The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 03, 1901, Image 8

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mffAnt mim wunipf 'wimp ii
mm m t Tl ft
Local JN0W8 in Jdtioi. f
Kd Burke, late with W. T.
Banks, has accepted a position an
clerk In the Model clothing store.
The ladles of the Christian aid
Bocicty wjII meet with MrB. Mc
Cullough on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stubbs very
pleasantly entertained sixteen or
eighteen friends at high five Satur-
day evening.
The twenty-first annual ball ol
Klkhorn Lodge, 13, of L. P., will be
held at the opera house on the
evening of December 31st.
W. J. Cruscn will begin a series
of revival meetings at the McNccl
school house on Friday evening of
this week. Rev. Daniclso'n of Wal
lace will assist .Mr. Cruscn in the
meetings next week.
"For Her Sake," presented at the
opera house Saturday evening,
proved to be a very strong play and
was presented in a very creditable
manner. A fair sized audience
witnessed the production.
The Young Married Ladies' Club
has changed its nauie to the "Q.
T," Club. This organization haB
decided to keep open house at the
home of Mrs. Dr. Dent on New
Year's evening at which members
and invited friends will be received,
Two furnished rooms lor rent by
Mesdamcs Thompson and Swarth-
The newspaper man strives
help all the people in the tow
and does it but some people arc
not satisfied with the milk of
human kindness, they want the
cream, They get it at Tckulvc's
shoe and repair shop at the Yellow
A party af North Platte hunters
who were after wild geese, at Goth
cnburg Sunday left thctr guns re
clining against the depot building
while waiting for the arrival of a
team and when they went to get
them found two missing. The
losers were George Scliatz and
Mllo Burroughs.
The committee appointed by the
Commercial Club to secure data for
a history of Lincoln county to ap
pear in the History of Nebraska, is
now at work. In addition to the
early history of the county, con
siderable apace will be devoted to
the present resources of the county,
with special attention to the irri
gation, cattle, hay and sugar beet
W. D. Hover, ISmbalmcr.
Howe's Furniture Store. Niuht
call Telephone 90,
The Omaha Dally Ncwb piano
contest closed Saturday afternoon
with Stella Davles of Cozad in the
lead with a total of 253,224 votes.
Miss Myrtle Scharmann of this
city was fourth In the list with
136,367 votes. It 1b said that the
piano won will be donated to the
Methodist cluirch at Cozad, and
that the big vote of the winner was
due to the help given her by the
people of the church,
You Have Heard a
Great Deal About
Our bulk Coffee is roasted for
ua fresh every week. In roast
ing" the strength of the berry is
retained. The coffee is roasted
directly in the flame in from
eight to ten minutes. When
coffee is roasted by the usual
process it requires from thirty
to forty minutes and is practi
cally baked, the essence,
strength and flavor being dried
out. Three pounds of coffee
roasted as ours arc, is equal
iu strength, is much liner
in flavor and will go farther than
four pounds of coffee roasted in
any other way. We sell you -Good
Rio Coffee, per lb. . .12 l-2c
Larger Berry Rio Coffee, Jb 15c
Even size, large berry selected
Rio Coffee, per lb 20c
Moca & Java the kind you pay
30c for elsewhere, per lb . , . .25c
The best Moca & Java, the
equal if not superior to any 40c
Clothing J
Young Men's Suits, the new
Military Styles, close fitting
backs, extra wide shoulders,
in blue and black Cheviots,
Tweeds, Cassimeres, Worsted
and fancy patterns, decidedly
low in price, quality and work
manship considered
$7.50 to $15
Special Short Trouser Suits,
$3. We have just received
200 Double-breasted, All Wool
Short Trouser Suits, perfect
in every detail and bought by
us to sell for $4.00 and $4.50
These suits arc made of
Cheviots and Tweeds and are
most desirable for school wear.
This offer is a decided bargain
tnd is made for quick selling
only, and the quantities and
sizes will not last long
Cheaper Suits in 3 to 16 yrs
in all the latest styles and
goods. An extra good
suit 3 to 8 yrs at
A bargain, 8 to 16
yrs at $1.35 1.75, $2
And those Mother's Choice
Suits at 4.50 and $5 have no
I twin
Knee Trousers
t 25c, 50c, 75c and 81. Full
line of Yoke Overcoats for 8
to 16 years. Men's and Boy's
50c Caps at 25c.
35c 45c 75c $1 1.35
Mrs. E, O. Gibbs arrived home
Saturday from her visit in St.
A. M. Scharmann hat returned
from a week's visit in Omaha and
A. F. Strcitz went to Omaha yes
terday morning' to visit relatives
and transact business.
Everett IS vans returned to the
state university Monday after visit
ing his parents for a lew days.
Miss Marie Downing returned to
Denver Saturday morning. Mrs.
Ferguson will remain until Thurs
Charley Johnson, who has been
giving slack wire exhibitions with
a traveling company, is home on a
Mrs. A. F. Strcitz and children,
who have been visiting in Illinois,
are expected Home next L nuay
G. V. Hood aud family attended
a KniglitB ot Pythias banquet at
Kimball last night, returning home
this morning.
B. C. Clinton came un from Lex
ington Friday evening aud re
maincd over until the following
Miss Rudio, who had been the
guest at the Turpie ranch for tev
eral week, returned to Omaha
II. J. Hansen returned Saturday
from Omaha, where he had gone to
have a physical examination made
by a specialist.
Dr. Miller and wife leave the
latter part of this week for Kansas
City, where they will visit relatives
tor several weeks
B. F. Seeberger will go to IlifF,
Col., in a few davs where, as an
irrigation expert, he will examine
the feasibility of a ten mile exten
sion to the Ililt Irrigation ditch.
Fair and Supper.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will give their annual fair
and Buppcr at Lloyd's opera house
on December 5th. There will be
on Bale both useful and fancy arti
cles, also a great many aprons.
The supper will be boned
chicken pie, potatoes, salads, cold
meats, brown aud white bread,
pickles, cake and coffee aud tea
Come out und get a good meal tor
twenty-five centa. Sale begins at
5:30. Supper will he ready at 6:C0
notes, a
Will Finney, who had been
spending several weeks in the
southwest, haB returned home.
Will Dolson, Will Ryan and
Ralph Starkey went to Lexington
Sunday night to spend a day or
two shooting geese.
M I, ,nl(n frnm n ,JlunA Wc CVV tile niOSt COmpldC
foot which he sustained while rail- llnc in this section of the country.
roading in Texas.
A number of Austrians who had
been working on the grade on the
Fourth district, were brought down
here yesterday and paid olf.
Conductor Ed Forsythe, who 1b
now running a passenger Irani on
the Grand Island branch, spent
Sunday with friends in town.
Several special cars bearing
delegates to the National Stock-
growers Conycntion at Chicago
were attached to eastbound trains
Western railroads have deGnitely
resolved to issue passes during
1902 as during the present year,
but the number of annuals will be
cut down.
Sam Grace went to Omaha Sun
day tntrht to receive treatment
for his left eye, the sight of which
is about gone. He may have it re
moved and an artificial eye substi
The indications arc that the
strike of the Bwitchmeu in the
Pittsburg yards will be a failure.
The otuer railroad men a unions
have failed to come to the aid of
the strikers.
Union Pacific will install electric
power plants to run the new shops
at Omaha and Pocatello, and that
the apparatus will be ready by
une 1st next.
Asst Supt. CbaB. Ware accom
panied by Mrs. Ware, has gone to
Oklahoma to visit relatives and
from there will go to Illinois for a
brief visit. They will be absent
about two weeks.
Col. H. C. Phelps, who had
charge ot the icing business for the
fruit express companies the past
season, expectB to be located per
manently at Kansas City in the
same line ot business.
coffee sold by our competitors Utruction of three new ones.
Two new drop sccncB have been
added to the properties at the
opera house.
II. H, Cook lost two valuable
milch cows by the corn stalk dis
ease last Friday.
Tom Ireland purchased live
mules aud one horse in this section
Saturday and droye them to Max
well where with others they will be
shipped to the St. Louis market.
Prof. Leonhardt came up from
Gibbon Sunday and resumed his
choral class Instruction last even
ing. The meetings this week are
at the Presbyterian church.
District court convened yesterday
morning with Judge Grimes on the
bench. The docket is an unusually
large one, but aB nearly half the
cases arc tax foreclosures, it is
thought that nearly all the busi
ness can be reached in a two
weeks' term. There arc six or
even cases to come up for
A lew choice Poland China males
for sale cheap.
T, 10. Dooi.ittle.
The following officera of the
Kuiglits ol l'ytliias lodge were
elected Friday evening:) W. 1Q,
Goodwin Chancellor Commander,
II. S. Crockett Vice Chancellor, K.
10 Northrup Master of Work, Geo.
C, Dowleu Keeper ol Records and
Scale, M. C, lliirriugtou Muster of
Exchequer, J. W. Rowland Master
uf Arrr.H, J. L. Dick Inner Guard,
Louis Richards Outer Guard.
All tlie leading brands of cigars
6ix for a quarter at Hupicrs,
The good results of the settle
men of the U, P. tax case are al
ready becoming apparent. Up in
Garfield precinct the school houses
have become until lor use, and
bonds had been voted tor the con-
per lb..
open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store
that the school district will receive
quite a oum from the U. P. taxes
that were delinquent, the officers
thiuk they will have sullicicnt
money to erect the buildings with
out using the bonds which the
voters authorized them to issue.
II. S. White tratibactcd business
in Lexington yesterday.
The Lutheran ladies' aid society
will meet Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. Gii a Anderson.
The Rebekah Kensington will
meet Wednesday afternoon with
Mr. J. F. Schmalzried.
uniy cigutecn cars ot hay were
shipped from this station last week.
The light shipments were due to
a slow market.
Tom Shannon, at one time a res
ideut of this city, but of late living
at bait Lake, passed cast on train
No. 2 yes'ten'ay.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Letts, whr
had been called to Webster City,
Iowa, by the death of the former'i
lather, returned home the lattei
part of last week.
Mr, aud Mrs. A. L. Brooks
Maxwell were In town Saturday
and left that night for Suison. Cal.,
where Mr. Us. father aud brother
have been located for some tunc.
D. C. Congdon and Thos. C.
GuthcrlesB returned Saturday
from McPhcrson county where
they had been the last week look
ing alter their interests iu the
cattle businesp.
Rev. Seibert leaves tonight for
Cheyenne and will hold Lutheran
scmces iu that city tomorrow
evening. The Hoard of llome Mid
bious has acted favorably upon Un
report of Revs. Seibert and Simon,
of Denver, appointed to make a
canvass ot that city and appointed
a missionary to that field to take
effect the first of the year.
Saw Death Near,
"iionon inuuo my heart ueho, writes
L. 0. Ovoistroot, of Rljjln, Toon., "to
hour my wifo counl, until l toeinod hor
wonk und soro Uiiiks would collapse.
Good doe tors euul she was so fur rouo
with Consumption that no medicine- or
onrlhly tioin omiicl pave, nor, hut a friend
roeommemlod Dr. Kiuk'h Now Disoovorv
ami persistent ubo of this excellent
modiolno saved hor llfo." It's ubsolutoly
cunrautoed for CoukIib, Colds, llron
oliitlu, Ahthma and nil lliroatnnd Luni;
dlHoimep. fiOo und 81.00 nt ,A. p.
Stroili'o Drug Store. Trial ctlloB freo
Installation Sorvlco.
Dr. Greenlee will be installed as
pastor of the Presbyterian church
next Wednesday evening. Rev. J.
C. Irwin ot Wood River will have
charge ot the service and will be
assisted by Rev. Graves of Shelton
and Rev. Hill ot Lexington.
The service will be held at the
church and will be public.
For Sale On easy terms, Good
fiye room house and one lot. With
in two blocks of High School aud
busmeBS part ot Dewey street
Good new barn with pimp. City
water, cess pool, shade trees, all iu
good condition. Inqen of
Jos. Heushev.
Felt Shoes
and Slippers
Felt Slippers ff Cft
with felt soles - P
Fur trimmed, kid foxed
leather soles high front
and back, warm I CA
slippers .... IJU
Felt Lace, red flannel
lined, leather 1
soled shoes . . L3
Felt, red flannel lined
shoes, kid covered front
and heel common
sense style f CA
lace LJU
Felt Button Shoes, red
lined, kid covered front
and heel, medium round
toe medium heel
and I.JU
GEO. M. GRAHAM, Manager.
we can save you money, A car
load of furniture just ree'd. All
the latest and best to be had and
at prices that defy competition
Arc the best selections ever
shown. We handle the Pen
insular and the Art Car
land hard coal burners and in
the soft coal burners we have in
stock 30 different styles and
sizes. The Peninsular hot blast
is the latest and best hot blast
stove on the market. Consumes
all smoke and soot and saves one-
half your fuel. We also handle
the Tubular Hot Blast, The Charter
Oak, The Mountain Oak, The Model
Oak and The Peninsular Oak,
We Lead
in ranges also. The Majestic
tnc iicst Kangc made, from $40
to $55. And the Triumph
the best cheap ranire on the mar
ket at $30 to $38. Havinir
sold 27 Majestic ranges during
the week of of exhibit we can
now refer you to 67 families us-
Reports are to the effect that the inff this range with the best rc
suits. We also have a list of 20
Triumph Ranges all doing ex
cellent work. We ask the Public
to examine all or anv of our
lines before buying. "Come in
and see our Estev Oreans.
No better Organ made. House
hold, Domestic and Wheeler &
Wilson sewing machines.
E. B. Warner.
In fact everthine needed
for the most complete menu.
Try a cup of Chase & San
born's Coffee and compare it
with the best vou have ever
tasted. If vou don t say 'tis
the best vou ever drank we'll
go way back and sit clown.
We have a few boxes fancy
Bell Flower Apples from Ore
gon lay in a box for the children
Price $2.00 per box.
Have you bought any of the
Richelieu Pancake Flour? If
not try a package and you will
use no other kind.
Before you buy any Christ
mas presents look over
immense stock of Lamps,
China Ware and Imported
Novelties, which arc useful as
well as ornamental.
& ToWiy.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Nov. 27, 1901.
Bids will be received for station
ery and supplies for Lincoln
county, Nebraska, for the year 1902
as proyided by law, as follows;
class a uooks.
2 dozen Library Paste.
Records -8 .quire medium plain,
Records 8 quire medium, printed
headB each.
Records 8 quire medium, printed
pages, eacu.
All records to be full bound,
extra ends, bands aud fronts, and
to be made ot 36 lb medium linen
5,000 Tax Receipts iu duplicate
to order,
Poll Books, per set, including
class II.
Letter heads, printed 12 and 24
lb Franklin paper, per m.
13nvelopee, printed, XXX 611,
size No. per in.
Envelopee, printed XXX 612,
size No. 10, per m.
Or stock equal to aboyc brand,
class c.
Legal blanks, lull sheets, per 100.
Legal blanks, yi sheet, per 100.
Legal blanks, sheets, per 100.
Legal blanks, J sheet, per 100.
Court wrappers, per 100,
Samples of paper to be sub
mitted with bid on all blanks.
oainuiuD, v.ui ici a ui minium U
writing iuua per quart.
Spencerian, Glucinium or Tadella
pen, per gross.
Vanadium pens, per gross.
A. W. Faber or Perfection pen
cils, per gross.
Rubber lOnd penholders, per
Rubber band?, assorted size?,
per box.
Rubber bands, No. 10 per box.
Type writer paper, per ream.
Legal cap, numbered lines, per
All work and material to be firfct
clnss, successful bidder to enter
into contract with approved bond
The County Commissioners re-
serve tlie right to reject any or all
County Clerk.
im. Champa ST