VWVVVVVVVVVVVWVV Christmas Gifts. We have a lovely line of Holiday Goods. COMB AND BRUSH SETS MANICUBE SETS HAT AND CLOTIIE BRUSHES SHAVING SETS PURSES POCKET BOOKS HAND DECORATED CHINA A FINE LINE OF CUT GLASS DECORATED BUSTS STEINS VASES. FANCY PITCHER VASES INK STANDS GOLD PENS . LADIES' AND MEN'S SILK UMBRELLAS And many other articles suitable for Gifts. "Will be pleased to have you call and see us. Come and make your selection and it will be laid away for you. The Jeweler. CHALLENGE km. Am With our new stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing, Shoes and Furnishing- Goods, wc CHALLENGE " Men'a Irish' Frieze Ulsters, the latest colors , .ft and this season's good, worth as high ffH j ttZ g as $12.00, Challenge gale Price . ana tpQ any store in North Platte to GIVE YOU VALUES A V A Hranrf rarnival nf Pliricfmac flffprlnnrc & fp r UIUIIU wuiunui w i vuiui;iuu vrfWffij & Men's Dress Overcoatp, regular price $(j 50, CIQ QH W Challenge Sale Price P,W ijoy's Heavy uiac ftii wooi insu v ncze waters, ir j iit ages 13 to 10,wortu S(i.50 Challenge Sale Price $,76) JT ah la irinn TrAoD Hirofrnntu in nil wnnl Tfnret?a X . . 1 1 . 1 - r 1 . 1 . a TTT price ?iq 50, Challenge Sale Price...,,...,,.. vpQ.yU $ Boy's Heavy Heelers, with Storm Collars, ages 3 ftK to 16. Challeime Sale Price .'. tpx.UU Boy's Knee PantB Suitp, ages four to tourteen yeare, hrtr, W Challenge Sale Price OL & GOODYEAR GLOVE BRAND . Snow Excluder AM OK $ TP Oversliues, Challenge Sale Price m.ju 0 Men's Heavy Arties 1.00 GOODYEAR GLOVE BRAND Boy's Overshoes, ChaN & ijj. lenge Sale Price 95c Men's Heavy Duck Coats, a first-class made coat, lined, tjj Challenge Sale Price 1.25 Men's Heavy Corduroy Pants, Challenge Sale Price.... 1.5 $ $t BfiyOn account of ligjjt season our stock of lien's and. tt Boy's Heavy Winter Capi is iri full blast. Now is the time 4X1 sr. to buy their). Al new siyles, and te greatest, qssbrtmerir, T shown anywhere'. Make a flue Christmas present. All on tit nnle at Challenfu nrice 33 1-11 oer cent less than actual value. t$t i-j-r - 5 J 1 1 J - , i 1 K-n ..III t -1 ;i - t 1 Tl r W II A F f 7 4 . II 1 J J men s gnq my uiqvqs ana minens Vou will find' our assortment complete and all at Chal lenge Sale Prices. Boy's Leather Mittens 19c. Men's Extra Heavy Genuine Calf Skin Mittens 50c. Men's Fine Kid Mit tens 50c. Men's Fine Dress Gloves 50c. Y We carry the largest assortment in Men and Boys' Leg- gins. Challenge Sale price 25 centH for Boys. Men's j Heavy Leggins with spring 45 cunts. . tr Extra Value in Underwear and Winter Overis, Boys' Fleece Lined heavy weight 25 Men's Fleece Lineup heavy wegi ..;.';'.. jj5 Men's AH Yool Flannel Shirts" and Drawers sold at ? 1.00 75c 95Uc $em - WfrtUu Irlljuac. Challenge Price Mens AU Wool Shirts extra fine and heavy, Bold at 9.1.75 Challenue P.rice '. .. 'Sit. 9 5 M,en'rt Cljeviot Qve'rsljirta, in aesqrtrrjetil of cp,orp, he ' "' A 'best qade S,liirts slpwii atywliere.. .............. fjQc a? f aHcl now is tfii tui foir yau to Bupoiy vourself. EJvery t article adverti?,id i MP to quality. t cheerfully refund iron,ey on any purchase nnsansfa,ctory. I SAAf ROSBSUnitG. l'ron. 4 Next Door to Chaa. McDonald's Bank, North Platte, Neb. & FRIDAY, DEC. 0, 1901. Mrs, S. Grace and two sons left this morning for Kansas City, going via Denver. Sam Grace had hia injured eye removed at an Omaha hospital last Tuesday. It will be several weeks before he will be permitted to leave the hospital. Doolittle's is not a crockery store you know, but makes a specialty of dainty odd pieces of china especi ally tor gifts. Artistic China we keep and shall always aim to keep. Come and sec. Dave Patterson, at one time fore man of the local U, P. shops, but of late with the Gulf road, has been appointed assistant master me chanic of the WabaBh with head quarters at Kansas City, W. A. Whitney, assistant super intendent at Laramie and formerly chief dispatcher at Grand Island, shook hands with North Platte acquaintances one day this week while enroute to Omaha. New Goods irom New York and Chicago arrived yesterday for Harry Dixon's new store. Members and friends of the Luth eran church and all interested in the cause of christian education will not forge't the social tonight at the home of Mrs. Frederickson lor the benefit of Midland College. Re freshments and a good time for all. The protective boards of the O. R. C, and B. K. T, of the Union Pacific system, which have been in session in Oma,ha for ten days past, expect to conclude their work to morrow. The meeting has been for the transaction of routine bus- nesBt it being stated that neither order has any particular grievance, Have vou seen the Rolled Nickel Goods at Dixon's. Warranted not to tarnish. Bakinrr Dishes, Crumb Trays, Tea and Coffee Pote, etc. It is stated that beginning Janu ary 1st the Union Pacific will begin the use of electricity to light trains No. I and No. 2 This equipment will run through from Chicago to San Francisco. Twenty cars have been sent to the Pullman hhops to be fitted wilh the new lights. Those Church Spoons and High School Spoons at Dixou's are the heaviest and finest engraved that are in the city, The proposition to accept the nitiativc and referendum clause of the state statutes was submitted t a special election yesterday and carried by a majority of fifty-four. The vote was very light, but lew people taking any interest in the matter. It is questionable if the rights given the people by the adoption of the measure will ever be used. Doolittle's Candelebra Show case is "a thing of beauty and a joy for- Candelebra l $5 Fiye Cent Cigar THE BEST Dried Fruit You may havc been prcdudic cd in regard to dried fruit, but if yoti tike a look at that fine line of clean, bright and tempt ing dried fruit at W. F. McGlone's all prejudice will be removed. WE HAVE Oriole Peeled Peaches, per lb. 30c Oriole Peeled and Sliced Ap ricots per lb 30c Oriole Figs per lb 20c urioic v iga, large new Lon don Layer in large clusters, per lb 25c Oriole Silver Prunes, larcrc and bright, per lb 15c Oriole Jumbo Peaches per lb. 20c Unole white Nectarines per pound 15c Oriole Apples per lb 15c Oriole Apricots, large and .bright, per lb. 20c Oriole Raspberries, per lb. . ,35c Oriole Sultan Raisins per lb . . 15c Oriole Large Prunes, per lb.l24c ti. nice iiuue meaiv uricu Peach, 2 lbs for 25c A bright medium sized Prune 3 lbs for 25c Choice Dried Apples.. ..2 lbs 25c Choice Unbleached California Seedless Raisin, per lb 10c .bxtra lancy Cleaned Currants in bulk 2 lbs for 25c Choice large bright Apricots' per lb 15c Large 4 Crown Raisins, new, per lb 10c Choice 2 Crown Raisins, new, per Jb ,. ,.08c A large bright meaty Dried Pear, new, per lb 15c Plum Pudding Brand of Cleaned Currants, the finest packed, per lb ISc Grecian Brand Choice Cleaned Currants 2 lbs for 25c lorso Shoe Brand Seeded Raisins in 1-lb pkgs.2 pkgs 25c Dates, per lb 10c 3 lbs 25c Watch for our special Coffee advertisement next week, as we lave something of interest to say to you. ever." lSverything is his year and Doolittle has them in all styles and prices (rom, 15c to $5.00 Tli,e -subject of; Rev. Seibert's discourse, at the Lutheran church S,unday evening wdl he GuBtavus Adolphus, the Lion of ,the North." This heroic defender ot Protestant ism is the pride of all Scahdanavia and It is expected that all the Swedes and Danes in the city will attend church Sunday niirlit. Morning service and Sunday school at usual hours. Everybody invited. The fair and supper given by the Presbyterian ladies a.r, the opera house last evenitm was larcrelv p(at,rp,iiised The supper served was an excellent one and deserved the patronage it received. The tancy work and apron tables a,t traded, many customers, and the flower and hom.erm.ado candy booths seemed to do u good business. The total receipts were two hundred and fifteen dollars, o not lorgot noohttle's large stock of Yioline, Guitars, Mando huh, uuiiju, cic, wuen you are t linking of something for Christ ma Gift. jn tne district court today the case or the btate acrainst Wm Montgomery, on the charge of cat tie stealing is bsing heard. This is a case that has twice been in the I county court, and originally started over the taking ot a caif valued at about ten choirs. . Thirty wit nesses have been subpoenaed, nearly' all of whom live from twenty-five to forty miles diutanV rom the city, the o(n costs in the case will ho nearly five hundred jjoijars whicjj the taspayers Will Foot Ball Oaxno. Tommorrow (Saturday) after noon at 2:30 o'clock the final game ot foot ball for this season will be played at Athletic park between the U. P. shop and the High School elevens. Each team has won one game from the other, and the game tomorrow is to decide the question of supremacy. That it will be a hotly contested game goes without saying, and spectators are promised a contest that wil be ex citing t.rom, start to finish. A.dmission 25ccntsi school chil dren 10 pents, Cbrtstmaa Oroeus. Leave orders at Fred Marii's for Christmas trees, holly, mistletoe, and other Christmas decorations. w ir ti ' I 1 1 i: 1 lyir' I1V ..The Model,. One Price Clothing House. Our Business Methods have caused this store to grow rapidly in the confidence of the people THE MODEL has become known in almost every household in the city. It is universally admitted that wc do the largest clothing, bus iness in North Platte. Men's Clothing. Wool really this Men's Black and Brown AU Cheviot Suits, finely tailored' $10 quality, wc . are selling them month at $7.50. . Men's Black All Wool Clay Worsteds warranted not to change color. In the latest style military cut. $15 value $10.00. 1 If 1 ii i Men's All Wool Ulsters and Over- 1 coats at $5, 7.50, 10.00, 12.50 and $15.00 bargains oiaicy unucrwear. jlius month wc are closinjj out all odds and ends at a great sacrifice if f r Boy's Clothing. The superiority of this Bbv'a dc- I partmcnt is proven every day. You will find nothing but the best makes of cloth- W 7 . A a Bring the boys to 8. ing at very low prices. lor vestcc Suits age 3 2-piccc Suits, double-breasted, age from G to 16 years. 3-niccc Manlv Suits 9 age from 6 to 15 years. Long Pants I C.U.. 1f I rtn uuiia, j. v i-j years. Our Boy's Overcoats and Ulsters are selling rapidly at extremely low prices. All Boy's arc wearing our Ironclad shoes per pair $1.50 and $2.00. I This will be a great Bargain Month in this store, everything will be sold at reduced prir.es. Come and at tend this sale and you will find that It payss to trade at 1M 111 I THE MODEL ONE-PRICE i CLOTHING HOVSE. MAX KIRSCHBAUM, Propr ietor, in 111" nr Chas. P. Ross goes to on business tonight. Leave orders at Martl's Christmas greens. Wm. Deatty ond 15d Murphy of for "Dick" Cox has returned from his trip to Omaha. Geo. W. Childs, Royal ttlue, Wide Open and other brands of cU gars six for a quarter at Huplcr's. All of my household furniture for sale.. One door east of Hawley house, Mks. W. II. Hamilton. Art Salisbury left the early 'part of the week on a business trip to Ohio. M,rs, Sutler Buchanan has been speuding this week with friends in AurBra, Neb. Wanted A girl tor general house work, Inquire at residence of Judge Grimes, II. V. Ilillikcr came up from Grand Island yesterday afternoon and visited friends for a few hours. Beautiful Jardineres at Doo little's, also an exquisite line ot Vases, Toilet Articles, etc. , Mrs. Isaac Watts and hltlc daughter, who had been visiting relatives in towv returned to Corn ing, Iowat this morning, Thos. 11. McGovern. who has been working in Ojjden, is in town today enroute to Omaha, where he will accept a position, the. U;. P. boiler shop, Doolittle's Une of Gift Books thiB Holiday, season something ev. qmsite and something that will interest you is that they are from 10 to 23 per cent cheaper thau last Vcar. llrady are transacting business in town today. 13d i tor Copper has rented the Gantt house on webt Second street and is getting it in rcadincsB for occupancy. Have you eyer tried that Angel Pood Taffy at Hupfer's? J. A.. McMichacl is enjoying a visit today from a cousin living on the Pacific coast whom he had not seen ir seventeen years, lSdgar Donehowcr, who for six months past has been working for the C. P. road at Carlln, Nev., is visiting his parents, having arrived last night. Omaha ' Mrs. George: Jlarr left vesterdav front a montVa visit with friends in the cast part of the state. Butler Buchanan, who lina hcpn visiting relatives in Aurora for a few days, is, expected home tonight." Prof. lonhardt has concluded to give the choral class concert on December 27th, instead of 18th, as clscwhcrrt announced. In the case of the American Soda Co. against A. B. Hoagland, in wnicti the ownership of a soda fountain that the latter had pur chased of Fred Hartman, a verdict was given in lavor of the plaintiff yesterday. The fire hydrant in front of Bank's store is being taken out and win dc placed in the south part near the residence of P. A. Norton, a four inch mam havinir rccentlv been laid on that street. This will trive that section of this city the fire protection which it has needed. Christmas CRISTMAS ORDERS. For fine suitings and overcoats will receive especial attention. and should be given as early as nossiblc to insure nromnt deliv- Attractions. cry linf,of fabrics was arc innumerable. lo name mp-rrarments that for fit. tvii. them would be to make a bin; durability and fine finish will be . it i-i i i unsurpassed in elegance and catalogue Holiday drygoods beauty. ate so plentitul here that it would take a column to even hint at them. Everything worth seeing, everyone worth buying at our price. Wilcox DcpariiiicDt J. F. BROEKER. THERE ARE OTHERS who can make and repair Shoes, but there are lew who can equal and none that can surpass us C NEWMAN.