The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 25, 1902, Image 2

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    FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1902.
IRA Li 13 ARE, EmTOHAitDl'nor micron
One Yenr, ch In ndvnics,.
8li Moulin, easb tn advno,... ...... ..76 Unlf
Kntarad M North Platta (Nebraika) pottomo
saoonil-clnii matUr.
Tins government department
of agriculture predicts a crop of
2,600,000,000 bushels of corn,
900,000,000 of oats and 600,000,000
bitslicla of wheat. If these fig
ures hold good these crops will
prove record breakers.
On June 3)ih last the total
mileage of railroads under re
ceiverships was but 2,310, while
in 189 K under the Cleveland ad
ministration, the mileage was
40,000. This shows that the rail
roads have shared in the general
prosperity of a republican ad
ministration. Majou Pakkim, of the adju
tant general's ofli:o, has com
piled the following statistics re
garding the insurrection in the
Philippines: There were 2,501
engagements with the enemy,
more or Ijss serious, between
February 4, 1899, the date of the
battle of Manila, an.l April 30,
1)02, fixed as the virtual down
fall of the insurrection. The
larger proportion of these fights
were attacks from ambush on
the American troops, or skir
mishes in which only small de
tachments took part. Major
Parker summarizes the casual
tics of the American army as
follows: Killed or died of wounds,
69 officars and 963 enlisted men:
jdcatha fcotn dihtasc, 47 ofticcrs
and 2,534 enlisted men; deaths
from accidents, 6 officers and
125 enlisted men; drowned,
rr? - . .
oiuccrs anu -jo enlisted men:
Hiiicides, 10 .officers and 72 en
listed men; murdered lofliccr
and 91 enlisted men; total deaths,
139 officers and 4,016 enlisted
men; wounded, 190ofliccrs and
2,707 enlisted men; a total of
There is a good deal of talk
among democrats as to whether
the action ot the administration
in regard to the trusts is really
serious. It is entirely natural
that these opponents ot the re
publican party should seek to
make it appear that the efforts
of President Roosevelt to enforce
the existing law and his rccom
mendations for additional legis
lalion looking to the regulation
and supervision of the great in
A 1 .
uusinai corporations arc not
sincere but arc dcsiirncd simnlv
to make political capital for the
pariy in power. That is an at
titutlc which it was to bo ev.
peeled the democrats would as-
Htimc, lint thoughtful men wil
make no mistake as to the rea
Hituatton. They will not fail to
remember that it is the republi- iiut ijr WHICH waH tno lirst to
declare its opposition to the
trusts and which put upon the
federal statute books the only
law looking to the control of
trusts. Umaha IJee.
N t Woinnii'i
Father. Whom Is
Sho's out in thu back yard
Ar -li ouro Bho is whit
Johnny. Yes, air; she's trying to
pharpeu a lead pencil. Dloomlnijtou
An ArtUtlc Intimation.
Mrs. Nibucr. What nils that paint
ing, Mm. Kndd? It looks so queer,
and 1 can't quite mako It out.
Mrs. Fadd. Oh, that's Niagara Kails,
I've hung It upsldo down. That ever
matins running water mado mo to
tired. Dotrolt Krco Press.
PtU mill HlKi.
"You ralso a good deal of gordea
caBS, don't you?" said Jaxon'a neigh
bor to him over tho back fouco.
"I'd raUa a good deal more of my
wife's Bass if I didn't," responded
Jaxan without discontinuing his la-
bora. Detroit Frco Proi8.
John I). Itorkofeller, nnipltn III Mil
11(1111, li Not to Ilo Lovlod.
Damo Naturo lion a way of striking
n Imlnnre. The law of compensation
tho adding to for every talcing
awny; tho tnlclnc away for every sift
otlll remalnn a trick of fortune.
John D. Kockofoller commaadfl tho
norvlces of hundreds of thousands of
men. Ho has millions upon millions
and tho power to possess anything on
earth which money can buy. Yet ho
must llvo on toast, not being ahlo to
digest u squaro meal, and nil his mil
lions cannot make oven ono hair grow
where ono hair grew before Ilo can
not smoke, though he could afford to
pay $10,000 apiece for his cigars, and
could light them with thousand dollar
bills. Ho can afford to pay fabulous
prices for rare old wines and ho cnti
not drink a glass of beer. With tho
power to make the brightest things In
tho world glitter about him overy
night, Jin must go to bed at 10 o'clock.
Worth a thousand millions, ho cannot
nfford to eat a sausage. Life Is full
of Irony. Now York 1'reea.
Yulmn In I'lirllntiirn t.
It l.i understood nt Ottawa that a bill
will be Introduced this session giving
parllnmontnr representation to th;
Yukon In tho Dominion pnrllr.uont.
I'lnur In tfnlti)! filiiloi.
Tho consumption ot Hour in the
United States is about ono barrel n
year to every man, woman and child
hi tho country.
All That Wui Nercnnnrjr.
"Pa, I mado a nice speech whon I
gave m' teacher thoso flowers,"
"What did you bay, Tommy?"
"Weil, pa, when I bunded 'cm to bor
I made a bow an' then, pa, I said:
'Mrs. Jones, fin sio t' you' "Indian
apolis Journal.
. l'roin IIi'iiil to foot.
Mtb. Noozy "She has a full-length
mirror In her boudoir. What do you
think of that?"
Mr. Noozy "Oh, woman-like, I sup
pose she wants to see everything that's
going on." Philadelphia Press.
duIiir rincir.
"How's ycr daughter gottln' along in
thu high school, Raffcrty?" asked Mr.
"Koine. Sho kin tell tho nnmoB iv
as many as a hundrod words lv folvo
Ryllablcs: she linawn tbc-nrnnin' Jv at
lasfo iTfiy'and a few Iv them sho kin
even shpoll." Washington Star.
Nut lliu CoiiiMuiitlon.
She Do you mcun to tell mo that a
man could expect to bo happy with a
conceited wlfo7
Ho Of coursoj a conceited wlfo
wouldn't put In nil hor tlmo bothering
about him, Indianapolis Journal.
A Family Provided For.
"John, wo ought to bo keeping hotel
now; thoro'a big money in it."
"Well, you tnka tho boys nn' opon
ono in Kansas City, an' I'll tako th'
girls nn' run ono in Philadelphia."
Indianapolis Journal.
It Improved Heir.
Dob Nan, whnt lirst attractod your
Attention to mo?
Nnn Well, Itobort, if you must
Jtnow, It was your palo, silly-looking
little mustache. Indianapolis Jour
nal. Nood Mora llolp,
Ofton tho ovor-taxod orifiinfl of illiron-
tlon ory out for help by Dyppopfila's
pains, NatMoi, Dis-..tnesp, IlonJiiohofl,
llvor ORniplaitHH, umvol ditordoru. hitoli
troul)lo call for prompt uno of Pr.
Llnir'n Now Ijifo Pillp. 'I'hoy nro ircntK
tltorouifli and guaranteod to euro. Oao
at A. l' titrollx's tlriiif ntore:
OCJO S C 5? C 5 C S S 5? CS 5 35 C? C5 1
ji If a Woman
O wants to put out a nro sns aoean t it
it heao on oil and wood. She throws
JJ on waler,l;now!nc that water nuenches
o fire. When a woman wants to get
)l won from diseases peculiar to her sex,
if t . i j , .j j , . i. . i.
ono snuuiu nui uuu iuci 10 ino nro
o already burning her llfo away. She p
J? ohould not take worthless drugs and JJ
ji potions composed of harmful narcot- J)
O ics and opiates. They do not check j)
W tho disease they do not cure It they J?
Bradflcld's Female u
bo O
taken by every weman
or Ctrl who has tho o
slightest suspicion of
any r tho nil- J!
. mi-;iiu which f. II
fi lot woijicii,
TUey will kimi'ly 51
bit wantillk' till)" ii
until ttny take It. l
'J'lio UrKtilator l l
pttrlfylnK. i
tonic, which Krt ll
at tli(rootti( tho !(
Ulsenm unil ctiica
III., rnlfC. It ,1np fitit .lriifr 75
.1 .
rci!Hinv. Kcamv or uninrui 7k
liifiiKtruatlou: andbyUoltiK It
u)l till drives uwny thu ?
luii:Jrrd mul one iiclu' niul J
pnins vliffji drnln hvalth (
and brnuty, liapnlnena and JI
good ti'iiHUT fuiill l(ia;)n i
woman' life. It t thi oip i
rrmi'dy above nil other l
whloh every woman should J!
know atom and uic, J
01.00 irr liotllo l
lit uny di'iit; ntoro. o
Smil fnroiif frt O
IlliiitrutiU buok,
AtlanU, Gi.
tho pnln, it crndicHtra it, J(
It utopn (ailing of tho womb, JJ
leucorrhru, inllinimntlon ,1
It la the right of every child
to be well born, and to the
parents it must look for
hen'th and
responsibility, nnd
no taint of disease
to be transmitted to the helpless child, entailing the most
pitiable suiTcriiiff, nnd marking its little body with offen-
uivc sores and eruptions, catarrh of the nose nnd throat, weak eyes, glandular
swellings, brittle bones, white swelling and deformity.
How can parcnts look upon ouch little sufferers nnd not reproach
themselves for bringing so much misery into the world? If you have
nny disease lurking in your system, how can you expect well developed,
healthy children ? Cleanse your own blood nnd build up your health, and
you have not only enlarged your capacity for the enjoyment of the pleasures
of life, hut have discharged a duty all parents owe to posterity, and made
mankind healthier and happier.
There is no remedy that so surely
a purely vegetable medicine, harmless in its effects, nud can be taken
by both old and j'oung without fear of any bad results.
Write us about your case, nnd let our physicinns ndvise and help you.
This will cost you nothing, nnd we will also send our book on blood and
Okiu diseases. 7tp TSIC SWIVT .SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ga.
Mother rioono IMoilornlteil An Kimy
IMnce to Visit At A Hard Coinlilnu
tlon lu Aliitrlmony Tho Silly Little
Muitnt'lio liniirentd Ilor.
In the meantime another patient had
died in the barricaded homo ot tho
Tho law thought it was tlmo to In
terfere, and sent a pollcoman.
The hci.lcr bought to temporize
"You are attacking my faith," he
protested, thrusting his head out ol
An upper window.
"I know nothing nbout your faith,"
replied tho pollcoman, "but I am go
ing to capture your works."
And the peeler presently pinched the
healer. Chicago Tribune.
IttotlnR Auny from It.
Tho decayed old colonel bad twico
packed hib trapa and calamities and
indignantly trekked frontlcrwnrd to
escape tho encroachments of advanc
ing civilization.
To him the old friend:
"Well, colonol, Btlll trying to keep
the wolf from tho door?"
Howled tho colonol:
"Wolf? No, begadi Golf!" Chi
cago Tribune.
"I reckons wo'd hotter get up some
agitation on do Bubjcck?" said Mr.
Ernstus I'lnkley.
"What's do subjeck?" inquired Mr.
Aluminum Thompson.
"Done yore eclipses. Whenovor dnr'o
j tin ccllpso dcy tells mo all do chickens
' Koea to roos', right in do mlddlo cr do
dny. An' If flat's do case lea hab mo'
' eclipses. I'b tired o' dls waltln roun'
till 1 an' 2 o'clock In do mawnln'."
Washington Stnr.
I'osllilo ICvpliinntlon of It.
"1 wonder what'R tho matter with
Wlllin Jenkins. He's ucen getting into
nil Korts of mischief or Kite, cspoclally
Thurcdny aftornoonB."
"Oh, that's eofilly explained. That's
tho afternoon M:b. Jcnklno goes to a
motliora' meeting to discuss tho proper
method ot child education and disci
pline" Chicago Post.
Cavos n Woman's Llfo.
To havo given tip wotihl hnvo meant
tloath for Sirs. Lois Oritgf:, of Dorehos
tor, Mass. For yoarssho I mil ontlurcil
untoltl inlsory from n sovcro lung trou
blontHlobstinnto cough. "Orten," the
wrilosj"! eonltl Bcineely breatho ntul
Bouiothuofl could tint rponlc. All doc
tors mul roinodios failed till I need Dr.
Klng,s New Dmcovory for CopBinniitlon
ind waB ootnplotoly uuroil." SulVorors
from OotighB. Colds, Throat and Imng
Truublo nood IhU grand rotnody, for it
novor dissapolnts. Ouro Is gunrnntoed
byA.R StroltTU Prleo COo and 81.00
Trial bottloa froo.
Low Rates
Union Pacific
North Platte
August I to Hi 23 to 24 and
30 to 31, ipclusiyo.
Limited to October 31.
$11.45 to Denver
$13.95 lo Colorado Springs
$15.00 to Pueblo
Only Un Running
To Denver
Information cliect tally furnished
upon application to
E. H.GENGE, Agent,
kJf is the parents'
how important that
is left in the blood
reaches deep-seated, stubborn blood
troubles as S. j. S. It searches out even hereditary
poisons, and removes every taint from the blood,
and builds up tho general health. If weaklings
arc growing up nround you, right the wrong by
putting them on a course of S. S. S. nt once. It is
Grady liloulc Hooihb 1 &, 2.
Ofllco over IIufTuinn'B Millinery Store
Noktu Flattk. - - Nkiihabica
Onicett: North Plntto National Danli
UuihllnK, North I'lntte, Nob.
1 DENNIS, M. D.,
Over Flrnt Nntlonnl Unnk,
Hoaland & Hoagland,
OITlro orer Mrs. llunmnn's Mllllnory Storo.
Of&ce orer North Flntte Nntlonnl Dunk.
Ofllco McDonnld Block, Dewey Btrcet.
Office over Post Office.
Telephone 115,
North riatlo, ... Nebraska,
Ofllco of thu North l'lnlle Lnnil k Wntur Co..
Norlh l'lHtte, Nl., July 7, K'fOJ
Thl i In tnccrtlty thnt Ihn exlNtlliK tli'btn of tho
Korth l'lnttn Ijiml mul Wator Uoiupiiny nt thf.
Onto uroil2.',12H with Intareitt iluo (iifl21.HX) nt
Brtiue from Jitnunry lt, 18U7, u nil on il.liy of smko
from Jnnunry Int. 1102.
Wintiiiioi- S, Oilman, I'rcshlont,
II. J.l'.MlH.
i:. V. .Skkku(ii:ii.
Witch HazeS Oil
Ono Application Gives Relief,
It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids External
or Internal, llliiul or Bleeding, Itching or
Hurning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im
mediate cure certain.
' It cures Bums and Scalds. The relief
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and
Sore Nipples. Invaluable.
t cures Salt Uhcum, Tetters, Scurfy
J:ruj)ions, phappcil Hands, Fever Blisters,
ftnia i,ips or Nostrils.. Corns, Bunions,
horo aii'l Gli?fr'l R-'ct, b'ngs of insects,
Moiqulto PiU?s nnd Sunburns.
Three Bison, 25?,, fjP. and $1.0$ ,
Cold by Drugglitt, cr nt pre-paid on t wlptof prjco,
Cor. William A John Bta MEW YOHft,
rvunmrn inR.DM.TiMn
i U ' 111 I KUil II IIUIII Its I I VI l
or tut
FAiriT PitoyVOTo AT
(Central Time)
1 Leaven
101 Leaves
3 I.eai'M
5:0) p. m
ft. -IS p. in
I itt :i. in
n Loaves 7:C0a.
IT r.pnvun (Freight) ?:8Up
III I.oavch (Freight)...., t:10p.
aa Leaves (Froigtii) 8:30 a.
t a
r i.oaves
7:06 a. in !
in !
ra j
in :
N'o. 1 Leaves
6 Leaves
4 Leaven
12:30 p. tn !
?:lfa. m
8:10 a. m ,
10: 10 p. Ill
. ix.:m ii. in !
uw a. in
18 Leaver (Freight)'.'.,'.
OI.r.nvi. IVrniuM
tt 1 nttvntt i r.'r-1 ..lit
u ... , ,.ivii. f iltl a. IU
OntrAl.ift Nil. I .mn !i imHKfnmnru tnliul ri'.i.
In a. in
' 1'tillinan fare.
Freight trains No. S3 anil 58 flop at all
Mlailoni. Other fielchti carry iansenprr.i
I to polllH .it whlrh tht'V stop.
Charlff 's Sale
lly vltluo of nn nnler of tnla lsnoil from tho
cll-irlct eourl of Lincoln county. Kclirii.kH, npnii
a ili'oiro of forcotofiire rrmluitil In mtil court
mIhtvIii The County nf 1 ttinoltl, n cor)rn(lot), U
lnlulllt nnd Julmtui'i IMni-cll, ot ft'., nrn
ilvfvndntilK mid to mn din ctcil; I will
on Itio ldlli day of Aucust, lurj. nt una
oVIiick v- " at dm fnt fr- nt dot r of tlio
enurt hnuro In No'lh rinllo, Lincoln county, Nir
lirnkn, icll nt publlo auellun to Hit' hlKhst bid
der foroili to nullify mil docrco, in'oicitt rnd
rontiillio folliitvliiKilKTOrltinl iroierly t-wlti Tho
went halt of the enfl hnlf of Hwllmi ii, Town
b!iI 11 llnngo 31, wLKt of tliw illli 1'. M. LIlcoIii
ooinity, Nt lirnakn.
IJ.ittd.Vorlh Motto. Kch., July II. XWi
L, CAHi'fiKTKn, Sliorlff,
lly vltluo of nn order of nslo lusuod from tho
dlHlilcl cnuitof Lincoln ooiinly, N'obrnxlin, upon
n dto oo (if fi'teclcMire lotltlori'il In inld couit
wbuii'ln lh Oounly of Lincoln, n corporation, U
plflliitlfl nud Jncoli O. Kiliw.ib, id id., 1 ilefumlatit
nod tn mo illreoicil I will on llio tlldi dny of
Auxti't, l1Si, id one o'clock p. in. at tlm entt front
door ot I Im cnuit lioiiMi In. North rintlo, Lin
coln county. Nfurnnkn, n'll nt public auction to
tho hlfitort llildor for cnMi to rntltfy mid decrco
Intercut nnd cort, thn follmvlnu ili'rcrllicd prop
urly to- II: TliCinuthwont quarter of Hectlon 35,
Towiihlilii 1), ltniiKU 31, west 0th p. n.., Lincoln
county, Nuhrnsln.
Uittcit Norlh l'lntto, Nobrnokn, July 11. IMl.
L. Caiii-nteii, Hheilir.
Ohorlfro Sale,
lly vlrtuo of nn order of Kilo Usued from tho
illptrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, upon
n decreo of foreclosure rtndered lu raid court
wherein Tho Comity of Lincoln, n cornornllou. Is
plaintiff nnd J. W Htnplotoii ot. id , mo do-
fcndnntH nnd to mo illrcctml, I will on thu tn.h
dny ot August, Wi, nt 1 o'clock p. in, nt tho enst
front door of tho court hnuvn In North l'liulc,
Llocolu county, Nebrnhka, sell nt public miction
to thn lill;i).i Mililvr for enrh to rnllsfy rnld do
crei, Intercet end crst, tho followlnx described
property, tn-tvltt Thn fcnulhonvt ipmrtcr of foo
tlon !'o, tnvnRblp rniiRu 31, went Sixth F. M.
Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Untcd Norlh FlnttH, Ni b , July 11. IWjS.
L. CALl KNTrn. HIicrlfT.
Sheriffs Solo,
lly virtue of an order of n.ilc IkhuciI from
the district court of Lincoln county. Nc
br.iHka, upon a decree of foreclosure
rendered m Haiti court wherein The Uountv
of Lincoln, a corporation. ! plnlntllT anil
Marv K. IlnrrlKH, rt. al.. arc deiendantH and
to mu directed, I will on the KSlli day of
August, ma, at I o clocl; t. m.. at the cant
front door of tho court house In North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, nell at
public auction tothe lilglicwt bidder for
cash to satisfy nald decree, interest and
costs, the lollowlnL' deKcrlhcd tirooortv
trMvlt: The southwest quarter ot section
.ii. lownsuip u, ranee .11. west sixin M.
Lincoln rounty. Nebraska.
Dated Notth Platte, Neb.. July II, 1002.
ShorilT's Salo.
lly vlrtticof an onlcr ot sale Issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
unon a decree ol forcclosurt; rumlered In h:i!i1
court wherein The Cnuntv of Lincoln, a cor
poration. H plaintiff anil John Carvlll, ut al.,
ire iicioiioainn auu iti uiu oucuico, i win
on the li'ith il.iv of August, UW, at I
o'clock p. in., at the cast trout door of the
court house lu North I'lalte. Lincoln county.
Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho
hlKhusl limner for cash to tatlxfy said dc
crec Interest and costs, the followlnc dc
scribed jitoicrty, to-ivt: The southwest
i quarter or nortiieast quarter and the south
' east nuartcr of the northwest nuarter and
j the wvibl half of the southeast quarter of
rectlon township IU, range 1, west of
i Sixth I, M. Ltnroln cnuntv. Nebraska.
1V.....1 Xr.t.l. Itlnltn XT..1. T..I., 1, tllilt
I In Iho niatUir of Hip nnnllrollon of.Snmiiol
Ooiizpc, executor of thorstnto of 8nUuoI Urbnch,
ilernnri'il. to roll real ctutn
Notleu I hurtiliy idvon Hint Hnmuel Ooozeo, r-
ccumr or iuo entniu ot eaniuci tiruiion, (lecenseil.
hn rll.ul his imtlllnii In thu uUtrfnt court ol
Llnoolii poiinty, 't(jn:f ku, for llccnru tn roll tho
norih hnlf of snclluu 1, In towuehlp 10, tinith of
rnnK nnd thu west halt of eoctlon M, tnwn
Rhlpll, n .11 111 ot runno V.H. nil west of tho tili
i'. jo, in i'rmnifl rcuiuy, nenrncKa.
It Ij Ihi'iutoru oriU'reil Hint nil norsniM Inter
osUhI lu nhl otf)lu nniH'nr liotore um nt lh court
noiisu in norm I'laim, naurnrua, oil iuo y.i.i iiny
of Auuutt. HH)2. id nl no o'clock s la. to show
I i'iiiie, It nny lliuro Ih, nhy lli-vnsH blnul.l not hp
urnutouio sail tlm nlmvu lexcrltii't runl ustato,
Hasiiill Ooozkk.
Kxccutnrnt Iho Ltnt ut ycii.utl Uilmch,
ShorUI 'a bale,
lly vlrtuo of nil onlcr ot sain Irmioil from Iho
ilLtitct court of Llucoln, county, Kcl)rn;kn, upon
a ttecri'O ot forrclosuro reiulurfil In )dl cnuit
vbntoln Tho County of Lincoln, n coriiorntlou,
liliilnlirr nnil Wlllliuu L. U'llllanl ut nl., iuo do
leii.lnnls niul to 11111 illniiluil, I will on
tho 1'lih ilny of Annual, IMC, nt 1 o'clock p.
m., nt thu ngt front door of tho court
Iioiiko In Noilli l'lnllo, Lincoln rouiily, Ncl.rn'kii,
sell nt puhllo niirtion to the hlnhuft blihlor for
cnli to ml Inly wild ilfc.iri', lnltrcfl nml ocwls,
tip followlliK dlffilheil prnporly, tiMVlli Iho
sonllicjii't quurtor of rttin la. township 10,
rnnco wust' Hixlh V. M, Lincoln county,
Datoil Xuith l'lntlo, Nch , July 11, If 02.
L. t'Alil'KNTEii, yliorllf.
tho mnttrr of tlio npnilcnllon of
Splcor, nimnllnii, to roll rim i'k'.iiw.
Notlco U heruby ulvaa tint In p irsriuu of nn
order of Jltui. )t M. Orluiei', JiiiIko ot Iho Dis
trict Court of Lincoln County, nindo on tho 1,1th
dny of April. for thp suloofthe rent cnlnto
ImrL'Inatliirderprlbud.therowlll bo suld nt tho
ent front door or (ho Oonrt H)up on tlio S)lh
duy of AuHUft, Wi, ot oilil O'clock p. lu., nt p'lb
, Ilo veudno to tlm lilMbfht blciVr or ir,-li lliu (o-
llOVin uoscricoil riu npiiut, in Villi OUIHIIVCK
quarter of Section 10, Township U, Uanfjo III, In
Lincoln Con n I v. Nebrnskn,
DaloJ July 21, lUOJ,
LlKHttS Hl'IOtll,
Oimrdlnll of ,kdcs pcur, et nl.
ShorilVs Sale,
lly virtue of nil order of sain lisiusl from ttia
IlKlrlet court of Lincoln county, Nehriu.kii, upon
nilecrooof foroclnsiiro roudeird lu snld court
v.heroln ThoComity of Lincoln, ncoijionillon, Is
plaintiff mul Tho Mtnlo Hank of Wnllnco, ot nl ,
n r i) nulundnnts nnd lo uiu dlroctud. I
will on thu 10th dny of Auii't, ltH)2,
nl I o'ri'wV, p. iu nt tlio rest front door of
tho court Iuhiki In North l'lntlo, Lincoln county,
Nebrnskn, nell nt public miction to Iho lilKhost
blddor for ensh, to HitUfy mid decreo, loturost
nud rosN, thu folhnvlnir detcrlbixl property,
to-wlli The noilli hnlf of thosouthweiit qumler
of section III, townhhlp to, rniiRO 81, went Hlxlhl'.
M. Lincoln rouiily, Nobrnskn.
Dutoil Notth I'lntto, Nob , July 11, K02.
L. Caiii'knti'Ii, KhorlfT.
Notion N heruby Kloiiihnt III purnmnce of In
structions from tho Coimulsjloller of Iho (leuornl
Imu Oltlce, uudor luillioilty vosted lu him by
section ruyln'il stntulos, II it a-, amended by
Art of CoiiKrcs approved Fuhrunry Olth, leys, wo
will proceed t oiler nt public salo on tho SHth
dny ot AuKiirt. IWii. nt this olllco the (ollowln
tract ot land, via Thu snuthoatt quarter of tho
southwest qunttor of fecilon 2, towushlp 13,
nuiili, rnaiioai. wont Hlxlhl'. M
All per-ons clulmliiK mhoisoly tho nbovo do.
ncilbod land nro ihMmhI tn II lo their claim In this
olllco on. or before I bo day doituunted for tlio
omniiionrvinont of wild enle, otlicrwUo their
rlchls wld ho forfeited.
lntftl nt tlm United States IjiiuI Olllco, North
1'latlO, Nt b., this 1'jlli dny of June. 11HU
Oro. E 1'iiKxcii, liealttir,
1216 Y&xhk Uacomi Itvctlyer.
Lund olllue nt North I'lnllo, Neb,
Juno 13. IWi.
Nntlco l horcby kItch Hint lb follnwluff-nanicil
rotllor hno tiled notice of his Intention to ninko
nnnl pPMif lu inptiort of lilt clftlm, nnd that rati!
proof will bo lumlo lc(oro tho re:ltor nnd r
ccUer, tJ. H. Lnnd Ofllee, nt North 1'lalto, Neb.,
on July 20, IWI. vln
who mnJo liononlonil entry No. 1751)1, for tho
norlhwcrt ipinitur, sec. 28, town. It, norlh rnnss
31, wet nlxlh p. ra.
lie nniacn tho fi-llawlnR wltnwos to provo hln
conlluuous ftvldimrc anon nnd rultlvntliin of Mid
Hud, viz: Kd'nrd Wllnoll, Norlh I'lntto, Neb.)
r.veiott Mllllklu nud Chnilvn Hpclitlu, of Hoiuor
ret. Neb. A. Norlh l'lnllu.Neb,
7lt Oeoboic K. FHRnrii, ltflBtor,
Sheriff's Halo.
lly vltlue of nn older of snle lmurd from tho
dlitti let court of Lincoln county. Nobrnakn, opon
n decrvo of foroclnmiro rendered III rnld court
wherein The County of Lincoln, n uorporntlou,
In plnlutltf nnd OeOo II. ltoblnsou,
n, nl , nre dufenihintn. nnd tn iuo
dlruo'od, 1 will on tho ll'ilh dny of Aug
ust, 11102, nt 1 o'clock p. in., at tho cat front
door of the court houo In iNorth I'lntto. Lincoln
county, Ncbrnnkn, noil at public nuctloti to thu
hlhvKt LUilcr fur o.ifh. to rntisfy solil decree,
lutcrcft nnJ costH, the following dcHcriliod
pfojiorty, to-wltl ThnnrthcnKt iUiirtor of pec
tin i SA, towiKblp 10, rnnitu a, tvost Sixth 1', M.
Lincoln annnty, NebrnKki.
Dntod North I'lntte, Nob. July II, VKi,
L. Caiii-kntkii, HbotlfT.
Sherifl'a Salo.
lly vlrtuo of nn order of unto fanned from Iho
illftrlct court of Lincoln c )unty, Nebrn'kn, ujMin
n iiucruo or lurcciosurn reiiucrcu in saiii court
wlicrclu Tli Uauiity of Lincoln, n corporntlon, Is
plnlnllft nml John l'alnu n t al . i re ill f i.dnils
nnd to mo directed, I will oil thu llllti dny of
August, 1W2, nt 1 o'clock p. m at tho "nt front
dour ot Iho court Iioiiko In Norlh I'lntte,
Lincoln county, Nobraikii, Hull nt pnbllo
miction to tho hlKhest bidder for rnb to
satisfy nilil decrco, Interest nnd conts, tlm
roiiontntt oo'criuuii properly, to-witi tiiu U1 r li
not quarter of section IU, township 0, rniij-o
31. wunt of Klxth 1'. M. Lincoln county. Nebrnskn.
Dated Not IU l'lulto. Nob., .Iul 11, 1W)2.
L. ('Aiii'KMrin. HherllT,
Short tf's Salo.
lly vlrtuo of nil order of pnlo Issued frnui thn
district court ot Lincoln county, rcbiuskn. Usinn
docron of foieclvsuro rondeicd In mid court
wherein Thn County of Lincoln, n Liirnorntlnn.
Is plnlntilf nnd Wntllo'dHco'.t ot nl., nrn defend
nuts, nnd to mi uirecteu, i win ou tne intii iiny of
Auuust, lPUf. nt 1 o'clock, n. m , nt tho ont front
ilonr of'iho court houso In North I'lntto, Lincoln
coiimy, picurnnxn, sen nt punuo nuctton to tho
highest oldder for cn-li, to satisfy said decree, in.
tetost nnd costs, tho following duscrtlied piopor
ty, to-wlt: Tho southwest quarter of secilnu 2S,
township II. rntiKoiil, west Sixth 1', JI, Lincoln
county, Nubrnka.
union ruinu i'lntto, riot)., .iiny n. iwi.
l, caiuknteii, shoiirr.
ShorilT's Salo.
lly virtue of an order ot salo Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, upon a decree of foieelosuru
rendered In said court wherein The Uountv
of Lincoln, a corporation, la plalntlrr
and Ralph Little, et. al,, arc defend
ants ami lo tne directed I wilt on tho
lOtli day of August, loos, at 1 o'clock ii.
tn, at tho east front door ot the court houso In
Norlh I'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell
at nubile auction to the highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said decreo. Interest and
costs, I tiis followlni; described property, to-wit-
The southwest quarter of section
8, township 10, range 33. west Sixth V. m.
Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated Nurtli I'latte, Neb.. July. 11, 1002.
L., hhcrlff.
ShorilT's Salo.
lly virtue of an order of sale Issued fro n
thuillstrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered
In said court wherein The County of Lin
coln, a corporation, Is plaintiff and S.
11. L. Gannett, et al., are defendants, and lo
me directed. I will on Uic lqth day of Aue
list, liKH, at 1 o'clock p. tn. at the oast front
door of the court house lu North I'latte,
Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at publlp
auction to the highest bidder for cash, lo
satisfy said decree, Intercut and costs, thu
InllouliiR described property to wit: Tho
northeast quarter of Apctfou 7. towilr
ship 10. range 84 west Sixth I'rlnclna
Meridian. Llnroln county. Nebraska. '
Dated Norlh J'latte. Neb.. ,lujy 11, 1P0J.
L. CAUPKNVisif. $lier!L
Not loo Is liprpby mvun i(m(. In puryunnrp of In
"tructlinu from luu (loiiitnlcslonpr of (he rioqerui
Land Utllce, under nulliorlly vested li him by
Hectloll UM, ltovlibd B.utlrs. P. H.. nniieldod
by Act of CnnKrcFj iipprovod '"bruary ailltl, W
wu will offer nt public sulpon the dny of Auii
list, 100S, nt. Ibis otflco t)io followlliK Irnlt nf Imiil
nnmelyt '('ho southwest qunitorot iho northwost
qimrter nnd norlhnU quarter of the southweiit
quarter of section 2. town 12 north, rnnfo W,
ivp.t of thp Blxth p.
All persona claiming mlvorsoly Hie nboyo do
pcrlbud land nrn ndvlspl lo Mo liolr claim In ibis
otlltu on or beforp Iho dny dchiirnntpd for lliu
cnmnicnrcniont of giid snip, otherwise Iho r
rlRhts will bu forfeltod. "
Ilntcd at tho ItultBd Hlstos Lnnd Offlco, Norlh
l'lallo, Nub., this liDth dny of Afny, UHUI.
tlno. K Vimxcit. IteHlhtor,
J3' FlHNK UAnoKi HWdyer.
ShorilT's Salo,
lly vitup of nn order of tno Issued from tho
district uonrtof Lincoln county, Nobrnskn, upon
n icor.o of fmpclosuro ronUerpd In said court
whoreln Thp County nf I,lncoli. n poriiornlloo,
1,9 plaintiff nnd Linn Y Leo ot ol , nrp di'fpnilnnU
nnd to mo diiecled, I will nn tho li dny of
A"XUtt. H)i, nt I o'clock, p pi., nt Iho enst front
door of Hie rourt homo li Norlh I'lntto. Lincoln
county, Ntbificlfn, n)l nt public miction to Iho
hlKhestbldilor forimh to satisfy m. dciifoo. q.
lorest noil costs, tio fullowipR dcptlbed prnn
erty, to,-vil Tlio boiilbpaiit qunitor of spcllon
!, tiivrnslilp P. rar.e 31, west of (ixth I'. M. Lin.
coin pouuty, Nebraska -
lihtud Noilli Plntto, Nob, July 11, 1MJ.
J,. UiierMTKit, UherllT,
gheriff ,g' gjjj 1
lly virtue of nuniilor of sale IsMind from Dip
lstipt court of Llucoln onuilty, Nubrntkn, upon
a dt'oroo nf fiireoloniro rodproi In said court
wbernlii The County of Llliixdn, n oorporntlnu, Is
pbiluliff nnd A. II. (lllbnin i t. id .. nro dofond.
nnlH mid lo mo directed. I will nn Iho Ulili dny of
August, lllilj, nt I o'clock, p. in. nt tho end front
dooi ot thticmiit hoiine in l)rUl l'lntlo, Lincoln
county, Nebrnskn, soil nt public miction to io
h'Klieht bidder fur cu-li tn i.ntsfy s Id iloorco, I.
terett and cods, (lie followliw desoiiUsi prop
orly. to-wlti Ti p Hiutliwet qunilor i f section 22,
towuRhlp 11, lsiiuo HI, west Hlxllill'. If, Uncolu
county Nebraska.
Dated Norlh P'ntto, Neb., July II, 1P03
I Caiu-intkii, Hhorlff,
lly vlrtuo of nn order of snlo lusucd from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
n decree of foreclosure rendered lu snld court
ttlierolii 'lliu County of Lincoln, a corporntlon,
Is plaintiff, nud Juntus (1. liicbey ot nl... nrn 'iK-
renuanis nud to mn dliectod, I Will nu thu Hi lt
iy ni Aiigjhi. njj, nt i iri iici p. m. nt Hie eas'
he y
'lMitfn! t
loot oour or I in court ioiiish
proporty, to-wlti 'lo nrrlhivesi quaitpr of eec:
uuu .)(, ioiyiivni v, rniic
M. Lincoln county. N'obmsl
pp :i(, west Hlxlh V,
IJaicq norm I'liuio, riu guty i, r;.
Mado a
Well Man
p. of Me.
produces tho nbororcaalto In SOdayo. It acts
powerfully and qutcttly. Cures when all others (til.
Voung men will rteola tbolr loct mnubooj.andold
HS?nWi!Lrccover ,holr youthful visor by utlog
EtRVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervouu
pess.Loat Vitality, Imjiotcncy, Nightly Kroloelon.
I BU effocta ot eolf-abuco or ciccfaaud lntUacntloo)
( Xihlea uuQtii ono for otndy, budnces or tuarrUcs n
(.o.oui cures ry etartlmt nt the pent or dlt1). Pi!
laarrroat ncrvotonlo nud blood builder, brfngl
Ing bsclr tho plnlt rIow to tiulo checks and ra
ttortng the Mro of youth, ft wards off Incsulty
and Consumption. Inslft on having
ether, U can bo carries! Ja vest pocket. Dy mil,
o LOO per pac'soao, or cli for BO.oo, wit L a poti
lire tvrltton ftnnrnutro to rare or ref uafl
tlio iiKinrv, llisiic nnd ndrlw) frco. Addresi
ItOYAL. MCDIC1NI2 CO., 'Suuu'.
Sold by A. F. Streftz, Norlh 'pia'jte
in xsonn
.(nuoln county, NVbriismil'sell ii( PdbW'n'hctldii
olho f,t(1be,t Uddpr fur cnh to fhlUfy .st, ,Iqi
. laiorcst uno umu,. iuo n du iiik
the "w-taGC