The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 25, 1902, Image 4

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    j Local Nows in Brief, j
OHico over Stroltx'i Drug Store
Eighteen or twenty couplcB ol
yputig people will enjoy a dancing
party at the opera house this even
ing County Attorney Ridglcy expects
to'lcavc in a week or so on a trip to
liufTalo, Wyo., in which he will com
bine ousincss with pleasure.
i-The rain Wednesday evening
was of a lo:al Mature, very little
falling at the Osgood ranch south Fred Kadc'a place cast. No
hail tell at cither of these places.
The county commissioncrB for a
few days past have been devoting
tlifcir time to making semi-annual
settlement with county official.
This Isa work that requires quite
a' little time.
No one Im been heard to com
plain of late that the weather is too
cold or the rapid growth of com.
While not as hot as it was at till
time last year, it is plenty warm to
Hiiit the average individual.
We arc old that J. W. Payne,, of
the' 10. W. ranch, hhipped four
hundred head of steers to the South
Oiniiha market this week. The
animals were driven over to the IJ.
& $1. tor shipment.
A full line of White Mountain
Ice Cream Freezers.
Hun Gkoccky Co.
A party of firthcrmaii, liesidcd by
Judge Grimes, will leave Sunday
evening for a two wcekt.' outing on
the Hlg Laramie forty-fiye utiles
south of Laramie City. Orders for
trout should be placed early.
Mrs. JuliU3 Drttnton, Mrs. W. W.
Uirgc, Mrs; A. S. Baldwin and
Miss Laura MacColl spent ycBtcr
day. as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Ilcndy on the ranch near
Kev. W. II. Nance, a theological
student who is supplying the Pres
byterian church of Sutherland will
preach;iat the -Presbyterian church
of this city next Sabbath. Mr.
Greenlee will spend the day at
Sutherland and administer the
tjacramcnt of the Lord' supper.
Gordon Ming entertained a doz
en of ula girl and boy friends at si
ping pong party Wcdncsiay even
ing, utid the young guests had a
very delightful time. Fallowing
the games the guests were seated
at a table and refreshments served
by Mrs. Laiug assisted by Mrs.
Jus. Hart.
lOnjoy Lilc, cat good, wholesome
bread, made from Gibbon Flour.
Sun Beam $1.05, Lily White .95.
Tun Tramp Gkockuy.
J. G. Heeler and daughter Fcnnn,
who have been visiting relatives in
Huropc, will sail for thl3 country
July 31st, which Is several weeks
earlier than they expected to re
turn. They will spend u week or
ho in New York, Washington and
other cities upon their arrival in
the United Stalcf,
There Is a part of the irri
gated section west of the city that
h pretty thickly infested with
grasshopper and constdcrablcdam
age is reported to crops. It is some
what singular, but nevcrlcm true,
that grasshoppers do not feed on
corn unless the weather is sullicl-
qntly hot to curl the lea yes on the
Just received a car of Michigan
salt. We pave you money on your
salt. Tim Hun Gkockry Co.
The peculiar blight, which killed
many trult trees in the vicinity of
Ilerskcy last Bcanou, has been al
most an bad this year. When once
affected by this blight the trees die
quickly one day the trcu looks
healthy and the next day the leaves
droop and later fall. The cause of
the blight has not yet been discov
Wc sell
Burlap Sheet, 90-inch ... 40c
Burlap Sheet, 100-inch.. ..45c
Single Fly Nets
' Team Nets
- Leather Nets
Summer Lap Robes
Store open until 8:00 a'clock.
Wilcox Department More.
Hot Weather
Fitting out the Summer Man needs as much atten
tion as the Summer Girl these hot days. lie wants
something1 cool in the way of Clothing-. We're
ready with any kind of Hot Weather Clothes.
Crash and Linen Suits
$2.50 $2.75 $300 $3.3 $4.0 $4.85
These arc the best you ever saw for the money-
easily worth from $4.00 to $7.00, but wc want to
clean up on summer.
Only a few left. You'll pay $'J.OO for them elsewhere.
Cool Underwear from 25c to $1 a Garmnet
Just the right weight for this weather.
We nave just received a new line of the nobbiest, snap
piest, most up-to-date stuff you ever saw.
To complete the Summer Costume A Belt 25c to $1.00.
An adjourned term of the district
court is being held today.
10. A. Gary is expected home in a
day or two from his trip to Mis
soula, Montana.
The somewhat celebrated Cham
bers divorce case is being heard in
the district court today.
G. G.' Smith, of Havel jck, Neb.,
spent part ol this week in town
looking after his real estate
interests in this county.
Dialling Twine for sale, bottom
prices. Hahhu.t.ton &. ToniN.
Prairie chickens arc said to be
very plentiful and if they arc let
alone until the season conies in
there will be line sport lor hunters.
P. 10. Milliard is planning a trip
to the Snake river in Idaho, where
he will devote a week or so to
catching four pound rainbow trout.
Contractor Ilogselt says he will
have W. C. Keynoldb' new house
completed in about two week?, and
will lini ah A. J. Seutci'd house
shortly thereafter.
Our former townsman, Supt. W.
L. Park, of the Wyoming division,
recently issued an address to the
roadmaBtcrs and section foremen
on his division, and the manage
ment of the road thought so hinhly
of the address that it was ordered
priulcd in circular form and dis
tributed oyer the Uuion Pacific
system. The address is full of
good advice, words of encourage
ment and commendation and writ
ten in a tcrsr, business like and
pleasing manner.
20 Discount.
vc ii ciosc out an me remaining siock oi uiii a oup
pcrs which includes high quality Patent Leather Strap
Sandals and the pretty ami popular Kid Colonials, at 20
per cent discount from the regular price. Sizes run from
Sj to 2.
Misses' $2.00 Slippers at $1.60
Misses' $1 75 Slippers at " SI 40
Misses' $1.10 Slippers at $1.12
Children's Sl.dO Slippers at $1.28
Children's $1.35 Slippers at $1.03
ir, t ,i .1..
Children's $1.25 Slippers at 1.00
Geo. A. Graham,
Take a Bunch of Three.
The Kearney ball team loBt the
last game to North Platte by a
score ot mx to four, thus making
three straight for the local team
The third game, played Tuesday
altcrnoou, was one of the few
games in which the local team has
played lucky, and the result was
different than was expected prior
to the seventh inning. At
the cud of the sixth inning the
Bcorc stood four to nothing in favor
of Kearney, but in the seventh
inning the locals pounded the
leather covered sphere with sledge
hammer blows and made six runs,
making the score six to tour, and it
stood at these figures the re
mainder of the game. In this in
ning Kilztniller sent the ball over
the teuce in center Held, making a
home run, for which he was re
warded by the enthusiastic specta
tors with a liberal purse. In the
same inning Ilaucr made a three:
bagger at a time when the bases
were full, thus bringing in three
i una. Teel, having pitched the
game in the forenoon, showed his
power of endurance by pitching the
afternoon game, and he maintained
a epe d like that of a cannon Bhot.
For his excellent work he too, was
rewarded with a purse.
Stoves stored, Gasoline Stoves
repaired. Repairs tor all kinds of
II. S. Kidgley expects to leave
tonight on a business trip to
. . f At;. .11.. cm
North Platte.
Hank Chestnut was down Wt 1
ncsday from bis Keith coun'y
Mrs. F. L. Mooney has bc n
spending the paBt week.wilh friend
in Omaha.
Mrs. F. W. Rinckcr leaves to
morrow for a wcek'd visit with
friends m Cheyenne,
Mrs. D. A. Baker left Wcdnesdiy
morning for Odcn, where she will
make her future home.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Patterson
and daughter Edith went to Den
ver yesterday afternoon.
F. A. Ginn was a visitor yester
day at the Chctnut & Ncvli.s
ranch in Keith county.
Luke Hart, who was called to be
Omaha by the illness ot a relative,
returned to tpwti yesterday.
Mrs. J. II. Ilcrshcy and daugh
ter Helen let t yesterday for a visit
with friends in Council Bluffa.
Miss Florence Brown, of Omaha,
a former North Platte resident, is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will
T. T, Kelihcr came down Iroin
Cheyenne yesterday to transact
personal business and visit his
Mrs. W. J. Stuart and "children
will return from St. Louis in a
short time, and after visiting here
a few days will go to Chcyennir,
their future home.
Miss lrma Cody returned Wed
nesday morning irom Omaha and
in the evening delightfully enter
tained a number of young people at
her home at a chafing dish party.
Miss Ida Ottenstein returned
home !ast Tuesday lroin Milwau
kee, Wis., and Quincy, III., where
she had been visiting since finis!
ing a very successful course in the
Teacher'n Certificate class at tlij
Chicago Musical college.
A Severe Storm.
One of the most severe electrical
storms North Platte has cxpei
ieuccd in years occurred Wednesday
evening. Rain fell in torrents aiii
the lightning was almost mcessant
for over an hour. Considerable hail
fell, doing much damage to gardens
and ilower beds.
Lightning struck at two placet,
the spire of the Episcopal churc.i
inu a chimney on the Broach bouss
n the west end of the city. At thi
tormcr place the current split
the spire of the tower and de
scending knocked a hole in th;
floor ot the belfry, and theu U12
curreut followed an electric wire to
the cast end of the room and
severely 6tunned Miss Margaret
Gilman, who was pumping th?
organ during choir practice. At
the Broach house the current
demolished the chimney and de
scending to the lower floor waltzed
through two rooms and made an
exit through an open rear door,
doing but little damage.
The storm was a bad one for tin:
telephone line, temporarily disab-
ling about seventy 'phone?. It also
caused some interference with the
electric light line.
The Haskell Indians were de.
featcd Kearney Wednesday by .
score of six to four.
Cope and Shaub ot the Union Pa
cific team went to Kearney Tues
day night to help out the latter
team in its two games with the
Haskell Indians.
Miles Maryott, who started in to
catch for Kearney in the secont
game Tuesday, was hit on the banc
by a bat in the hands of Tom Copt
at the yery beginning of the game.
The hit was a hard one and Marv-
ott will be out of the game for a
week or two.
The disabling of Marvott iravc
Fred Ouimette ot this city a chance
to piay belnnd the bat with tlu
Kearney team Tuesday and hit
work was cvcellcut.
Frank Short went to Kearney
yesterday to see the name of ball
between Kcarmy and the Haskell
Don't Tall to Try This.
Whunovor nu honest trial is tmnn
Electric Hitters for nny troublo it is ro
comnieuded for n normnnont cum wti
suroly bo effected. It novor fails to tone
tno stomnoli, regulate- tho kidneys and
oowois, Biimulato tho liver, invigornto
tho norves and purify tho blood. U'h a
wonderful I tonic- for run down nvfitoms
Wuctrlu Hittors positively euros Kidney
Mtid LlvorTroubloa, Stomnch Disorders.
Nervousness, SleoiilosBtif ee, Hluuima-
usin, neuralgia atiU oxpola Malann.
Satisinotion Guaranteed by A. F. Streltz
Only 60 cents.
r t
& sr. c-. 2r. 3 c2 5- -
I Alaska Refrigerator
Is the
$ Jewel Gasoline
ijfj Wc are selling these
j) to close out the stock.
W Our line of FURNSTILIRE is very complete and ?!?
X; P to date.
lJ Look at our Hamiiiocfos. For style and price 11
they cannot be equalled.
ki 3 1 (ft
j We make the framing of Pictures a specialty. )
v . cr e-. . ;r sr. - tir. & sr. fi sr tr. & & S sr S & t;-
., .........
Had a Bad Dream.
A half dozen shots were fired in
the yards just cast of the shops
Tuesday night and the shooting is
explained by a guard who said
gome one had fired at him and that
he had returned the fire. No one
has been found, however, who be
lieves that the guard had b?en fired
upon. He cither had a bad d cam
or else fired his gun to gain a little
notoriety. The guard who claims
to have been used as a target is
one of the Denver outfit.
Division Master Mechanic Bar
num spent yesterday in town on
official business.
General Manager Dickinson spent
Wednesday in town conferring with
local officers relative to the Union
Pacific interests.
J. G. Lowe, U. P. traveling
freight agent, spent part of yester
day in town and took a drive in the
country to sizi up the crop condi
tions. .
The press committee of the strik
ers report that two boilermakars
two boilermakcr helpers and two
machinists, all imported men,
quit the local shops yesterday.
Several .other imported men quit
the early part of the week.
An Omaha paper says that it is
understood among the Union Pa
cific strikers that the blacksmiths
arc preparing a new wage scale,
calling for a ten per cent iucrcat-c
in pay, which will be submitted to
President Burt in a day or two.
John Slocum, president ol the
International Brotherhood of Black
smiths, spent Tuesday forenoon in
town and held a conference with
the local U. P. blacksmithsv Mr.
Slocum left at noon for Omaha and
upon his artiyal in that city made
the following statement to a representative-
of the Daily News.
"After a trip over the line I am
prepared to say that the motive
power'of the Union Pacific is in
bad condition. The boilermakcrs
are certain of winning their fight
soon, as the road will feel their lack
first. The three striking crafts are
holding together well and they will
be victorious. The blacksmfths
arc most thorouchly organized on
the Union Pacific system and will
obey instructions from the grand
lodge to a man, We control 95 per
cent of this class ot labor."
Solid leather, made on neat
lasts, per pair $1.25
Finer grade, jood for cither
dress shoes or for fine
work shoes, per pair $1.50
Men's Fine Shoes, four or
five different leathers,
good styles, per pair $2.00
Men's Dress Shoes, made
on stylish lasts, different
widths and shapes, all
kinds of leathers, per
pair $2.50 to $3.00
Store open evenings until 8:00
! Wilcox Department Store
Men 1 1
Sr. sr- r- & c sr. er. r. 5
best. Get one now.
The kind that last,
The kind that is safe.
goods at a very low figure (jy
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
Six members were secured in two
days this week. Thanks to kind
friends helping.
Some one left a fine boquet of
Uowcrs on the table last Monday.
Many thanks.
Mra. C. M. Newton kindly fur
nished Howcrs for the rooms Wed
nesday. Men, don't lorgct that for less
than a cent a day you ccn have the
use of that shower bath. One towel
and soap iurnUlied with each bath.
Rev. J. F. Seibart will address
the men's meeting next Sunday.
Men, come and hear him.
. ,
Two liver and white Pointer
logs, One is liver and white with
iycr spots on breast, the other has
one side of lace liver, the other side
of face white. A liberal reward will
be paid lor return ol dogs to L. P.
Notice to Water Consumers.
When the fire alarm is Bomled
please shut off your sprinklers at
once. Otherwise your water supply
will be turned off.
Supt. Water Co.
WanteTf o Trade.
About thirty-five nice cows and
calves as part payment for valley
land, or will assume mortgage
Apply to or address, Jos.
Schwaigcr, North Platte.
Tenth Tournament.
Nebraska State Volunteer Firc
mcn'd Association, Grand Island,
Nebraska, August 5, 0 and 7.
For this occasion the Union Pa
cific will sell tickets from all points
in Nebraska for one fare for the
round trip. Tickets on sale Aug
ust 4 to 7th inclusive.
Full information checrful'y fur
nished on application to E. II,
Genge, Agent.
Of the condition of the Mutual IIuIUIIhr
and Loan Association ot North Platte, Ne
braska, on the 3Uth day of June, 1SKW.
First inortKaRo loans S117.M) on
stock loans ft,0 d)
Heal estate 6 (k"J ()
Furniture and stationery us mi
mi ..(
Delinquent Interval ami lines Hm to
hxpenscs and taxes paid o;.s yy
Total .... , "jUM.lri! 07
Capital stock paid up tlOI.&sT CO
IteHcrve fund jii m
Undivided protlts 3.1T ret
Other llabiutles 10.5b TU
Total $12l,ft.3 07
Iialancpon hand July 1. 1001 8 I.R8S ns
Dues t.TS N)
Interest, anil lines t.'sti 07
I.ans repaid 13.U1
Miscellaneous tee. rn
Heal estate cm .10
UentH. oxMM
Taxes and Insurance l3 -it)
'1'otal ; m.VM 4D
f;i." - M7.SP.1 M
houses,. M76U
stocks rodoemul. . Rian
I'.ish on hand ' 'iJi In
Furniture i5 on
Taxes anil Insurance m yo
Keal estate m m
'rota' l.Ki.oio 10
State of Nebraska Mnroln county, us.
1, n.iuiiii'i i.iKir.ue, seureiary or the aloe
SAMITI-'.r. nnfi7i,H" c
.,..j.u.,?c,,;!!'.?,V.,, HWOrn ' before me this 7th
i.ii.f ir. wui,. IVV-i.
.11. McDonald, Notai
reds Vurrou VoNiloLTz,
"" IMttkiwuk,
l T. llKDM JNll.
Notary Public.
j. Directors
Magnetic Osteopath.
Has located In North Platte for tho practice
of Magnetic Osteopathy. Wo,lreat without
the ukc of druRs or surgery, Oince over
Harrington & Tobln'n Dewey St. store. Of.
0:Q9ii.,n 10
L-.'Z- ..
consultation and Examination Tree.
a-pwuauuii, mi foicmniy swear lhat
the. forcKolnK statement of the condition of
said association. Is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.