The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 25, 1902, Image 2

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    LKOAL notick.
T ho dufendnnt. IS. IV Hteiihennnn. will
tnko notlco that on tits lltli day of No
vcmuer, iiwi, me piiiiniiir, i lie ciouiuy n
Lincoln, ii corporation, llleil ltd petition In
ino uisinci court or Lincoln county, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of whuh
Is to foroeloso certain tnx llenii, duly as
sessed I iv mtld plaintiff ntrnlnnt I he n of
n of paction Vi, In township JO, north of
rnnfro 31, west of sixth prlnltpnl meridian
Nebraska, for tho your 1M.I, In the sum "f
is.ih; tor mo year jwi, in ine Bum or
$1I.(X; for tho yenr 1M5, In tin- mim of
$1G.0; for the year )W, In tho sum of
il 1.70; for tho year 1Wi7. In the sum o'
$9.0'.i; for tho your 18, In tho mim of $i..V;
for tho yonr iWJ, In tho sum of $:. , for
tho year l&no, In the sum of JIM. amount.
mir m the total Hum or w.k,, with inter
est on tho HUtn of $&fi.75 at tho rate of ten
per cent per annum from the lnt day of
Novombor, 1B0I, all of which Ih due and
I'lalntlff prays n decree- of furoclosuro of
hum i tnx lien ami n mip or sum premise.
Yon and oncli of vou defendant!! are re
quired to answer hii Id petition on or In -foro
Monday, tho 31th day of Marrh, 19P2.
(A Corporation.)
Ily If. H. 1UD0KLV. its Attorney.
Land Otllcn (it Nurlli l'lntln. N'eli
ri'lirunry IS, ll.
Notice In hereby Hlven tlint the foll-iwltitf
named aetllnr lino Med notice of bis Intention to
make final proof In support of disclaim nnd Hint
rnlil proof will bo inane Imfnro tliu lleflstar and
llocrlver, It. H IaiiiI Olllcont North I'lnltn,
Neb, on April nth. viz:
UIIA1U.IU4M Mcrnmv
llnmmlan.l Knrty No. I7HIM, fur llin aoulh half
nor Itn'BHt tirlpr. I.oln I nnd 2, section I), tonn
lilo l.'i, north of ratiK" '.-.l. W. Oth p in.
IIh nniiieN the follnwIiiK wltnnMi-n In rove hs
continuum ro-dilonco upon nnd cultivation of
onlil Intnl. vlr.:
Henry PolloU. John I'ollntt. ( nspnr Hivlt.
John I.. McUruw, nil of North Plnttn. Neb.
(Ikoiiok i:. riiKsclt, llrgldor.
Tho ilofondantH, Charles H. 'Wills. Mrx.
CharleH 8. Wills. IiIm wife. llrst real name
unknown, nnd Itlehard iloe, leal namo
unknown, will take notlco that on tho
:Hh day of Hentombor, 1WI, the plaintiff,
tho county of Lincoln, n corporation, filed
IIh petition In the district court of Lin
county, Nebraska, tho object and prayer
of which Ih to foreclose certain tax Hens,
duly assessed by mtld plaintiff against the
HoVi of Ncctlon 21, In township 10, north of
raim'o 28. wont of sixth principal meridian
Nebraska, for tho year IS!) I. In the mini or
$12.72; for tho year IMKi, In the mim or
$I2.M1; for tho year 1MWJ, In tho huiu of
$14.75: for thu year 1Mi9, In tho mini of
7.1l: for tho year 1D0O, In the mini of $6,
iimmintlnu; In tho total sum of $r2.1l, with
Interna on tho mim of $H7.11 at tho rate
of ten per cant per milium from tho IhI
day of AiiKUHt, 1001, all of which Its duo
and unpaid,
I'laluttIT prnyH u decreo of foreclosure of
Haiti tax Hen and a mile of said premises.
You nnd eiich of you defendants aro ro
Mtilrcd to aiiHWur Hold petition on or bo
foro M'oiiday, tho 24 th day of March, I'jOi!.
'run county ok Lincoln,
(A (Corporation.)
My H. H. rtlDOKLV. ItH Attorney.
II jr vlrllin of nn order of tain ImuimI from Hie
district court of Lincoln county. Nehmakn, upon
n decree of forocliMiiri) renilnreil In until court In
wherein Tho (lutinljr of Lincoln, n
onrporallon, U plalllllll nnd (Irvrn L. Hlmriimii
etnl.,nro itefcniluntH nml to mo dlrivteil, I will
on tho lut dny ot Mnrch, IIKU, ut 1 o'clock p in ,
nt Hit) wist fionl door of thu court liouso In Kortli
l'lnttit. Lincoln county, Nclirnhkn, hoII nt public
miction to tho hlulixnt blililnr fur ciihIi to ontlnly
mid decree, IntotCMt nnd coIh, tho followliiM
deiuirlboil properly, to-wltt Tliu nnut linlf of tliu
nimt!iwct ijunrter nml llinwcnt tint f ot Hie noulli
Huatipinrtor of section '!, towilililp II, rmiKii 21,
Went Hlxlli 1', M Lincoln counly, Nclirinkn,
lntei Worth 1'Utlo, ,Seb, .inn. 27 kj2.
L. Oaiu'UNtku, HIinrllT
BhorliV'i Snlo,
Ily virtue of nn order of hiiIii IhhiioiI from die
illHtrlct court of Lincoln county, ftehriibkn, upon h
deoreo of foreclosure rnmliired In nild court
Wl ernln Tlio Ooullly i.t Lincoln, u corporiilloli,
I" plntntlrt iiihI V. K. Iliiloy et nl., niu iliiftmilnulH,
nnd to iiim dlmclvd, I will mi thn Ut ilny ol
Mnrch, IIMjc', nt 1 o'clock, p. in , rt thu cimt trout
door ot tliu court liousu in North l'lntte, Lincoln
onunly, Ncbraliii. noil nt public miction to the
hlHhCat blililur for cauli, hi unllHfy unld ilecrxo, In
trRt mid conta, I lie followlUM duacrlbrd propur
ly, to-wlt; Tliu nortlicnt ipmrler of ficiIoii ill,
town.hlp 11, NillKuiM, weal Hlalli 1', M. Lincoln
county, Nebrnkn.
Dnlu.1 North Platte, Nidi., Jnn. i.7. 1IH
i U. Oaiii'kntkii, Hlieillf.
Tho dofendantH, Illram llaidliiK, Mr.
Illram Jlaritlnr, hH Wfll( nrHl ,,.,,( immu
unknown, II, C. llarvoy and Ulchard Hoe,
leal namo unknown, will tnko notice that
on thn 4th day of November, lwi, the
plaintiff, thu county of Lincoln, a corpora'
lion, lllod ItH petition In the dletrlut court
of Lincoln county, Ncbrnnkti, tho object
nnd prayer of which In tn rorueioMi, f.nrmiii
tax lloiiH, duly hhhi hhciI by nald plalutllt
imaliiMt thn oU of Hcctlou 7, In towiielilp
, inn hi i riuiKu ji, weal or hixui princi.
pal meridian, Nebraiika, for tho year 1S33
hi niu nuiii oi aiz.u; ior l 111) year 1MJI, 1
tho Hit 111 of MLM: for tho vnnr 1MI.-.. In Hi
', of Ju.Hi for tho year Uiw, In tho huiu
i .t"Tli lur ul" yQnr iK'- 111 'he HUtn o
JN. I.'i! for llin Vim Ik'N in il,.. unt.i ..r
for tho year lMi!. In tho huiu of $1.20; "for
inu juni jiw, in mo huiu or js,tni, amollnl
liitf In tho total Minn of Jffiua, with IntnrcH
mi mo Hum or at tho rain of to
pur cent per annum from the iHt day n
Scpteniber, liiDl, all ut which Ih duu an
I'lllllltlff lirilVH II ileeree nf rnrnntnunin ,i
mild tux lien and u milo nf mtld proinhieH
juu nun jjiiuu oi you uoreniiaiitH am to
llllred to llliHWer HUllI lintlllnn n ii m In.
foro Monday, tho Sit It day of Mureh. 1U02,
i.yu. h. iUDaBi.Y. IYtToW.,0,,,
Shorlff Srtla.
llylrluo of nn order of unln lamed from thu
iii.iiu, wiiiiiin i,iiit'iiiii ciiuiiij, nvnrniian, upon
ntu'vi"ii t., iifiriimurH reiuiHreii in aiM eoiirl
wherein Tho County of Lincoln, n vornornilnii. i
plalulirr nnd 1'. I,, Lnlluo et nl., nru defeiulniiti.
und to mo dlrecliul, 1 will on Hie. I.t ilny ol
March. 1WIJ, nt 1 n'cleck p. in. at tlio enat front
iiHiroi inu couri iiuiku in norm l'lnttit, Nelimakii.
eell at pulillii miction In Hut hlxliiiHt bldiler for
nnh til witlafy until duciee, Intel out nml onnU. tliu
(ollonlnif denorlbeil properly, limit i Tlio went
nniroi inn uiiriuwuii ipuuter or aecllon towie
"'dp III "K" -I.', wet of HUth P. M. Lincoln
i.Miiit;, iivmnnKH,
I luted North l'lntte. Nuh., Jim. 27, I'.HI.'.
L. UAiti-ttiNM Kit. HherllT
BhurlfT's Halo,
lly virtue of nn order of huIc luaued fro n
i nt u inu mi louri oi i.ini'Diii cotlliiy. .Nelitai
ka. upon a decree of roreclixurn rn,i..r,.,i
In eald court wherein The County ul l.ln
VS1'?: a corporation. Ih plalnilit .mil Levi
Wolfe ct al , arc tU'tcml.iiitM and to uic ll-
iciiiu. i win on ino mi nay of Aiarch. ll)i,
at I o'clock p m at tho cant trout door ol
tile court limine In North I'l.iiii. I.n,. ii,
"iinty. Nehraaka, Hell at luthllc aucllon to
niu iiiKiicni oiiiuer ior caan io HatiHty aaltl
decree, lutereNt and rontH, the Inllowlue
described property to-wlt: The nouthweit
iu.uici tn neciion .il, lOHIiailip 10, la 11 no A,
went .Sixth 1'. M, Lincoln county. Nebraska.
Dated North l'latte, Neb , Jan. ST, IIHI.'.
Tlio ilufelldanl, llllllo I'liaon. now
.iwiiiv. win iu no nonet) unit op the lOlli
day of December, 1'.mj. tho plaintiff, the
county of Lincoln, a eoiporaiUui, illed lu
nfltlllnn In II, a. .lliill.., I I.........
county, NebraHku, the object and prayer
of which In to forccliiHo cortnln tux IIuiih,
duly uHHcsHcd by mild pIulntliT HKHlnst the
)iwW of Heollon IX), In towiiHhlp 10, north
of raiiKit 2t, weet of nlxth principal mer
idian, NebniHka. for the year ISM, In the
mini of 111.72; for tlio year imm. In the
niiii ot tiiau: for the year 1S'J7. In tin
niie or ten iter cent per annum from the
Ut day of Novomber, 1000, nil of which Ih
duo and unpaid.
Plaintiff prnyii a decreo of foreclosure of
wila tax lien uiiil u ealo of wild proiiili.Hn.
ion nml ouch of you defendants am ro
yulred to iiiuwer eahl petition on or ln
foro Mo,,dy,cthe 2.11, day, otffium.
A Full Line of Pish
salt and canned, just received. Anything you want 2
; during LENT can be found at our store clean 3
ZZ and free from dirt.
g Try a Can of SKAQUADS. g
Just the thing for parties and lunches. A sea food
relish. Something new. Only 15c a can.
Here is a Proposition You
Cannot Allow to Pass Unnoticed. J
Cut out the price list on Groceries advertised
by our competitors and briny same to us. Pick ZS
out the goods you want and wc will not only
sell you a superior article for the same money,
but will give you in addition to same one Rand-
McNally Hook Check for every 25c worth you 3;
purchase for cash. Limit of checks given at
any one purchase 20 chccksorS5 worth of goods S
1 Harrington & Tobin. 1
: ? a ?
Bale Ties, Lightening
Hay Press & Repairs
Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, V
Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit-
tings and Tanks, Barb Wire.
Locust- . . . . NoRTH PLATTE, NEB.
Fine Perfumes
and Soaps.!
Will be found in abundance at our store.
In fact we make a specialty of Perfumes and
Soaps and consequently carry a large stock.
A bottle of nice perfume makes an acceptable
gift to a lady.
I A F STREITZ, Druggist!
5 2
"""")"l"B"nirf"I "" "DT1;
1 ii ji
for new furniture U a 25c can of Satsuma Knumcl will ?i
answer the jiurposo, and make things look swell. We have I
all shades of this popular enamel also enamel for bath tubs
bicycles and stove pipe. We are agents for Heath it Milli- l'
gans Hest Prepared l'aint. Think of it, over half a century '
in businesss. Thnts what mimic J A
LhuiI Olllte at North l'latte, Neb.,
, . January 21, ltwi.
Notice la hereby kIthi Ibnt tho followlnK'nntnetl
aettler baa filed mitlce ol bla Intention to make
final proof In auiKirt of bis claim, and that aalil
proof will o iiihiIh before KeKlal"r mid Kecelvtr
t North l'latte, Neb,, ou March lot lWfi. vUi
auardlan for CaiUlen thrlhlfnaen now lnanc.
nbo mailt, liiimati.Afi itni.. v.. ,4A, ....
- -. ". ,.NN, ii, r uic
Mortliwo.t qunrtor toctlou 32, town.hlp 10 norlh.
""H" '' w n (Mil 1,
Ho naiufa tha following wlttiearea to prnvo hi
couiiiiiioiui rwiet'iicu upon nml oiitllv,itloii of
nali land, vizi Horeii Nelson and ChrU Jliirleofen.
of Curtla, Neb i John llnntcli and Jena Hansen.
J24I OEO, K. FHKNClt, ltlater
Oheriirs Sale.
11 virtue of nn order of aalo laanud from the
dlmlct court of I.lnuolu oonntjr, Nebriiitka, upon
n deoreo of foruclopiiin reuilerod In raid couit
ulicrcln TliuUoumy ot l.lneout, neorioratloli, It
plHliitllf and Milton 1), Whltnry ct al ,
are nufcnUanla nml to iuu directed, 1
will on thu 1st tiny ot March 1V02,
nt 1 o'clock, p , in,, nl tho I'utt front door of
tlio comt houfO In Norlh I'luito, Lincoln county,
Ncbrhakn, tell nl pillule uuvlli.ll to the lilniitft
bidder lor curb, In autlrljr mid decree, lulerojt
and cimta. tho foilowitiit oeictltiKl property,
lii-H'lii 'the aoiiihcHt iiunrlvr of M'ctloii il, town
tdilpl', mni(e32, e.l Hlilh 1'. M. Lincoln count),
DntiHl North l'lfltlu. N'i'b., Jan. 27 1(02.
i L. Caiii k.niiii, ribeiHT,
, Tho, (lcfendniits, OoorKo IT. Itoldnson
utb, uforse n. IlohliiKon. IiIm wife. Ilmt
i.Miiiu iiiinnorvii. .urn. , u. HohlliHOII
flrift real niimo iiiiltnown. Hart Stevenx
Mm, Hort Stevetm, IiIh wlfo, ilrt run
niimo uiiKiiown, and Jllchnnl Hot', ruul
!V,lm.".. ""'own. will tuku notice thnt on
lifr Vi V ovfiniHT, iiwi, tho Illllltl
Sheriff's Sale,
lie ltltio of nu nnler of Mile trailed from tho
dlalrlct court of Mnoolli county. Nvbrnrkn, upon
n decreo of forrclnurn rendered III aaht comt
whorelu 1 lie County of Lincoln, n corpnrnth n,
la plnlntin nnd .1. V. Frniler, ct nl., nre tlolriitl
miin, nml to ino directed, 1 will on the lut day ol
March, 11X12, at 1 o'clock p. iu., nt the curt limit
door of the couit hout in .North l'latte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, pciII nt public nuctloti lo tlio
file I iim noi ii;... i. Vi. ,! . ,-",i'"'"""": niue niuiier n.r can. to nitisiy nam decree.
I JlU, '""'.''ott'Olirt of Intere-t nti.l coMh. the tollowlll described
iVuiS , i 4"',,'r,'slt li ohject nnd proK)rly,to-wlt: Th uotlhean uuarter of Ibo
l .nu ,it ,.i ,M '". fo,rL,;los" ctrtnln tax iiorilifatiunrler nnd aoulh half of dm norlhenH
mmfAu . ! ,y, Jl?!,0M?,', .V "Ul'l plallltlfl itinrternnilthowiutlieai.t iunrler of tho north.
ti i I rr - 4 ' "UCU"" 3u. In townnhlp wi'at ipmrler of aoctlon 17, towniddp IU, rntiKe !K.
n n, ranB1.37' wVHt of Mlxth I"'1"- Wont Hlxlli 1'. M. Lincoln county, Nebriixkn.
I'llllll morldllin. N'nlirnaUn ii. i. ..I v.. ..i. in..,, . ... ...'.. ......
iii.7 i. ii lor t,,B year
I. " n"i" ."1 'or ino year imis,
n tho Hum of 13.53; for tho yoar lm. In
1 !" """ W.29; for tho year ltw, In tho
'.-.. '"'.' ."'"ouniiiiif in mo total Hum
in .IU.I i. Willi ntpmul tl... ......
L. CUiii ENitn, HherllT.
The lU'fondiintK. Mead Ilond and Trust
"i5 at tho rato of ten tipr cent tier nn. Icumpaiiy. JI. ICmerson, llrst real namo
l rctiit ..a t m . I 1 1 1 1 1 rt i 1 1 II n,l l)UI,.ia,.l TI. ...... 1
mini from the lut day of September 1MI ""Known, and Richard Hoe, real numo
all of which Ih due and unpaid unknown, will take notlco that on tho
i'lalntlrt prays a decree of foreclosure of "ay ot November, l!Wl. the plalutllt.
Hnld tax lien anil a Hale ot ald iiremlMtm "e wnnty of Lincoln, u corporation, (lied
You and itii'li nt von ,i,,r,., i. ItH Petition In thn ilimrlrt court r l.ln.
fiulred to answer hiiIiI petition on or lie- ooln t,oll"l'' NebniDka, tho object nnd
i oi which ih io ioreriOKO ceriain
tax llfilH. dulv iiMKPMKed hv hii lil nlnlntlrf
agaliiHt tho nVi nwU ot Hectlon 31, In
towimhlp 0. north of ratiKo 33, went of
Hlxth principal meridian, Ncbraulm, for
tho year &oi, in the Hum of JS.91; for the
year 1S0J, lu tho sum of JS.22; for tho year
i'i hi mo sum or ror t no yenr
foro Monday, the 21th day of March. 1U02.
TIIK COUNTV OK LINCOLN, u x. ,V pn'oratlon.)
i ... ki. nn .iiorney.
Sherllf 's Salo.
Ily virtue of nn order of aalo Iatied from I he
n iIitn.ii if fnrr, n.V,, t i ' 1 '". um oi ior tile year tsus,
wi'eteir aid, Curl In the Hum of J2.B1; for tho ear 1SKI, In
plamiiiT mnl f i itihu, -51 TV0 i 1,10 8,," of .; for the year 1'KX), in the
1. anla Z in m .iCi.'h r" Tn. ,1b' H-15: and iiIho to foreclose certain
ho Ul 4, -of March i J? ''i '..vY L " lx HenH. duly aHBessed by said i.lnlntllf
n., t tlfu enst frmVt htdr of lb ,Lli l"l"'H1t, wV4 of section :W, in
hdo In North l'lnttoVunco conit, Nobrn.kf. t?"'!,Mhl1! l l,,.,t,, t ranBe III. west of
-ell nt public ittTthS'Mte?tm ? ,Ui '""i'S 'i'" 1,'erl,,llin' N'T"1"1' f.0r
ca.h to mllufy wild decreo. Inlere- 11 I ciw i '.'.T J.kJI' ."l tUo "m of JS.'JI; for tho
tho followlndeHcrlbed property, to-wlt: Tim K?'!p. "ft'" !, 8,Um,.JS0S:.for 11,0 Kr
yitiKi nun in inn MOUTIIUI'Ht illllirter Of roctlllll LU i r...... "'"'i '-t 11m Jl'iii jo.ii.
tow.(dpl0.rnnKO2, West HIXIh lVM Lincoln ', tl,"8U'V .,,,'I7; 1,10 'e,,r 1JJ3'
county. Nebraakn. .ii.iiii ,10 , ()f jj gj. fop ,ho y(ar )( llR
Dnted North l'lntte, Nob , Jan. 27, lOtl'. "V'l.'lJ 3-3,: for t,le yt'ur lyou' m 1,10 Hum
L. C'Aiii'KNTKn,HlierHT.
in businesss. Thats what counts
Vnw ilit.tH t t.l..l V.. I ....!.
111 rum oan. uauk.
j (orih platte fTloar i
lylaiUfactUi-ccl by Jot ii) Platte tfollcr nillB
Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in
Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the
equal of any (lour manufactured in Nebraska.
5 Ti-iai Sack uiill Corjvitjce yob. of its njerlt
North Platte Roller Mills
Land olllco nt Norlh l'latte. Neb.
-Inntinrv ''1. Hurt
Notice la liorobr utven Hint tin, f..ll,,l.T,,.n,.i
aettler baa tiled notice of bla Intention lo make
final proof In aunnort of hia nlnim. i n,t .i
proof will be nmilii bjforo the reidnter nnd ro-
or ji. lj, amountlmr In tho total sum of
.N7.1N, wIMi Interest on tho Hum of $59.9:1
nt tho rato of ten per cent pur annum
from tho 1st day of September, 1W1, all
of which Is duo and unpaid.
Plaintiff nravs a docre o ut foronloialirn nt
wild tax lien and u sale of said premlHes.
tin mm mien oi you ocienuaniH aro ro
(Uilrrd to answer said petition on or be-
celver. II. H Und Office, nt North l'lntte. Neb . r,,r ''".!.I!,.".Y' Ul? ll'iy of March. 1901
I. vim ' illK UUU.Ml up LINCOLN,
(A Corporat on.)
lly U. 8. UIDQULY. Its Attorney.
on Mnrch 8, llto;
IIAllllV NinKRimriM.
who mailo hnn.eatenil entry No. H.illO, for llio
wiat half of thu snuthvntt qunrlor and norlhwuHt
luitrtur oi in e aoiiiuenai tuar(i'r, nml lot 7, aec
33, town 13. norlh tnnun Ih. ,.( Uih .. ...
110 llnlues tllU fill OWllIU wlllieiuu.a nr.i., l,l. I tlv llrlimnr i.n ,.f I....... I
coiilluuoua ri'itldeiico Uiou and culllvntlon of mid dlatrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebnukn. upon
land vizi John W. Nuireut, Jacob I. Lewla. Win. U deoreo of foreclosuru ronilorml In anld court
OreKK, A.
II, LoiiKpre, nil of Maxwell. Neb.
Oeoiiok K. Fiikncii, lU'Klnter.
Land OClce nt North l'lntte, Neb.,
Februnrv M. MMf t
Notice la hereby Klven that the followiuir-uiiujet
settler baa tiled notice of hla lntnti,,ii
nnol proof In atlpport of Ida claim, aud that aula
proof Hill bo maueheforo Iteulaler (.ml Itecelvei
at North l'lntte, Neb., ou March Sid, IWi,
who inndo llouiestund Knlry No. 17317, for (he
went bulf norlhweatiiuarler and west half south-
3(l"v'1UnflUr T' Hl'' 1"' T"Wn nutih """KB
lie uiimea the lollnwlnu wllnaa, l.. i,i.
contlnuoua resilience upon and cultivation of raid
iniiu, VIK,
wherein The County of Lincoln, n corporation. 1,
plalntlir nml Lurn lleniloraon. et nl.. nrit iliifniitl.
iintK, nnd to mu directed, 1 will on the lt tiny ol
March, Wi. at 1 o'clock, p. iu , nl tliu oast front
tioor oi inecouri House 111 North l'lnlto, Llncoli
county, Nebrnskn, aell nt public auction to the
hlnhot bidder for rnah, to Hiitlafy aulil decree. In. nnd cost", the following tlexcrlbed prop
erly, to-wlt: Tho M eat half of the aouthwiot
otiartor of eectlon IS, townablp tl, mue3J, west
tlth 1. M Lincoln comity, Nebraska,
union norm rinuo, Jan. L'J, Wi.
i'M- L. UAiirKNTEii, HherllT.
hiiuuiI'T's sale.
13 y virtue of an order of kiI Imi.,1 tmm iiw,
district court of Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, upon
it decree of forecltiKtiro rendered lu anldcoun
tviiercin ino uountyoi Lincoln, n corporation,
ShorlfT's Salo,
lly vlrtuo of nn order of ante Issued frrui the
district oourt of Lincoln counly, Nebraskit, upon
a devreo of foreclosure rendered It, talil court
wherein The County of Lincoln, n corporation. Is
plnlntllt nnd John II.Lonham la defelidani and lo
me illrcctedt I will on tho 1st day of Matih, IIW,
at nun o'clock p in, nt the enst fiont door of the
courthouse lu North l'lntte, Lincoln count) , Ne
litiitkii, veil nt publln miction to thu hlxbest bid
der for cash to satisfy said decree, lutuieat nnd
coals tho follnwliiKdeacrlbed properly to-wlli Tho
noithwest iUarler of Hcctlou 24, Township 11,
HnllKO 1 west of the tlth 1. M, Lincoln county,
Dultd Norlh l'latte, Neb., Jan. 87, lDOi
L. C'AnptHTKn, HhelllT,
Ily virtue of nn order of aalo Issued fri in Ibo
district courtot Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
n decree of furecloeure rendered lu anld couit
wborcln the County of Lincoln, n corporation, la
plnlnlllT and H, J. Hlioy, et, nl., are delcndants
nnd in inn dliccted 1 will on the 1st tiny of
March, llvi, nt one o'clock p. in. at tbn enst front
door of the court huuse lu Norlh l'lntte, Lin
coln county, Nebraakn, tell nt public auction tn
tho hlftheet bidder for cash lo sntlsly saltl decree
Intereatnnd cost, the following ilt coil Led num.
orty to.wlti The northwest iunrter of Hectlon 11,
Township II, llnnifo 31, west lllh p. n.., Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Unted North l'lalle, Ncbraskii, Jan, 27, 1M.
L. Caiu inti-ii, Hherlff
The defendants, ( U. Wldup. first real
mjmo unknown. Mrs. C. O. Wldup, hla
wife, first real namo unknown, and Hich
am lloo, real namo unknown, will tako
notlco that on tho 30th day of September,
1001, tho plaintiff, tho county of Lincoln,
u corporation, lllod ItH petition In the dis
trict court of Lincoln county. Nebraska,
tlio object anil prayer of which Is to forc
closo certnln tax liens, duly assessed by
said plalntlrt nKiilnst tho n'A of nw'i of
section 28, lu township 10, north of rnnno
2S, west of sixth principal meridian, Ne
braska, for tho year UU5. In tho sum of
$6.03; for tlio yenr lsud. In the sum of $C12;
for tho ycur 1S!)7. In tho sum of $1.82; for
tho year 1S-J8, In the sum of $3.02; for tho
year ISM, In tlio sum ot $2.SJ; for the yenr
1!0. In the sum of $2.03. amotintlm; In tho
total sum of $21.81, with interest on tho
sum of $18 at tho rato of ten per cent per
annum froni tho 1st ilny of August, looi,
all of which Is due anil unpaid.
I'lalntllf prays a ilecrie or foreclosure ot
said tax lien and a salo of said premises,
kou nnd each or you defendants are re
quired to nnswer said petition on or hc
roro Monday, the 2ltb day or March, 1902.
ii.. tr u ,,,, (A Corporation. 1
lly 11. S. ItlDG KLY.J ts Attorney.
A F v w in. .ti ... . " muuuij oi l.iut'om, n corporation,
JawcE'cha l Plalntlir and Florence Ii Hhnw, et nl., nre del
iim ' f l,i,ilh l ln,,.V' ,,b lenduulH, nnd to iue directed. I wilt on the la.
Okoiiok K. Fiikncii. iluy oi March. 1WI2, nt 1 o'clock, p. m , nt tho ci.m
Tho ilereiidants, Mary K. Harris,
Harris, her liimiiiimi itfui .....i
known mnl lfi.i.n.i r,A ...... :.:
.. : iiuv, lutii Hume un
known, will tako notlco that on tho llth
day or November. 1'sil. tin, .i,,ihit ,i,
county at Lincoln, a corporation, llleil Its
.'A1,1.0.'1 ' . '"strict court ot Lincoln
county. Nebraska, tho object and pr.iycr
or which Ih to foreclose certain tax II jus,
duly nssessetl by said plaintiff ntrainst the
hw'4 of section 31, In township ii, north of
V ' r" !' W,-Hl '". Hlxl" P""cial meridian.
L,, for. tl,u '-'r MO". In the sum
front door of the court house In North l'lnt.o.
Lincoln couniy, Neiiraska, aell nt public auction
to Ibo bluhest blililur for pnsli. ti mil.-v mi.1,1
decreo, Interest nnd costs, tho following ilo
aorlbed property, 'Iho aoutbenst tiuitrlm
of secllou H, township 0, rnno 'M, west Hixth I
M., Line. In county, Neornskn.
I'Hiuii Norm riutio, Nob., Jan. 27, 11HI2.
J8- L. Uaiii'Kntkii, BhcrKT.
Thu defendants. Wllllnm T. wiii.n.i
Mrs. William L. Willunl. his wife, llrst
leal namo unknown, wminm tr i,'uii..r
James i. mot anil Itlehard ltoe. re.t
est to J ii i f m nf !U ) h l,,," ,'l,lcl county, Nebraska, tho object and
per cent nop annum from I ?. "! .f,onr !!ruyt'r ,ot, whlc" lu l0 reoloso certain tax
Noven ibor lfloi . llo w ,ini. iiat.,',lny "f lle"?' (luly ""HCscil by said plaintiff
uill.aid lH llle aml "Kal,,st l" of section 13, In township
Of I Ol 1)11 1 TTllrfi1lfiti Vnhfnul.i f.y
I'lllllltlff lirilVH IL fiont
'if' ' . ' . " 11 X'1"! m promises, isui. in tho sum of JS.73: for tlm v...,r imiv
tuitj .titiiiiui v, nn, iin
(A corporation.) J3.2U; for the yea
r.r uni.i ...Ttiii... . -T . . .i.toi mi ino veur isiitj, in
m u i. iiV. f ?tV .or "10 "um r for vcar 1M7. In the
UNT Oh LINCOLN, ,,t $3.03: for tho year 1809, in tho sum ol
Ily II. S. UIDGKLY. Its Attomoy
BhoritTs Salo
II V Virtue of nn nrilp- nl unl.. ......
. ...... ... .o-.t.v,, lllllll
inu IllStr Ct Court of l.lnrnln ...mnl,. NT...
brnsk;i. utmn :i iln-r,.,. ,,r ..,f.ina,... I said tax Hun nml il hiiIo nf hmIi! ih-..miIu.w
rcndereil lu said court wherein Joseph iter-1 Vml 11,1,1 '"'i-'11 "f .vou defendants aro re-
itucy in inainiiii ami William K. Krwlh et al..
I'.njo. iu tho sum of S2.0I
amotintliiL- In the total sum of $II.C(i, with
merest on tno sum or 31.DS at tho rate of
ten per cent nor annum from tli 1hi ilnv
of September. l'.KJl, all of which is duo and
l'laliitirr prays a ilecrco of foreclosure of
are ilefendaiits and to me directed. 1 will on
".' 1 " '"i'tcu, iw;, ai i ociock p. m.
N,,MieiV,a.s,; fn,"Jl 1,,"r "l tUc rourt """"w '
North l'latte. Llni'iilii I'M.intv v..i.rnui- .
at public auction to the highest bidder' for
JS.' "?,.,r,v. Hal'! ,lt,cr'' Ihtcrcst ami
' 'mi '"""""'K neacriiifii property, to
wlt.' The northeast quarter of the south
west quarter and the east half of the north-
c-ni iiuuricr ami lots one and two. section
it., iui. nmilii I,, rilliue ill. U'l'Mt Slvlli Ii l
Lincoln county. Nebraska.
jj.ueu nurlli l'latte. Neb., Jan. 27. IWrJ.
L. I'AIII'K.NTKIt, Sherllt.
(Itilrrd to answer said petition on or be
luio .Mommy, ino ami nay or .March 100:
(A Cornoratloii.)
lly II. S. UIDGKLY, Its Attorney.
ShorlfT's Salo.
Ily virtue of an order of sale Ifsuetl from
the district court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, upon a decree of loreclosure ren
dered in said court wheieln Chits. K. (llb
soti. Ih plaintiff and Almeda Crutn et al.. arc
ilefendanlsand to me directed. 1 will on the
1st day of March, itt. at 1 o'clock p. m. at
Llle .?a?,1. f.rontr ,,lour of t,le our' use in
North l'latte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for
caah to satlsiy said decree. Interest and
costs, the loiluwuiK deacrlLed property,
to-wlt: The southeast (juarler of section U,
township io. raiiRo as, west Sixth 1'. M.
Lincoln County. Nebraska.
Dated North l'latte, Neb.,. Ian. 27, 1002.
L. Caki'bntkk, SheritT.
Tho ilefpndants, Italph I. Little, Mrs.
Hahii, I. Little his wife, llrst real namo
unknown, Catherlno S. Pottle. Union
.t0iCk,ti"rdH. c'"lmny of Sl0llx City, la
am Hlchurd Hoc. real namo unknown
will tako notice that on tho 4th day of
November, looi. tho plaintiff, tho county
or Lincoln, a corporation, died Its petition
vv "t ittoiiiui. tuurt oi i.incoiu county,
.Nebraska, the object nnd prnyer of which
Is to forccloso certain tax liens, duly as
sessed by said plalntllt against tho swtf
of section 8, In township 10 north of
raiuto 33. west of sixth principal meridian,
5if oira?kn,..ror tnu yi'ur liw- ln '"o a"'" of
$11.03 for tho year 1837, In tho sum of $8.3Ti;
for tho year 1S93, In the sum of $5.01: ror
'J.1.?. yVol1?a9'.in 11,0 sum of m
icar woo in thu sum or $2.00. amounting
In tho total sum of $30.(5. with Interest ou
tho sum or $23.14 at tho rato or ten per
cent per annum rrom tho 1st day or Sep-
inld ' 1W1, f wllloU 18 Uue aim un
I'lllllltlff prays a. decreo of foreclosure of
said tax lien and u salo of said premises,
kou and each ot you defendants, aro re
quired to answer said petition ou or be
foro M.m1.av.Jhou,,t,,.da Marc.,.,!
Oy It. B. UIDGKLY. t Atto'rney.011'
Shoriff'a Salo.
lly virtue of an order of Bale Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county. Nc
oraska, uimjii a decree or foreclosure
rendered In said court wherein The County
of Lincoln, a corporation, is plaintiff and
Caroline ilccrs., are deiendan s S i
io me d reeled, I will on the 1st day f
March, imm. at 1 o'clock p. m.. at the east
" ,l0,r Hi" court house in North
l'latte. Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the holiest bidder for
.null to satisfy sa d decree, lntprnst n,..i
- wufcn, iuu luuun nit: ui'Nrriiinii
to-wlt: The east lialf of thn
Knit f hiin.i
quarter of hectlon 31, township 0, raniie ','7,
wn,1. 'Sl.!iU' 1 V, M,,u nc, " tou lV Ne braska
Dated North l'latte, Neb , ,lun. 27. uhj-2
, L. Cahpk.ntisii, Shcrin.
lly virtue of nu order of anle Issued from the
ShorilT'B Salo
lly vlrtuo of an older of snlo Issued from (In.
oiHirict court or Lincoln county, Nelimtkn, upoi
i. tirvivn 111 loiocinrttirtt rtiuiiereti in saltl couri
wueieui inu uouniv or i.tni'oiii. n rnriuin.ii.i,,
Is I tin 1 1 1 1 1 IT nml Alfred Tuft tit nl . are iloromliiin.
linn io mo iiirccieu, i win ou tue 1st ilav in
Mm I'll. 11KJ' at I o'clock, n in., ut tin, i. n.1 fr..,
door of Hie court house In North l'lnlto. I.lncnli
county, Nebraakn. sell nt public nuctloti to the
uiKiiesi unmet- inr cam io sntlsly snlil ilecreo, lu
1,,,-Mi ..,..1 ti... r..n.... .i... ....... ' .
.... . I v.-r..r-, ,u , , .. lirtlll
l no ilofeiidants. John Carvlll. Mrs. .lolin rlyi lo wit: Tho souihwest ipmrler of seclli u
am II. his wlfu. ilrsi
v . niu iiiii mil. .mim. i j. i . win - i tin ii (tiuii ir . nuuriiHHit
I'lllll tllllllll IllllI1.,tf,l
ail;! KKliuril Koe. real numo unknown.
will tako notlco that on tho 4th day of
NoyombiT. ltwi, tho plalntllT. tho county
at Lincoln, u corporation, lllod Its petition
Dnleil Norlh l'lnlto, Nob. 27, Itmj.
L. Uaiii'kmicii, Hherlll,
Shorill' s Salo-
iiy i rtuo oi nil inner or h.iIii imwh.,.i r...... n...
Nrbl :Vl o obftcVn I pr yer,r'"vbUd'i "'"' ' "'" -""'r Nska'
Is to rorech so curlaln I X l ens dulv is- ? i,lt;cr,"n.,,'f .'.0,l'c 'llIV1'1"''e.l in nld couri
sossed by hi X hiiirf at'i' hiHt' I i o h V i"''.LT,',l".1'u S,,"ntvt,",1'"""1"' n cirpurallon.
net'. Ki.i'. iS .. ii. ' I'lnlnlllt and C. V, ItoMtwelter ft al meili.
In it., ii.,,, i ' l'-JX m' ln" yi" 1Sa5' ,,,r,!" " l"ll"IUK doM-rloed 'ton
L ..?'m t if fl'.r "10 yi'ar ,S3'5- 1,1 ': Thenorlhen-t quarter of "ectl.ii 17
I ..HUmu,,1i f',li..f"r "10 y,MU' 1,1 tllP ',wnldp li, raitno XI, w,wt Hlxth 1' " m i !
V"m"J ,9;'7: f.0' 1 " 'Car ,SWS- 11U "Um counly. Ncliiankn. 3,1 '"lt,"l1
i't tl.ttvl, 1111 I II 11 ALTitJ' 1JVKI. Ill Illal -III til ill I I IM I 111 I lift II IMnllu XJ..1.
$j..w: for tho ycur I'.khi, In the sum of $2.
iimoiinuiu; in tho total sum of $71 m wllli
Interi'st on tlio sum or $47.mi nt tin. mi..
r tfii nor cunt per annum from tho 1st
lay of Hoptumber, 1001, all of which Is due
IHI tlllMlM.
, , In 1 1 IT pray b n iocreo of foroclosuro of
27. line
Caiii-kntkii, hherllT.
The ilclotiiliiiitx. Ii.ulu -Pin . , .
Til, l.l.. .1.... . . .'til-. lum
,;.1'n1 l i ioui namo link
y 1 e ,..,l,u1, 11 1 8i,m vnmli ami Tliiehar iloo. Ve . 1 , Z S n
,?ii. " l,111 nf yo!'. 1ufn;l'ita aro i0. will take notice that on u m 1, lav of
flVr'ri?ian8W.01 ".'.' (l l'Htlon on or be- Seplemlior. 1901. the pmliitlif the , nt
fore Mon v. tho Wth da; f -M-ircli. 1W. of 'Lincoln a corporat'lon"!,' vVlMaa
iitutou.Ml op LIM OLN, In tho district coui t of Lincoln oountv
nv u f? iimrpi v ."i "iiorutlon. Nebraska, tho object and pr yer of wlili l
Ily II. R. UIDGKLY. Its Altornoy. Is to loreo om certain i,.v 1 i.r..o .V..?;. ..J'
Shorlif'i Bale
lly vlitueof ail execution Issticil fi hid the
dlsnlct court of Lincoln couutv. Nebraska
iliKin .1 JudL'inent rendered hi said court
iV'f i'.'S' A. h Tlr ctl ls I'lalntlilaml H I.
loldrldKelH defendant and to tne directed.
I win on the at dav of March. UHrj. at
o'clock p. 111. at the east front door of the
cjiiirt house In North l'latte. Lincoln county.
Nebraska sell at public auction to "lie
hlRhest bidder for cash to satisfy said ludi.
merit Interest and ciwts, the follow! iik de
scribed property, to-wlp The south half of
Sixth l. M. Lincoln eounlv. Nebraska, or
so much thereof as will satisfy said Jmlir.
itient, Interest ami costs and accruliur costs
Dated North l'laite. Noli.! Jan. S7. iil.
L. Ctiu'ENTtn, Shcrin.
h w.hI by said p aliitlir nKiilnst thi' i1!!
hvvV or section s. in township H, north of
rilllKe wost of sixth prlneliml lllnflillilti,
Nib iiskii. for tin- y,..,r xw hl ,,. MWl
,su'' '' "1" um of
JS.S, for the year Mia. In the Mini of $2.S3.
fl" ,lu ml" tho sum of $i.M; for
ho your im. In the sum of $i.5. ainount
inir in tho total sum of $ma, with Inter
cut on the sum of $10 27 at th4 rat " of ten
per cent per annum from the 1st day of
paid!' Wl"ch lH ,1,u, un-
l'lalntlfr prays n tlecree or foreclosure of
vJ,1 ,Xi "el,llll'J -ule of said premises.
011 1 nil ouch of you defendants are re
quired to answer said petition on or be.
foro M'hvd5&
uyii. s.mDaKLY,iV&T0li)
"'W ""'iu couuiy. .-veurnakn, unoti
.i iiecio ol foricloMire lenuoied In wlii ct'nrt
Aberoln 'Ibo Counly of Lincoln, h loiporatlon
s p nltilllT. and Jniuea L. llllau.s Ld n n?e dSl
feudnuis nnd to me directed, 1 will on tbn i,
lay ot March, 1WI2. nt I o'clock p. ni' at tlio a"
fiotit door of the court hoU.e in North I'lattp,
Lit coin county, Nebraska, roll nt public miction
to Ibo hluhiwt I, 1 dnr lor i-p.n in .'..11.,- ." i., '. "
creu. luterest nud coats, the tollowluir di'Bcrlbed
lSS?':l?X1' 1 !'.B "or"1 " 'I'" Houlbea.t
.......... ....,, u r.vMimi.uBi qiinrier or lie aoulh.
uast qunrter and tho southwest qtmrter of tho
northeast quarter of eecllou H, towiH.hlp T
Nclun-k. WMt HUlU cS&t:
Uated North l'lallo, Nob., Jan. 27, Wt.
L. CAlll'KNIKll, Hhorlff,
Mr-'tv';nin(,a,,,,S'V!,lla,n J- lioltslielder.
n y.,- xl lla J- Holtsnelder. his wife
imm . Vi . m""u Hnkn"W11' " Hlchard
1, ' "1111V,UIlI11wn, will tuku notice
t lint on tin, -tl day of November. 1901.
the ilnlutltr. t in fiiituiv ..r 1 i.,,...i ,.
corpoiullon, iiii tH petition iu tlio ills
t til' t court nf I In,.,, 1., v..i 1...
,1, , , - -, ...ww.. WUUIIIJ , ..VU111BIV11,
tlio object ami prayer or which Is to rori
cicso certain tnx Uomm n
sold plalntllt iiBiilnst eMi ho', or section 21
In township 9. north or ramro 31, west or
sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for
...v ,...ii hi inu Bum ot JU.H2: Tor tho
year l.Sill. In tho sum of 11.77: fnr "'t,7. ....
IMtt. In tho sum of Sli.2'1: for tl... ........ '.r,', .
. .in- mi,,,, 01 i.i: ior tno ycur 1N97. lu
rum u iiir 1 nn vmn- n v it. t ,..
sum of $2.M); for tho year'isw, In t"h . s 1111
of 3.r,; for the yea V l.i tho iuin
$2.2s; ami also to forccloso certain tax
lleiiH, duly ilHsessed by ulil I Intllf
ilea nst tho ot.. 11..1. nt M....11.... .,0 1 ".u"",c
?" ' "..XJ'WJk west or Hlxii,
1 -l' 'lllllll.
'"iirasidi. ror llin v..n
im'J, in tne sum or $S.13; ror tho'year 1S3I
sun. of $7.21; tor tho year lsi7. ,' tho'sun
thVA0 tho 1WS. In the sum of
amount nir In 1 hr. t..I.. 1 v1... '1. l-.i .
Interest on t he sum of Hl I 1
I'l l I 11 I I If ,!,,.. , . .
services to all dc
Call at tlie oflice of
Offers her
siring- sucli,
Dr. I.ucas.