h t IK i I in i Hi TUESDAY,' MAKCII 18, 1902. 1IIA L BAKK.BlHTOHAM) PkOPKIKTOK HUUHOItll'TlON KATKtt. OD8 Year, ensli In advance II-! Oil Monlhi, cash In ninr In 0ii lntrdMthiiyiirlhl,lll(Nbinlpl'irtr nond-rlniihMtr REPUBLICAN CITY TICKET. Kor Mayor LESTER WALKER. For Cicrk HARRY SAMELSON. For Treasurer KOH'T SHUMAN. Kor City Engineer C. P. ROSS. Kor Councilmcn First Ward II. F. KELLNER. Second Ward D. W. liAK'ER. Third Ward L. B. ISENII ART. For Members School Board JOHN SORENSON, E. T. TRAMP. ,rs THE CITY TICKET. The republican city ticket as presented at the head of tl' column is one which will com- .. mend itself to the voters, com- well known by all. In rcnommat- . mg Lester Walker, the conven- tion recognized thc successful efforts that gentleman has put fortli in conducting thc affairs of thc city in an honest, economical and businesslike manner. Under his administration tlic saloons have been conducted in an orderly manner, no gambling has been permitted, and thc ex- penses of thc city have been less than thc receipts. fTi CUn tt itl u 1 1 It n It m u Itnnn I n..i., uau..,nu..,.iu ... selected as the candidate for city a ...... K 1UI Mtlltt Wlltll limit M III' i net i i i-r t i, i ., spent his life in North Platte, ami ni presciu is a uuni mim,c Savage-Hartley crowd lor Tramp's grocery store on Front sli-ei't. Ho. is a brother of Charley Samclson, who for nearly J , , three years has been tu tlic ser- vice of Uncle Sam in tlic Philip, pines. Harry is thoroughly competent to fill the position, p nnuiiirm and being popular, is certain of election against all comers. Robert Shuman city treasurer and C. P. Ross CtlJ engineer I have both been tried in their re- spective positions and have not Imnn fon.,,1 ,vnli.r " ror mcmuers oi uie noaru oi . . r .i . I education John Sorenson and ICnicul Tfruiinin. nnmlnr.lo1 Mr. Sni'pnHnn b:m 1iirn ti tiiom Der oi tne Doar.uor three years and has proven si valuable mem- berorthatbodv. He should be re-elected for the reason that his services during thc past three vinra nrnvpj lilm tn ho ovroti- J ' 1 .. ,, . . 1 r - il tionally well fitted for the posi-LruI tion. Mr. Tramp is also one of our best citizens si man who i i 1 ntii.i'u .lnn liiu M.linlo ,1,ilvv nml J . ' as a member ot tlic board would take great interest in the work, Tin. Third ward in ontitloil to anotner reprcsciuauve on me .4 hoard, and Mr. Tramp should he the man. For councilmcn the candidates aro II. F. Kcllner in tho First, D. W. Hakerin the Second and L. B. Isenhart in the Third. Mr. Kcllner, owing to the tiisioa inst jority iirainst him, will have a i i r...t.i ..... i. :.. ililltl HI! Hi, Ul.VUW IB 1IUIIIU mm " . " . Hie canvas in an ngressivo man- tier and says he will win. Mr. JJakar has been mayor of thc city stnd also represented his ward in the council, and this experience makes him a valuable man. Mr. Isenhart is president of tho pres ent council and has proven him self a good man for the position. The ticket is si good one and will be eluded. This name of H. M. Crimes of North l'latto in being mentioned in connection with the republican nomination for congress Irom the big Sixth. district. Thc judge has si record which is untarnished and bhould he decide to enter the race he will bc one of the utrong candidates before the next con gressional copveution. Kimball Observer. CANCEROUS m m M ar aT" t Arc In many respects like other ulcers or (La m w w FL T sores, nnd this resemblance often proves fatal. A v Valuable time is lost in fruitless efforts to heal the sore with washes and salves, because the germs of Cancer that arc multi plying in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly develop ing keep up the irritation and discharge, and at last sharp shooting pains announce the approach of lhct eating and sloughing stage, and a hideous, sickening cancerous sore begins its destructive work. v- ... ,... ., :,.(- Iso ulcer or sore can exist witii- out some predisposing internal cause that Jias poisoned tile mood, aim me m. h. h. ana niior i una taicon sovon not open discharging ulcer or the fester- th. Place pealed Ulr o nig sore on the lip, check or otlicr Binc0l -vy. r. Brown, Hollands, s. G. part of the body will continue to spread and cat deeper into the flesh unless the blood is purified and the cancer germs or wonmi iiiuiu-t ciiiumuicu jiuiu uiu iih.iimii.iuii. S. S. S. cleanses the blood of all decaying effete matter. It has great antidotal and purifying properties that soon destroy the genus and poisons and restore the blood to its natural condition. And when pure blood is If you have an ulcer or chronic sore cal advice will cost you nothing. Hooks on Cancer and other diseases of the blood will be scut free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. MSti- iltiHtnnii u.nfnu n M A tltn territories which would be mi- measurably benefitted by the irrigation bill now before con contain 'J74.172.800 acres of hind, or 1.522.145 souare miles, a . . 011c.haIf of thc ,., - ,,, TT:,n,i el!ltOQ IUIIlll 111 Jl 1,11V WillfcV. elusive of Alaska. Of this .,.1Mfnrv. ,,,,(142.001 :iCrcs arc ,n prvalc owncrslup) 120,f,43,- 168 acres are reserved for various purposes, and 535,486,- 73l acres, or a little over one- sixth of the entire area of thc country exclusive of Alaska arc sui) eci to eiurc uiiiiui wie. . . ..... i 1 1. various land laws. Thk Nebraska State Record, of Lincoln, this week publishes tlc namCa of those who petitioned niom.noi. Povntcr to ir rant a A t Einbmler jarlIcy an(1 amoll,r others is found the name . r . r i i of II. H. Wilson, of Lincoln, who a ljeing. l)0omc'(1 by fricru,s of governor. Either one of the re- commendations ought to be '.fflcicnt to defeat Wilson. The next candidate of the republicans , ht l0 be a man W,J0 can bc defended against all accusations of being aligned with the old ring - - lirand island independent. AtKlrrw Cliriii'clti'x i:illlili The building crrctcd by Andrew Car neglo for tho Stovoua lnstltuto ol ri'nlimitrtiTif tit 1 f.il.i.V.i.i M I u'tv rormnllv turnml nvor to llm triiHtcea n few ovcnlugs ago. Mr. Carnegie, after "'"'ding over tho koya, was prosentot Willi HHUVCr C118KUI. ill rOllirilllll 1 1 1 II 1 1 If n fnf Mm i-lft lm itiiinmstnil ttill "-on as Ida own epitaph: "Iloro lies a mat who knew how to got around him mot "'"Cll eloVCror tllUIl lllniHolf." I ltfiMii frooi llm Itll litcjl wiUlum C. Urowu. who has beer elected third vice president of the Now lru ucmnil raiiroa.l ana piacoii n I r 111 1 r tin ran tt ilm nhntrit nir iiml tllf clmnleal departments of tho road, hai risen from tho ranks, having started 113 11 BCOtlOll hand Oil tho MllWtlUKCO fit t'nill Un la ..In.. i...nnl.lnnl .mil I'OII I v ... .lu la tivu III iDiiiM.lv ...... maunR0P of tUo UUo aUoro rnU road, which olllco ho will retain SurKllt tJlUhorlliK Villilc. .tnlm M RniiM.nt dm Aiiliii'lran palntor ,l0W la I)IU,0U, ima i)eon paint lag many portraits thlB winter, In eluding Bovoral of tho Wertholmor ram ny, wnom ins caiivnseB navo aueauy given wtnld-wldo fame, and a group of thtiH! young women named Hunter. ivhlch Is proclaimed voiitahly his iiuih terpleeo by Hioho who have soon It li his Htlldll), Niiiiutor I'otlin mill III Wiilili Sonator TottUM, who will lie SI yoau old In July, novor employs a watch uuikor when his timepiece gets out of order, und has, on several occasions been itvon to take tho works out ii - - , , , ..,. the case at his Senate desk, and after Ul imnmil untu the nuil.lmty started up again, would repine them rtml ,utu,u 1,,a wtltch t0 "l" luKU,!l eytrywlitro In cam Mide hy Standard Oil Coaipany g mil I'n. it li- . H iM t l!i Jaii p, ft , i3 L Ha r,"t Ire k. J 8 f..y ( eSafe Jilt - M L leoklnMc Vj WV Vj",f , An i,0Druy ?wtiou Bmnu lump on my lower Hp. Tho dootor oau- ' ,, f ,:f ,!,- , out Into an open nore. I begun to tako carried to the ulcer or sore tlic Healing process begins, the discharge ceases and the place heals over and new nkin forms. S. S. S. is a strictly vege table blood purifier containing no mercury or minerals of anv description. of any kind, write us about it, medi Muynr unit I'rlvntn ClU7.cn. Mayor Set!i Low lately considered a petition HlRiicd by Citizen Seth Low and Krantcd the relief prayed for. It is snld Mr. Low did not attempt to Inlluuneo tho mayor In the slightest decrco In tho matter. l-crtlllty of KPfii Boll. Tho fertility of Egypt's soil In illus tiated by tho fact that every ono of iO.fiOO fiuuaro inllrs can support 92S porsoiiB whereas even In densely popu lated HelRlum thero aro only 080 to Hit! square mile. I'otrnlntiiii VneiX (or lrurl, Tho nritlsh tanker Clam Is tho flrct vcbbcI to cross tho Atlantic using petroleum for fuel. Each furnace has a steam generator which blows tho c'l, atomized, against a flro-brlck wall Count ruction of Ancient KohiIm. Tho construction of tho Cartlmglii' lan roads differed so materially from that of tho Roman highways that It Is r.n eapy matter for antiquarians to distinguish between tho two. Witty fun on Ilunlow'M Xmnn. Uecont antl-Hrltlsh remarks by the German chane;llor have ro3iiUcd In tho tevlvat of thc Bklt: "Man wants but little Herr IJuclow, nor wants that Ittlo long." Sllitrlnn Crop Waited. In tome parts of Siberia n largo part of tho crops In good years rot In tho field, bceiuiBO there aro no menus of transport or faculties for storage. Would tin it Cooil Ntilxtltutr. An Illinois Inventor Is urging the mlutltutlon of printed slides for tho brakcmiui's volco In tho announcement of stations lu moving trains. Lion Gaffes is 16 ounces of pure coffee to the pound. iomcu nonces arc only about 14 ounces of coffee ami two ounces of eggs, glue, etc., of no value to you. but money in the pocket of the roaster. UNION PACIFIC TIME CAItD. (Central Time) WKBT IIOUNIt. No. I r.u p. 111 ft: is 11. 111 101 l.cavot. ... l:Uu. 111 :u u. m 'ii'Mp 111 1:10 p. m H:;iii. 111 IT l.cavvt (Krt'lKht) Ill Leaves ( Freight) I.eaveM (Krclglil) KANT llOUNII. No '.' l.cavrtt Vi:'M 11. 111 ll l.eavet 7:ir.a. m 11 1.eaviM H: 11) a. in I Leaven , It'll) p, 111 Is I.eaveM (Twin lit) I'.':.ni ji. 111 vo l.eavet. (FrelKlil) !.() u. 111 X Leaven (Freight) 7:15 a. 111 On traltit. No. I ami 2 luiHtu'iu'eiN iniiKt iay I'lillinaii fare. 11 I'lutulit Iraltm No L'.l anil '-"S Klnn :it :ill niaiiinin. vuitci iieiKii." iMrry nahhCIIKOI in ifiiiiin .11 1111,11 wiey niui. ltOAD NOTICR. 'I'o nil whom it may concern: TI10 coniinisfioner annoitited to loonl a road eomiiieneiiit; at tho HoutliotiHt cor nor sent 1011 8, township 10, north of rntiL'o ;i2 went, mill riiiiniuir thonco west aloiiK Hcotion linos anil torinlnnthiK at HouiuwePi corner 01 seel on . 11 town. Hiiip iu, north ninKOiKI west, to connect Willi county road .No. ;)(, has reported In favor of the CHtiihlishiuont tliorenf and nil objeoliouu llioioto, or oluium for ilnnunjeH, nitiHt bo llhul in tho County nin li ..111... l.,.f... .1 ' V'i.71. o wiuu vni ij ift'iuil. UIKIU Ul lilt. llthiliiy or May, A. 1)., 1002, or snub roiul will bo established without refer- euco thoreto. FKED It, OINN. Couuty ClorU Dated i March 11. 1002. mill T. Vi. VAN WIE, CARRIAGE PAINTER. Call and get prices. All work guaranteed, Hinmnn Building Front Street I 4 Hi ;;Sr.fr-.c.arc 2r sr. sr. zr- or ii i n w li 111 T i On Farm, Garden and Lawn will soon begin and you may need tools and these we keep. There j is scarcely anything in this line we do not handle. jj In making' his repairs for spring work thc larmcr J will need Bolts, Nnta, Nails, etc., stnd this is the 1$ place he should buv them. Hi ii i Bulk Garden Seeds $ W itrMi ....i i. 1 win as usual oe louiitt sii uiw sioru. ciu&u ayuiis direct from reliable growers. Davis the Hardware Man (6 Who no one Owes. i) 8 i 1 TS 'TB f TJ -CS tTH DONT SPEND S25.00 for new furniture if a 25c can of Satsuma Enamel will answer the purpose, and make things look swell. We have all shades of this popular enamel also enamel for bath tubs, bicycles and stove pipe. We arc agents for Ilcsith & Milli gans Best Prepared Paint. Think of it, over half a century in busincsss. Thats what counts. THE NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY Next iloor to First Natl. Dank. ::::::::::: J. II. STONH. MoT I The Climate Of Western Nebraska most money burned to painting- your house. cheapest in the end. Sherwin & Williams Paints a 0 0 0 0 0 o e 0 0 0 Have been sold by us iriven univcrssil satisfaction time tried and found wanting. We thc spring trade. If you have used it you will buy it again; if you have not used it, try it. " 0 0 :A F STREITZ, Druggist a o J 0006000000000000 00e000aoo00a000e00000000O000vso0 WW 0000M000000 00S60C0)o09ee00e000 00O00eo0000 i Torth pi<e fTloar ! 0 a 000000000000O00SaeGO0Ot 00000OOOO0 00000000000 tIaijUfactUfecl by WoirLi7 lialte lRoilcr njiils Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any Hour manufactured in Nebraska. Trial Sack uJiil Corj-viijce yoix of its iT)etx North Platte Roller Mills C. f. 1 DDINCS Wm. Gauni, Blacksmith and Wagon maker. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Horse Shoeing $4 per Team. Also reductions in the price oi all other work. Work iruarantetd or money refunded. Give uh a call. Locust street notitb of Yost's liarnesft store. HANS c c c Thc Tailor. Has just opened a now tailoring oRlnblisbinnnt and hnB now samples for Dtiita nlpo does repair work. Call on him with now or old work and you will recolvo prompt at tention. Dowoy Ht. up in Moreoli building. THERE ARE OTHERS who can maUe and repair Shoes, but there arc tew who can equal and none that can surpass us C. NEWMAN. rzr- , ... 1 1 1. .. 1.. ili rt'!T)?0lT)'fS'fJJO'fl'r!r is hard on paint and it is al- o use anQinferior quality when 2 The best paint is by far thc e 0 e 0 0 O 0 for many years, and they have o not 0 have a full stock on hand for SI o 0 VERY I RATES Hvoiy day ilurliitf the inontlw of Mnreli and April, l'JO'J, tho Union I'umlle will Gll Uolonist iino-wny tiukotH nt f.o followint; rntos. FROM Missouri River $20 o Ogdcn and Salt Lake Ci.y $20 o Butte, Anaconda and Helena $22 50 to Spokane $22.50 to Points oa the Great Northern Ry, Spokane to Wcnatchcc Inclusive, via Huntington and Spokane, $25 to Points on Great Northern Ry, West of Wcnatchcc, via Hunting ton and Spokane. I $25 to Portland. Tacoma and Sc attic. $25 to Ashland. Oregon and Inter" tcrmcdiate Points, Including Branch Lines on S, P. Co. South of Portland, via Portland. $25 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Other California Points. Full information i-hoorfnlly furnlblieil nipoti application. , K. OUNQE, Atfent PKOhSSIONAL OARDS , S. HOAOLAND. V. IIOAUI-AMJ "Oakland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELOR OfSre over Mrn. llulTmnn'a MI"lfy.H'0.r.?:, . OltTII 1'LATfK. - HEUiiABAA. yiLCOX A IIALLIQAN, ATTORN KYS-AT.LAW. VOnTH VI.ATTE, - , I. Olllc over Norm I'ltiu Knuonoi un. J S.IUDQELV, ' ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. Oflleo MoDonnld Uloek, Dfwey stroft. NOUT11 I'IjA'ITB. NEBRASKA yCtt. Ii. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over Post Office. Telephone 115. North Plnlto, ... Nebrankn A. H. DAVIS, ATTOUXEY-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA Grady Block Rooms 1 & 2. O. PATTERSON, 7STTO R IS BY-KT-LHW. Ofllce ovor Vollow Front Shoo Store NORTH PLATTE. NEB. L. & ROCHE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Hinman Hlock, Dhwey Strkrt, NoKTIl 1 r.ATTK. NkIIRASKA. II. E. McCAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olllco over Huirman'8 Millinory Storo Noktii Plattk. - Nkhuabka G. V. UKUELL 1'HYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, OIIIcbb: North rintto Nniional Bank Building, North Plntte. Neb. F i. DENNIS, M. D., IIOMOEOPATIIIST, Ovnr Flrvt National Unnk. N011TU 1'I.Al'TE, NKUKASKA. NOTICE FOR I'UBI.IOATIO.N. Ijind Ofllce ot Nortli 1'lntle, Neb., Fcbrunry 8. 11XB. f Kotlco Is hereby clvon that Ibe lollowlnir-niiiuprt cottier Inn filed notice of bis Intention to innko tlunl tironf In sunport of bis clnlm. nud that snld proof will bo in ado before ltenletor nd ltecelver nt North l'lntto, Neb., on March d, 1WJ. VIZ! JAMKS I'ATTEltBON. who uindo Hoini'Stcnd Kntry No. 17317. for tho wost half northwest quarter nnd west half south went ijuartcr of Boo. 1-, Town 14, north of Ilnnne Ell, WvHtUtlt 1. M. lie names the following witnesses to nrovo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of sold IUIH1. viz A. F. Htreltz. F. IV. ltinckor. Ashlov Peters aud Juiucs Chambers, all of North l'lntto. Neb HID QKOHdR i;. I IIENCII. NOT10F. FOlt rUIlLlCATlON. Lund Olllceat Noitli 1'latte, Neb., March 4, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named rettler has filed nutlcu of bis Intention to make liiml proof In support of his claim, aud thnt said I rouf will be luude before Register nud ltecelver nt North l'liitle, Neb., on April ITilh IIXi2, vU; Oil AHLKH J. UAMllltKL, nho inndo bcuuestead entry No. lT.'AO for the s uth half of uortheant quarter aud Lots 1 nnd i. ruction 4, township It) north, ranpe 20 weit Oth i', ai llo names Iho following wltlleoses to iirou his c mtlimous ristdcnco upon nnd cultivation of s.tld land, viz: John K, Fuller, Henry I). 1'ollllps, nuiiam n. iiosh and uocurc j. .tirinzte, all or Myrllo, Neb mill OEO. K. FItENClI, ItoRlster. Noricr roil 1'unuoATioN. Ijind ottlco at North 1'latte, Neb. March 8, 1U02. Notice Is hereby Riven thnt the following-named Kittler has filed notice of his Intention lo make tlunl proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mndo beforo tho rcKlster nnd re culver, 0, 8. Land Olllco, nt North J'lntte, Neb., on April 21,11)02, vizi THOMAS r-ETEUSKN. who made homestead entry No. 173211, for the norlhoutt iuartur, nee. Ill, town, u, ciiorth rntiKO 2d, wot slxih p. m. llo names the following wltneeses to prove his continuous rorldnuco upon aud cultlvntlou of snld Inud viz; .lohn Hnnsen, Jena ltnemusson, Christian JohiiMon and Ernest Andrson,nll of Denmark, Neb. OeoihieE. Fiiench, Itegister. NOTlCi: I'OIl 1'ullLIOATlON. Land Olllco nt North 1'latte, Nub, February 1.1, 1WU. Notice is hereby given thut the. following named settler has filed notice of bis lnteutlon to mnk tlunl proof lu support of his clnlm nnd thnt snld proot will bo runoo before Ibe lUgihter nnd Iteccivur, U. H. Lnnd Oltlto at North I'lotte, Nob, uu April nth IW1, viz; OHAI11.E8M. MCOHEW llomesteml Enrty No 17321, fur the south half liortbeaM quarter. x,ots 1 nud S, suction II, town dl'lp 15, north of range 2!. V. llth p. m. "o nniuu.H the full, ming witnesses to prove hss continuous retidouco upon nnd cultivation of Hiild land, viz: Henry l'oliett. John I'ollott. (;nspar HIvlts. John I,. McOrow. nil of North rinttc. Neb cIkoiiiik I! Fhkncu, Iteglster. rhotofrrbt4 frou Lit. RESTORES VITALITY Made a THE "ftSrm. nt Ma produces t lrn nbovo result sin 30 days. Ittcti powerfully aud auicily. Cures when all others fill, touns men will regain their lost manhood, tod old taen will recover their youthful vigor by tuinn ItUVI V O. It quickly and surely restores Nerron. mm, Lost Vitality. Impottncy. Nlihtly EralMions, tjst Power, 1 allln it Memory, Wastin DlBeases.anj an effecta pt solf-abuso or excess and indiscretion, which unOts ono for study, bueinesB or marrlaffe. It cot only cures by starting at tho seat ot dUeaie. but laasreat nerve tonlo and blood builder, brine. '?BHnit,CV!'?,plnH B,ow , ,a, cheeks andis ttorlng the llro of yontli. it wards otr Insmlti tnd OoBsnmpt on. Insist on bavini BBVIV0?M WAU 11 i" ""led Invest rocked By Bail UOYAL MEDICINE OK, 'gSjJw.. Kor Sale by A V. St,, My. J. F. F1LU0M. Plumber, Tinworker Oenernl Jk-pairer. Spt'cinl attention tfiven to em mm. WHEELS TO RENT ahtfzra" 1 'W V