i LLOYD'S OPERA'HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY Saturday, February 15, Grand Revival of Hartley Campbell's Beautiful Plav. WHITE !. "t l "Rugs arc Royal ST A VF Rnimcnt when tDLtX Y w worn for Ylrtues ) Sake- 80c THE 1'BRl'HC'J'lyY l'KODUCICU. SEE PRICES, Halo of Klttvofl lit HlK Hand. I'ho Quadroon's Oath. Wreck of tlio Hollo Creole. Htiin storm of Honl Water. 50 and 75 cents. .imwj"Q'"W" iiiii'i'i'i'" Mtj-, f i -m -T T "P f . Local JNews in jjhoi. i timuwjuinrnw hi n 111 DU.F. W. MILLEK, ORADUATE DENTIST. Office ovor Btroltx'i Drug Storo. The Methodist ladies will hold a ten-cent valentine social at the home of Mm. II. C. Langdon thiH (Friday) evening. The public is invited. J. 1 IlarHhlicld says that lie ex pects to remain in business in the buildinir south of the Palace meat market, reports to the contrary notwithstanding. The directors of the baseball association will hold a meeting on Tuesday evening of next week and will probably then definitely decide as to who suail coiisiuuie ine icam. MisB Jennie Smith, who has been confined to the hotiBe for a month nast with rheumatism, is not mi proving very rapidly. Her whole body Is more or less affected. The North IMattc bowling team is doing extra practice work, and the members think they will give the Chcvetinc team a warm rccer. tion in the games to be played here on the 2ZA lust. Quite a iiumbtr of North Platte people attended the funeral of the late M. J. Cronin at Grand Island yctcrday. The local lodges of the B. ot L. l and the A. O. U. W., ot which the deceased was a mem bcr, Bent committees down. Many cattle in this section arc aflltctcd ifritli mange, a larger num ber nfrffinps than usual. This is Wwmpww.'' by a parasite, and though 11 UOCH DPI piUVU lil 111 I ll icnuun ill cattle getting in bud physical con dition. ) WANTED Lady olork, ono havincr oxperience preferred. Apply in person by Saturday night. WILOOX DEPT. STORE Six candidates were initiated l to the Woodmen lodge last cvcniiK the work being performed by a team from Hershey. v ollowing the ceremonies light refreshments were served. There is at present a scarcity ol office rooms in town, or at least oneB suitabl; for those who desire oIliccH, It Is probable that the second lloor of the Foley block will be rearranged and scyeral addi tional olhce rooms created. W. A. Paxton of Omaha was in town Wednesday enroute to his ranch near llershey irom winch in a day or two he will ship about twenty cars of fat steers to the Chicago market. This will leave about 200 head at the ranch vet to i-hip I. A. Fort contributed another letter to yesterday's Omaha I lee in advocacy ot a change ot the home stead law giving the cntryman the right to 010 acres instead of lull, Mr. Fort a efforts to create a hciui incut in favor of this change is commendable. There arc about 3(0 cases on the docket for the term ol court which convenes March od. The greater part of these, however, are lorcclos tire cases instituted by the county for the non-paynu'iit of taxes, and i an be disposed ol qulCKly. City Marshal Patterson returned the early part ot the week Ironi a few days' visit in Denver. While there lie met K L. G raven, who is qmplovcd In the auditing depart ment of the 1) . &. K. G. Ky.. and also Arthur Pluuier who has been appointed Biiperiiiteiident of mine at Idaho Springs. GOING TO FENCE? We sell -Baker Perfect Barb Wire painted per hundred. .$3. SO Baker Perfect Barb Wire, gal vanized, per hundred 10 Store open evenings until o'clock. Wilcox Department Store. 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c EIGHTY CENTS COUNTS FOR ONE DOLLAR AT THIS 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c J 80c 80c 80c ! 80c EXTRA SPECIAL 80c 20 Percent Discount Sale During this sale vc will continue to show wonderful yalucs in"clotlung;thc first choice is worth being; quick for. It is unnecessary to quote prices It requires an examination to appreciate the genuine bargains we arc offering in Men's Hoys' and Childrcns' Fine Suits and Overcoats. This opportunity will not come again this season. Kvcry gar ment has the original price still on it. You get 20 percent off when you purchase. Good Shoes sold Cheaply. sautAKirsfeg(iL Our Shoe Department is the place to visit if PpSJura you wish to spend only a little money to get bhoes that are really good. These arc leaders: W. L. Douglas $3.00 Shoe at this sale ?2.40. "We have your size in Enamel Calf or Box Pnlf '.VKt Of hot- unnrml vnlt.ne i Mon'u . oSHotTr "V Shoes at 51.00 to 3.20, Wc Can Please You if You Give Us Hie Opportunity. Star Clothing House. 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c 80c Geo. M.Carter went to Lincoln Wednesday morning to attend a banquet given by the Young Men'o Republican Club ot that city. Mr. and Mrs. lCd Haucr leave Sunday for Terre Haute, lud. Mr. Haucr will remain there ten uays, while Mrs. Haucr will make an ex tended visit. Mrs. M. Mickclson and daughter Garnet were the guests of Mrs. M. II. Douglas yesterday, having come down trom llershcv to hear the limes concert The ninety-third anniversary of Lincoln's birth waB observed in town by the closing of the Union Pacific shops and the display of old glory on a number of Hag staffs. It was expected that quite a number of out-of-town people would attend the Inncs concert, but only a few were present. The snow storm just before dinner probably kept some country resi dents from coming to town. For Itont or Bale. Eighty acres, known as the Lock wood larni. Under irrigation. Wiite or apply to II. SchulT, Grand Island, Neb. Joe Fillion came down from Cheyenne Wednesday and will vii his parents for a few days. A service for men will be held at the Lutheran church this evening, to which all men arc invited. The proposed removal of the postoflice to the Odd Fellows' build ing is likely to result in a very warm fight, a number of men doinj; business near the present location of the otlicc having sent in a re monstrance against removal. Con gressman Neyille lias also been asked to use his influence against removal. The present room is in adequate to properly handle tin mail, and so long a the proposed removal is tor the efficiency of tin service, no one can fault Post master Thomson for desiring morf commodious quarters. Now Dental Parlors. Dr. J, F. Shute will have liit ofiices in the Hinmati Dlock. He comes highly recommended and a graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surger'. High grade dentistry proficiently and scientifically done. Consulta tion and examination tree. A Pretty Party. The party given Tuesday after noon by Mrs. H. S. White and Mrs. Arthur McNamara at the home of the former was a prettily conaucteu lunction and proved a pleasant one tor the titty or sixty ladies present. The rooms were darkened, lights turned on and roses and carnations displayed in abundance, making a very pretty appearance. Among the enter ' taining features was a contest en ' titled "Questions of the Age," in , wntcu twenty questions were pro posed, the last syllable of the ans wer word being "age." In this contest Mrs. W. J. Stuart correctly , answered the greatest number and was awarded the prize. Six young ladies served the re freshments which were very nicely prepareu ana serveu. The affair waB very smoothly conducted throughout and retlected very creditably upon the hostesses Airs, bcnurman ot l remont wat- the guest ot honor. It will be four years tomorrow since the battleship Maine was blown up in the harbor of Havanna i How time flics! A "Between Seasons" Sale of Shoes This is out' month to close out all thats loft of the past seasons Shoes. All the odd pairs styles with but part of the sizes left -in short the remnants, that arc in variably loft at tlte close of a season, have all been sorted out, and placed on tables, at a very liberal discount from regular prices. There are Shoes for Men; Shoes for Women; Shoes for tlirls. Will you look them over? :: :: :: :: :: n W fa rortv-seven fcsan&es viz Sold Since Au$. 1st- to to to That people appreciate good articles when they see them is attested by the to fact that we have sold forty-seven jjj Ranges since August ist, and we are to selling them right along. But Ranges Vjj are not all; our sales of Heating Stoves to have been very large. This business jjj onlv tends to show that we carry to superior Stoves and Ranges and sell jjj them at right prices. (0 (0 to i) it v4 id it to to to E B WARNER to THE BIG STORE. to to to (?) RAILROAD NOTES, .-........-.. ...-.-.H.. ....-.. ...'.- Matt Welch yesterday resigned his position in the car repair gang. Johnnie Dwyer writes this office that he is now working at Chilli- cothe, Ohio. Two or three additional machin ists were given work this week in the Union Pacific shops. Traveling Passenger Agent Mcllen of the Union Pacific, spent part of yesterday in town and went east with the Iuues special. ISleven carloads of fat sheep from Colorado were fed at the local stock yards a couple of days this week while in transit to utucago. The Itines band came in on four special cars attached to train No G yesterday morning and went out last evening at 4:30 on a special train. Herman Schrocder, late night foreman or the car repair gany, re turned yesterday to Sidney. The night foremanship ot the gang has been given to J. F. Gatison. The Union Pacific is considering a plan to substitute automobiles tot the stages now used to transport people from points on its lines to the Yellowstone and Yosemite parks. Judge Baldwin transacted busi ness in Lexington Wednesday. Dr. J. F. Shute, who has been located at Gothenburg for a couple of year s, has opened a dental oflice 111 the liiuman blocU and will de vote lour days a week to patrons in this city. Dr. Shute is a graduate of the Pennsylvannia College of Dental burgery, which is a guar antee ot iiib emciency. V. II. Sullivan and J. 13. Toil lion of Nichols marketed fat cattle in town ytatcrday. Sam Funkhouser left yesterday for a visit m Champagne county, 111. Henry Schuff elsewhere adver tises for sale or rent his irrigated r : ni:i.i 1UI III III lHUIJIB CUIIItl. Will Funkhouser and family of Lincoln are visiting friends in the vicinity ot Hershey. Mrs. Win. lives. Mrs. W. H Hill and I. IC. Ware were among those who came down from Hershey yes terday to attend the limes concert. The funeral of M. J. Cronin was held at Grand Island yesterday forenoon at the Catholic church, and was largely attended by mem bers of the M. "W. A., A. O. U. W., A. O. O. P. and citizens generally. N. Mackin has sold to 13. E. Richards the west half ot Bection 10, town 11, range 26, in Peckham precinct, tor a consideration of fifty-three hundred dollars. The land lies close to the Platte river and is desirable tor alfalfa grow ing. In the lower grades of the public schools Valentine Day will be ob served by opening a valrntiti" box at the close of the afternoon ses sion this evening. The young peo people anticipate much merriment through the exchange of these missives. The J. T. card club was delight fully entertained Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. A. Muldoou. This, we understand, was the clos ing meeting ot the club for the season, and the members made it a special point to extract all the en joyment possible out of it, and in this they were very successful. Children's Children's kid Shoes, d At button, at P V)U Children's kid Shoo, at T. .-75 Children's fine kid . lace Shoes, at l.UU Children's kid and . calf Shoes, at I,U Women's A liberal quantity every pair a real bargain. Kid lace Shoes, in d , L-, good styles, at PIU5 Kid lace Shoes, in , splendid grades, at . . '5 Fine Shoes in kid . and calf leathers, at .'v5 Finest of welt sewed calf Shoes, late styles. vJ Girls' A large quantity of odds and ends in Girls' lace and but- d ton Shoes, at P 'S)o Girls' calf and kid . lace Shoes, at. . ..'-O Very line grade Girl's . Shoes, good styles, at . 45 I Bargains in Men's Shoes j Not a pair ot them but what are unusual j value, at these prices. Satin calf Shoes, at $i-35 ' Sfitiu calf and colt skin Shoes.. . 1.95 Fine kid and box call Shoes Women's Heavy calf lace Shoes reduced to 2.40 Selling Out Overgaiters and Leggings Women's long Jersey half button Leggings, now $ 95 Women's 10 button Overgaiters, now .... .4-0 65 l Girls' and Children's long Jersey Leg gings, 80c and $1.35 IV 1 1 ELLOW FRONT SHOE STORE 1 GEO. ft. (IRAMAn, ringr. Men's Grain buckle plow or work Shoes reduced to $I.IO 1 A Full Line of Pish 1 S salt and canned, just received. Anything you want 5 during LKNT can be found at our store clean 3 JjZ and free from dirt. g Try a Can of SEAQUADS. j Just the thing for parties and lunches. A sea food j3 s relish. Something new. Only 15c a can. 'A Here is Paroposition You g Cannot Allow to Pass Unnoticed. 1 Cut out the price list on Groceries advertised by our competitors and bring same to us. Pipk out the goods you want and we will not only 12 sell you a superior article for the same money, but will give you in addition to same one Kami- McNally Hook Check for every 25e worth yoji purchase for cash. Limit of cheeks given at :ss any one purchase 20 checksorSa worth of goods i Harrington & Tobin. 1 MiUJUMUUmfiWWjUJiUtWWUlMWiWltR