Hi ft Wedding id Birthday Presents will be found in end less profusion at our store, and no difficul ty will be experi enced in making selections. 8 s K 8 to to to to to to to to to to to to to 52 to to to to ft to to to ft to to to to to Glinton, THE. JEWELER She cmi Weekly Sribuur . FKIDAY, KBB. 14, 1902. DR. F. W. MILLER, ORADUATE DENTIBT. Office over Stroltz's Drug Store. Mrs. M. Nathan, of Des Moines, is the truest of her bister, Mrs. Julius Pizer. Rhodes Longley, who had a touch of pneumonia at the state univer sity, is reported as convalescent. Wanted to buy Fit teen head of coming two-year-old Gallaway Hulls. Max Ui:i:k. A carload of Missouri breedine sheep are being fed at the stock yards today while enroute to the west. Two crews were pulled off the Third district the early part of the week, the conductors beinir Mote McParland and James Snyder The O. T. Club will be enter- tained by Mrs Frank Bacon, assisted by Mrs. Lew Hasting, at the Baldwin residence next Thurs day afternoon. Stephen McDjrmott, of Walker precinct, is transacting business in town today. He reports very few losses of cattle ttum the corn stalk disease in his section of the couutv. Oscar Soule has purchased ol Nicholis Mackin lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, section 10, town 11, range 20, lor a consideration eleven hundred dol lars. This laud is located in Peck- ham precinct. Chiicairo weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity, Feb. 14 Partly cloudy tonight and Satut day. Maximum temperature yes terday was 30; one year auo it was 33. Minimum temperature tins morntug was .23; one year ago o. T. T. Keliher spent Wednesday in town visiting his tamilv. Since accepting the position of special agent of the Union Pacific for the Wyoming division, he has spent most ot the time in Chejeune gel ting acquainted with the details of his work. In talking with a farmer from Gaslin precinct it i learned that there is some hope of having the biir irrigation ditch in that precinct completed. The completion of thiB enterprise would be a big boon to the farmers of Cottonwood and Ga-lin precincts. As an evidence of the value of the alfalfa crop to the farmer, it U stated that Charles McAllister ot Nichols precinct, sold $2,800 worth ot hay from 1(0 acres and had one hundred tons remaining. Land that wil produce that amount of revenue is worth a hundred dollars per aero. witlt revival meetings in pro grcss at the Uaptint church, meet ings of a similar nature to bej-in at the Unitarian hall tomorrow evening, and the many services an nounceJ at the LpHcopal and Lutheran climates during Lent the moral standard ol the town ought to b; raised a peg or two At a meeting of the Second ward hoso team Wednesday evening committee was appointed to ar range tor a banquet to ue held on the eyening of the 21&t inst This banquet will be held at the Vienna and amontr the quests will he the Mayor and members of the city council. We are requested to slate that all members ot the hose team will be expected to meet at the hose house at 8:30 o clock an l riday evening of next week and proceed in a body to the Vienna at nine o'clock. $8,000,000 The. Patterson, N. J . sustained a loss bv the recent big lire of eight million dollars. Most of the prop utiv owners were amply protectet by tire insurance, while sitiu had failed to get insurance and lost all thev had. It you are not fully in sured don't delay the matter until too lata but call and let us insure vou in one of our old reliable com panies. You can't afford to he without insurance protection lor what it cost6. John Bkatt & Co. Rev. Graves, ot Shelton, the Presbyterian missionary, went over to Gaudy this morning. The public is invited to attend the Valentine social to be held at the Langdon residence this even ing. The Episcopal choir will rehearse for a mid-Lent sonir service, the date of which will be announced later. The advance agent for "Rcmnm r the Maine" la in town todav. The play has been presented here once before. Evangelist Daly and wife, who are conducting services at the Baptist church, are said to be drawing large audiences. A few choice miich cows for sa'c at the Stock ards. A160 some jjood stock cows, some have calves by side. See John Burke or John uratt t.v Co. The friends of Brad Slaughter in this city regret to learn that his vite is critically ill witu typuoiti pneumonia at her Home in umalia. Mr. Slaughter is in the Philippines where he holds u government posi tion. Messrs. Stubbsaud Warner have been appointed to represent North Plane at a tmcting of the b.tse ball associations to be held at Kearney on Thursday of next week. It is probable that live or six towns will be represented at the meeting. It is stated that during the re cent visit of President Burt at Cheyenne he authorized the erec tion of a club house for Union Pa cific employpp, the cost of which is to exceed fifty thousand dollars. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Simpson left last niiiht for Rippey, Iowa, where M-8. Simpson will remain winic Mr. Simpson goes south to look up a location. The latter ha oppor tunities to work on several south ern railroads and at the time of leaving did not know which one he would accept. Many friends re- irret their removal from North Platte. Mention was made some ten days ago to the effect that a number of citizens had addressed a letter to Mr Oxnard to ascertain what surety, it any could be given by the company for the operation of the local bee; sugar plant. Keply was received from Mr. Oxnard today which is practically to the effect that if there are enough beets raised in Nebraska to operate both factories the local factory would be run. But the company dtd not desire to name a specific acreace as a guarantee. Mr. I errar reports however that contracts arecommir in at a very good rate. Grand Inland Independent. Ever Try Our FLOUR? People that have tried it continue to use it. Wo sell: Gothenburg Best Patent per sack $1.00 Suowilake Patent per sack.. .90 Red Seal Patent per sack. . . 1.00 Jewel Patent per sack J0 Yeast I oam 2 pkgs 0; On Time Yeast 2 pkirs 05 Schilling Best Baking Pow der lo-oz can 35 10-oz K C Baking Powder ... .08 15-oz K C Baking Powder.. .13 25-oz K C Baking Powder. . .20 50-oz K C UaKinir Powder.. .. 80-oz K C Baking Powder ... .5 Bird Seed 1 lb pkg 07 Sunflower Axle Grease 1-1 b wood box 40c doz, 3-d oz case 1.50 Mica Axle Grease 8c, 2 boxes 15 Gilt Edge Shoe Polish 20 Baby Flite Shoe Polish 10 French Gloss Shoe Polish . . .10 Eddy & Eddy 10-oz bottle Bluing 15 Walter Baker's Chocolate 18c, 2 cakes 35 Walter Baker's Cocoa 'Ah can Cocoanut per pkr 05 Chicory per lb 07 ABC Soda Crackers 22-lb boxes per lb h Uyster Lrapkers 22-11) poxes per lb M Eagle Condensed Millc 18c 2 cans 35 St. Charles Evaporated Cream 13c, 2 cans. 25 Best I till Cream Cheese per lb 15 Andersons Jams 1-lb cans. . .10 Libby & McNeils, Hex or Swifts Extract of Beef per jar 35 Fancy Cod Fish per lb 10 White Hoop Holland Herr ing per keg 1.00 Family White Fish per pail -70 Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store Lutheran Church. Men remember the hour for meet ing tonight is 7:45. This will make it possible for all men to be present. Hie subject will be Power, Sunday services at iu:3U ami r.M. Morning bubiect: "Some Things Characteristic of Satan's Work," eveniug theme, "Who Sccth us?"' The second discourse on questions ol the bible. Strangers are never intruders but always welcome. Eastern Star Visitors. A number ot members of the Eastern Star of Ogalalla came down yesterday morning and were entertained during the day by mem bers of the local chapter, in t lie evening the work of the order was exempli lied for the visitors and fol lowing the ceremonies refresh ments were served. The yisitors expressed themselves as well pleased with their reception at the hands of the local chapter. Bo a Good Soldier. Paul exh rtB Timothy to "En dure hardness as a good soldier ot Jesus Christ." What does this mean? The pastor will be glad to see every Presbyterian at the morning service next babbatc scck ing with him to find the true an swer to this important question. Come, also, to the Sabbath school, C. E and the evcninir service. Let every one who is desirous of being a "good soldier" of Christ respond to roll call if possible. A hearty welcome is extended to all, espec ially strangers. Eight Per Cent Money to Loan. We can make loans in sums to suit borrowers on good real estate security for term of years at eight per cent interest. Security must be gilt edge. John Bkatt v Co. Spring Goods, Most of our Spring Goods are now in and being placed on our shelves. Our stock of Dress Goods, Wash Goods, White Goods, Laces and Em broiders, etc., arc much larg' er this season than ever. Pat terns arc new and much hand somer than ever before. We will be pleased to have you 4 1 come in and look over our stock. Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Department fee. The Clark condition of Mtb. II. J was reported somewhat better this forenoon Mis. D. A. Baker left this mom ing for Ogden to visit her husband who is employed there as depot watchman Lost On the street Wednesday evening, a pair of gold glasses'. Kinder please return to Cunning ham's store and receive reward. W. N. Salisbury is reported to be in a critical condition, from the result of the cancerous growth which has affected him lor some time past Mrs. A. S. Baldwin expected to leave last night lor a visit with friends in St. Louis, but an attack ot rheumatism lias caused her to deter her departure for a time. I. A. Port and T. C Patterson have been in Fremont this week at tending a meeting ot the real es tate dealers of the state. Both made addresses before the gather ing. Dispatcher Brown and family ex pect to leave m a few days for a visit at their old home in Iowa. V C. Milner will take the third trick in the dispatcher's ollice during Mr. Brown's absence. A Cheyenne engineer was in town Thursday having a hearing for a little difficulty which he got into at Kimball last Sunday, lie pulled out of the station on No. 5 without orders from the conductor, leaving the conductor and brake men. An engine was started out with the trainmen on board and No, 5 was overtaken at Pine Bluffs. The family of ex-county clerk lloltry expected to leave yesterday for Des Moines, Iowa, to take up a residence and a car had been packed wi'h goods, but Mr. lloltry received word that there were 700 cases of small pox in Des Moines and the removal of the lamily will be deterred. Though the family will remove to Des Moines, Mr. lloltry will devote his time to his stock ranch south of Ilershey. Timet Bros, livf stock commis sioii merchants ol South Omaha. elsewhere advertise for sale 12,500 head of one and two year old steers and heifers ol the HerefordDur ham and Polled Angus breeds This lot is said to be carefully selected, and it is desired to place the cattle between April 1st and Mnv 1st Stockmen ot Lincoln and adjoining counties who desire to increase their herds should write Timet Bros, for full information concerning these cattle. SPECIAL Cash prices for one week com mencing SATURDAY, FEB. I5tll. Standard Granulated Sugar, 19 lbs for $1.00. Rolled Oats, 3c per lb. Fancy Whole Rice, 0c per lb. Hastarn Tomatoes, 10c per Can. These are full weight stand ards. Do not conflict these with the light weight western goods being sold at the same price by others. No goods sold to dealers at above prices. Better lay in a month's supply at these prices. All other goods in our store as low as any in town and best quality. ' W. F. McGlone. Mr, and Mis. N. B, Spurrier, ol Nichols, attended the limes concert yesterday. O. A. Hart, of Cottonwood pre ci net. was a husinebs caller nt this oflicc yesterday. The late arrival of considerable advertising matter has abridged our space devoted to local and other news. The city schools were dismissed yesterday afternoon to give teach ers and pupils an nportuuity to at tend the I tines concert. Among the Ugalalla ladies in town yesterday were Mth. II. 10. Good.ill, editor of the Republican, Mrs. IOd Searle, Jr , and Mrs. J. W. Whelpton, wife of the banker ot that village. Warrants were issued this morn ing lor John Weisbercer and Arthur Warner, charging them with rust ling coal from tho U. P. company. Weisberger says that while enroute home last night he saw a lump ol coal lying along the road, which he picked up and carried home. The night watchman saw him and had the warrant issued. Both men were to have a hearing this after noon . Haoma for Heat. Two nicely furnished rooms in private family, choice location. Will rent separately, if desired. Inquire of John flratt & C Wall Paperfor Ml 'A 4 C M. Niuvinn h:tA nnonotl Wall J'ancr store in the jSj Rcnnic Uuilding and will & carry in hiock I Wall Paper, Widow Shades, j J Room and Picture Moulding, and Sewing Machines, 1 4 Will carry ready-made win g (low shades, also a nice line g of shade by the piece from which he will make any si.e $ to order. Will make Picture g Frames and will very shortly have an outfit for $ the manufacturing of Rub- ber Hand Stamps. Shall try to please all that $ patronize me. I C. IH. NEWTON. Tho Innes Concert. Considering tlrnt it was a day the Innes concert yesterday af- town, the attendants numbering nbottUOO. Tliat the selections of this organization were fully appreciated was evidenced by the applause which followed each number, and that Innes is a gracious conductor was attested by his willingness tO( respond to the plaudits. While the pro gram numbers were high class compositions, which only those musically euucucu can np- prcciatc to ine in. extent, yet so pertect was tue nam ony ot the uisii uiueiiits mai ;ui icu wen sai- isticd. ;j lie encores were simple compositions aim were more pop- ular with the average auditor. One of the most appreciated numbers was the cornet solo by Kryle, who kindly responded to an encore, nc is ceriaimy an artist. The selections from Carmen by Albert, Zcrni and Signora oi-gui were not appreciated iy t ie majority ot tne audience, and possessors of line well trained voices . The concert the finest ever we think as a was, ot course, given here, and whole was duly appreciated. Lost Lemon and White lSnglish Setter Dog. Return and get reward . (5i:o. L. Camtk. All Knights of PythiaB arc re quested to be at the hall this even- imr Mnrl inbn finrt In llin tttrtrls r f conferring the rank of kuightlmod on two esquires The local postc Ihoe force has been bus? today receiving and de livering valentine. Some of the young men seem to be very fortunate in being remembered by friends. their DON'T PROCRASTINATE! OthorwiBo don't put on" until tomorrow what should bo done toil in . If tlioro is sotno slum rojmlrinc. hnvo it dnuo nt tho ollow Front Shoo Ho pmr Shop. GEO. TEKULVE. ChoupoRt nnil host pluco in town, 1,130 Ah NOTICE. Margaret Striithurs, dnfomlant, will tuku notien that on tho llth day of Feb ruary, 100'J, Lars J. Krong, plaintiff heroin, tiled his petition in tlin distriul court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, neainst said defendant tho object and prayer of which .iro to Hcetirti n decree mitutmg plalnlm s title to tun rollowlng (IcBoribed real estate, viz: Lots 1 , 2 and :i in township 11, north of range It'.', went or bin l'. IW., and tocancol and declare RiitialW'd a certain uiortKauu tiitinst Biiid promiHoK, dated Ducouibor loth, 189.1 inailo and delivered to tho defendant b' ono Mathow L. Brown, and rooordod in tho clerk's olllco of said county in Ilouk II of Mortgages on iag MM. Vou aro required to answer said noti- lion on or before tho 21th day oF .March linn. Dated February llth. 11)02. Lakh P. Kko.no, plaiutilT, HyT. C. Patthiwon, fil l Hit Attorney. IJXi'Alj NOTICK, Tin- delVihlimtH. I'lmrlPH H. WIIIh. Mm 'liniicH H. WIIIh. IiIh wife. llrHt rent niitnii unknown, and Itli-lnml Itin;, real iiiiinu unknown, will take imtlcu tliul cm llio .'Mth i iiv of ScnlcmlM!!'. V.HI1. thi) nliilnlllT iin- pinmiy or Lincoln, u corporation, uicu IIk iH'lllluii In tho tllHtrlct court of I. n nuutv. NtliniHltii. tho olilccl anil uravnr of which Ih to forccloHo curtain tax IIciih. lulv iihhi'hkoiI liv mild nlalntllT nualiiHl the HcU or Hectlon 21. In IowiihIiIp hi, north of itiiuti -s wi'Ht or hi x i u in incinai inurimun NoliriiBkii. for tho year 181)1. In tho mini ot $12.72; for tho your lMi.i, In tho mini of 12.0U: for tho year lh'jn, In tho mim of III.7S: for tho year Ik'J!), In tho mini of 17.11: for thii year MOO. In tho stun at in. amounting' In tho total mini of ir2.14. with intiM'cHi on tiio mini oi ;w.ii at tun ram ol ton per rent pit milium from tho lHt nmmiT""1' l!WI' "" whW) llu" and iinnald I'liilntin nrayH 11 iiecreo or lorec oHlire ot km id tax lien nun a Hiue ot said prcmiHCH. Vou ami inii'Ii or you tiereniiaiitH aro ro inlri'il to aiiHwer Hani netltlou 011 or lie fore MVinilay. the 2llh day of March. 11102. TIIW COUNTV OP LINCOLN. (A ('orporatluli.) Hv II. 8. miXJIOLV, Its Attorney. LKOAL NOTICK. Jacob L, Larfion, Mrs. .Ineob L. Lar son, IiiH wifo and L. II. Wilsoii, dufond ants will taku notice that on tho 10th day of l''ubruary, 11)01!, plainlilf heroin llled his polilioii 111 tiio district court or Lincoln county, Nebraska, iiL'aiiiHt Hind doroiulantH, llio object and pravor f winch are to forecioso two curtain inort hiikcp, oxotnited by llio tloftmdimt Jacob Ij'irxni to the plaintilT upon the Hotitlienet iiuartor ot section 5 in town ship 12 raiiL'o :il Swcst of sixth p, m. and south wnst tiuarter of section T in town ship 12 ranK" 'll wot-t (llli p. m. ro spectivoly, each of said mortuaries bointr iiiikIo to secure the payment of lour promiKHory notes as follows: 'f'hreo iiotoa of 8100.00 oiifli datod Doc. LUX)!) and payable in 1. 2 and .'I yearn after date and ono for tMMX) biuiio date pay able in four years after date. 'Hint there ih now duo it iiiin Haul note and mort i;ai.'0H 8itK).(io with Hitmen!, from March 1, I'.Hil, and the further mini nt gli.O.i for Ihxch paid by plauitili upon Hiiid promises, for which sums with interest and coHts plaintilV rirays for a decree that dofendaiits be reijiiirod to pay th siiiiic, or th'it said promises may bo sold In mil 1HI v 1 110 aniniiiil. rrmni l no. v " . -- -----' notition oi) or boforo llio 21th dav i w 1,," 1..1 1, 1 1 ,-it 1,1 iiiinLi 1 1. itllircll, IPOJ. Hnlm lit. Nnrl 1, 1 11H11 Nn irnul 11 Mi lOth day of I-Vbriuiry. 11)02. H. It. Sisson, Plaintiir. Hy T. O. I'vmiitso.v, fllti llin Attoruoy. Colli ttaHsOU T 11 71Prl Notwithstanding' the fact that credit competitors say that they meet our cash prices, the fact re mains that lor quality and prices we arc still in the lead. Compare prices with those in your pass book and be convinced. Cane Granulated Sugar 18 00 Coza(1 Morning Glory Pat- cnt ir,our pcr sack Lo5 Cozad Vn11ey Patent Flour pet sack 05 Norlh p,.lUc r.llcnt Flour .)el. s.icj. q5 Kerosene Oil per gal'.'.'.'. AS noi nnuniim. im- n-.i m Artn & Hammcr SoUa 1cl. b 0s Cow Hrand Soda per lb 03 Kingsfords Silver CJloss a Kimrsfm-d Corn Stnrr'li t standard SwcetCorn pcr can .08 Standard Vinegar -15 grain jc wi,,i win.. v:,,n. lW..,...t..l 1 llli. gar pcr gal II. J. Heinz Co. Best Cider Vinegar per gal 35 Ucst New Sweet Cider per gal 35 Gold Dust Washing Powder 4-lb box 18 Stock Salt, 100-lb sack (0 Sulphurized stock salt 50-lb blocks at) Fancy white potatoes per bit ,')5 Kastern standard tomatoes per can 13 Regular 35c M. & J Loltec per lb Regular 30c M. & J. Coffee per lb 27 Regular 25c M. & J. Coffee per lb 22 Regular 20c M. it J. Coffee per lb 18 Regular 50c Sun Cured Jap an J ea per lb -to j Kcgttlar 40c bun Cured Jap- .... M II. TP in j ea per id oo Fish for Lent We have just received a lull line of Fish lor Lent Snioked Sal mon, white fish, cured herring, codfish, mackerel, white fish and spiced herring, ah fancy goods at right prices. Yovr patronage is solicited. TIE HUB GROCERY (0., D. P. McGREW, Mgr. liKOAI, NOTICH. Tho ili'fiMlihlllt. Illlllo ITimon. now Hlllli! Auhlo. will lalo iioIIro that on llui 10th ilay of Docoiuhor, ittoo. tho plaintiff, tho county or Lincoln, a corporation, IIIimI Us petition In tho tllHtrlct court ot Lincoln couiily. NfhraHlta, tho object anil prayer of which Is to foreeltma corluln tax lltiiiM, duly iiHHOBHod hy Hiilil plalntirf itKiitiiHt tho nwM of Hectlon 20. In towiiHhli) Ifi. north of raiiKo 2:, wchI of Hlxth principal mer- iiiuiii, iNonruHKii. lor mo year isu.i, nr tno Hum of jn.72; for tho your lS'.W. In tho Hum of Si:i.3U: for tho year 1M17. In tho Hum of iu:i; for tho year MH, In tho sum or w.Hi; ror inn year wm. in tiio sum or $n.:i:i, iiinountlnK In tho total mini or mr..r, with IntcreHt on tho mini of V.H.2X nt tho rati) of ton nor cent nor annum from the 1st ilav of November. l'.KW. nil of which Ih itluo ami unpaid. l' n UilllT nraVH n ilccrco of foieu oHiirn or Haiti tax lien and a hiiId of mild prcinlHcM. Vou mid each of you defendant)) arc re quired to niiHWer Hiilil petition on or hc- roro nuiniiav. nut 21111 tiny or March, 11102. Tim t'OlTNTV OP 1.INCUI.N. (A (Corporation,) lly 11. H. Hll)fli:i.V, ItH Attornny, UOAI) NOTICK. To all whom it may concorn: Tho coinuiiFRiorior unpointed to viow tho chango in County road No. (52. Coinmonciiig at Hond Station No. 1 in tho southoatit 1 1 pcctiou 25, townsliip !!J, north range 110 weist. Thonco south 22 degrocH 10 minutes eaet from Mag notio mnriilan 'ifi 7K cliiilim. 'I'hnnon Bouth 27 doi,'reo8 10 minutes oast, 21.11 eliiuns 10 11 point on old rou t pu (J2, be tween Million 0 and 1, that is 0.12 cIiiuiih from Station (i ot road survey for road INo. b-. hind cliaino lieiiiL' in tno Houthoiist 1 1 of section 2.) anil tho north east 'i ol section :i(J, township 13, north raiiL'o .10 west, ami mat partoi roail No. 02 botwoon tho point of coinnionoitnr this survey and whom it onds bo vacated. Has reported in fi.vor of tho Chanel) as above described, and all objections thciot", or claims for tlaiiniKCH, iniiHt bo lilinl 111 tho County Clark's olllco on or boforo noon April 10, iwi, or Hiicn road will Do altered with out roforonco tliorntti. KKHI) 1!. OINN. (bounty CI01U. Dated Fobi uury 0, 1!)()2. f 11 1 LKOAL NOTICIO. The ilefclidanU. Theilu A. Lliiilerinan. Lliidermaii, her hiiHband, llrHt rent niimo unknown, Alary A. JoluiHori ami ltlchai'd Itoe. real niiinv uiiknuwii. will take notice that 011 the It li tiny or No vember, 1U01, tho plaintiff, the county of Lincoln. 11 comornt on. Illeil its nntlllnii In tho district court of Lincoln county. NcbrnHldi, tho object unit pravor of which Ih to forecloHo certain tax Hciih, tluly iih Hesued by Hiilil plaintiff 111,'alllHt tho tio'i of nr-cilmi 1:. In lowiitihlp 12, north of rniiKn :i.i, went ol wixih piiiiclpal mcililloii. NrhraHkn, fur i n- vcar PVJ . In tho hiiiii of il2". for Hi.. ear JMCi, In lhi hiiiii of ;1.02. for the year IVi, In llio hiiiii or Ill.7!; for the ear IS!i7, In tho hiiiii of $12.i:i; for the year !S!iH. In tho hiiiii of $10.1,2; for I be year IMiU. Ill tho hiiiii of ..!; for the v-ear l'.KII). In tho Hll m of I:i.:i2 ainountliiK in tho total Hum of I73.2U, with .ln. ton tier ennt nor i....v.ui ..n annum from tho lHt IWI, all of whluh Ih tint) of ami ummld. u (in v or Mi'iiioinhor i-iaiuuu iuiijm 11 iiucreu 01 lorecitmuro or 11 Ct"" "".""' " "" n 1111 ii uiiune. Vou anil txiuh of you ilafoniliiutH aro re- qiilred to uimwer wild petition on or lie foro Alondav, tho 21th dav of Murali. 1902. THW COUNTY Ol' LINCOLN, (A Corporation.) lly H. H. HUXJliLV. Its Attorney.