J Local News in Brief. J DR. F. W. MILLER, ORADUATE DENTI8T. Olflso ovor Strcitz's Drag Storo. Drink Dee brand CofTcc. It satisfies, Ed. G. Haucr will play second base for the Union Pacific ball team, vice Luke Hart, who lias left town . The graduating exorcises of the high school will be held at the opera house this evening beginning at 8:30. Stoves stored, Gasoline Stoves repaired. Kepairs lor all kinds of StOVCH. Vi:sti:hn Stovk Kkpam Wokks The graduating class at Oozad consists ol twelve girls and two boys. The commencement exer cises will be held next f littrEday evening, Mr. and Kobt. 10. Weeks arc happy over the arrival of their first born a bouncing boy who arrived Sunday. All interested are getting along nicely. Geo. II. Thuinincl, clerk of the United States coin t at Omahn.spcnt Saturday in town on business con nected with the sale of land in which he was master in chancery. A stockman living at the head of Well canyon in this county was offered seventy dollars a head for thirty bee! cattle. He refused the offer and will shit) to South Omaha this week, Deputy Game Warden Carter re turned to town the latter part of last week and an the f-pring work is practically completed he will probably remain in town for a month or so. The Richelieu canned goods have knocked out all competition and wc find it not necessary to adver tise their goods or the Chase it San born coffee. IlAltKIXOTON & TOIIIN. A petition has been circulated praying that Mrs. Frank Hcnac be commissioned postmaster at Pax ton to succeed her husband, who died in Chicago, where he went to take treatment, about ten days ago. Efforts to charter a car to Kear ney on Memorial Day failed. If ten or more go, however, a rate of one fair and a third for the round trip can be secured. It is probable that, including the ball team, at leabt twenty-five will go down to tee the game. "Wanted A competent girl for general housework. Mks. A. S. IIamuvih ffi WWW TSA rM'fl r A MAN'S SHOE I xAAm nXA :. Kww vv w v -w rJ IS rather a difficult article for a man to buy right in most shoe stores, that is to get it to fit him and suit him, and wear him as it should: So many kinds of shoes are sold that look well at first, and don't wear as they look, that it troubles a man to know where to pur chase his shoes. V V 4V fe Let us recommend to you The Douglas Shoe They are Stylish They are Wearers They are Comfortable We guarantee every pair to give perfect satiefaction. You know the price $3.00 and $3.50. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE I Childs, Uncle Oscar, and all other standard lor 25 cents at the Hub Geo. W. Pathfinder cigars tix Grocery. Tom O'Neal ia btill looking for the fellow who recently poisoned Ills pedigree bird dog. During the past year Mr. O'Neal sold the in crease of the animal tor over one hundred dollars, and it is not stianire that he is "hot" over its death. Owing to several other cvcntB having been held during the week, the entertainment given Saturday eveuiuj by tlie v. M. (J. A. was slimly attended. The program ren dered deserved a much larger at tendance, Lemonade and cake was served by members of the ladies' auxiliary. A L. DavtH, havingsold his stock Matt Clair suffered a light para lytic stroke at the Merchants Hotel in Omaha Saturday afternoon. At first it was thought the result would be very serious, but at last accounts he was getting along nicely. Mr. Clair had been spend ing several months in Iowa City and had only been in Omaha a few days. An attempt was made to rob the Wilcox Department Store a tew evenings ago. A glass had been removed from a window in the rear patt of the store, but the would-be burglar was evidently frightened away before proceeding further in his operations. Persons desiring to have ceme tery lots watered and cared for or tilled can leave their orders with the undersigned or see the sexton UX PERSONAL MENTION. $ F. L. Rork and wife went to Council Bluff a Sunday nigbt. Geo. S Daskin transacted busi ness in Sidney yesterday. Mrs. P, 10. Font, of Grand Island, is the guest ol relatives in town. Mrs. Alex Mcsloti left Saturday for a yibitwith friends in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. II, Guiltoylc have been viblting in Omaha for a few days past. Sheriff Carpenter transacted busi ness in Kearney the latter part of last week. MrB. John E. Evans left yester day morning for a visit with friends in Lincoln. Mrs. Robert Fulton went to Kearney the latter part of last week to visit her son. Mrs. Fred Mappes, ol Grand Island, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wcingand. Mrs. F. W, Riucker has been vis iting friends in Council Bluffs for a couple ol days past. Mrs. h. E. Hastings will leave the early part of next week for a mouth's visit in Milwaukee. Mrs. V. E. McCarty and children haye been the gue3ts of Cozad rela tives lor a day or two past. V. H. C. Woodhurst left yester day on a business trip to Aurora, Omaha and intermediate points. A. P. Singer of Gothenburg was in North Platte Sunday. He took a number of horses to Gothenburg Mondiy. Rev. John F. Seibert held Luth eran services at Maxwell Sunday and preached to a good-sized audi ence in the town hall. Dick Hoagland, a prominent business man of Gandy, spent yes terday in town as the gucbt of his brother Judge Hoagland. Mrs. J. E. Edwards, who had been visiting relatives in town for several weeks, left yesterday for her home in Ridgway, Col. Miss Julia Nolan, who had been the guest of Mrs. J. I. Smith for several weeks, returned Saturday to bet home in Wood River. Miss Davcy, who taught school in Si !ncy the past year, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cary Sunday while iv "Oil W OUR NEW LINE to OF FL RNITURE Is now ready for your inspection. Everything needed for furnishing a house complete will be found at our store, dining Furniture for the kitchen, 0 to to to room, bed room and parlor in prolu- VI sion. See our carpet samples. ) to to to to to ( toE B WARNER 15 $ THE BIG STORE. Not a Candidate. The report has gamed circulation that John E. Eyans would be a can didate for the republican nomina tion for representative from this district. Tin: Trujunu, however, is authorized to state that Mr. Evans will not seek a renomination. Tin: Tuiiiuni: is of the opinion that the earnest work of Mr. Evans in the last legislature entitles him to a renomination, but as he is not a candidate the party must look elsewhere. Word wafted down from Chey enne yesterday, that McKecn's Union Pacific shop team had de feated the Cheyenne Indians Sun day by a score of thirteen to two. That victory no doubt warmed the cockles of Mr. McKeeu's heart. It is evident that the shop team is a strong one or els? the Indians arc not as strong as they were last sea-sou. A Business Change W. M. Cunningham, late man ager of the North Platte Water works Co., has closed a deal whereby he becomes owner of this Davis hardware store, the sale hav ing been consummated yesterday. Mr. Cunningham sent in his res ignation as superintendent of the waterworks company several weeks ago and had made arrangements to move to Sioux Falls, S. D , and en gage in the plumbing business. Late last week, however, an oppor tunity to purchase the Davis stock presented itself, and he took ad vantage of it. Mr. Cunningham is a very active and energetic man, has a good business training and we feel con fident will make a success of his venture. We are glad to haye him enter business circles, and equally pleased to have him and Mrs. Cun niugham remain as citizens of North Platte. Major Scharmanu, an a member of Governor Savage's staff, will at tend the lay'uig of the keel of the battleship Nebraska at Seattle on Julv 4th. The party- will loavc Omaha June 30th over the H. it M. and return via San Fraucbco over the Union Pacific. All members of the U. P. ball team arc now daily marshaled on the diamond and iven a couple hours of practice work. The wet weather of the past ten days has prevented practice, the lack of which will probably develop in the first game with Kearney WHAT W YOU PAY FOB FLOUR WIS SELL ol hardware to W, M. Cunningham, will devote his time to his linn south of town, which he has placed in an excellent condition and where we trust lie will lead a happy and successful lily- His removal takes from the streets one of its most conspicuous figures. Mr. Adam?, who succeed W. M C u im in lib am as superintendent of the watersvorks company, arrived Sunday and assumed bin duties yes terday. Mr. Adams lias had charge of a plant at Louisiana, Mo. Wc extend him a welcome to our city and trust he may find his duties aiirccablc and his lite among us pleasant. farewell party to Misses Maud and Ethel Dillon was given at the home of Mm. C. V. lkdell Friday evening, the two young ladies leav iug lor Indian Territory the follow lug day. A large number of friends were present and expressions of regret over the departure ol the Mi si-et. Dillon were gmcrnl. The iiuests wi-re entertained at. card names, loiloAvd in reircsiituetiid THE BEST PATENTS For $1.00 A Sack SECOND PATENTS 90c A Sack. FAMILY FLOUR 80c A Sack. CORN A1EAL 40c A 'Sack. Every Sack Guaranteed. Wilcox Department Store. at the grounds. Guo. E. French, Secy. Judge Daldwin issued a marriage licence Saturday to Mr. Marshall Maxov ot What Cheer, Iowa, and Miss Ada Hill of Fox Creek pre cinct, daughter of cx-commisBtoner Hill. The street commissioner began vchtrday to repair the damage to the streets resulting from the re cent Hood. This work will require the expenditure of considerable money. J. E. Dowd, who has been run ning the engine on the pile driver on the eastern ami middle districts, is in town this week visiting friends. Miss Helen Stolle returned Fri day from Peru, where she gradu ated from lliii state normal t-chool, The Lutheran ladies' aid society will meet Thursday aticruooti with Mrs. Willads Hansen. Chat ley Hendy returnrd Satur day from a brief visit in Omaha. Bogota Coffoe a high grade drink at a moderate price. Your flavin r o enroi.te toner nonie m v, uoer. n ii. Anna Gray Clark, editor of the jjjCILLwI li 8A Ugalalia wewp, transacieu uusiness in to mi vesterday. Miss Clark is one r f the heaviest editorial writers in Nt braska. Mr. C. A. Wilcox leaves the lat ter part of this week for Deadwood, S. D , where she will spend the summer. Enroute bIic will visit at Auro. a and York. Rev. J. Nelson Lentz, secretary of the Lutheran mission board, spen' Sunday in town. The church being closed for repairs, he could not h jld services. Outrit GEO. M. GRAHAM, Aanagtr. Y NORTH PLATTE. SHOE STORE NEBRASKA. 0 V 11 C I o S K e s Our "Victor" $3.50 Shoes for men, have won many lyal friends from among the particular dressers of Nortli Platte. And they should; they are Shoes that have embodied in them every feature that goes to make first-class footwear. There's here now another entirely new shipment just in jmt got them onto the shelves. Vici Kid Phoenix Kid -IJojc Calf are the leathers. Popular toe styles. Single, welted and sewed soles, with close or extension edges. Alfalfa, Cane anil Mil let Seeds for sale by Jos. llershey, North Platte, Nebraska. When thinking about flour re- mem'jer that Harrington it Tobin arc the only people that sell Minne sota tlour-Pillsbur'a Best XXXX. Also the product of the two best mill- in the state of Nebraska North Platte and Lexington pat ents. Prices from $1.05 to $125 per t-ack. Another Ball Team. An jthcr ball team has neen or ganized in North Platte, the per sona I ot which is: Ouimclte. Bailry, Uavne, Powers, Schoolcy, Hreu icii, IX-Rolf, Schwaiger and SliafTir. Ilayne, Powerp, Schooley and D re ii nan are new men, but they have records as ball players, ami the prediction is made that before tin cud of the season this team will make Manager Warnei'e, orphans go some in order to hold the title ol "first" nine. Wo are glad to sec this team or ganize. It means good Raines be tween the local players and will as sist in keeping up the enthusiasm. Wc have what you need Stacker Rope Tackle T31ocks Pulley Wheels Hay Forks Fork Handles Harness Strap Work Holts. Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. Cowgirl Riding a Steer. The new woman has found a new vocation. The "bike" is too tame for her, the saddle is altogether too too to her. She is surely ahead of her time, and anyone who doubts it and wiahes to be convinced can have proof positive when the Great Pan-American Shows, Roman Hip. podroine, Monster Museum, Ocean ic Aquarium and Congress of Liv ing phenomena will exhibit at North Platte on June 3d and show the roughest rider of the arena, the most wondrous new woman ot the wild westf riding bareback, without saddlr, bridle, hue or halter, a great surging, leaping, bucking bovine a regular Texas steer. The hand some, graceful, fearless rider far outstrips any horsewoman or bi cycle champion of the day. No one should miss seeing her. t Wilcox Department Store. Notice. Mv photograph gallery will bo closed until June 15th. Miss Rankin. Electric Light. Get our Special Proposition for Private Houses, and have your wiring done at once. OUR LIGHT IS 4 Clean, Cheap, Convenient, Safe. Barb Wire ,50 a Pair Baker's Perfect Barb wire, Painted, per hundred $3.80. Baker's Perfect Barb Wire, galvanized per hundred $4.10 'Wilcox Department Store.' Dvop us a postal curd, or call at office over U. S. Land Office. L12STHR V. WALKER, Manager. J J -4