r A child oi Dick Pomtoy is re ported critically ill with malarial fever. C. Iv. Wood returned Sunday from a trip to Wisconsin and other Btatcs cast, MIbs Etta Goldman and Mrs. Jos Danbaum left this morning lor a briel visit in Omaha. J. Manley Calhoun, now ranching- in McPherson county, transacted business in town Saturday. Chris Eshclmann, who has been located at Ilalleck, Nevada, for sev eral years, is visiting friends in town. Sheriff Kelihcr transacted official business at Sutherland last evening' going- up on No. 101 and returning on No. 4. Paul Meyer has tiled a complaint against William Coleman charging him with surreptiouBly acquiring two roosters belonging to him. Up td yesterday morning Myrtle Schartnaun had 50,825 votes in the Omaha News piano contest, which it Icsb than 1,000 behind the leader. Miss Adelaide Staatz has been engaged to direct the vested choir at the Episcopal church nud will begin the work this week. Mrs. Bert Drown came down Tne Degree of Honor social club ffom Denver Saturday and will visit her mother. Mr. Drown has secured a position -in a boiler shop at Denver, ForRknt Two lurniBhcd rooms tor gentlemen only. Apply at this office, The annual ball of the fire dc Clocks A pretty clock would make a very nice present for Christmas. We have a very handsome assortment. Watch show windows. Clinton, THE JEWELER. lie cinl - WfsMy rUmac . TUESDAY, NOV. 19, 1901. will meet witu Mrs. W. H. Broach tomorrow afternoon. L. A. Mullen returned this morn ing from Omaha where he had been spending several weeks. Mrs. Alex. Adamson, who has been the guest of relatives in town tor several weeks, will leave short- partment will be held next Friday ... r ...t.- t.. t... . . . " iy ior Jerome, mit.., wueie uci hub- evening. The investment of band ia located. dollar means an eveniinr ot eniov --o J J The demonstration of Richelieu ment and a contribution in behalf pancake Hour at Harrington & of a worthy cause. Tobm's Saturday at wuicu pan- Tue musjcai program at the cakes, maple syrup and coffee were Lutheran church Sunday evcniuir served, drew a very large crowa wa8 otln Df tj,e 8tr0ng features of who appreciated the luncu servea. tue services, and was appreciated EmployeB of competitive houses Dy an audience that filled every who enjoyed tlie Hospitality were Beat a t-ne church. u . i i . : t i a compeuea io auiim Cards have been issued announc quality of Richelieu pancake flour, Pierre Viau's manle svrup and CMiase & Sanborn'd coffee. Til T II idano fotatoes on track today and tomorrow. bushel lots at 9 cents a Bushel. Lome with your wagon and lay in your winter supply. Tho Xuhlcs Acquitted. Gotlicb and (Jeorge Ruble, who were arrested on the charge ol assault with intent to kill Albert Stciuhauscn, were discharged in Judge Baldwin's court yesterday after noon, the evidence not being sufficient to convict. According to the story told by the Rubles; Stem- lauscn was the attacking party and that the latter fired upon them without just provocation. It is generally predicted that further trouble between the Rubles and Steiuhausen will occur. Pay Day X Payday for a majority X X of the citizens of town TC has rolled around again C C Wc can interest and ?C surprise you with unheard of values v f at Notice of Special Session. The county commissioners of Lincoln county, Nebraska, arc hereby called to meet in the Court House in North Platte in special session on Monday, November 25th, 1901, for the purpose of receiving the report ot Beeler & Muldoon, referees in the Tax case between the Union Pacific railroad company and Lincoln county and to take such action in relation thereto as will best serve the interest of said Lincoln county. Done at North Platte, Nebraska, this 18th day ot November, 1901, W. M. Hoirnv, Countv Clerk. ing the coming marriage of Charles William Yost and Miss Lucy Ange line Bonner on the evening of the 26th inst. at the home of Mrs. A. I ftYliAftfl AT The Union Pacific foot ball team II I iVll illtlll III wil Co to Gothenburg. Saturday (1 Willi 1 1 1 1 B r 1 1 ul and play a game with the. eleven of v " w 1 .!. . - mi i :.. rv. a return irnmc will be played in this citp. Quite a number of root ers will accompany the team to Gothenburg Saturday. J. W. Nugent, who was up from Maxwell yesterday, says tuere are fields of sugar beets in that sec' ion which averaged eighteen tons to We offer same in ten to twenty the acre. As the minimum price is four dollars per ton, it is evident that the beet raisers at Maxwi.ll will teel well repaid for their work. Miss Dora Wright returned last evening irom Omaha where Mie had been attending a commercial school. She completed the course and will now oiler her services as stenographer and typewriter to rm , - 0 f i iiiunu win' ucnnc auk.ii. niiea 1 ry a cup ot wiase ol oau- VVrif;ut catl be found in the olIke of born's Coffee at the Episcopal . F- Seeberger or she can be Fair tonight and compare it with the best you have ever tasted. If you don't say 'tis the best you ever drank we'll go way back and sit down. The ChrUtain Aid society will meet with Mrn. John Lemastcrs Wednesday afternoon ot this week. All are invited. Officers arc today looking for a Third ward resident who is wanted on the charge of stealing coal from the U. P. company Harry Dixon is making his quarterly trip on the Second and Third districts examining the watches of the employes. Piercy Thornton, well and favor ably known in North Platte, will be united in marriage this evening at Council Bluff to Miss Ethel Witter. The Blrdwood irrigation district which made a levy of 150 mills in the year 1899 to pay off the iudebt cdtiess ot the district and wind up the affairs have appointed C. I Scltarmann as tt ea.au rer of the district who is paying the orders as they are drawn. W. F. McGIone's Here arc Some of the Things you May Need Potatoes. Wc have another car of those extra fancy Idaho's and wc still sell lor $1.00 per bushel. Wc would hardly guarantee a fricc for any length of time on a ancy extra sorted variety. You can make no mistake if you lay in a winter's supply, Fels Naptlia Soap. Have you tried it? It is the best Soap. It is a combination of pure Soap with Naptha. With its use.a six hours washing can be done in three in a practical and scientific manner. It is easy on the clothes and docs away with wash day troubles. Try it according to directions on wrapper. Full Tor Sale, blood Poland China pigs cither bcx. also some spine Short horn bull calves. Wm. H. Sui.mvan, Ilerbhey, Neb. t NOTION 5 We have a few boxes fancy Bell Flower Apples from Ore gon lay in a box for the children Price $2.00 per box. The Cash Have you bought any of the Rirhplimi Pancake Flour? If not try a package and you will use no other kind. Before you buy any Christ mas presents look over our immense stock of Lamps, China Ware and Imported Novelties, which are useful as well as ornamental." Tobiiv. STORE. Here we go with the TRAMP in the lead with a fine assortment of STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Fresh from the fac tories, will be ready for business NOZ. 30TH and respectfully so licit a share of your patronage. I will sell for cash only and one price to all. You will get your monev's worth by trading with me, Yours for busjncss, E. T. Tramp. For SAtEOn easy terms, Good five room house and one lot. With in two blocks o'f High School and business pait ot Dewey street. Good new barn with pump. City water, ccb- pool, (-hade trees, all in good condition. Inquire ot JOS. MKKSIIISY. 30 sheets Writing Paper. . . .05 Envelopes, per bunch 03 So Uarc Envelopes, bunch .'. . .05 Slate Pencils, 6 for 01 Satin Baby Ribbon, per yd. . .01 Vaseline, per bottle 05 Steel Crochet Hooks, cacli . . .02 Wood Hooks for Shetland Floss, each....; 10 Patent Embroidery Hoops. .10 Thread per spool 04 Corticelh Sewing Silk, 50-yd spools, each . . . 04 Corticelh Sewing Silk 100-yd spools, each 08 Corticelli Button Holo Twist 10-yd spools, each 02 German Knitting Yarn per skein 15 Fleislier's Knitting Yarn per skein 25 White Cotton Tape, per roll . .0 Canfield Dress Shields No. 2 per pair 25 Heavy Tubular Shoe Laces 3 pairs for 05 Full Count Pins per pkg 02 Curling Irons, all sizes 0 Bicycle Playing Cards per pack 20 S. II. & M, Skirt Binding per yard 08 Waterproof Skirt 'Binding per yard 08 LePage's Photo Paste per bottle 05 Boys' Suspenders per pair. .10 Binding Ribbon per bolt 10 Aluminum T himbles each . , .0 Storo opon evenings until o'clock. Wilcox Department Store Special f i 1 Staley Underwear and Overshirts. 19? nr T 1 1! Coffee. Our last order for our Fancy Santos Coffee is 1,000 pounds. uur sales on this uoltee are simply enormous. Don't vou thinlc it is tunc tor you to quit using adulterated package coffee and use this. Our better grades arc YALE and it is worth as much as any other Coffee that you pay 5 cents per pound more lor. Spices. The finest line of Snices- Dwinnel, Wright & Co., of Chi- aro. wc have them in 4-oz. 'full wcicrht, naokatres in Cinnamon. Alspice, Ginger, Cloves, Black Pepper, White Pepper, Cream Tartar and Cavenne Penner. You make no mistake if you buy them. f Rice. Wc have a lartre fancy Jan rice ... . j - - -" - it is a good value at 3 lb lor 25c Sardines. Imperial Brand of mustard sardines, 3 cans for 25c. Salmon. An extra good value in flat cans, 2 for 25c. Tall cans 2 for 25c. Flour. bnowllauc still stands a peer of all flour. There is no Hour, so good. Per sack 1,10, 500 lb. lots per sack 51.00. Sundance, per sack bl.00, 500 lb lots per sack 95c. 1 1 1 Syrup. Rock Candy quart cans .15, half gal. cans .30, gal. cans .60. CJld baslnoncd Maple byrup- quart cans, 40c, half gal. cans ,75 gal cans 51.50. Imperial Syrup quarts, 15c halt gal 25c, gal 50c. tt tt tt ttf ttf tt ttf ttf Goods With a Record Knit to fit Not Stretched to (over. Thats the way they arc made which means to you tt 'tt 1 tt MORE LENGTH, MORE WIDTH. LESS SHRINKAGE, MORE WEAR. I 11 KEEP THIS IN MIND SEE THE GOODS 1 Under- ! We have iust received a larire invoice of Slalcv wear and Ovcrsnirts. Our line this season is very large. j EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. i .... tt Your money baclc it you arc not satisfied p 1 tv r ..The ONE FRI60. CLOTHING MAX KIRSCIIBAUN, Proprietor. ModeL. HOUSE 17 tt Five Cent Cigar JS, .A.T SOHMALZRIBD'S. Ax ""fr 111 '"fr mm 111 itt ifo 111 t"li ' fi" i1!! vt? W v lp V 4-' lV V V V W ' " " 1 " 1 V V lV V ,l 1 1 V W 0 Buy New Goods (or less Money Than You are Asked for Old Goods Some where Else. This Week at Tho NEBRASKA. This is Positively the Clothing Sale of the ....SEASON..., Men's all wool Cheviot Suits choice of pattern. Suits that are worth $12. ..$7,50 Men's Dress Overcoats in Blue, Black and Brown.. $Q Boy's Heavy all wool Irish Frcizc Ulsters $5 Boy's Knee Pants Suit. . .750 Boy's Vestcc Knee Pants Suits, with Silk Vest. 1,75 Men's Heavy Kersey Pants 1,25 Wc arei agents for the Good year Glove, Rubbers and Over Shoes. Sec us before you' buy if you want to save money. NEBSASKA CLOTHING AND SHOE HOUSE SAM noSENBURG.'Prop OUR MOTTO "YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK. ONE . PRICE J TO ALL. & WE SELL FOR CASH $ ONLY. NO fc FAVOR- ITES.'" b ... .... U Railroad Notes. $ mi m Mechanical Engineer Tibbitm of the Uaion Pacific was in town Sun day. Engineer Strahorn haa been ad vanced to a passenger run on the Third district. Ernest Worden, who had been working here as car checker, has returned to Sidney. Frank Newman, late of Hia watha, Kb., has accepted a position aB night car checker. Morc McKarlaud, who had been on the extra list, has a regular car nov, succeeding John Simpson. Engine 1312 was brought up from the Kansas division Saturday and will be given an overhauling in the local shops. The track observation car, with all section torcmau between here and Sidney on board, came in from the west yesterday. II. C. Phelps, who has been sta tioned here as agent for the fruit express companies, will leave for his home in Kansas next Monday So far tins month 297 cara of Cal itornia fruit and vegetables have been ventilated at this station and sixty-four cart have been iced. The observation car, which came in from the west last evening, went cast this morning, Will Sullivan, who for some time past has been working at Edge mont, S. D., will return to town this week and enter the U. P. shopB again as a machinist, Supt. Baxter and Asst Supt. Ware went east in their special cars this morning. The latter will iusue pay checks between here and the Island and on the branches. Under the new scale of wages for enginemen the engineers on the 1700 class of engines will receive $4.15 and the firemen 2.05 per hun dred miles; on the 1800 clasB of wimples and compounds the pay Is 4 15 and 2 50 respectively and on the K00 compounds the rate is 4,45 and 2 75 respectively. Switch cngi neers will receive 3.50 and firemen i in nur flnv. Tinder the new scale engineers on the Second district will draw $171.00 in a thirty day mouth it they make all trips, In speaking of Theodora, which will be presented at the opera ioubc next Thursday evening, the New York News of Oct. 3. 1901, says: The Grand Opera House opened the season to an overflow house last night with "Theodora" as the attraction, the two leading parts being played by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Brune, Mrs. Brune gave an intelligent and forceful rendering ot the part of the Em press Thoedora. She w.ib well snpported by her husband as Andreas. William McVeigh as Justiciaii, John C. Hart as Bclsiar- ius and Clarence Seymour as Nicheporius. Kead the ad of the Nebraska Clothing and Shoe House. Estrny Notice Taken up by the undersigned on his ranch five miles southwest of North Platte on or about Octo ber 20th, 1901, one black heifer, branded O on right hip and slit in ear. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charcrcB. Tuos. DoOMTTbB,