? trr cil - WMy (Tribune TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1902. lit A L HAKE, Eoitok ami) Propiiiktok riuiiaoMirnoH hatkh. One Tear, cash 111 ndranc,,.,,,, Bit Months, oasb la advanon...... ... ..tlM Eat red Millie North PlatU (Nebraska lp')trITIo saannd-rlaMtnatUr. Republican City Convention. The republican city electors of the city of North Platte are re quested to ilcct delegates to a city convention to be held at the court house on Saturday evening, March 15th at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates lor Mapor, City Clerk, City Treas urer, City ICiiginccr also two candU dates for members of the Board of Education. The several wards arc entitled to the following- representation based on the vote for Supreme Judg-c for 1901. First ward 5 Second ward 11 Third ward 0 It is recommended that the ward caucuses be held on Friday even ing, March 14, at 7:30 at t lie usual voting places and that each caucus nominate a candidate for council man for its representative ward. A S. Baldwin, Chrmn. II S. Niwinr.v, Secv. Duhinc; the month of February 7b4 cases of small-pox were reported to the state board of health. Doug las county headed the list with 189 cases. Lincoln county reported but one case, An UK :i very bitter fight, Ross Hammond has been re-appointed postmaster at Fremont. If party lenity and work cut any figure in federal appointments, Mr. Ham tnoiid in entitled to be postmaster for ninety years. Ciiaikman Lindsay, of the rcpub lican state central committee will call the state committee together on March 20th. The sentiment is in favor of an early convention, probly the latter pirt of June or the early part of July. Calls were isstud yesterday for meetings ot the democratic " and populist state central committees at Lincoln on March 19lh. Chas DeFrancp, chairman of the popu liBt state committervpays that he regards fusion this fall as a fore gone conclusion Tin: third change in the cabinet of President Roosevelt occurred yesterday when Secretary Long submitted his resignation which is to take effect May 1st. It waH ac cepted by the president and Wm II. Moody of Massachusetts has been named as Mr. Long'g sue. JCBBOr. wi; may now look for a pardon for Cashier Gould, because if the governors argument was good in the Barlley case the same applies to tue liould case. Didn't Gould 'Htanu between tho patrons of the Dank and ruin and and disaster" for fifteen long years, and by clever iorgcrics stave off the day ol finau cial ruin to the p ople o Uellwood? Give him a pardon --Seward Blade. Though the republican city con vcution will be held on Saturday evening next, lew candidates have publicly announced thenihclvcs Mayor Walker will accept a roiioni iiiauon it it is tendered him. He his made a god record and in our opinion is deserving of and untitled to a second term. HUudmiiiirtru Hon haB been one of economy, th Baloons have been well handled and public gambling entiitly sup pressed. lie has given thcollic much time and consideration and proven an obliging and contcieu tious official. Doo" Blxby Cominp. A. L. Uixby, the poet, liuinoribt nnd philosopher of Hie Lincoln State Journal, has been engaged to unke 11 talk in this city on Hi evening of April 21. With Mr llixby will be Miss Jocphine Retz reader and vocalist, and Miss Rote Reichard violinist. Both these ladies come highly endorsed as proficifiit 111 their respective work. Mr. Bixby is personally known to many North Platte people, having Sit one time lived here. This entertainment will be given under the uuspicen of the base ball association, and the net proceeds will be devoted to improving the grounds. Dig Block Wall Paper. All this ycarJrt patterns. IIowc'j Furni ture Store. Kc'itor cf A. O. U. V. Gur'do Editorially Endorses MAT7: J, JOHNGON'S ,V'VM' " (SIXTY EICII7Y-CJCKT.) STWfl otiruranteo COOK to Im f ico ft : l nil o;Intci, r.irrcurlcji lrou, cocnlucu, M;:cyiutt J uu'. till i-oJuonoun drug. "Tne mcfi :rr of tho A. O. U. W. GuMp, tvho may bo uCltotctt -with rheumatism, nro liarcttf Informed tUot v:o hnvo tt.t.i remedy (CCHC) la our fornix fortwoyenrs, n i inr', huM.lii umrA rheumatism of ill orm of t's nor trV c nniH. nml ihfiU- In mntkim cf ti.i rit ot a jWn ntnndior;, m lener'?tlonr, sndrMtjlTiiJiinoroUcf." ft n EC.'E VDEft! I'm half ft tMtlo unit If g3 y, rnULi BH'.at fctoucy will njriuiiuw,irbouchl from our aiuuurixeanBguia. For Solo cr.d Cuarantooci Only Cy A. F. STKKITJJ. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Another Big Land Bale. Buchanan & Patterson are today closing up a sale whereby G. V. Stunners of Omaha will become the owner of 760 acres of the 12. V. Murphy land located four milca west of town. The consideration is S7,f)00. Y. Iff. C. A, NOTES. 157 men visited the rooms and 83 look advantage of the baths last Saturday. Kev. C. P. Wimberly gave a very helpful talk on the lost Christ last Sunday. We wish every young man in the town could nave been there. Mr. McCorkle and Mrs. Charles Dill sang a beautiful duet. All men interested in the study of the bible arc wanted in the parlor on ncjrt Thursday evening at eight 'clock. No wonder llic association grows, the wives of man are coming up and taking out tickets for them, thy all go out with a good book in there hands also. The membership is on the move. It increased tix members vester- y, the library is largely re- ponviblc for this. II. ClaiiBseu left last night on a business trip to Council Bluffs. Asst. Supt. Ware returned Sun day morning from Oklahoma. Mrs. Ware will remain there several days longer. Fred Douglas, who was brake- man on a train winch had a light wreck a lew days airo is down from Cheyenne telling "how it happened." Go to the Hawl.y House for a good bed or a good meal. Tran sient trade solicited. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beveridge, the noted singing temperance eyan- gclistn will give one of their unique oug and picture entertainments in H is city on March 19th. Will RubscII, now working at Cheyenne, returned to that city this morning after a short visit with relatives 111 town. He Ih not very well i-atisiied with Cheyenne life. A, W, Plumer, who had been spending several months in Denver, returned this morning and will probably spend the summer in this county looking after liia cattle Interests. When in North Platte go to the Hawley IIoue and get a good meal or bed, Country trade solicited iasi aiuroay aiteruoou a game of ball was played between the team of Harry Piercv and Victor llalligau and the team of Samuel Brown, in which the nine of Brown's was tit tea ti ii by a score of 12 to 11. Chicago lorecast for North Platte and viciniU; Generally lair to night and Wednesday. The maxi mum temperature yesterday was 5H, one year ago 50. The mini mum temperature this morning was 30, one year 20. W. J. Levy, of Kansn, is in t iwn today for the purpoie of MTtcting an organization of all re tail merchants. This move is being pushed in many o( the west ern states arid itB purpose is to diminish if possible the sales of such mail order houses ;ih Sears, Roebuck & Co. We learn that R. L.Graves has been transferred from the auditing to the purchasing department of the Denycr & Rio Grande Ry. at an increase of salary, and that his selection was made I mm over fifty employes, Twice within a month lias Mr. Graves received advances in salary. Xloomti l'or Rent, The Farriugtou Hotel hat been converted into a lodging house Rooms can bu secured by the day, week ot month. Apply at the prciulseu, c e 9 9 e 13 ?M . ami Knroniv ConsiipaiioH. tttcr experimenting with eovcrnl regular g david kauaix. 9 r.rt fintlifaelory return tho boltlo nnd your m 9 9 o o The regular business meeting of the M. 10. church will he. held in the church parlor Friday, March Nth, at 2:30 p. m. A. Simon, of the telegraph department, spent yesterday in town inspecting the electric light wiring in the several company buildings, T. W. VanWie has opened a p tint shop in the Hinman building on Front street where he is pre pared to paint wagons and car riages. Work guaranteed satis factory. ' A koo.1 looking hornfinil poor look. (, -jV Mnttloa. L' Harness OllS liorM Imk l-Urr, hut maWei tbs rather aorinnil l.lliLlr. tiul-It In con- ll 1 it , union n iwicn m IMlrt . as It onllnurlly would. Mil, r ' ij cio wi 1 I ..'.'i I, a DON'T PROCRASTINATE! Otherwise don't put off until tomorrow whnt should bo dono today. If thoro is sorno shoo ropniriritf. hnvo it dono nt Iho follow Front Shoo Ko pmr Shop. GEO. TEKrULVE. Chonpost nnd best plnco in town. r VERY LOW RATES Hvory dny durinir tho months of Mnn-b mid April, lOOU, tho Union l'neitio will toll Colonist ono-wnv tiekots nt Mm following rates. FltOAI Missouri River $20 to Ogden and Salt Lake City i20 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena $22.50 to Spokane $22,50 to Points on the Great Northern Ry, Spokane to Wcnatchec Inclusive, via Huntington and bpokanc. $25 to Points on Great Northern Ry, West of Wcnatchec, via Hunting, iou ana oponanc. $25 to Portland, Tacoma and Sc attic. $25 to Ashland, Oregon and Inter" termedtate Points, Including Branch Lines on S, P. Co. South of Portland, via Portland. $2B to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Other California Points. Full information ohtutrfully furnished upon iippneunon. B. IF. QENDE, Affont. 0l Humphreys' SjiCi'HIca net directly upon thu iliiienso, Without oxcitinu disorder H other pnrts ot tho Hyuttmi. Thpy Oiirp (ho pick, ; ci-ar. raKr, l-Vvirrn, Conscirioiii, Inrlaminallona. i-Worun, Worm Fever, Vonn Colic. . .Ma Cl-Tcclhluj.Collc.Cryloii.Wakrfulueia ,'3 l-:inrrlii'n,orchlldrcnor Adultt.. .. .'i.l V-L'iiiiiIk, CotiU, Drourhltli. . ... .vj H-,curnlBla, Toolbacho, Faceacbo..... ,'Jj -lliadnrlir,Klck Headache, Vertigo.. ,v. 1 !VMln,ludlgciUon,7cak8toniacb.'J3 1 I -Kuiinrctied orl'oliiful I'rrloJa ... 1-- Whllea, Too Protuiw PcrIo.li 3 i:i-t roup, I.nr ncltln. Ilojnvneu V!3 l i-Hnll Uhetiiu, KrjilK la4,l:rurlIoui . .us 1 ."l-ltliciiinnlliiii, Itlieumatlo Palui 53 10-Mulnrln, Chilli, Fovcrnml Ague . ,'a I'.)-rolnrrli,JuriiH'ni,CoMlu the Head ,33 'JO-W Iiooplim. roue!) 05 U7--Hilncy )Ucuir J3 SH-XpntiM DeLilUy j.no Un-t'rlnnrvWealiiieii, VCcltlDglksI... .J3 77 4Srl, Hay rater Wall Paper- for 1902 C. M. Newton had opened a Wall Paper Store in the Kcnnie Utiildiny and will carry in stock Wall Paper, Widow Shades, Room and Picture Moulding, and Sewing Machines, Will carry ready-made win dow shades, also a nice line of shade by the piece from which he will make any size to order. Will make Picture Frames and will very shortly have an outfit for the manufacturing- of Rub ber Hand Stamps. Shall try to please all that patronize me. C. M. NEWTON. Sprinp; Btylen of the famous Oueen Quality Ladies' Shoes All Myles, hizes C, 13, D, 12 and ISIiJ. The best ladies' shoe on earth. Testimonials p-iven by millions of ) i.dieB who have worn these bhoefc. Ladies in North Platte who have worn them invariably call for them again. They don't cot any more man interior stioen. I'rice 5.U0. THE LEADER, J. PtZKR, PH01. T. W- VAN WIE CARRIAGE PAINTER, Call and get prices. All work guaranteed. Hinman Building Front Street I The Climate Of Western Nebraska most money burned to painting your house. cheapest in the end. e QUBEN QUALITY wm &0 :k'Slierw.in & Williams Paints 2 2 s 5 Have been sold by us for njany years, and they hae o given universal satisfaction time tried and not" found wanting. We have a full stock on hand for S the spring trade. If you have used it you will buy S it again; if you have not used it, try it. g jA F STREITZ, Druggist; Jceoeaoeaoeoasoooseceoooo4 0acuoeesoaeccsr)0g mm QasaseoaseaaaosasceoooDopoooDeoeaioacooooQ 1 Korih f laffe floar j eaaaaaaaeaacsaeoeoacaaeaoaaw9aouaae fIaI)Ufactlllrccl by Horlt) Platte iRolief iT)ills Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any (lour manufactured in Nebraska. (5 Trial Sack oJiil Copiricc yoti of its fljerit North Platte Roller Mills C. F, IDDINCS PROFESSIONAL CARDS J, . IIOAOLANIJ. '". V. IJOAOUAND Noagland& Hoagland, TTOREn no counselor a OflVe ovnr Mr. HiKTmmi'ii Millinery 8tnra. .VOKHI 1'I.ATIK. - - NKIilt.VBKA. w ILCOX .t IIALL1GAN, All l UHi 1 O'AI'IjAW . VOKTI! PLATTE, - NEUItAStU Office ofr North rifttte KMlonnl Bunk. I S. KIDQBLY, ATFO RN'E V-AT-L A W . Oflleo McDonnld lllook, H.-woy stroot NOHT1I I'LAITE, - NKHRASKA I) It. G. II. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oflicc over I'ost Othce. Telephone 115. North l'lntto, - - - Nebraska t II. DAVIS, 1 V. ATTORNEY-AT-LxVW. NORTH PLATTK,, - - NEBRASKA Onuly Block Rooms 1 A 52. 'p C. PATTERSON, KTTO R N EY-KT-LKli:, Otllce over Yellow Front Shoo Store NORTH PLATTE. NEB. k K- ROCHE, AITORNEY-AT-LAW, Hinman BtocK, Dmwxy Strhi.t. Xmktii Pr.ArrK. Nkiiiiaska. II. E. McCAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oflleo over HufTinnn'B Millinery Htoro Noktii Plattk. - - Neijuaska 0. V. BEDELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oflics: North Plntto Notional Bank Buildiuc, North Plntte, Neb. Jjl K. DENNIS, M. D IIOMOEOPATIIIST, verrirt Nntlonal Hank, NOHTU I'LATTE, - - NEUKASKA. D R. J. F. SIIUTE, DENTIST. All llranches of Den tlHiry HClentlflcaUy dune. Nitrous Oxltl O.iH adinlnlstcruil. l'dinnylvanla Collepe of Dental Surwr VJ Olllcc over Wilcox Dcpt .Store. Dlione i;il. MANS GEELE, Tho Tailor. Hns juot opened n now tailoring ostablisliiiicnt nnd lias now munploa for BtiitR nleo does repnir work. (Jul I on nun with new or old work nnd you will recoivo prompt ut tentlon. IJowoy et. up lu iMorscn UuildinK. STEBBlfIS' STABLE. Liycry, Feed, Boarding- and Sale, NElAZ rigs, Accommodations Good. Feed per team to bay, 35 cents niyht; noon feed 15 cents. L. C. Stebbhis, 'Phono 101. North Pltt, N nbpaslcn I is hard on paint and it is al S use an inferior quality when S The best paint is by far the LEGAL NOTICE. Mnrunrot Struthors. dofendnnt-. will tnko notieo that on tho 11th dny of Feb ruary, 1SK)-, Lnrs P. KronR, plnmtttr herriti, tiled hiB petition in tho distriul court of Lincoln county, NebniBKn. niininBt niiid defendnut tho object nml prnyer of whieh nro to peonro n deoreo (i tiiotititr pliiiiitilT'H title to tho following described real estnto, viz: LotB 1, '2 nnd II in towiiflnp 11, north ot ratio :t-J, wtt of 0th P. M., and toenneel and ilooluro Milioliod n cor tut ii mortKiiKO Hfjniimt Biiid promisep, dutod Doeeinbor 16th, leVil, made nud delivered to the defendant by one Muthew L. Brown, nud recorded in the elork e olllco of suid county in llork 1 1 of MorttfUKeB on nn i on nro roil ul red to uimwer Bind poll ion on or before tho -Uli dny ot Mnrch lUO'J. Dated February 11th, 1902. Laus P. Kkono, phuntitT, Ry T. C. PArrr.itsnN, ft44 IHb Attorney. .NOT1CK KOlt I'LHMCA'llU.N. lMd OlSco nt North l'lntte, Nab., . . February 8, 1HK. f ntl Is licrebr elven tbnt tb (nllnwin.nnMn.rt (Htler bmniwl uotk'u of bla lntentloa to mine niiM prMir in uiort or bin cllin, aud that wild prwil will b lUHUt) tefore llenlfler uuA llclvHr at North I'latte, eb on March 22d, 1MK, JAMES l-ATTtliBON, who niftdo llmstcad EntrT No. 17.117. fnr ir rt hall nortlivot quarter nnd wmt bait Rntuh- wt nusrter H Sec. 1", Town II, north of Haute l, WwttJth V. M. Ho named th following wllnetseit to prove hl conllnnour rceldencu upon nud cultivation of eatd laud, iz. A. F. HtrcltZ. F. W. lllucVor. Aslilnv IVInra mul Jnmvn Uliambri, nil ot North l'lntto, Nob " ocoiios L FntNcii. NOTIOK FOll PU11LICAT10N. Lund Offlto at North l'lntte. Neb., . Mnrch I, WO:!. eltler bn filed notice of his luientlou in uiake noal proof In ruiiport of bis claim, nud that unld proof will be luuile before llexl'lcr nud KeceUer it North l'lntte, Neb., ou April iSlh mr' vln OllAULIiH J. (1AMIIUKI. Lo made hnrueetead entry No. IVM) for the south half of nortlieuat quarter nud Lot 1 ntd J. J-,cjj0n " )nhlp 111 uvtlh, rnt,e ZV i'bt Utli llll lintnlt. llm fi.ltnH.1.... ...II.. 1- . .. .....u iiniiiniuK ..iiiirppun iii prove mii ooiitlnuiiuH lerliienro upon nud culllviitliiu ut siilil land, viz: Jnhii K. Fuller, llcory V. l'cllllps. .Myrtle, Neb. "iiiiuui n. iiupnnuu jioLun a jionziu. nil or mi ii OEO. 12. FHF.N01I. lleRlnter. NOTIOF run PUIILIOATION. Luud oILtu nt North l'lntte. Neb. wntch 8. 1 Hf. Notice is hereby Riven thnt the lollowlnL-nnmoil fclller linn nied notice ot hln Intention to make unni prooi in eupport or Ills claim, and that tnltl proof will be mailo beforo the rculntnr ami r. celvor. U. H. Land OfUco, at North I'latte, Neb., on April 2I.1WH, vlr: THOMAS rKTKIlI;N, Vfho mnilo hoiLentoad olltry No. 17X.M, for th northentt ipmrlor, aec 31, town. 11, cnorth rantto 111) names the foilmvluir vlluow(i tn urnvi, bU continuous rcfldeuco upon and cultivation ofsald laud viz: John Hansen, Jena Katniusscn, Chrlntlan JoIiuhou nnd Ernest Andrnon, all of jfvuiuurK, eu. oeoiiok c FniNcn, KeKlater. NOTlCi: FOIl rrjllLIOATION. Land OlUcoat North Platte. Neb, February IS, 1W1. Notlco la hereby given that tho followinK nntiiud settlor has tiled notlco of his Intention to make final proof lu support of bis claim and that wild proof will bo made before the Iteglster and llecefver, U. 8. Land Oilice nt North Platte, Neb, oil April 6th. IWi, viz: OIIAIU.EHM. MCOREW Honiestead Inrly No 17320, for the south half uorthcufit quarter, Lots 1 nnd 2, section 0, tou-fl-lp IS, north of rauKe 2U, V. Dili p. ui. L.I10 nniuUN tho follow I ns witnesses to prot o hss (ontlnuous rosldeoco tiiou und culthatluu of Hiilil land, viz: Henry Pollett. John J'ollott. Caspar Hlvlte, J( hn L. McOrow, nil of North l'lntte, Nob; fliioiKH: E. Fukwcii, UeKlstcr. LEGAL NOTJCB. JiiL'ob L. l.nrHon, Mrs. Jnuub If. L'lr xti, hiu wife nua h. l. WIIhoii, tlofopdt nuts will tnko notice thnt on tho 10th day or Fobrunry, 1902, plniniitr hoiuin tiled his petition in tho tlistnct court of Lincoln county, Nobrnskn, iininbt eiiul dofomlnntH, tho objoot nnd jirnyor ot which nrt to forecloso two certain mort aep, executed by tho dofondnnt Jacob L. Ltrron to tho pluintiu" upon tho Fouthoiibt quarter of Bt'ctiou 5 in town Bhip 12 range Ul Jwoat of sixth p, tn. nnd Eoutlnveet qunrterof sootiou G in town ship 12 range 3t wot (lib p. in. re spectively, onch of said mortgages being tnmlo to secure tho puyment of four promissory notes ns follows: Throo notes of 611)0.00 ench dated Doc. 1.1900 and payable in 1, 2 nud ll yt'nrs uftor ditto und ono for 85O.C0 pnmodnto pny ablo in four years afterdate. I'hat there is now due upon snid notes and mort gages 8700.00 with interest from Jlnrch 1,1901, and tho further sum of Sp.0."i for t xcs paid by plnmtjir upon qaji'l proiniEefl, for whicli sums with intorps n:ul costs plniulilT prnjH fur ti decree that dpfoiitjants bo required to pay th natne, or thnt snid premines may ho bo1( to mitiafy tho nmount found duo. Vou nro required to answer said potition on or ooforo tho 21th day of Mnruli, 1002. Dated nt North Plntto. ohraskn, this 10th d'iy of I-'obruarv, 1902. K. U. Sisson, I'lnintiiT. Hy T. C. Iitkkson, fllO His Attorney. RESToriES VITALITY Made a We!! Man the Y dHf.of Me. produce tbo nliovo reaolts In SO ilaya. It actj powerfully and qulcfcly. Curea when all qtben flL Vouogruenwlll regain their loet manhood, and old men will reoovor tbelr youthful vigor by tulng tmVIVO. It quickly and surely restores, NarTou t-!s9. Lost Vitality. Impotency. Nightly Kralailoni, I ost Power, Falling lliuiory, WasttDg Diseases, and ell effocU of ReU-abuso or eiceta and Indiscretion, tvhlch uuflta one for study, business or tnarrltge. It not only cures by starting at the seat ot dleetae, but Isagreat ncrvotonlo and Mood ljulliler, brlog. tig baclc the pink r'ow to pnlo cboekaandro ttorlng tbs flro of youth. It wards off Insanity end Consumption. Insist on having IlKVl VO.no rther. It cn bo carried In veBt pocket. By mall, U1.00 perpackage, or Bit (or SO.OO, with post ilro 'written Knnranteo to core or refaai Iho money. Hook nnd nilvlso freo. Address HOYAL MEDICLNFJ CO., gar For Nile by A F Sums. J. F. FILWON, General Ki-ptiirer. Special attention given to srai mm. WHEELS TO KliNT Zsl 1 - - ii e. Qk. rfcolorpke4 van i