EIGHTEENTH YEAH. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JULY 29, 1902- NO. 51 943-94344 i -333333 3 3 33333333333333333333333$ 2 John Uratt John Durlce I. II. fioodmnn John Darke Bratt, Burke & Goodman, DEALEES IN LIVE STOCK. BUY OR SELL ON COMMISSION. m References Any Bank in Nebraska, Tel. No. 65. Office Bratt BIdg. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. eaeoeo9ao9oa8.ec0eaeea8eeeaeaooo 2 2 I North Platte Flow Is the equal of any Nebraska Flour. Made from choice wheat by the lat est milling processes. The rapidly increasing sales of North Platte Flour attests its good qualities. e e 8 e o u a e a Q a a a o o a o o a e o a a a e seaoesso eeesaeesseec 888 9808ea888eeoeoecr-ooee)8ca 9 0 o 8 9 8 o a t e a e o o o a a a A trial sack will convince you of its goodness. MANUFACTURED 1JY THE North Platte Roller Mills, C, F. IDDINGS. VVWSAVVWWWVWWVW i Neat, comfortable and durable at prices ranging: from $2.50 to $5.00. Don't you need one? Mattings "We arc a little overstocked on MattiVigs and must close out. To do so we offer the stock at very low figures. Come and sec the quality and learn the prices. HOWE'S FUTURE STORE. "Put Nono Hut AinoricniiH an Guard." Mi-Tie Old Reliable fire insurance Agency OV NORTH PLATTE. Includes nil the Qrcat American Companies. companies kepkesisntkd: assets: Aetna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn $14,071,9-IS Home Insurance Company of New York 15,255,870 Insurance Company of North America 10,079,479 Continental Insurance Company of New York 11,599,012 PArman American Insurance Company of New York. . . 9,419,457 WTiocnix: Insurance Com pan' ot Jlarttord, uonn .vi'' Pennsylvania Fire Insurance of Philadelphia 5,440,603 Philadelphia Underwriters of Philadelphia . 1.6.394,095 Combined Assets SiSi-IOS When you arc in need of Insurance get the best. It costs no more than the poorest. T. C. PATTERSON, Manager, North Platte, Neb. tsessssosesseeBsaeadsaoeeoseeosooeCI I The Climate a a o a a a a 9 a a a Of Western Nebraska is hard on paint and it is al- e most money burned to use an inferior quality when & painting- your house. The best paint is by far the a cheapest in the end. i Sherwin & Williams Paints a a a a a a a a a a 7 o a a a r8 a a 51 Have been sold by us for many years, anil they have o given universal satisfaction time tried and not g found wanting. We have a full stock on hand for g the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy g it again; if you have not used it, try it. 2 COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. July 21st. Hoard met pcrsuant to adjournment. Present full board niul county clerk when the following business was had and done. Claim were audited and allowed as follows: II. R Kullncr, building Jolty North Platte river, $1.25. - f Vntaw Hum, bridge- lumber, 2 bills, m.ia. ; Moved that the pi luting bill of .los. W. Cheney forSIloa.tSO, balance claimed for printing dellniiuont tax list of I.Hiljnnd 1SMJ be postponed indcllnltcly. Voting yes were Itobblns and MeCul lough; voting no, .1. Kclllher. Claim of .J.S. Pockhain for taxes paid under protest, $3.74, disallowed. Claim of Julius TJ-sslg Tor taxes paid under protest, $2 1)0, disallowed. Claim of II. II Cook, damage to mowing machine. $2.00, disallowed.. Claim or James Helton, merchandise in 1807 and 181)S, W.o:., disallowed. The following claims were nliowctl on road district funds: Patrick Illicitly, district No. 1, for ilO.CO. J. IJ. Stoddard, district No. -10, tio.no. O. C. Drake, district No, 1, $11.23. Frank England, district No. I0,t0 00. Claim of G. W. Rhodes, chalnman on road No. 213 allowed on eoiumls- sloncr dlstrlst No. 3 for 81.03. Claim of C. A. Edwards for survey ing, allowed on road district No. 0 for 7.I0. Claim of C. A. Edwards for survey ing, etc , lllnman tract, allowed on county general fund for S20.O0. . Claim of W. W. Stricklcr, rent for Chambers family, allowed ou county general fund for $10 00. Claim of 0. W. Itludcs, chalnman, allowed on general fund for $2.00. Claim of .1. W. Lcmasters, work and material, allowed on general fund for 822.15. llcciucstof Win. Wood hurst for re consideration of his claim is hereby granted to bo heard Sept. 10th, 1002. July 23, 1902. Claim of II. S. Ktdgely for J350 . e . i tor ollice expenses lor inrec anu oiiohalt vears allowed for 2S0.00 . and disallowed aa to balance. Claims of sundry persona as wit- . A t - 1 ucs8es in county court cummin . , r ii-- cases aiiowcu on general ninu lur ii; . claim of Ira L. Bare lor printing and publishing allowed on irencral fund lor 103 015, two claims of Kelly & White allowed on gen eral fund for 315,'JS. Upon request of O. W. Neale, county superintendent, it is hereby ordered that the clerk draw a war rant on the county general fund of Lincoln county to boused towards defraying the expenses of the in stitute for 1902. Said warrant to be diawn to Neale and paid into ihe institute fund. Claims of l K. Ginn for services as clerk of board, making assessors books, indexing lands lor taxation, recording 131 oflicial bonds, record ing 01 sheriff deeds and 8 patents, makinir 48 noil tax books, cash r . ...... f.,,:,.).! ft 'i i.i r c Items lOf CAUi:Br, li-i(;ii', muunir, etc . ainountinir to 792 8'J allowed on "cncral fund. The board commenced checking report of county clerk for firnt and second quarters of 1902. Adjourned until tomorrow. July 24, 1902. Hoard ir.ct pursuant to adjourn ment, present full board and county clerk. County treasurer Is hereby authorized to remit the sum ol 11 85 taxes paid under protest by D. U, Funk account of erroneous assessment. Signed: Jas. S. Rob- biup, M. L. McCullough, John U. Kellchcr, county cominiaaioners. C. P. Scharmauu, county trcas- urci: it appearing to me satisiac- tion ol the board that certain lands in Plant precinct assessed to blank for the year 1885 and later owned by Carrie A. Plant and it furthci appearing tnai said lanus were not patented by the United States until the year 1880, you arc hereby authorized to refund the sum of 589 07 paid under protest on the said lands for the year 1885 erron eously issued for said year. Signed: Jas. S Robbins, M. L. McCullough, J no. 1). Kelleher, county commis sioners. II. S. Ridgcly having taken an appeal to the district court on his claim disallowed lor 000 00, it is hereby ordered that L. IS. Roche be employed to defend the name Commissioner Kelkher voting no. Claims were allowed ou the gen ctal fund as tollows: T. T. Kelt- her services as sheriff 099.10, North Platte Waterworks Co. water tor court hoiiBe and nil b'J UU, U. I'. Rosb work as surveyor 53 00, Iloag land it Iloaglaud attorneys fees 00.00 Lock & Salisbury delivering ballots 7.00, P. P. Lcdgcrwood bailiff 50 00, sundry penons, in quest of Joseph weir 32 -10, C. A. Howe matting for court house 13 20, P. Ruddy cleaning j.iil cess pool 25.00, Win. Bailey services in small pox case J.0 30 disallowed, A. P. Singer hauling pauper 2 00, New ton it Sitlon repairs for county clerk's ollice 5.50, John Grant house rent for pan pur 3,50, Wilcox Bept. Store supplies on orders 31 01, Hub Grocery Co. hose lor court house 4 75, J. C. Federhoof meals for jury 3.25 McGlone & Seyferth supplies to paupers 13.70, h. C. Rem shcrill' Butler county fees 1 00, sundry persons fees case ot State vs. Burch 87 28, sundry perisons in case of State vs. Giaze 7.50, claim ol W. Clark Jones for bridge lumber al lowed on tuud for 22 70. A. M. Lock, road work allowed on Dist. No. 1 for 3 00, J. W. Alex ander roadwork allowed on Dist. No. 1 for 21 00, W. R. Salisbury chaiuinati allowed ou Dist. No. 3 for 2 00, Owen Jones chuitimaii al lowed on Dist- No. 3 lor 2,00, A. J. Salisbury chaiiiman allowed ou Dist. No. 28 for 2 00. The following claims were dis. allowed: W. S. Baily small-pox attendance 10 00, C, W. Rollings- worth IQirdaui tuucral 0 50, Ben Harrison coiliu 35,00, Joseph Steck roadwork as oyerseer 0 00. C. P. Rosf, county surveyor, is hereby instructed to prepare notice for publication asking for scaled bids for county grading to be I opened Sept. 8th, 1902. Finished checking in settlement ) ....- m .... . .. M.m Mrrn.nwrrtf.fn(WjAtw A Clean Up We have reduced the price of all of our LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS To clean up all of them in the next few weeks wc arc selling 50 and 65c Waists at 29C 75 and 85c Waists at 9C $1.00 and $1.25 Waists at V9C Our liner Waists rcduccd in proportion. These arc not old style job lots but nice fresh goods this years' from the best make up. You will have to come early to get your size. Store open evenings unttl 8:00 o'clock. Wilcox DepdLftmeivt Sidre JOHN VVVYVrVTrVTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTT VT"V W WtWWTVV BRATT. E. R. GOODMAN. & CO., S JOHN BRATT Real Estate, Loans m Insurance Idle Honey Invested In Gilt lulgcd Securities NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X tv Aiof orouoo :-Any jCInxxlt lxx 3NXoToi-QHljc.r. rET Five Cent Cigar LT quar wear F STREITZ, Druggist! o i M HERSHEY 2 Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit A tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. Bale Ties, Lightening , c Hay Press & Repairs 9 it octist St NOFvTH PLATTE, NEB. Caavas Shoes Men's Canvas Shoes, leather soles. Tier pair si.a Men's Canvas Oxfords, leather soles, per pair . . 1.10 Hoys' Canvas Shoes, leather soles, per pair l.uu Youths Canvas bhocs, leather soles, WA to 2, ner pair 90 Ladies'Canvas Shoes, leather soles, per pair 1.00 Ladies' Canvas Oxfords, leather soles, per pair .. .90 Misses' Canvas Shoes, leather soles, UK- to 2, per pair .90 Children's Canvas Shoes, leather soles, fiYj to 11, per pair : 75 Store open evenings until 8:00 o clock. Wilcox Department Store. with clerk for lut and second tefa: 1902. Claim ol T. T. Keliher, late shei ill lor services last nan oi ivui in full allowed ou general fund for 539 55. Claim ot l . r, late slicrill, in county foreclosure cases in lull to Jan. 9tli, 1902, allowed on general und for 293 05. Claim of T. T. ICelihcr, late slier ill' for fees and services lor first half ol 1901 allowed on genera fund for 295.02. Claim ot T. T. Kelihcr sheriff lees in county foreclosure cases in full for 1901 allowed ou genera fund for 255.93 Adjourned until tomorrow. BliTWliliN THE IIVI:RS. Dairy butter Is very scarce in this locality al the present time and the majority o' that purchased by parties who do not make butter for their own use comes from the Nichols creamery. Miss Gertie Smith ol Herbhey, is still takiuir lessons in instrunicnta music at North Platte. There never has been as much baled hay shipped out ol the valley at this season of the year before as there has been this year. Mrs. J. C. Gygcr lias been on the sick list for a few days but is re ported on the gain at present, Chas. WcAllibler of Ilershey re ceived a letter one day last week from James Magce, formerly of this locality but now located in Ohio, 1 stating that he was thinking strongly of returning to this county and erecting a grain ele vator and a iburuig mill at Iler shey in the near future. The rains Saturday and Sunday last were worth a great many hundred dollars to this country. While they damaged hay to a large extent, the bjnefit it did to sugar beets and corn in this country will more than olTact the damage done to hav. We understood that N. I). Spur rier recently shipped twenty-eight head of three year old steers trom his south side ranch over on the 13 & M. to Kansas City. They netted In in forty-one dollars penhead. So called Corbctt and Fitzsim- iuoi)9 of Kcrshcy came together on Friday (.but after several passes, both musing their mark, they deserted each other. Mr. Chas. Gtimmcre and cliil dreu are viaiiini; relatives at Suth erland at the present time. Mrs, Trent who has been with her dauirhter Mro. O. II. . ICycrly left a couple days ago for an ex tended viiit willi relatives and friends in Iowa and Illinois. 1C. 13rickson'd mother remained at Valparaiso to visit relatives lor time instead of returning; with her irrand children as was stated in a recent issue. Martin Mickelsen and family liayc returned trom the west. They all report a pleasant trip Mr. Mickelsen says that the Silver Lake Mine and Milling company is (loin lt a i;nod business with brighter prospects lor the luturc. J. u. t'eekeu received Ills new threshing machine Friday last and al this time has it at work on J. It Toillion's rye on the Newberry farm. The sand dredger iB at wotk at the headgatCB ot the old canal. It is doing effective wotk. KJ ICwell, ol Grand Island, who waa in this vicinity last week in formed the writer that J. W. Clem mon?, Dick I'rickctt andSamJFunk liouscr had the finest beets every way. He left here for Bridge port to loon alter the beet crop in that ylcinity, Wanted To Trade. About thirty-five nice cowb and calves as part payment for valley laud, or will assume mortgage Apply to or address, Jos. Schwaiger, North Platte. The Great Parks of Colorado. Bear an important relation to the State in all her diversified in terests. They constitute one of her chief glories. They arc not, as many suppose, small areas of evel ground closely hemmed in by neighboring hills, and beauli- til with evergreens and flowers, but they 'arc vast territories of country almost as large as some states. They contain fields, for ests and plains, where the herds of the cattlemen have succeeded the herds of buffalo; they arc watered by the creeks and rivers and contain villages and farm louses; the v have springs and and lakes, where hotels and other places of entertainment have been built for tourists, hunters, campers and others seeking remote places of resort in the heart of the Kooky Mount ains. run LOW HA TICS Put in effect via the Union Pa cific, enable you to reach these great parka without unnecessary expenditure ol time or money, Full information cheerfully fur- nislied on application to 1, 11. Gcnge, Agent. FITTIiD AND SUITED. Fit that's that the thing. We gtvc it. Our suits fit and our fit suits every time. .Same with prices'. It's a way wc have that never fails. Make you the smartest, most stylish, perfect fitting- suit in handsome and dur able material at reasonable prices. Variety of patterns to select from. Kvcry garment warranted as to workmansnip, finish aud fabric. Cleaning and repairing a specialty. F. J. BROEKER,