The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 11, 1902, Image 4

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    Local News in Brief,
OIHco over Btreltz'i Drug Store
Mrs. F. 13. Uullard wlio had been
visiting' Omaha friends for n few
days, returned home Saturday
Lorcn Slurgcp, Ad Iiicrly and
Will Chambers went to I Jiff Springs
Sundiy evening' where they will
hunt geese for several days.
Harry Nicholson ol Maxwell was
in town Saturday proving- up on
liiti claim. The following day he
left for a visit in Cleveland, Ohio.
A large congregation attended
the song service at the ISpiscopnl
church Sunday evening. A similar
service will probably be held on
Easter evening.
The Payne Investment Co. of
Omaha, which ban purchased con
siderable land in this county, will
soon send out a large number of
farmers who arc seeking new
Watch Clinton's window for grab
sale articles.
Gus Murphy, who was held up
and robbed ten days ago, has had a
warrant issued lor the arrest of
Mahlou Goodwin, who he believes
is one of the guilty parties. Good
win has skipped the country.
Jay Stuart had the third finger
on his left hand so badly crushed
in the gearing ol a machine at the
shops Saturday forenoon that
amputation at the first joint was
found necessary. The second
linger on the same hand was also
somewhat injured.
Millers' Association
Does Not Set
Our Price
On Flour,
We Do.
. Ciothcnburg Bct Patent
per sack SI. 00
Snow Flake Patent per sack ,)0
Family per sack 80
Red Seal Patent per saclc... 1.00
Jewel Patent per sack (J0
Corn Meal 25-lb sack 40
Wstl'oan,2pkgs (b
On Time Yeast 2 pkys.
Cox's Gelatine 13c, 2 pkys..
Seeded Kaisins per lb
Evaporated Kaspbcrries
per lb 30
Saffo per lb 07
Tapioca per lb 07
Kingsfonls Silver Gloss
Starch per pkff 08
King-fords Corn Starch
Strawberry Beets 3-1 b can . .
Anderson's Jams per can. ..
Oil Sardines per can
Mustard Sardines per can . .
Eagle Condensed Milk ISc
2 cans
Ammonia per bottle
English Walnuts, No. 1 Soft
Shell per lb
Kerosene Oil per gal 15
Vinegar per gal 20
White Wine Vinegar 25
Walter Baker's Cocoa 4b
Walter Maker's Chocolate
18c, 2 pkgs
Swift Extract ol Beef 2-oz.
Kex Extract of Heef 2-04. . .
K C Baking Powder 10-oz can
K C Baking Powder 25-oz can
K CBakingPowderSO-ozcan .35
K C Baking Powder 80-ozcan .55
Shillings Best Baking Pow
der 1-11) can 35
Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing
per bottle 20
K-oz Eddy's Liquid Blue... .15
5c Paddle Bluing U
lUc Paddle Bluing 07
Full Cream Cheese per lb . . .15
Mica Axle Grease 8c, 2 boxes .15
Sunflower Axle Grease per
doz 10
A B C Soda Crackers 22-lb
boxes perlb d:
Oyster Crackers 22-lb boxes
per lb '.
Family White Fish per pail 70
B2fStorc open evenings unti
eight o'clock.
I I 0
i' ii'ii v 1 mini in 1 11111 1
f Loc
Wilcox Dptaif Store
1 r
But it has all the good points of a first class garment.
The well dressed man and most observing woman
would comment on the extra value of this
$10.00 Suit.
Other suits at
$7.50, 8.00, 9.00, 12.00, 13.50, 15.00,18.00.
made up of fine fancy worsted, tweed, cheviots and
many other desirable cloths.
Remember we are agents for two of the best tailor
ing houses in the country. Come and select your
Master suit, a fit absolutely guaranteed.
Star Clothing House.
Mrs. ISd Seylerth Icf t Sunday for
a visit with relatives at Schuyler.
Mrs. Arthur McNamara returned
Saturday evening from her visit in
Rev. Jno F. Seibert went to Sid
ney yesterday where he will hold
Lutheran services each evening this
About fifteen Iriends were pleas
antly entertained at parlor gameB
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, C,
Orr Friday evening last.
A K s . . fr I. .1 ....I i i ii..
L,cctric ,iirl)t com ' wcrc rc.
ceiyed Saturday. These poles cost
about seven dollars each laid down
at this station.
O. Goodwin, late of Hcrslicy,
writes this oflicc that he is located
at Granger, Wyo., where he has
been placed in charge of a Union
Pacific track section.
O W, Rich of Omaha is in town
and will represent the Union Pa
cific in the case which Mrs. Maggie
I'ost has brought aiiainst the com
pany tor damages to her property
by reason of smoke and dirt from
the roundhouse.
Among the articles at Clinton's
grab sale will be an $18 bicycle-
either ladies or gentleman's.
The spring meeting of the Lin
coln county teachers' association
will be held 111 this city next Satur
pay. A very attractive program
has been prepared for the alter
noon session, which will be held at
the hiiili school auditorium. In
the evening F. A. Hatch will de
liver a lecture at. the opera house.
Pretty Shoes for Women
This is a Suit
You Can Buy
It's not eccentric in cut,
not extravagant in price,
not freakish in fashion.
The county commissioners com
pleted the work on hand Saturday
and adjourned without date.
Miss Davis, who bad been spend
ing the winter with her cousin,
Mrs L. Sturges, left for her home
in Gibbon last Saturday.
Rale Elliott, of Brady, who war
attending court as a juror, was
called to Clay county Sunday by
the berious illness of his father.
The Rebekah Kensington will
give a ten cent Bocial at the hall to
morrow evening, March 12tb, to
which the nublic is invited. A
musical and literary program will
be rendered.
W. C. Reynolds has lot the con
tract to D. M. HoL'sett for the
erection of a two-ntory residence on
the lots west of N. A. Davis resi
dence on west Third street. This
house, which will cost about 53,500,
will have eight or nine rooinp, and
have all the modern conveniences.
Work on the foundation of the
house commenced yesterday.
New samples for sprtugand sum
mer suits from Fred Kauffman, the
American Tailor, of Chicago, are
here. Come in and see them.
A. P. Caki.son, Agent.
The Wilbur-Kcrwin opera com
pany which will present "Jack and
the Henn Stalk" at the opera house
this Tuesday evening, is pro
11011 need a first-class organization
A North Platte railroad man who
saw the company at Cheyenne Sat
uruay nigui says that the play is
well worth going to see, and that it
gave excellent satisfaction in that
hastcr is but three weeks away.
Isn't it time to pick out the new
shoes for the occasion? There
are plenty of handsome styleshere
to choose from shoes that have
fashion's stamp of approval.
There are the correct shapes and
weights for street wear -the dain
ty weights and styles for the dress
occasion. We will gladly show
them to you.
$1.65 to $4.50.
Station Agent Gengc was the
guest of friends at Shelton Sunday.
V. J. Stuart came down from
Cheyenne and visited his family
Division Foreman Stubbs trans
acted business in Omaha the latter
part of last week.
Billy Lautze, late of this city, is
now working as machinist in the
railroad shops at Bedford, Ind.
Kd G. Haucr, late of the Union
Pacific machine shops, has ac
cepted a situation at Lafayette, Ind.
A large stationery cupboard with
105 compartments for blanks, for
use at the freight house, was re
ceived yesterday.
Five iron posts twenty-five feet in
length, on which will be suspended
the arc lights in the Union Pacific
yards, were received yesterday.
II. D. Luce has been appointed
round-house foreman at Julesburg
and left today to assume his
duties. The position iB a better
paying one than that which he had
Working orders have been issued
for a forty-loot extension to the
Union Pacific ircight house. This
addition will be built on the east
end. Work will begin as soon as
the carpenter gang can get around
to it,
Will Plant rtsh In Blrdwooa.
Twenty-five thousand rainbow
trout and five thousand brook trout
were received t'ais morning from
the state fisheries and to
morrow morning Deputy Game
Warden Carter will take them to
the West Birdwood creek and plant
them. The water and surround
ings ol this creek have been fully
examined and it ib believed that
both rainbow and brook trout will
thrive therein.
It was largely through the efforts
i.f Warden Carter that this consign
ngnmentot fish for the Birdwood
was secured and his efforts to stock
the streams of Lincoln county and
western Nebraska.with fish is cer-
tiinly commendable.
Tito All-Nobraska To am Wins,
In the live bird shooting contest
it Omaha last Thursday been an
.11-Nebraska team of ten men cap
attied by Geo. L. Carter of this
ity and a team composed of O ma
in, South Omaha and Council
JlulFs men, the former won by
even birds, killing 231 birds out of
1 possible 250, while the opposing
earn killed 221. Mr. Carter killtd
us twenty-five birds straight, but
two fell out ot bounds and he tc
.cived credit tor but twenty-three.
Attorney J. G. Beeler and II. S.
Ridgley transacted legal busiuesp
11 Omaha Saturday.
Clinton will have a grab sale
Saturday, March 15th.
N. 15, Workman went to Lincoln
yesterday to attend a state meet
ing of the American Order ot Pro
'ectiou. W. D. Hover, imhn'mpr,
lowe's Furniture Store. Night
:all Telephone 90.
The annual meeting of the Mu
tual Building and Loan Associa
1011 will beheld at the court house
tatuiday evening, March 22.
Painting and Papering neatly
lone. Work guaranteed,
Roy Shaiti:k.
For Salo or Trade.
Three Kentucky Jacks. Apply
10 15. W. Murphy.
Murpliy's Varnishes.
No. 1 Coach Varnish per gal Sl.'JO
Coach Varnish per gal l.(0
Furnitu-e Varnish
per gal 1.20
No. 57 Light Hard Oil Fin
ish per gal 1.40
Liquid Wood Filler
per gal 1.10
No. 46 Dry Japan per gal. . . 1.10
Transparent Floor
Varnish per gal. 2.15
Transparent Wood
Finish, Interior
pet gal 2.15
The above in Gallon Cans and
price is for unbroken packages
1 only .
DeVocs Mixed Paints per
br"l SI. 00
Linseed Oil 75
Wilcox Department Stone,
I Fortyseven
(? 9ifi(;6 Alia. isi. (i
them at right
Separator Station Itcopcnod.
The North Platte separator sta
tion will be reopened on Tuesday
of next week in charge ot Frank
Tuffs. Art Grntzlcr, of Lincoln,
an agent of the Beatrice Creamery
Co., spent Saturday in town and
while here made arrangements for
opening the station. Mr. Tuffs is
an experienced separator man, hav
ing had charge ot the local station
part of last summer, and at one
time had charge of the Kearney
station. He will push the business
and hopes to build up quite a trade
for the local station.
Notico to Teachers.
Siuce the meeting ot the Lincoln
County Teachers' Association con
flicts with the regular teachers' ex
amination, I will hold examination
for teachers Friday and Saturday
forenoon, March 14th and 15th,
Oscar W. Neau:,
County Supt.
Notwithstanding the fact that
credit competitors say that they
meet our cash prices, the fact re
mains that tor quality and prices
we are still in the lead. Compare
prices with those in your pass
book and be convinced.
Cane Granulated Sugar 19
lbs $1.00
Cozad Morning Glory Pat
ent Flour per sack 1.05
Cozad Valley Patent Flour
per sack 95
North Platte Patent Flour
per sack 1.05
Kerosene Oil per gal 15
Best Gasoline per gal 20
Arm & Hammer Soda per lb .08
Cow Brand Soda per lb 08
Kingsfords Silver Gloss
Starch per lb ". ... .08
Kingsford Corn Starch per
lb 08
Standard SwcetCorn per can .08
Standard Vinegar 45 grain
per gal 20
45 grain White Wine Vine
gar per gal 25
II. J. Heinz Co. Best Cider
Vinegar per gal 35
Best New Sweet Cider per
gal 35
Gold Dust Washing Powder
4-lb box IS
Stock Salt, 100-lb saclc 00
Sulphurized stock salt 50-lb
blocks 50
Fancy white potatoes per bu .95
Fastcrn standard tomatoes
per can 13
Regular 35c M. & J. Coffee
per lb 32
Regular 30c M. & J. Coffee
per lb 27
Regular 25c M. & J. Coffee
per lb 22
Regular 20c M. & J. Coffee
per lb 18
Regular 50c Sun Cured Jap
an 1 ea per lb 4a
Regular 40c Sun Cured Jap
an Tea per lb 35
Fish for Lent
We have just received a lull line
of Fish tor Lent Smoked Sal
mon, white tish, cured herring,
codfish, mackerel, white lish and
spiced herring, ah fancy goods at
right prices.
Vovr patronage is solicited.
I E. P. McGREW, Mgr.
Ranges $
That people appreciate good articles :
when they see them is attested by the (j
fact that we have sold forty-seven
Ranges since August 1st, and we arc to
selling them right along. But Ranges V
arc not all; our sales of Heating Stoves to
have been very large. This business jjj
only tends to show that we carry to
superior Stoves and Ranges and sell j'
Promotion for David Patterson.
The Omaha Bee of last Sundav
contained the following relative to
a former North Platte man:
A circular just isiued by General
Manager II. N. Murine of the At
chison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail
way company announces the ap
pointment ot David Patterson, for
merly of Omaha, to the position of
division master mechanic ot the
New Mexico and Rio Grande divi
sions of that road.
This advancement crowns thirty
four years of active railroad work
in the mechanical department by
Mr. Patterson. He was for twenty
nine consecutiye years in the em
ploy ot the Union Pacific system
and rose step by step from the posi
tion of machinist's apprentice,
which he held in North Platte in
1868, to his present position.
Mr. Patterson was in turn an
apprentice, machinist and tool
maker at North Platte and Evans
ton, general foreman at Denver and
Omaha, division toremau at North
Platte, master mechanic at Salt
Lake City, leaying the service ot
the Union Pacific in September,
1S97. He then entered the employ
of the Kansas City Southern and
has since been master mechanic
tor that road at Pittsburg, Kan.
Ha is well known to old railroaders
in the motive power department of
the Union Pacific in Omaha.
Public Notice.
Arrangements have been made to
receive separator cream at the
t-kimmiiig station at North Platte.
The price for the first half of
March is 25 cents par pound for
butter lat. For partienhrs see
Frank Tuffs, our agent here.
Also agent ior the De Laval
cream separator.
Beatkici: Cukamgry Co.
Wanted, Valley Iiand.
We want lands in the Platte
valley for cash customer, who will
pay good prices. If you want
speedy sales come and see us.
Buchanan & Pattekson.
(Central Time)
1 LenvfiH
101 f.e.ives
il leaves
S Leaven
1 Loaves
ii' I.eavoN
1. 5:Sl)i), 111
. rM5 p. m
T:OSa. m
-':l!Ol III
1:10 ji, in
. H:30.i ji)
. 1:30 1 in
. 7. IRa. m
. 8.411 .1. in
s'o. ' Leaves
I IK Loaves ....
0 Leaves
H Leaves (Fi:eV(ih't')'.'..'.V. '.'.'.'.'.'. is'ao ' m
Leaves ,
11:40 p. m
i:isa. 111
I'ulln'aa'far-e0' J an1 - JassenKers must pay
Freight trains No S3 and M ston at ill
felons Other freights carrf
topolnts at which they stop. 11 1
Wm. Gaxiivt,
Blacksmith mid
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
Horse Shoeing $4 per Team.
Also reductions in the price o( all
other work. Work truarantcfd or
money refunded. Give us a call
Locust street south of YoaVa
harness store.
who can make and repair
Shoes, but there are lew
who can equal and none
that can surpass us