1 . , . . nil 5 o "lumii" g We Imvo a fine line $ 5 of Talking1 Machines 8 $12.00 $18.00, $25.00, I $40.00, $60.00 g and a good assort- & ment of 7 and 10-inch s g Records. S 5 ft We also carry a full g line of the American Cycle 8 g Mfg Co's Bicylces $ g from S15 to $35, with $ g or without coaster $ brake. $ to (ft to w to -w m to .8inr(fffi) n to J M v. M H it, to to to THE JEWELER g She cml - Wrchly Sribuar . TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1902 DR. r. W. MILLER, ORADUATE DENTIST. Ofllco over Stroitz's Draft Storo. Tickets are selling rapidly for f the Boilermakers' ball, which will beheld on the evening of the 31st inst. The event will be worthy a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fikes and two children came down from Cheyenne Sunday night. Mr. Kikes returned last evening, but the lamily will re main in town for several days. The Gandy Pioneer says: Mr. Buzza of North Platte was in our yillage one day this week. He stated to our merchants that lie was contemplating going into business at Om place. g A small armv of hunters were out after wild geese and ducks Sunday but the results of the day's aggressive campaign were not com mensurate with the money ex pended for wagon hire, lunches and beer. Watch foi display of articles for C inton'rt grab hale on Saturday, March 15th. There was a lively movement of real estate on Dwey street yester day, and as a result the thorough fare was almost deserted. It was one ot those days that has a tendency to make a fellow use emphatic language. L. L. Brown of the dispatchers' oilice has purchased the George Jones house on west Sixth street and taken possession. Mr. Jones and iamily will leave in a few days for Colorado where he owns a r. arm. Woman's Work in preparing appetizing and wholesome food is lightened by this famous baking powder Absolutely pure It adds healthful qualities to the food Baking Powder The "Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" most practical and ,-aluable of cook books -j (rei! to every patron, bend full address by postal card. ROYAL EAKIHO POWDEH CO., What! Talking ..t, ...... ABOUT CARPETS ALREADY. ARE WE TOO FOREHANDED? Perhaps that is the first 5 thought that will Hash through your mind but 5 iiuiiK a minute count . ; tuc weens uetorc spring s j not many arc there? CJ We arc shnu'lnir tho lnnr . .. ; " . P ; est line oi carpets in 5 North Platte, We carry these by sample for the . reason thai we can snow j'OUi larger assortments to pick from, and can sell 5 . them to you cheaper than Xzs ; if carried in stock. We i have all the new designs i in Royal Wiltons, Axtnin- lstcrs, velvets, ijouy Brussels, Tapestry Brus- ; scls, and seven grades of ingrains. .......... i The Wilbur-Kirwin opera com pauy came in from the west this morning and will present "Jack and the Bean Stalk" at the opera house this evening. The base ball fans at Kearney held a meeting last Friday and organized for the coming season. Arrangements are being made for putting a strong team in the field On account ot the prevalence ol small-pox at Ogalalla, Rev. Beecher will not make his weekly visit there next Thursday. The schools and churches of that village have been temporarily closed. Grab Snle at Clinton's on Satur day, March 15th. H. O. Evans and family will leave about the 25th nut. for Conestota, N. Y., where they expert to make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Evans haye lived here many years and their large circle of friends re gret their departure. Go to Di)c Sizeiuore's Barber Shop. Their method of caring lor the lace is wonderful. Only 10c. A. 15. Thornberg returned iroin Texas Saturday where lie went on business about three weeks ago. He reports everything a in a flour ishing condition and says that the oil regions are all right for parties with lots o( money. He is well pleased with the country and while there purchased a hall sec tion of rice land near Austin, The board of directors of the Mutual Building and Loan Asso ciation held a meeting Saturday evening and received the report of the committee appointed to audit the books of the secretary and treasurer. The report, among other things, shows thru the fines, entry fees and transfer fees paid all the operating expenses of the asso ciation for the year. Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pasties i Fine Puddings There are cheap baking powders, made from alum, but they are ex ceedingly harmful to health. Their astringent and cauterizing qualities add a dangerous element to food. 190 WILLIAM ST., HEW YORK. L. A. Graves has resigned his position as fireman and will enter the train service. Fred Letts has taken a thirty day lay off and left last night tor Nevada, Iowa. Mr: and Mrs. M. A. Lynch have returned from a two weeks' visit with friends in Kearney. F. J. Dentler went to Ogdcn last night to take treatment for rheu matism at the hot springs. Supt. of Motiyc Power Higgins and Division Master Mechanic Barnum came up from Omaha last evening Prof. Lcoiihardt will be in this city April 1st to tune pianos. Or ders can be left at Warner's store, Chas. P. Ross has been transact business in Omaha for a couple of days, having gone down Sunday night. The funeral of John Delbert Shirley, infant eon ot Mr. and Mrs. Prank Shirley, was held at the Catholic church this morning. Miss IrmaCody and MissTurpie, who had been spending several weeks in South Dakota and Wyom ing, returned home last night. Joe Ottmau has returned from a brief visit with friends at Chapped. Mrs. Ottmau, who accompinifd him, will remain there several days. W. J. Ucndy, who haB been tem porarily filling the position of night foreman of the round house, will probably be assigned to that place permanently. Geo. S. Davis, sou of the late Milledge Davis, came down from Denver the latter part of last week and has taken the position of fire man at the electric light plant. Walter Cline of McPherson cpun ty was in town the latter part ol last week receiving sixty head of yearling steers which had been shipped to him from Burt county. The case of George Ruhl against Albert Stcinhauscn Is being heard in the district court today. This is a damage case growing out of the shooting matinee held last tall. Commercial Fertilizer for Lawns at City Pharmacy, Dr. Longley. Geo. II. Likert was a passenger on No. 5 this morning returning to Cheyenne from a visit in Indian apolin, St. Paul and other eastern points. The report that George would return with a wife proved untrue. Grab Sale at Clinton's Jewelry htore jsaturaay, iviarcn lain. A boy baby was born yesterday at noon to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Newton, much to, the joy of the nappy parents. This paper extends a welcome to the young man and its congratulations to the father and mother, 10. R. Cowman, of Cottonwood precinct, was a caller at this office yesterday and left with us a dossen grasshoppers which he had picked up on the prairie Sunday. Some are very small while others are about half grown, and all arc of this season's hatching. In the case of the First National Bank against John F. Hinman, in which the bank sued for about $1,800, the jury found for the de- teudant in the sum of one dollar. The jury retired at ten o'clock last night and arrived a,t a verdict at half pabt six this morning. C. L, Patterson today received a proposition to furnish fifteen teams and drivers for a railro.-ul contract or west of Latamie. Mr. Patter son has wired bin acceptance and will at once proceed to equip the teams secure drivers and send them west to the grading camp. J.j W. Alexander will probably go with the homes and see that they fate properly wl.ile in transit on the cars, R. W. Calhoun of Nichols pre cinct, who was taken to Omaha last Thursday night and operated upon for appendicitis, died at the hospital Sunday morning. The operation had been performed and the patient was apparently doing nicely when a sudden turn occurred and death came suddenly. The re mains were brought to this city last night and the funeral held at the Methodist church this after noon. The deceased leaves a wife the daughter of A. Cool edge and five children to mourn his sudden demise. The deceased had lived in this county tor many years, and had a large circle of acquaintances and friends. Tor Bale. Eight room hcusf six below, two above. Apply to Louis Peter- 011. Do You Practice Economy? Is it u true or false economy? Don't buy goods because they are cheap they arc dear at any price. Buy the best; it is cheapest in the long- run. Do you know that there are cheap goods that are being- sold just as high as sonic of the best groceries sold by W. F. Mctilone Viz: Snowflake Flour This Hour has no equal. We claim that a sack of Snowllake will make more bread, better bread, whiter bread, more wholesome bread than any other brand of Hour, excepting none. Monarch Baking Powder. jUg&g Pure cream of inner oauing powder. It stands in the list of baking powders where Monarch cann ed goods stand among canned goods, viz: at the head. We guarantee it to be belter than any other. If it don't please you, you get your money back. Per 10-oz can 45c. Lowney's Cocoa. The Most Delicious and the PUREST. Unlike Any Other Full I'luvor, anil colliding onlv tlm rrntrl. ttVUlllIll lIlKl'HtllllO Jil pl'l tll'H r lIlO llllT,t Coeon IIoiiiih. No Hour, rtmrli, Krolint cocoa elu'lln, nlknllca, cIiuiiiIcaN, or coloring uiut tcr aro tirerunt in Linvney'a. Per half pound can 25 cents. Oriole Pearl Hominy. Made of the best white corn, and put up in two pound pack ages. Price 15c per pkg or two tor 25c Monarch Asparagus Tips. Quart cans, packed full of white tips, very fine. Per can 30c Monarch Strawberry Beets In quart cans, very tempting. Per can 20c, two for35c. Hienze's Preserves. Nothing but pure fruit and granulated sugar. Strawberry 20 cents per pound Blackberry 20 cents per pound Black Raspberry 20c pr pound Damson Plum 20c, Cherry 25c, Quince 20c, Peach 20c, Apple Butter 12j4c, Peach Butter 15c. FISH, Finest Mackerel in town. Peerless 20c, 2 for 35c, Gem I5c, 2 for 25c. Codfish, Halibut, hinnan Haddic, Bloaters, Her ring, Salmon, and Holland Her ring. We meet any price and give you better goods. Have a car of Fancy Greeley Potatoes, the finest that have )cen in North Platte this year. They .cost you no more than lots of poor ones. Price $1.00 per utisuei. Qrab Sale at Clinton's Saturday, March 15th. S. M. IvMiipton returned Sunday night lrom Cheyenne where he had been spending some time working at his trade. He expects to return to that city the latter part of this week. UOAD NOTICB. To all whom il may concern: Tho comniisflionor nppointod to Ioento a road eoinmoncing at tho Houthoiist cor- nor Bimtion o, township 10, north ot range Ifcl wost, and ruuninu tlmneo wost iiIoul' section linos and tertninat Iiilt at southwest cornor of (motion 8, in town ship 10, north range 811 west, to connoct with county roau ro, iti, iiuh reported In favor of tho establishment tlioroof and all objections Umrutn, or elain-H for damages, must bti fllod in tho County Clerk's ollluo on or boforo noon of tho 10th day of May, A D lf0'- or Hiioh road will bo natabllshod without rofur oneo thereto. I' HUD It. G INN. County Clorlt Dated March 11, 1902. mill Announcement. Maving lately succeeded Mr. Max Kirsch batnn, we are pleased to announce that we aro now ready for business, and shall endeavor at all times to give our customers the same kind and courteous treatment that has been accorded them in the past and to maintain the es tablished reputation of the Model One-Price Clothing Mouse, for up-to-date styles, quality and low prices. New Spring Goods arriving daily. Always glad to see you and to please you. Weingaiid & McDonald. Xiuthornn Church Notos. The Wednesday evening service at the Lutheran church this week will begin at 8 o'clock instead of 7:.i0 as usual. Charles Ilcndy will conduct the service. In the ab sence ot the pastor, Rev. (leo. A. Uci'chcr has kindly consented to deliver the nddrct-s. Since the Priday service for men will be omitted this week, it is expected the attendance will be correspond ingly increased. Choir rehearsal Thursday even ing at the home of Mr. C. F. Scharmann. It is important that every member be in attendance, Kev. Seibcrt will return from Sidney in time to conduct the usual services next Suudiiv, morn iug and evening. Attend Clinton's grab sale on Saturday, March 15th, early in the day. Ward Primary. The republican primary for the First ward will be held at the hose house on Friday evening, March 1-4 th at 7:30 for the purpose of se lecting five delegates to the city convention and nominating a can didate for council. JNO. W. Al.K.VANDKK, D. II. Wiiiti:, Committeemen. For Hont or Sale Eighty acres, known as the Lock- wood larm. Under irrigation. Write or apply to II. Schuff, Grand sland, Neb. eed Potatoes From the RD RIVER REGION Northern Minnesota. Guaranteed absolutely pure stock. One carload is due here TO-DAY, MKRCH 12TH. Gill early as Carload is half sold. These Seeds will be sold For Cash Only. & Toli. Early Ohio eidrnipn WDJH3 A Carload of A Carload of BALING WIRE to arrive this week. Don't buy till you get our prices. Mereafter these goods will be sold for CKSH ONLY and at bottom prices. HARRINGTON & TOBIN. Sr. Katoh'n Looturo. Kev. Dr. Hatch, of Omaha, will deliver a lecture at the opera house next Saturday evening under the auspiceH of the Lincoln County Teachers' Association, In order to cover the actual expenses of the lecture, a general admission fee of twenty-five cents will be charged, The subject of Dr. Hatch's lecture will be queer people, which is highly commended by the presB and the public. In speaking of this lecture the Denver Kepublican says: Rev. F. A. Hatch delighted his audience for nearly two hours with "Queer People" not the queer people that inhabit fairy laud and interest babiep, but the queer people of this every day world. He enlists the interest of his hcnrerB with the opening sentence and held thoir attention to the very end. Preceding and following the lecture several musical numbers will be rendered and Abbie Patter sou will recite. For sale Two fresh milch cows, Apply at thi oflice. GOING TO FENCE? We sell Baker Perfect Barb Wire painted per hundred. .$3, SO Baker Perfect Barb Wire, gal vanized, per hundred $4-. 10 Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store.