The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 18, 1902, Image 4

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    Local News in Brief, I
Office over Btroitz Drug Storo.
Tlic ladies' guild will meet Fri
day afternoon with Mrs. II. M.
The annual meeting of the county
assessors will be held on Tuesday
March 18th.
The valentine social at the Lantr
don residence Friday evening, given
by the Methodist ladiep, was
largely attended and proved a
pleasant event.
Carpenters have well under way
the beer vault ior the storage of the
product of a La Crosse brewery and
which wc understand will be han
dled by II. Schlcstngcr.
Miss Mary Jensen and lCdsou
Allison were married Sunday at
the home of the bride in Myrtle
precinct in the presence of a iium
bcr of friends and relatives
The program for the county
teachers' meeting, to be held March
15th in this city, has been prepared
and will appear in these columns
in the next issue.
Mrs. J. J. Ilalligan entertained a
number of ladies Saturday after
noon inhonorof Mm, 13. M. Searle.
Jr.. of Oealalla. who had been her
guest for a few days.
A large audience attended the
presentation of "A White Slave" at
the opera house Saturday evening.
The play is said to have been very
well presented.
It is said that a North Platte
party held the ticket which drew
the capital nrize in a Mexican
rvi rv rwi rti rti rt rfa rJn fjn rt rt iX it tit. aU it. iXt il ill jXi iXi iXt Xi iXt i ji ji . t- , t t t t t -t- t
T T T T Tt'T'' U. 'U.' 'J.' 'U.' "4.' 'O." U." W 'l', ........ii.. ij,..".,-..-,!.,,,
"ir 8t
To get into 1,000 of our .Boy's Suits. Does your boy look
shabby? It's your fault, not ours. Wc arc doing our level
best to please the boys. Bring the lads to THE STAR and
fix them up for Sunday, or for school or for work.
Suits for $2.50.
Nothing extra for us, but good enough to cost more elsewhere
Suits for $3.50
That's it! There is worth, quality, wear and a saving of
SI .00 on each suit. What are they? Cheviot, Scotch and
jkpCnssimcre Suits, plain and Fancy Mixed.
WHY DAY $6.00 or $7.00 for a Boys' All-Wool
If II II r I Dress or School Suit that The Star is
semgfo, - $5 (JO
Money will do it, backed by
4V Y V
Our 20 Per Cent Discount
to Everything.
Full Value.
yet been
was $10,000.
Samuel Grepir, an evangelist of
the Chriotian denomination, began
a BcricH ol revival mcctingR at the
Unitarian hall Saturday eveninir
So far the mcetingHhave been fairly
well attended.
The South Platte railroad,
ICugenc Picard general manager
will be ready to receive paRSiniger
trallic Saturday next. The road
bed will be completed in a few
dayp, and the motive power and
rolling Block ih on the ground at
tbe oUi athletic park.
The electric light company com
Star Clothing House.
hnnn nimniitirnl fPli nrcyn " ""' ' 11
The precipitation in the ahape of I Owing to the prevalence of mall
hiiow during the past month augurB j pox in Iowa, Missouri, Illinois and
well for a crop the coming season,
but two swallows do not make a
Bummer neither does eight or ten
inches ol bhow insure a cron in
western Nebraska. As a Bide issue
dry farming in Lincoln county may
be proper, but as a sole means of
securing a good living it is some
(vhat uncertain.
Business at the United States
land oflice has been rather quiet
hiuce the first of the year, but with
the approach of spnnir business
I will undoubtedly "pickup," as is
auvays tne case. Very little land
being taken
rtlninrl rtittttmr t unuiiiitn.l! im 1ltt.
ihn-rn i.i.n..- ..... !.. "' tll,s land distiict ih
. .!..? ,' ior farming purposcB, aB but little
r i
ft tin 1 1 1 nun 1i it n1 r 1 ! f It 4 1. a.!l1 t.
reimirnl. 'VUo nrr tll,. ... ...J 1 l,e Cla"nH 0W lakc rc prillCl
ifnrrt. i, i.. . pally by Binall stock raisers who
twentvfoot iron noHtn nrriv, from tk,!iirc acldiliomil grazing land.
"Kcmcmber the Maine" will be
presented at the opera house
Thursday eyeuiug. The pceuery
used is no Hinall part of the per.
formancc and includes the blowing
up of the battleship Maine and the
naval engagement in Manila bay
The North Platte Gun Club has
about concluded to ime the Dolson
land west of the roller mills as a
permanent place for pulling nil" its
shooting events. A suitable build
ing will be erected for ntorngc and
other purpose, and the proper trap
pit i.nd shield built. A number of
Bhooting events will be held during
the coming season.
Miss Ada Kockcn was up from
North Platte to meet with the
balance ot the executive committee
for the Western Nebraska Educa
tional Association which will meet
in Ogalalla in April. The com
mittee wbb entertained by Mrs.
Worrell and the work U well under
progreaa. Ogalalla News.
Chas. Montgomery isBiied a war
rant Saturday ior the arrest of
Kalph Vinson charging him with
disponing of property that did not
belong to him. Montgomery and
Vinon roomed together, ami wliilu
the former was at Grand Island the
latter abld a number of an eles be
longing to the former and failed to
turn over the money. Vinson has
not yet been apprehended .
We sell
kiker Perfect Marl) Wire
painted per hundred. .$3.SO
liaker Perfect Barb Wire, gal
vanized, per hundred $(-. 1()
Store open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store.
riicre is in the neighborhood ot
Heventy-live thousand dollarB delin-
Uiient personal taxes due Lincoln
county, some of which has been
running lor a number ol yeara.
County Treasurer Scharmanu is re
quired by law to use every means
to collect delinquent taxes and to
tills end will notilv delinnueiitB to
come in and pay up. Failure to do
this will probably result in the
isHumce of distrcsB wnrrantB. A
hint to the wise is Biiflicient.
It is certainly encouraging to
learn that the irrigation tarmer of
the county are growing more in
terested all the tune in the raising
ot tuiar beetB and aathe season ap
proaches the proposed acreage in
creases. It requires considerable
labor to produce beets, but the re
turns certainly pay bigbetter than
a wheat or corn crop, at the average
piices. When Lincoln county pro
duces one hundred thousand" tons
of beets annually no county in the
slate will he more prosperous.
A few ol the biiBin csh men are
feeling somewhat "sore" over the
removal of the MMollice. claiming
that it will lose them business,
while property owners north of
Sivth street think it will depreciate
the value of their property. We
are ot the opinion, however,
that these people are unduly
aliitined. The business hotit-cs in
this ueighurhood of Sixth and
Dewey streets are of too much
ptoniiuence to be ailected by a post
ullice removal, and people who now
patronize those houses will con
tlnui! to do bo. It may be true that
the business of the city may even
tually drilt suutli and west, but it
will be inanv vears bcfnru KK-tii
and Dewey streets will cease to be
me center 01 commercial activity
New Dental Parlors.
Dr. J. l Shute will havi In
oflices in the llinmaii Block lie
comes Itiijhly recommended and is
!i uraduale of tho Pennsylvania
Collt'L'e of Dental Surgery.
Iliirh irrnde dentlstiv nrnlii-nm tu
mid scientifically done. Consulta
tion aim examination tree.
other states, and aB a precaution
againBt contagion, every employe
of every railroad entering Chicago,
from president down to scrub
woman, was vaccinated tho latter
part of last week. 15very car which
has arrived at Chicago from every
direction during the past few days
Ikib been subjected to fumiiration
for six hours under the direction of
the board of health before other
pasBcngerB have been allowed to
enter it.
It is not probable that very many
cattle will be shipped into Lincoln
c,ounty this spring, the general
opinion being that the number now
Held is about all the pasturage will
maintain. In several sections ot
the county the land haa been bo
closely pastured during the past
two or three years that the grasB
crop has become very light antl it
therefore requires a larger acreage
to maintain a certain sizpd herd
than formerly. Instead of expert
tnenting with the proposed for
i itratton of the sandhills of western
Nebraska, the government should
apply its energies to securing
j;rass seeds that will grow in the
hcmi-arid country and distribute
t'letn tree to stockmen so that the
bills that are now so nearly bare of
vegetation could be sowed to grass
and yield abundant pasturage.
It ia said that the enforcement of
the drinking order by tho Union
Pacific has seriously diminished
i tie receipts of the local saloon,
and that possibly only three
I -censes will be applied for on the
lirBt of May. At first it seemed to
be considered that the Union Paci
ic order was but a "bug-bear" and
.hat its enforcement would in time
ease. This, however, is a mis
take. From a reliable source we
learn that it ia the intention to
igidly enforce the order. The
rders to division ofhcials is to
summarily discharge employes wh
trcqueut saloons or are found in an
intoxicated condition and that no
ittempt will be made to "white
'vash" any employe who disobeys
he rule laid down by the company.
Those guilty will not be suspended,
'hey will be discharged.
I A Full Line of Fish g
salt and canned, just rucei. 'id. Anything you want 3
EE during LRNT can be found at our store clean z
and free from dirt.
g Try a Can of SHAQUADS. g
s Just the thing for parties and lunches. A sea food s
sE relish. Something new. Only 15c a can. 3
g Here is a Proposition You
g Cannot Allow to Pass Unnoticed. g
Cut out the price list on Groceries 'ad vertised
Z by our competitors and bring same to us. Pick IZJ
C out the goods you want and we will not only
3 sell you a superior article for the same money,
but will give yon in addition to same one Rand-
MoNally Hook Check for every 25c worth you j
Jt: purchase for cash. Limit of checks given at
g any one purchase 20 checksor S5 worth of goods 2
I Harrington & Totoin.
! Forty$even Ranges $
Sold Since Aug. 1st. $
That people appreciate good articles j
when they sec them is attested by the (J
fact that we have sold forty-seven
Ranges since August 1st, and we arc (j
selling them right along. But Ranges
arc not all; our sales of Heating Stoves j
have been very large. This business j
only tends to show that we carry (j
superior Stoves and Ranges and sell
them at right prices.
' ;y g 3-. g1. . gg'. y ay g. y . rj; r$
U. A. Huckitigham. a Fourth
district conductor, was the guest
of friends in town Saturday.
Conductor P. W O'Drien spent
Sunday with his family in Council
A gang of paintera were here
yesterday repainting the switch
targets in the yards.
L. C. Hansen, late conductor on
the Second district, was in town
Sunday enroutc to Denver to look
up a position.
Frank Bretzer was in Sidney
Friday running the switch engine
while Andy Struthers laid off to
celebrate his twentieth wedding
an niversary.
Special Agent Jake Miller has
been so successful in arresting coal
rustlers on the western district
that he haB been transferred to the
eastern district to do similar duty.
The Union Pacific Board of Ex
aminers will reach Grand Island to
morrow where they will devote a
week or two to examining em
ployes on the new book of rules.
They will then come' here.
Asst. Supt. Ware will pay off
employes between Cheyenne and
Sidney tomorrow and then will
probably go oyer to Alliance to at
tend the meeting of the stock
Division Foreman Stubbs and
Assistant Supt. Ware went to
Cheyenne yesterday to attend a
conference of railroad employes on
the important subject of hot boxes.
The conference is held by a call of
division master mechanic McKeeu.
Harry Moore has resigned the
position of night ticket agent and
is succeeded by Cliaa. Newman,
who has been the night car
checker.'ie Doran of Sidney
takes the position of night car
checker. Moore will probably go
to ClieyeUnc to accept a position.
A new Union Pacific night coal
watchman was sworn in the other
day and he has been making it ex
ceedingly warm for coal rustlers,
-tx or eight having had warranU
issued against them duitig the past
lour days. The tellows who don't
think it is a crime to steal from a
railroad company will find it
cheaper in the end to buy their
For Rout or Sals.
Eichty acres, known ah the Lock
wood larm. Under irrigation.
Write or apply to II. Schuff. Grand
Island. Neb.
Spring Goods,
Most of our Spring Goods
are now in and being placed
on our shelves. Our stock of
Dress Goods, Wash Goods,
White Goods, Laces and Em
broiders, etc., are much larg
er this season than ever. Pat
terns arc new and much hand
somer than over before. We
will be pleased to have you
come in and look over our
Store open evenings until S
AiIco Deprtffcrnenfe 1
Millions Put to Work.
Tho wonderful activity ot tho nnw
ceutury m shown by nn enormous de
mand for tho world's best workers Dr.
King's Now Life t'illp. For Constipa
tion, Sick Hondncko, UiliouHnefls, or any
troublo of S'omnch, Livor or Kidneys
thoy'ro unrivalod. Only'Joc nt Stroitza'
drug store.
in fabrics for overcoats and suit
ings are ready for your inspec
tion. Wc have all the novelties
of the season in serges and
cheviots. Order now and you
will have plenty of time to have
your fitting done. Our prices
will be found satisfactory, out
work unsurpassed.
Cleaning and repairing a
Jll.0 lcto!,IlHts. William V, CiiHO, Mrs,
William V. Cubo. hlH wlfo, llrat real natno
unknown, and Richard Roc. reul name
unknown will tako notlco that on tho 4th
day of Noypmhor. 1901. tho plaintiff, tho
county of Lincoln, a corporation, tiled Its
petition In tho district court ot Lincoln
county, NubraHka. the object and prayer
or which is to forecloso certain tux lions,
duly assessed by said Plaintiff ajfalnst tho
v'.i, of oV. (except rlKht of way of Hlrd
wood and Table Tor. district) of section
12. in township in, north ot ramro 33, west
of sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for
tlu year 1S37. In tho sum of 510.70: for the
',, m?i tl10 Hum of $4.37; for tho year
SOU. In the sum of $17.62; for tho year 1000
In the sum of M.26. nmountltiK In tho total
?.!"5, 3..0j. with interest on tho sum of
.X,1 at tho rato of ten per cent per un
nuni from the 1st day of September, 1901,
"II of which is duo and unpaid.
I'lalntllf prays a decree of foreclosure of
said tax lien and a salo of said premises.
nn 'iinl tit c It of you defendants aro rc
ii ul red to answer said petition on or be
fore Jftmday, tho 2-lth day of Mnrch. 1902.
i.yn. s. itipqag'"0
Tho defendants. A. Smith. Mrs. A.
Smith, his wife ilrst real namo unknown,
and Richard Roe. real namo unknown,
will tako notlco that on tho 4th day of
November, 1901. the plaintiff, tho county
of Lincoln, n, corporation, lllcd Its poll
Hon In the district court of Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, tho object und prayer or
wnich in to foreclooo certain tax liens,
duly iiHsessod by said plaintiff ritfnlnst tin-n-
or n',a of section 12, In township 9,
mirth of raniro 31. west of sixth principal
nierlill in. .Nebraska, for the year 1893, in
Mil Mlltll ItT tlftl'.".' fnl IIia 1 Lfl? I.. .1...
..... ... T. vj. ..u J,,.. 111 llll'
Hinti f 110.29; for the year 1S97 In tho sum
iur mo year jnaa, in iiie sunt or
'"'!: or tho vear 1899, In tho sum of
S).?.'t' tnr Ilia v..n,. KlTal In 4t.. . .c
..... tv, ... iiiv null, ft! ,iO,
amounting in tho total sum of $74.17, with
...', cm un nil' mini in 11 i WlO laiO Ol
tm per cent per annum from tho 1st da
nf Sentember, 1W1, all of which Is due and
I'lulntlff prays a decree of foreclosure of
said tux linn and a sale of snid premises
on and ouch of you defendants are re
quired to answer said petition on or tit
fore Moml.rto smdnj; of Mare,y902
lnS. R.DOI3LVJrn,0,U
Tho defondants, Clement Curtis, Mrs
Clement Curtis, his wife, tlrst real nam
unknown. .Martin K. Green, II. Kmerfon
and Rlihard Roe, real name unknown,
will take notlco that on tho nth day of
November. 1901. tho plaintiff, tho county
of Lincoln, a corporation, fllod Us petition
In tho district court of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, the object and prayer of which
Is to forecloso certain tax liens, duly os.
soFtiei! by said plnlntitf nKalnii the n'-.
swt4 of section 8. in township 12. north of
rniiKo 33, west of sixth principal mtrldlan
Nebraska, for tho yenr 1S3, In the sum
of $,.41: fur tho year 1S9I. In the sum of
II fur tho yenr ls9.'i. in the Sinn of $u.09,
for tin- yt-ar istj, In tho sum or $."i.49. for
tho year 1897, In tho sum of $2.91; for the
?VSr lbt?J ,n 11,0 8Um ot ,3-s0: ror 1110 nr
1S89. In the sum of $2.15; for tho year 1900
in tho sum of 79 conts, amounting In the
total Hum of $.11.53. with Interest on tl u
sum of $30.80 at tho rato of ton per cent
per annum from tho 1st dnv of Septein
bxr. 1W1 nil of which Is due and unpaid
lMalntirf prays a decree of foreclosure i.r
said tax lieu and a salo of said prnnlses
ou and onch of you defenilnnti are r
fi Hired to answer said petition on or be.
fora Monday, tho 31th day of March mr'
ny H.' S. RIDCiKL
ih.L, Itu AttoniP)