The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 03, 1901, Image 5

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A pretty clock would
make a very nice present
for Christmas. We have a
very handsome assortment.
Watch show windows.
mt Jtat - Weekly rtbuai.
A social under the auspices of
the Lutheran ladies will be given
at the elegant Frederickson home
on Friday evening for the benefit
of the Midland College, the Luth
eran institution located at Atchl-
Wc Sell You,
Soft Sole Shoes, per pair...$ .25
P.htlil'a Rbnnu. in R. nnil'.. .SO
son, Kansas, wnicli has just com- ... , i
J.a cr nnn -aa. . n.. MlSSCS SllOCS 111-2 to 2,
lnrtlon' linll in nrrnmmnrlntft lllft PCr I)a,t
. . rt
irrowlnn natrnnnir-. The entire s onocs, o 10 o, pair
house will be lurhted and numcr- wris siioes, a to 11, pair i.iu
ous games distributed, thus insur- Girl's bhocs 11 1-2 to 2 per
ing a pleasant time to the large
crowd expected. Refreshments
will be served during the evening.
The public cordially invited.
Doolittlc's is not a crockery store
pair 1.35
Ladies' Kid Shoes, all solid 1.50
Ladies' Calf Shoes, all solid 1.50
Ladies Fine Shoes, S1.75 to 2.00
Ladies' Ultra Shoes 3.50
you know, but makes a specialty of Men's Shoes $1.25 to 3.00
dainty odd pieces of china especi
ally for gifts. Artistic China we
keep and shall always aim to keep.
Come and sec.
An Idaho stockman enroute to
Chicago lost his pockctbook Sun
day at thtB station. The book
TUESDAY, DEC. 3, 1901.
J. II. MacColl came up Irom Lex
ington last evening.
All of my household furniture fot
sale. One door east of Hawle J
Mrs. W. II. Hamilton.
Frank Bacon lett last night on a
business trip to Illinois.'
Mrs. Norman Wilson left tub
morning lor a visit with friends at
Sterling, Col.
Geo. W. Childs. Royal Blue,
Wide Open and other brands of ci
gars six for a quarter at Hupfcr's.
Miss Armstrong, who had been
visiting MIbb Cody for several
weeks, left tor her home in Ogden
last evening,
Do not lorget Doolittle's large
stock of Violins, Guitars, Mando
lins, Banjo, etc, when you are
thinking of something for Christ
max Gift.
"Wm. Plummer and Chas. Hendy
of Maxwell and Julius Essig of
Brady are transacting business in
town today.
Miss Laura MacColl, who had
been a guest at the Baldwin resi
dence for a few days, returned to
Lexington today.
House for Rent A five room
house in good repair on west
Front street, handy to the railrord.
Enquire of Mrs. H. F. Jeffrey, over
McCullough's store.
Mrs. Chester Andrews ot Steele
City is the guest of her daughter
Mrs. C. F. Scharmann, haying ar
rived last evening.
Wallace Baskin came down from
his Logan county ranch yesterday
and went back this morning with a
f jur-horse wagon load of supplies
Game Boards! Game Boards!
Game Boards at Doolittle's. The
higher priced Boards as cheap as
the lower-priced ones we're Jlast
year, 54 games on one board!
What do you think of that?
There was dropped into the city
post office the other day a letter adr
dressed in juvenile writing to
"Santa Claus, North Pole," The
little writer evidently desired
Santa to get the letter in plenty
of time,
Store open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store.
Boy's Shoes, $1.25 to '2.00
Men's Arctics, ncrpair.... 1.00
Men's Roll' Edge Snow Ex
cluder Arctics, per pair 1.25
Ladies' Arctics, per pair. , . .70
Boy's Arctics, per pair 85
We handle nothing but all solid
. , ... . ... I iJtiiiiv:i suuua iiuu u iiai auitt auv
V.UUIU1UCU live iwcuiy uuuui uiu, i. , . r
M,irt?a ttmil rl I 5 n rr rt T xff lil,tlrlrr1 I - - J I
... b.r . . . . " sell.
dollars and a certificate ot deposit
Later in the day the checks and
certificate were found in the vicin
ity of the freight house. The party
who found or had stolen the book
kept the money and the book but
threw away the checks and certifi
cate in order to escape possible de
Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson enter
ained twenty friends at high five
ast evening in a manner that re
uitcd pleasantly to t lie gucntt. At
'he conclusion of
dames Laing, Baldwin and Fergu
son were found to have equal scores
ind in cutting to decide, the latter
lady won. For the gentleman's
orize Messrs. Seeberger, Baldwin
were a tie and in playing off Hie
tie Mr. Field won.
The line of gold plated and other
Photograph Frames at Doolittle's
are prettier than last year and that
you know is saying a great deal.
In the district court yesterday
seyenty-two county tax foreclosures
were beard and about twenty or
ders for confirmation of sales en
tered. The jury will be called at
noon ioaay and tiie nrst case
heard will be that of Anna L.
Beckett against Emery Loudon on
the charge of bastardy. This case
comes from Logan county on a
change or venue.
For Sale or Rent My house;
will also sell store and house plant?.
3-1 Mrs, W. H. Broach.
The records ot the local weather
bureau show last month to have
been five degrees warmer on the
daily average than is usual for the
month. The warmest "day regis
tered sixty-nine degrees and the
coldest fifteen decrrees, The rain
fall for the month was less than
one-third of an inch, which is less
than the average for twenty-eight
years past
Doolittle's line of Gift Books this
Holiday season. 19 something ev-
quisitc and something that will
interest you is that they are from
10 to 2o per cent cheaper than last
The v. M. C. A. entertainment
cpmmjttep received word today that
the quartette booked tor next Mon
day evening would not appear on
that date, ft is probable that the
quartette will be here later in the
season, but if not the committee
will. secure an attraction to take
its place in the course.
Norman Wilson's father left for
Ogden tins morning.
Sheriff Kelih'cr transacted busi
ness in Omaha yesterday.
Mrs. Henry Yost and Mrs, C. A.
Dill went to Kearney this morning
the games MeB- to visit relatives.
Mrs. Moore, wife ot Presiding
Elder Moore lett this morning for
a visit Willi relatives in ivansas
Joseph Schatz went to Cheyenne
this morning and wc understand
will resume work -in the U. 1
blacksmith shop.
Tne appearance of the cars on
No. 102 this morning indicated that
the train had passed through
snow storm last night.
Doolittle's display of Bric-a-Brac
and Fancy Goods ha never been
equalled in this city.
Wile' Mathews has purchased
the Fikes property on cast Third
street and today is removing his
household effects thereto.
Judge Ilmtnan received a tele
gram last evening announcing
that the ooy oaoy oorn a week or
so ago to his daughter, Mrs. C. R,
Osgood, had died yesterday morn-
Doolittlc has an unsurpassed
Hue of Art Goods this year for
Holiday trade. Medallions, Photo
gravures, Etchings, etc.
The special election called lor
voting on the adoption or rejection
of the initiative and referendum
You may have been prcdudic-hjj
cu in regard to uncu iruu, dut.
if you tike a look at that fine it
line ot clean, orignt and tempt
ing1 dried fruit at
W. F. McGlone's
all prejudice will be removed.
Oriole Peeled Peaches, pcrlb.30c
Oriole Peeled and Sliced Ap-
ricots per lb 30c
Oriole Figs per lb 20c M
Oriole Figs, large New Lon- u
don Layer m large clusters,
per lb 25c
Oriole Silver Prunes, large
till VI LSI J 11 1 1 lil &lS4tt-J.WWI
Oriole Jumbo Peaches per lb. 20c M
Oriole White .Nectarines per
pound 15c
Oriole Apples per lb 15c It
bright, per lb. 20c
Oriole Kasnberries. ner lb. . .35c
Oriole Sultan Raisins per lb.. 15c M
Oriole Large Prunes, pcrlb.l2J6c
A nice large meaty Dried
Peach, 2 lbs for 25c
A bright medium sized Prune
3 lbs for 25c
Choice Dried Apples.. ..2 lbs 25c
Choice Unbleached California
Seedless Raisin, per lb 10c tt
Extra Fancy Cleaned Currants III
in bulk , . . .2 lbs for 25c
Choice large bright Apricots
per lb 15c
Large 4 Crown Raisins, new,
per lb 10c
Choice 2 Crown Raisins, new,
per lb 08c
A large bright meaty Dried
Pear, new, per lb .... t 15c
Plum Pudding Brand of
Cleaned Currants, the finest
packed, per lb 15c
Urecian Brand Choice Cleaned
Currants 2 lbs for 25c
Horse Shoe Brand Seeded
Raisins in 1-lb pkgs.2 pkgs 25c
Dates, per lb ,10c 3 lbs 25c
and Overshirts.
Goods With a Record
Knit to Fit
Not Stretched to (over,
Thats the way they arc made
which means to you
Wc have just received a large invoice of Staley Under
wear and Ovcrsnirts. Our line this season is very large.
Your money back if you arc not satisfied
..The Model..
3 Vd l l t jf V i V l ViL V Vi fcf K
l Five Cent Cigar to
Watch for our special Coffee
advertisement next week, as we
have something of interest to
say to you.
Makes delicious hot biscuit,
griddle cakes, rolls,
and muffins.
measure incorporated in the sta
tutes will be held Thursday. Very
little interest ia being manifested.
Have your clothes made by Fred
Kauffuian, the American Tailor,
Chicago, through local agent, A. P.
Carlson, North Platte, Neb.
The number of cars iced at this
station last month was 150, and
the ice required amqunted to 311,
00 pounds. In November 1900,
thtfre were 109 cars iced and 136 in
November, 1899.
Young Haddock, whose exper
ience is elsewhere narrated, will
leaves for McPheraoti county
today, having arrived at the con
clusion that he had been buncoed
out of his money by a gay deceiver.
Chicago weather forecast for
North Platte and vicinity: Threat
ening tonight and Wednesday with
possibly biiow Hurries or showers.
Maximum temperature yesterday
waB Ol; one year airo it wasai.
minimum temperature tins morn-
was 31; one year ago it waB 16,
Mrs, Cham-
Chambers, was diumibtjed In the
county court yesterday after a pro
tracted hearing iu which much
evidence ot a contradictory nature
was introduced. The evidence was
not sufficient to hold Chambers on
the charge preferred.
Toys! Toys! Toys! Toys! And
then bome at Doolittle's, who has
deyoted the entire rear portion of
the store to Toys, Gaines and Dolls.
If you want the largest and best
Hue to select from come to Doo
A letter received by a North
Platte resident fctates that Nora
Vance, who formerly lived here,
had recently attempted to end her
earthly existence by taking a dose
ot carbolic acid. Her life was
saved but in handling the acid she
spilled some in otic of her eyes with
the result that the sight was de-Btr'dycu;
The assault case of
bers against her husband
Hershey Branch of Home Society.
On November 24th, Rev. E. P,
Ouivev. state superintendent of
the Nebraska Children's Home
Society, addressed the people of
Hersliev on the mihieet of nrovid-
The ladies' guild will meet at the llfr bome lor the ornhancd and
home of Mrs. W. II. Fikes Friday homeiCBt4 children.
afternoon, ' ni.r.Mn. ti. i. fr..,t fi.
organization of a branch of the
their annual fair and supper at the society at Hershcy. The following
opera house Thursday evening.
Beautiful Jardinercs at Doo
little's, also an exquisite line of
Vases, Toilet Articles, etc.
We understand that John Grott,
who stabbed his wife several weeks
officers were elected, who take this
opportunity of notifying the people
of the vicinity that if any one
wishes to adopt or provide a home
tor a child or who knows of a home
less child they should inlorm the
officers. The officers elected were
a tro. will nlead irulltv to the chnrire
of assault with intent to do mur- 08 fol,OW8! O. H. Kycrly, president
der A. A. Leister, vice-president; A. F.
m, , , , . , Deeler, secretary, Mary Drown,
""-. treasurer. Also the lollowingcom
the M. E. church will hold a social
Friday afternoon, Dec, 6th at the
home of Mrs, D, Sherwood.
Doolittle's Candelebra Show case
is 'a thing of beauty and a joy for
ever." Everything is Candelebra
this year and Doolittle has them in
mittc selected: J. V. Robinson, J.
W. Prickctt, Mrs. Evans, A. A.
Leister, A. F. Beelcr, MrB. Mary
Brown, Mrs. A. A. Lciestcr.
A. l' BEEW3R, ScCy.
E. F. Seeberger is looking after
his business interests in Hershcy
Alice, the little daughter ol Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Chamberlain is in
Omaha receiving treatment for
A local merchant sold two hun
dred dollars worth of goods before
ten o'clock this morning and yet
itis a quiet day.
New subscribers to TheTkmune
who pay in advance will be fur
nished free The Iowa Homctcad,
its special Farmers' Institute Edi
tions and the Poultry Farmer each
one year lor twenty-five cents.
That ib, for $1.50 you will receive
four papers one year. This offer
is only good for a limited time.
Food Changes to Poison.
Putrofying food in tho intestines pro
ilucoH olfoots lileo thoso of nreonta, but
Dr. KIuk'o Now Ltfo Pills orpol tho
poisons from olofjgod bowols, Rontly,
onBlly but surely, auring Constipation,
HIHoubdurb, Sick Hondtioho. Fovors, nil
Liver, Kiunoy nnd Bowel troubles.'
Only 25 rontB nt A. F. Stroit.'.
all Btylca and prices from 15c to 4lJTT$li$lJlTfrt$$l-
The weather reports this morn
ing show that in the northwest ii
ia cold. At Cheyenne a hye-inch
snow fell las' night, the storm ex
tending eastward to Sidney and
south to Denver.
From now until January 1st,
Doolittle's Book and Music Store
will not close earlier than 8 o'clock;
for the week preceeding Christmas
"open all night," or as late as any
one desires to trade.
The programs to be used by the
Lutheran Sunday school at their
Christmas exercises have arrived.
The music will be practiced for the
first time after tho prayer meeting
Thursday evening. The Superin
tendent Miss Adda Kockcn desires
the presence of all teachers and
adult scholars at that time
Men's and Boy's Overcoats and Ulsters
Men's Fine Beaver Dress Overcoats
$ and Brown, well made, a $7.50 Overcoat,
& Thankscrivintr Special
Boy s Heavy black Irisn rneze Ulsters, ages 13
. 1 rr.1 1 (hr A M
in Black
31 r
to in, a good value at $0.00, inanKsgiv
ing special
Hi "fhafeff" V
III with stale crrs, gluo I g f.
If nnd other things arc W
I not fit to drink.
j LionMee I
If la pure, uncontcd &
II coffee fresh, strong, X
I l.l I XXi.
1 1 wcu navurcu, I I
I (1 llinoMilwl paokima In. I I I
I f l.l urM uniform qualltr I I I
X. I J!l uil frnUnin, .,11 t J I
Men's English Kerseys in Blue and Black, war- tt?
S ranted all Wool, a $12 Overcoat, elegant- (JO Qf
ly made, Thanksgiving Special iDOitJU
Men's Dark Gray Melton Ulsters at CJpT lC
$7.50, Ulster Thanksgiving Special lDU.UU 0
3 Men's all wool Black Irish Frieze Ulster, with
large storm collar, a $ 10.00 Ulster, Thanks- ff 7 Cft
giving Special -pC.JU A
Boy's Reefers, a good heavy Reefer, Size 3 to W
3 16, Thanksgiving Special $1.75 2.25
0 Never before has there been such an opportunity
$ offered for buying first-class goods at such prices. 0
Look all over town and take in all FAKE and
MASQUERADE sales, then come to us and we will tl
. , . .. Tir -!. -i 1 : 1,
show you who we are.
We don't do business under a
Nebraska Clothing &
Shoe House.
A ?AM ROSENBERG, Prop. : : North Plntto, Nobrnskn 4