul
AuKtiBt 2 to 10, liiohUivo.
Full Inforuiittlun oliourfully (urnlelicd
on iippliuutlon to.
fl, II, OENQE, Ageut.
ily vlrtui) of oriltir of cnln IkhuoiI from llio
llNtrlct court ot Lincoln county. Nlinuikn. noon
ii dticrrn ol fon'clontiii) muderrd In xnlil court
wliorcln lliu (N iiiily of Lincoln, n corporation,
In plnlnlltl, nnd JuntiiH O, ltlchey ct nl., nro dr.
fmidniiiH nuil to mo dliuclod. 1 will on tho lit li
.Iny of AliKiiit, IW2, nt 1 nVlock i. in. nt llin uat
rioiii uoor or inn coutl imuse in Norm l'lntto.
Lincoln county, Nclirnskn, noil nt pulillo niictlon
to llio hlitliit I lildor for ciifh tn Nillnfy mid do
em). Inlcri'Ht mid coIh. Hid following dvvcrlbod
pn perly, lo vill! 'lho tmrlliwiwt nunilcr of nro
lion ill, tiiwuslilp 11. rnnuo 'M, won HUUi 1".
M. I.lnocln county, Nrlinixkii.
Unit d North l'lutlt', Noli., July 11,
L, C'aiu inthi, Hlinrlff.
Bliortlt 's balu.
Ily vlrluo of nn onlur i f enln IksupiI from llin
illnlilct court of Lincoln, comity. Nvlirniikn. iiniin
ii ilicrco of fori'i'lomiro ivuilorod In wild court
wlimi'ln Tho Ciiunly of Lincoln, n corjiornllon, It
plilnlllt mid VVIdliitii L. V lllnnl ut !.. nro do-
ii'iiuanm mm in inn iiiruouui, i win on
tho llllh dny of Auuuitt. l'.itC. nt I o'clock n.
in., nt llio oust front door ot IIiik court
Ultimo in Norlli l'liitlii, Lltirolu coiinly, Nnlirimkn,
ell nt piililln niiclloii to tho hlchurt tddilur for
cnli lo rntlhfr nuld ilccno. luleicft nnd cokIh.
ILo follow Iiik dtHCillicd propuny, Uvwll: lho
souiiirn.M ipmrier or khcuoii i:i, luwiiriiip in,
rnuKii !UI, wet Hlx.h )'. M. Unooln county,
tinted North l'lntto, Noli , July 11, ltr.
L Clii'KNTKii,Hlierl(I.
MUVI.ll 9 WM.C,
Ily vlrtuo nt nn order ot eulo l.nuod from llio
ilUlrlct court of Lincoln county, Nehriiskn, upon
ailecrcont fori'clofiiio rvuduied In n:ild court
wlipreln Thoi'oiinly of Lincoln, nnoriiornlloii, In
diillllltr and Tim HUUi Hunk of Wnllnco, ot id ,
nro nufeudnntt nnd to mu dlructml, I
will nn lho llllh dny of August, 1H02,
nt 1 o'clock, p, in,, nl tun eatt front door of
lliu com t luniMi In Norlli l'lntlp, Lincoln county,
Nolirnxkn, sell nt uMlc niicltiill to lho hlKlirxt
hlddcr for cneli, In Millrly tuld decreo, liiturrnl
ni'd coMk. tho follnwliiu diworlKil nronerly.
I.rwlli Tim north Imlf of tho whiiIiwi'hI ipmrlor
ot Mviion ,r, uiwiiMiip n, riniKD il, went Hum r.
M. I.Uirolu county, M'luiiKkn.
l'ntod North l'lntto. Not) , July II, 1(02.
L. (Uiii'.NT(U, hhotlir,
ShoritT'a Sato
I'.y vlrtuo of nn order of mdo loaned from tho
ill tilot court of Lincoln uiiiuty, Nidirntkn, Uhiu
n ilecrco ol fnni'loHiirn reiidnrcd In mild court
Ktinreln 'llio (l.inulr of Lincoln, n curoornllon. In
pli.liitllt iiinlJolin fnlriu n it al . i ra d t'n
mi l to mo directed, t will on tint llllh dny of
August, UWJ, nt I I) clock p. in attlioenat front
diH r of lho court lioimo In Nurlh l'lnllo,
Lincoln county, Nelirmkn, inill nt pulillo
mutlou to tho Iduhvbt tldder for ciudi In
nillnfy vnlil di-citv. IiiIioopI mid conln, Ihu
loii.iHiim oeicr)ieii
Dated North l'lnllo, Null , .IiiU II, llio.'
. Cilil'NTHl. HlqifiT
iliniy vhiii uecrei'i iiiiioopi mm rimiii, mo
nll.iulllK devcrllwd propurly, to wlti Tho u r h
roit quarter of nectluu ('.'. oTiinlili If' IBUKO
I. wot of Hltth r. M. Lincoln county. N'lirnjfH.
In Hid inntlrr nfllui application of
Hp'.cor. unnrillin. to rull rut) e itito.
Notlco U herehy itlvn 1 t'i it In i)ir!.t!Up' of Qi
ru. '.or or lion II i (lrliie, JiilK of ihn lit.
trlct (Jrttirt of I.liio.iln County, mado on llm l.'.tli
dny of Al'rll, l'.O.', lor llm mloilf Ihn real entatn
hi relimtlwr detrlhixl, them will lo mild ut llm
eniH fninl door of tho llourt llnimi) on tint Stuit
ilif of Aukii'I, IWrJ, nt mm o'oloi'k . ui.,nt pull,
lie vcmliio to the liltl ii'l Mi'i'it for i i.hli llm fi l
InWlUK diwrlWsl real ontnln In Mill HoutliHeat
iintrterof Senium 10, 'I'own.hlp II, ltuue 3l In
Lincoln C'luuily, Noliinskn,
Duled Julai, Uk)i.
Linnik Krtocn,
Quardliu of Ajjue Hplcor, ot ul.
Another Line of Comparisons.
(Issued Under Authority of
In our former articles vc have made comparisons
showing the relative assessment of railroad property
with other property in the state of Nebraska. Ve
will continue to make these comparisons. They will
show that the railroad? hrvc paid proportionately
more taxes than any other interest in the state, but lo
complete the line of comparisons, it will be necessary
for us to bJiow that the railroads of Nebraska have
paid as much or more than other roads in the Trans
Mississippi states.
No matter how taxes against railroads are col
lected, whether by excise or direct taxation, the gen
eral average shows practically the same. With the
railroads it is immaterial to them what the assessed
valuation, of their property should be so long as they
arc not required to pay an undue amount per mile to
meet the requirements of taxation, and not in unfair
proportion to other property.
From the Inter-State Commerce Commission re
port for 1900, we find that there were 83,17o miles of
railroad lying west of the Mississippi river. These
railroads paid $14,301,109 for taxes, which makes an
averag j of $171.45 per mile. Those figures include
every htate and territory west of the Mississippi river,
excepting the Indian Territory, where the tax on
railroads, being but $10.86, is bo low that we do not
include the sum in our estimates. If we did it would
make the foregoing amount per mile a few dollars
In this territory the average net earnings of all
the railroads amounted to $2,784 per mile.
In determining the value of the railroad property
there ate several essentials that mint be considered.
first: The volume of business that can be given
a railroad.
Second: The difficulties of operation.
Third: The tariffs allowed to be charged.
These three features must be taken into conjunc
tion in any estimate that should be made regarding
the value of the railroad property as an investment.
A comparison of the railroads of Nebraska with
those of New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland
would be misleading unless these elements were
taken into consideration. In these states the rail
roads were furnished tonnage that enabled them to
handle 1,900,578 tons of freight and 202,902 passengers
for each mile of railroad, while in this Trans-Mississ-ippi
country, tlte railroads were furnished but 378,300
tlte Ituilroads of Nebraska.) M'
tons per mile and but 49,814 passengers as reported in
A comparison of Nebraska railroads with those of
Massachusetts would be senseless, because in Neb
raska there arc 53.31 miles of railroad to serve each
10,000 people, while in Massachusetts there arc but
7.55 for the name number; or, with New Jersey, which
has 29.99 tulles of railroad to each 100 square miles of
territory, while Nebraska has but 7.4. However, in
the comparisons we will select sections of railroad
in Nebraska which have a large business, and we will
pick out some eastern roads that handles approxi
mately the like character and volume of business and
make the comparison with those roads, showing the
taxes that they pay and the tax that is paid here. It
will be found that in those instances tile roads of
Nebraska pay relatively higher taxes than they
should be called upon to do.
The critics who make a comparison of the tax per
mile charged in the District of Columbia, with that
charged on western railroads, evidently intend to de
ceive, from tho fact that the city of Washington has
outgrown the District of Columbia, and the 52 miles
of railroad which arc reported lit that district arc
practically all city property. A comparison of a Neb
raska railroad with the New York Central, a four
track railroad with S57,00O,O00 wortli of equipment
alone, would not be fair, but we will give the people
of Nebraska-the details of taxation in these other
states, for the purpose of letting them make their own
conclusions and judge whether the railroads in Neb
raska are paying their just share of lax, when com
pared with other railroads.
There arc but n few btates in tho Union In which
tho railroads pay Ifl.-l per cent of the taxes paid while
in the territory west of tho Mississippi the railroads
in Nebraska pay more per mile than sixteen of tlio
other states. Three mining states oblige the rail
roads to pay more than they do in Nebraska, but it is
a well known fact that tax levies in mining counties
tiro much higher than in any other localities in tho
United States.
Our statement will show what the railroads pay
to each county the average rate per mile, and from
thes'o you will bo able to judge whether the people
are being treated fairly in this matter.
There is no necessity to conceal anything on tho
part of tho railroads, as they have borne and be-ar
their just share of the taxes.
In the Year 1900
Average Tax per mile on Railroads West of Mississippi River, S17J;45,
Tax per mile Paid in Nebraska, $198.86,
Average Net Earnings Railroads West of Mississippi River, 52,784.
Average Net Earnings Nebraska Railroads, $1,883,
Bhorlff's Ealo.
Ily vlrtuo of nn ordor of into lHBti'd from tho
dltttlct court of Lincoln county, Nolirnakn, upon
a ducrax of forcolonuro roudorod Ir. rnld court
wliciiilii The County of Lincoln, n cnrixirntlon, In
nlnlntllt nnd Jnhnuni Mnoen, ct nl,. nro
dufeliilniilR mid to mo directed: I will
nn llio Hllli dny of Auauit, UKrL nt ono
o'cl,ck p. m, nt lho rnt front door nf tlio
uouri.'ioiiM) in i.iiriu .'iiittii, Lincoln coiinly, Mr
brnAii, roll nt putllo miction to llio lilKticut hid
dHrforcnidi In nillsfy mid dxcrvo, liitorcNt nnd
ooHliitliu followliiKdHncrllwd property to-wlti Tho
went half of tlio oni-t hilt of Hrcllon 21, Town
tdilp 11 ltnliKO ill, wet of thti Oil 1 1', M, Lincoln
county, Nolirimku.
nalotl Worm l'lnlte. Wcu., July II, 1IWJ.
L. Oaiu'Entfii, Hhoilrf,
Sheriff's Salo.
Ily virtue of nn ordor of piln Irsuod from tho
district court ot Lincoln county, Nchrnskn, upon
n dccri'o of forcclomiro roudorod in H.ilil court
whorclu Tho County of Lincoln, n corpornlloa, U
plnlulllt nnd A. II. (Ullirun ft. nl,, nro dufoud
nnts und to mo dlrootiul, I will on llio ltlth dny nt
AoitUHt, 1002, nt 1 o'clock, p. tu. nt tho ennt frnut
door of tho court linu.c In North l'lnllo, Lincoln
county, Nclirnnkn, nhII nt pulillo miction to tho
iUK'i'ht ulililor tor cam to miliary mild decree, Hi
lt runt nuil coils, tho followlni dunailbod prop
Oily. lo.ll! Tl.n southwest quiirler of necllon 22,
towimhlp It, rnnuo 31, went HUUiJI". M, Lincoln
comity Ni'hni'kn.
Dated North l' ntto, Neb.. July It, 1UC2
L. (Ulil'fcNTKH, HhorllT.
Sheriff's Salo.
Ily Uituo of nil order of rnlo Ixnuod from tlio
dlolitct I'ourtot Lincoln county,, upon
n drriort of foicclosuro ruiidoiodlu mild court
urtnroln Tho (Jointly of Llnoolll, n cniHiriitlon,
In film nt I IT mid Linn V Lee ft ill , nro dcfcinlnutH
Mid to luo dlrwti-d, I will on llio llllh dny of
Auuiit.1. W2, nt 1 o'clock, p in., ut lho entt front
door of tlm court liou.o In Norlli l'littto, Lincoln
county, Nidiiutkn, K'll nt puldlu nuctlon In tho
lil'hist bidder forcndi to H.itUfy mid de-roo, In
lorest in d ci.hIb, tho following dcfcilbod prop
erty, lc..: Tho noullicu-t i)Uirter of Miction
'.II, towtndilp . runKO .11, went of Blxtli V. M, Liu.
colli county, N'wtirnxkii
Dntod Norlli l'lntto, Noli. .Inly 11, 1KU.
Ii. Caiii'Kntkii, Hhorlff,
ShorltT's Sale.
Ily virtue of an onler of sale IhhuciI from
the dlnlrlct court nt Lincoln county, No
hraMia, upon a decree of foreclosure
rcnilereil fa Haiti court whcceln The County
of Lincoln, a corporation, U plaintiff anil
M.irv l'L UnrrlRs, ct. al., arc tlciumlanttt anil
to tnu illrvi'tcil, I will on tile llltli ilay ot
August, linti, at 1 o'clock p. in., at the cant
front door of the court limine in North
l'lattc, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the Milder for
Chsli to xatlHfy nalil decree, Interest anil
cos,tH, the following ileNcrllieil property,
to-tvlt: The southwest quarter ot ftectlou
ill. township P. ratiKo HI. wont Sixth )'. &I,
Lincoln county. Nebraska.
Dated North l'lattc, Nub., July II, IPO-j.
L. Caiipkntku, iihorlff,
QhoritT's Salo.
Ily virtue of an order of mile Issued fro n
thcdlstrlct court of Lincoln county. Nebras
ka, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered
In said court wherein The County of Lln.
coin, a corporation, Is plattitlrr and S.
C. I., (laiinelt. ct al., arc defendants, and to
me directed. I will on the lflth day of Aug
ust. I WW, nt 1 o'clock p. tn. at the east front
door of the court house In North l'lattc,
I Incoln county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to
sttlsfy nald decree, Interest nnd costs, the
following described property to-wlt: The
northeast quarter of section 17. town
ship 10. range xi west Hlxtli l'rlticlpa
Meridian. Lincoln count v. Nebraska.
Dated North l'lattc. Neb., July II. IU0J.
I.. CAltfKNTKlt. Sheriff.
Notlco l.i hereby given thnt in puisunnco of In
i" ruction from tho Umiiuilrnlnnor of lho Oeiierul
Laud OlUce, uudor iiutlioriiy vested In him by
Hictlon l'5, ltovlrtbd HtHtuto. U. H., Rsntuelldcd
lf Act of ConKtv-n npproved Felir'inry 'illlh, Ib'JS,
we will olTor id public mloon tho lull dny of Aug
tut, 1W, nl, tills olllco Ihu follnwii'K truct of lnud
n iniolyi Tho southwest qunrtcr ot llio northwont
liiirterniid northwiHt ipinrter of the soiilliwest
i inrter of section 2. town 12 uorlh, iiiiiko "M,
wont of tho Sixth p. in.
All persons clnlinliit; ndversnly lho nlinvo do
Fi rlbed laud mo iiilvUod to nio tholr Cliilm In (Ills
o'llco on or befmo llio dny desixnnlod for llio
commencement of ml,! snic, othorwiso their
rlKhis will lie forfeited.
Dntod nt tho Untied KlnliH Lnnd Olllco, Nurlh
riotto, Nob., this Stlth duy of Stuy, 10UI.
Ol.o. K. rnKNCll, llelhtor,
J3- ritANic llAco.N, Jtecelvor.
8horitT'i Salo,
llyWrliu) nf nn outer of Nile Irsued from lho
dlitrkt court of Lincoln county, Nelirnnkn, upon
n decreo of forecliwme rendered III mild couit
wherein Tho County .( Lincoln, n corporation,
In plnlntttt mid (leorno II. KoUnsou,
ct nl., nro dofoiidnnls, nnd In mo
dlreclt'd. I will on the llllh dny of Au.
list, Mi, nt I o'clock p. in,, nt. lho eiud front
door of the couit house In , North Pintle, Lincoln
cnunly, Nehrnskii, noil at public miction to lho bidder fur cali, lo rnllsfy s.ild decreo,
luierfnt nn.l conts, tho following described
liroporly, tn-wlti Tin northenut ipiurler of soc
iloiiM, towiuhlp 1U, rniiR U, wont Hlilli p. M,
Lincoln ooiinty, Nehrnskn.
Duled North l'lntto, Neb. July li,
L. Caiii'Kntkii, bhorltf.
SherllT's Sale.
Jlyvlrtucof an' order of salr Issued from tlio
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
mn a decree of foreclosure rendered In said
roMrt wlicrpliiTheCountv of Lincoln, a cor.
porallon. Is plaintiff and John I'arvlll, ct al.,
arc defendants and to me directed, 1 wj
fin the HHli day of August. )UK. nt I
o'click p. ii)., at llio east irimt iloor of the
court house In North l'lattc. Lincoln roimiv.'.
Nebraska. pll at lUbc auction lo the
hlKhiist bidder for cash t natlsfy said dp
i.iit iu,i:ii.-n. 4iii, v.ria. niiiifi) hik lie"
scrllwil proiiprty, lo-t: Tho Miutliwpst
iliiarlur of iiuitlieast iiuaticr anil thp houIIi
east quarter of the noriliu-rst nuartcr and
tlm west half ot tho MiiiUieasl qiurtprof
feetloti S, towuslilp 10. raiiui' M. west of
Sixth I. M. Lincoln countv. Nebraska,
Dated North l'lattc, Neb.. July II. luo.'.
L. CAiii't-Niiiu Sheriff.
, Sheriff's Salo.
Ily vlrtuo of nn order of hiIo burned from lho
district court of Lincoln counly, ellrllkn. upunii
docreo of fouclisuro reiidnrotl lu Mild court
v herein Tho Counly of lJncoln, it coipornlloii,
Ii plnliitltf and WlntloldHco'.t ut nl., nro defend
n its, mid to m directed, I will on the llllh day of
August, nt 1 o'clock, p. m.. nt lho cust'frout
diorof tho court liouso 1 it North l'lntto, I.tucoin
c unity, Nohriukn, Roll nt puhllo iiuctioii to lho
hilthi'Ht oldiler for ciudi, to satisfy mild decree, In
terest mid costs, tho follow Iniidencillicd proper
ty, to-wlti The Miutliu.t qimrtor of Kcilon:'8,
towniihln 11, rnliKolll, wost Sixth 1'. St. Lincoln
county, Nebrnnkn.
Dated North l'lntte, Nob., July 11. IHO'2
l. L'Ain'KMKii, siioiirr.
Shoriff's SalT
Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued from
t le district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, upon a decree of toierlosure
rjnilored ill said cnurt wherein I'lto (Iniintv
of Lincoln, a coriMiratlon, Is plalntliT
and Italph Little, et. al., are defend
a.its and to me directed I will on the
nth day of August, IW, at 1 o'clock p.
ii'. at the east front doom! the court liouso In
orth l'lattc, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell
at nubile auction to tho highest bidder for
ctsii to satisfy said decree. Interest and
osts, the following described property, to
wlt; The southwest quarter of section
S. township 10, range Ki, west Sixth 1. M.
Lincoln rounty. Nebraska.
Datpd North l'lattc. Neb.. July. II. IDOL
I.. DAnpr.NTiiit. Slier U! .
In lho mailer of tho npplicnlloii otKniuuel
(loozee, executor or Iheestnto of tlnuiuel Urbncli,
il'eonH'd. lo 'll renl mtnto.
Notlco Is lieteliy given Ihnt Kntuiiol (lnozco, nx
iMiitoroC llioestnlo of Smiiuel Drbueh, ducnusod
li ih lllivl his iKillllon 111 tlm dhtrlct court of
l.bieoln notiiily. Nebrnnkii, for lleenxo turcll (lie
li Kill ludf of secllou I, In township 1U, not tit of
nngeiW, mid tlm west ludf of sciillou lift, lowii.
Klip II, uorlh of range us, nil nest of tho Dili
1' M. In I';rklus county, Nobrnskn.
Ill theroforo ordered thai, nil porsotif inlnr
oi led In mid entitle uppoar beluro mo nt the court
liouso In North l'lntte, Nelirnska. on the ITJil tiny
oi Augiikt, h), nt nlno o'clock n. tn. to hlenv
crii'o, Kiioy llicru bo, nhy license should not bo
Kinuled to soil tho ubovo dencrlli").! renl entitle,
M.oiuki. OoozKr:,
rxrrntorof ll.o r.Btiile ut Kaiuuel Uibiuli
decnaaed. j.",
Notice Is hereby g'ven that 111 purmnnco of lu
ll ructions from llio Coiiiiulsilolit'r ot lho (lenersl
Lmd OlUce, under inithorlly ested In lilm by
fiction 2,4T,1, rovlniMl statutes. II. H n niiin.lcl ty
A 'I of Ciligres npiirnved I'ebriinry tt'.ili, ii-m, wo
will proceed to oiler nt puhllo silo on lho rilli
di y.of Augiut. lft).'. nt this nmo the folitiwiog
ttnet of Inn I. vie Tlio qimrter of llm
mil Invest quurter of i-ecllon 'J, touiislilp u,
tl trill, rnpgo 31. west Hlxlh 1'. 51.
All pernn claiming ndveiwdy tlio nlsivo de.
K rlod ll I nil) mhlwil to llio Ihl'lr vlnliu In this
iilibo on, or K'foro lho dny ilcslgnntml for lho
ti uiiiiu'nceiuOiit of nd talc, ollnrwho their
rlKhlj. "Ill bn Inrfelled.
Dilled r.t tho Ulilled Blntwi Mnd Ofjlce, North
l'lattc, Neb., this Will dny nf Juno. IK,),.
Oi.o. K riiKNCii. Ileitlitcr',
J!18 Iiunk Uacoi;) IEocehor.
A'rrouNEy- at-l a w.
(Jnuly Block Kooms 1 it 2.
IIinman Block, - Drwkv Sthelt,
Nktii PL..rrn, Nkiiuask a.
E. McCA)V,
Oflico ovor HuirruiiU'B Millinory Storo
North Plaite, - ' - Nkiikaska
Offices: Nortlt Platte. Nntionnl Biinlr
IluililiriR, Nortli PJutto, Neb.
1 DENNIS, M. D.,
Over Find Kntlou&l Dank,
Ollico ovor Yellow Front Shoo Store
J, S. HoaoijAno.
Hoagland & Koagland,
Ofllro over Sirs. Iliilliuun's Millinery Hloro.
Ofllce over North Platln National Dank,
Onion MoDoniild Block, Dowoy etroot.
umce over i'qsi uincc.
Teleplione 1 15.
North Plittlo, - - - NobniHl-n,
Made a
Well Man
produces tlion'oovorcr.ultslu SOdayo. Ittcts
powerfully ami quickly. Curia when all others fall.
Youugmimwlll regain their lost manhood, and old
Dnn will recover their youthful visor by using
ItUVIVO. It quickly and Burolyreatorca Norvouo.
nesa, Loot Vitality, Impotcncy, Nightly LrjltBlons,
Lostl'owcr.l'ullina Memory, Weetlns UUeuot.tnd
oil cUccta of eelf-auuno orozeccsand InJlocretlon;
7hlcb upnta oao f or otttdy, binlnesa or tnarrltgs. It
not only curca by i.taniDn ntlho ecat of d Iseaao, but
lonBrMt iirrrotnnlo anil Mood builder, brlDC
log bscl: tho lilnk rIow to jmlo'clieeha and rt?:
storing tho tiro of ymttli. It ward off luwilty
nn.l Consumpt on. Insltt pp. hovlug Iti:VIV(,c5
ether, tt can bo carried In yest pocket. H? tnall,
Pl.00 pcrrsckase.or alstor 80.00, wltli a bonl
tlvo trrUtcn nuarnnteo to cure or ratuufl
tlm moiiev. llwiii nnd ndvlMi free. Aildrt'ss
K0yA!f filfiDICJNIi CO,, 'i.m?a!,,'l
Sold by A. F. Streitz, Norlli Platte