Graduating Gifts eio Wc liavc a nice line of Novelties, Souvenir Spoons, Pearl Handle Pens, Gold Broaches, solid Gold and Filled Watches, and many other things suitable for the occasion. Clinton ? THE JEWELER hr crai - Wc cfely (SrUiunf. TUKSDAY, MAY 13, 1902. DR. F. W. MILLER, ORADUATE DENTI8T. omco ovor Strol'.z's Drajj Store Big Lailleb' Suit Sale at The Pair next Friday and Saturday. John Crockett of Cheyenne wa 1 he jjuept of North Platte friends Sunday, Mr. and Mr. A. C. Howard re turned yesterdny from a vhit with relatives in Ogalalla. Just received a frebh car of Col orado potatoes. Uakkinc.ton & Town. Joe Uaskin, who had )een visit ing in town for a few dayp, re turned to Alliance this evening. If you want to buy, sell or ox change real estate, don't fail to call on us. John Hkatt & Co. The work of renovating the Far rington Hotel hai not been com pleted an I it will bi several days before the house is opened for busi ness. Ladies, attend the) Suit Sale at The Fair next Fiiday and Satur day Mr. and Mrs. David Urunk and Mr and Mrs. Joseph Drunk ol Myrtle precinct, left yesterday for Colorado, where they will make their future home. The Drunk family were among the early settlers of Myrtle precinct. The Richelieu canned goods hare knocked out alt competition and we find it not necessary to adver tise their goods or the Chase & San born coffee. llAKKIN'dTOK & TOJIIN. Chicago forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Partly cloudy to night and Wednesday with prob able Bhowers. The maximum tem perature yesterday was 81, one year ugo 71. The minimum temperature this morning was 59, one yea-- ago 42. Alfalfa, Cane and Mil let Seeds for sale by Jos. Hershey, North Platte, Nebraska. Ladies Patent Leather Colonial Oxfords, per pair $3.00 Ladies Hand Turned Silk Kyelet Oxford, per pair... $3.00 Ladies Close Trimmed Exten sion Sole Oxford, per pair $2,50 Ladies Patent Tip and Hack Stay, fine Oxford, per pair $2,25 Ladies Fancy Kid Oxfords, per pair ... $2,00 Ladies Kid Strap Sandals, pet pair $1.25 Ladies Toe Slippers, per pair $1.00 Ladies House Slippers, pair $1,00 Ladies Kid Iiuskins, per pair $1.10 Ladies Kid Httskins, per pair $1.25 Misses Patent Leather Oxfords ( 1 1 to 2) per pair $1.15 Girls Patent Leather Oxfords, 8 to ii, per pair . 95 Childs Patent Leather Ox fords. $2 to 8, per pair 75 ...Wilcox Department Store... X SLIPPBBS Compressed yeast for faintly use can be obtained at Marli's, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jelfors were the guests of relatives in Kearney Sunday. Special sale of Ladies' Suits and Skirts at The Fatr next Friday and Saturday. Division Foreman Stubbs trans acted bushiest; in Kearney tor a few hours yesterday. Pupils wishing to do summer school work will please see Misb Duncan before June 2d. Miss Irene Miltonbergcr, begin ning June 1st, wtU iustruct a class in instrumental music at Randy during the summer mouths. Pitcher Pendergraft has signed with the Kearney team for this season. In Salem.- and Penny the Kearney team has two strong pitchers. All Rebekahs will please remem ber that there will be Degree prac tice at the hall tomorrow evening, May 14th, at 8 o'clock sharp. Dy )rdcr ot Captain, We arc requested to announce that there will be a business meet ing of the Degree of Honor at the Home of Mrs. John Alexander next Thursday a(tenuoi. lOd Ewell of the Grand Island sugar 'actory is transacting busi ness in town today. He t-ays the factory has contracted for over five thousand acres of beets this season. Attend the Ladies' Suit and Skirt Sale at The Fair Friday and Saturday of this week. Jim Kuliber has gone to Kearney to succeed Chcstur Fawcott as round house loremau. Fawcett has been promoted to a position on the Union Pacific at a Kansas point. Isaac Dillon arrived last night from Oklahoma, where he has his outfit at work on a railroad grad ing contract. He will devoto a few days to visiting his family and transacting business. The Ladies' Guild will tender a tarewell reception to Mrs. Cunning ham and Mrs. Stuart at the home ot Mrs. F. W. Riucker ntxt Friday tficrnooti. All friends and mem ber ( are invited to attend. There will be a business meeting of the R. G. RV. Thursday, May 15, it I lie home of Miss Anna Sureu- hon. Unless the majority of the members are present the plan pro posed at the last meeting will be dropped. Car rock salt just in, Haukinoton & Tom:?. A lively four inning game ot ball between the Y. M. C A. and U. P. teams was played la -.t evening, re- stilling in a t-core of two to one in favor of the lormer. The two teams exchanged batteries, Armstrong and Hart playing with the U. P, and Shaub and Short with the Y. M. C. A. team. Tor Thoso Who Live on Farma Dr. Herein, Pann, Ills., writoB! "I have used Ballard's Snow Linlmunt; always rnoominoqd it to tny frion Jp, na 1 mil con (idunt then is no butter iiiikJo. It inn diitidy for burns," Thoso who livo on farms nro ospooially linblo to ninny ncei lontnl mi's, burns find bruises, which heal rapidly whou Uallnrd'H Snow Lirn mont ia appllod. It shou'd always bo kont m tho house for cnspB of otnorinmry 2re, Wo and $1 at A. F. Stri'itz'B Cornor Drug otoro. ! M H 4& Wc arc Pretty "Hot." ICtther tie supply house or the U. P. Ry. is responsible for the nou- arrival of paper for this issue and as a result we arc compelled to issue four instead of eight pages. This condition of affairs hag made us pretty "hot" almost mad enough to fight our best friend. Nearly Two Inches of Rain. The rainfall last night was the heaviest for many months past, the total as reported by Observer Piercy being one and eighty-four one hutidrcth inches. The rain had the appearance of being general over the countv and iir value to growing crops and the raugcB can scarcely be estimated. The spring season certainly starts out favorably for the farmer, let us hope that it will continue so throughout the season. Observer Piercy, of the local weather bureau, contributes the following: The rainfall of Sunday night was .12 of an inch and ol Monday night 1.84 inches, making a total of 1.96 inches tor a period of 21 hourB. With the exception of a rainfall of 2 58 inches on May 23d and 24th, 1881, the rainlall of Sun day and Monday nights is the heaviest in a record ol twenty-eight years. The total rainfall for the month ol May thus fir is 2 3f inches The average is 2 55 inches. The total rainfall for May, 1901, was 1 83 niche, and the heaviest tor any twenty-four hours was 1.24 inches. Some little excitement was cans. cd about eleven o'clock but night by the discovery of lUmen in the rear ol the Model Clothing House. The root of the building leaked and the water dripping on the electric light wires running along the ceil ing caused a circuit wiih the tin roof, causing the wires to emit quite a blaze. lAirtuualtly thie condition was discovered by an em ploye of the electric light company who broke down the back door aM ' cntcriug the building reinndLd the matter before any damage ensued. During the storm laBt night the air was heavily charged with elec tricity, and as a result two trans formers on the electric light line on the the north side were burned out. The tl i Hi cully was soon remedied. The telephone line al-o Buffered Hcycrcly, the luses in sixty-two telephones burning out and render ing the 'phones useless until new fuses were put in. Manager Size- more of the telephone company says it was the greatest electrical storm encountered since the tele phone line has been in operation. ISarl Brooks, at the request ot his wife, waB placed in jail Sunday evening ana lias since tieeu in a badly deranged mental condition lie paces the iloor constantly, takcB scarcely any food and keeps up a constant muttering. His condition is supposed to be due trom strong unnk, to which lie lias oeen a vie tim for two or three years past. Later: He was released from jail at noon. Remember that the final disposi tion ot the base ball association piano will be made at the opera house on the evening ot the 2Ut iust. In connection with the dis posal of the instrument a concert will be given, the program to con sist of band, orchestral and piano selections, and vocal numbers. The admission will be twenty-five cents Painting and Papering neatly done. Work guaranteed. Roy Suaituk. When thinking about Hour re member that Harrington & Tobin are the only people that sell Minne sota llour-Pillsburv's Hest XXXX Also the product of the two best mills in the state of Nebraska North Platte and Lexington pat cuts. Prices from $1.05 to SI 25 per sack. Dr. F. W. Miller returned last night from Ogalalla, where he had been spending a week on profeB sional business. $10,000 To Loan. We can make loans on good rea estate security at 8 per cent inter est in sums to suit. John Hkatt & Co. Spring Ailments. Thoro la an nuhinir and tired foollriu tho livor. bowola and kidnovR hooomo fiiuKgisu nno iiiiiuuvo, tiio digestion Im pmroil, with littlo or no nnnot to. no am bition for nnythintf. and u fooling that (luring winter, moro huh ueon an aeoum illation or wiibIo mattor in tlio pytorn Horbino will rotnovo it. Boouro to tho bo crotloiiB u right ovit, and by its tonio olloot, fully roHtoro tho wanted tissnofl and give strength in plncn or weultuosa 1 50o Ht A. F. StreitzV Corner Driiff Store, Sugar Beef $ at Maxwell. J. Y. Nugent, who was up troin Maxwell last evening, sas that the acreage of sugar beets in the vicin ity ot that village is now 750, thus making the total in the county in c.xcebB ot 1,300 acres. The greater part of the acreage at Maxwell has been planted, and in some fields the plants arc up and growing nicely. Mr. Nugent says that with a favorable season the beets loaded at Maxwell this season will not tall far short of 350 cars and that they will be worth in the neighborhood of tarty thousand dollats to the growers. Mr. Nugent and son will cultivate forty-five acres, Formation of Circuit Completed. At the baseball meeting at Kear ney yesterday the formation of the union Paciitc circuit was com pleted. The teams represented ill be Cheyenne, North Platte, Kearney and Shclton, with still some show ot Minden joining. Grand Island will have a team, but ill play no gameaaway from home. Under the schedule of games which will be changed somewhat if Minded conies in North Platte will play at Kearney May 30th, Shcltnii on the 31st, Grand Nlaud June 1st, Shclton on June 21, and Kearney June 3d. The team will remain at home for two or three days and then go to Cheycui e lor for two games, The first game in this city will be played June 12th, and eight or ten games will follow in close succes sion. W. M. Cunningham and W. L Richards represented North Platte it Kearney. The former returned last night, but the latter accom panied by a Kearney man went over to Minden to induce that team to jun the circuit. For Rent. Three large room and hall Ca iro upper iloor ot our Dewey St. building formerly occupied as dental parlors, $10 per month. Also small house m Third ward opposite Ton Goetz'n $5.00 a month. Haukinoton & Toiun. Stock Cattle For Sale. 50 tows and lieiicrs, -10 steers one and two years old, a few milch cows. All native cattle, good colors and in good healthy couditkn Will sell in bunches to suit the purchaser. Hkatt, Ijukke it Goodman. Stephen Monepcny, of Columbus, Ohio, administrator of the New- some estate, which owns the Bird- wood irrigation canal, liar, been spending a lew days in town ac quainting himself with the condi. tion and needs of the canal. Notice To Property Owners. All property owners are notified that they must at once clean the alleys in the rear ot their premises Failure to comply with notice will result in the work being done and the cost taxed to the lot owners, J. R. RlTNKK. Slieet Commissioner The Fair on the above Be ayy a t ig Smt s a 11 v. jm itvn in tit t u 111 uywi j H'11 111 v; 11 u vui ui; nuuu r iu uiit.iw it it wn i m ti vs buyer. Owing to an unfortunate duplication of orders, Mr, Orcgg lias twice as large a stock as lie should have, hence this sale in North Platte. The prices on these Suits will range from Sb.OO to $25.00, and on Skirts from $2.00 to $10.00. These are all this season's garments, and are up-to-date in every particular. They can not be duplicated for double the price else where. Every lady in North Platte and vicinity should call for she will find it -to Iter advantage 111 getting ideas, even should she not wisli to buy. Kemcinber the dates Friday and Saturday, May 16th and 17th. The Model siefPMc Clothing House.... 1 1 if All ike Men J6 THO "WINDSOR" SPRING 1902 Si & & & 19 So no Made Cumn. Itd by It. Kuppen. hctmer (4 Co. America' Lctdlufi Clothe Maktrs, WE8NGAND & 4 5 .cuppci- and Bazaar. The .Mot ho.) ist ladies will hold tholr annual fair on May Kith at Lloyd's opora house. Thoy urn making a f-pooinlty of sofa pillows and bod pillows. WiM hnvo nusaloovcr 100, hoiiio in plain tmiMin and poino in fnuey covert', rang nt; in prleo frutn !IOu to $11.00. A eliiulton plo supior will bo porvod from 5 to 8 p. 111., albo ico creatn and enlio. Will Rowland, who Ikih been sill ier ing for a week or more with a lame back, will probably go to South Dakota to submit to an cr imination by Father Kroegcr. Shirt Waists SPRING 19024- Have Arrived. Price 50c to $3.00. Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. WiKox Department Store. FOR SALE One full-blood Short horn bull. Enquire of GEORGE W. EVES ale at sis. Friday and Saturday, May 16th and 17th The Eair has made arrangements with Mr. L. C. Gregg to have on sale at named days an immense line of THE F AI S. RICHARDS, Proprietor. H H I n In Town Should come here for their suits, we believe -vc could please every one of them, and wc could have the awellest .looking1 lot of men in North Platte to be found anywhere in the whole country. We do dress n large share of them but we often wonder why every man doesn't conic here for his clothes. Wc believe they would, too, if they only knew the super iority of our clothing;. Wc Never Saw Finer Clothing than we arc offering- our trade this spring-. Suits witli all the latest kinds of fashion, swell as it is possi ble to make them, from $7 50 to !?15, and then wc have everything that's right in Hats mid Gent's Furn ishings to complete the out fit. Come in and sec for K yourself. MCDONALD. Cures When Dootora rail. .Mrs. Krank ChiiiBson, l'nttorrton, Ja. writes Juno rtlh, 11)01: "I had inalariii fovor in a vory bad form, was undor troatniont by doctors, but iir; noon as J stopped taking tholr iiiedieino, thofovor would return. I imod n samplo bottle of llorbims found it helped 1110. TI1011 bought two bottleH, uhieli completely mi rod 1110. I fool grateful to you for furnishing nuoh a splendid niodiuliio.niul can honestly recommend it to thoso suf. forlng from malaria, nn it will auroly euro Ihoin. Horbino fiOu bottlo nt A, 1 Slreit.'B Cornor Drug Store. DON'T PROCRASTINATE! OthorwiHo don't put oft" until tomorrow what tdioultl bo 5 done today. If thoro Id boiiio I nhoo repairing, hnvo it dono S at tho ollow Front Shoo Ho- pair Shop. J GEO. TEKULVE. Choapont mid boat placo in town. S CARL0ERLE, MERCHANT TAILOR Has fine line of snntpk.j of Spring and Summer Suitings. Also samples of Suitings for Passen ger Conductors nud Urakeinen . Kxcellent fit guaran teed to all suits made. T. TV. VAN WE, CARRIAGE PAINTER. Call and get prices. All work guaranteed. I Unman Building Front Street the Fair Ladies' Suits aad Skirts, R