I Id People and T Events Irving nd Terry In Atuerlcit. The return of Henry Irving mid El len Terry to this country nftor nn ab sonco of two years attracted to tho Knickerbocker theater, Now York, tho thcr night, tho finest, although not .he most fashionable, audience of the iwison. They were accompanied, as isual, by tho company of tho London Lyceum. Tholr welcome was nB cor lial and slnccro as It has been In tho task Tho play was tho historical Irama "King Charles I," by W. 0. Willis. Mr. Irving appearing as tho English king and Miss Terry as Quocn 'lonrlotta Maria. It was first pre sented at tho old Star theater In 1883 tnd has been revived at Intervals tincc, but It Is a plcturo of roynl mis try and domestic suffering too pnthet w and painful to warrant frequent presentation. Tho nudlenco clearly Indicated Its SIR HENRY IRVING. (Who began His American Tour With Miss Ellen Terry In New York tho Other Night attltudo to tho play. Its admiration of Mr. Irvlng's splendid, dignified and pathetic porformanco was evident; its appreciation of tho flno poetic and lit erary qualities of the play could not bo doubted, but that tho tension of Its dark, unrelieved pictures of mental tortures was too trying oven for aes thetic enjoyment was equally certain. Tho breaking of the shell was a pleas ant relief. The Uuks ilit Tnllyrnnd. The Duchcos do Tallyrand ot Sagan has had qulto a series of difficulties In clothing her son for his mnrrlago to Miss Morton, and has twlco been obliged to inroko tho courts to her aid. Owing to tho condition of tho Duko do Tallyrand ot Sagnn tho duchess was forced to attend to all tho legal fea tures ot tho marriage. In order to avoid family complications shq ad dressed herself to tho courts for per mission to glvo nor son a wedding! uut of $250,000. Tho courta granted tho request, particularly as the duchess do Clarod sho hail ovory right to dlsposo of such sum ot money, as her own dot had been $2,000,000. At tho last min ute, howovor, thoro was a complica tion In tho matter. It is Raid tho brido'a fathor did not (lnd $2G0,000 suf ficient. Whatever tho real renson, Just beforo tho marriage tho duchess has tened to Paris from London and again asked tho courts to allow Iter r, add her superb resldnnco and gardens to tho dot. A day or two before tho cero mony tho courtB granted tho duchess' request, and Miss Morton, now Count ers Boson do Perigord, will in conse quence prosido over as ltn absolute mis tress ono ot tho most beautiful homes la Purls and ono full of historic asso ciations. Ulrl Call lllm Horrid. Dr. Bradford Is not popular with tho women ot Bayonuo, N. J., becauso ho DR. BRADFORD. Is backing Health Commissioner Meigs in tho lattor'B efforts to make tho wearing ot short skirts compulsory. Mr. Mclgu would punish by flno or im prisonment any womnn whoso Bklrt comes closer to tho ground than threo Inches, nnd Dr. Bradford says ho'a right, as trailing skirts nro great Hurcadcrs o disease by uwcoplns up tho fturntb Kna microbes. Our Vlrst City FreMdnit. "It ubould not escape attention," iaya tho Review of Rovlows, "that ot til the long lino ot Illustrious Prcsl Icnts, Theodore Roosevelt lu the first to bo born and brought up In a great ;lty. Other President havo passed over to cities, and bo havo becomo more or less Identified with city con anions and city life, notably Presl tent Arthur, Clovoland and Harrison; Out Mr. Roosovelt In tho first Presl (Dent to represent and to reflect in hlo very fibre the cosmppolltanlstn of tho great modern city, and that city New York." SAYIHtiS aaTPQIlltiS A Harvard SocUlUt II. Onylord Wllshlre, son of a Cin cinnati banker, a graduate ot Har vard University, and tho fiery editor of the leading so cialist nowspnperof the United States, transferring h 1 s publication from Los Angeles to Now York, finds tho pathway not ono of roses. Tho govern ment ofllclalo por celvo In Its threat ening utterances undcnlrnblo. senti ments, and further that it docs not justify a plnco among legltlmnto nows papors, by being almost wholly an ad vertising medium. When leaving California this Is how WlUhiro was proclaimed by tho 8an Bernardino Times: "What olso bo ttdo Los Angeles this year, alio Is to bo tho gainer In ono thing to bo rid of H. Onylord Wilshlro. That postllcnt nulsanco who persistently disobeys tho laws with hlu billboards, publishes bombastic challenges to Bryan nnd de claims in tho park to got himself ar rested, is to betake himself nnd his paper to GoUuun, whenco It In hoped ho lino no return ticket." Determined to Kill Iter. Tho authorities ot Ashtabula, Ohio, and tho pcoplo generally aro much in terested In unoarthlng tho Individual or Individuals who havo roado four consecutive attempts upon the life ot Miss Lllllun Hawkins, a young lady ot that placo, whoso reputation is of tho highest. So far tho mystery remains unsolved and meantlmo tho young vic tim is slowly recovering from tho shock of tho fourth attempt upon her life. Sho dcclurcs she knows no per son who should seek her life, nor any reason why sho should bo nttacked. Last Dccembur tho first attack was mado upon her. Shortly beforo Christ inns whllo visiting friends In Rock Creek, near Ashtabula, sho was loft ulono In tho houso ono day. When the family returned thoy found tho girl bound nnd gagged, lying on tho floor, and with a mark around her throat where a cord had been tightly drawn. Sho had bocn attacked from behind and whllo being choked sho becamo MISS LILLIAN HAWKINS. unconscious. Sho did not boo her as sailants and the authorities who bo- gnu a prompt Investigation ot tho cubo failed to discover tho criminal. A few weeks later after MIsb Haw kins' return to her home she nto nu apple and wail taken nuddenly sick. Only prompt modioli nld saved her Ufo, as tho apple had been poisoned by strychnine. Tho noxt assault upon her was mado early in tho summer. Ono ovonlug aho was holding a lantern for her fathor in tho bnck yard whon a quantity ot vitriol was thrown in her fnco. In tho oxcltomont, tho mlHcrcant escaped and no traco ot him was found, Tho but uttompt upon her lift was mado last week. Sho was eating sup per with tho rest ot her family and while pnrtnklng ot Bllced peaches oho noticed a pocullar taste. Her buspI olons nnd thoBO of tho family wero at onco aroused and Investigation ro voaled that tho peaches had been dosed with Inudunum. Medical aid waa ut once summoned and her life was onco liioi'o imvcd. Her condition is still scrloila as this lntcst attempt on hor Ufo hits completely shattered, her norvcB. Thorough Investigation of tho mnt- tor 1b bolng mado, but neither alio nor her family enn throw any light upon It. Vnlue ut South Afrk-nu Hortei. Ono of tho groat lessons ot tho Boor war was to show Uho value of tho South African horse. If tho Boors had not been so oxcollontly mounted nu they wero, on horsos bred In tho Trunsvnol, Orange Frco State and Capo Colony, tho war would havo worn a dlfforont nspoct. Tho South African horao ran llvo on much less food than an English horse; ho docs not Buffer from tho cllmato; ho does not tumble Into holes; ho Is soundor, Ib moro Boiislblo, nnd lonrns better to Btand nlono without being tlod up, Wlutrn I.ubor f.nwi Aro Observed. In Massachusetts labor laws aro rigidly enforced. Tho mills run f8 hours n week nnd not a mlnuto longor, No woman or child Is" allowod to work In tho mills at night. Tho factory ma chluory starts up nt 0:30 in tho morn Ing and runs until C o'clock at night, with an hour's stop at noon overy day excopt Saturday,' whon tho mills otart up at tho regular hour nnd stop at noon.1 Current Topicsj The football Flayer, BACK to tho cinder pilot All of you, get back away back, -And sit down. ';! , I am tho main squcczo; Tho wholo works; tho chief guy; '.j . Tho no plus ultra and tho hot stuff. Back to tho timber! . All you baseball, golf, tennis and cro quet, Croklnolo, tldd'owlakB and other child ish Sports, To tho discard, for I am hero! Now is tho season of tho glorious football Qamo, whon mon go forth to do or die, and thoro Will bo doings from now on. Stop llvoly, for them's only room Under the calcium of tho chrysanthe mum, Tho Thanksgiving turkey and ME! A Sensible Scliemo. Thoro. is a llttlo town In Now Jer sey whoro nn Improvement lcaguo has dono moro to cleanse and beautify tho place, at an expense ot less than $100, than tho council has accom plished by expending thousands ot dollars in the ordinary way. The league began by offering prizes for clean back yards and alloyB, and then for tho prottlest vine-covered fence, tho finest vegetablo plot, and tho most beautiful flowering plant It enlisted tho active Intorcst of the boys and girls, and got thorn to pick up wast papor and such things from the streets; to keep tho school yard neat, nnd also tho vacant lots. In six monthB tlmo tho town becamo par ticularly attractlvo and clean, and the death rato has porceptlbly docrensod. Tho Improvement league Idea Is open to nny town whero this paragraph may bo read. Kuroponn Tax Method. Adolph Nathnn, formorly president of tho Chicago Civic Federation, Is In Europo Investigating tho methods ol taxation and municipal government -In I dlfforont countries ot that continent. In a rccont Interview In Berlin ho said: "Tho taxing methods of Europo ap-; proach much nearer to fairness. Justice and equity than do Amorlcan methods. Broadly exproasod, it Is the European theory that' tho support of government, both national and local, should bo derived Xrom rents, Interest, dividends nnd profits. No tax iu con. templntod on moans of production, but only on results of production, provided it Is profitable This may havo its drawbacks, but to my mind It Is a thoroughly truo nnd wise principle." A Dog Which Attempted Mnrder. A dog which hnd attempted murder as dollboratoly as a human bolnc over did was shot by his owner in Texas recently. A rancher's wlfo named Har ris, living near Santa Rita, had n big Irish Better, ot which Bho was ex tremely fond and which was dovotod to its mistress. When Mra, Harris' first baby was born and received nil tho petting and cajolery which tho dog regarded as bolonglng to him, ho bo camo Intensely Jealous. Ouo day ho solzcd tho baby from tho floor and bounded nwny with it to tho rlvor. Ho swam out Into tho current nnd dropped tho child Into the wntor. Tho bnby was rescued with somo difficul ty and then tho dog was killed. Ihlko of Hamilton to AVcd. Tho announcomont ot tho ongago mont ot tho Duko ot Hamilton and Brandon to Nina Pooro, ono of Eng land's beauties, has causod widespread Interest In England. Tho Duko of Ham ilton nnd Brandon is premlor poor of Scotland and hered itary keeper ot Holyrood palace. A fow years ago ho wob a poor lieuten ant in the navy, but succeeded to tho titles and tho estates in 1895. lAved to the Abo of IBB. 'John MncDone, who has been known na tho "Patriarch of Connoranra," has just died nt tho ago ot 125, in his cot tngo nt ErrlBlanln, nenr Cllfden, at the edge of tho Atlnntlo on tho'wost coasts of Ireland. Ho was born In 1770, and had n vivid recollection of tho landing of tho French undor Gen. Humbert at KUlala In 1798. CHICAGO'S HOUSE J SHOW The annual horse show In Chicago is tho great society event ot tho season, Tho ovont begins tho first Monday in November nnd continues for six days. Managing Director John B. Kitchen, who Is practically at the head of the show this year, was instrumental in securing no fower than 700 entries. Among tho exhibitors this year aro Thomas W. Lawson, Qeorgo Gould, Howard Wlllets and William C. Whlt noy. Another prominent New Yorker, formerly of Chicago, who has mado a Divorce laxr Unchanged. The effort made by a poworful clo ment In tho Protestant Eplscopnl Church of tho United States to effect a chango In Its laws lca log with divorce has failed, after a most exhaustlvo dis cussion of tho matter In tho conven tion held In San Francisco. At pres ent the church legalizes tho marrlago of a divorced person where tho cause for the separation Is tho statutory law of this state namely adultery. The proposed law would dony remarriage while cither party to tho original mar riage contract was living. For tho proposed amendment powerful voices wero raised; but fear of Its effect, if adopted, coupled with a belief on tho denying remarrlago to tho Innocent victim of another's Bin, defeated tho part of somo ot tho Injustice ot measure. Tho Episcopal church thus main tains its original position relative to the evil ot divorco. That It Is a grow ing ovll is Indisputable. Divorces aro Increasing so rapidly, aro being grant ed on such trivial grounds, that if a check Is not called tho consoquences aro suro to bo extremely disastrous. Mon and womon engage in matrimony, thinking llttlo of Its responsibilities, nnd when tho first misunderstanding comes, usually Insignificant, ono or the other runs to tho courts to havo tho bond dissolved. And tho alacrity with which such domand is granted is qulto as much an injury to morals as tho act of separation. Between tho un thinking ones who seek divorce nnd tho judges who grant it without much knowledgo of the case sensible pcoplo Miss Agnes Montgomery GUI has Leon Acting Governor ot tho state ot last few dayB which perhaps never bo tore befell a young woman. Sho has Girl as Acting Governor of JVebv Jersey The Great Society Et)ent of the Season ONE OF THE TURNOUTS TO BE SEEN AT CHICAGO'S number of entries is Judge William II. Moore. Among the prominent - Chlcagoans who entered large stables aro C. K. O. Billings, James Hobart Moore, " Ver non Booth, A. Montgomery Wfcrd, H. M. Norton, and M. H. Tlchenor. Mr. Billings' Little Boy, who holdB tho world's champion record to wagon, will also bo on exhibition. II. M. Norton's famous Dr. PItzer, with a record of 2:12, and W. Vernon Booth's champion polo pony, Brown are alarmed and unless somo rigorous steps arc taken to head' off this move ment our moral decadence is certain to follow. 1'otatoes Yield Illcli Returns. Tho farmers of Central Now Jersey havo dono well out of the jDtnto crop this year. Here aro some instances: Wilson Clayton, a Monmouth county grower, got 2,072 barrels from 20 acres, and ho sold theso for more than $4,000. Benjamin Hays got 100 barrels of potatoes to tho acre and received moro than $4,000 for his crop. Robin son brothers sold their crop early In the season, when tho price was high, and got about $7,000 for it Bank men say that, moro notes havo been paid oft thlB year by the farmers than ever before. Thistles un a Substitute far liny. Tho great scarcity of hay in Kan sas has led to tho trial ot a substitute which has long been considered Worth less but which is proving Itself to bo of great value as a food for cattle. Russian thistles aro gathered and stacked like hay for winter feeding and, despite tho fact that they havo millions of flno spines, each of which is as aharp as tho point ot a needle. Cattlemen In tho section whoro they flourish say that when damp, cattle eat them readily, and get a good denl of nutriment from them. 1 Malaria contlnuea to bo a greater scourge ot the British army In India than any other fatal disease. been Acting Governor of tho Btnto ot New Jersey. MIbb Gill la really only oxecutlvo stenographer to Governor Voorhees, but recontly tho cxocutlvo HORSE SHOW. Dick, nro also entered. Mnny oxhlBlt ors from various points in tho West will bo in attendance. Two novel features havo been added. On threo nighta thcro will bo a com petitive firemen's drill, whon tho horses from tho cnglno houses will bo put through all tho details ot a drill. On the other three nights of tho week thoro will bo an artillery drill, tho men and horses coming from Fort Sheridan by speclnl arrangement with the authorities at Washington. Growing Vegetables In Alatha. -The chance for young men to on gago In trade in Alaska aro still abun dant. Tho dairyman at Juneau 1b get ting rich. The gardener mado $4,000 thl season from a llttlo two-acro patch of ground, despite tho fact that thero a great number of vegetables that will not thrivo in that locality. Tomatoes will not mature. The vines thrivo well, but will not produce- fruit Cabbages grow until they becomo lm menso In size, but tho .heads will not get hard. Potatoes grow out of tho ground and are not palatable. Corn, squash, beans and cucumbers will not grow on account of tho excessive moisture and cool nights. , Nearly everything else In tho way of vegeta bles can be produced In largo quanti ties. ' Thero nro now about thirty women pastors of Unitarian churches In the United States. Tho latest addition to their ranks Is Miss Estolla It Padgham of Syracuse, N. Y., who has Just been ordained, and who has accepted a call to the pastorate of at church at. Porry, Pa. Miss Padgham 'is a graduate of Smith College, and took a course In theology at the Th;o:ogIcal Seminary at Meadvlllo, Pa. William Dean Howells, tho novelist, said in a recent Interview that, after a desperate endeavor ho hud at last been able to accustom himself to dic tating his letters to a stenographer, but ho added that he could not dictato Action In this manner and novor ex pected to bo ablo to do bo. wont to Buffalo to attend tho exposi tion, taking Private Secretary Herbert Tuttlo with him. Executive Clerk Ed ward T. Fox was taken sick tho dnv after,- thus leaving Miss Gill to net as uovornor. Hor duties consist prin cipally of opening and answering the large numbor of letters that como ov ery day for tho Governor. Miss Gill, who Is but 22, comes ot a rather dis tinguished fainily. Her grandfather was Bennington Gill, hrad of tho rich firm of agricultural tool manufactur ers thnt did business up to a few years ago under tho namo of Gill & Sons. Tho family was wealthy. It has a rec ord of revolutionary doings that dis tinguishes It Miss Gill herself was born on tho homestead at Allontown, N. J., ten miles from Trenton. It waB after sho wnB qulto a girl that tho fam ily suddenly lost Its wealth. Hor fath er, Clarence N. Gill, becamo a railroad conductor to support his family, and today Is conductor of a Pullman train between Boston and Now York. Hel en GUI, a sister, becamo a teacher, and last year had a kindergarten in their Trenton homo nt 290 Hamilton avenue. Miss Agnes was graduated from tho Trenton high school In 1890 nnd en tered Stuart's Business College. Then' sho went Into a law office for a time. Helen now teaches music, nnd llttlo DIsbrow, 10 years old, and worshiped by both girls, Is In school. Tho ono entnnglomont ot the heart ot tho Hon. Miss GUI la her passlonnto lovo for her mother. Mrs. GUI was reared .in a' homo of reflnomont. Hor oarly mar ried Ufo was passed In an atmosphoro of wealth and comfort And It Is to make her happy that .Miss Agnes worka so hard. The Now Zealand government is raising tho wages of Its railway em ployes to tho extent ot $100,000. I r y