The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 06, 1901, Image 1

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    4 '
NO. 92
Do You Read Advertisements? !
Howe's Furniture Store.
! Real Estate, Loans Insurance
tjp jL-tolTox-o23LOo:-j!3LJxy XSotiIe Ixl 3XTotx"n,eJli.a..
fg proventod by vnootantion bofuro tho gorm ot the disoaeo hns entorcd
tho Bvstom. Tho sucuoss ot vaccination donenda upon nronor dosage
Too largo n doeo will produce tho diseaso whilo too email a doso will not
rendor tho animal immuno- This problem ib Folvod by Parke, Davis & Co.
in their now vacoino in pill form which is injected through tbo skin. No
mixing, flltoring or time wasted and you don't have to spend a fortune to
vaccinato your cattle. P. D. Qo, book, "Blackleg and Its Treatment." free
Next door to First Natl. Uank. ::: j :::::: : J. II. STONE. MoT
9 d 9
t Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit-
tings and Tanks, Barb Wire.
Bale lies, Lightening'
Hay Press & Repairs
uocustst: : : : : NORTH PLATTE, NEB.
5 JsTorlh fl&lfe Tlocir
lylaijUfactUireel toy Jortij JPiattc 1R.ollet iljills
Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in
Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the
equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska.
fl Tiriai Sack uUil Coijirlijce yoU of its iljetit
North Platte Roller Mills
Fine Perfumes and Soaps, j
Will be found in abundance at our store.
In fact we make a specialty of Perfumes and
Soaps and consequently carry a large stock.
A bottle of nice perfume makes an acceptable
Christmas gift to a lady.
:A F STREITZ, Druggist:
If so Don't
Forget the Bargains S
Wc offer, when in need of
Furniture, Carpets, Sewing
Machine, Stove, Range,
Picture, Frame, Curtain,
Piano or Organ. We have
the bcsti2-ft Linoleum in
the city. Wc are putting
in a big stock ot Wall Paper
part already arrived
variety great -:- -:-
Prices Rp-
' a
Fatal Accident at Hershoy.
James Chambers was thrown
from a wagon at llershcy Wednes
day forenoon and received injuries
from which he died .it 8:30 the
same evening.
Chambers had driven to the depot
at llershcy with a load of sugar
beets when his team became
Irightened at an approaching train.
It ran down the street and the
wagon, striking an obstacle, was
overturned and Chambers was
thrown with great force against
the wheel of a wagon nearby. He
was at once picked up and an ex
amination showed that the skull
on the left side ot the head had
been crushed. He was taken to
hia home where he lingered without
regaining consciousness until 8:30
p. m.
Chambers was a man about fifty-
two years ot age a'nd leaves a wife
and four children. He had resided
in the vicinity of Hcrshey for about
eighteen months.
V. P. Improvftmonta in this City.
The following article appeared
in the Omaha News last Wednes
day: Apparently the Union Pacific is
not through making improvements
at North Platte. As told in a spe
cial dispatch last week, the com
pany will spend many thousands of
dollars in that city shortly,
Now two of the high officials of
the company have given orders to
a North Platte real estate dealer
to secure for them from tlitcc to
five blocks of ground. The pur
pose of the new move is not appar
It is known, however, that the
road has determined to make that
city one of its principal machine
and building points, and also one
of the principal store departments
on. the line, It is also stated that
the city is to be made the principal
icing station on the line, which,
means practically the largest in
the world. That the work on the
new improvements is to be pushed
to completion as rapidly as possible
is indicated by the fact that J.
Langtry, superintendent of the
carpenter department, has been
arranging for storing the lumber
with which to erect the new build
ings. It is stated that North Platte is
already beginning to feel the
effects of tne movement, and that
her citizens are highly delighted at
the treatment the company is
altorditig them. It is not unlikely
a boom will result there in the
Game Boards! Game Boards!
Game Boards at Doolittle's. The
higher priced Boards as. cheap as
the lower-priced ones were last
year. 54 games on one boardl
What do you think of that?
The Grand Island Banking Com
pany is providing its patrons and
friends with a very neat device,
calculated to inculcate habits of
saving. It is a small round steel
safe, with a yalc lock, absolutely
"uuopenable," which is rented out
or sold at one dollar, the bank lock'
ing the sate, keeping and register
ing the key. The patrons take
the box home, and when it is filled,
or wheneyer the patron desires to.
he can bring the box or safe to the
bank and have It opensd, and the
money deposited or otherwise dis
posed nf.
Decorated Lamps $ 1.25
Decorated Lamps 1.50
Decorated Lamps ;.. 2.00
Decorated Lamps 3.00
Decorated Lamps unto.. 15.00
Special nickel plated center draft
lamp fitted with 10-inch white
dome shade $1.50. Have never
sold less than $2.00 to 2.50.
t tSTStorc open evenings until
eight o'clock.
Wilcox Department Store
Y, Jtf. 0. A. NOTES.
Sure to have good music at the
men's meeting at the rooms at 3:30
p. m. next Sunday. Miss Elizabeth
Burke will have charge of it. Dr
J. D. Pulis will speak. He always
gives us interesting and hclplul
talks, The rooms Bhould be full of
young men.
We regret to have to announce to
the people that tho Quartette will
not fill their appointment next
Monday cycuing but may do so
later on in the season. Should
they not do so, the committee will
secure another company so that five
numbers will be given in the
course. S.
W. O. T. U. NOTES.
The meeting at Mrs. Batiks was
a very interesting one. The at
tendance was not large but the
faithful few were there. The par
liamentary drill was on organiza
tion. The same subject will be
continued at our next meeting.
One new member was secured.
Plans were begun for having a gos
pel temperance meeting in the near
Our president suggested that wc
have a roll call at each meeting
and that each member respond to
her name by giving a bit of tem
perance news or a temperance quo
tation. We hope that a goodly
number may be piehent to respond
to roll call next time.
Those interested in the Loyal
Temperance Legion were much
pleased to see o large a crowd at
the meelitig lad Sunday. Wc arc
glad that fathets and mothers arc
realizing the importance of this
work and are sending their child
ren, These meetings will be held
every Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at
the Methodist church. Come every
body. This time waB set in order
that no couflictiotiB be made with
any meeting oi any church.
The V C. T. U. will hold its
next meeting with-Mrs. Slack next
Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 10, at 3
A gang of men have been repair
ing the hcadgatcB to the old canal
IS. F. Scebcrgcr as usual was
looking after business interests in
this vicinity this week.
Wm. II. Sullivan, A F, Bcclcr
and Louis Toillion were among
those from the valley who were
transacting business at the county
seat on Tuesday.
There arc a few sugar beets to be
shipped out of the valley yet that
were grown this season.
They are beginning to talk
Christinas tree at Hcrshey.
Dick Shinkle who has just fin
ished baling hay in the valley will
.soon move his press over to Wallace
where he will bale for parties in
that vicinity.
Corn shelling in this locality is
in full blast and the yield and
quality are both very good.
J. C. Gyger, of the NicholB cream
ery was at the county seat supply
ing his patrons at that place with
butter on Tuesday.
King Co'e who is fattening sev
eral hundred head of hogs will soon
have several carloads to market.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toillion's
children have about recovered from
a run ol typhoid fever.
James Hogg and Ed Gentry are
attending district court at the
county seat as jurors from NicholB
Hay shipping out of the valley
for this season is about completed,
Mr. and Mrs, R. V. Calhoun's
little child that was quite ill re
cently has about recovered.
As W. J. Cruseti is conducting a
series ot revival meetings at the
McNeel school house at this, time,
A. F. ParsoiiB, ol North Platte,
will meet his apportionments both
morning a,nd evening at Hcrshey,
A few farmers arc holding their
corn tor a better price, The
present price is about aixty cents
per bushel,
Wc understand that the real
estate deal between W. A. Paxton
and Chas. McAllister and A, J,
Eaton has as vet failed to be con
Toilet Sets,
Manicure Sets
and Toilet and
Manicure Sets.
be pleased
have you
DIXON, The Jeweler.
1 Heating Stoves!
At Cost
I From now until Christmas. 1
K. O. Holmes of Kearney has
been recommended by Senator
Millard for the poatmastcrslup of
that city. Mr. Holmes is a cousin
of Senator Hauna and this is sup
posed to have had something to do
with the recommendation of ocna
tor Millard.
New subscribers to TiieTriuune
who pay in advance will be fur
nished free The Iowa Homelcad,
Its special Farmers' Institute Edi
tions and the Poultry Farmer each
one year lor twcnty.five cents.
l' hat ib, tor i.iu you will receive
four papers one year. This offer
is only good tor a limited time.
For Sale.
Full blood Poland China plgB,
either sex, also some some Short-
born bull calves.
Wm. H. Sulmvan,
Hcrshcv, Neb,
Are Pleased
With the fresh qual
ity of the groceries
with which they found
us stocked, on the open
ing day, and we desire
to thank the many who
have given us their
orders. The quality
of the goods will at all
times be maintained,
and as we sell strictly
for cash our prices are
guaranteed to be fully
as low as any firm in
We Are Here
to do business and res
pectfully solicit a share
of your trade, Come
in and see us whether
you buy or not,
The Grocer.
Good Things to Eat.
VProxxt St root.
- 1
, i
you wish for
Xmas we
will lay i"
way for you.
m Professional
w Nurse.
Offers her services to all de
siring such. Call at rooms over
Western Stove Repair "Works.
Some of our cattle are drifting
southeast from mtr rnnz-li r
- ' - - u i. UWUI
na, Neb., and persons who take up
i-uinc uiuuuea uar i' our T any
where on left side or with O below
and above crooked bar on left hip,
and holding them for us will be
paid for their trouble, Send word
at once to
Eatray Notice. '
Taken tin liv tlm
on his ranch five milno
of North Platte on or about Octo-
oer wtn, 1J01, one black heifer,
branded O on right hip and slit in
car. Owner can have same hv
provinir nroncrtv and mvlmr
Twos. Doomttm:,
Eatray Notico.
Taken up on October 24, 11)01, on
the northeast quarter of section 26,
town 13, range 31 in Lincoln
county, Nebraska, by the subscri
ber who there resides, one reddish
roan cow 5 or 6 years old, looks like
she might be part Texas, .branded
4 on both sides jtiBt back of the
shoulders. The owner is required
to pay charges thereon and take
the animal away
Thos, G. Rowley.
Eatray Notice,
Taken up by the undersigned on
his ranch three and one-half miles
northeuBt al Maxwell one muley
cow and a calf; cow branded OI W
oh left hip; counter-branded with
crossed S on left hip. Owner can
have animals by proving property
and payiug charges.
Geo. W. Roiikkts,
Maxwell, Neb.