The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 29, 1902, Image 4

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Local News . i Brief, ;
Offlco over Stroltz's Drug Etsro.
John Singleton lias liecti granted
a government pension otsix dollars
per month.
The North Platte emit indent at
the W. N. H. A. at O 'alalia re-
turned home Saturday night.
The annual commencement ever
ciscs of the North Platte high
BChool will he held at tin; ope' a
home on the evening of May 27th.
Sim Mornt is getting Iih cattle,
which lie has had out in different
nlacep. touether preparatory to
taking them to the Hirdwooil range
Chas. 1). Han ford and M'ibb
Helen Granllev. supported by
strnnir company, will present "The
Taming of the Shrew" at the opera
house on the evening ol May 'Jth.
W. C. Cole, the hog buyer of
Nichols precinct, has had telephone
connection made with lits farm resi
deuce for the hcnelit of those who
desire to get daily hog (trices.
Seven care of cattle were received
from Alexandria, Neb., Sunday
and A'ill be placed on the range a
dozen rnileB south of town. They
were shipped by Carl Droeder and
10. Sprigg.
'A Booster Daisy" drew a good
sized audience at the opera house
Saturday evening. The ploy in a
fairly, good one, but did not come
up to the expectation) of home of
the audience.
The high school baseball team
received iU new suits yes-tcrday
from Chicago. The uniforms con
flidt of maroon shirts and pants
and white caps and stockings. The
team, arrayed in the new Hiiits,
presents a very natty appearance.
The local G. A. K. post has se
cured Rev, Dr. Bradford to deliver
an address in this city ( n Men o-inl
Day. Dr. Hradford is one of the
most eloquent speakers in the went,
and will make an address that will
be deserving of a Inrc audience.
lien Lnyton living in the cast
part of the county brought in the
scalps ol thirty-six coyotes last
Friday that he had killed, and for
which lie received thirty-six dollar,
bounty. Lincoln county is paying
out on average ol one hundred dol
lata per month for coyote scalps.
Ouitc a number ot Pinners in the
section tributary to the city have
invested in;,hand cream separators
and they claim that they make
money by this investment. One
mail tells us that since using the
separator his butter product, un
der similar conditions, is two
pounds per churning greater than
under the old system of gathering
Mrc. Jesse Oslcrhout and family
desire to express their thanks to
the members of the G. A. R. and I.
O. O. l' societies and all frknds
who bo kindly gave their help and
sympathy during the illness and
death of their dear husband and
father Jchbc Oaterhout. May God's
blcBiing reward them for their
In the county court yesterday
thecaac of Waldo against Marring
ton & Tobiu was hrnrd. The de
fendants owed the plaint i tT thiity
five dollars tor rent of the Karrini;
ton Hotel and this they ottered to
pay, but Waldo claimed that win u
they took charge ol the hotul they
assume la debt ol about one hun
dred dollars which was due from
D.inbauui. This latter claim, b.hi;
unfair and unjust and one in which
Harrington it Tobiu was in no
way responsible, they refined to
piy. Judc I) lid win gave W.iMo a
decision for the amount due trom
Harrington it Tobiu, but hi Id
that tluy were in no way responsi
ble for the amount due from Djii
bantu. $5,000 To Loan.
In biuiib to si' it borrowers at t;
per cent interest. Security must be
gilt edge. John 1IKATT it Co
Shirt Waists
i SPRUNG 2902 -Have
Arrived. Price
50c $3,
Store open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store.
There is a difference of Five
Dollars between what you
have to pay and what you
ought to pay. How, when, where and why
we got hold of them is'nt of interest of you,
the price is. Shall be pleased to show
them to you today.
Star Clothing House.
Julius Hssig was up from Max
well ycstciday.
.'as. Kannie has been off duly for
several days owing to an attack of
C. W. llnrkluud and Will Coker
of Sutherland were in town on
business yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mcllvanc will
attend the grand lodge ol the
Eastern Star at Grand Island thia
Cy Vox, who was down from
G.rficld yesterday, says small
gi lin in that section is looking
mce, although the cut worms are
loiug some damage. The acreage
pi mted to corn in that part of the
country will be large.
Geo. L Carter, who represented
North Platte in the shooting con
tests at Omaha last week, did not
mike winning scores, but he aver
aged up better than two-thirds of
th-i shooters. On Thursday he
broke 150 blue rocks out of a possi
tK' 170. and in the contest for the
Nebraska championship his score
was two below the winner.
The remains ol Mrs. Andrew
Strutheri, who died at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. David Robeson,
at Ogden the latter part ot last
week, were broiii'lit to this city
Sunday night and the funeral held
at the Presbyterian church yester
day afternoon, Attending the
funeral were Mrs. Maggie Robeson
of Ogdcu, Mrs. Mary Kdwards of
Colorado and Mr. and Mrs. A.
Struthora of Sidney.
Womens' Oxfords
Strap Slippers
I'rutty, dainty, thin soled
Kllppi-rH, with throe- liar
htrap, fahtoniug over iu-A1 Cf
Htop with threo huttnua iits'l.jl)
Kid Oxfords
Very lino Kid I.aeo Oxfords with
light turn sulu', pretty too bIiiiiwh,
tipped with patuut hathor. Dull
or bright kid tops; Cuban
heelu.all ulroa and widths p-G.OU
Leyi Duke has been awarded the
contract for repainting the exterior
of the Episcopal church.
Rev. Geo. A. Beech er received a
telegram Sunday announcing that
a nephew in Chicago, who had been
placed in a hospital, had been given
up by the physicians. Should death
occur Rev. Deechcr will go to Chi
cago. Painting and Papering neatly
lone. Work guaranteed.
Roy Siiakit.k.
Two hoboes, vlio offered for sale
a half dozen bottles ot whisky, weic
run in by Marshal Huntington yes
terday. A tcarch of their persons
revealed two watches, a pair of
lady's slippers and other articles
which arc supposed to have been
stolen. The men are being held
pending word from towns in the
west, they having come trom that
The last issue ot the Gandy
Pioneer says: "John Pob.kill, John
Ueckiiif), Geo. Kramer, Many
Kramer, John Tortel and Peter
Kam were in Callaway last Friday
with hogs. For the best they re
ceived $0.40 per hundred weight.
Their total sales were about $700.
All of these parties live five or six
miles west of Gandy. Mr. A. C.
Kirby was there to receive and ship
the hogs."
Stock CattTs For Sale.
100 head of cattle, all ages and
both sex. Will bcII in bunches to
suit purchaser.
and Slippers.
"Women's Slippers and Oxfords
fur dancing; or street wear, are
shown here in pleasing1 variety.
Late styles that arc comfortable
and pretty.
Strap Slippers
r.mht weight, thin i)lit. Kid Sllppcre,
with ono strap that buttons over Instep,
strap ornumeuU with
blnelc satin bow and jet
or tnutal buckle at -$l.'X
Kid Oxfords
Nont styled. nny lilting Kid Ox
funis with tlnxiblo solos: nont
round toes, kid ami patent loathor
tips: laco or button fas- rk
toniuRH-S2008l.75 and. .$1 .60
Colonial Oxfords
Tho moat popular low t-hoo stylo
of tho season. I'rotty nnos horo. in
lino kid and paton. kid: plain toes:
Cuban heels, at MOO e -n
mid .p2.bU
North Platte,
rasKa. l
Comedy Scene from Mr. Chas.
At Lloyd's
North Platte Honored.
At the business meeting of the
Western Nebraska Kducational
Association held at Ogalalla Satin-
day afternoon, North Platte was
selected as the place of holding the
next session of the association. J.
C. Orr was elected president and
Miss Kunicc Babbitt secretary of
the association for the coming year.
Base Ball Tomorrow.
The game ol ball between the
Union Pacific and Y. M. C. A.
teams, which was twice postponed
on account of bad weather, will be
played at the Dillon athletic park
tomorrow afternoon beginning at
3.30. The forced postponement of
the game has resulted in giving
the teams additional time for
practice, and a very interesting
game may be expected.
A North Platte Boy Honored.
Arthur Strahorn, ot this city,
who lor a year past has been cm
ployed m the east part of the state,
has been selected by the U. S. gov
ernment to make analysis ot the
n til at Goldsboro, N. C. Mr. Stra
tum left lor Washington, D. C,
the latter part of last week to re
ceive ins instructions, and lrom
there will go to Goldsboro. The
psition at the latter place may be
only temporary, but further service
with the government is practically
Numbering Houses.
Six or eight years ago the city
cauncil passed an ordinance or
dering all business houses and
residences to be numbered. This
work was taken up by a party, but
little was done. R. II. Langford
has now taken up the work and is
making a canvass ol the city. He
carries with him a sample of the
number plates which he selln, the
strong point of which, in addition
0 its beauty, is that it can be read
is easily by night as by day.
We believe residents will take
kindiy to having their houses mint-
iercd, for by this means a stranger
. an be intelligently directed to any
'muse which he desires to find or
ie can easily find the place himself.
Phe expense of the number plates
i slight.
In connection with house mini
iveting, we understand Mr. Lang-
1 ird will probably issue a. city di
ectorv. Mrs. Kate Connelly has gone to
Cheyenne, where hhe expects to
make her tuture home.
Talk about clean walls, every
'iody can have them all the tunc at
very little expense with Wall Paper
only 5 cents a double roll. Newton
lias it at that price.
For Sale or Trade A Percheron
stallion, weight between 1500 and
1600. Will sell or trade for young
kittle. John MuCulloucii,
Maxwell, Neb.
House Cleaning
Will Soon be Here.
You Need Carpets,
Our sample line is larger
than any other in the city.
We Will
Save You Money
If you will leave us your
Wita Pep'liiifi Store.
B. Hartford's Production of "The Taming of The Shrew."
Opera House Friday Evening,
Is now ready for your inspection. Everything i
needed for furnishing a house complete will be l
found at our store. Furniture for the kitchen, Vtt
dining room, bed room and parlor in profu
sion. See our carpet samples.
Mrs. Cha8. Ware went east yes
terday morning.
Mrs, O. W. Neale returned yes
terday from her visit in Colorado.
Mrs. W. J. Patterson will leave
this week for a visit with her sons
in the west.
Will JetTers, his mother and his
sister Mrs C. l Whalcn returned
lrom South Dakota Sunday evening.
Mrs. Krauk Simpson and chil
dren left Saturday morning for
Denver, where Mr. Simpson is
Irving Crane, late clerk at
Streitz's drug store, left yesterday
for Cheyenne, accompanied by his
wife, where he has tecured a posi
tion. Mrs. G. W. Finn will attend the
grand lodge of the Eastern Star at
Grand Island this week and from
there will go to Kansas City to
vidit her mother.
Mrs. Henry Market and Mrs. J.
Walzenbach, of Omaha, came up
Sunday and will remain until after
the May P.irty. The ladies are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
W. K. Puce, arrayed in a new
suit so bright in color that it made
the blue sky look yellow, went to
Cheyenne Saturday morning, where
we understand he will work lor the
Union Pacific company.
Pred Gitin and family went to
the Chestiiufranch Saturday after
noon, where Mrs. G. and the. chil
dren will remain while Mr. G goes
to Perrv, Iowp, to be present at
the final GUttkuienl ol mother's es
tate. A Musical Romance,
(hie teature ot the Y, M. C. A.
entertainment to be given at the K.
P. hall on May lih, will be a
musical romance, which will no
doubt prove very interesting. In
addition to this romance, several
musical numbers, vocal and instru
mental, will be rendered, and at the
close of the program the ladies'
auxiliary will serve ice cream and
Al ia lt'a. Cane a nil Mil
let Seeds lor sale by
Jos. Herslicy, North
tPlalte, Nebraska.
May 9th.
We Excel!
As Dewey at Manilla liis par
(ltd well,
So we in our products try to
That tins principle is appreciated
by the purchasing- public is
proven by ilie liberal partronagc
accorded us. These cash prices
do the work:
Cane Granulated Sugar IS
lbs $1.00
Cozad Morning- Glory Pat
ent Flour per sack 1.05
Cozad Valley Patent Flour
per sack 95
North Platte Patent Flour
per sack 1.05
Kerosene Oil per gnl 15
5esl Gasoline per g-al 22
Arm it Hammer Soda per lb .08
Cow Brand Soda per lb 08
Kingsfords Silver Gloss
Starch per lb 08
Kingsford Corn Starch per
lb 08
Standard SweetCorn per can .08
Standard Vinegar 45 grain
per gal 20
45 grain White -Wine Vine
gar per gal 25
IJ . J. Heinz Co. Best Cider
Vinegar per gal 35
Large Lemons per dozen.. 20o
Gold Dust Washing Powder -4-lb
box 18
Stock Salt, 100-lbsack f.U
Sulphurized stock salt 501 b
blocks 50
Regular 30c Brooms 25c
Eastern standard tomatoes
per can 13
Regular 35c M. & J. Coffee
per lb 32
Regular 30c M. & J. Coffee
per lb 27
Regular 25c M. & J. Coffee
per lb 22
Regular 20c M. & J. Coffee
per lb 18
Regular 50c Sun Cured Jap
an Tea per lb 45
Regular 40c Sun Cured Jap
an Tea per lb 35
Large pkg Vegetable Seeds .04
Large pkg Flower Seeds ... .04
We haye now on sale a very
complete line -of fresh
bulk Garden Seeds, also fancy,
Blue Grass. White Clover and
Onion Sets.
Orders taken tor Alfalfa, Ger
man Millet, Cane and all kinds ol
Field Seeds.
Your Patronage is Solicited.
E. P. McfhRilW, ,