r w w tf Bicycle Bargains N I have three of this season's whcelsleft which I will close out at a bargain. I $35 Men's Wheel $27.50 I $25 Men's Wheel $22.50 1 $25 Ladies' Wheel $22.50 They arc all high grade wheels and guaranteed. Clinton, THE JEWELER TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1902. in $ tfc. F. W. MH.LEK, ORADUATE DENTIST. ' Offlco over 8ti-itz's Drug Store Tli-i city council will meet ' regular 6CRfu(u thin evening. m MUs Irma. Clinton has returned r from her vtsit with relatives in Lexington. Just received a car of Michigan '. 6alt. We save you money on your lit. The llun Grockky Co ; Mrs. Win. Cruscn and Mrs. York Hinman will entertain a nartv of Uadiea Thursday afternoon. i Foreman Will Brown, of the ice r janc, who was injured three weckn ago by being caught tn the revolv ing shaft at the ice house?, is able to get out on the Btrects. y Roasting car, which is this . . . writer' delight, made their appsar- ancc in the local market yestard ly. fifteen cents :i dozsti is a moder ate price for the "first appear;! tier. " Gasoline hve gallons tor Sfl.Ob the Hub Grocer-. ' Train No. 1, John Bonner ;ngi user, made the run trom Lexington to tuU city last evening in tuxty five minutes. The distance is nixtv-one miles and the time was lom start to stop. Mtb. Joseph Casey, who was laken to Omaha Friday night, sub mitted to an operation Suitday. which is reported to have been very successtul and at last accounts the was getting along nicely. The Strike Condition. The strike situation at thia point during the past few days has undergone material changes, and aB a result the strikers are somewhat ahead, Last Sunday morning six teen men were imported from the cast and at once set to work in the shops. During that day the nine boilcrir.akcr helpers concluded that they would not work with the im ported men, and laying down their tools walked out. Last evening the machinists' helpers, to the number ot twelye or thirteen, walked out, they too refusing to work with the foreign men. Two rouud-house employes quit this forenoon, and it is said others will go out today or tomorrow. It is also reported that the blacksmiths hayc determined to walk-out and that this action will be taken within the next forty- eight hours. The importation of "scab" labor is the cause ot the workmen throwing up their jobs The urst demonstration since the commencement of the strike occurcd last niirht. A number of the men were, as usual, at the dc. pot when train No. 3 came in, and as the train stopped bcvcii men got off one of the rear carH. These men were marched up along the train in charge of the chief detec tive in charge at this point. Sup posing that these men were im ported mechanic', the striker in dulgcd in considerable hooting and yellinir, but when convinced that the men were guards and not me chanics, th c demonstration ceased. The men who arc out are grow ing more firm each day in the con' viction that the stand they have taken is just, and no influence that the company can use will induce them to return to work until the company recedes from its proposi tion to adopt the piece-work sys tem. As the oihcials say they will not do tli ip, it looks ycry much as though the prediction made by President O'Conncll, ot the machin FLY TIME calls for Screen Doors Screen Wire Fly Traps WE HAVE THEM Wilcox Department Store. BASE BALL NOTES. The Omaha Originals were dc feated at Grand Island Sunday by a score of fifteen to two. The Islanders knocked Scully out of the box. The Kearney team has t signed Alhey, who will play first base. He is Baid to be a heavy man at the bat. The Haskell Indians of Law rence, Kan., will play at Kearney on July 23d and 24th. Shcltou dropped both games to Kearney last Friday and Saturday. Hlliott will act as manager ot the Union Pacific team on its eastern trip this week. He is a good man in any position. An effort is being made to 6ccure two games with Minuen on mc local irrounds during the last week in July. Blaine Kitzmillcr had two fingcrB hurt while at Cheyenne and played the bench in the last game. Jimmie Brierly is expected down irom Cheyenne tomorrow and will accompany the local team on its eastern trip. Jimmie ib a very reliable catcher and. one ot the h aviest swatters m the circuit league. ists' union, that the light will be long drawn oul, will prove true. The local men, however, basing their views on the daily reports at thev receive from all over the svs- j rf tern, declare they are gaining rround each dny, that the fight cannot long continue and that the company will accede to the demands of the union. It is currently reported today and not denied by the local officials that on Friday ol last week Presi dent Burt issued an order to close the North Platte fdiopp, dismantle the machinery and remove tt to Grand Island and Sidney, but at the request of Mr. McKeen the order has been held in abeyance The smaller of the Eastwood Bisters, who are the guests at the Stubbs' residence, had the mis fortune to fall, while playing in the house last evening, and break her lei t arm. Stoves stored, Gasoline Stoves repaired. Repairs lor all kinds of stoves. Wkstbrn Stove Rkpair Works. The Kebckah Kensington will meet at the home of Mrs. h, S. Davison Thursday afternoon, July 17ih. All members and their friends arc invited. W. P. Collins spent last week In Lexington setting up a large gaso line engine which a firm there had received. Mr. Collins is an expert on this class of engines. Jessie M. Bratt, Music Studio, Room 2, Bratt Bldg. Mr. Roneiiius, grand secretary of the carbuilders' union, is ex pected to arrive in the city this evening, and will meet witn the ocal union. He may also spend part of tomorrow in town. ' District court resumed its sitting yesterday, the greater part of the day being consumed in hearing a divorce case, in which the judge up to last eyening had not rendered a decision. Prices on baled hay and new potatoes arc on the toboggan slide at lrAKHISUTON X TOWNS. In the couniy court yesterday a man named West was given a judg ment against II. B. Read ot fifty dollars aB charges for keeping cattle belonging to the latter. The ladies ol the Christian church will serve ice cream and cake on the court hourc lawn Fri- dny evening of this week. A soldiei'd widow pension ol eight dollars per month has been granted Mrs. Bridget Moranof this city. Base Ball Next Week. The Kearney ball team will be here for two irames next Monday and Tuesday. Sinbe the last visit of the Kearney team here, it has been strengthened by a new man at short and one at first, both ot whom are said to be cracker jacks. With these additions the team will be in shape to put up a very strong article ot ball. The Union Pacific?, however, will be in shape lor these contests, and promise llie tasiest games yet seen on the local dia mond. Hvcry one who enjoys good ball plnying should attend these games. d fhcultv at this point might in some manner be settled. The strik. ers say this report is a bluff pure and simple. A noiin ennt nnrfv was vv" ' " -Tt , in.t for a lew days in the hope that the irivenatthe Vernon residence last ....,.. evening in favor ot the Mitres llartman, who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vernon. The guests, of vhom there were about twenty, -were in a gay and spirited mood sind as a result there was not a dull imoment during the evening iSo.-monalil- refreshments were isetved. Woodman' Linseed Oil, 85c per gallon. Harrington &Tohin MYRTLE NEWS, Mrs. D. McNichol returned from her visit in the eastern part ot the state the last of the week. Ouile a number from this vicin ity attended Gentry Bros. bIiow at North Platte Saturday. We are informed that Ellis Burns and his mother will return irom their western trip in, about two mouths. Ellis writes there is no niiecting conclusion of the business of the inHcro n number of members of Supt. Baxter, who has been spending most of his time in town during the past week, told one of strikers this morning that he con fciripruri that the com nan v had the men beat, lie said the company plc like iNeorasua ii-id ili-ciftPii in nrtnnt I lie niecework 1 he tew days growiu oi tutu irmcrs nave oeen verv busv cleaning their fields ol In speaking ot the defections Wceds. Everything looks promts- tuc of sunshine has Last evening being the regulai system, and intimated that ,t would eeting of the A. O. U. W., at the do so regardless of cost. J which nre cccuring in luc non- . . r ,, . il.orM " llie uegreeoi uonur i u ion ranks ti,e Bee of today tays Se.,cra. lrmn this locality at and the remainder of the cvemnK that nine non-union men at Omaha nrW tho Sur.dav school conven was devoted to a reception in honor . Council Bluffs quit Sumlav work Sunday and yesterday. tr nf Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davtp, who leave this week for Ft. Madison, :iowa, where they will make their An official at Cheyenne in writ ihoine. As a token of the esteem a to a North Platte resident says in which they are held by the mem- ti,at the company has all the ma lber?, Mr. and Mrs. Davis were pre- chinUts it needs at that point, that iscnted with some elegant table tuey j,ave brought, in from hltecn jlin&n. Seasonable refrebhinentB l0 twenty a day and could get were served and all present spent twice as many as needed. ifl pleasant evening, althougu an rnrrrf ifpii the loss of two faithlul - workcrfa. A number of poles for the Gandy- North Platte telephone line have been hauled to Myrtle, preparatory to putting up the line. Ms S m Every Man That works in a hay field can do more work if he has his hands Properly Protected, i' Sam Grace, of this city, who is in Omaha as a member ot the execu tive committee and at present directing the strike, made the fol lowing statement to a Bee reporter yesterday: "Within the next thirty days I look for borne final d cyclop- trjiu.r grade, good for cither Solid leather, made on lasts, per pair neat incut. But I am not Hurpiiocil or flisnnnoitited that it has not come 1 thus far, for it generally takes tins Ion" for a strike of similar propor tioiib lo really aume shape and . . . . . ,:j . : i five llie onpot-inji muck nine iu array their forces. But if a settle Lani ia urt hrmifht about within He can do that u nc oujbuis .. next thirty day, then I look rmu.irna from our stock. We for a stubborn, prolonged battle carry everything in Gloves from Satis- 25 cents to $2.00 a pair faction guaranteed. Store open evenings until o'clock. Wita Department Store! fxi's Today's papers state that the boilermakera and helpers on the Great Northern went to work yes terday. The boilermakcrB asked lor an increase of sixty-live cents a day and received fifteen making the nav $3 25 a day. The helpers asked for an increate of one dollar and were granted an ad ten cents. I Sayed ! a staple article is worth looking after. You save this bv buyinu 9f Si On your Flour of us. H Hod Sonl Flour per sack. . . $1,00 Jewel Flour por sack 90 S f? Store open evenings until S o'clock. If I Wilcox Department Store 3 John Bratt, who was n Grand land visitor Saturday, says the eople of that city are feeling ju bilant over the prospective open ing of the Union Pacific shops lo cated at that place. 10. K. Smith is spending today in town on business connected with the North Plattc-Gandy tele phone line. The city is having a consider able quantity of dirt hauled with which to nil up low places in tne streets. Chance for Buslnas Opening. I offer for rent my building at Brady. Suitable for lunch counter and restaurant, which the town needs. Address, or inquire of, A. T. Gkykh, Brady, Neb. STATEMENT OT llii' (-uiKllllim of ttie Mutant IIiiIIiIIiir nuil l.n.in AnxocUUoii ot North Plnttc, Nc lir;iHkn,oti tlie :10th (lav o( June, dress shoes or for fine work shoes, per pair $1.50 Men's Fine Shoes, four or live different leathers, good styles, per pair $2.00 Men's Dress Shoes, made on stylish lasts, different widths and shapes, all kinds of leathers, per pair $2.50 to $3.00 Store open evenings until 8:00 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store. S. C. Mecomber is transacting business in Omaha this week. Jas. Norton is assisting (!eo Tekulvc in the hitler's shoe re pair shop. Miss Laura Moore of Farnam is the iruest of Mr. and Mrs. J CJ W. Voodry. Geo. E. French returned this morninir from a trip to the cast w part of the state. Miss Grace Bratt, of this city las been elected principal of the Maxwell schools for the coming school year, a position which she can aud will creditably fill. A farmer in from the north idc this forenoon says corn in the sand hills is growing at the rate of about six inches a day. Up to date the crop, generally speaking, is in fine condition. Chicago Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Gen erally fair tonight and Wednes day. The maximum tempera ture yesterday was 87; one year igo it was 97. The minimum temperature this morning was 65; one year ago it was 72. The union men claim that the imported mechanics arc not good workmen, many of them not knowing how to go at the work of making repairs to a locomo tive. The claim is born out by the testimony of the machinists' helpers, who worked with the imported men for a day or so. FOR SALE. The hotel at Sutherland is doing a good paying business and can be bought cheap. Two quarter sections of good hay land $8.00 and $').00 per acre. These arc bargains. One quarter section bottom land, part in alfalfa, hay and culti vated. This can be bought right. ' 320 acre improved irrigated farm, all fenced and sub-divided . Nearly eighty acres in alfalfii, balance in hay and cultivation, living water, close to city. A genuine snap, part time. Water right for sale under South Side Irrigation canal very cheap. Farm, ranches, grazing lands, houses and lots. Cali and sec our lists. We write fire and life insur ancc in best old line companies collect rents, care for properly and pav taxes. "JOHN BRATT & CO , North Platte, Nob Amlr.'iv nrnogtu on I'.ilurnllnti. Aiu'rcw Cariu'nlo'a new heol;, "Tin Lniphu of ntislnoBK," contuliu this uiiteiico: "la my own uxpurlcnco I can c..y that 1 havo known fow joum: nion Intoiuloil for huMiieas who woro ni t Injured hy a coIIcko oducatlon. Men have wasted their praelutiu years tryliiK to oxtrart (.'duration from an Ignorant punt, whoso chief province is to tench us not what to adopt, but what to avoid." Tho Mntliml, Not tlio .Mono)-. And now cornea .John 1). Hockofollor, Jr., and tells uh that "rlchca is no bur to heaven." Probably not, In thorn- i :!vcn, but it Is tho thins a man docs In trying to get rlchca that les3cnj his chances for heaven. Was Trim lo 1IM Klurjr. It was told tlint an onlcrprlihif; t;ur,MJno nirtunccr offered Stockton $10,0C0 if ho would roveal tlio truo end of tho famous tale, hut ho was truo lo hie Uory and decllucd tho offer. Output of Ornnuoi. Tho annual output of ontUBCfl In southern California In 188(1 wun from 200 to I!00 earlomlu. Now It Ih over 24,000 carloads. Tho cnpltal Invested In orniiKU Growing In 1887 wau fl,300, 000. Now ft la ovor $10,000,000. ASSBTS. VIi-hI niiirttnKcto;uiH Stock loaiix Ileal t'HUte VuniUuro and Mtatltmcry r.ixh UHlmiui'til InturvNl and lines... KapuiiiuM anil I ax as paid til Total. ft n (M ft o l0 fi.twi OJ ltft on IP I UH TO ran in .!l'.'l,ltt! w I.IAIIIIJTIKS. Capital 8tck p.uii up. i(cncrc imm ITmllvlilcil i iron t . . Other llalillltloH Total , ....IIOI.W CO lit) in . ... n.suT n:i .... io.wi'.i w ....ei4.MM7 Itr.CKII'TS AND KM'KNDITUIIKS t'Oll Till! YKAU KNIIINtl JUNK 30, ItKK. im:miTH. Ilalaiire on hand July 1, 1001 $ .m 7. Dues SR.Ii.3 M Intel ext. anil Unci' 7.H7I of I.o.mt repaid , I M MIsi'ellancoiiN feex ICI 7!S Heal OHlalc CHI l i Kt'lltH , 1'KS I o T.ixcN ami liiKuruncu ittl is Total.. nSPKNlHTUItKH. ....... .. . .rii'. r.naiiH KxpcilHL'rt NST fll StuckH i i'ilconicd 18,720 Si Cash on hand U'l in Kornlturc - r.T. co Ta . on and Insurance li til Ucal estate 10 M Total jSI.WU 10 Slate ol Nebraska Lincoln county, kh, I. Samuel tlno.ee, m-ol clary nf tlio aiiou named aNMoclatlon, tn colemnly mn'.ir that the fnreKolMK Mtatenu'iil ol thu condition of K.ild aHHoclatlon, Ih true anil concct to the lieHt of my knowleilee and Pellef. SAMUl'fl. tmo.KK. Secretary. SubHcrllied and Hworn to before mc tliU7tli dny of July. IWtt. W. II. McDohai.ii. Notary Public. Approved: Vicroii VonOoktz, i Tiioh. v. I'attkuson, Directors l T. Kkdmond. I Ago Coffee could only be bought in bulk. Tho 20th Century way is the Lion Coffee way scaled packages, al ways correct in weight, clean, fresh, uniform anil retaining its rich flavor. fa A Rouno. of SftPleasure as well as perpetual good health, Is assured when you drink THE DEER OF GOOD CHEER. It has an international reputation for I kindness of llavor mid tor ansolule purity None 10 comparo with it for the table, bold everywlicrc. JOHN GUND DI1EWINQC0., LaCrosso, Wis. Bead 15o (or pack of Uno tilurlng carda. II. SCULBINOhR, ?ft?.tr fiorlh I'laltc, r.cu mm J They overcome Weak k ni'SH, lrroj,'uhirity ami $ oiiiIknIoiih, incrciiKU vie;- -rr..." ; rrr or and lianisli "nalns of 111. iif.tnmtloii." 'J hoy mo "IjIFH H W'IOKS" to (,'irls at womanhood, uiriinf; dovolopiuoiiL of ormui3 and body. No huoiMi remedy for women oiiiiuls tlioin. liinnot do harm llfo becoiiion a pleasure. (HI. OO PHIt ItOX JtY MAIL. Hold by driiKgiHtS. Ml. MOTT'H OllHMlUAL CO., Clcvcluud.Ohlo. For sale hy Nor'tli Platte Pharmacy.