The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 14, 1902, Image 2

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    Utah White Clover Honey
12c i lb. comb. The lowest
price ever made on honey in this
Hakkinctox & Town.
in fabrics for overcoats and suit
ing's arc ready for your inspec
tion. We have all the novclt'io
of the season in serges and
cheviots. Order now and you
will have plenty of time to havi
your lilting' done. Our prices
will be found satisfactory, oui
work usurpasscd.
Cleaning and repairing i.
Tho defendants, Wllllnni V. Case, Mrs.
William V. Case. IiIh wife, llrst real imnu
unknown, and Richard lto, real muni
unknown, will lake notice that on the UI
ilav of November. 1901. the ulnlntlff. tin
uounty of Lincoln, a corporation, Med lu
petition In tho dlHtrli't court of Llncolr
county. Nebraska, the olili-ct ami nrayii
of wlilcli Is to foreclose certain tux HetiH.
duly iinsoHsed liy wild plalutirr nmilnst th
w',4j of oty (except rlKlit of way of lllrd
wood mill Tallin Tor. district! of soctlni
12, In towiiHhlp Id, north of ninne Xi, wohi
or Hixtn piiiiciiiiii meriiiiau, XNooraxKii, 10
tho vonr 1HUT. In tho mini of 110.711: for th
your ISiw, in tho hiimi or for tho yom
isv.i, in tno Hum or 17.ib; ror tna ywir nr
In the mini of JX2H. iiiuountiuir in tno tout
mun of ri.'.i:, with lntoroxt on tlio mini oi
ian.71 at tho ralo or ten nor cent tier an
num from the lnt day or Hoptomher. 11W1
all of which Im duo and iliiliald.
1'lalnliff praj'H a ilocroo or forecloxure of
wild tax lien and a hkIh of Hold preiulieM.
You and ouch of you dcfoiulautM nro ro-
iiuireil to aimwor huiii peiuioii on or in fo
ro Atonilay. tho aith day of March, 1W2,
(A Corporation.)
Ily II. 8. IU1K5HLY. Um Attorney.
SborllV Bnlo.
Ily vlrtun of an oritur of mlii liwucd from Un
illMrlcl rourt oi i.iiiooiii eniuiiy, p I'liinmui, upon
ilecreu of for(ultiHiiie rnniliuoil III mid mini
uhnrnln Tim Cinilitr o( Lincoln, a oorpnrntlou
In plnlntllt anil V. I., llnloy ol fil., nro iliiluuilitnU
Hlnl lo inn (iirrciru, I win on iu ii mix -Mnrcli.
llKtr. Ht I o'clock, p. in., lit llio oiixt lop
ilonr of tint court Iiiiiinii In North l'lnttii, I.turou
uounty, Nolirnnkn, mnl nt piiliuo nui-lloll tola
lillfliiMt lilililur for, to Kiitisf jr until ilocrno, Ih
imoHt ami eoHta. Ihu liillowlnu ilerurllii'd pronoi
Iv. to-lli Tim liorlheunt nuiirtor of recltmi ill
tnwimlilii 11, irnllKolU, HUlli 1', M. Mncnli
coiuilr, fiuiiriii.
llnlDU NnttHt'latlu, Noli., .Inn. -7. Wi
J I I,. Caiu'kntkii', HIiuiKT
Thu dufiAidnntM, John ThoiiuiH, -Mrn
Julin Tlioiiiim, hU wife, IIi-hI real nana
unknown, V A. (!orhett. Mrn. C. A. I'm
liott, liln wlCo, IliHt real name unknown
and nicltard Itou, real name unknown
will taku notlco thai on the 4tli day oi
November, I'.mi, tho plalntllt, the count)
or Lincoln, a corporation, tiled Um pelt
Hon In the dlMtrlct court of Lincoln conn
ty, NubriiHka, thu object and prayer ol
which Ih to lorooloHc certain tax lien
duly iiHHeKHiMl by Maid pintutllt aualiiMt tin.
iiu'Vi of miction 1'7, In towiiHhlp 13, north ot
ruiiKu 33, wohi of nlxth principal meridian,
NubriiHka, lor thu year Ib'-Ut, in the huiii ol; ror thu year In the mun ot
Jir.M; ror tho year lvici. In the mini ot
ir.2l: for tho year ISM, In the huiii oi
l7.:i:'i for thu year 1M)7, In the mun ot
ill. Ill; for tho year 1MIS, In the huiii ol
110.31: for thu vear lv.i'.i. in the huiii of J.'i.Ol
lor tha year ilw. In tho huiii of t.VH; mm
iiIho to foreolOHo eortnln tax IIciih, dul
iihhchhciI by Hiild plalntllt IiKaiiiHt the uuVt
uf Hcutloii 27, In towiiHhlp M. north ol
riinyo 3J. wohi or Hlxth principal meridian
Nelirimkit, for tho year 1SU3, In the huiii ot
r.M; for the year lS'JI, in thu huiii ol
XID.W: for tho year 1SH,, In the huiii ot
Jir,.iii: for thu your Ih'M. In the mini oi
lT.ii2i for tho year 1WI7, in the huiii ol
Jin.Hi; for thu year UUS, In the huiii ol
$10.31: for tho year IS'., In the huiii ut
I7.KI: fur tho year 1MU. the tho num ol
tmHi and iiIhu to foreclotie certain tax
lltiiH, duly aHHi'HHed by nald plalntm
uualiiHt tho nwW of Hoctlon 27. hi towii
Hhlp )3, north ot raiiKo 33, weHt of nlxth
principal ineildlaii, NebriiHka, for tho
year ISM. In the huiii of Jiffi.M: for the
year 1MU. in the mini or iV.i.W; for the year
1M. In t 10 num of ir..2l: for the year IMKl.
In thu Hum of Jli.Hi; for the year IMii. In
tho mini of tl3.SU: for tho vear lst'S. In the
Hunt of $10.31: for the year im. In tho
huiii of J.'i.Ol; for the year l'., In th huiii
of $3.21; mnl iiIho to rorei-lom- et rtaln tax
IIoiih, duly uhhi'hkciI by ho Id plalntllt
aiuiiiiHi tue hiiVi or hociioh .i, in iowiihiiii
13, north of iaiii;o ;n. went or Hixtu pi in
elpal meridian, NohruHku, for tue year
!!!, In thu huiii ol' f:'.i..M; for the year
lS'.ll. In tho Hum of fill. IX. for (he vear 1MI.Y
III the huiii of $15.81; for the year 1MM. In
tno mini of $17.3; ror tl' year 1M7. In the
mini of $11.91; for thu year 1SK. In thu huiii
of 1(1.31: for tho year Itt'.i, In the num of
J.Voi; for the year iww, In the huiii of
ti.'ii. amountliiir to the total huiii ol
$IS&.tH. with ItitertHl on tlio huiii of tm.tti
at thu rato or ton pur cunt per annum
from thu lHt day of September, 1IKU, nil
of which Ih due and unpaid,
l'lalntlff prayn n decree of forivlnmiro of
wini tax lieu mnl a hiiio or Miiiii piviiimoh
ion anil imcli or you ucremiuutti ure le
MUlrcd to uiiHwer Hold petition on or he
fore .Monday, tho Villi day of March. lt!
(A CurporHtlon.)
liy II. . ltllMiisi.Y, itM Attorney.
Bhoriir'i Baio.
Ily vlrtuu of an order or Hale Iwue I iroji
tliuillHtrlcl court of Lincoln county. Ncir,i
kn. upon a decree of forccliwure rendered
IIIHiidCoutl wIlclc uTlie Cuiiiilv ol I .in
i'iiIii. it 1'orpot.itlou. Ih planum ami I . I
Wo fe ct a .. are detetii aiitN and to uie i I
ici'tcd. I will on I lie lHt d.iv or M.Uvh. IKr.'
all o'clock )i in at the eaHt limit ilum nt
Ilia court lioiihr In Ninth l'liilte. Limoln
county, Nnliratl.,1, hell ,u liuhllr aui tloii t
thu lllnlnwl bidder for ciihIi In h.UIhIv nald
decree, luleivxt and conn, the lollowliit:
dcKcrlhcd proiK'rty to wr The oulhet
ipiattcr ot Hcctlou 31 towiiHldp lo. r.itiKn 3.'.
uchl Sixth 1. M Lincoln county. NePraxka
Dated North IMatle. Neb., Jan. 'it. W!
1. CAiii'KN'rmi. siiurlir.
who can inaltc and repair
Shoes, but there are lew
who can equal and none
that can surpass us
Tho defendant. K. II. Htcphenson. will
tako notlca that on the lltli day of No
vember, 1901, the plaintiff, the county ui
Lincoln, a ooriHirntlon, tiled Um petition It.
.he district court or Lincoln county. Ne
ornRKH, the object mid prayer of which
io lorrcioim certain tax nctis, uuiy nn
iisod by said plaintiff HKaltist tho nt4 ol
of swtlon 14. In township 10. north ol
Htiirp 31. wit of sixth iirtnlctiiil meridian
Ndirnskn. for tho yenr 1S93. In the um oi
113.64; for tho yenr 1WI, In the. mini oi
for the yenr lX, In the sum ol
llti.Osl; for tha i-Hr IWtfi, In the sum o
ll.7; for the yrnr IW7, In the mini o
Ji.nM. for thi yenr lwt. In the mini or xi.iVi.
or tho year Mrs, In tho mini of $5.85; fo.
tho yenr If), In tho mini or $I.SI, amount
n in i lip total Mum or i.xti, witu iniur
at. on the mitn or li,.7i nt the rate or tei
per cent is?r milium from tho 1st ilay o
.November, ivn, nil or which m utie am.
J inintirr prays n decreo or roreclosuro oi
.(Hid tnx Hen mnl a salo of said promlson
ou una wicn or you ueiori'inniH nro re
ulicd to answer sold netltlon on or be
fore Mbmlny, tho Slid lny of Mnrcli. 1902
TIII'J L'UUBTl III' i.i.ncui.?,,
(A Corporation.)
Ily If. H. limOHfA. ItH Attorney.
bhorllT's Sale
llv virtue of an order of sale Issued f rotti
ibo district court of Lincoln county, Ne
irusku, upon a derrcc ol foreclosure ren
lorod In wild rourt wherein The County o
i.tncolii, a rorixiratloii, In iilulntirt am
lames A. Woodson et al., are ilcft-ndailli
mil to inc directed. 1 will on the lit day o
n arc ii. mn, ai i o chick p. in., ai me eas.
ronl door of the court house In Nortl.
latte. NnliraHka. Hell at public auction tt
ue blithest iiidder for cash to satisfy Mali
.crree, Interest and costs, the following
.uHi rlhed lironortv. to-wlt: 1 he soutliwes.
tuarter ot section 32. township raiiKe 3
'chi mxiii i'. ai., Lincoln county, NenrasKu
ii.uuu Morin nunc, wen. .i.iii. ?, ihu
I., Caiii'k.ntkii, sheriff
Tho ilofemlHiitM. Illram ItardlnK. Mrs.
1 1 1 n in llardlntc, his wife, llrst real name
itikliowil, II. C. Harvey and Hlchurd Itoe,
al iihiip) iinKitown. will laKo notlco tun.
a tlio Ith day ot November, l!)l. the
lalnlirr, the county or Lincoln, a corpora-
.mi, tiled ItM petition iii the iiistrict conn
r Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho ohjco
nd prayer or which Is to foreclose certali.
ax Ileus, duly asst-sHcd by said plalntlli
xaliisl tho se'.i of Heellou 7. In towtiHhll
). mirth of raiiKo 31. wont ot nixth prlncl-
ul ineilillnu, NohrnHka, ror tho year 1HD3,
n tho Hum or $13.11; ror the year 1S0I, in
no huiii of $ll.3r; for tho year isti,,. In tin
um or $o.ii; ror the your imih, in the huiii
r $11.01; for tho year lH!i7. In the mini ol
1.15; for the year 1MIS, In the sum of $5.01,
ir the yenr 1M30, In thn huiii of $1.20; tot
he year lltuo. In the Hum of $i.or, miioiint
g In the total huiii of i!3.33. with Interest
,11 tho Htim of $12. m at the rato of ton
ier oent per annum from the lnt day ot
. ember. lU'll. til or w ilc i in due and
I'laltitlu prayn a decree or roreclosuro ot
aid tax Hen and a mile of nald prctnlHcH.
.on and each of you dcrcndnntH aro re
iiilifd to answer nald petition on or be
oru Monday, tho 21th day or March. 11102.
(A Corporation.)
Ily II. H. IMIKIKI.Y, Its Attorney.
Dhorifl 's Snio.
Ily virtue ol nu order of unlu Inminl from tin
lutrlct com t of Lincoln county, Niilirnnkii, uiioa
ileurvu of foroclomiru remlvied In ralil eoiul
. Inuein Xlie County of Lincoln, n corporation Ih
iiaiuiiir nnu 'llioiiiaH 11. lliiMliCH, et al.. nrn Ue
undaiilH ami lo me illrecled, I will on llio lot day
it Mnrcli, 11KI.', at 1 o'clock, p. in. nt tin, cant
out door or the court Iioiiho In North l'laltu
Jncoln counly, NubraHka, ell nt public auctlnii
o llio highest bidder for ciifli, to nillnty Hidil
ecree, imeiei-i anil cohIk, tlio lollowlnu ile-
.orlliei! property, to-wlt; Tlio HoulliweHt ipiarler
I section 113. lowiinlilp 10, rnliun it'.', wiHt hlilli
'. ai., Lincoln counly, Hiiranka,
Dated North l'laltn, Neb.. Jiill. 'J7, I'.KU.
I.. CuirrN r n, Htierlft
Tho defeiidanlH, Mary J. Ileiesfonl and
Vllllam llereHford, her hUHband. will take
lotlcu that on tlio 15th day or April,
ho tilalntirr. the county or Llncnli. a tvir-
.xiratloii, tiled Hh petition In tho district
nun or Lincoln county. NeiiruHKa, tnc
ibjoct and prayer of which Ih to foreclose
eitnln tax IIoiih, duly uhhchhoiI by nald
iltilntirr aitalnsl tlio ho',', of noctloii 22. In
-(iwiihIiI i io. north of mint" :i2, wist ot
nxtii principal meridian, NohriiHkn. for
no year isiii, in tho hiiiu or $12.31; ror the
oar 1MB, In the huiii of $11. Mi; for tho year
Sin), In tlio huiii or $11. CI; for the year
SU7, In Ihu mini or $7.22; for the year lKis,
ii the huiii of $1.37; ror the year IMKl, In
ho mi m of $3.S.x, iimoimtliiir in tho total
um of $, with InteroHt on the mini of
as. mi at tno rate ot tun per cent per an
nun from the lHt day of April. i:H. all of
vhlcli ih duo and tinuald.
I'lalntllT prays it deeroo of foreclosure of
aid tax lien and u mile of mild prcmlHCH.
I'ou and cucli of you defeiuliintH aro re-
luirtii io aiiMwer hiiiu petition on or bo
ioro Mmiidav, tho 31th day of March. 11)02.
(A Corporation.)
Hyl.HHII)flHI.Y. Uh Attornoy.
1 .1X1 A I. NOTICH.
The ilefendautH, I'lunient Curils, Mrn.
'lenient Curtis, IiIh wire. llrnt real niiine
iinknowii, Martin H. tlroon. II. HmorHon
mil ltlcliard Itoe. real iniino unknown.
will take notice that on the lltli day of
November, mm. the plulntirf. tho county
or Lincoln, it iNirporatlon, tiled Hh petition
ii um umirici court or Lincoln counly
Nebraska, the object and prayer or which
s to roreciosn certa In lax 1 ons. i In v hh
eHHed by nald nlalnlirr ml-hImmI tin, nu,
wr', of hocIIoii B, In township 12, north of
ii,i ko .a, wohi oi Hixtu principal meridian.
NebriiHka, for tho year ly.W, In thu sum
of $7.11; for thu your 1NU, In tho huiii of
mmi; ior tno year lsyr., in urn huiii of $5.00
ror the year 1HH), In tho sum of $5.19; for
tho vear 1S07. Ill thn huiii of $2.!U: ror the
vear 1SHH, In the mnn or $'U'i; ror tlio year
ice.-', io me huiii oi ..ii; ior mo year iim.
In tho sum or 70 ooiiih, amounting In the
total sum or $31. M. with InteroHt ou the
Mini of $i(i.i at the rato or ten per cent
per annum from the Int tluv of Septem
ber. 11") I all or which In duo and iniinilil
PliitiitUT prays a decree or foreclosure or
eiui in x iii n ami a sate or said pn iuIhom
on ami iiicn oi you UetemlaiitH are ro
Milrod lo answer said petition on or bc-
ioi-o .-vpiiiuuv. llio 3IIU day or Mnreh. I!H2.
(A Corporation.)
llv II. S. ItllJO lil.Y, Its Attorney.
The doreiiilitulH. Albert 11. Searn. Kiln
Sears. Ills wife, and ltlcliard Itoe. leal
iiMtue unknown, will take notice that on
um un (my or .Novomiicr, IWI the plain
tirr. in.. I'liimiv ir i.iiti...i ....... i....
- - - - ........ ... ,,.... , V Wl , , lull.
IllHt Us ptitltlon In tho district court or
l lneoln cot.-ity, Nebraska, t It onjeet mnl
inoyei iii which is to iiiroeiose cortal
tax lions, duly assessed by wild plaluUlf
iiKHiiisi pan oi nev, hws, mnl part
nwH se.4 (71 ll-lllo uerosl of section 30, I
towuslilp ll, north of iiiuko :u. west of
sixtii iriiieipai ineriuimi, Xoiiraskn. fo
tno year iv.u, in tlio mini of $lg.2i; for th
vear 1MW, In the sum of $8K.M); for the yea
ISH7 III the Hum of $lii.5l. for the yenr INI.1
111 tho huiii of $11. Ml; for the virnr IK!. Ir
the sum of $11. (B; fur the oar l!i. In thn
mini or $1:1.7:1; ami iiiho io roreeiofe eer
tain tax Ileus, duly asseHsoil by buIi
piinuiiii umiinst tue HVk hwu and nwV. m
uvvt or soetlon 20, In township II. nortl
01 ru line :ci, went or sixth pllnelpul pn i
iilllill. NehriiHl,,!. fur Ih,, year S!. Ill Un
sum ur 3ii.': ror ilif, yvm lsW. In th.- run
or $3,M; fur the jour 1W. in tho sunt 01'
tju;;,. fur llio yenr 1V1S. In tin, 111111 ol
M!M, for 1 ho year 1S80. In the sum ot
J111..H1. ior ine year r.w, in the num uf
11:, nr. mnl iiiso to rorPdOHo certain tin
Ileus, duly iiHHCMMcd by mild nlalntin
UKHlllSt tho S HeU Ulld 110W of set "f
leeunii ..1, iiiwiisuip 11. iiortii ui rani;i
.11, west 01 Hivin piiiicipai morlillau. Ni
liniNKa. rnr tho year ISM, In the huiii of
W..MI; lor the year I.W., In the sum of; ror llio year U07. In the sum oi
m.n- for the year lSlis, In the sum u(
ki.'.ki; ior ine your imm. iii tno mini of $u.v,
fur the vear I'm, in the Mini ut $ir. !!.
miiJiilillliK In tho total mint of $3l!i.u:v uttl
Inteiest on the sum of $ at the rate
or ton ner omit per annum from the 1st
day ot Heptombcr, loot, all of wlilcli Ih due
mot unpaid.
Plaintiff prays a decroo of foreclosure of
toiiil tax lieu nml a mile or said primuses,
x 1 .-...1. ... a . .
1 tin nun imt'ii 111 j nu ueiomiHiiiM are ri)
nulled to mmwor said petition 011 or be
foro Moinlsv, the Slth dttv of Mareli. laot,
(A Corporation.)
liy ll. S. HIUaiCLY, ltn Attornoy.
The (lofonilnntH, JukIuh O. Illchry, Mri
JuMltu O. Itlchey, hl wife, llrnt raal name
iinknowii, and Itlchnrd Itoe, real nama un
Known, will tnko notice that on the 11th
Jay of November. Itol, tho plalntlK, the
loutity of Lincoln, a corporation, filed Hit
petition In the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, tho object and prayer
3t which Is to forocloHP certain tax Ileno,
lulv HHHOHHeil by nnlil plulntlff HBaliutt the
nw'i of Hcctlou 33, in township north or
rniiRe 31, west or nlxth principal meridian.
Nebraska, for the year 1)3, In the sum
f $12. i:i; for tho year ISO I. In tho sum or
I1.17, for tho year 1W5, In the num of
12. IS; for tho year lMi;, In tho sum of
,I3.(X5: for the year 17. In tho sum of $S.:,l;
.or tlio year 1N, In the huiii of $5.77; for
.Up year JMiO, In the Minn of $0.61; for the
oar Hurt, In tho sum of $3.11, ainountliiK
in tho total sum of $73.1.1, with Interest an
tho sum of J IS. 7) at the rato of ten per
:ent per annum from the 1st day of No
vember, IWI. all of which 1m duo and un
Jiipalil. l'lalntlff prays a decree ot foreclosure of
nld tax lieu and u Hitle ot said premises,
foil and each of you defendnntn ure re
lulrcd to answer said petition on or be
foro Monday, the Sltli duy of March, 1W2.
(A Corporation.)
Its Attorney.
Ily virion of an order of rain UmkuI from tho
II strict court of 1,1 neoln county, Nehrankn. upon
i ilecri'H of foreclimiira rcnilared In paid court III
liureln Tlio Counly of Lincoln, n
jorpomtlon, plaintiff and Orren L. Hherinan
tnl .nto ileloiiilanta ami to mo illroclod, I will
ll llio bit day of March. IWI!, at 1 o'clock p. in ,
it tlio past front door nt thecoart Iioiiho In North
t'lutle. I.lncnlii countjr, Niilirnnka, sell nt public
Diction to thu IilK'iont Mdilor for cnnli t( putlidy
,nld decree, linetcMt nml cimta, tlio followlnn
lfcrllieil proprty, to will The ennt half ot Hie
ontliwcft cjunrlcr and llio went half of the noiitti
ennt ipiarler of M-ctloll '!, towntlilp II, rnnge 37,
ivi'jit Hlilh P. M. Lincoln counly. Nbraka,
Dated .North l'lrttte. .Neb. Jnu. '.'7 HMi.
I.. OAni'KMTKii, Hliorlff.
Tho defendants. J. W. Stapleton. Mr.
J. W. Htapleton. Ills wife, llrwl real name
unknown. Klla Stapleton, Htapleton,
her hiiHbaud, llrnt real iiamo unknown,
mil Hicham Itoe. real tuimo unknown.
will take notlco that on the lit It iluv ol
November. IWI, tho plaintiff, tho county
of Lincoln, a corporation, nleil Hh neil-
noii in i no iiisirict couri or Lincoln coun
ty. Nebraska, the object and prayer or
wmen is m lorec oso cerinin tax ens
duly iiHsessod by said plaintiff uiralnst th
scvi oi section ao, in towtiHlini u. norm ot
ritliKO 3i, west or sixth nrliicliml mor d an
ieornHKii, ior tno year ijmi. in tlio sum ot
2i.rn; ror the year 1S0I, In the huiii ot
ror tno yenr ikw,
thn mini
tho sum
tho sum
for the year iswi,
for the year H!i7.
for the year 180S
tho huiii
(i!.28; for tho year 1KO, In the sum of $7.26
for the your ll'io. In tho sum or JI.M
amountliiK In tho total sum of $135.30, with
inieroHl on tno num or jss.02 at the rat,
or ten Per cent nor annum from tin. li
day of November, 1901, nil of which Is dut
nnu unpaid
I'lalntllT prays a decreo of foroclosuro of
said tax lien and a salo or said premlsen
You and inch of you defendants arn re.
quired to answer said ixjUtlon on or be
fore .iionuav. tno zitii day of March, 1802
(A Corporation.)
Hy II. 8. ItlDOHLY. Un Attorney.
Sheriff'! Sale.
Ily litne of nu onlrr of onlo lsued from tin
llitrlct court of Lincoln cnuntr. Nelirn.Vn. nii.ii
a decree of foreclosure, rendorcil In srfld cour
wlicreln Tliu County of Lincoln. cnriMimlliin. 1.
plnlntllf and Hlinpxui M. Day rt. nl., nro defend
ntH nnd lo ran illrecled. I will on tho lut day 01
March. I'.).', at I o'clock, n. ru. nt the eat f roni
door ot Hie court houo In Norili l'lntle. Lloonh
county. Nvhratka, sell at public auclou to lb,
lilKlnst Milder for cah to pallufy Mild decree. In
teied and cots, tlio follow Iok ileKilUil prop
crly. lo.wlt: Tim Mulliwt ipiarter of section ll-limni-tilp
I", raiiKe 32, uealt-lxtb I'. M, Llnis.l
county Nobrspka. '
lialfcd worlli Plattt, .Sli., Jau. 27. HUC.
L. Cahi'Cstxu, Hlicrllf.
The following estimate of tho count r for tin
year 1102 for the several county funds, count
lionds, bonded prcclncls and illslrlcts aud to ine,
outstandlUK lulehteilm-s a vrMeno lir Iximl,
coupons or warrants letally Issued and claim
iiirninsi 1 ue county riotacicil on uy llio board:
Coi.niy Ounernl fund tV..UH I
County IIiIiIkh l'u nil li.ouo 1
County Itoad I'uiul 15,000 ( '
Bobbers' Itellef tund sou 1
I'ni.CIHCT lllllliOK uoNns.
.. , . , . Hlnkln. Inleres'
llrady Island JI.IOO 00 SWUM,
NIcholH um no ;m) 1
lllrdwood Km 1.0 l.mioii
O'l'alloti IKHiO' .',00 1,
Kiiri'kn NU U0 . LUW t
llodlclllo Uond 300 0) ........
Mcpherson I rrluatlnn oil ftdui.
Holilh Hide liilorual Imp WiO 00 Mm 1 1
Dltrlct No, HiiuliiK. Inleres'
. 1 illKK) IM siomni
1 10 W) ll llli.
10 so 00 :t.vl,
21 .VI H ;in I .,
iw itoiii :u',t
20 23(11 -itt I,
to mi 00 ai 1 11
Vi 2P0IJU l.MMi
ill 20 imi 2,'iti
73 15 00 15 t,
Ml Ml 00 Ml (si
vi y 00 30 1 1
101 Ml IK) 111 U)
lUJ Sl (Kl
Ul 10 Wl
10 10
15 u.i
Fllim It. OINN,
County Olork.
1 110 oeiuiiiuinis, Ailreil ti. I'rey. I
u. 1 ley, iiih wire, and ltlcliard Hoe, reel
namo unknown, will take notice Unit o 1
the 11th day of November, 1901. th
pla 11 tiff, tho county of Lincoln, a corp -tiitlon,
IH,,(1 , ,.t , diHtrift
court or Lincoln cotiiny, Nebraska, ll
object and prayer of which Ih to foreohih
certain 1 tux IIoiih, duly iihhchhciI by Mill I
Ida ntlff iikiiIiihI tho ii'ij hw' of Hoctlii 1
I i. In township 10, north of ruiiKe 31. wen
of sixth principal meridian. NobniHku. foe
the year IS93, In the huiii of lt,.l: fur th
enr IMii. In the hiiiu of $ll.ii7: for tho voa
IMI5. In the huiii or $11.31; tor tho ycar"lMii.
In the huiii or $0.5ii; for the year JS97, l.i
llio hiiiu of $7.12; for the year 1S0S, In th
huiii of J5.ii7; for the year jsw, In tho hum
of $:5.SS, for the year 1900. In the mnn 1 1'
$2.5.', amountiiiK n the total huiii of $H0.I7.
with Interest on tho hiiiu of $15.55. ut th
rato or ton per cent per annum from th
1st day of November, loot, all of which I.
due nud uniialil.
l'lalntlff prays a decree of foroclosuro c f
mini wis uen ami a Hate or Hitlil premises.
ou and ouch or you defendant are re
quired to answer nald petition 011 or la
tor,. .Monday, the 3lth day of March. Hut'.
TIIK t'ol'NTY OK I.lNl'OI.N.
Hyll. 8. UIOOHIsY. lVHAuSyU,U
ShoriH's Bale.
Ily tlrlue of nn order of sale Issued frnm I he
district court of Lincoln county, Nelirnslii. upon
n deciei. of foreclosure rendered In sulil eourt
sherelu 'I he County of Llneoln. u oorporHlloii, Is
I'la lilltr and F L. Ultue et a., are defendants
and h 1110 dljectwl. I will on the 1st day of
Mnnli I iiVIik V p. 111 .it the east fnuit
le.r of Hie emit liousn In Nurlli finite. Nebraska
sell a public auction to the hllie.l bhliler for
cash to satisfy salil decree, lulerest ami coHs. Iho
followlnif described properly, to-wlt: Tho west
halfof the liuithsestquaiterof seillnK 32. town
ship 10 rau 32, west ot Slutli P, M. Lincoln
counly. Nabrasks
Date.1 North 1'ialte. Neb. Jan. 27, llm.'.
L. Caiiicmnti-h, Hlierllf.
Sheriffs Bale
Hy virtue ot an order of salo Issued froui Hie
dl.lrlrl nmrliif l.lucolii iimuly. Nebraska, iimu
a decu e of f,ii,f Injure rendered lu eollrl
uherrln The County of Lincoln, n loriNirntlon. Is
plalntllt aisl Walter J U111I1 et nl . nro dr.
fuudatiu and 10 uie directed, I will ,m the 1st
day of March. IfluJ, at 1 o'clock p in. nt tin, east
front door of tbe court house in North l'latto,
Llneoln nmiity. Nebraska, sell nt publlo auction
lo tha hlKict Milder lor h to atlfy said do
ci en, iRtoresl ami hU, the fi llowln described
properly, to-wlt. The west half of the south
rait quarter and the southeast quarter ot the
Mi.itheast quarter of section trJ, liiwnshlptl.rniiKo
30. wi-sl Nlith P. M. IJncoln counly, Nebraska.
IHltod Norlh 1 latte, Neb.. .Ian. 27. Utt.
L. Casit.nikr, bhfrltt.
Ijmd OlUceat Noitli l'lntle. Neb.,
January 21. I WW.
Nntlcs l hereby irlrcn that the follimlnu-nniacd
nvltler has niet notice of lilf Intention to make
Dual proof In tiiiiort of till claim, nml that mid
proof lll be tnwlnlirore llpulMer and llecelier
tt North I'latle,. Neb., on Mauli IM IW.2, vU.
hUlll.N CUIUS ii;hi;.n.
anardlati for (,'nilfleii Ctarlatenrcn now Inpanc.
tio made liiirnoMend entry No. 17TBW for Hie
liortliwet quarter pectlon 82, lowneblp 10 nortb,
rati 2H went Oth P. M .
Ho naiue the followlna wltneca to prove hl
continuous ri.lcienio nim and cnltlvntlnn of
fald laud, ir- Horen Nelson ntiilClilIn Martcoson.
of Curtis, Neb 1 John lliui.eii and Jena llansvu,
of Uenmnrk, Neb.
ItH "EO. K. FIIENCH, llenlpler.
Thu defendants. Oeore II. Hoblnson.
Mrs. Ooorxe II. Itoblnson. his wife, llrst
real name unknown, .Mrs. H. u. Iloiiinsoii.
llrst real tin 1110 unknown, Ilert Stwcns,
.Mrs. Ilert Htcvetis, tun wire, first real
nnmn unknown, nml Itlchnrd Itoe, real
namo unknown, will take notice that on
tho lltli day or November, 1901, the plain
tiff, tho county of Lincoln. 11 corporation.
Illct Its petition in tho district court of
Lincoln county. Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which In to foreclose certain tax
nuns, uuiy nsHCHHcu ny mini tuiiiiitin
uKalnst the no1, of section .1'. In township
10. norm or runno 33. west or sixth or 11-
elpul meridian, Nebraska, for the year
ly.ii;. in tno huiii or jii.:i,: ror trio year
1W7. Ill the sum of $9.37; ror the year 1MM.
In tho Hlim of J.'t.iVT; ror the year 1 WO. In
the sum of $3.20: for tho year 1!. In the
sum of $2.01, amountiiiK In the total sum
of $30.15, with Interest on tho mini of
$22..") at the rato of ten per cent tier an
num rrom tno 1st tiny or Hetitemnur. 1001.
all if which Is duo and unpaid.
I'lainuir prays a decree or rorociosure or
said lax Hen and a sale or said promises.
You anil each of you defendants are re
uiilred to answer said petition on or be-
ron, Anmiiay, tno ami day or March, 1W2.
fA Corporation.)
Hy If. H. ItlDOKLY, Its Attorney.
Shoriff's Sale.
llv vlrluo of nil order of pnlo lspued from I lie
dletrlct court of Lincoln, county. Nebraska, upon
a decree ot foreclosure rendered In rnld conn
wherein The County of Lincoln, n corpointlnli, Is
tl n 1 r ) 1 1 IT and 1". L. Latino el nl , nro de
fendants ami to mti dlro.-tod, I wilt ou
Ihu 1st day of March. 1 !(.'. at 1 o'clock p.
in., nt the oust front door of tl.o court
houpo In North l'lntle, Lincoln county. Nebii.ika
sell nt public miction to the hlvheet bidder fni
cash to satisfy wild decree, Inloiept and costs
tlio tolloultiH iltscrlliod property, to-wlt: Hie
west half of the southwest quarter of section 20
township 10. rniiK0 32, west HlXlli P. M. Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated North l'latto, Neb , Jan 27. 1002.
I.. CaiiI'KNTkh, Sheriff.
Norior foii ruiiLiovnoN.
Ijitid olllco nt North 1'lalto. Neb.
January 21. IWI.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the followlr.K-nanii i
settler hna filed notice of hli Intention to mak
tlnnl proof In sufiport of Ida claim, nlid that sat,
proof will bo innilo before tlm register and re
ceiver. U. H. IjiiiiI OfUco, at North l'lntte, Neb ,
on March H, IWI. lt:
who made lioiLestead entry No. ls.i'do, for the
oast naif of thu soullieust quarter nml inirlnwe-i
qunrter of lilt snulhsiist qiiarlor, nud lot 7, sec
3.1. tnwn. 13, north ranuo 'iii. West sixth p m.
Ho names the followitiK wit lieesos to prove lib
continuous residence upon and cultlvatum of said
land viz: John W. Nuuctit, Jacob I. Lewis. Win.
OrrKK, A. 11. Lonupre. all of Maxwell. Neb.
OkokoeI:. Fhkmcii, lti'K'lster.
Land OOlce nt Nnrtli Platte. Neb.,
February H. 1002. f
Notice Is hereby Riven that the fnllowittg-nanjei
ettler ban tiled notice of hU Intention to lunk.
tlnal proof in support of his claim, aud that sab
proof will be made before Register i.nd Kecelv,.
at North l'lntte, Neb., on March L2d, 1102.
who mado Homehtcad Entry No. 17.117, for the
wcel nan norlliwest quarter 11 ml wct half south
west quarter of Kec. 12, Town II, nortb of Kauue
bo, eei mu r M.
He names the following witnesses to prove hh
continuous, residence upon nnu cultivation 01 sail
land. viz.
A. F. Btreltz, F. W. Hinder. Anbloy Peters nud
iui"i.uaruners, an oj norm riane. nen
lllti Ukohiik V.. I'nr.!cii
Tho defendants. Mary U. Harris.
Harris nor nuslmml. ilrsl real nnmn un
known, ami Itlehard Itoe. real nntm, nn
known. Will tnko notion Unit on tlw, tlili
day of November. 1901. tho 11 nlntllT. the
county of Lincoln, a corporation, filed its
petition in thu district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, tho object and pr.iycr
of which Is to foreclose eerlaln tax 11 nx.
uuiy assesseil ly Hiild plaintiff iiKalnst tho
n'vvi or section :n. in towuslilp 9, north ot
raiiue si. west or Htxtli principal menu .111.
NehraHkli. for tho vear HslW In tho 1 um
or $13.71: ror tho year 1SU7. In tho num ol
is.ui; ror ttio your ihos. n the huiii of 17.03:
ror tho year 1S99, In the sum of $8.51; tor
1110 year 10011. in tne huiii or $.1.10, amount
iiiK in the total num or $.'S. 15. with Inter
est on the huiii of J2P.90 at the rato of ten
nor cent per annum from the lHt day or
November, 1901, all or which Is due and
I'lalutirr prayH a decree of foreclosure of
hh Kl lux lien and a sale of nald promises
You and imcli or vou defendants aro re.
quired to answer said petition on or bo-
loro .Mommy, tne mtii day or .March. 1902,
(A Corporation.)
Uy 11. H. UlOaiCLY, Its Attorney.
Shoriff's Salo.
Hy , virtue of an order of sale Issued from
the district court ot Lincoln county. Ne
braska, upon a decree ot foiciUisuie
rendered In said courl wherein Joseph llcr
Hhcy Is plalntirr and 1:. Krwln ot al.
arc ilelcudantH and to me directed, 1 will on
the 1st day of March. HAW. at I o'clock p. in.
at the east front door 01 the court liousn In
North l'latto. Lincoln countv. Nolu-nsk-n. uoll
at public auction to the hlnhest bidder lor
i.isu to sausiv nam uecrce, interest and
cnsis, tue ioiiowiiik uoscrliicd property, to
wit: The iinrtheasi quarter of tbe south
West quarter and the caith.ilf of the mirth
west quarter and lots one ami tun. section
in. mwiiMtiip p.', r.inne ;i3, west sixth 1'. M
1.1111 0111 1 ouim , NoiiranKa .
Dated North'l'lattc. N. P.. Jan. 27, U102.
L. I'A.H'KNTMl, sheriff
llm ilefi'tidiints, John Cnrvlll, Mrs. .Inhti
-urviii. iiih wire, llrst real namo 1111
known. I). P. Htniilnton. .Mrs n. c Hto
pleton. his wife, first rout niiinu unknown
and ltlelliitil Itoe. real nanin iinkiuiwn
will take nolloo that on tho Hh day of
November. 1901. tho plaintiff the count
01 i.incoin. u corporation, llleil Its putltlnn
In tho district court of Llneoln countv.
Nebraska, tho object and prayer of which
is 10 inrociosc cerinin tax liens, ililly as
sessed by said plalntllt uKaliiHt the hwV.
iip'4 hoH nw'i w' ho'., of sent Ion 2, In
towuslilp 10, north of miiKc 33. wmi 01'
sixtn iiriiii'lpal nn rldlaii. Ncbiusk.t. for
the year IMC. In the huiii of $15.01; for tlio
.vear inm. in mo huiii r $; tor the voai'
lS'Jl. In the huiii of $'..M(; for Iho year 1X85.
In the mun of $fi.7S: ror the vear IStiil In
tlui huiii or $11. Mi; for the year 1N7. In the
sum or 11..-11: ior 1110 year lNaw. 111 the HIIIU
or $3.51; ror the year IMJM. In the mini of
$3.30: ror thu ,enr w In the mini ot HI.
aiuniiutliiK In the total sum of $71.31, with
Interest 011 the mini of $IT.M) ut tho rate
of ten per cent per milium from the lttl
day of Hontonibor, l'.ni. all of which Ih due
and unpaid.
I'lalntllT pras .1 !. n e of tniocluMiro of
Hithl tnx lb. n and a sale of said proinltos.
nu and ench of you deuipluiltii are re
quired to answer .aid petition on or be
fore Monday, the 31th day of Matvh, 1902.
(A Corporutloii.)
Hy IT. S. ItlDOHLY. Us Attnruoy.
BhoritV'i Sale
Ily lrtiioof an execution Issued from tho
dUtrlct i 0111 1 of Llneuln iniiiitv. S'elnask.l,
upon :t Judgment reinleied In nald oiirt
wlieieln A L ITIrlch Is plaint 111 and It I.
lloldrldKc Is defendant and lo ine directed.
I will on thu 1st day of March, 11102 at I
II clock p. 111., at the cut front door of the
courl house In North l'latte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said Judg
ment Interest and eots. the following de
scribed property, to-wlt: The south half of
section I, township 12. ranee M, west ot
Sixth 1. M, Llucolu countv. Nebraska, or
so much thereof as will satisfy said Judg
ment, Interest and costs and arcrultiK cost.
Dated North l'latte, Neb.. Jan. T. loutf.
L. CAitt'UNrKii, ahcrlil.
S'jcrliTs Bile.
Hy virtue of an order of salo bsneil from the
dlrtilct court of MluiIII county, Nebtftska, Usm
n decree ot foreel"mo rendi iel In tld eourt
v. herein llio County i I.lnoolu, acorHjrntloll, Is
plaintllT and Milton ll. Whitney ot nl ,
are defendants and 10 ino directed, 1
lll on tin, Lt day ol March 1102,
at 1 o'clock, p. tu at me oast t mnt door ol
the com! hono In Norlh Platte, I.lncnlii county.
NebtaBka, -.ell nt public unci lull to Hie hlKliest
bidder for cnfli. to satiety mid iltcree, lutertw
ami coel. llio finlnWIiiK dtwrlbttl properly.
In-wlt: '1 he eoullieaot quarter of Mvllon rt, town
italpH, rHHKo82. et Hlxlli P. St. Lincoln county.
lMle.1 North l'lntle. Nob., Jan. 2. f.)2.
j 1.. Caiii'Kntkii, Klierlll.
Bhorill 's Salo.
He virtue of an order of salo lsiied frnm tin
dIMrlcl court of l.lnwilll county. Nebraekn. upoi
a decree of forecbwtire ri'inlorcd III said emu
wherein The County of Lincoln, 11 corporation
Is plnliilll! nod J. W. I'rniler, et nl , nro ilofuuu
nnth, nud to me directed, 1 will mi the lt day i
Match, lima, nt 1 o'clock p. 111.. al the eat troll
door of tlio couit boumi In .North l'lntle. Uncoil
rinmty, Nebrnka, pell nt jiubllo miction to ll.
lilHliest bidder fur cupIi. to pntUfy said docru
Ititoiept and oots, llm lolloMltlrt tli-rlliei
proiverty, to -wit: Tin, norllieapt quarter of tin
nnrilicn-t ipiarler nml soiilli half of the norlliein
quarter and tlio soullipast qiiarlor of the north
went quarter ot eecilnn 17, low linlilp 10, rniiKHir.
oV UtU 1'. 31 Lincoln eiinniv, ,enrnioi.
l),itel .lorlti riatte, Mn. ,11111 .1. iit.,
I.. Cahi'kntkm, Hlierllf.
The tli'fendants, Mead Horn! and Trust
company, II. l'.iiieison. first real name
unknown, unit Jticimrii uoe, real uaiue
unknown, wilt take notice thai nu the
Hit day or Novemnoi', 1110 luaintui
the county of Lincoln, a corporation, tiled
Its petition In the district court ot Lin
coin county. Nebraska, the object and
prayer or which Is to rorecloso eertain
tnx liens, duly assessed by said plalntm
iiKalnst tho n4 nwH of soetlon 31. In
township ;. 1101 lli or raimo .ct. west 01
sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for
uie year l!l, ill tno sum or .i; ior tin
your 1H95. In tho stun or IS. 82: Tor the year
1M! In the huiii of $I5.3S: tor the year
ISDi. In tilt huiii or JI.2B: for the vear l,
In the sum of $2.01; for the Near 1H. In
the sum of $2,011: for the veil l- PHI. In till
sum of $1.15; and also to foreclose certain
tax liens, duly assessed by said nlalntin
tiKiilust the swU of section 30, In
townslilt) '.'. nortn or runire ;il. west 01
sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for
tno year 1v.11, in tne huiii or $v.n; ior tue
year isi'.i, in the sum or Mis; ror tne yeat
vw. in the sum or $13.01: ror tne year imi
In the sum of $1.77; for the year lM'S. In
the sum of $2.01: for the year 1S90. in tin
sum or $3.51: for the year 1W), In tho huiii
of $1.15. amountiiiK In the total sum of
$(,7.18, with Interest on the Hum of $59.93
nt the rate of ten per cent per annum
rrom tbe 1st day or September. 1901. uli
ot which Ih due and unimld.
l'lillntllT prays a decree or roreclosuro of
said tax Hen and a sale of said premlHOH.
You and each of you defendants aro re
quired to answer said petition on or be
fore Mommy, tne aitti duy or Jiurcii, ma.
(A Corporation.)
Hy 11. S. ItlDOHLY. Us Attorney.
Hiiuitirr'H balk.
Hy virtue of nn ordor of sale Issued frnm tin
llstrlct court of Lincoln countv. Nebrnskn. upoi
a decree ot foreclosure rendered Hi sidd court
wherein The County of Lincoln, n corporation. 1
nlalutlll nud Lurn Henderson, et nl.. nro dofeud
nuts, and to me directed, I will on tho 1st dny 11
Mnrcli, imz. nt 1 o'clock, n. m., nl the east run
door of the court houso In North l'lntte, Llncob
county, Nebrnskn, sell nt publlo auction to tin
lUKiie-l uiuuer lor casii, to snllsiy riifil ilecreo, lu
lenst mnl coils, the following described prop
erty, to-wlt: Tlio west hnlf of the simlhwes
niurter of section 11, tonnehlp u. rniiuuiu, wes
Mb P. M Lincoln county, Nebrnskn,
Uatol North l'lntte, Jan. 27, IWJ.
Jis. L. Caiii's.ntkii, Khorlir.
Ily vlrluo of nn ordor of salo Issued from Hit
district court of Lincoln county, Nubrnskn, upoL
n decree ot foiuclusiiro rendered in said conn
wherein The County of Llucolu, n corporation.
Is ptaltitlif mid Florence L Hliuw, ot nl,, nro ile
leudiuils, mid to mu directed, I will on the Is
lay ol March, 1102, at 1 o'clock, p. in., nt the ens.
front door of the court house 111 North l'lnttu.
Lincoln county, Nebruskn, sell ut publlo nuctloi
lo tho highest bblilur tor cash, to satisfy salt,
ileoiee. liuorest nud costs, Ihu followluK du
scrlhcil piopuity, tirwll: 'Hie southoust qtutrPo
of toctlou H, township 0, rniiKo 29, west Hlxth 1'
M., Lino la county, AeUrusku.
tinted Norlh l'lntte, Neb., Jnu. 27, IWI.
Ji- L. CAni'KNTKii, ijhcrllT.
The defendalitH, William L. AVIllard.
Mrs. William L. Wlllard, his wife, llrst
real name unknown, William II. Kullt r,
James L. I'ltot an I Itichaid Hoe, re it
name iinknowii, will tako notice that on
the Ith day of November, 1901 the plaln
tltt, tho county of Lincoln, a coriioratlou,
tiled Hh petition lu tho dlHtrlct court ot
Lincoln county. Nebraska, the object and
prayer ot which Is to foreclose certain tax
Ileus, duly aHsesHod by Hiild plaintiff
usfaltiHt tho HuVi ot section 13, In township
ic, nortn or raiiKo 31, weHt or hixiii prin
clpnl meridian. Nebraska, tor tho year
1S9I. lu the huiii of JS.73; for the year IMS,
In the sum of f.'i.iS; for tho year IMlli, In
the sum of $11.95; for tho vear 1MI7. In the
sum of $9.37; lor tho your lNis. in the Hum
ot $3.53: for tho year 1K99, In the sum of
$3.2!): ror tno your 1900. 111 tne huiii or zs.ui
amountlnu: lu the total mini of $11. GO, with
InteroHt on tho huiii or $31.9S at the rate of
ten per cent per annum rrom tho Ihi dny
of September, 1901, nil of which Is duo and
ilium 1.
I'lalntllT prayH 11 decreo of forecloHuro of
said lux lien ami 11 mile or nalil promises.
You and ciich of vou defendants aro re
quired to miHWcr nald petition on or bc-
loro Monday, tlio 21th duy of aiareli 1902.
(A Corporation.)
Uy II. S. lUUaiH.Y, Its Attorney.
Shoriff's Calo.
Hy lrtun of nu order of pnlo Issued rrom the
district court ot Lincoln count', Nebrnskn, upon
11 decree ot foiecloHiire rendered In snld court
wherein 'I lie County ol Lincoln, u corporutloii
Is plulntllt and Alfred Tuft ut id , nro defendants
nun 10 mo mrecteu, 1 w in on uie isi miy 01
Muriii. 1002, nt 1 o'clock, p m., nl tho east trout
door ot the couit houso lu North l'latto. Lincoln
county, Nebrnskn, sell nt publlo miction to thu
lUMliesl lilililer lur cam 10 Hiiusiy sum uecieo, in
terest nod rums, the fnllowtni; described prop
erty. In wit: Thn southwest qunrter of K'ctlnn
7, township 10, iiuitiv 32, west of Hlxth 1'. M. Lin.
coin county. Nebrnskn
Hnted North I'liute, Neb. 2T. 1902.
L. t'Aiii'i ntkii, HhurilT,
ShcriU' r. Sale
Ily ililiioornll order or s tie Issued rrom tho
illsli let comt of Lincoln comity. r.eurnsku, up hi
n decree of foreclosure rendered In said couit
Whclvlli The Countv i,t Llncole. 11 eorpotallnn.
Is plnliitttt nud V. 1 lto-.HUciior et ut . are ile
leielen.s nnd to me illrectod, 1 will ui the tt ilnj
ot M'irch. IWi, nt 1 o'clock p 111. i.t ihu cum In at
door nt the court house lu .Nnnh l'lntle, Lincoln
county, Nebrnskn, ell nt pnhtc micloti to thu
hlMhest bidder tor onsti, lo jiitlsfy said decree, lu
lerest ami costs, Iho IoUuwIhk described prop
orty, lo-wlt: The nortlioust qii.uter ot section li,
town, hip 0, rnllHo S2, west Hlxlli 1'. M. Lincoln
counly, Nebraska
Dnted Ninth Platte, Neb.. Jan 27. HKi2.
L. Caiii'kntkh, Hhuritrj
The dcrepd.inlH. L 'Wts Tift. Mrs. Lewis
Tin. hie wlto, ilr-t real unknown,
an, 1 Kl. l'., ml Hue. real namo unknown,
will taki initio." Hint mi tin, 30th day ot
September. Unl. the plalntilf. the county
of Lincoln, a corporation, llled it. petition
In the district court of Lincoln county,
N liriiHku. the objept and prayer of which
Im to I'ol'oeluBe certain tnx liens, duly as
sosswl by nald plutntllT iixalutit the
hw'i of section K. In townalilp 11, north of
ritiiK 20. west of sixth principal luorldlHn.
Nebraska, for the your IWI, in tho mun
if i I.s2. lor iho v-iii' 1VI7. In the sum of
$J.s7; fur tin. i.u iMs. lu tb sum or $.'.i,
101 iho ar iv. in the yum "i ' ;u; f'"'
tin your l:i. In tho sum or $1.25, ninount
lilK lu Die total sum nt $13.S3. with Inter
oHt on tho huiii of $10.7 at the rato of ton
per cent per annum from tho 1st day of
Antrum, 1101, all of which Is due und un
paid. n
1'Ih 1 11 tiff prayt a decree of foroclosuro of
said tax lieu and a aule of said premise;.
You Mild each of you defendant ure re
quired to answer wild petition on or be
fore .Monday, thn th day of March. 19tt.
(A Conxirfttlon.)
Hy II. 8. IUIXU4LY, Ut) Attornoy.
Sheriff's Sale,
Ily virtue of an order of unto Itstiitl from the
dlmrict court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a dev'ieo of forcclonuro rendorcil Ir. ald court
wherein The County of Lincoln, a corporation. In
plaintiff and John II. j.onliam 1 defendant and lo
mo directed; 1 will on tho let day ot March, Ml.
at ouo o'cl.wk p. m. at tbo eapt front door Of the
court iioupe In North l'latto, Lincoln counly, No
bragka, pell at publlo auction to tho hlK""' bid
der forenph to pallafy paid decree, Interest and
cents tlio folloivlnKdepcrllied property to-wlt: llio
northwest qunrter of Hectlnu 21, Towlipblp
llaliKO ill west of the Oth P. M. Lincoln county.
Dated North l'lntte. Neb., Jan. Si. 1002.
L. UAnt'EMTKli, Hhcrlft.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy lrluu of nu order of salo Issued from the
llstrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
1 decreo ol foreclosure rendered III said couit
vvlieielu Ihu County of Lincoln, n corporation, Is
pliilnlllt mid H. J. Hhay, ot. al., nro defendants
ml to tno dirccicu 1 will ou ine lut liny 01
ilarih, ltu.!, nt one. o'clock p. in. nt tho cast front
mor of llio. court Iioupu In North l'lntte, Liu
mill county. Nebraska, pell at public auction to
no hlKhcpt bidder tor canh lo entloly mid dectee
utorost nml copt, the followllut depcrltied piop.
Tty to-wlt: The northwept quiuter ol Hectlua 11.
t'ownshli 11, HniiKU 3l,weet lltli p. n... Lincoln
oiiiity, Nebraska,
Usled North l'lntte, Nebraska, Jan, i7, lWi
L. CAiurNTMi, Hhl'llfT.
Tho defendants, C. O. Wldup. llrst real
nt tno unknown. Mrs. C. O. Wldup. IiIh
,ife. Mist real namo unknown, and Hlcli-
ud Hoe. real namo tiukiiown, will tako
uollcu that 011 tho 30th day of September.
i'.'ji, 1 110 ptaintiir. tno county or Lincoiii,
1 corporation, Hied Hh petition In tho dls
.rlct court it Lincoln county NchniHkii,
.ho object and prayer or willed Is to Tore
oloso certain tax liens, duly assesseil by
mid plailitltf aifiilnst tho n'i ot nwVi "t
4octlon 2S, in towiiHhlp 10, north of rniiKo
:s. west of sixth principal meridian, Ne
oraska. for the year U95, In the sum ot
S.02; for the year ISflfi, In the sum it $0.12;
.or tho year 1S07, In the huiii of $1.82: for
ho your 1SH8, In the huiii of $3.02; for tho
.oar 1S90, In tho huiii of $2.W.: for the year
!)0O, la the hiiiu of $2.03. umnuntltiK In tho
otal hiiiu of $21.81, with Interest on the
nun of $1S at tho rate of ten per cent per
intuitu from tho 1st day of AtlKtist. IWI.
ill of which Ih due ulld unpaid.
I'lalntllT prayH a decree or foroclosuro of
mid lax Hen and a salo of nald premises.
Vou nml Mich of you dofendautH are rc--liilred
to answer said petition on or be
fore Monday, the 21th day of March. 1902.
(A Corporation.)
llyjy. HIDOKLY. Its Attornoy.
Sheriff's Salo.
llv virtue of an 'order of Hale Issued from
lie district court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, upon a decree of toieclo.iure rcu
.ercd In said court wherein Chas B. Olb
011. Is plalutirr and Alincda Cruiii et al.. arc
iciciidaiiiH and to me directed. 1 will on the
.si day of March. IWJ. at I o'clock p. 111. at
he cast lront door of the court house III
N'orth l'latte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell
it public auction to the highest bidder for
asti to satlsiy said decree. Interest and
osts, the lollowliiK described property,
o-wlt: The southeast quarter of section
ownshlp 10. ratine 32, west Sixth 1'. M.
Lincoln County. Nebraska.
Dated North l'latte, Neb.. Jan. 27,1902
L, CAltl'UN'mt, .Sheriff
Tho defendants, Halph I. Little, Mrs.
Kulph I. Little, his wife, llrst real namo
unknown. Catiiorlno S. Pottle. Union
Stock Yards company of Sioux City, la.,
and Hlchurd Hoe. real name unknown,
will tako notice that on tho Ith day or
November, 1901, tho plulntirf, the county
jr. Lincoln, a corporation, tiled its petition
n tho district court or Lincoln countv.
NebrnHku, tho object and prayer of which
s 10 ioieciose certain tax liens, duly ns
lessctl by mild plaintiff aeitlust tho'sw'.i
ol soetlon S, lu township 10. north ot
raiiKo 33 west of sixth principal meridian,
Nebraska, ror tho year 189(1, in tho sum of
Ml. 03: for the yenr 1S97. In tho sum of $S.35;
for tho yenr 1898, in the sum of $5.01; for
iho year 1899, In tho sum of $1.20; for the
year 1900, In tho num of $2.0fi, uniountliif,"
In tho total sum ot $30.r'. with interest on
tho sum ot $23.11 nt thu rato of ten per
cent per annum from tho 1st duy of Sep
tember, 1901, all of which Is duo and un
paid. I'lnlntiff prays 11 decreo of foreclosure of
4ntd tnx lien and a sale ot said premises.
Vou and inch ot you defendants nro re
qulrnl to answer said petition on or be
fore Monday, tho 21th day of March.-1902.
(A Corporutloii.)
Hy H. S. HIDOKLY. Its Attornoy.
Sheriff's Salo.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county. Ne
uraska, upon a decree or foreclosure
rendered In said court wherein The County
of Lincoln, a corporation, is plaintiff and
Caroline Heers. ot al., are dcteudaiitH and
10 me directed. I will on the 1st day of
March. 1002, at 1 o'clock p. m.. at the east
1 rout itoor of thu court house In North
l'latte. Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell , at
public auction to the highest bidder Ior
cash to satisfy said decree. Interest ami
costs, the lollowinc described property,
to-wlt: The cast half of the southeast
quarter of section 31. township 0, ranc,o27.
west sixth 1. M. Lincoln county. Nebraska.
Dated Norlh l'latte. Neb . Jan. 27, 1902
L. C'Aiti'KN'itsit. Sheriff
Hy virtue ot 1111 order ot snle issued from Iho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upun
a ilecree ol foreclosure rendered In said court
iboieill 'Iho County of Lincoln, n corporation,
is pliuutirr, nud James L. Wlllinirs ot al .niede
feuilanis nnd to mu dliectod, I will ou tho 1st
day ot Mnrcli, IWJ, nt 1 o'clock p. ni, nt the east
flout door nt thu court house In Norlh Pintle,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell nt public nucilon
to the highest tilddor for cntb to satisfy said de
creo, tuterent nnd costs, the followlmj described
propel ty. tn-wll: The north halt of the southeast
qiuutor nnd.tho southeast qnnrter of tho south
cast quarter nnd the soulhwost quarter of tho
uorlhuiiHt quarter of section 14, township 0,
rniiKo 28, west Hlxth 1. M, Luncln county,
Hated Nortb l'lnlto, Neb.. .Inn. 27, 1002.
L. Caui'KNTkii, Hberlff.
The defendants, William J. UoltHiioldor.
Mrs. William J, HoltHnolder, his wife,
llrst real nnmo unknown, and Hlchurd
Hoe. real name unknown, will take notleo
that on the Hh day of November, 1901.
tho plaintiff, tho county of Lincoln, a
corporation, ll'ml Its putltlnn In tho dis
trict eourt of Llucolu counly, Nebrnskn.
the object and prayer of which Ih to fore certain tux IIoiih, duly iiHsessod by
Hiild plaintiff atraliiHt oVj ho'4 of section 21
In township 9, north of i-uiiko 31. west of
sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for
tho year Hs'JJ. In tho sum of $8.12; for the
year 1MH. In the sum of $1.77; for tho year
lM'5. In tho Hum of $13.29; for the year 1S90.
lu the hiiiu of $7.S4; for the year 1S97. In
tbo mun of $5.20; for tho year 1S9S, in the
huiii of $2.'.); for the year 1899. In tho sum
of $.1.35; for tho year 1900. In tho sum "t
$2.2S: und also to forocloso certain tax
Hens, duly assessed hy said plaintiff
uRiilnst the oVi no1,, of section 28. Ill town
ship 9. north or raiiKo 31, west of Hlxth
principal meridian. Ne.braska, for tho year
1SS3, In the sum of $8.19; for the year 1S0I.
In tho mini of $1.77; for the year 1S95, in
llm mini of $'i.20; lor tin- year ISM, In tin
sum of $7.21; lor tho yiar IM17. In tho huiii
ot $5.17; for tho yenr 1S9S. In the sum t
$2.90; ror the yoar 1S99, In the sum of $3 2i.
ror the year looo. in the sum or $171.
umnuiitlnif in tlio total sum of $78.52. with
Intoi ut on the bum of $53.10 at tho rnto
of ten Dor c?ut nor annum frnm ,1,., lu,
day of September, 1901. all of which Is duo
ami unpaid,
l'lalntlff prass a deeroo nf fn
mild tax lien and a sale of said premisi
You und ouch of you defendants arc 11 -(tu
I red to answer said petition on or in -
.io .niMiiiiiy, no, aim uny or Mnrcli. itrj
Till: COl'NTY of' LINCOLN.
(A Corpui.itn-o 1
IJ M H HI HC.Kl.Y U Attorn. .
services to all tie
Call at the office of
Offers her
siring- such,
ur. Micas.