v nmm& SEVENTEENTH YEAll. N011TII PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 19, 1001. NO. 87 Do You Read Advertisements? I If so Don't Forget the Bargains Wc offer, when in need of Furniture, Carpets, Sewing1 JJ Machine, Stove, Range, S Picture, Frame, Curtain, S Piano or Organ. Wc have the best 12 ft Linoleum in the city. Wc arc putting in a big stock ot Wall Paper part already arrived variety great -:- -:- e Prices Rgbt ! Howe's Furniture Store. at JOHN BR ATT. E R. GOODMAN. JOHN BR ATT & CO., Real Estate, Loans m Insurance X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X OTXloforoxiooi-iVsiy 33ctxkJUc lxx XCTo'kxaelK.n. BLACKLEG IN CATTLE Is prevontod by vaccination before tho gorm ot tho diseaso hns ontored iho Bjetom. Tlio success ot vnccinntton uoponua upon proper uoanio. Too Inrgo n doso will produco tlio dieoaeo wbilo too emull n doto will not roDilur tho nntmol immuno- Thla problem is folvod by Pnrlce, Davis & Co. in their nowvaccino in pill form wliich is injootcd through tho skiu. No mixing, (lltoring or timo wasted and you don't have to spond a fortuno to vaccinato your cattle. P. D. Co, boolt, "Blackleg and its Troatmont." freo THE NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY Next door to First Natl. Hank. J. II. STONE, Mar 3 6 9 JOS. HERSHEY. Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit- tings and Tanks, Barli WU'c? Bale lies, Lightening flay Press & Repair? 4 Locust St' 9 NQRTH PLATTE, NBB. $ ? 4 WW 9S0foees09e00 i jvforih pl&iie jTloar 0ff000f000t0ff0000000fC0ttttttt000t w 5 JtfaifactUfQct toy IQtU? .Platte tfoliei- n)ilis Used by economical housewifes In fifty towns In Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. fl Tfiai Sack urjill Cotjvlijce yoii of Its fljctit North Platte Roller Mills C. P. IDDINCS When You Buy Paint Buy Good Paint... Ana that means SHJ3RWIN & WILLIAMS' PAINT. Wo have been handling this make for many years and have found that it gives excel lent satisfaction in every instance. It may cobt a trifle more per gallon than inferior paints, but it's cheapest in the end. It sticks and holds its color longer than other paint. "We can furnish you any color or quantity. A. F, treits, Druggist. LITTLE LOCALS. Kok Rent A two or three room house. Apply at this office. W. F. Cordcs, who is attending school in Ckilllcotbe, Mo., writes his father that he will be home to spend the Christmas vacation. A. P. Singer has disposed of the horses and buggies of the Brick liycry barn to Chas. Groves, who will conduct the business in the future. For Sale Two Thoroughbred' Shorthorn Bulls. Inquire of H. J Hansen. . 1MJ R.J.Talbot has sold his farm northeast of town to a Mr. Stiles andvill leave in a week or so for Kearney where he will make his future home. Mr. Talbot is a good citizen whom wc regret to have leave the county. Clinton's grab Bale last Saturday was largely patronized and he suc ceeded in getting rid of a wagon load of the packages, Grab sales seem to be popular for the reason that each-one drawing is anxious to get something of value for a mere Rong. Miss Irma Cody entertained about seventy-five persons, the greater number of whom were young people, at the Cody ranch residence Friday evening in favor of Miss Armstrong of Ogden and Mis Rudio of Omaha. The enter taining features -of the evening were dancing and card playing the large dining hall being used for the former purpose, and the music furnished by a four-piece orchestra, The several large rooms were brightly illuminated, the ladies handsomely gowned, cut flowers were in evidence, the music excel lent, everyone in a happy mood, and these with the hospitality of the young hostess, made the evening a delightful one. Refreshments were served at. midnight and shortly thereafter the guests made their adieus. In the Noyctnbcr issue of The Nebraska Teacher, State Supi. Fowler in his items Bays) The tirn in the wheels of politics otten drops out of puhllc service many who by traininir and experience have become peculiarly well fitted to fulfill satisfactorily and accept ably to thoi-e immediately concerned the duties of their office. The antipathy to a nomination lor a third term on the part of many pqljticintltf very .often discharges from' t,he public service its most efficient servants. This has been demonstrated this fall in many oaseo, and particularly in Lincoln county, whose superintendent, Miss Bertha Thoelecke. writes to the state superintendent ' expressing her appreciation of some words of commendation relative to her work and reports and her regret at being unable to continue in the work. She says further: "Although the hardships and privations, exposure, and danger have been great, there l much more of regret than of relief in the prospect of a change '' OOMtlVnSSIONBItS' PROCEEDINGS Nnv. 13, 1901. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, present full board and county clerk. Report of W. C. Klder clerk of the district court for third quarter ot 1901 checked with the records of his office and report approved. Report of W, M. Holtry county clerk for third quarter 190 checked and approyed. Report of Bertha Thoelecke county superintendent ior third quarter ol 1001 examined and ap". pruveu, Claim of T. A. RobcrtH for mak ing approaches to and repairing Platte river bridge north of Slither, land allowed on the bridge fund for $30.00. We the commissioners of Lincoln county, Nebraska, havinir heard all the eftJcnce for and against the issuance of license to rcU malt, spirituous anu vinous liquors, to Harry Killian & Co., a,t Brady Island, Brady Island precinct, do find tha,t said Harry Killian & Co. (ailed to prpduce suiBcient evidence to give the commissioners lurisdic-. 4 . A 1 nun iu grain Baia license aud said llcsnse is hereby denied, L Car penter and M. L. McCullough vot ing no and A. L. McNecl yes. L. VV. Walker superintendent of the electric light company is hereby authorized to wire court house and jail building and place twenty-three incandescent lamps and otic arc light iu the court house and seven teen incaudctccnt lamps in the jail building, the same to be paid for at three-fourths of a cent per hour per light for the actual time used, the time to be estimated as per two meters which are to be paid for by Lincoln county at $14 for each meter and the amount so paid lor meters to be refunded to Baid Lin coln county at the . termination of their use by Baid county. Claim of C. L. Patterson "for grading -county road as per con tract allowed on the road fund for $1,401,34. Whereupon the board adjourned unil Dec. 30, 1901. BETWEEN THE BIVEItS. Miss Jennie Ware who is teach ing in the North Platte schools spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends in the valley. T). S. McConncll is at this time seriously ill with typhoid fever. ;-A. W. Amott of the Pawnee ranch was up in the valley on busi ness last Friday. ',A. F. Beeler is painting his farm b.iildlngs in line shape at this time. J. K. Eshelman recently sold W. A. Pa ton 1(000 bushels of com at forty-five ccnta per bushel. J. G. Feekin is doing fine work with his cornsiiredder and traction engine. D. B. White sold 800 bushels of com to G. L. Mudd on the Paxton ranch the other day at lorty five cents per bushel delivered. Geo. Sullivan of Nichols has lately erected an addition to his cow barn, , The cotton seed meal now beinjr fed to, the cattle on the Paxton ranch is shipped in by the car load. J, M. Dwyr who 1b at present making a business of de-horning cattle is kept busy most of the time. Several from this locality trans acted business at the county seat on Saturday, A new corn shredder has latqly been placed upon the Paxton ranch. N. A. Davis of North Platte made the sale and accompanied by Geo. Hammond started it. Friend Carpenter of Ilershey who had in about twenty-five acres ot sugar beets this season has made a good thing out of them. We understand that C. C. Wetzel has sold hi farm to W. A. Paxton and also that Mrs. Guthrie of Chey enne has sold Mr. Paxton a quarter section near Mr. Wetzel. We did not learn the consideration of either. fjOLD WEATHER. 13 A POOR TIME TO GO BARB FOOT..., WE SELL SHOE Soft Sole Shoes, perpair 25 Child's Shoes, 5 to 8 50 Child's Shoes, 5 to 8 85 Girl's Shoes, 8 to 11 HO Misses Shoes, 11 to 2 1.35 Misses Shoes, 2 to ( 1.50 Ladies' Kid Shoes nil solid.. 1.50 Ladies' Calf Shoes all solid.. 1.50 Ladies' Fine Shoes 1.75 2.00 Ladies' Ultra Shoes per pair 3.50 One or two odd lots we are selling at a price -:- -:- -:-Men's Roll Edge Snow Kx , cluder Arties, per pair.. 1.25 Men's Arties, per pair 1.00 Women's Arties, per pair.. .70 Hoys' Arties, per pair. . . , , . .85 Men's Rubber Boats,, 2.50 Men's Poy Shoos, per pair 1.25 Men's Fine Shoes per pair. . 1 50 Men's. Fine Shoes per pair. . 2.00 Men's Fine Shoes perpair. . 3.QQ BStore open eveningr until eight o'clock Wilcox Department Store Don't NegleGt Your Eyes. t Wc arc prepared to corcctly fit your eyes Wc have the ...... X x Steel Frame X X Nickel Frame X x Cold Filled Frame v X Solid Gold Frame And the handsome Rimless Glasses -:- -:- Each pair is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction -:- -:- -:- -;. -;- X X X DIXON, The Jeweler. W. C. Cole purchased a number ot stock hogs ot A. W. Arnott the latter part of laBt week to be de livered this week, Water in the south river has not reached this point as yet this sea son. It is generally down this far in October. Wild geese have been quite plentiful along the north river lately and several have been killed by local hunters. W. L. Brownficld residing ou the Max Beer ranch ust south of the south river has lately lost sev eral head of cattle with the corn stulk disease. There is lotB of smut in the corn fields this season. Chas. Lawrence was at the county capital last Saturday with a load ot cabbage and other vege tables where he found a ready market tor them at good prices. , Rent its for farms lathis coun try are more plentiful than farms to rent. The contract for grading county roads has been completed aud this section of the county was left out in the cold notwithstanding the fact that it was promised a share. The new telephone line being constructed up the valley by the North Platte Co, via Nichols is about completed. It branches oft from their former line via thenortb road at the four corners north oi Birdwood, NEiairnoiuiooD news. M. S. Collins living north ol Ogallala had a shoulder dislocated and a leg broken by a horse which he waB riding jumping over a fifteen foot embankment and tallinp on mm. W. C. May informs us that he 're ceived a letter from United States Senator Millard utatlng that thrc would be no rural routes estab lished in Nebraska until after March 1, 1902 as the appropriation for such routes was already ex hausted Gothenburg Independent. It is sometimes necessary to go away from home to learn news, vide the following from the Geritig Courier: Traveling men confirm the rcpoat that material is again being collected at Hershcy by the Union Pacific company. It will be remembered that this was being done when the project ot coming up the river was first talked, but what it means now we do not know, The report irocs that the Bur. lington has decided to build from Kearney to Bridgeport, and that the Union Pacific regards such ac tion aB a violation of the contract then made. Mrs. H . Ilathorn of McPhcrsoii county while out riding horseback the other day saw a coyote iu the distance. Calling up a hound, the latter gave chase and succeeded in overtaking the coyote, but in the light . which ensued the hound seemed to be getting the worst ol it, Mrs, Ilathorn, who had fol lowed up the chase, sprang from her horse and taking the saddle blanket threw it over the coyote's head and succeeded in smothering it. Not many women would have the courage to attempt to kill coyote in this manner. X.ECIAX. NOTICES. I.KQAti NOTIC12. .Tho (lefeiulnntB. Uurnuy J. Kondnll, AJ il lo K. Kendall, ills wife, John Vio, rent immo unknown, ltlchnnl Hoc, real nnmo unknown, will tnko notice that on th 2nd Uuy of Heptomber, 1WI. tlicr plalntim, tho County or Lincoln, a corporation, tiled its petition In the dlntrlct court ot Lincoln county, Neumskn, tho object nnd pmycr of which, nr to forecloso certnln tax llcnii duty nnscBBed by mild plaintiff UKaliiHt tho nH noU of section 17. town ship 18, north of rniiKO 31, west of tho Cth p. m., Nobrankn, for tho year 1S33 In tho mini of ts.09; for tho year 1891 In tho sum of 11.781 for tho year 1W5 In the num of M.88i for tho your lSixi In tho Bum of 17.15: for tho your 1S07 in tho sum of 93.43; for tho year 1808 In tho sum of 12.70: for tlio year 1890 In tho sum ot $1.01: for tho year 190O in tho, nuin of 0.72j and nlso to foro clqso certAlu tax liens duly ciBBCBacd by Bald plaintiff nsmlnBt tho m, nw'A of sec tion 17. township 16, north of iiiniro 31, west of tho 0th p, in., NiAraakn, for tho year 1893 in the sum of Ml); for tho year 1634 In tho Bum of 91.79; ffr tho yoar 1805 In tho sum of 93.S8: for tlo year lswj in tho um of 97.15; for tho year 1SBT In tho Mum or 93.42; for tho year 189S In tho sum of J2.70; for tho yoar 18DD In tho Bum ot 91.W; for tlio your 1900 In tho Bum of 10.77: nnd nlBO to forecloBo certain tax' liens Uuly nssoBsed und lovled by laid plnlntlff airalnst tho bw4 of section 17, In town ship 15, north of ronuo 31 west of tho 0th p. m., Nobrnsltn, for tho year 1863 In tho sum of 910.10; for tho year isoi In tlio sum Jf W.W: for tho yuar 1893 In tho sum of fU.BBj for tho year lswi In tho sum of $14.60; for tho year 1897 in tho sum of Jti.88: for tlio your 1898 In tlio sum of 93.43; for tho year 1899 In tho Bum of $3.8; for tho year 1900 In tlio oum of $1.53, nmount Inir to tho total Bum of $120.97. with Inter est on tho Hum of 981.91 at tho rnto of ton per cent por annum, from tlio lat day of September, 1901, nil of which Ik duo und unpaid. I'lnliitlrr prnys a decroo of forccloauro of said tax Hens and a salo of Bald prem ises. You und oncli of you defendants nro required to answer said petition on or boforo Monday, tho ICtli day of Decem ber, 1901. TUB COUNTY OTi LINCOLN. . .A Corporation. Uy If. S. Rldttoly, Ita Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. , Tho defondnnts. llurney J. Koiirtall, Ad dlo K. Kondnll, hla wife, John poo. roal numo unknown, Illchnrd Hon, real narno unknown, will take notlco that on tlio 2nd day or Hcptembur, 1801, tho plnlntlff, tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, nied It petition In tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho object and prayor of which aro to forecloso certain tax Hens duly niiBCssed by Bald plaintiff niraliiMt tho BeU of section 19, in township 10, north of runso 32. weat ot tho Cth p. m Nebraska, for tlio your 1893 In tho "Vm..?.,2(i-77! r tho yar ""I ' tho sum of U.47: for tho ycor 1893 In tho sum of $7.42; for tho yonr 1898 In tho Bum of $8.14: for tho year 1897 In tlio sum of $3.00; for tho yoar 1898 In tho sum of $101; for thu year 1899 In tho num of $3.11; for tho yoar 1000 In the Bum of $1.21; and nlso to foro cloBO certnln tax liens duly assessed by said plaintiff nualnst hw& of scotlon 19, in township 10, north of rnniro 32, west ?.Ltho ?" m.. Ncbrasku, for tho year 1893 In tho sum of $14.88; for tho year 1891 In tho sum of $11.09; for tho year 1S93 In tho sum of 17.42: for tho venr U'm In thu sum of $8.31; for tho year IM17 In the sum SJ-r?" 9r 1,10 yap 1Ka8 n tho sum of $3.91: for tho year 1899 In tho sum of $3.01: for tho year 1000 In the num of $1.21; niiii also to foreoloso certain tax lions duly ub sessed. by said plaintiff against the moH of nwU of section 19, township 10, north of ranifo 32, west ot tho oth p. m., Ne- l,r!J?kn' for 11,0 yCftP 1893 t"o oum ot $3.77; for tho year 1891 In the sum oft$2.S3; in iiiu year in 1110 Bum or ii.wj; ior tho yoar 1890 in tho sum of $2.0S; for tho venr 1897 in tho sum of $1.00; for tho yoar 1898 in tho sum of $0.99: for tho year 1899 In tho Hum of $0.81: for tho yoar 1900 in tho Hum of $0.32; and also to forecloso cer tain tax liens, duly nBHcssed by said plain tiff nRuliiHt the w nwV4 of section 19, In .wn,iniiiF ,g. Jiuilll Ul IllllgU d. WOSC Ol :fi5 .8 tn. P- m- Nobrnskn. for tho yenr 1893 In the sum of $7,41; for the yenr 1894 In tho sum of $3.65; for tho year 1895 In tho Bum of $3.70; for tho yenr 1890 In tho "'"' H-J!: for tho year 1897 In tlio Bum "f J1.81: for tho year 1898 in tho sum ot $1.92; for tho yenr 1899 in tho sum of 11.50: ror tho yenr 1900 In tho Hum of $0.0.1; and also to forecloBo certnln tnx Hens duly assessed by Bald plnlntlff nirnlnst tho soft neH of section 19, In township 10. north of rnngo 32, west of tho Otli p. ni No lirnskn, for tho yenr 1893 In tho mim of $3.77: for tho yenr 1891 In tho sum of $3.90: ror tho your 1895 Iu tio mim of $1.91; for tho yenr 1890 In tho num or $2.61; for tho year 1897 In tho Bum of $1 ; for the yenr 189S In tho Hum of $0.99; for tho yenr 189 In tho sum of $0.92; for Die year 1900 In tho sum of $0.32; nnd nlso to forecloso certnln tnx liens duly UHsossed by salrl plaintiff nualnHt tho n ne'4 of section 19, township 10, north of range 32. west of tho Oth p. m Nebrnskn, for the yoar 1833 In tho sum of $7.45; for tho year 1831 11 him nurn m u,m; jor mo yenr isus in tho sum 1 of $3.72; for tho yonr 1890 In tho nxlm.Ai "l01' fnr tno Vnr 1W In tho Bum of $2.00; for tho yenr 189S In the Hum of $2.01: for the yenr 1899 In tho Bum ot It.fifl; for tho, year 1900 In tho wum of $o.C'L amounting tn tho total sum of $130.37, with interest on Iho sum of $121.87 nt the rnto of ten nor cent per annum, from tho 1st day of September, 1901, nil of which la duo and unpaid, Plnlntlff prnys a decroo of foreclosure of said tnx llenj nnd n snle of snld prom ises. ou nnd ench of you dofondanta nr reqnireu to answer Bald petition on or heforo Monday, the 10th day of Decern- ber, 1901. s TUB COUNTY OK LINCOLN n t. b ... A Corptfrap , By If. 8. nidtrely. Its Attorney.