5 lie fmt - Wfcfety Eriliutu TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1902. IUA L BAJRE,Editoiiamd Pbopjuktoii OUDSOBimoK BATES. One Year, cash In advance,, .....1. .11,2 Six Months, oash In advano. ......... ..7S Osnl Knlsrsd t North HatU (Kahraska) poitoflM seoond-olassmattsr. Evkhy freight handler in Chi cago went out on a strike yester day morning', completely ticing up freight traffic in that city and affecting it in many centers for which Chicago is the distributing point. About 8,000 men arc in volved in the strike. Indications point to a warm fight at the congressional con ventions at Kearney tomorrow. The populists, who arc pretty sore over the result of the fusion stale convention, arc determined to name the congressman, while the democrats insist that they be allowed thctcandidatc lrom their ranks. Ki:i'Uiir.iCAN3 in the west part of the state arc very enthusiastic and will go into the campaign this fall with a determination to elect every candidate on the ticket. If the republicans of the cast part go into the fight with as much enthusiasm as will those of the west part, the slate ticket will receive a majority of 25,000. Tim congress which just closed made appropriations ag gregating $S00,000,000 or SfiV 000,000 more than the previous congress. This increase, how ever, is largely due to Isthmian caual appropriation of fifty mil lions and an increase of thirteen millions in postofiicc appropria tions, The army appropriation was decreased twenty-rfour mil lions. ThAt the principles of .union ism is dear to members of a union is evidenced by a strike at the Brill Car Works at Phila delphia, where 1,500 employes struck because their union has not been recognized in a demand that twenty-three union men who were discharged be rein stated. It is said that none of the employes who arc out on a strike receive less than twenty one dollars a week, and that 400 of them receive wages that ag gregate three thousand dollars a year. Notwithstanding these high wages, they jeopardized their positions in order to main tain the principles of their union. ft i PROVISIONS OF PHILIPPINE BILL Provides legislature of two houses, one made up of the Philippine commission and the other elected by natives, except the Moros and Pagans. The legislature shall act after peace has been declared, for two years, and after a census has been taken. Thc-lcgislaturc shall elect two delegates to congress. Bills of rights for citizens are provided. Bonds may be issued for the purchase of the friar's landr, which shall become public do main. Public lands will be opened to homesteaders as in the United States. Corporation holdings of public lands arc limited to 2,500 acres Corporations are regulated in the amount of mining and agri cultural lands they may hold. A subsidiary coinage system is provided. The money standard, the per manent money system, and si banking1 system arc left foi future settlement. Bonds may be issued for har bor and other improvements. In speaking of the new irriga tion law, Senator Dietrich, while in Omaha ycslcrday.isaid: "The effect of this irrigation legislation is already being seen in the greatly increased number of peo ple who arc looking to the west for homes instead of going to Cadada, as the tendency was a year ago. It is too early to say just when and where the first reservoirs and canals will be built, but there is no reason why something tangible in this line should not be done within the next twelve months, since there is, or will be, plenty of money available for the purpose. The revenue for the enterprise will be derived from the sale of pub lic lands and between $5,000,000 and $6,000,000 already awaits disbursement. Many remnylv.-in'r. I.mryrni. Pennsylvania hart C.32S lawyor.i or JikIkcb. Thoy nro dlHtrlbutcd In about 281 plucon, nearly half of thorn being In Philadelphia and Pittsburg. lint In He? A Swedish prlnco In to resign all lalm on the throne of his country to rarry nn American girl. It Is n fair lacrlllro. HUH After tlin Coin. J. P. Morgan, Oeorgo Gould nnd Uornollu.1 Vandorbllt havo been elect id membora of a accloty of niiinlnirmt' istH. Thoy aro understood to havo mastered nnothor form of coin collect Inn. ., ( The llcitrott Klvor. Tho Detroit river Is the outlet of the greatest bodies of fresh water In tho world, aggregating 82,000 squaro miles of lako surfaco, which, In turn, dralnb-125,000 square miles of land. Oilil Idea In Jewelry. One sees curious thlngu In Jewels the-.o days, oBpeclnlly In tho chonper lines. A girl on tho street cars tho otlinr day wore as a brooch what look ed oxnetly Uko a set of fatso teeth in brilllnnts.Mow Yorlt Lcttor. A (looil Itnnson. In tho second-class carB of an Eng lish ra'lroad there U a sign reading thus: "Passongors nro requostod not to put their foot on tho cushions or 3cats of tho carriages." Undorneath this Inscription a humorist nddod, 'or they will dirty their boots." Anecdotn uf Frank Stockton. Ono of tho choicest Stockton anec dotes la this: "Lust year I received n roquost from London Punch to wrlto u story for it, tho editor stating In his letter that I might chuoso any stibject I liked, so long as It was not immoral. I did not find tho Instructions difficult to follow." Sprlngflold Republican. Women (Invrrntntnt Kinployei. About one-third of all employes In tho govornmont departments at Wash tiiKton nro women. Several recolvo over ?2,G00 per annum, about fifty ro- ccivo $1,000 per annum, 100 recolvo 51,100 per annum, 450 receive $1,200, 300, $1,000, nnd tho romnlnder recclvo from $600 to $900 per annum. Troubles of n Jml;e. Judgment on n noto ngalii3t Fran- clszka Jtndwlnnwlczcncbarllla was given In a Pittsburg court. Between tho first and last names tho Judgo hnd to take n brief recess and a glass of water, and when tho ordeal wub over tho court adjourned for tho day under tho Impression that It hud earned ltu money. Cures Sciatica Uov. W. L. Ililey. h Ij D . Culm. N, Y., writes: "After 111 Icon dnys of ox- emulating pain from Holutioa rheuma tism, untlor various irontmontx, l was Induced to try llaiinnl bHdow Liiulmont, tho Ural appltontion giving my 11 ret rollef. nntl thoBoooml. entlro roliof. I onn gwo it uuqunlllled roto niuoniln. lion, arm, w "ml 81.00 at A, i StroltzB Corner Drug Storo. Itnt-ttlon of Wattr Spout Tho rotation uf tho water spout nt tho surfaco of tho sea has been esti mated by Prof IVgolow ns 3 5 1 miles an hour, or nearly six miles a mlnuto. Nntltea of Ounnt Aro Mualcnl. Tho natives of Guam aro Intonsoly musical. Scnivoly a houso Is without somn musical instrument, tho voll-tc- do having pianos. tInMTTVT17MfT' TfVUr CURE) 13 BIT MATT J. JOHNSON'iS 'fcwrc all Kinds gjg ggj ewesflnHtefl HhtHhmifsw mil D LJS $Cjfi L Jb aaa chronic Illinois (Jontt'M Itallrond OompBUyi Ottloao'A-iv. (lou l'arq. Agt. Watt? j , Johnson Co., Sc. Paul, Minn; Gentlemen: Your Broutnioort nnd ltlioumatIoCOTO,C0C3,l3 tho best ramcSy I lir.ro over usoa, cud I may Bay that It, la tho only ouo ot xaany tautlinHboonof vonaauout bencut, Youra truly, J. F. MKKRV, Ast. a, P. A, fl PfiPP TR!3I fWiirantoo COSfl, to to froo from till cplotcs, fa i due. Hi. Ill cocaine, luurciulou, i.ml all nowcnoiw draw, onvn nn J you nro nut imtlntitxl, ruturu tUo botUoaail yuuriuouey TU bo rc WU) .WK4.V4.AVlk tlfjUlllO. For Snlo nntl Quarantcoti Only Uy A. F.STRKITZ. is unr A DEUOA TE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT In pood condition she la sweet and lovable, and sings life's song on a joyful harmonious string. Out of order or unstrung, (hero Is discordance and unhapplnets. J ust Z3 there Is one key note to all music so there Is one key note to health. A woman might ns well try to fly without wlnps as to feel well and look well wh.Ie the organs that make her a woman are weak or diseased. She must bo healthy Inside or she can't be healthy outside. There are thousands of women suffering silently all over tho country. Mistaken modesty urge their silence. While there Is nothing more admirable than a modest woman, health It jf the first Importance. Every other con slderatlen should give way before It. Brad field's Female Regulator is a medicine foi . in . 1. 1. -uiiicu s ilia, ik la c'i thcsafestandqulck- X'3$M corrhea, falling of Ihe womb, nervous ness, headache, backacho and gen eralweakness. You will bo astonished at tho result, es pecially If you have been experiment ing with other so called remedies. We aro not asking you to try an Uncer tainty. Dradfield'3 Regulatorhasmade happy thousands of women. What It has done for others It can do for you. Sold In drugstores for $1 a bottle. . A free llltistrattd IKMIX will lis Kent to all who write to nit RRADriCLD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta, Ca. Ilrlft.il Cotip'ri In Wnitiltigto 1. Bridal couples hnve thronged tho nntlonal capltnl In Hitch hordes this spring that tho doorkeepers of tho Whlto Houso whoso Belf-lmposed task it is to keep count of tho visiting brides, havo lost their rockonlng. Sovcnty-flvo newly wed pairs wcro counted In a single day recently, and then tho doorman gave up tho record as hopeless. nutter In Gormnny. Tho Itolchsanzolgor of Frankfou publishes tho regulation with refer ence to tho snlo of butter In dcrmnny, which will go Into effect July 1, 1002 It will bo unlawful to sell or offer for Bnlo butter which In 100 parts of weight contains less than eighty pnrts of fat, or moro than eighteen parts or water, If unBalted, or moro than six teen parts' of water If salted. Schooners Itace Acroa, Ocean. A marlno rnco ot moro than ordi nary Importance, owing to tho Tact that both vessels broko nil previous records, wnB terminated a few days ngo by tho arrival at Port Townsend. Wash., of tho cchooncrB Salona nnd Fearless from flhcnglml, Chlnn. Tho Snlona's trip from tho Ynng-tso-Klnng to Capo Flattery occupied twonty threo dnyB, and that of tho Fearlcso had her foretopmast carried away during n rjnlo. I'ropoao to Honor Genrgo Meroilltli. Tho University of Walos proposes to confor on Coorgo Morcdlth an honor ary, degree Mr. Morcdlth has success fully ovaded n multitude of tltulnr dis tinctions and has rofusod tho offer ot n lord rectorship, but ho loves his "wild Vnle3" and may this tlmo bo tempted. Tho unlvorslty authorities hopo for n visit from Mr. Meredith, and a personal investiture of tho cap and gown. Hinotco In Wnl initiator Abloy. Archdeacon Wllbortorco glvc3 n:i cuaco of tobacco ovory day to each of tho workmen who aro busy getting Westminster Abboy in readlncsa for tho coronation and pornlt3 thorn to smoko It In tho building. Depend, nn Win, llcllrei If. Sir Hiram Maxim offem $250,000 ror a auccobaful llytng machine. If Sir Hiram will allow tho Inventor to tlu flno tho word "successful" ho can easily get a thousand of them. Tho Poi'foct Llvov medicine Mrs. M. A. Jolloy, Noble, O. T.. writes: "I Imvo us-d Horbino for a numbor of yours, nntl can cheerfully rocommond It iib tho most perfect liver motliolno, mnl tho greatest blood purillor, It is a iniHlloIno of positive merit, anil fully iiecomplisheH till that Is clnimed for it." Malnria ennnot 1 1 ml n lodgment in tho syntoin wliilo tho liver Is in porfoot order, for ono of its functions is to provont tho ubsorption ot fovor proiliioliig poisons, llorbluo is u most ellloiont liver regulator. f0o at A, R Stroitzs' Corner Ding Store. A " A VY Tf A v,r k tit 21 Dabnrjuo, la., IiV:b. 1, aooi. vnklni! Iviir niMMiii retuueod, it buuyin YriM 1 1 Personal Railroad Property Cannot be Hidden or Over looked Always on Assessor's Books at Full Valuation. In the first article wc published, wc called attention to the fact that all railroad property, their earnings and their operations were reported periodically In such a Rliape that any information regarding- their values or operation was easily attained by an Invcstagator, and that this feature worked a great Injustice to .them hi matters of taxation, from the fact that a private corpor ation, or a person, can refrain from returning his proper ty for taxes, and that under the Constitution and laws of the state of Nebraska there was no way of making hint divulge. We give below a table of some remarkable figures In regard to this feature of the question, and will con tinue to give some comparison between the amounts re turned for taxation in 1900 and the amounts returned to the cencus enumerator in the same year. In the matter of Itvc stock, the census returns -of .which are at hand giving details, the following table may be Interesting: RETURNS FOR NEBRASKA. Assessors la Census 1000 1C00 Horses 636,993 863,939 Cattle.... 2,160,400 3,220,242 Mules 41,930 8,994 Sheep 371,275 517,229 Hogs 1,752,163 4,221,094 When it Is considered that the value of live stock for 1900 wan reported at S6.79 for horses, $46 for cattle, S7.4I for mules, $0.74 for sheep, and $f).99 for hogs, and hen take into consideration the fact that tills great num ber as shown above was omitted entirely from assess ment, it makes a startling showing. Per Cent, of Railroad Valuation to Total In Nebraska In Minnesota In Missouri In Wisconsin In Iowa In Illinois DR. A. A. BURRIS Magnetic Osteopath. lias located In North Platte for tho practice ,of Magnetic Osteopathy. We treat without 'the use of drugs or BUrgery, Onlcc over Harrington & ToUIn h Dewey St. Ktorc. Of. Ilco hotirs-8 00 a.m. to I2:0J in.. 2:C0 n.tn. to 0:00 p.m. Consultation and Examination Free. WjSTflBUSHEd PO R PLPoR PAIMTIfAO. "izzd tv n i u u CrCoLITE 5AVC5 A3 HV6n L A Do R AS A 6A R P ET 5Wf CPfR. rvimiER mroRflATion, CREsiiTCoRAMYol w rami fitoivvuij ai NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY. Low Rates Union Pacific From North Platte July i to 13, Inclusive. AM) August 1 to 14 23 to 24 and 30 to 31, inclusive Limited to October 31. $11.15 to Denver HF-ATA fit Ml! I IfiAN i i i i hi auhiH vii-ii i hi I $13.95 to Colorado Springs $15.00 to Pueblo Only Line .tinning THREE TRAINS DAILY To Denver Information cheerfully furnished upon application to E. H. GENGE, Agent. Property lot COMPARE THE FIGURES.' (ISSUED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE RAILROADS OF NEBRASKA) Loft off AssoHSiuont ltolis 226,944 1,050,833 17,034 145,954 2,468,931 PROFESSIONAL. OARDS A. If. 'AVIS, i TTOUNEY-AT-LAW. NORTH "PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA Grady BjooIc Rooms 1 & 2. T. O. PA'.CTERSON, 7XTTO RNBY-KT-LKW, Olllco ovor Yellow Front Shoe Store NORTH WiATTB, NEB. "j E. ROOD E, ATTO EINEY-AT-LAW, HlNMAN llLOOl , DBWJCY StREKT, NOHTH PU.TTK, NkIIKASKA. JJ E. MaOAU, "PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oni-:o over IlulVmnma Millinory Store Noimt I'lattu, - - Neuhaska Q V. liEDELL 'pIIYUICIAN AND RUROEON, OQlceB: North PIntt National Bank BuiJ Yiuk, North Platto. Nob. J?. F. DEHNIS.M. D., IKMOEOPATIIIST, Over Fir'- NaUonal Hunk, NORTU l'LA CTE, NE1JHA8KA. J, S. IIOAqiV NU. W. V. IIOAOLAND Hoa!and& Hoagland, ATTOIIN3CYS and COUNSELLORS Olfldo over Mm. llutriuim' Millinery Sturo. '011X11 l'LA'JTtl. - NKI1IUBKA. ILCOX A: HALC .IGAN, ATTVRNEYJ-AT.LA W, WOMH 1'I.ATT 'I, NKDBABKA omce ovar Sana niuta nnuonsi iidi. H. S. RIDGELY, ATTORNEY-A T-LAW. f Jfflco MoDonnld Bioa:, Dfwoy otnet. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA YR. G. B. DENT PHYSICIAN AND JVURGEON, Oflicf over lost Office. Telephone 1LJ. L North rintto, - - - Nobruokn, T. W. VAN WEE, CARRIAGE PAINTER. ft Call and get prices. All work guaranteed. Hinman Building Front Street CARL GERLE, MERCHANT TAILOR Has fine line of samples of Spring nnd Summer Suitings. Also samples of Suitings for Passen ger Conductors and JJrakciueu . Kxccllent fit guaran teed to all suits m ad nSSOSSOOi Were the animals assessed that had been omitted from the assessment rolls in 1900, It would have increas ed the assessment value of live stock by 43, 116,301. 13, even when extended at the remarkably low valuations given above. As it tvtts, over jf per Cent, of nil the live stock values of the State were omitted entirely in that year. Other interests make no better showing. The fol lowing interests iit the state returned for taxation in 1900 the amounts given below. Money of bankers and brokers .$'177,630 Credits of bankers and brokers 257,09J Moneys of others than brokers, etc 693,112 Credits other than brokers, etc 537,9911 Shares of capital stock of companies 95,676 Manufacturers' tools, implements and machines.. 208,367 It is confusing to sec the amount of money, credits, stocks, bonds, etc., returned in the Bank Register and other sources of Information regarding banks and brokers nnd try to connect them with the amount of wealth re turned for taxation, and when it is found Unit the manu facturers report $71,982,127 as being invested in their business, with $23,201,553 wortli of machinery, tools and implements, it makes the sums returned for taxution look ridiculous. It is evident that not one-third of the pcrsoncl prop erty in the state is returned at all for taxation, mid that fully onc-iiuartcr of the tangible visible property that assessors could see anil estimate in their returns i omitt ed through carelessness. If all the property of the. state was included in their tax returns, Nebraska would show more than 5161 per capita for taxation which is the lowest of any of the western or northern states. Valuation of State. 15.40 per cent, 9.94 per cent, 7.90 per cent. 7.54 per cent. 0.42 per cent, 9.98 per cent LEGAL NOTICES. MOTIOK FOlt 1'UllLIOATION. ' ' Loud olllco ot North 1'lntlc. Nob. Juno 13, 1002. Notice Ik hereby Riven tbnt Hie followlntf-rjaml ettler liun fllvil notice nt bla Intention to tunko fln.il proof In Btiimort of hU claim, and that fslil proof will bo iii'ido betoro tlio retriMur and re ceiver, II. S. I-nnd Olllco, nt North Platte, Neb., on July IS, 1002. viz: JOHN A. KUNKEL. . . who made hoiLesteatt oiltrjr No, 17.711, (or the lorthwent quarlur, nee. 8, town, 11, tiurlh ninge il. wct nxth p. m. Ho names the following wttntwa In prove- hi oontluuoua rcfldcuro upon and culllvntlou of Mid anil, viz: Kilward Wllmill, North l'lnttd. Neb.; Kvvrett Mltllkla and Cliile Speldtu, of Uoiner et. .Nob.j A. Kunkel, of North I'latto.Neb. 17(1 OkonoK E. FnKNCii. ltPRlstfir. NOTIOK OF HAMS. Notlco Is heroby kIvoii tlmt In purmmnce ot in itructlnim from tlio CnmnilH doner of the Ueneral Iind Olllcn, under authority vested In him liy section 2,J3, revised statute. V, 8 oh nraendctl by Act of CoiiKrens approved February Mth, lf-W, wo will proceed to offer at publto silu nu tho IMth day ot August, 1002. at t Ills olllco tho following tract of lmid, viz Tno Hiuthoast ipmrtor of lh noulhwst quarter of auction 2, township 13, north, rangu 31, west Blxlh V. M. All persona claiming adversely tlio above do scribed land nro advised to tlio their claim In this olllco on, or before the day designated for tho ootumoncemcnt of said solo, olnerwlso tlielr rlghtH will bo forfeited. Uatel at the United Slates Land Olllco, North 1'latlc, Neb., this lUth day of June. l'.Wi. Oko. K FiikncII, ltaslstor, j21(l Fhanu Uacon; llocelvor. NOTICl! OF BALK. Notlco Is hereby given that In pursuance of In structions from the (lommlfHlonor nt the deneral Land Olllco, under authority vented In htm by Heel Ion 2IM. IlovlSbd BtAtulos, U. H nnnmellded by Act of Congress approved, Februaiy 2Hih, 18U.'., wo will offer ut public saloon the Uth day of Aug ust, 1V02, at this oIUco tho following tract of land namely: Tho southwest quarloruf iho northwest qaiirter and northwost quartor of Ihe southweNt quarter ot Hectlon 2. town 12 north, range X), west of the Hlsth p. in. All persons claiming adversely Iho abovo de scribed land nro advlso.l to file their claim Inlbla olllco on or beforo tho day deelanntod for tlio commencement of said safu, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. Dated at the United Btales Iind Ofllce, North riatte, Neb., this iWi day nt May, 1002. Geo. K. FnRNUii, Iteglster, j3- I'iunk Uacon, ltecclver. NOTIOK OF 3 ALU. Notlco Is hercbr given that In pursuance If In structions from iho Commissioner of tlio Ueneral Laud Olllun, uirlur au'lmrlty veiled In him by Kecllon 2I1S Imvlsed Htalutes U. H.,as amended by art of Congress approved February 2ith, IKU3. wo will proceed to nfftir at public B.'ilu nn the l-'lh day of July, WW. next at Ibis olllce Iho following tract uf land, namely: Tho southeaet quarter of the unrthiMst qnirter of section 17, town 0 north, rniwolO weBt Hlxth p. m. All persons claiming adversely tho above de scribed land are advised to nlu their claim In this olllco on orbofniu Ihe dny ileilgnated for tho comnienromnt ot ild solo, utlierwlso their rlijhtti Will be forfeited listed at the foiled Htntcs Ijind Offlrn, North l'lnlle, Nebraiku, this 2!lh diy of Hay. W1. (Iko K. FrkNcii, Iteglster, i'i. Fhank IJaoon, Jiecelver. REV1VO RESTORES VITALITY Made.a Well Man THE produces tho ubovo rosultu In 30 day. II txta powerfully and quickly. Curcu when H others tlL Voungruoawlllrcgalu their lost manhood, and old men will rocover their youthful vigor by using ItCVIVO. It quickly nnd euroly rcstorea Neaou ncEs, Lost Vitality, Impotcncy. Jlightly Emlsalona. Lo3trowor,Flllng tlcmory. Wasting D!seti.jmd til effocta ot BOlf abuno or oxectoand IndUcretlon, which unflti ono for study, buslntsa or tninUia. II not only euros by ctartlng at tho seat of disease, but lancrcat nerrotonlo and blood builder, bring Ing back tbo plnls Blow to ralo check; and re utorlng tho flro of youth. It wards off Insanity end Consumption. Insist on having ItlSVIY O.na cthsr. tl can be carried In trsl pocket. Dy man, 01.00 xriiackago, or Mix for 80.00. with poil tlvo 'written Riiarautoo to care or raroBd tlm money. Hook nud mlvbo f reo. Addrvsa UOYAI, MliDICIiNIl CO., Mwffi?'' 44t. rkol.t'TBlJ