- 1 1 " ' ! I I . rnmTfirQ iw--'--'' - r i ft TUESDAY, APKIL 15, 1902. lft A 1j HAItR.KniTOHAJin Pbopkibtou HUUHOHll'TION KATKB, One Year, caah In adYMici M.iV Hli Moutha. In advan.i 76 Col PROniKEin1 RAILROAD MAN curisa by IA.7T J. JOHNSON (2trjjniDfl5 A-afc in tf&fo psh (2resanwit$ Vi vx nimd 1 1 h North ritt ( N itrMii ) pnalufflr aaionnd-fllaa.iufttttr. Wl''1 C ' ! .n sin::'; -ejchv.) did Chronic Constipation. Dubuque, 1-, Fob. J, lOOl. A kl'mou comes from Washing'' ton that John M. Thurston will succeed Hitchcock. as secretary of the interior. We question if Mr. Thurston will relinquish a lucrative law practice for a salary which would scarcely defray his expenses in Washington. Tmc republican papers of this judicial district are a unit in their endorsement of Judge W "v .7. Jocxr.stt Co., fit. X'mJ, i'lnn. UmiOv !-!- V'iwt rmatM jofl and nhOToa'.IoCoTO.COSS.la tho liest remedy I Uavo tivfirmad.arm Xmof Sftf u-irtJtlnttraonloMoi xntuiy Umtliaibaarwif permanent jiWl9ftt Yours trul7, J. MlfllUY, Aast. C. I. A. Arr,-f 'mtUt 'Vo rrtwn";' IP. to Ulfroo from nil opiates. llcTlalc,Iron, kfiftft IttlAt. uoa . ,. i r -rf . I 1 I pl-onwo Urn. On tnklri half i bottln rM7.Vr-) "VhlH t.o liol'.iO ftu-.l your aaonor trill Jwtotouaod.lt boucM For Silo nr. I C-;nnntoctl C.-.ty Dy A. K. STR15ITZ. r t at over S134.000.UUU, to wmcu must be added from $80,000,000 to '$85,000,000 for war expendi ture. While estimating a war I 4n..i.iiin Crf 4l-k trnni IVnm in vru Grimes as the congressional 7 . lion amounting 10 inui v man $726,000,000 the chancellor of the nominee, and the rank- and file of the party arc backing up the papers. That Judge Crimes i the strongest man of any men tioned in connection with the nomination, there is no question, exchequer announces that the government will borrow $160, 000.000, so that its financial re quirements, it appears amount 1 i 1.. nfvi nnn unri Jinn and the wise thitur is to make ' him the nominee. Many ex pros sions favorable to Judge Grimes come from all over the district. Tin-; list of possible gubcrna torial candidates is growing with such alarming rapidity that the number as great as the delegates in the contention, and Uncle ICzra and Brother Joe wink their eyes punch each other in the ribs and sav the more candidates the greater the chances of ICzra slipping in. How many of the announced candidates arc DON'T PROCRASTINATE! : Othorwiflo don't put olf until j 5 tomorrow what bIioiiIi! bo 3 : dono todny . If thoro is boiiio I hIioo riMiiifrlnu. Iinvo it dono nt tho Yellow Front Shoo Ho- ; piurShop. !. I GEO. TEKULVE. 'i ChonpcRt nnd best plnco in town, i Complimentary to Judijc Grimfi. If JI011. II. M. Grimes is a car- didatc for congress in this dis trict he will have a host of warm supporters in the convention. If he receives the republican nomi- threatens to be almost . . strongest r candidates tnai nas ever asked the suffrages of the people of the big Sixth. He is recognized as an able lawyer, a conscientious district judge and a man who can be trusted in any position he may be placed. Sid ney Telegraph. J3A.V.I.1J LOVOI, AUCTIONEER, Will cry nalco in Lincoln and ad ioiniiiL' connticH. tlddrc&s me at Sutherland, Nub PROFESSIONAL CARDS brought out in the interest of 12. and Joe? II. DAVIS, A'l TOKM2Y-AT-LA W. NORTH I'LAITE,, - - NEBRASKA Ornriy Hlook ItooinH I & 2. T. C. PATTERSON, KTTO R N BY-nT-LTtlni, OUlce ovtr Yellow Front Shoo Htoro NORTH PLATTE, NEB. J3. ROCHE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Hl.NMAN lit-OOK, - DkWKV STUEf.T, NKTII l'f.ATTK, NkHUAHKA. Colonel Bixby says if ihcsouth- crn part of the Big Sixth hope to IOncw.and has long boasted that nominate a candidate they must the sun never sets on the ISn- drop five or six of their favorite glish Hag, but the United States sons. Tips is a timely sugges- can now make a similar claim, tion, and as Judge Grimes seems The purchase of the Danish West to be far in the lead Deuel, Chcy- Indies carries old glory farther enne and other counties lha cast than ever before Accord- have good men that they would iiw. r,ir,nu .,;., like to sec leading the party on ran ' irt .:,4iir inu I'll! uiw-iull pnntnt there h a span of 178 degrees L, . f0,:CCH 0n Judge Grimes. and 23 minutes of longitude be- Chappell Register. Iiuixni till, innul (:iu(iiii nimit (if 1 lloracnliou In llin Orlrul the Danish West Indies and the Tho tyno of honscshoo common In Hie most western extremity of the Orient Is a pinto lilted so na to cover ' iiw. ,tiHt'.i linttftm tt t)i int With r lt .... 1 Hill Ulllll U UVJUWIlt J J ' " x iniHHMiivn muiimn. . perforation In tho center, tho woiriu tliornfnro hIiIiiou tvvnlvn socnnik of tlio uvurnKO liorBeshoo lH throo- a ...11,....,. .r...... !i fourtlm of u pound. The nntlvo smith uu um iviiui.ua uuiuiu it auis un .,, .,...., .,,.., tr, Hw I UtlltUI Villt VIIUOU JII1IVV9 the Philippines. Great is the of vrouiilit Iron uud rudely shapr Tlnitod Sl:it..i: wrmdoi-ftil is; hp i' tll0' tl10 PUrposo In View. i uj, 1 -.-.-. lutl oil liiiixirtoil Ti-H Tli. xu.ilnniB ilnllru mi thn 211.000.093 IjKUAT JiKlTlAN IS piling up often Imported Into this country il.M ... t. r-nniil i-Mtn mwl tl. hm-. (unount to $9,000,000. All ndultcrntod den of taxation weighs heavily n,i,.., t,n n.n rmmiw bv the tea MMi.i ItiRiinnllnti Inw. wlilnh WI1H llIlEfled III I ll'llt 1 ... In n.lllnilllnil 1 1 1 flfllll , . . .1 10JI. l VUi. I II IllllHlViiiiili i.. 10i ui uiv c-AuLMjuui tornti0iiB nfo RdUoil lii thU country. II. E. MoCAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ofllee over lluiriniin'H Milliuory Store iNOUTII 1 t.ATTK. - - IS F.1IIIAKKA Q V. iJEUELL VlIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OJUcoh: North Plntto Nntionnl Uank Hiiildlnif, North Plntte, N,,b. Electric Light Get our Special Proposition for Private Houses, and have your wiring done at once. OUR LIGHT IS Clean, Cheap, Convenient, Safe. Drop us a postal card, or call at office over U. S. Land Office. LESTJiU W. WALKER, iIananer. t r. tr- sr. sr.cr.ir cr:tr-tr.r.2r:-.rsr: tr. . cr. sr. ? 0 ii vi v Hi Spring Work On Farm, Garden and Lawn will soon begin and you may need tools and these we keep. There is scarcely anything in this line we do not handle. In making his repairs for spring work the farmer will need Bolts, Nuts, Nails, etc., and this is the place he should buy them. $ Bulk Garden Seeds win as usual be tounu at our store, v rcsn scctis direct from reliable growers. (!) id Nortcr Fon rmiMOATioN. Land office at North Platto. Kob. unrrh H. IWf2. V,,l(ro ! linrMiv airen that the followlDk-tmilicI oltler ha nieil notice of hli Intention to innko final triHif In support of lila claim, and that fal I proof will Im made beforo Ilio renl'tor and re ceiver. U H Land Oinee, at North l'lattc, Neb., on April 21, yU. 1 Ill.ilAr, l'j.ir.nnb.',, who made lioiteolead intry No, 17W, for the northen.t (pinrtur. aec.31, town. 11, cnortti rane 2d, wel li'! p. ro lln naintu the followln wltnewn lo provo bl eonlltiuom ieldeuco upon and culllTatlon ofenld land viz: John Hanaro, Jens HaMim'vn. rh lullan Jolinwin and ErilCBt Andraon.all of Denmark, Neb, . . O potior. E. FniNCii, iirgi.ier, NOTICE FOll rUlU-ICATION. Land Ofllee at North I'lalto, Neb., March 4. I'Xrl. Notice la bvrnbr tilveu that tho followlntr-named Pettier hn filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof In tupixirt of his claim, and that raid proof will be tnada before liexlater and Kccelvr it Nortu natte, Neb., on April 15lli liv.', vui (MIAltLLH J. OAMllllKI. bo made hnmratead entrr No. VM for tha south half of northca.t quarter and l.ot I and J. cctlna 4, townhlp 10 north, rao(,e 211 ial lilli r. ,ii He nainos tho followlnit H linemen lo provokl continuous rralilunco Uoti and cultl VHtlon of jnl.l Uud, viz: John K, Fuller, Henry 1). IYIHIih. n niMiu m noun anil jioocri .1. mjiimp. nil or Myrtle, Neb. null "EU. K, FHENCII, lteKlnter. 00NTE8T NOTIOK. U. . Laud Olllco North l'lattc, Nt'b. March Ml. 1UH. A stilllcluit content affidavit havlnir been filed In thin olllco by William Doebkc, conlmtaut, against Aunata Appleford who mado b-iin-Nlcad onlr.v No. 1H.7H7, mado Uvccuibur 10, IMjO, for norm nan ui nnrmwL'M n,uariir and mo norm half of tho northeast quarter of acctlon HI, to.wi'Oilp l," north, rann ,11 W"'i-t, byAuvtnuU Appitfiorn con.i'Htoc, in wmtli it la alleou that Mid AUK'iHtii Applefoid linn nut refilled upon or tnadebor home upon Bald tract for inoro I linn mx mourns ln-i past nnd tho oald AimiinU Api.lrtforil baa wholly abandoned nald trnut and thu Raid tract N not Hettlol upon or cultivated by ald Party na rcuulred by law and aald ilefcclH I'TlBts to IhU datu; that fald abnenc) was not duo to her employment In Iho army, navy or marine corpa oi mo united Htm en, until partlea iiro hereby uotllled to ajipear, resiMind and oflur evidence touchliiK Hiibl allegation at 1(1 o'clock, a.m. onMavtl, 1WI2. beforo tho rewlnternnd re ceiver at Iho Uniti'il Htnlea lund olllco III Noith rialte, Not), ineanlil contestant MavlnK. InnprnrKTBfndavIt, niid;March 211, HKJJ, et f.uih fiicu, which hnw hat alter duo illllKence, peraonat H'TvU-p of UiN notice can not l.o mode. It Is hend v orderpd nml diiRcted thiil isuch xiotlco to Klvun by duo an.l proper publication. aiu riiANK iiaodn. jieccivcr. LEGAL NOTICES. vi vi ) Davis the Hardware Man "Who no one Owes. !. K bJJNNla, M. L., HOMOEOPATIIIST, lvar Ftrat National Hank, NOItTII Fl.ATTE, . NEIIHABKA. J, S. lltlA(II.ANl), MT, V. ll(MOliANl) Hoatfland & Hoagland, A'lTOKNKYS nnd COUNSELLORS Office over Mr. llulTmiiti'a Millinery Mora. NOUTU l'l.ATTK, . . NKHUAHKA. upon the people, lor of the exelu the deficit for the present year Woiiiitii Una Jinny I'lpv.. MIbb Kllzubcth N'ixon c! San Kian- rlsco tins tho tineat collection of plpoj In Amorlcn. Tlioy Includo Btieclmena from many parts of tho worhl, liiclnd- and tho riilUpplnca on rucKH wiuca nre frliiKod with lciithcr und dccorateil with oriental coins. Every woman loves to think of tho tlmo when a soft lllllo bod, nil her own, win nes'.io in ner bOLom. fully satisfying tho yearning which Ilea In the heart of every trood woman. But yet thero Is a black cloud hovcrlnr about tho pretty plcturo In her mind which fills her with terror. Tho dread of childbirth takes away much of the Joy of motherhood. And vet It need not be so, For sometime thero has been upon tho market, well-hnown and recommended by physicians, a iimmem cauea Mother's MtM which makes childbirth as simple and easy as naturo Intended It. It Is n slrencthenlnc penetrating liniment, which tho skin readily absorbs. It gives tho muscles elasticity and vigor, prevents soro breasts, morning sick ness and tho loss of Iho girlish figure. An Intclllccnt mother In llutler, 1'h , ay at " uro 1 1 n need Mother' 1'rlcml nK'iln, I wii;:td obtain t bottlut U I Imd to puy $5 por botv.'j for It." Got Mother' Peinl nt tho drurr (tore. $1 per bottle. Tilt DIUDflLU) RCCUUTOIl CO., Atlanta, Gn. Wrltf (or our free Illustrated booii, " lleforo I.oiik Kcrvlrn In t'ousrea. Ur. W. II. Mllbuin, tho blind chap lain of tho ounnto, thinks ho may fairly lay claim to tho tltlo of "Biund futhur of tho House." Ho ontcrwl tm Borvlco of that body ton years before John Shormuu and .lust In S. Morrill. 'fathoia of tho houso." VY ILCOX A 1IALLIOAN, ATTOllNK Y8.T..A W VOUTII 1'l.ATTK. NKIIHArIK Offloeovr North I'latta National I'link, S. H1DUELV, ATTOItNE V-AT- T.A V . Ollloo MoDonnld Hlook. Dewoy etroot. NOUTU PLAITE, NEIJKASKA yt. (i. 11. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURCBON, Ofllee over I'ont Oflicc. Tulephouu 115. North Plntto, - - - Nebraska T. W. VAN WIE, CARRIAGE PAINTER. Call and get prices. All work guaranteed. 1 limnan Building Front Street KnUrr! Niivul Omit. Kmporor William has plncud in th nurnian rctuliHtiiK IiuIIiIIiik Unuo t.-.tl tlual naval cliartH tloslKued ly liau. 'I'n einporor shows that tlu Unilod State liavo thlity-ono bcttlo ul lpa, elevw nrst-cliias criilsora and tweutyil u. inoicd cruisers, VoiliiK 1'rliuMi it I'turlei. Itldi r. I'rincu Edward of Waloa. who Is r groat favorite with tho niii'on, ncw.g to bo KottliiK on. Ho Is only seven cars old, but Is IcnruInK to ihlo w...i a skill and foarlrsmuM which dj t;oai. to jla t ru In of Danish uncostly. A Doctor's Bad Plight. "Two jonr iiro, im n lesult of u rovoru col.l, I lost tny voice," w rites Dr, M. Tj SonrliroiiKli, of Hebron, Ohio, "then bfjiuii nn ohstlnato ooiikIi. Evoiy roin otl v known to mo as u uracliuinu nliy- .Hii'iau for Hi vi'iirn, fulled, ai tl 1 tluily ' n . i.... i ... . ... n: yY'' Itrov. wiiinu, iieuiK iiikoii iij ii. rUiilS uuiu'riNcw DiFcovcry for fonmiinplton, Wm. Gaiai, Blacksmith and Wnoumakcr. Horse Shoeing n Specialty. Horse hliociny 54 per Team. Also rcilnctioiiH in t lie price nt all other wo ik. Wnik iMKiranteeil or money refunik'd. Give us a call. I.ocuht street south of Y'jbiV linmest store. SkLWm mzF. t'ounliH ami Uolile, l found itlolt rolief, f laffillKiaMlirJfSM ! and for lust ton oayu liavo felt bettor BHtA lRyEl?tl than for two youis." Poslllvoly iruarnn HPli L S KRmKr?S,5 tccil for Throat an l Ltin troublo by Wyf , YyPPV&B I A. P. Btrplt. DOo nnd 81.00, Trial V XfJwfefiM bottles froo. J. F. F1LL10N, inworkcr flonoml Jvt'puircr. Special attention (riven to WHEELS TO RENT If aeaaceeeeoooceaeoeoeoeaoftcooosoosoeeoeooeaaseeae !The Climate Of Western Nebraska is hard on paint and it is al- 2 most money burned to use anrjinferior quality when S paintiny your house, cheapest in the end. The best paint is by far the a Sherwin & Williams Paints 1'KOU.ITK NOTIOK. In thu mnttur of the rstnte of Alexander II. t.ii.1.1, ilcreaoeil. In tlio County Court of I.lnrom rountjr, Nab, Apill Vi, 1902, Nntlco la liervur ulvmi that the crmlllora of aalil ilfociiBoil will tuuet tho ailinlnlatrator of ai.lil caiatu, hofnru tho t'ounly Juila of Llncolu contlly, Nebraska, at thn county court room, In atilil county, on tho fltu day of Hay, 1102, ami on tho lith day of Nov, 1W at fl o'clock, a. in. each ilay, for the purpoto of prmontlnK tliPlr clAlm.s for cxnmlnatlnu, ailjuDtment anil allow aucc, HU raonthanro allowed for crmlllora to PiOfent tholr claims, and ono year for tho Ad ministrator to aottlo aald Dilate from thu Cth day of May. IW1. The administrator will make flqal ho tlemuut November 7th, 1172, at 0 a. lit l-tw A. 8. lULnwiK, County JadRe, I'KOUATE NOTIOK. In the matter of thu ustato of Charles E. Oe- Kood, iu tne uounty unurt of Lincoln (Jounty, No'),, April 12 1MU Notice li horcbv clvnn. that t lit, crutlliurM of said dcccaiml will moet tho ndmlnlatrator of wild cstnte. la-lore the County )iiIk, of Lincoln coun ty, Nubruaka. at thu county court room, 111 said uimiily, ou Iho lith day ol Mny, 1002, and on the bill day of November, IM.', at U o'clock, a, in. eniMi nay, ror tne purpose ot preaentlng their clatiuii for exumlnualuu, uiljuHtmont and allow- Mio. hlx umuiliB are nllowou lor credltorH to prurhiit thvl. claim., und one year, for thu ad. inlnla'.rator t.i sottlo xalil estate, from thn lith day of May, lOoJ. Tho aduilulairator will make llllat settlement Noveuilwr 7, 111I-, lit II a. in. 4-W A, H. 1IALDW1N. UoUllty JUllO. HUUUIFF'H BALE. Uy virtue of nn execution lasuod by W. C. Kl tpr. clork of iho dlatrlct court t.f Lincoln county, Nf braIii, upon a trautcrlpt of juilnineiit iendid In coiiiiiyco jit of Lincoln county, In favor of II. t tJI. ...... ....I - i II..... ......... t J, II ..iilil nun UKIIllinL 4,IUCI, llliWH, i IlliVU IUVIt?U upon tho followtUK ilcsciboil real estate tbg pronurty of the raid Albort Howu. to-wlt: The outheaat quarter of ppctlon Vi, townalp 10, raiiKO t and I will on tho 10th day ot May. 100'. nt 1 o'clock, . in ., at tho east front door of the coqrt hou.e (that belnir the bulldlnir wherein tin) ust iiriu ui couri ,na iieiuj oi aaiu county i norin l'lntte, aoll lha aald reo, estate at public aucllor) to e 0 Have been sold bv us for manv vears. andthev have universal satisfaction time tried and not g for o tlio liquet bidder fur cah, to Bnllsly auld ptucnt- tlnu the amount foutpl iino thoronn In tho ag nMittc heluit the sum of i'HO an;l fO.H5 coita, anil acctulnu coiiH. IMUul North I'latto, Neb , April II, 1C3). L, C'aiu kntkh, BlierlfT, fj;ivcn found wan tin;. We have a full stock on hand the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy g :r 1,.. ..i ,.,.,1 i.... u li iiiiiii, U J UU Hilt L' IIUI II3UII II, il V II. Q iA F STREITZ, Druggist! oeOQaeeo9fl0ocoeo8ecooe9aoeeooaeg DONT SPEND $25.00 ') for new furniture if a 25c can of Salstima ICnaniel will answer the purpose, and make things look swell. We have all shades of this jiopular enamel also enamel for bath tubs, bicycles and stove pipe. We are agents for Heath & Milli watts Hest Prepared Faint. Think of it, over half a ceptury in btisincsss. Thats what counts. THR NORTH Pl.ATTU PIIARA1ACY Next door to I'lrat Natl llatlk. :::::: J. II. STONE, Mar V TEHET Five Cent Cigar A.T SCHMALSRIBD'a eas8BaiDOtflC9sieo3ootieaoea39oootBSQ0 I Jsforth f latte fTloar I a99e90ee? ooeaoo occooacaeeai "mm lylaafacLUrcd by ISorli7 Platte Roller fT)ilis Usiid by economical housuwifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming anil pronounced the equal of any Hour manufactured in Nebraska. fl Tfiai Sack uiiil Convince yoU of its iT)efit North Platte Roller Mills C. P. IDDINCS YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK.. One ol the most delightful spots on the American continent and more easily reached via the the Union Pacific than via any other line, is the Yellowstone National Park. The stage ride from Monida by the palatial Con cord coaches of the Monida & Yellowstone Stage Company is through scenery hardly inferior to the Park itself. Side trip from Ogden, Utah, or Pocatcllo, Idaho, via Monida and and Monida & Yellowstone Stage Co,, in both directions, will be furnished holders of all tickets (one way first and second class, regular tourist, or special ronnu trip excursion tickets), sold. ii Denver, Cheyenne, and points east, passing through Ogden or Pocatcllo to points in the states of California, Ncvda, Oregon, Washington and that part of British Columbia lying north of the state of Washington, upon application toO. S. L. agents at either Ogden or Pocatcllo, at the very low rate of 549.50. This rate will include rail and stage fare covering seven and one-half days trip, including all meals ana lodging beyond Monida. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application. 15. II. G ijno li, Ajcnt. RHIGHESTEH'S ENGLISH Fi&NYRCYAL FILLS Ay $ Mar... .I'hv. IflLllilH f.millft.&sk Tlrumrlit nt MICIU.M l;'M i:4il.istl In ll. il and I . IIII'UIIIIC IMXim, IH'lillll Willi DIUO 111)0011, 'lalic no iillirr. It-riip liinurrou kiiIkII. I IiiiIimixiiiiiI liiiliuilou. Iluvol your DruiiKlm, I or wml lc In ataniM nr I'nrll.'tilitr,, Trl. , iiiiiiiIi.U and "ltclli-r Im- l.nillfi.." In Inter. by rcliirii .Hull, lo.ooo Ti-lliiiuiila, bold by oil llrut.l.i&. OIHOHEUTElt CIinMIOAL CO, 3100 Jlu.lUuu Mqiinrr, I'llll.A,, I'A. Mrntlui. Ibl. r7r.