ElK CUll - Wccllly fcrUMUf jpMjy a at sea and somewhat spin up on various issues, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1002. lit A L BAKB.RntTOBAMD I'Boi'iiiKTon CX- Prcsidcnt Cleveland remarks Ihat "the party may get badly mixed up with itself at times, but it seems to have the faculty auitHOHiprio.N iiatm. One Tour, cah In advance,,...,, Hit Moatha, OAfthln advance.... an Hired M the North I'IMt ( Nbrink)poiitofl!o annd.lMiiniattr fU5 75 Ont REPUBLICAN CITY TICKET. For Mayor LESTER WALK ICR. For Clerk HARRY SAMELSON. For Treasurer- ROB'T SIIUMAN. For City Engineer C. P. ROSS. ISUKEA DELICATE MUSICAL IMS TftUMEMT In rood condition she Is sweet and lovable. and sings life's song on a Joyful harmoniotn string. Out of order or unstrung, there Is ... . , discordance anu unuappiucaa. uwi j '" of pulling together at convenient 30nekeynotetoallmuslcsotherel3onekey t!nirw " Thin in not intended to "to to health. A woman migm as wen try nines. i ins is not uucnuiu iu ,,(V,, ,,. a. . f..i , and oak encourage Col. Wattcrson in tllC well while the organs that make her a woman hollar ilvii lin inwrlit win nntrm are weaK or diseased, one musi do neauny DCIICl lll.lt I1C miglUWIll Olll .IS ... ,,,,, h.althv outside. There next democratic candidate for ar0 thousands of women suffering silently all president. Kearney Hub. over lho country. Mistaken modesty urges P,.., niJin n.. fu inuiulr.nl nn admirable than a modest woman, health h J UK Umaha Isee is insistent on . ,. .,, t!V.rv other eon. the need of a special session of sideratlon should eIvo way before it. Brad the lcirislatltrc and gives these field's Female Regulator Is a medicine foi " .. ? ... T. III. It I. reasons lor tints insisting, it vomcn's 1113. It Is ..... a I inti 3nnn i rK- oujrc. .......... . w.. cstway tocureleu- rJ rcasurcr Mcscrvc on tuc plea corrhea, falling of that as custodian ol the pcrnia- tho womb, nervous- i,r.,( u r)nrt fliml tin -nil 11 nnt Im ness, headache, held liable for pocketing interest on money deposited contrary to will bo astonished tin nrovision of the constitution at the result, es- Third Wnril-L. I). ISBN11AKT. demand for constitutional rcyi- l0(, ilh . siuu, wiiuuui wuibii iiiu iiii.liiv.iili caned remedies, affairs of til c state cannot be We tire not asking safely conducted. Tlic For Cotincilmcn- First Ward II. F. KELLNER. For Members School Board JOHN SORENSON, E. T. TRAMP. most r",0,ranJv,n?J. speedy and elTective way of q.- .SS piyiug me remedy is iiiiuuyii happy thousanosoi the submission of the necessary women. What It wi it. iiiU, im.in.iumntu nlw. -niiu i i f it t inn has done for others v iikh it tonics iu L-ny jiuniiL-n ., ..... It can do for you .lames Helton is more effusive 1,1 ru 1 " Sold in drugstore - .mi tt.iii,.ii i lu.i nn toiniin i i' nnfin I I I i i..ui. . . M.UIU wumi nun ijui iiuai; t ior ji a uumc. Uiail UllCKUVU, mil luu iaL.iv ui uiv: mcotinir Ol tllC legislature SIIOUUI A rt utrattd latter docs not seem to dampen be called at once." t.' . .1 : a f uii.. I - ins cniiiuaiiiHiii. mi. jjuiluu COLONIZING NEBRASKA. . . , . i i I SllOUKl DC more (leiiniteaiKt SiaiC Mm, !milnnnrpmnnt tlmt the just what he wants. managers of the Union Pacific railway have perlccted a plan ot Fiwn Funston, the gallant colonization by which they hope Knnw.ii who well earned a britra- t"."neg lo.ut u new scu.ers mo , , . , , . . this state during the coming dier-gencralshtp by his good yuar wi) b(J hajcd witl, tfratllica- won: in tnc i'liiuippincs, nas tion oy every uotiy Miueresied in been placed in command of the e development aim prosperity . . e r 1 ui i.,ii iioiuit department oi v.oioraio wun No state in the union presents headquarters at JJcnver. a more promising iiclu lor indus triotts homesteaders, i Here is 'Pun i-pniitilic.ni state central room in Nebraska for several lifMik will lie srnt to ill wlio write to NIC DRADriELD RCGUUTORCO. Atlanta, Ga. Willi Paper for 1902 1 C. M. Newton has opened a Wall Paper Store in the Rennic Building and will carry in stock Wall Paper, Widow Shades, Room and Picture Moulding, and Sewing Machines. Will carry ready-made win dow shades, also a nice line of shade by the piece from which he will make any sine to order. Will make Pictijrc Frames and will v.ery shortly have an outfit for the manufacturing of Rub ber Hand Stamps. Shall try to please all that patronize me. C. M. NEWTON. Spring Work & tr. Str. 5". r tr. sr- sr: cr. sr. ar. sr. KV On h'arm, Garden and Lawn will soon begin and you may need tools and these we keep. There is scarcely anything in this line we do not handle. In making his repairs for spring work the larmer ( will need Holts, Nuts, Nails, etc., and this is the (j) place he should buv them. (?? PRO..- tSSIONAL CARDS ii i il't ig Bulk Garden Seeds v) ii Will as usual be lound at our store, direct from reliable growers. Fresh seeds Davis the Hardware Man Who no one Owes. to (?) (?) J, S. IIOAGLAND. W, V. IIOAOLAM) Hoagland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS OIBco over Mm. lliilTman'o Millinery More. NOKT11 l'LATTK. - . WKUIIA8KA. yiLCOX & IIALIilOAN, ATTOHNB YS'AT-LA K. gOHTl! l'LATTK, - NEUItAHKA Offlce over nortn rintte Kstlonnl IiKnk. j.J S. KIDQELY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Olllco MeDonnld Uloclt, Dnwoy Btroet. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA O. 13. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGISON, Oflice over Post Oflice. Telephone 115. North Plntto, - - - Nebrnekrt --3 '- '-5 3 '-5 r5 '-5 3 r r5 "r I II. DAVIS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA (Jrady Blouk Rooms 1& 2. 'V 0. PATTERSON. iti iTi" Five Cent Cigar jTT SOHMALZfelED'S. HTTQ R N BY-KT-LITW. Olllco over Yollow Front Shoo Store NORTH PLATTE. NEB. 1 E. ROCHE, DONT SPEND $25.00 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Hinman Block, - Dhwky Stkkrt, NnrTH 1'r.AITK. NKI1UASKA. 211. E. MoCAW, for new furniture if a 25c can of Sats answer the purpose, and make things look suma Fnamel will 9 Olllce ov k swell. We have h NoUTI1 Vl 4 i . . .1. i.. ' 1 . . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. or HulTinim'B Millinery Rtoro I.ATTE, - - I EI1UAHKA all shades ol this jiopular enamel also enamel lor batli tuns, j p bicycles and stove pipe. We arc aire tits for Heath & Milli- t J. V. BEDELL 0 UllO JD V 4 1 Mlt VjVI I (lid li IMIIU W iky V V. 1114. tt, bVUVkll J i in btisincsss. 1 hats what counts. w TUP NOPTH Pl.ATTI? PHAPftlACV J Kext ilnor to first Natl. Hank. J. II. STONE. Alnr T 11' iiu"0iii w-i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olllcea: North riatto Nutioonl Bank Building North Platte, Neb. committccmctat Lincoln yesler-h1."!1.0,'.. ",0uP!P.le.,Wji!lS day and selected Wednesday, 0f its area under cultivation, the June 18th, as the date, and Lin - grain crops of Nebraska during ,.nin iiw. nlnw.. nf hnlilinfr the nuv fair harvest year arc worth . , .. more than all the mineral wealth state coiivciuion. uuhui 1111; .1 i- r , n.lt..i. ; nn portionmcnl, Lincoln county is year in Colorodo or California. entitled to thirteen delegates. 1 c corn crop ot JNebrasUa in . . any iroon year computcti ai o Tun republican members of cents a bushel will yield S75,000, ... ii,. t. . ODD, and the other cereals and the house have agreed to make a ,... wil, ,..,. t for t lest concession of twenty per cent Um),000,000 more. The heaviest from the present tarill rate on output of precious metals in Col- Culian suirar. Th s atrreetnent. orado or Ualilortna never cx- wliich lis a compromise, is not needed fifty million dollars in one .,r ........ year. sawsiaciory tome ueuibiiLjai men . fim:llt!ntl,f nront.r loi. lhc .. . . ... i . . . : j nor tiieLviiuau piameiH. Union Pacific to inauiruratc a tdm of colonization even at this And after all, it is probable hate day. The greatest mistake tlmt the riirhls nrovided bv the the former owners of 'the Union ., . . , i Pacific railroad made was that recently adopted initiative and lhcy cenll.rcd nlI their efforts on referendum will be embraced by t,c throuirh trallic while ncirlcct- the neonle of North Platte, nur lilmentably the local tralhc Those who object to a twenty institutes , tlic most prof , , , . liable source of the income of a years' franchise to a gas com- wuu eniabHahed railroad. nany which wants two dollars a It must be born in mind that thousand feet for gas that should "e larger as well as the hetter a I im ri (Vnliviulrn iu nni'l h nF flirt '"rnisiieu lor one uoi.ar anu a p,nUo rivel.t Und Uwt n of half, want a chance to vote on the state been colonized properly the proposition. They will prob- c state could today have .... ... ... i uu.iMUjii nun .i uu.v:ii lilil; ui auiy u Biyn at. uppu. u.... . f 20 m . S0 QQQ nontllatioil lii'lu'ncn Omnli:i nnil f51iivonno i ..r r r.. ..:..!.. . "-V- "Y . J. xiiri tumuixiiti: ui MiMuiiisis mi ,tH wealth would have been at Lincoln Wednesday was not more than trebled. 1 1. i I i. .! IT'iil 41m llniilii 1'fii.ilir nlli'unnil I l'ullmnil fiire Hie huccchs uiai uau duuii .iiuiui- -'; - v I " i-'relBlit tralnn No. si ami t Ntop at alt ,(,.! fi. ilinnili Him iiiv-il., nnu tuu policy WIUL.-U iim nuriiiii-iuii NtatlmiH. tuner irciRtiiH carry riaxseiiKers I I " ...no f..,.,w1 in nnmriirnlA Uir in'i. I ' IMIIIUH at WUICIl liicy MKiJi iThe Climate I HOMOEOPATIIIST, NKDIIA8KA. Over Flrnt National llaok, NOKTU I'LATTK, - - e Of Western Nebraska is hard on paint and it is al- most money burned to use anoinferior quality when 3 painting your house. The best paint is by far the 0 cheapest in the end. Sherwin & Williams Paints e a NOTICE KOK I'UHMOATION. Land Omco lit Nnrlb l'latte, Neb., February 8. IWi. f Nutlco le hereby alven that Uie folluwlnu-tianipA settlor ban Qlotl notice ot hie Intention to ranko Dual nroof In sumxirt ot bin clntm. and that unld proof will be made before lleaietor fcnd Itecelrer at North Flutte, Neb., on March 22c!, 1B0J, viz: JAMK8 l'ATTEltSON. who mnilo Hoiupstvad Kntrv No. 17.117. tor tlui west linlf iiortliwcut iiuarter und west halt south west quarter of Hoc. 12, Town 14, north of Range so, West nth r. m. He naiuea the following witnesses to nrove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said In nd, viz. A. F. Stroltz. F. W. ltlnckor. Ah ilov I'etnrs ami JauvH Chambers, all of North Hattu, Nob Illl) tlEOitaK K. Iukncii. 80 UNION PACiriC TIME CAHD. (Central Time) WEST IIOUNII. No. 1 Leaves , 101 I.eavcH :i I.eaveH h Leaves 17 Leaves 111 Leaven S3 Leaves I'relKht) 1'rclKht) KrclKht) KAST IIOUNII. A: 15 p. in 1 :M a. m 7:itt a. m :) p. in 1:10)1, in 8::u)a. m No 2 LeaveM li:WSt. m liri Leaves 7:15 a. m n Leaves HMO a. in I Leaves 11:10 p. m IH Loaves (KrelKlil) U'.30 p. in JO Leaves (KrelKht) 4:() a. in ."H Leaves (Krelptit) T: IB a. in On trains No. I anil1-' liassciiRers must pay OIIDKltOF FINAL I1KA1UN0. THK HTATKOF NlIllltAHKA, i . l.INOOI.N COUNTY 1R lu tlio mailer ot Ihe ljlnlc ot John I,. MaAllln- mi"iil in iiiiiiiiriirnlr. hv rn;i- were sent out to the members of sum of jts ilmlntio tolocal traffic the committees and local leaders, an, dependence on the same the less than litty responded. The state census lor the year l'JUO .li.t nni i.n ; I would huve Khown n tinniiliitinn ter. iiiciasii. V.V1IHUI urn iiv.1 . vo.iii ii. .j " . - " i i --. ...r..u...i mi.... .1... ....1 n i.... t.,. (lulinite fiction, thotlirll t is honed 1,1 HUM v. Ul.HI Allmtpr, nlmlnl-tratrU, iirayluu ii KettlnmiMil ULIUUlL. .1L.UUI1, UIUUJ,I1 II IS lllipL.ll 0 . . and allowaiuo of Iiit limit account, nlnl on lim tlmt fit U future llieetlllL'- of tllC kt .i in it n t M" March IWC ami lor illfclmrKtt as null i ii in i l 1111-i.uiij, ui niL. Now that the Union l'acihc has miiiiinMratru. e.Nccutive committees arrange- awakened to its true interest it is .. " l?.o' "!:. mcnts will be made for fusion to be hoped that it will exert JiH t1,V;tr:rM;t.V,tr.,1, ito3; "i.Tro.?,1. and nhoiv CKiimi wlijr lun prayer of nlllli)liiir should not Le KN'iH"'- A. H. 1IA1.1)MK' liiliv I ('omit)' .IuiIko. .....I iinn iiaiiI irulu ill n IiiiOi its vMiorfV and lulluonco to make dim iii i ii l vviiviiviviil7 iii ttniwii o : . up iur iosv iiuiu it i nuiicr the democrats arc pretty certain to get a majority of the candi dates on the state ticket. 'p.... .,t.i 4 : ... Vr...4l, a ill. mil-w iui.1 s ill iuii in Platte, who have seen thousands of buffalo in one herd in the 1 Matte valley, will no doubt he interested in know'tig that so far as the U. S. agricultural depart ment it. aware, only two small herds of wild buffalu are in exist ence in the United States one in the Yellowstone park, the other in Lost Park, Colo. During the past autumn several of the latter herd were killed, and while the department has no recent in for mation as to the exact number of animals in these herds at the present time, it has reason to be lieve ithat the Yellowstone herd Iocs not exceed twenty-live and the Lost Park herd eight or ten individuals. Commkntinc on Henry Watter soti's remark that the republican late than never. --Hce. Millions Put to Work. Tlio woiidurful activity ot tlio tibw ootitury is fhown liy mi iMiormoim do urn nd for tlio world's host worltors Dr. Kinif'ii Now Ljifo I'iIIp. For ConBtlpa tuin, Sink lloiulnold', HiliuiiHiH'UD. ornny trotihlo or .S oinauli, Llvor or Kltlnoyn tlioy'ro titiri vulotl. Only 'Joo at HtrolU'H tlnitf Htoro. Have been sold by us for many years, and they have e triven universal satisfaction time tried and not ? found wanting. We have a full stock on hand for o the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy 0 i k ttii ii ii )uu ii il z iiui ii a v; u ii ii ii 9 I A F STREITZ, Druggist! O 0 000000000000000O00OO000O O0O00000O00000e0C900f 900 j$ WW 0 0000O00O000O0O00 30000000000000000 00O0000 fsforth piatte fTlocir R0000 iUiU iIai?Ufactvii:ecl by Nfoirtf? Platte toiler niilis Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. fl THai Sack u)iil Corfvitjcc yoti of Its n)cHt North Platte Roller Mills C. F. 1 DDINCS o 0 oooooooooeooooocooeooooooooooeoooooooooooooo NOTICE FOll rUllUOATlON. Ijiud Olllce at Ninth IMntle, Neb., March 1, 1U02. Notice Is heroliT ulven thattho follnwlue-rjamed pi ttlcr hnn flleil nutlco of his lnientloir to make llnal proof In rupimrt ot his claim, and that sold T roof will be nimte before lttglnnr aad Hecelver iciMorin 1'iauo, ieu., on April i.iiii iwi, vni OilAHLKS J. GAMlllUU, nho innile horaetead entry No. 175WI for the viiith half of nortlieaiit quarter nud Lots 1 and 2, M'ctlun 4, township II) north, ratifio 2tl west lllli 1'. Jl Ho immi's lho follovrltiK witnesses to urovolili continuous rt'xlilonco upon nud oultlvatlnn of Mild laud, vizi John K, Fuller, Henry I), l'olllip. nuaiu n iiohh aim iioucrt J. 3inzie. an or Myrtle, Neb. mill EO. K. FHENOH, IleKlstor, KOTICF FOU 1'UHLlOATION. l.nud olllce nt North I'Jatte, Neb. March , IWI. Kotlce Is hereby clven that tho followlDC-nnmod nuttier has Mod notice of his Intention to make lliini nroof In sunnort of his claim, and that nalii proof will lie made beforo the register and re ceiver, U. 8. Land Oflice, nt North l'lntlo, Neb., on April 21.1WL', vlr.: TlKlAb rKTKHHEN, who mndo liniLestead otitry No. 173iM, for the northoiiet miurtur, pec. Ill, towu 11, Cnorth rniigu 2d, West sixth p. m. Ilounmeathe following wit iiessos to prove his uonlliiuous rcsldonco upon and cultivation of said inmi viz; J on n unnsen, J una ltatmusson, Christian Jnlmson and Ernest Andrson.all of Denmark, Neb. QeorcikK. Fuencii, IteKlster, KOTlCK roil 1'lillLlOATION. Land OtUco at North l'latte, Nob. February IS, 1W. Nollco Is horcby dlvcn Hint tho following n n mod settlor has tiled nollco ot his tutenttnn to mnkellnnl proof In support of his claim and that said proof will bo maiio before tho Id-KlNtiir nud neceivor. u. a. iwind Olllco nt North rintte, Nob, on April 6th. 11L', viz: OHAltLEH M. MCMKKW Homestead Enrty No 1732(1. for tho smith half norlhenst ipinrter, Lots 1 aud a, suction II, town- nup id, norm oi ranhe ai, w. lllli p. in, ll. lie names tho (uIIiihIiiu wltuessos to tirnvn hurt continuous residence upon and cultivation nt Bain mini, vii-.. Henry l'ollett. John I'ollntt. Cusnnr Hlvltn. John I.. McOrew, all of North l'lntlo, Nfb. UKOIUIK L. lllK.NCII, llfglstLT. I in 'i iiji lia c ii i ukU ou li.itnt' tn .l' d with rmik.t llai- in.,! C.l. It ic 1 H .11 i.. t brc.k. " J oiilyki-c, Sj . Icokliiii I ku J l in. nw, tut Lwl wcju Im ' I iT I ' ailonglr ihe lJWLL,?P" uto ol I' uirka ''A YL larncHUil. every ulicta In io IH llll lilt t. Md by Standard Oil Company X HO A I) NOTICB. To nil whom It tuny uoncorn: Tlio coiiiiiiiosionor iippdintod lo locatn n road coiiiiiuMioinu' nt tlio BonthoiiBt cor nur Fcotiou 8, tuvvnuliip 10, north of ration '.VI uiat, nnil riinninj,' thciR'o wohI nloiu: Hccliou linos nnil teriiiiiiiitiiiL' nt nouthviPt coruor of Hootiou 8, In town- nlnp 10, nurtli rnnuo-u west, to uonneul wltli county road .o. Ui, him reported in favor of tlio OHtiililiBliinont tliorwif and all olijeotioDH tliorot", or cliunm for iliuiniueH, imiut bo tiled in tho County t Morlt'H olllco ou or bofore noon of tho lllli day of May, A. D 1902, ormich road will bo ontablinhod without rofor en eo thereto. FRED H, GINNT, County Clork. Dated March II, UW2. mill T. W. VAN W1E, CARRIAGE ..PAINTER. Call and get prices. All work guaranteed. Hinman Building Front Street VERY LOW RATES Every day durinir lho months of March nud April, l'.KJ'J, tho Union l'aoitio will noli LoloiiiHt t no-way tickots at tho following rntos. KKOM FV5issoiE8'i River $20 to Ogdcn and Salt Lake City 320 tj Butte, Anaconda and Helena Sft to Sooltanf. HANS GERLE,i, , i1mi,UV w i u.iiia uit nit VJ1V.UI Wm. Gamt, Blacksmith and WttRonimiker. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Horse Shoeing $4 per Team. Also reductions in the price ot all other work. Work iMiarnnteud ot money refunded. Give ub a call. Locust street south of Y'jsi'b harnesR itnrc. c (? The Tailor. lias jtiBt oponod n now tailoring osttiblitdimcnt and hnn now pamploa for will rocoivo prompt at- tontion. Dowov nt. up iu Morsoh buildini;. Northern Ry, Spokane to Wcnatchcc Inclusive, via Huntington and Spokane. $25 to Points on Great Northern Btiits also does repair ( Ryt West of Wcnatchcci via Hunting work. Uail on mm wuu i ton and apoKanc. now or old work and yon LpjD to rortlandi lacoma and bc attic. $25 to Ashland, Oregon and Inter" termcdiatc Points, Including Branch Lines on S. P. Co. South of Portland, via Portland. THERE ARE OTHERS who can make and repair Shoes, but there are lew who can equal and none that can surpass us FbolojnpktJ rmm un. RESTORES VITALITY Made a the "-i&iFMA.ol Me. prodnceg the nbovo results In SO ly. It tctf' powerfully aud quietly. Cures when all others (till Vouns men will regain their lost manbood.andoii) men will recover tnelr youthful vigor tr uilog HUVIVO. It oulckly and surely rtitorea Nerronj. ness. Lett Vitality, Impotcncy, Nightly EralijloM, tout Tower, Falling- Memory, Waitlnu Dlteue,and all cfTects ot sell-abuae or eicecaand IndlKretlon, which unfits ona for study, business or marriage. It not only euros by startles at tho scat o t disease, but Is a great ncrvotnnlo and blood balldur, bring ing back tho pink glow to pale checks and r btorlng tba flro of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having KEVIVO.no other, Tt can ba carried In vest pocket. Or mall, 81.00 per package, or six for SS.OO, with pod ilvo 'written Rnnrantee to care or refund tho monry. Hook nnrt nitTlso frco. Address KOYAL MEDICIN1! CO., ''Soffi S1" For Sale bj' A. V. Ri-. h-, J. F. FILUION, Plnmbcr, Tinworkcr General Repairer. $25 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Other California Points. Full information clioorfully furnished f NP W M A N "imx a1,),iUHli0"- Special attention iven to WHEELS TO RENT