The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 20, 1902, Image 8

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    Local Ncwaiyjin Brief.
Ofliea ovor Stroltx'i Drng Store.
MisB Dora Wright returned yes
terday irom a visit to Omaha.
The city schools will close Fri
day for a three months' vacation,
Mrs. A. 13. Yates left yesterday
morning for a visit with her mother
at Cheyenne.
Mr. Hccht, a stockman living
near Dickens, transacted business
in town yesterday.
Miss Kate Gilman came down
from Sutherland Saturday and re
mained over Sunday.
FurniBhed front room on cast
Fourth street lor rent. Apply to
Mits. M. II. Kelly.
Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Win
Edwards and Mrs. Robinson, who
have been spending several days at
Moorcficld, have returned to town.
Isaac Dillon will return in a few
daysa to Oklahoma, where he is at
work on(a grading contract, He
will be accompanied by his family.
Stoves stored, Gasoline Stoves
repaired. Kcpairs lor all kinds of
Wkstern Stovi: Repair Works.
Miss Lilly Rippey, ol Cozad, ar
rived in the city the latter part of
the week and will nuke an extended
visit with her sister Mrs. James
Albert Durbin, who had been
spending several weeks at Wellllect
with his parents, returned to town
Sunday and will remain until the
close of school.
Highest cash market price paid
for poultry. W. M. Wliclau, North
Platte, Neb.
Owing to the amount of water in
the vicinity ot the Second ward
school house, no school was held on
Friday in the irradcs which are
taught in that building.
Mrs. W.C. Elder, who has been
IS rather a difficult article for a man to
'buy right in most shoe stores, that is to
get it to fit him and suit him, and wear
him as it should: So many kinds of
shoes are sold that look well at first,
and don't wear as they look, that it
troubles a man to know where to pur
chase his shoes.
Let us recommend to you
. The Douglas Skoe .
They are Stylish
They arc Wearers
They are Comfortable
We guarantee every pair to give perfect satiefaction.
You know the price $3.00 and $3.50.
John A. Erickson left Sunday
morning on a pleasure trip to Port
land and other northwest cities.
Mrs. W. W. Birgc and Mrs.
Isaac Dillon haye issued invitations
for an "alteruoon" tomorrow at the
home of the former.
Mrs. M. Doolittle and Mrs. F. W.
Rincker will entertain a number of
nnwwllriir unmn tlinft in Klwrlil.ltl.
Wyo., has gone to Grueb, Wy., for 1 rlund at hleh-five t,,ia evcn,nff at
a visit. Mrs. Elder writes that her
health ia improving steadily.
The Wild West Show exhibited
in Philadelphia lust week, and the
the home of the former.
Mrs. Geo. W. Finn, who attended
the O. E. S. state meeting at Grant!
Island and then went to Missouri
papera of that city say the evening to visit her mother, returned home
crowds were larger than the seat ouuuaJr "'t""1
lug capacity of the enclosure. Game warden carter speiu me
The Richelieu canned goods have latter part of last week in town
knocked out all competition and
wc find it not necessary to adver
tise their goods or the CImbciS: San
born coilce.
Harrington &. Town.
The four members ot the gradu
ating class of the Sutherland school
were ir. town Saturday taking
the teachers' examination before
Co. Sunt. Neale. They were ac
companied by Miss Thoelcckc.
Mrs. Henry Abshire of Suthcr
land waB in the city Saturday, hav
ing her little daughter, who has
and then weut to Omaha. In a few
days he wtll be home to remain for
several weeks.
A card received from II. V. Hilli-
ker, at Green River, yesterday
states that his children, who had
scarlet fever, arc doing well and
that the quarantine will be raised
When thinking about Hour re
member that Harrington & Tobin
are the only people that sell Minne
sota ilour-Pillsbury'a Best XXXX.
Also the product of the two best
School Teachers Elected.
The Board of Education held a
meeting Saturday evening and
a meetincr Saturday evenintr and
elected teactcrs for the ensuing
year. All the teachers of the past
year, with the exception of Miss
Delia Marovish, Mibs Sarah Fergu
son and E. L. Jones were re-elected
To Pill these vacancies, Miss Arta
Ivockcn, Misi Anna Ericsson and a
Mi9s Kennedy of Gothenburg were
The assignment of teachers will
be made at a future meeting.
7. IS. C. A. NOTES.
President Ripley, of the Santa
Fe R. R. Co., comes to the front
with a $20,000 cash subscription
and a building site for a Y. M. C.
Stabbing Affray.
Andrew Anderson, living about
five miles west of town was severely
wounded last Saturday by a knife
in the hands of Wm. Dickinson,
better known as "English Billy."
The two men became involved 1n a
quarrel, the nature ot which neither
arc inclined to divulge, and Dickin
son drew a large pocket kuiic and
began slashing at Anderson. One
blow penetrated the left arm near
the shoulder completely severing
the main artery, another cut was
made on the right shoulder, and the
clothes coyenng Anderson's breast
were cut but the knife did not enter
the flesh at that part.
Dr, Dent was summoned and
rendered the necessary medical aid.
The severing qf the main artery
in the left arm makes a very
dangerous wound, and at this time
the result cannot be determined.
A warrant lor Dickinson's arrest
will probably be issued.
Struck by Lightning.
During the rain storm yesterday
morning about eleven o'clock light
ning struck the residence of James
Flynn, in the Third ward, damag
ing the house and furniture to the
extent of several hundred dollars.
The lightning struck the chimney,
thence entering the house, doing
much damage to furniture and
bulging out one end of the
house. The cook stove was
broken to pieces and a dog lying
asleep nearby was killed. At the
time of the accident Mrs. Flynn
was taking a pan of bread out of
the oven and the six year old
daughter was sitting on the stove
hearth. Fortunately neither was
injured although it was a very
narrow escape tor both. The in
terior of the house caught fire from
the coals in the stoyc but the flames
were almost immediately gotten
under control and very little dam
age resulted from that source.
. to
;.:- ' to
Is now ready for your inspection. . Everything
needed for furnishing a house complete will be
found at our store. Furniture for the kitchen,
dining room, bed room and parlor in profu
sion, See our carpet samples.
been aflllctcd with a slight paralytic mills in the state of Nebraska-
stroke, examined by a physician. norm I'lattu ana bcxiugton pat
Supt. Neale will deliver an ad
dress and present diplomas to the
cuts. PriceB from $1.05 to $1,25
I per sack.
.rrrwluAtlnir clasB of the Brady hlirh 1 current ot water wliicu lias
O O ... I, , . . . .
school, There arc four members of ucc """""if """"B" never i oi
the class! Herman Kerr. Elna 8"ccts Bince laBt Friday morn
M.,rnhv. Theodore Anderson and hK haB damaged the road bed to a
Trvlmr Murnhv. Supt. Neale will considerable extent and the cost or
r. , . ..... I ....
alBO present me diplomas to wiu repairs will ue several Hundred dol
Sutiieriatut graduating ciass. nrH j fact 8everai 0f t,c streets
will need to bore-graded, new cross
walks will be needed, and other re
pairs made.
A Pleasant Party.
The farewell party tendered Mr.
and Mrs. W, J. Stuart and Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Cunningham by the
West End card club Friday eyening
was attended by thirty-six of the
lorty members ot the club, the re
maining four cither being out ol
town or unable to be present. The
party was laid at the First Na
tional Bank hall, which is well
adapted for such purposes, High-
five was the entertaining feature
A. building at Topeka, Kansas, and right pleasantly did the games
providing the city raises $10,000.
International Sec'y McDtll is on the
ground and will undoubtedly bc
cure this splendid prize.
One hundred and thirty visito to
the rooms last Saturday, seventy
eight baths given and forty-one
books were loaned out
members in two days.
progress front nine until eleven
thirty o'clock, when ice cream, cake
and coffee was served.
The guests of honor have been
members of the West End club
hincc its organization, and it is
with much regret that the members
Eight new v( the club bcc them depart from
the city.
Should the weather turn hot aud High School. Entertainment.
continue so, me water Bianumg ui Tue bixteentu annual commence
all sections of the city is pretty ccr- ment of the North Platte High
tain to give torth a stencu that will School will be held next week.
discount lunburger cheese. And
following this condition it will not
be strange if considerable sickness
It is generally believed that the
wet weather of the past week will
result in practically killing otf the
crop ot young grasshoppers, and
will also destroy the alfalfa and cut
worms. Prior to the rains of last
week the younir grasshoppers were
reported very plentiful in nearly all
sections ot the county.
"for $1.00 A Sack
90c A Sack.
80c A Sack.
40c A Sack.
Every Sack Guaranteed,
Wilcox Department Store.
$3.00 Shoes
For Men.
Its no trouble to get a perfect fitting pair of Shoes here.
Look for instance at bur line of Men's Shoes at $3.00,
there are so n?any sizes so many different widths in a
number of attractive, ami comfort giving shapes that any
foot may choose tt Shoe that's just right.
en's $3.00 Shoes Pint Shoos tnndo from Viol Kid -
weight Box Calf-- Phoonlx Kid nil durable-
mid ensily uoIIbIhmI lonthoro. Solos nil woltod nnd
sowed, In thoco eIioob nt
en'u Oxfords-Mon'H low out SIioob nro oxtroinoly popular this
I". vonr. Wo nro showing sotuo tasty stylos
in thorn, iimonu whiuh is n uioe ono o'f Phoonix Kid
with oxtonsion, while- ktltohod odgo boIob, nt
On Sunday morning neart at 10:30
at the Presbyterian church, Rev
rp r r ....11
. u. uiccuiec win uchvki 111c
baccalauratu sermon.
The graduating exercises will be
held at the opera house Tuesday
yentng of next week at 8:30
o'clock, and for the occasion the
program is as follows:
Invocation. . . . Rev. T. B. Greenlee
Music Arion Octette
Salutatory Fcntia C. Beeler
Address Rev. John P. Seibert
Vocal Solo Kirs. J. II. Uershey
Valedictory lone L. Neir
Vocal Solo Ira L. Bare
Presentation of Diplomas...
P. E. Bullard
Music Arion Octette
The tnembers of the clash of 1902
Penna Caroline Beeler,
Nellie Edith Bratt,
Prank Thomas Broach,
Leslie Edward Dick,
Clarence Dillard,
Prances Emory Dolson,
John McNtcol,
lone Lenorc Neir,
Bertha Olcson,
Carrie May Park,
Albert Edwin Parsonp,
Jennie Inez RaiTerty,
Elizabeth Louise Tagader,
Zella Alida Van Duran.
The Alumni Asbociatlou
tender the class a bannuet at tli
racinc uotei Wednesday evening
Ernest Calling-living near Brady,
will plant C50 acres ot corn this
Dr. E. E. Northrup returned
Sunday from a professional trip to
Lincoln, having been absent several
It is expected that the quota of
North Platte students at the Btate
diversity will afriyc home about
the sixth of June.
The new national bank at Goth-
uburg opened for business last
P'tday. That village now haB two
financial institutions.
Mrs. J. B. Jeter and Miss Clara
Rankin left Sunday for a visit with
friends in Indiana, expecting to bc
absent about thirty days. Mr. Jeter
will join them about June 1st.
The committee soliciting funds
for the new Presbyterian church
have not been pushing the work
but report very good success so tar
as they haye gone. Three $500 sub
scriptions have been secured, sev
eral of f 300 each, and several of
Owing to the watery condition of
the streetB the Methodist ladies did
not hold their supper aud apron
sale at the opera house Friday
evening, but instead held forth
Saturday in a business room on
Dewey street. They served an ex
cellent chicken pic dinner and were
accorded that large patronage
which the meal so well deserved.
At Gothenburg recently notes
held by the defunct People's State
Bank aggregating $16,705.74 sold
at public auction for less tbau sev
enty-five doljars. Among the noteB
were those of Geo P. Anderson, at
one lime doing business in North
Platte. These notes of Anderson's
amounted to $5,473,00 and sold for
the paltry sum of three dollars.
, - Notice '.
My photograph gallery will
closed until June 15th.
Miss Rankin.
We Excell
As Dewey at Manilla his pa r
did well,
So wc in our products try to
That this principle is appreciated
by the purchasing- public is
proven by the liberal partronagc
accorded us. These cash prices
do the work:
Cane Granulated Sugar 18
lbs $1.00
Cozad Morning Glory Pat
ent Flour per sack 1.05
Cozad Valley Patent, Flour
per sack .95
North Platte Patent Flour
per sack. 1;05
Kerosene Oil per gal 15
Best Gasoline per gal...... .22
Arm & Hammer Soda per lb .08
Cow Brand Soda per lb 08
Kingsfords Silver Gloss
Starch per lb .08
Kingsford Corn Starch per
lb 08
Standard SwcetCornper can .08
Standard "Vinegar 45 grain
per gal 20
45 grain White Wine Vine
gar per gal 25
H. J. Heinz Co. Best Cider
Vinegar per gal 35
Large Lemons per dozen . . 20c
Gold Dust Washing Powder
4-lb box 18
Stock Salt, 100-lbsack 60
Sulphurized stock salt 50-lb
blocks . . , 50
Regular 30c Brooms 25c
liastern standard tomatoes
per can t . .13
Regular 35c M. & J. Coffee
per lb
Regular 30c M. & J. Coffee
per lb v.
Regular 25c M. &. J. Coffee
per lb ,
Regular 20c M. & J. Coffee
per lb
Regular 50c Sun Cured Jap
an Tea per lb. 45
Regular 40c Sun Cured Jap-
an m. ea per lb , .35'
For Rent.
Three large rooms and hall en
tire upper floor ot our Dewey St.
br.ildmg formerly occupied as
dental parlors, $10 per mouth. Also
small house, in Third ward opposite
Vou Goctz's $5.00 a month.
IIakrinrtok & Toiiin.
Alfalfa. Cane anrt Mil
let Seeds for sale by
Jos. llershey, North
Platte, Nebraska.
Notice To Properly Owners.
All property owners are notified
that they must at once clean the
alleys in the rear ot their premises.
Failure to comply with notice
will result in the work being done
aud the cost taxed to the lot
Stteet Commissioner..
Ono. At. GRAHAM,
North Platte,
Spring Ailments.
Thoro is nn uehinir nud tirod ftolinLs
tho livor. bowola nnd kldnoys boeoino
bIurkIsIi and umativo, tho digestion im-
tmircu, witu ittllo or no nppotito, no am
bition for nuythiUK, nnd n foolltiK that
durluii winter, thoro has boon nn noourn-
ulntlon or wnsto muttor in tho By-torn,
llorblno will romnvo it, boo tiro to tho so
orotlons n rliiht exit, nnd by Its tonio
olTout, fully rostoro tho wanted tifmioa
I ami give HtrouKlli In plnco of wo lunoss,
COo at A. P. Stroits'i Corner Drutf Sloro,
Barb Wire
Bakers Perfect Barb Wire,
Painted, per hundred $3.80.
Baker's Perfect Barb Wire,
galvanized per hundred $4.10
; Wilcox Di'itiirimciit Store.
Large pkg- Vegetable Seeds
Large pkg Flower Seeds ... .04
We liaye now on sale a very
complete line of Iresh
bulk Garden Seeds, also fancv.
Blue Grass, White Clover and
Onion Sets.
Orders taken for Alfalfa. Ger
man Millet, Cane and all' kinds of
Field Seeds.
Your Patronage is Solicited.
E. P. McCREW, Mgr.
One full-blood Short
horn bull. Enquire of
? Othorwleo don't put oil" until J
5 tomorrow what should bo 5
J done todny. If thoro is Bomo I
i shoo rormirinK. hnvo It douo i
nt tho ollow Front Shoolto-
pair Shop, . 5
Cheapost nnd host plneo in town, 5
All Ilrancbeg of Den.
tlMiry Kolentlilcally
ilone. Nitrous Oxia
Gas ajlmlnUtere.1,
Pennsylvania Colleco
of Uental SurKery
Omcc over Wilcox Cent
Store. 'Phone 131,