The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 25, 1902, Image 4

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    I Local News jp, Brief,
Office ovor Stroitz'a Drag Storo.
A boy baby w.ib born to Kev. and
Mrs. Geo. A. Bccchcr Saturday
The annual election of officers ot
the Methodist Sunday-school will
beheld tomorrow evening.
T. C. Northey of I'eckham pre
cinct will auction olT his personal
property today and shortly leave
lor Oregon.
I 1). Wright, formerly of this
city, has leased the Madihou Cliron
iclc and is conducting the paper on
his own responsibility,
Claude Wcingand will assume
ownership of the Model Clothing
House about March 8th. His stock
cf spring goods is now arriving.
Kev. V. J. Criiflcn ol this city
will begin revival services at Her
bhey next Sunday evening. He
will be assisted by Key. IJerrc
bcrry. The Brady Kevlew says Fred
Pcckham cured a horse of the corn
stalk disease by drenching the ani
mal with five quarts of hot water.
This is a siinpl? remedy.
The Nebraska Long Distance
Telephone Co , which runs as far
west as Lexington, is arranging to
continue the line to this city and
incidentally connect with Cozad,
Gothenburg and Brady.
District Court Clerk .Older i
very busy this week getting ready
for March term of district court
which convenes next Monday. The
jury will be called Tuesday after
noon or Wednesday morning.
From a resident of Cottonwood
precinct we learn that a petition is
being circulated which asks the
scctctary of the interior to set aside
the appraisement which was made
of lauds embraced in the Mcl'her
son reservation.
K. K. Ilinc was in Brady last
week and offered to negotiate a
loan of $15,000 to complete the
South Side ditch if the tanners
along the ditch would give laud
security lor three times the sum of
the loan. This the farmer,, refused
to do.
Mrs.. N II. McCorkle has on ex
hibition at Warner's three pictures
two ol oil and a pastel that cer
tainly rcllcct creditably upon her
skill as an artist. Her work has
been viewed by many and all have
words of commendation.
Tin: Triiiuni: extends tardy, but
sincere, congratulations to John
Redmond, the ball player, who was
married at Hanover, Kaus., ten
days ago, to a very pleasant young
lady of that place. Mrs. Kedmoud
will remain in Hanover until about
the first of April.
While in Lexington last Thurs
day Game Warden Carter indulged
in a live bird Bhootiim contest with
County Clerk Costiu and won the
match by killing twenty seven out
of twenty-nine. The birds were
good llyers and strong on the wing.
I'rot. Worrell of the Ogal-
alla schools believes in conduct
mi: his work along practical lines.
J. W. Welptou recently delivered
an instructive address on bankinu
before the high school, and it is
the purpose to have other business
men follow with practical talks on
their line of work.
Buchanan & Patterson have
about closed a deal fur the saleol
the Blake estate laud and the Mc
Caw laud southwest ol town to
eastern parties for a consideration
of!r7,()00 caBh. There are some
thing over 2,100 acres in the two
tracts, 1 ,600 acres of which is irraz
nig laud. This is one of the largest
caBli land dealB that has taken
place in the county for n number of
years. It is understood that the
purchasers will improve the
Dress Trimmings
Our new in this line ar
rived this week,
We have;
Embroidered .Monocline
Escurial Applique
Plaucu Applique
Silk Applique
Mousseline Applique. v
Fancy Galloons
Fancy Silk Braids.
Prices range from 5c to ?4.0() a
Wilcox Department Stofe.
Of our Great
20 Per Ceivt Discouni Sale.
Special bargains in Men's, I3oyV and Chil
drens' Clothing.
Make the best of a few short days. After
February 28th you will pay full price for every
thing. Don't miss the best of a good opportunity so
buy a
$3.00 Man's
4 Man's
5 Man's
6 Man's
7.50 Man's
8 Man's
y Man's
10 Man's
12 Man's
13.50 Man's
15 Man's
Suit fit $2.40
Suit at 3.20,
Suit at .oo
Suit at 4.80 i
Suit at 6.00
Suit at 6.40
Suit at 7.20
Suit at 8.00
Suit at 9.60 j
Suit at 10.S0
Suit at 12.00!
Boys' and Children's
Pertaining to Shoes. K,ICC Pants Suils
ayes 3 to 10
JMie well known brand $1.35 suit $1.08,
W, L. DOUGLAS ills Sujt 1A0,
$3.00, $3.50, 94.00, $4.50, i?5, ?!s0 suit 2.00,
... 3.00 suit 2.4o!
3.50 suit 2.80,
52.40, $2.80, $3.20, $3.00, $4. 450 suit 3 0o'
5.00 suit 4.0o'.
Fell. 28tli positively mc ij$t Day
of this 20 Per Cent Discount Sale
Star Clothing House.
The county commissioners were
in BcsBion yesterday.
In these columns a week or ho
no it was stated that "Archie"
Warner had been arrested for coal
rustlinir. H should have read
Arthur" Warner.
The baptismal services at Hap
iiony school house will be held
next Friday evening, instead of
WudncBdav evening' as previously
announced. Kev. Wimberly will
olliciate and will also preach.
Very little talk is heard relative
to the approaching citv election.
There arc a few rumors lloating
around, one of svhich is that the
temperance people will put a ticket
In the field. but this cannot be veri
fied. A large audience attended the
Francis 15. Willard memorial ser
vices held at the Methodist church
Sunday under the auspices of the
local W. C. T. U. Addresses were
delivered by Kevs. Daly and Wim
berly and Mrs. Kitner. A portrait
of Fraucisl5. Willard was presented
to the liijjh school by Mrs. Pulis,
president of the Union and ncceptc I
uy j. u. urr on Dehall ol tiie
Hon can
Shoe the
Wc are closing- out several lines of (Sirls' and Children'
Shoes at these prices:
(illllAS KID SHOlvS
in Into stylos, lueo,
iliirnblo tint I drossv,
I. '25
Hi.tH 11 5 to 12
(tout, nurvieoublo Inco
shoos in sizos, 11'. ,
to 12
A lot of odtlri nnil
oiidn in button and
lueo, oxtru spoeiid at.
fiE.0, M. GRAHAM, Mur.
$2.50 Hoys' 1. p. suits ?2.00
3.00 Hoys' 1. p. suits 2.40
4.00 Boys' 1. p. suits 3.20
5.00 Boys' 1. p. suits 4.00
5.50 Boys' 1, p. suits 4.40
o.OO Boys' 1. p. suits 4.80
7 00 Boys' 1. p. suits 5.f0
7.50 Boys' 1. p. suite, 6.00
8.00 Boys' 1. p. suits 0 40
0.00 Boys'l. p. suits 7.20
10.00 Boys' 1. p. suits 8.00
Quarterly services will be held a
the Methodist church next Sunday
The fifteenth scriesof the Mutun'
Building and L,oan Associatio
will begin next month. The in
dications are that a larire numbe-
of shares will be taken.
The Boilermakers are makini
extensive arrangements for thei
annual ball to be held March 3lsi.
the evening following ISaster Sun
Two members of the schor.
board to succeed Sorenson am
Rinckcr will be elected at th
spring election. We are not in
formed whether these gentlemei
will be candidates for re-electior.
The congregation at the Metho
dist church Sunday evening wa
treated to two fine solos by W. A
Taylor, a traveling man of Lincolr.
who nang "Unanswered Yet" am'
"Diamonds in the Rough."
The high-school auditorium .wn
filled wiih an audience Friday even
ing which gathered to hear a pro
gram rendered by pupils of th.
high school. The subjects of tlx
papers and readings were of a pa
trioilc nature and were creditabh
' SHOKS, Into Mylns,
Inco, dressy and r
nblo, hiob 8i t to 11 .
SHOHS, nil solid,
Inco stylo, 8", to 11.
S1IOKS, button mid
Inco, Into HtloH, dur
ablo, drossy, 8$ to 11
1. 00
rww I'jjit.wwww'iwi p m mi 11 11 11 1 1 n in iiiBi n
W. V. Hoagland transacted busi
ness in Ogalalla yesterday.
Charley Hendy relumed yester
day from a business trip to Denver.
C. 15. Gunncll of Paxion trans
acted business in town yesterday.
Julius Pizcr leaves next week lor
the cast to purchase a stock of
Attorneys Wilcox and Halliyan
attended district court in Sidney
15. II. Smith left for the west
Saturday, expecting to be absent
several weeks.
A. Jj, Arncal is the guest of his
uncle O W. Neale while enroute
from California to Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wcingand re
turned Sunday night from a visit
with relatives at Huford, Wyo.
Judge Grimes is holding a term
ot district court in Sidney. Several
important cases arc on the docket.
Rev. Seibcrt held Lutheran ser
vices at Paxton Saturday evening
Hid preached to a good-sized
Miss Irma Cody and Miss Turpie
arc at present the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Hoal at the ranch near
Burner, Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Niclcy, who
had been visiting relatives in town
for ten days, returned to Terre
Haute, Ind., yesterday.
D. II. White and Secretary
Sheppard retimed yesterday from
York where they attended the Y.
M. C. A. state convention.
Mrs. Harvey Crockett is making
arrangements to move to lOllis,
Kansas, where her husband is em
ployed on the Kansas Pacific.
Miss Marie Downing will spend
a couple of days the latter part oi
this week with her aunt, Mrs. Bare,
while enroute from Denver to Erie,
Now Dental Parlors.
Dr. J. F. Shute has his offices in
the Iliuman Block. He comes
highly recommended and is a grad
uate ol the Pennsylvania College
of Dental Surgery.
High yrade dentistry proficiently
and scientifically done. Consulta
tion and examination free.
The men's mcetinir at theBantist
church Sunday afternoon was well
attended. Rev. Daly delivered an
address that proved both instruc
tive ana interesting.
Ever Try Our
People that have tried
it continue to use it.
We sell:
Gothenburg; Best Patent per
sack $1.00
Snowilakc Patent per sack.. .'JO
Red Seal Patent per sack. . . 1.00
Jewel Patent per sack J0
Yeast Foam 2 pkgs 05
On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05
Schilling Best Baking- Pow
der U-oz can 35
10-oz K C Baking Powder. . . .OS
15-oz K C Baking Powder. . .13
25-oz K C Baking Powder. . .20
50-oz K C Baking- Powder. . .35
80-oz K C Baking Powder. . . .55
Bird Seed 1 lb pkg 07.
Sunflower Axle Grease 1-lb
wood box 40c doz, 4-doz
case 1.50
Mica Axle Grease 8c, 2
boxes 15
Gilt Edge Shoe Polish 20
Baby Flite Shoe Polish 10
Wrench Gloss Shoe Polish . . .10
Hddy & Fddy lO-oz bottle
Bluing 15
Walter Baker's Chocolate
KSc, 2 cakes 35
Walter Baker's Cocoa 'Ah
Cocoanut per pkg- 05
Chicory per lb 07
ABC Soda Crackers 22-lb
boxes per lb fi
Oyster Crackers 22-lb boxes
per lb 0V4
ICagle Condensed Millc ISc
2 cans .'35
St. Charles Fvaporatcd
Cream 13c, 2 cans 25
Best Full Cream Cheese pet
it) 15
Andersons Jams 1-lb cans . . .10
Rex or Swifts Extract of
Beef per jar 35
Fancy Cod Fish per lb 10
White Hoop Holland Herr
ing per keg 1.00
Family White Fish per pail -70
Store open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store
.p . & r. sr- &
t owku 3ince Aim- isi. Hi
uui.iiui w i. w
them at right
The Leader has increased the
size of its millinery department
which, Mr. t-Nzer lnlorms us. will
be in charge of a Chicago trimmer
tins hca&on.
The directors of the base ball as
sociation met last evening, adopted
t lie rules promulgated at the Kear
ney meeting and transacted other
Cash! Cash!
The Tramp
The loudest voiccscan be heard
at the greatest distance, but it is
the sound argument that creates
the best impression. Our prices
arc right at all times we have
no special sales. Give us a trial
and wc will convince you wc are
right. Wc sell
v till cream cheese per lb ... . 15c
Golden drip syrup per gal.. 40c
Seeded raisins per lb 10c
limgush currants per lb 10
Japan tea, per lb 35
Pride of Humphrey pr sack l.Oo
N. P. Patent per sack 1.05
Wc arc now in shape to give
you as good Hour as nione' will
buy. Guaranteed to give satis
faction. FISH.
Fancy Mackerel, largo, each. 15c
Blood" Red Salmon per lb 12J4
Fancy White Fish per lb. ... 10
Princess Cod Fish 2 lb box.. .25
Smoked Fish Halibut, Sal
mon, White Fish, Bloaters and
We defy competition and guar
antee you correct weights.
Yours for trade,
E. T. TRAMP, Prop.
Tho ilefciiilunta, A. Smith. Mrn. A.
Sinlili, Ills wire, real naniu unknown,
anil Ulehurd Hoe. real mime unknown.
will take nutlet: that on thu 4th day of
iNovomiier. idui. mo piamtur. tnu county
of Lincoln, a corporation, llled Its peti
tion In tile district court of Lincoln coun
ty. NebruHku, tho object and prayer of
winch in to roreciose ccrtntn tax uciih,
duly UHHeHned by wild plaintiff iiKulnut tin
!!' ot nvfe or section r. in lownxmn y
north or raiiKu l . went or Mxin priucipu
meridian, NuhniHka, for tho year 1&95. It
the hi. in of for tho year nwi. in th
Minn of Vi.'iO; for the year 1&U7 In tho Hum
of J13.T8; for tho yearl lhlts. In tho sunn 01
J Kt.o l: for tho vear 1WJ. in the mini o
C.).r. for tho year 11X. In tho mini of S3.1S
amounthiK in the total mini of $74.17. wltli
iiiterent nu tno hiiiii or at tno rate oi
ten ncr eont nor aiiuiim from the lut da
of .Si'iileiuber, 11H31. all of which is due and
1'lallitlff prays u decree of foreclosure ol
nald tax lltn ami a Hiile or Hald preuilMeH
Von and ouch of you defeivlantH are re-
iiulri'il to unswer Hiild petition on or be
fore .Monday, tho Illlh day of March, lflKl
(A Corporation.)
lly It. B. ItlDOKLV. Its Attorney.
Tho ilofenilantsi, Mary J. ll.T.-sford anil
v huh in tsurcnroru. per husimnd win tuki
notice that on the 15th day of April I'M
tho plaintiff, the county of Lincoln, a cor
poration, llled Its petition In the dlntilci
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tin
object and prayer of which Ih to foreclont
CWI'tllltl tHX llt'UH. lllllV avNI'MHeil liv -,il.l
plaintiff iiKiilllHt the He', of Median 'J.!, In
iiiwiiHiiio i". iiuriii or raiine ;k, weHt ol
sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, fot
tho your lsi, in tho sum of tvi.21; for the
your IMi.'i, In the sum of Ml.yi; for the yeui
lyw, In tho hiiiii of Jll.ui; for tho yeai
lkb7. In the hiiiii of 7 if, for tho year IMS,
In tho mini of $i.:;t, for the year 1S99. In
the hiiiii of $, anuiiintliiK In the total
i","f.',.'l-! o" tin sum ol
BjM nt th rate of tun per cent per an
iiiiin from the Jst day of April, l'oi, all of
which Is dm. und unpaid.
I'lalntllT piujs a decree of foreclosure of
said tax lien and u sale or said promises
nu and inch i.r you di feiidants am 10
Uiilnd to iniHwer said petition on or be
fore Monday, the anh day of March. Iiw2.
.. ., u , A Corporation.)
:v II ltllii:i:LV. tH Attorney
who can make and rcpan
Shoes, but there are tew
who can equal and none
that can surpass us
V hi J
tr r- 2b ,
That people appreciate good articles
when they see them is attested by the (4
fact that wc have sold forty-seven j?
Ranges since August 1st, and we are to
selling them right along. But Ranges
are not all; our sales of Heating Stoves (j
have been very large. This business
only tends to show that we carry to
v nun iNuiijvio cum a,u
1 Willi Paperlor 1902 1
C. M. Newton has opened f
g a Wall Paper Store in the w
v Rennie Building and will
carry in stock
t Wall Paper,
Widow Shades, ?;
Room and Picture Moulding,
and Sewing Machines. Jg
g Will carry ready-made win- w
Jr. flnw Qll!ir1oc nlon n n'tnn linn 5?
ft of shade by the piece from j
w wnicn ne win maKe any size v
to order. Will make Picture 8
$ Frames and will very
auui uy nave an ouiiil iof w
the manufacturing of Rub-
ft ber
Hand Stamps. 5J
rt bhall try to please all that w
patronize mc. jSJ
'Iho defendants. J. W. Staploton, Mrs.
J. U. Stapleton, Ills wife, llrat real nanus
unknown. Klla Stapleton, Staploton,
her husband, tlrst real namo unknown,
and Itlchard Itoo, real namo unknown,
will take notice that on tho lltli day or
November, 11)01, tho plaintiff, the county
of Lincoln, a corporation, llled Its peti
tion In tho district court ot Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, tho object and prayer of
which is to foreclose certain tnx Hens,
duly assessed by said plaintiff nRalnst tho
sou of section M, In township 9, north of
ransjo 31, west of sixth principal meridian.
Nebraska, for tho year 1S93, In tho sum of
K7.oji for the year 1S9I, In the sum of
f-;fi: for tho yenr 1&93, In tho sum of
J21.r.9; for tho year 1890, In the sum of
J.B.,m; for tho year 1897. In tho sum of
J12.0..; for tho year 189S. In tho sum ot
IG.29; tor tho year 1899, In tho sum of J7.2U;
for tho year 1900, In the sum of Jl.SI.
amounting in tho total sum ot $133.39, with
Interest on tho sum of $88.02 at tho rati)
of ten per cent por annum from the 1st
day of November, 1901, all of which Is duo
and unpaid.
l'lalntlll prays a decree of foreclosure of
said tax lien and a sale of said premises,
lou and each of you defendants aro re
quired to nnswer said petition on or be
foro Monday, tho 21th day of March. 1902.
y II. S. niUOELY, AUonie'y.1"'' '
..T.1.'.0 'ltff-"'l"ts, Wllllnm V. Case, Mrs.
William 1'. Case, his wife, first real namo
unknown, nnd Itlchard Hoe, real namo
unknown will tako notlco that on tho 4th
Jay of November, 1901. tho plaintiff, tho
otinty of Lincoln, a corporation, llled Its
petition In the district court of Lincoln
eou" Nebraska, tho object nnd prayer
;r which Is to forccloso certain tnx lions,
du'y assessed by said plaintiff nKalnr the
w'j. ;r es (except rlslit or way of lllrd
jvoiid mill Tallin Tor. district) of section
12. in township 15, north of ranuo 33. west
or sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for
the year 1897, In thu sum of $10.70; for the
year 189S. in tho sum of $1.37; for the year
IMti. in tho sum of $17.02; for the year 1900 J
in the sum of $3.20, amounting in tho total '
iiiiii of $3j.9,"i, with Interest on tho Hum of
2'.i.71 at tho rato of ton por cent per an
num from the 1st day of September, 1901,
ill of which Is duo nnd unpaid.
I'liilntllT prays a decreo of foreclosuro of
jjild tax lien and a salo of said premises.
You and each of you defendants ure re-
lllll-eil 1(1 filiuie.r Dnl.l ..., . i
foro .Aronday. tho 21th day of Mnrch. 1902.
I'll 1. fit ill t rti i w .
""a v-uiiM l Ul'' l.lISL-UlN,
Uyl.. H. UIDQELY, lVs&'yUU'U
Tllfi ilnfntKln t u PU.n.. m...,i . .
,?u Z ' wAf0- "r,,t real nnine
Will tllUA 1lntli tlmt tl.. I
.Voyember. 1901. tho plaintiff, the county
Vi v J! '. . l,"l"'riiuoii, men Its not It Hit
n file rtiSttrtft nnnnl T I 1- i. .
v ,, , "I MIICIMIl COII I I y,
elintfllt:, tlln r,it.r., a ..... f.'
I. - -wi nun IM.IJUI OI WIIICIl
... i,f .rt'clo8n cirtaln tax liens, duly us-
,,.T , ' .. " . i"'""1"1 afraiust tno ii'is
iwli nf Hnnttnn r. i i,,ui.i . ...
v.. S-n.3?; w?8t .f. 8lxtl1 "'"cipal meridian.
Nebrafika for tho year 1S93. In the sum
ii -iw1, r.V tllu y,ir 1S9)- In Ui'
or 'no'";! I" r !:.' "ni ..?...:
l .'S 11-.,ln th H,," f .1U; for tin
fair i . ii "u ;i"s, i?p :t''-
In ,.... .""' air mo yi-ar jyuo,
in tho sum of 79 conts. nmountlni' in tho
Vu ' ?'S;i wlt," "Jtorest on ho
uin or $.0.00 at tho rate of ten nor cont
!S iho?u,Tii fr;,m- !h, .,Ht",y of 8Pt "m
iMni.w'.j" which Is duo and unpaid.
i , i "i! r "l,cr,e r roreeiosuro of
Yo m.i ...... 'il H,n,( Promises.
" . ;;,;. ;t:t7
fore Monday, tho 31th day of March. 1902.
(A CVnrpoTrtflon.)
Uy n s mirciKLY. iVs .uIoVmTy