The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 06, 1901, Image 8

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    Local Nows in Brief.
Everett Fonda is confined to the
bouse with a light attack of scarlet
Two furnished rooniB lor rent by
Mcsdamefl Thompson and Swarth.
Some fellow, with a view of hav
ing a good Christmas dinner, con
fiscated two turkeys belonging to
Julius Plzcr.
Doollttle's display of Bric-a-Brac
and Fancy Goods ha never been
equalled in this city.
The Baptist congregation will
hold a ten cent social at the Bap
tist church this (Friday) evening.
The public ia invited.
The Lutheran ladies will give a
social at the Fredcrickson resi
dence this (Friday) evening to
which the public is cordially in
vited. A postoflicc has been ordered es
tablished at the forks of the Bird
wood creek in this county to be
known as Forks. Marilla Johnson
will be postmistress.
Mrs. Stella Kitzmlller, who had
been living in Denver for a year or
more, has removed to Cheyenne,
where wc understand sue Holds a
position as stenographer for a law
Dooliltlc has an unsurpassed
line of Art GoodB this year for
Holiday trade. Medallions, Photo
gravures, Etchings, etc.
Mrs, Milton Dooltttlc entertained
sixteen ladicB at cards from 2:30 to
5:00 o'clock Wednesday afternoon
itffavorof Mrs. J. C. Ferguson of
Denver. The alfair proved an ex
ccptionally pleasant gathering of
W. II. Hamilton, who is located
at Clovls, cam., writes that lie is
well pleased with that ntate. Mrs.
Hamilton expects to leave for Cali
fornia within the next ten days.
W. D. Hover, Embalmer.
Howe's Furniture Store. Night
call Telephone 90.
tiic six or seven hundred new
books donated to the Y. M. C. A.
library by Miss Helen Gould were
shipped from New York last Satur
day arc expected to arrive here
some time next week. Upon their
arrival they wilt be numbered and
placed in the cases.
The line of gold plated and other
Photograph Frames at Doolittle'a
are prettier than last year and that
you know is saying a great deal.
Wc notice that Congressman
Burkett has introduced bills for
public buildings at Plattsmouth
and Falls City. Wc trust that
Congressman Ncylllc will keep
Watch of the bill which he intro-
duccd a year or so ago for a public
building at North Platte,
The newspaper man strives to
help all the pcdplc in the. town
and docs it but some people arc
not satisfied with the milk of
human kindness, they want .the who assisted in the installation
cream. They get it at Tekulve'sLerrlcea Weclnpftdnv. remained over
shoe and repair shop at the. Yellow
Have Heard a
Great Deal About
Our bulk Coffee is roasted for
us fresh every week, In roast
my the strength of the hurry 'is
retained. The coffee is roasted
directly in the llame in from
eight to ten minutes. When
coffee is roasted by the usual
process it requires from thirty
to forty minutes and is- practi
cally baked, the essence,
strength and flavor being dried
out. Three pounds of coffee
roasted us ours arc, is equal
in strength, is much finer
in flavor and will go farther than
four pounds of coffee , roasted in
'any otucr way. we sell you
Good Rio Coffee, per lb.. .12 l-2c
Larger Berry Rio Coffee, )b 15,c
Even size, large berry selected
Rio Coffee, pcrlb ,,..2Uc
Moca& Java the kind voir nay
30c for elsewhere, per lb .. ..25c
ml , a r o T if
The best Moca & 'Java, the
equal if not superior to any 40c
coffccsold by our competitors
I'wl lui
it. ii
open, evening-a until '8
Wilcox Department Store
Davie, the
hardware man, offers
cost trout now until
stoves at
Miss Mvrllc Scharmann has ac-
ccptcd a position in the office of the
county treasurer.
W. F. McCilone, who baa been
transacting business In Idaho for a
week, will be home in a day or two.
Rev. J. C. Irwin, of Wood River.
n the city yesterday.
c. ii. ., nn,i :.. ....
ugu uiv nuvv iuuun in uui aiiun
wtndpwB, Dixon the Jeweler.
At the meeting of the Board, of
ISducation last Monday evening
preparatory steps were taken look
ing to the establishment of a night
An average of 500 bushels of
potatoes arc-being shipped hi each
week by local merchants. The
tubers conic
(rout Colorado and
Have you ceu the French Grey,
Toilet Articles at Dixon'? TU
worth your while. ,
A. F. Parsons ol this city will
address the people ol Ilershcy next
Sunday morning and evening, fill
ing the regular appointment of W;
J. Crimen.
Geo. D. Foliuer, cuiuinisHioiier of
public lands and buildings, was in
town yesterday for the purpose of
selling leases ou several tracts of
shoot laud in the county.
From now until January 1st,
Djolittlb'ri Boole uud Music Store
will not close earlier than 8 o'clock;
for the week proceeding .ChrUtijias
"jpnu all iiigul, or as lale us any
one desires to trade.
. ' ... ,
I xillliv"inu iiibiii uui o wi iiiu Hsi
. ... .
fllM entertahlct, TlieBtlav evenlnir
hv MrB. n. . whit r.KuiP,i iw
j ' j
Mrs.. F. W. Rlncker.
The session
could not have been made more
pleasant to the guests, and each
thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
The refresh menU served were es
pecially ulcc.
Clothing 2
Young- Men's Suits, the new
Military Styles, close fitting
backs, extra wide shoulders,
in blue and black Cheviots,
Tweeds, Cassi meres, Worsted
and fancy patterns, decidedly
low in price, quality and work
manship considered . . i . . .
$7.50 to $15
Special Short Trouser Suits,
$3. Wc have just received
200 Double-breasted, All Wool
Short Trouser Suits, perfect
in every detail and bought by
is to sell for $4.00 and $4.50
These suits are made of
Cheviots and Tweeds and arc
most desirable for school wear.
This offer is-a decided bargain
and is made for quick selling
only, and , the quantities and
sizes will not last long-
Cheaper Suits in 3 to 16 yrs
all the latest styles and
goods. An extra good
suit 3 to 8 yrs at
bargain, .8 to 16
at $1.35 1.75, $2
And those Mother's Choice
Suits at 4.50 and $5 have no
Ktiee Trousers
25c, 50c, 75c and Si. Full
line of Yoke Overcoats for. 8
to 16 years. Men's and Boy's
50c Caps at 25c
Boy's 1
35c 45c 75c $1 1.35
Dr. B. 15, Northrup haw been
confined to the house this week
with an attack of tonsilitis.
linoch Cummings shipped a car
load of hogs to South Omaha Sun-
day and another car yesterday.
A tew choice Poland China males
for sale cheap.
T. 13. Doomttle.
h, 11. Smith, who is now travel
ing for the Lexington marble yard
transacted business In Hersjiey
Word has reached here that 13d
Rannie, who had been railroading
in Tennessee, recently had a hand
mashed while making a coupling.
As tiBual this section escaped the
storm wliicu vi9ited the creator
sectiou of Western Nebraska Tues
day and Wednesday. Consider
able snow lell at 0,;allala.
Have your clothes made by Fred
KaulTuiau, the American Tailor,
Uitcago, through local agent, A, P.
Carlson, North Plutte, Neb.
In the Beckett-Loudon bastardy
case, heard in the dintrict court
Tuesday and Wednesday, the jury
gave a verdict in favor of the de
fendant.- This caRC was brought
over from Logan .county.
Toysl Toys! Toysl Toys! And
then Borne at Doolittlu's, who has
deyoted the entire rear portion of
store to Toys, Games and Dolls'.
If you want the. largest and best
Hue to select from come to Doo
ittles. "
On account of the special election
ycaterday, the balooua were closed
from ninu o'clock in the morning
until seven in the evening. As a
result there were a good many
thirsty individuals around town'.
Prof. Leonhardt yesterday made
assignments tor the solo, duet and
quartette selections for the concert
which will be given about the 18th
inst, under the auspices of the
choral class. The' selections of
music are very fine, and if thohc
who have been asigned parts take
the necessary time tor preparation,
the concert is certain to be a. grat
ifying success. v
Mrs. J. C. Fercuson left this
morning for Denver.
Sam Richards returned Wednes
day morning from a business trip
to St. Joe, Mo.
Will Woodhurst left Wednesday
morning for a trip through the east
part of the state.
P. L. Harper ol Wallace has been
trasacting business in town for a
couple of days past.
H. W. Balscy, late with the Rit-
ner marble works, will shortly open
a marble yard in Cheyenne.
Mildred Vaughn went to Shcltou
yesterday where she will make her
home with her grandparents.
J. N. Baker, who had been work-
ng at Sidney for a short time, re
turned home Tuesday night.
Rev. Scibert returned yesterday
from Cheyenne where he devoted a
day to Lutheran church work.
Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Miller left
yesterday morning for Denver and
from there will go to Kansas City
to visit relatives.
C. I. Hill was down from Ante
ope precinct yesterday. Notwith
standing the dry weather he raised
3,000 bushels ot corn the past
Heaaoii. '
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Streitz and
children are expected home tonight.
Mr. Strcitz has been spending the
week in Omaha, and Mrs. S. and
children have been visiting in Illi
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Howard, who
were married at Ogalalla Thanks
giving evening, haye returned from
ineir weaaing trip anil taken up
their residence on west Front
Dr. Tlios. B,. Greenlee was duly
installed as pastor of the Presby
terian church Wednesday evenine.
the Rev. J. C. Irwin preaching the
sermon, Rev. C. F. Graves deliver
ing the charge to the pastor and
Rev. J. W. Hill the charge tcthe
people. The house was filled and
all were well repaid for bcinc
present, and felt they were enter
tained, instructed and benefitted by
the service. The Presytcrians are
to be congratulated in securing the
services ot so sincere ana aole a
man as Dr. Greenlee, who comes
highly recommended from his last
charge in Carrollton, III. The
church has taken on new impetus
and renewed interest for good
under his efficient leadership, as is
iviaeucca oy tue large congrega
tions greeting him, and the deep
interest manifested by his hearers
luring the short time he has occu
,)ied the pulpit bids to verifyjthe
prediction that the capacity ot the
old church will soon be inadequate
'ol accommodate the increasing
number ot attendants.
I or Salk On easy terms, Good
live room house and one lot. With
in two blocks of High School and
business part ot Dewey street.
Good new barn with pump. City
water, cess pool, pliaue trees, all in
ood condition.
Inquire of
Jos. Hershuy.
Felt Shoes
and Slippers
Felt Slippers
with felt soles
Fur trimmed, kid foxed
leather soles high front
and back, warm f CA
slippe js . . IiJU
Felt Lace, red
lined, leather
soled shoes . .
Felt, rejl flannel lined
shoes, kid covered front
and heel common
EST. .stylr. J.50
Felt Button Shoes, red
lined, kid covered front
and heel, medium round
toe medium heel
at i . 7 5 Kfl
and 1JU
QUO, M. GRAHAM, Manager.
,-- n... .'
K I ff in iinnp a.
1 nniLnimu nuico, ,
North Platte will be the winter
headquarters of the bridge and
building gang.
Chief Engineer Berry of the
Union Pacific spent part of Wed
nesday in town.
During the past two weeks nine
mechanics and three apprentices
have been added to the working
force of the local shops.
The rush of express packages
incident to the holiday trade ha&
commenced and for the next three
weeks Express Agent McGovern
will be the busiest man in town.
New York dispatches state that
the Pennsylvania company Iidb ac
quired control of the Rock Island
road. This will give the former a
line from New York to Denver.
The several cars belonging to the
wrecking outfit have been painted
the new standard color Wx-car
red. It is said the wrecking out
fit stationed here is the most com
plcte ot any ou the system.
The U. P. sewer has become
clogged and Seventh street in the
vicinity of the round-house is over
flowed. The lake thuB created is
not sufficiently large, however, to
furnish the company its needed
supyly ot ice.
Engine 1614 was sent down from
the Wyoming dintrict this week
for a general overhauling at these
shops. Another engine from the
same district was ordered sent here
for repairs, but the local shops had
too much work on hands to accept
The number of men employed in
the shops is nearly up to the maxi
mum, being but seven less than one
year ago. There arc tlurty-eiglu
machinists on the pay-roll, and we
understand two more will be given
work as soon as good men can be
found. Forty machinists is the
maximum number allowed these
shops. .
Measurements of floor space have
been made for the machines which
will be shipped up from the Omaha
shops some time after the first ot
the year. Among the machines
will be an extra large sized planer.
The machines received will take
the place of those uow in use, and
which in some instances are some
what antiquated.
In fact eyertliing needed
for the most complete menu.
Try a cup of Chase & San
born's Coffee and compare it
with the best you have ever
tasted.. If you don't say 'tis
the best you ever drank we'l
go way back and sit down.
We have a few boxes fancy
Bell Flower Apples from Ore
gon lay in a box for the children
I Price $2.00 per box.
Have you bought any of the
Richelieu Pancake Flour? I
mot try a package and. you wi
use no other kind.
Before you buy any Christ
mas presents look over' our
immense stock of Lamps
China Ware and Imported
Novelties, which are useful as
well as ornamental.
. Tobin.
Wc Sell You,
Soft Sole Shoes, pen pair...$ .25
Child's Shoes, 5 to 8, pair. . .50
Misses Shoes 11 1-2 to 2,
per pair 1.00
Child's Shoes, 5 to 8, pair.. .85
Girls shoes, 8 1-2 to 11, pair 1.10
Girl's Shoes 11 1-2 to 2 per
pair 1.35
adios' Kid Shoes, all solid 1.50
adics' Calf Shoes, all solid 1.50
adies Fine Shoes, $1.75 to 2.00
Ladies' Ultra Shoes. . ...... 3.50
Men's Shoes $1.25 to 3.00
Boy's Shoes, $1.25 to 2.00
Men's Arctics, per pair. . . . .1.00
Men's Roll Edge Snow Ex-
ciuuer .in cues, per pun J..
adies' Arctics, ncr nair. .70
Boy's Arctics, per pair 85
We handle nothing- but all solid
leather shoes and guarantee sat-
isiactory wear oi every pair we
Store open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store.
A requisition has been sent in
for twenty wall lamps tor U9c in
the round house. This improve
ment will be appreciated by the
night men.
The air motor which will be Ued
n operating the turn-table is ex
pected to arrive in a few days and
will be at once installed. It will
prove quite a labor saving device.
The air will befurnishlid trom the
plant already in use at the shops.
For Sale or Rent My house;
will also sell stove and house plants.
3-1 Mrs. VV. II. Broach
"The Woman in Black," on t)e-
ceinbcr 17th, will be the next at
traction at the opera house.
Baptist church, Dec. 8th. Sub
jects, mormug, "The Source ot
Sureness"; evening, "The Young
Man's Questions." You are in
At a mectnig of the First ward
hose team Wednesday evening
Josh Barraclough was elected fore
man, George Tekulve first assist
ant, Albert Rannie second assist
ant, Wm. Landgraf treasurer and
Leo Sullivan secretary.
House for Rent A five room
house in good repair on west
Front street, bandy to the railrord.
Enquire of Mrs. H. F. Jeffrey, over
McCullough's store.
ad Ranges.
Wc carry the most complete
line in this section of the country.
We can save you money. A car
load of furniture just ree'd. All
the latest and best to be had and
at prices that defy competition
Arc the best selections ever
shown. We handle the Pen
insular and the Art Car
land hard coal burners and in
the soft coal burners we have in
stock 30 different styles and
sizes. The Peninsular hot blast
is the latest and best hot blast
stove on the market. Consumes
all smoke and soot and saves one
half your fuel. Wc also handle
the Tubular Hot Blast, The Charter
Oak, The Mountain Oak, The Model
Oak and The Peninsular Oak.
W Lead
in ranges also. The Majestic
the Best Rang-c made, from $40
to $55. And the Triumph
the best cheap range on the mar
ket at $30 to $38. Having
sold 27 Majestic ranges during
the week of of exhibit we can
now refer you to 67 families us
inff this range with the best re
sults. We also have a list of 20
Triumph Ranges all doing ex
cellent work. Wc a3k the Public
to examine all or any of our
lines before buying-. Come in
and see our Estcy Orgarts.
No better Oran made. House
hold, Domestic and Wheeler &
Wilson sewing machines.
E. B. Warner.