The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 18, 1901, Image 5

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    Jas. Nelsou lias returned from a
rnn tUifal 2a1i- 2 " ....... I.
w I fc.U uuj a TIOIL 111 WII11I171.
1 Fine Cut Glass
X and Hand
Trim tTmrtioo t .. n...i
ji day night to look up a location.
g P. W. Sltton went to Omalia this
1 Decorated China
g morning on a brier business visit, living on the FcrguBon farm
Mrs. Jos Taylorof Sidney is the
guset of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorn
ift I Mntnr A T nill ....... i n -... 1.
.'. I -J " ... . L Ulllllllil
Ve have a handsome line S thia momlntr in r.nBr, ,...,-.
I ' Ul k V. Kit
& Mrs. Geo. Smith who had been
S spending six mouths in New York,
returned to town last night.
President Burt, Manager Dickin
$ sou and other Union Pacific officials
g went east on No. 102 this morning,
of the above pieces suit
able for Wddding and
Birthday Presents. Sou
venir Spoons, novelties in
Silver, Secret Lockcta and
Chains. A fine lot of
Watches, Umbrellas and
Canep, and in fact any
thing you can wish for in
our line. Would be
pleased to have you call.
W. M. Baskin returned last niirht
trom Omaha, where he marketed
cattle the early part of the week.
George Burke came up from
Omaha this morning and later
went to the Burke ranch to look
after some cattle,
Mrs. Win. Emerson and daugh
a. . . r r . . ...
i it n t i r.i tin i a i hh
ntH - UXrCttlU B&ribUnf . town touiirht
i i . . . . .
uaya as guests of old friends,
Hogs sold in the South Omaha
market yesterday at 56.29.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Will Null died last night.
The infant child of Steve Albro.
of town, died yesterday,
Mr. and Mrs. Hcnrv Peterson
bavc been the guests of friends and
relatives in town this week,
Sam Morant accompanied bv bin
forty dollar Mexican sombrero, left
today for his ranch on the Birdwood.
Smoke tho irronf mx n
sold by Ilupfur.
Con Walker returned last nlfht
from Paxton where he had been
doing some work in the masonrv
WE tiflVENT tlMF
To quote a long- list of
goods that everybody
sells at the same price but
we want to ten you about
me new groceries that
you can buy of
2 et W W W ft ? X 0 x rf x x x x
lit D v , n i t
. McGlone
And the price is right.
FRIDAY, OCT. 18, 1901.
Mrs. Fred Thompson.' Mrs. Gun
Anderson, Mrs. Win. Dolsoti and
Mrs. Jos. Taylor expect to leave
Sunday for a brief visit in Omaha.
Mrs. J. S. Hoairland. Mrs. Fred
Tobas and Mrs. W. 11. Broach, who
attended the irrand lodim nf
U Q V.
Kebekah Degree at Kearncv. re.
turned home last night.
Angel Food Taffv
pound at Uupfer's,
D, A. Brown and wife returned
yesterday from a visit with friends
at Nichols. Mr, Brown has been off
duty as fireman for some time
A. C. JQarrv. of the ,h f "w lo au auucUon 01 j00' com-
' iorters.
II. S. Ridgely leaves Sunday for
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to accomoanv
home Mrs, Ridgely who has been
visiwng in mat city tor several
Max Beer leaves tomorrow for
Hot Springs, Ark., where he will
remain for several weeks.
Mrs. Geuc Kiser has gone to the county, is in town today enroute
i a. wcu io visic ner parents while io uuerty county where he will look
Mr. Kiser takes a trip west to look up a location lor holding a bunch of
-II . . . I
varence Harrington, who is. at- KtiV Gearhard, who had been
tending the Jesuit College in Den- spending several months in town
18 wen pleased with the school for the benefit of his health, lelt
ana surroundings. this morning for his home in
The loading and shipping of Illinois.
sugar beets and baled hay at Her- N. Klein, W. H. Johnson, Jud-e 7h , "?ar "cr pro
hey is making that village the Hoairland. S. W. VnnTW.,n 1?8e,'aud jorscn poems.
scene of (rroni nn:v,fW " i , , . . sion .Ja and 50cents.
B ...... owinni uuicin iciurneu last nigiit
iu- i Tramp, who has been vis- "m the grand lodg? of Odd Fel
iting his parents in Wisconsin for Mws at Kearney.
two or three weeks, is expected Hay shipments have been fairly
limn r in n ilm- nr f I : n . . . . .
... ,.nu. auivc uusweeit, out lack of cars
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Whelan and uas interfered to some extent
t e-i. r . T7 n. i i . , ! .
iu.f, amuii ivmng nnu son uordon 1 u' luw u-8i quality ot uay
will return home tomorrow from per ton is beinir naid.
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour
Well known and always
reliable, per pkg 10
Gem Advo Pancake Flour
A line self-rising Pan
cake Preparation. Save
the "Advos," per pkg.. ..10
Gem Advo, Self-rising Buck
Wheat Flour in pkgea
Save vour "Advos" tlmv
arc valuable, per pkg .... 10 I
Pure Buckwheat Flour in It
buiR, absolutely pure
per pound 5
Pure Buckwcat in 10 lb sack
' per sack 45
Maple Syrup. J
tbeir visit in New York.
Baptist church, October 20th.
Subjects? Morning, 'Not Our
Qwn." Evening, The Hope ot
Glory." You are invited.
R. R. Patton, an employe of the
J3ra ofllce who went to Kansas a
couple of weeks ago, will be mar
ried next Tuesday. Mr. Patton
and bride will arrive in town the
latter part of next week.
I, J. Hostetter of Cripple Creek
has been spending the past week
with his brother O. A. Hostetter ot
this city. He will return home
the" early part of next week.
Niclt Kirsch left last night lor
Montrose, Mo., near which place he
owne a tine form. Nick haa given
up railroading for all time and
henceforth will be a granger.
The game ot ball billed at Grand
- r w w wanvu t&i uiauu
Messrs. McNeel and Baskin. who Island for last Sunday but cost-
. 1. f 1 r. - I ) . . m
suippeu liueeti earn ot cattle Mon- l'"cu " account 01 oad weather,
day evening were highly pleased wil1 be Played next Sunday. Four
with the run from here to South or ,ivc North Platte players will be
umaua. Jeavinir here at fi-sn in m tue game.
tue evening they arrived at their
destination the next morning at
6:30 o'clock. ft
The question of providing a
sewerage system lor the city is
again being agitated by those who
favor such an improvement. An
estimate of the probable cost of a
Hamlin Garland Bays that Mrr.
Manning is unexcelled in her read
ing of NorRe poems, The Y. M.
C. A. course opens at Lloyd's opera
nouse uct. 24tu with one of Mm.
Manning's excellent entertainments.
Rev. W. W. Hess, castor of Hie
system will be secured, and, then kutherqn ch,u.reh. of Beatrice, will
rP ,n,atter caq b,e more!jgently preach Sun,dnj nwoingand even,
advocated.. iqg at the Lutheran church. The
Fqit S.r,B-Qn easy tcrrns, Qood c,loir UJ Mr. C, F, Scharmann
fjyc rqotri Ijoiise ancl qne Jot. With Will render some excelledt music,
in two b)ock6 of Hjgh School and the anthem far the evening, "Oh
business part of pewey street. t'iat I had Wings," by Davie,
Qoqd new barn with pump, Cjty b2itr exceptionally fine. All are
water, cess pool, shade trees, all In invited.
good condition. Inquire of Tlie winter schedule on the
Jos. Heksuuy. Union Pacific will go into effect
Whistler, the fellow who sto!e November 3d, and the runtuug
Joe Roddy's harness, made a second time between Ogdcn and Omaha
vibit to the litter's stable Wednej- will be cut down about two hours
day night, but Roddy had taken This time will be cut out by faster
the harness into the house. Whist- runniug on the Wyoming division,
ler then weut to the Smith barn in which has been made possible by
the west end of town and stole a shortened t rack nnri IfBannrri
set of harness, and it is
started south to Kausao.
Prop in Flour,
supposed grades. The same tiine will be cut
on west bound trains No, 1 and N.o,
3. The eastboynd, trains will
leave Qgden, two hours later so
that the tjmc cut out will not make
any materia change in the arrival
of traits at this btatiou,
Gothenburg Jttest
Patent, per sack,$1.00
Columbus Red Seal
Patent, per sack 1.00
Snowllake Patent
per sack : : : ,90
Family Flpur, per
mitik, ; ; j ; ;
Wilcox Department Store
Farm for Oal,
320 acre farm situated Al4 miles
from North Platte. 120 acres tarm
land, 15 acres large timber and the
balance pasture. Good house, barn
and hen house, all new. 2 wells
with numDs.oiic with wmH m,n
For particulars inquire of A. L.
A rientUsli Attack.
An pttoek wna lately tnndo on C. F.
Collier ot Chorokop, (own, thnt- nunrly
provod fntnl. It camo throuuh pis kid
ney. His' back ot so larao ho could not
stoop without (jreut pain, por nit in a
plioir excoi-t propped by cushions. No
rpmody helped him until he tried Eleo
trio Dittora uhioh elfootod such n won
dorful chnngo that ho writes ho fools liko
a new man. This marvelous modioino
cures bnokoeho and kidney trouble, pur
ides th" blood nnd builds up your
houlth. Only 50i nt Stroitz's dru
Since eomc minor chatiFcs have
been made, the suirar beet harveotpr
made by Messrs. Lawrcneu nnH
Leister is taid to be doing excel
lent work. Thiu machine is
great labor saver.
The Y. M. C. A. haa sccni-prl
Louise Manning for Oct. 24th nt
Lloyd'd. Hear her proirram of
Ad mis-
Course ot five
entertainments $1 50.
In a Utter ordering Thk Tkiiiunh
sent to him at Beggs, Iud. Tcr., O.
iv Peck says everything is L'oiiiLr
wcl' with him but he occasionallv
gets a little homesick for North
Word received in the citv Wed
nesday announced the death at
Columbus, Ohio, ot Mr. Arm-
bruster, lather of Mrs. H. C. Blick-
ensderter of this city. The re
mains will be brought to Lexington
tor interment.
Chicago forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Generally fair to
night and Saturday. The maxi-
muni itmjjcraiurc vesicroav was
5, one year ago 75. The minimum
absolutely pure Cana
dian Maple Syrup and
is absolutely free from
any adulteration of glu
cose, acids, or artificial
flavoring- of any kind.
Every can has the following-guarantee
printed on
the label "Every can
of this Maple Syrup ta
guaranteed to give satis
faction to customers and
any dealer is authorized
A a . a
io return purchase mon
"i Overshirts. I
Goods With a Record
Knit to fit
Not Stretched to (over. ?f
Thats the way they are made JH
which means to you tx
We have just received a large invoice of Stalcy Under
wear and Ovcrsnirts. Our line this season ia very large.
Your money back if you arc not satisfied
nrtA HlK&UIUAUfl, Tronrlctor.
, " . COB I i uin lliiui , ill
ey if buyers do not find m W
cans, ner can
Yi gal. cans per can 75
Quart cans, per can 40
You will not be able to
buy anything as good
We also have Monarch Maple
Syrup Finest of all, per'
quart bottle 45
New Olives in Bulk, a large
fancy Queen Olive, per
We pride ourselves on the
quality of our cheese; we
liavc'Double-Crown Full
Cream, 20c per lb, 2 for
one year ago 58
Among the passengers on No. 3
last night was fighting Bob Evans,
who stood on the bow of the Texai.
during the Santiago encounter and
told the boys to "give 'em hell '
and which the bov Hiri wn
was enroute to the Samoan islands
to investigate charges against nn
army officer.
New articles of incorporation of
the C. B. & O. Railroad were filed
at BurHnprton yesterday, with a
capital stock ot one hundred mil-
ioill. The Blirmotiitinn in H,nt
ft I " llll.
Limberirer Cheese, nnr p.nko 7n
Edam Cheese, each 1,25
Pineapple Cheese, each 65
Monarch Can Goods
Yale CofTcc
Lipton's Teas
Hienzcs' Pickles
Hienzes' B;kcd Beans.
Snowllake Flour
Honeysuckle Can Fruit
George's building recently vacated
by Mr. Hutton.
Geo. McCarthy of Gothenburg
was a Brady visitor Wednesday.
Miss Eavcy was a passenger on
No, 102 going cast Thursday
Miss Ivah Gitlin went to Omaha
one day last week and was married
the same day. to Mr. Willis Tomp.
RDM ivlm ill Sr. 41... f . .
. ... tin; llipiuy llll:
-a Cudahy Packing Co. ot that place.
uiuuj uuh iobi one oi us most ac
complished young ladies. We are
sorry to loBe her but extend our
hearty congratulations to the
young people and hope their HveH
may be happy and full of sunshine.
G. M. DeWolf took a water tank
out to his home north of Brady
temperature this morning was 30, Swte CW. pc7 b .'. " . . .
nnr von r n rrr RQ I r . . m
S. Huffman ' moyed into tne iib-
erly building last week and is now
new comnanv i m,.riv i. ul worK 011 a Boa 9e south of the
innrv afar. fn. 1 . " track which he will occunv as booh
...... vvw 1UI illllJlIII' ill l"r T II f I I ...
- " " no linto)il
u. 00 U. Illlfl lenspil nao tr,
iw iijv;
Morgan-Hill-Hai-rimati svndicnt.
which is gradually absorbing all
the lines in the west.
Stepped Into Livo Coals.
Whon II nlulrl T . .
!.Stv!1ly,".Wr,it? W' "KdH,of oncs- daught
ville, Va., "whioli uiumod horriblo lee
soroa for : n vnni.- i... i I were b
. ,w... ., uutnioo n Arnica i r
ni fV i y?uri(V1?0, llt,or uvorythinc tended conlerencc at North Platte
.w .,.uu. auiillMW o lor MllrriH ll.,k . l. . . ...
returning Monday
The Willing Workers met at
Mrs. Dawson's Wednesday after-
iiuuh. x ney are now at work on
a quilt which will be sold aa soon
as completed.
iressa Bolin. Mrs. Eavev ntul
cr Grace and W. C. Elder
were Borne of the neonln who
HII1UU. 1 II I II I i 1 1 II A T,r LI..-
Sold byA. W$ZW-
"What does it stand for?
It stands for all, that is stylish, girl is well and able to make her
last week,
A yisitor arrived at Geo. Swan
cult's Sunday evening and w
probably make an extened visit
W; would not be surprised it she
stayed twenty years or more.
T. C. Blder of Spannuth was in
Brady on business Monday. He
informs us that his two weeks old
Why is it? That we sell
I more underwear th.m
any two firms in North
irjatte. rnc reason is
that we alwavs sec how
good a garment we can
get to sell for a price in
stead of seeing how little
we can pay for one and
get the same price out
of it. There is difference
in even 25 cent under
wear. Wc pay more for
an article to sell for a
price than any firm in
this citv. That is whv
our goods at the same
price arc always the best
Wc are showinir the truth
of this statement to more
people every day wc are
in business. Are von one
of those that arc still will
fully blind to your own
Store oncn oveninirs
until 8 o'clock.
Chas. I. Volluier, has been trails
acting business in Omalia for a few
days past.
Geo. Anibrimtcrof Lexington was
a passenger oil the noon train today
enroute home, from the Klondyke
Mrs. S. 15. Douglas, Mrs. Fred
Douglas and Mrs. Frank Douglas
left this inoiung for a few days
visit with friends in Logan county.
If youwrnt something fine in a
razor or kaile that is warranted
call and exunune our stock. 15 very
article guaranteed.
Cmnton tiii: Juwiaun.
Wilctx Department Store
Legal Notico.
Tho dofnrwliintn f!lnrn V.. AtlUnn nml
I Atklna hor husband llrst roiil nnmo
uminown, win uiko notico Hint on
tho Oth any of Aiil'ubI.
t.lnlnilir rpi, ri,.,,... 'r i i '
comfortable and good in a self heard. h corporation, filed its potitlon
t?ow a.,,i,... t in uio uiBtr ot court or u neo n county.
Rev. Andrew Bolin was sent Nnbrnskn, tho object nnd prnyor of
back here by conference to nrcach which is to foroloso cortnin tax llenn.
the coming year. He is an en- (.i ,y ,lBB0 n hy finitl nlninti,r "Kii)ft
I i , . iiiu miuuiwuHb iiuiirilT Ol HOOUOIl
wiusiasiic, conscientious worker 17. in towushln I'l nnrth nr rmirrn
Shoe. These (roods wc have in
different styles and widths. We
especially invite those ladies
who appreciate a fine
and wc hone tn m-t lir Mm, r,.i, 20. west of Sixth nrlnoliml innrldnin.
filled every Sunday and Thursday M, Jl? "j.?"u!1
evenings, 1003, fcr tho.vonr 1807 In tho sum of
Mr. Petit is hauling hay from A. I??' t.or J'onr .1808 1,10 8Um o
n Crawford llnu JlnU ' Jor ,tho yr 1800 in tho Hum ot
' 1,3i for 1,10 'enr 1000 ln thomim of :UK);
Hill Dicdnchs is hauling lumber "mounting in tho total sum of 615.01;
to erect a bam on his place 011 the' i,'t1ort,Bt 11,0 m,,l 'f W'W "Ulio
,,.,, 1 ' u,t rnto of ton porcontiioriinntim Trom tho
IH,:1B(, let dny of AuRiist, 1001, nil of which
O. II. Heldenbrand, a gentleman la9?. nnU unpnld.
from near Cozad. sold n in,i nt :?.,.! !!rnys n 'lorep of foroclosuro
j ou nnu oacn or you dorondnnta aro
required to answer snid potitlon on or
uumro iYionuny, ino ajtn uay ct No
vomher, 11)01.
A fVirnnnif Inn
1 -1 fly H. B. Ridslev. itM Attorn v.
to call and examine them You
you wil. fin.! S5,00 va.c for S3.50 '.
BWbtore onen evemnrr nnfil this week.
eight o'clock. Mrs. P. Shields went to Willow
UTM n 1 1 n 1 Island Wednesday riiorning to visit
Wilcox Deparlinent Store -rrs la
Scrofula Is but 11 modified form of Ulood
Poison nnd Consumption. The parent
who Is tainted by cither will see m tho
cmiu uic same disease
inmilfcsthig itself In
the form of swollcu
jjlandaof the neck nnd
throat, catarrh, weak,
cycH, offensive oorco 1
and abscesses nnd of
tentimes white swell-
lllir 'Sliro Hlrrnn nfi
Scrofula. There ntav?
bciiocxtcrtml Rlminfr.r-
a loilt' t illlp fnrlln. .11.. 1 ..... . . .
, " .w...iv.nuui:vcionaBl0Wly
11 some cases, hut tho poison s in the
lilnnrl ii.i.l t.II1 1. 1. ... . 1 . , ,,w
" lioui aciuciirstiavor-
....v. w. o, curca uuswasi-
ing, destructive disease hy first putifyhig
and building up the blood and stftnulttUiiff
unu invigorating the whole system.
. h l,.V"J.'me Square. NnnUvlllcTenn..
hrr YnrrliV.,1 11 i ' !"'Ker fell 011(1 Cllt
he Kf T,LVf ro'!' U,l' wm,,", "5 'n'l
! .llc ,l?"t irre mm elsewhere
iiiely.'' noine cured Her cif
makes new and pure
blood to nourish and
strengthen the body,
and 13 a positive and
It overcomes all forms of blood poison,
whether inherited or acquired, and no
cleanses the blood. If yon have anv
blood trouble, or your child has inhcriteU
some blond tnlnf Int.. u t! o ,
the blood in good condition nnd prevent
the disease doing further damage.
Send for our free book and write onr
puysiriaiis aoout your ca.o. We make no
charge whatever for medical advice.
J.'F. F1LU0N,
l)i,.mi. m:
iiniiiini' i n il it
iiiiuuvyi, liuilUlf
Genoml Rcpnircr.
Special attention given to
mm mm
' f