The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 15, 1902, Image 2

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    TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1902.
11JA L DAilE, Editor amd Phopiiistor
One Tour, rnsh In ndrnnc
8U Monthi, onih In advanoi 76 Osntr
Knttrsd ot North PUttt (Nbrik) postofflos
Ik corn needs hot weather to
make it grow rapidly it ought to
he making' rapid strides at
Industkial progress will un
doubtedly settle the trust ques
tion, hut Roosevelt with a sharp
knife can and will do the work
in a less period of lime.
Ji'ST about this time last year
the good people of Nebraska
were praying for rain, this year
they feel like praying for a tern
porary cessation of precipitation.
Uncus Sam cut down his debt
over thirteen million dollars last
month, and didn't scrimp him
self in order to do it. Your
Uncle Samuel is without a peer
as a financier.
It is now thought that the
coronation of King Edward will
occur thesccond week in August.
His progress toward recovery is
now rapid, much to the delight
of his subjects and to the world.
Tins is pretty hot weather for
readers of the Omaha I3ce to
wade through its latest serial
"Railroad Taxation in Court,"
but is it found that a number in
North Platte read it when the
cool evening breezes blow.
Tnu prohibition state conven
tion will be held in Lincoln Aug
ust 7lh. Though the prohibi
tionists cut but little figure in
state politics, the faithfulness ol
its members in holding state con
ventions is to be admired.
Tkacv, the outlaw who has
been giving the officers of the
northwest such a merry chase,
will be remembered for his
nerve long after his bloody
deeds have been forgotten. His
flights and his escapes from the
pursuing officers throws in thfc
shade the heroes of the yellow
back books.
Tnu strike of the boilcrmakcrs
on the Northwestern road has
been settled by each of the con-
tending parlies making conces-
sions. it is to Uc liopeu tliat ere
long the Union Pacific and its
striking employes can get to-
gcthcr and settle their differ-
enccs. A, least an attempt at a
settlement is due to those who
arc so sensibly feeling the effects
of the strike.
ONisof the things that will
tend to give the republican
ticket a big majority this fall is
me courage mc party displayed
in turning down the ringslcrs
. . . . ...
nnd uarnacics wno nad oegan to
fasten their fingers upon it. A
party that will rid itself ot men
who are politically unclean is
certain to win admiration and
Ui to the tunc ofgoing to press
Judge Sullivan had not denied
that he said that a democrat at
the head of the fusion state
ticket meant the destruction of
the populist party. What the
Judge said he believed, and what
he believed is pretty certain to
come to pass. Populists might
as well make up their minds to
hop into the republican band
wacon or else hang on to the
rickety running-gears of the
democratic vehicle, for they are
now without a party.
- .i . . i . O n
Mks. Luim, who is described
as the ret Ot tllC JNeW lOrlCiH Writ tor our frwlltmlrated; book, "Before
smart set, 'a swell .dinner
n r itnm T Trtfnk fn Of. TVv-1. Minn.
Uenilcroari-.-I havo been r.f:rcr,tftjflcrcr from Rlinumatlssi. I was laid up in uca
find iMvotiiir'l h'lncaof be !ng cured. My 1mm wura rdlnwollnn up nnl 1 could not
novolhcm wli limit irraat pcln. Your reuedy wn'ireoommcndcd tnmoby Chief I'o
Ilea O'Connor, who Wild ''awMmd cured hltfl. On tnklnrj no-fourth of tho bottle I
vma n1)lo to net out of bed, tho first tlrao Jn thirty dnr.i. I Iir.vo taken tny second hot
,i nn.i .,i,irt.ttimilf mirod I viltn thin thntrjthot'ninnv know tit thla
a mvmii'iiiuii v. w ..-.. . - rf ' - - .
it wonderful remedy. jtrspcotruiiT your,
w wonui.riuirciin.u. jjIKCI,u u.'o. Q. M, Dep., Arnory Rid.
?? a rncfi Tr-ISI Wo irearantco 003S, to bo frno from r.ll oplairs, nnltcriatcv Itonii
it K rlttft lliJ'll. fiocnlnr-r, ricmirlcs, ttu nil oliMioii Crucs. On taking hair uboltto
H nnd you nro not Milsflrd, return tbo bo.tlo r.ud your raouer vlll lo refunded, It bouaht
Xruui our aulLorlica orient.
For eato Cuoran'.oocl Cr.ty By
at Newport the other day at
which a pet monkey was the
guest of honor. Mrs. Lchr by
thus doing has certainly es
tablished a wide reputation as a
woman lacking good sense and
the refinement which one expects
of a lady. But perhaps she looks
on the monkey as a revered but
far-away ancestor.
No less a man than Editor
Allen, formerly United States
senator, says J. II, Mickey, the
republican nominee for governor,
is better than his party. That
would look as the late convention
made no mistake anyhow. Blair
It is amusing to watch the
opposition in the frantic efforts
to find something upon which to
base a fight against J. II. Mickey.
It is from the very lone of their
expressions that they realize that
they are up against the real
thing, The statement that
Mickey is an upright and honor
able man is one that will not
admit of successful contradic
tion, and no one realizes that
more fully than the Nebraska
fusionists. Fall City Journal.
This lions in the way of the
Panama canal, so magnified in
size and ferocity by the excited
orators in the senate who advo
cated the Nicaragua route, are
rapidly disappearing. Secretary
Hay has already negotiated a
treaty with Colombia very favor
able to this country for the right-
of-vay and regulation of it, and
the French courts arc sustain
ing the title of the Panama com
pany to the property. France
has too much at stake to delay
matters and it is believed that
the president will be able to an
nouncc the transfer of the prop-
crty to the United Stales, and
start the engineers toworka.ta
date inucn earner man was
dreamed of by the most ardent
friends of the Panama route.
For France, it is forty millions
After He Comes
lib has n haul enough time. Every
thing that (he expectant mother
can do to help her child she bhould
do. Otic of tho rentcst blessings
she can uive him l.-i health, but to
fir ftlifu t!ir ttiHiif linttrt lmtiltlt tint'-
? self. She should use every means
i n : .. .... ' '
$ Mother's
It will talco hor f
through tho crisis fJ
, n is M v n ft 1 $
quickly. It inn
liniment which (
gives strength Ji
.....I ..!... ... . I... V
muscles. Com
mon 6CI1SO will
show you
tlmt tho
r.troiiKcr tho
muscles are,
which bear Ibu
strain, tho less
A woman Hvlnyr hi 1'ort Wayne,
Intl., says: " Mother's Frtetuf did
wonders for mo. I'raiso God for
your liniment."
Read this front Iluncl, Cal.
" Mother's Friend h n blesslnjr to
all women ivho undergo nature's
ordeal of childbirth."
put Mother's friend at tho
drut store. 31 per bottle.
Atlanta, On.
I SI l'.nly U IKirn." n
ita?$vvv?vvvw?9s J
- . '
jora total loss to the company,
which means ruin to many thous
and Frenchmen who have in
vested in the slock. Hence in
stead of attempting to hinder
the progress of Uncle Sam in
this direction, all K-ancc will
assist to make the trade go
Lincoln State Journal.
Cures Sciatica.
Kov. W. Itiloy, L L. I)., Cubn, N.
V.,writot: "Aftor lllteoti tlnyn of ox.
cruointinir pain from Rcintiua rliotinin
tienn. timlor various treat mont, I una
indued to try H illiird'fjHDOw Liniment,
tho tt rat nppliottion Kivitip; my first
roliof, and tliofiocund, cntiru ruliof. I
enn civo it unqunlilind reionmoodn
tion. 2u, 50j nnd 31.00 tit A. V.
StroitzH' Cornor Drnjr Storo.
ILiril-Worklnj NnvolUt'.
Great la tho industry ami forlllo is
tho Imagination of Quw Uoothliy, the
UiiRllsh novcllfit. lr less thnn eight
yearn ho has published eomo twenty
six hooks, tho majority of which have
achieved moro than ordinary success,
rtlr, L'oothhy la a South Australian by
oirth, Is 35 years old, and crossed Aus
tralia and traveled extensively In the
ICast boforo ho settled down to novel
T oublo ir'tli Mud Mi!lla!i."
Hnglnnd seems likely to havo a lot
)f trouble In Somali land from tho
low "mahdl," or "mad mullah."
Though ho has been routed repcatodly
and killed moro than once, ho bobs
up again persistently. Tho officials
who nro conducting tho campaign
against him havo asked for reinforce
mcnts, but It seems unlikely that thoy
will get them, as ISnglnnd has no men
to spare for her small wars.
Y.'Mtor In birltr.crlnnii.
In 1901 Switzerland Issued 23,772
pormltB to commercial travelers,
ugalnst 21,087 In 1900; 2,290 of tho
number for 1901 woro delivered on
payment of a llccnso tax, and tho In
enmo from this source was 327,790
francs ($03,203.17).
Induitrlnl School for Nezrooi.
An Industrial and agricultural
irhool for colored youths of Maryland
vns opened last month near Laurel,
i that stnto.
flCRCoLlTl! 3AVC5 A5 HVGn
i or Ttic.
Dr. Humphreys
Specifies euro by nctlnc directly upon
the disouso, without exciting diaordor in
niy other part c tho syslcui.
io. CUKE. rmcEs.
I l'ni'r, C'Diigi'Stlum, Inllnmnmtlout.
'I Wormt, Worm Fuver, Worm Colic . ,'J3
U-'IVrlliliiiT.C)Uo,Cr;liiB,Wukurulnou ,'45
t-IMnrrhen, of Ctill Jron or AJulU..
7 Conalii, Colds, llroiuliltts. ,.
W !i'iirnlgln, rootliacho, l'accaclio 'JJ
li-llcnJnrhc, Kick Ilcailaclio, Vertigo,, ,13
1 0-l) l Miriln, nillKrttloii.Wcak Htoiimch.'JS
II iMiiiro.(l or I'nlufiil !VrloJ ..
l'.5-Ulilleii, ToorrnfunalVrloiU.. .
I J-'roiii, Lnr-'imlil., ltoarscncsi ,v5
l l-hnll Itlieuni, UrytliH'lat.Kruptloiu.,
lo-miciminllnn, Illirumiitlo Taint '3
10 Mhlurla, Chlllt, Fovcr and Aouo ....
tU-Cntiinli, Inlluuius. Cold lu tbollcad ,'J3
!10-Wlioooln8.('oiiisli ,'J3
U7-llltuuv niienncs
SH-,nrou Detllliv. 1,00
HO-l'rliinrv WenlmesK.M'ctttnsIlod 'ii
71-Jrlp, UayFerer '45
Nr. ltutllthrwa, Blannnt it nil nti.,M t
oolil lV unt nn mkaIhi a,
Notice to the Public.
All parties arc hereby cautioned
not to throw brush or rubbish ol
ny kind in the guttcrp, streets or
llcya ol North Platte.
By order of the council.
Street Commissioner.
Bu!li For bale.
If you wish to purchase a reliable
registered Shorthorn or Hereford
bull we can save you money. Wc
have a large number to select from.
Also a pure-bred Polled Durham
bull for sale. When you purchase a
bull from u?, if you are not per
fectly satisfied you can bring him
back' and wc will refund your
nouey. Paini: & Mooki:,
Myrtle, jnco
lias fine line of samples
of Spring and Summer
Suitings. Also samples
of Suitings for Passen
ger Conductors and
IJrakcmeu .
Excellent fit guaran
tcsd to all suits made.
(Central Time)
No. t Leave K: CO p. in
101 i.c.ivc.i r:j.. p. in
a t.oavtM i i;Wa. in
f Lea: ps 7 ifl a. in
17 l.eavws tl''rcllil) ivjup in
10 t.caves (FrelKlit) 4:10 . m
S3 Leaves (KrelRhl) 8.30 a. m
No. S Leaves 12:30 p. in
10-.' i.'Mvcm 7:15 a. m
n r.eaven h.-io a. in
4 Leaves in. Ill p. m
is Leaves (Freight) 12:30 p. m
20 Leaves (Krclsht) 4.00 a. in
28 Leaves (Freight) 7:15 a. in
On train No. 1 ami '2 M.iflSfiiL'crH nnv
lu II mail fare.
Fre k' it trains No. 23 anil 28 ston at all
statloiiH, Other freights carry passengers
io poinia ai which nicy Hipp.
3nuly Block Rooms 1 & 2.
Olllce over Vellow KrontSboe Store
(IlNMAN Ht.OOK, - Dkwry,
1 L..TTF., kiiuabka.
E. WoCAy,
Odleo over Huliinnu'B Millinery Store
iNOttTll 1 I.ATTK, - - NF.1IUA8KA
Olllcoa: North Plntto Nutionnl Bunk
Building, North Platt. Nob.
jjl F. DENNIS, M. D.,
Ovor First Nntlonnl llnnk,
J, S. HoAarNn. W. V. Hoaoind
Hoagland & Hoagland,
OHlco oror Mrs. lluHrann's MllllnrrT Btori.
1011T1I J' I.ATTK. . . NEhllAHKA
OIUl over North Tlstt Nutlotml Uitnk.
Onico MoDoniild Block, Dfwny etroot.
M (J Kill I'LA'ri'K, - NElilvAoKA
Omce over Post Oflicc.
Telephone 115.
North Flntto, ... Nobrnskn
Fit that's that the tiling. We
irive it. Our suits lit and our
lit suits every lime. Same
with nricos. It's a wav wc have
that never fails. Make you the
smartest, most stvlish. nerfect
fitting suit in handsome and dur
able material at reasonable
prices. Variety of patterns to
select from. Every garment
warranted as to worknumsnip,
finish and fabric.
Cleaning nud repairing a
Low Rates
Union Pacific
North Platte
July i to 13, Inclusive.
August 1 to 14, 23 to 24 and
30 to 31, inclusive.
Limited to October 31.
$11.15 to Denver
$13.95 io Colorado Springs
$15.00 to Pueblo
Only Line Running
To Denver
Information cheerfully fitrnibhcd
upon application to '
E. H. GENGE, Agent.
Magnetic Osteopath.
Has located In North I'rattc for tbo lir.tctlcc
of Magnetic Osteopathy. Wc treat without
the use of drugs or Hurgery, Odlce over
Harrington & Tobln's Dewey St. More. Of
Urn hours-S.OOa.m. to lUiWin., 2:00 n.m. to
:w p.m.
Consultation and Examination Free.
Call and get prices. All work
Hinman Building Front Street
Shoriff'a Salo.
llr vlrtuo of nn orilor of snlo Issuoil from tho
llBtrlct court of Lincoln county, Nubrnskn, upon
l decree ot foreclomiro louilurod lr. mhl court
wherein Tho County of Lincoln, n corporullon, Is
plntntllT and Johanna Mr.enll, ct nl., arn
ilofelidunis nnd to uio directed; I will
on the 1DI h day of Auwust, IWl, at nnu
o'ld.iclc p. tu, nt tho enH front door of tl o
court bouse In North Motto, Lincoln comity, Nn-
orajiin, sen at puouo aaction to n o Mgiioit bid
der forcash tu satisfy raid docrro, lir.oiext and
costs tho followliiKdecrll)ed pioperty l.'-wlt: Tho
veat li'ilt or tho oast half of Section 22. Town
hlp 11 liii ii ku SI, west uf thoUlhl. M. Llucolii
con my. mjuihsxii.
UatedMorth l'lalte. Neb., July 11, 11X2.
L. CAni'KNTXU, HIlL'lltT.
llr virtue ot mi order of snto lsxuod from the
district court or Lincoln county, Nubrnska, upon
1 decree of foreclosure rendered In euld court
nherulll Tho Oouulv of Lincoln, n corotra'lon.
t.S plalnlllT. nnd Justus O. lllcliev ot nl.. nro di.
routinnta una to mo directed. 1 will on tlio 10 li
day of August, lH)j, at 1 o'clock p. in, nt Hie eatt
ironi ooor oi uio court linusu lu XMorlU l'lalte,
LlllO'dn county, Nebraska, sell at publlu miction
to tho IiIeIiphI bidder for enrh to mlluft said dtw
sreu. lutorest and cost.s. the following described
properly, to-wlt: The ni rlhwesl ounitcr of Bee
Uou :, township 0, raiiKO 31, west Hlxlh 1.
.11. j.inccui county, Nolirnskn.
Dated North l'latto, Nub., July 11, lTO'J.
I., CAHi'KNTKn, Bheilff,
Sheriff's Salo.
lly vlrtuo of nn order of snlo Issued from tho
district court of Lincoln countr. Nebraska, unon
a decree of foreclosure rendered lu said court
wherein TUo Oounly ol Lincoln, a corporation,
Is plaliilltt and Llnu W Leo et at, nro defendants
and to mo directed, I will on the ltlih ilny of
August. l'J02. nt 1 o'clock, o. in., at Ihs eit front
door of tho court bouFo 111 North l'latto. Lincoln
county. Mbicska. toll nt nubile auction to I lie
inquest uioour iiircanu io nausiy nil I unireo. In-
icrctit aiuciBis. uio loiurainir ucicilued iron
eitr, to.irll: The Houiho&it nuaiter of section
31, township II, muff" 14, west of Hlith 1'. M. Liu.
coin comity, Nebraska
uuioti Mirlii riuite, Men. July II, mil.
U. ajLurcNiEH, Kheilff,
Sheriff's Sale.
Uv virtue of an order uf ttalc Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, upon a decree of foicclnhuic
rendered In Nald court wherein The Countv
of Lincoln, a corporation, Is plalntlil
aim itaipn i.uue, ei. ai , are iicienu
ants and to mo directed I will on the
lot i day of Aucust. 11)02, at 1 o'clock u.
in. at the east ft out door ol the court house in
North I'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for
casli to satisfy said decree. Interest and
costs, the following described wopcrtv. to-
wlti The southwest quarter of section
n. township 10. rancc SI. west Sixth V. SI
i.incoin county, jvcurasKa.
Dated North I'latte. Neb.. July. II, 190J.
Ij. Caiipkntkii. Sheriff,
Sheriff's Sale.
lly vlrtucof an order of sale Issued from the
district court or Lincoln county, iscorasica
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said
court wherein The Countv of Lincoln, a cor
poratlon, Is plaintiff and John Cat vlll, et a!,,
are defendants and to inu directed, 1 will
on the lutn nay ot Auk'Uht. nu;. at l
o clock p. ni.. at the east lrnnt unor of the
court house In North l'lalte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisiy said de
crce Interest and costs the following de
scribed property, to-wlt: The southwest
quarter of northeast quarter ami the south
east, quarter of the northwtst quarter and
the west half of the southeast quarter of
section -', township III, ranpc XI, west of
Sixth 1. M. Lincoln county. Nebraska.
Dated North I'latte, Neb , July 11, too.'.
I., Caiipkntkii Sheriff.
Bhoriff Sale.
lly virtue of an order of sale Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, upon a decree of foreclosure
rendered In bald court whetcln The County
f Lincoln, a corporation, its plaintiff and
Marv Unrrlts. ol. al.. aro ilelemlaiits and
tome dlnUed, I will on tho lilth day ot
.August. 1902. at I o'clock p. in., at the cist
fionl door of tho court house lu North
I'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at
public Miction to tho hlghi-it bidder for
cash to satisfy said decree, Interest and
costs, the following described prois-rty The southwest quarter ot M-clInn
SI, township 0, range at. west Sixth 1. II,
Lincoln county. Nebraska.
Dated North I'latte, Neb . July , rH.
L. Oaiu'entku, Sheriff.
ShorilT's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued fro.n
tl.edlstrlct court of Lincoln county, Ntbras
ka, uiion a decrto of foroclouro u-udered
! in sain court wncreiu i ne t'onnty of I.ln.
, caln, a corporation. Is plalntlil and S.
, o. U Oantiett, ct al.. are defendants, and to
me directed. I will on the loth day of Aug
ust, Mti. at 1 o'clock p in. at the east front
door of the court house In North I'latte,
1 Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at public
l auction to the highest bidder for rash, to
satisfy said decree. Interest and costs, the
follow Ipg described property to wit: The
northeast quarter of bectlon I", towiv
sMp io raiue 13 west sixth I'rlnclpa
Meridian. Lincoln countv, Nebraska.
DaUd North l'latje. Neb., July II, fto.
L. Caiipkntku, bheria.
Land otUcu at Notlh I'lnllo, Neb.
June 13, IWZ.
Notice li hrrrbr clvcn tlint tlio fnllcr.tlt'irtininul
cottier linn filnt nntlco of bis Inlunllou Io innke
(lonl prmif In rupimit nt his clnliu, ntlil that mill
nroot will bo Inmle licforo I lie rf ulntsr nml ru
eelter, V.H. Iml ODlco, nt North I'latte, Nob.,
oil Jillr 2', IW1.
who moilo IioiLnton'l oultj No. 17MI, for the
n(irllive.t rUArlcr, sec. 28, town, 11, luortb rmiRO
31, wwl rluli p. lu.
lie names the followlnB wltncsws to provo bis
roulluunut roliltinco upon ami cultivation otsnld
luiiil, irlt; I'divnril Wilson, North I'Utto, Neb.i
Kvoralt MIIIUlu nad Climlrs H:tlll. ol riumei-
tet. Nob. 1 A. Kiiaknl, t,f Noctli l'llli;,Nb. .
"4 " - U t".UM.. 1 1.1
Nntlco iq hcrobr slvon that 111 oursunnce of In.
structlons from tho Uointnlttlnlier ot tlio Oeuornl
Ijiiul Ofllce. under authority vested In him br
section 2.435, rovlsod slatutes. U D in amended by
Act of CoiiKrnsn approved Tebnisry UJlli, Ip'JS, wo
Witt procucd to oiter nt public silo on the 23th
day ot AtiKUsi. n, at tins oiuce me rollowlnu
tract ot land, VIZ Tlio iniarter of lh
southwsst uarter of section '2, township IS,
liiirMi. rnoKooi. west nixuir. m.
All persons clnlinlnit ndterrely tlio nbove dp.
tcMhi'd bind nro advised to nlo llclr claim In this
allied on, or boforo Iho day desluriated for tho
commencement of said sale, olhurwlse their
rUIHs will bo forfeited,
liatrd at the United fllntes I .nml omen. North
Matte, Neb., Ibis Kith day of June, llloj.
uo j;. fiitieii, Krister,
JJ tC riuMt IIacon) I!cc Ivor.
Neman of balk,
Nntlco is hereby nctl that In tiursu.inen of In.
structlons from the Commissi) tier of tho Oolioral
Lnnd Olllce, uuder nulhorlly vested lu hlui by
Hectloli 2I.M, ltovlsed Btntutes. U. H nsnmelldml
by Act of t.'onuress npprovwl February afilli, LW.'.,
wo will offer ntpuldln saloon the ft tl day ot Aug
ust, 1V02, nt. IhiH ofllco Iho liutt of lnnd
uamelyt The snulhwest ipintlvrof tlio iinrlhct
quarter and northwost iiuaner of the southwest
quarter of M ellon 2. town 12 north, raiiKO -J,
west oi too tjixin p. ni.
All persons clnludnu ndversoly Iho nbovo dn.
scilbod I r. nd nro ndvlso I to lllo tholr claim Inlhln
ofllcu on or befinc Ihu day deslKnntol for Iho
cnmmcnrimicnt of suld raio, otherwise their
rlKhtn will bo rorrelled.
Dated nt. the United H tales iJind Olllce, North
l'latto, Nob,, this ZUlh day of May, HKtt.
ueo. i. inENcn. nrgistcr,
J3 TnAMK IIacon, ltecelver.
Notice Is hereby clreil Hint In pursuance of In
structlons from tho Commissioner of tho ticnornl
Land Ullii'M, niiilur nulhorlly veUcd In him by
Bectlon 'JI.Vi, Kevlsod Htntutes U. B ns emended
by net of ConHii'ss npproved rebruary 2tilh, isti5,
wo will proceed Io offer nt publlo sale on tbe 12ih
day of July, IWi, neit nt this olllce Iho followinif
tract of land, namolyi Tho routhca't
quartr of Iho northeast quarter of scctlou 17,
town u norm, ranuo ;:u, west hixiii p. m.
All persons claiming adversely Iho nbovo de
scribed laud nru ndvlsed to tile their claim In this,
olllco on or boforo tbo day dclgnalel for Iho,
rommoncemnt of suldsule, otl.uiwlse tbulr rlnlits,
win oo inrieiieii.
Dntod nt Iho Uultcd Blntcs Ijind Ofuco. North;
Pintle, Nebraska, this 2illh day of May, 1U02.
iir.o. k. riiKNcit. lieulstor,
j3 I'liANK Uacom, iiocvlvnr.
ShorilT's Salo.
llyvlrluo of nn older ol Milo Ifuned from Iho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
n decreo of foreclosure rendered tu said court
wherein The Countv of Lincoln, n oorp irnt Ion,
Is I'nli.tlT Mil Oioiko II. Knliiusou,
o', nl , nro defondnuts. nn I to inn
illrec.i-d. 1 will On the IClh day ot Aur
ust, 11W2, at 1 o'clock p. iu nt tho enst front
iiiwi' of the court house in iNorlh I'latte. Lincoln
couuty, Nubrnska, b:1I nt publla nucllon to ih)
hlnhost blddor for ci-li. to rnilsfy snld decree.
itiionst ana cosi. too miluwlng descrlbeii.
pniporly. to-wlfi Th i north"-' onnrter of so
tloilU, tiwns'jlp 1 , rnnge 83, wost Sixth P. i a
L'nenin rniiniy. M'limsKa
Dated North Platte, Nob. J. 1 11, 1902.
L. Uaiipknter, Bherlir
Sheriff's Sale.
lly vlrtuo of nn order of sale Issued from thoi
dlstilct court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
n decreo of foreclosure rendered In s.dd court
wherein The County of Lincoln, n corporation, U
plaintiff nnd A. II. Otlbrna ot. nl., nio dofoni".
nntsnndtomn directed, I will on tho ltith dny . f
August. ll02, nt 1 o'clock, p. m. nt Iho cast fro t
door of tho court houso In North I'latte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at publlo auction to tho
hlgbrst bidder for cu-li to snllsfy slid doerce, (n
trroct nndco'ts, the following desoi IIhj.I prop,
orly. to-wlt: Tho southwest quarter of section 22,
tiwnslilp 11, rango 31, west Blitb;1'. V. Llnctln
oounly Nobrnrkn.
D.ited North I'latte, Neb.. July II, lOttJ
L. CAiieLNTKtt, Hborlft.
GhcrihT'B Salo.
lly vlrtuo i fan order of t-nlu Issued from Iho
lNt rict court of Lincoln a unity, Nebraska, up m
a decreo of fnrcclnsuro reudoied lu said ouurt
wherein The County of Lincoln, n corporation. Is
plniutllT and John Falrm net al , i re d f icdanls
ind to mo directed, I will on thu liltn ilny of'
tugust, 1932. nt 1 o'clock p, nt. at tho east front,
door ot tho court house in North l'lntte
Lincoln cjunty, Nebraska, soil nt public,
uictlon to Hi j highest bidder for cash to,
satisfy snld decree. Interest nud costs, the,
following doscrlbed proporly, to-wlt: Tho utIk
woit quarter of section 11), township 0. rung-j
wost ot Slxlh I', Jl. Lincoln county, Nebrnskit,
Dated North l'latto, Nob., July 11, 1W.
L. Caiii-kntkii. Hhorlff .
Shorlff's Salo.
lly vlrtuo of an order of salo Issued from tho
district court of Lincoln, county, Nebraska, upon
t decreo of foreclosure rondored In snld court
whetcln Tho County cf Lincoln, n oorpomllon, Is
plaintiff and WlllUni L.- Williard ct nl.. niode.
tcndnnii nnd ti me dlroiloJ, I will ci
iho 10. h dny of Augu.t. 113. at 1 o'clock p.
iu., at the enst front door of the court
house In North Tlatle, Lincoln cotmly, Ktbruku.'
soil at publlo nucllon to tho highest bidder for.
cash to satisfy wild deciec, Intel eft nnd casts,,
tho following discillcd prrpertj-, lo-wlli The,
smlhcnst quarter of section 13, township 10l
rnngo 83, west Blxth V. ti. Llnoolti county,
Dated North I'lntto, Neb., July 11, 1C0J.
Ij. OAIlrKNTH, Sheriff.
ShorilT's Salo.
lly virtue ot nn order ot stilo Issued the
dlstilct court ot Lincoln county, Nobrasku, upon
a decree of foieclosuru reiiderpd lu snld court
wherein Tho County of Lincoln, nonrporstlon, Ih
plaintiff nnd Tho Htnto Hank of Wallace ot nl
nro oufcuilaoti md to niq dlreatod, I
will on ' tho 10:h dny nt August, 1002,
nt 1 o'clock, p. m nt the east front door of
tho oouit houso In North l'latto, Lincoln county,"
Nobrnslia, sell nt public nucllon to Iho hlahoBU'
bidder for cash, to satisfy suld decree, interest,
ami costs, Iho following described property,
to-wlt: Tho north half of tho loulhwest quart? r
in .-.i-i'iimi i,i, uiwiiMiip iu, iiuigu J, want Sixth 1'.
Jl. Lincoln county, Nobraskn.
DutoJ North l'latto. Neb., July 11, 1003.
L. Caui'Knteu, Shorlrf,
n , i , BheritTaBale.
nr virtue of nn order ot Je Irsuedtrow tho,
illLtHpt oiirl T l.m.,1,. ... ...
... ... ..,,. M...v,,,i, uutlljr, i,OUIIlSa, UpOlt,
n decree of foieelosiirti rendered In said oouit
ttni'ii'iu inu i.ii'iNij in i.ineoin.n rorpornnnn. Is,
nlfltutllT nml .Innnli ll Hi.hvnl, 1 nl 1. .lulnn.i-.
nnd in r-m l..,...r..l 1 ,l, n.. ..... in... ..
,,uv vt a n.,, in, inu mm uny or
Auguit, 1W2, nt one o'clock p, in, nt tho east front
tn,Ap ,,r ii,.. M... i..... i.; xt.i. . '
... " ,1, .mini iiutit,, i.m.
coin couiily. Nebraska, rell nt public miction to
v. iiikiivfi Mi.titvi iii, ti-.ii iii .HUM j sum oecrco
llllnrnht nml pn.l tl,A r,.ll,.-l I... ...II. , .
orty to-wlt: The'seulhwest quarlor of Section 11
coenty, Nihiusui,
D.tvd North l'latto, Nob-"' n, Inly 1', 11 .
L, Umrn tkii, Bherlff.
Shorilf's Salo.
lly vlrtuo of nn nnlcr of snle Issued fioui iho.
distrli't coin t of Lincoln cniiiily, M'tuni-lia, upomw
decree ot forecliismo ri'iiileird In said copri
in i nn i nn ,,iu 1 1 jt ,ii j,uii:eiu, u cnrporntiiin.
Is plulutltt nnd Wllllle'd Hoti'.t ot id., nro defondi
nnts, nud to ma directed. I will on the lull dny of
August, lfH, nt I o'clock, p. in , t Iho edU IrnliL
I'oor o court house lu North ll.itu, I,Iuin)I
i.Miu., i,.-,i.n, nvi. ill puililO Ulli'UOIl tlltlll,
highest oldder for cash, to s.itlsfy said docri In.
lerest nnd c'Sts, Iho Inll nvlng itesci lheil prnrHt
ty, lo wtii Tho fonlhwet qusrtur of wcilui78.
township II, iniivolll, west Hlxth P. M. I.lneola
county, Ncbrnvka
Dated Nnrlh rinlte, Neb , July 11. IflOJ. "
L. CArirvxTcri, Sheriff,
Sheriffs Salo.
lly vlrtuo of nu order of solo isjucd from tho
district court of Lincoln couuty, Nebrnskn, uihiu
n deoreo of foreclosure rendered In said omit
nbcroln The County of Lincoln, n corpornlloti. In.
jilalutllf nud J. W. fitnplotou et. nl., nrw tie.,
tuudunts nnd to mu directed, I will on tbtt iilih.
dny nt August. 1W. at t i.vinri- , ,,. nt ih. ..nt
, front door of tlin court houso In North l'lalte,
i Lincoln oounly. Nebraska, sell at publlo auction.;
j In lh hlglim bidder for cmh to satisfy said do-.
I crce, luloiesl nnd costs, (he following deicribeib
i.i... t, Hi-mi: tun run iicjki ijiuiiuir or rco
tl;.u tti, township U, rnngo SI, wot Hlxth p. r
Lli.coln couuty, Nebrnkn,
Dated North l'latto, Neb., Jqly 11.
L. Caw:itb, tjborfa